whats wrong with it the way it is? its really the only defense s/d has to AOE and stuns….
D/D has cripple and stealth and leap aways.
P/D unblockable shadow strike gap maker and immob
P/P is kittened but can immob atleast
S/P has long evades/d doesnt deserve that lil bit?
s/d has cripple and stealth too…
Also, the evade frame on s/p is very hard to use defensively.
But yeah, I don’t agree with the sword changes at all. With the amount of CC/fear flying around in group fights, it’s pretty much crucial to the weapon set.
How did you manage to do a 697 earthshaker?!? Especially when you did an AA which hit harder.
Sure you didn’t have weakness?
Edit: Looks like your target has protection too. Stop blowing things out of proportion.
(edited by Maesk.8753)
Warriors dont have perma vigor, and they’re nerfing engie vigor by 50% too (unless you run swiftness on crit —> vigor on swiftness, which leaves there in combat vigor at pretty much 100& uptime).
Other than that I agree with your post 100%
“If we ever get offhand sword a parry/block would be a perfect candidate for one of the skills.”
Dagger/sword would be a ridiculous combination but a crossed swords parry would be a good dual skill animation for sword/sword.
It would depend if sword offhand was given access to stealth. If it was made a stealthless weaponset then dagger main-hand wouldn’t be much of an issue.
It removes one on each ally (removes one condition for each ally). It’s badly worded.
Well that makes sense now.
If we ever get offhand sword a parry/block would be a perfect candidate for one of the skills.
Yeah, I’ve noticed this too. I think its been like this since release.
What: Pistol Whip
Why: You can still kill things with it.
full zerk, s/p and shortbow. If you cant dodge or have lag you might want some tankier pieces.
Or you can play p/p with no offhand set and spam 3 like the devs do.
Don’t know. Maybe they’re trying to create bunker thieves. Did they say what is replacing it?
They’re moving hard to catch down a tier. Too bad its a pretty bad trait. I wouldn’t mind the scaling change if assassins reward was in the healing power tree, but it’s not.
I’m just trying to think of post patch builds is all.
“Acrobatics X – Assassins Reward. Increased healing scaling by 35%. Moved to Grandmaster Tier.”
Does anyone know what the logic was behind this? I know they’re trying to give thieves more staying power, but if they wanted to do that, why didn’t they just increase the base healing?
Does anyone here actually run healing power? Will running healing power be viable after the patch? (lol)
Every class gets revealed. But a mesmers clones and phantasms dont reveal them. Also, their skill ‘Decoy’ will invis them even when they’re revealed.
kitten , those are some impressive DEEPS you have there.
PU stealth mesmers are stupid, too much sustain and mitigation. And you cant counter them going into stealth. As a thief our access to stealth has HUGE tells (except last refuge and blinding powder), where as mesmers stealth skills are mostly instant, except mass invis, but thats okay because they can go invuln if they need to use it.
Basically what I’m saying is that there is no counter play to them entering stealth like there is thieves. Their scepter block is stupid also, 5 stacks of torment for 8 seconds (16 seconds with 100% condi duration), it doesn’t even reveal them if they block their attack and load you up with that much torment.
Anyway, im just ranting.
tl;dr: I hate PU mesmers. Its dumb and has few counters.
For the milionth time, I dont run plex runes.
If you had confusion on you at all it was from someone else, or there was a engie I stole to. Also, I noticed in that vid I didnt have my condi duration food on, and you were running -condi food, so that pretty much halved my dps on you.
That video shows you running multiple times.
In the words of a youtube commenter…
" LOL you were outplayed a lot in that fight by the quip thief, you keep saying urself wall this wall that just so u can keep running to regen health and not die… the only time help from the wall or other player came from the quip thief side was when u joined another thief to gank him and that failed hard or when a uplvl bad ranger started to bother the duel, ur comments are really bad and reflects nothing thats really happened.. you got outplayed. you reseted the fight so many times even before help comes on his side.. help he didnt need… you didnt even damage him below 60% when u were 1v1…
PS: right when u say “and he says i was running from him lol” you walk a little and uses 3 HS to get really far from him cause ur health was below 50% lmao…
Resume of you fight… summons thieves see if AI can damage/kill target, if not SR run reset fight think you won come back later for another try…?"
Wow so your saying Maesk, that I was skill-less and we had a nice clean battle and I was not worthy of you, because you are The Best of Best. I was lucky to survive the whole old deal? Viking Jorun.5413 thanks for being so Nice, you was gracious to be so polite. I feel you must know me too, have we met before lately?
Also, just so I know, if you are not a FAN, does that mean by law all the thieves should believe the same? I mean who the The Judge of all this. I mean is your build a cheesey type too or yours take great skilz to master.
Well, if you’re going to be like that.
You missed ALOT of cloak and daggers both in our fight and in the video, and most of the time you were doing damage to me, you were actually sitting in SR while your thieves DPS’d me. Due to running negative condi food and having a lot of cleanses your spec countered mine very well, especially since I was running double p/d and had zero cleave to deal with your thieves.
So yeah, I guess I’m saying the only reason you didn’t die was because your super cheesy spec counters my build very well. And also because you have much more mobility than I did, which you used very effectively to run away.
I tried not to be a kitten, but y’know. If you’re going to twist my words…
I am trying to remember our battle you speak of Maesk, You must be the Sylvari thief with with Perplex runes I think for HOD server? Clan Tag [UDW} in EB at SM, that was a very interesting fight
Viking JOrun.5413 was there too for GOM-[SB}
People that label others Cheesy=Intimidation simply because they got beat by them and refuse accept there loss or unable to down him/her. Therefore, adding cheesy helps the pride
but not the skill to progress.
Another person explain this well in a different discussion:
If only people played it for fun like they use too. Experiment with others and learn. Builds are defined and used in order of “best of”. If you try something new or off beat you get dominated by what people call “cheese”(best of). Builds are not secret, they are not unique. If you play something “new” and you lose on it the “pro” players with “unique” builds will snuff you as a bad player. If you play a build that competes you are “cheese”. We need to lose the double standard and arrogance.
Really sucks for the original pioneers who worked hard polishing the “go to” builds everyone complains about.
I enjoy fighting any and all builds at anytime. I get aggravated with my own self for bad targeting or lack of rotation speed, but don’t care what the opposition plays anymore.
Less QQ more pew pew."
Silas Drake.8946 (this person gets it, so should you)
I’m not calling the build cheesy because I was intimidated by it, I’m calling it cheesy because it requires very little player input, and its pretty much a one trick pony.
As I said earlier, if you’re against someone with a lot of cleave/aoe then the thieves are going to die very quickly and you’re going to lose a huge chunk of your dps.
Its a spec that is very easily countered by something a lot of classes have and once it is countered you’re left with low DPS and low utility.
And yeah, that thief was me, UDW tag, quip. But no perplexity runes.
Wow so your saying Maesk, that I was skill-less and we had a nice clean battle and I was not worthy of you, because you are The Best of Best. I was lucky to survive the whole old deal? Viking Jorun.5413 thanks for being so Nice, you was gracious to be so polite. I feel you must know me too, have we met before lately?
Also, just so I know, if you are not a FAN, does that mean by law all the thieves should believe the same? I mean who the The Judge of all this. I mean is your build a cheesey type too or yours take great skilz to master.
Well, if you’re going to be like that.
You missed ALOT of cloak and daggers both in our fight and in the video, and most of the time you were doing damage to me, you were actually sitting in SR while your thieves DPS’d me. Due to running negative condi food and having a lot of cleanses your spec countered mine very well, especially since I was running double p/d and had zero cleave to deal with your thieves.
So yeah, I guess I’m saying the only reason you didn’t die was because your super cheesy spec counters my build very well. And also because you have much more mobility than I did, which you used very effectively to run away.
I tried not to be a kitten, but y’know. If you’re going to twist my words…
I personally think this build isn’t that great. I fought you outside stonemist the other day. The fight just went on and on, since you were running -condi food and kept running away :P
Classes with a lot of AOE or cleave would counter this pretty well. Imagine a necro using signet of spite and then epidemic. Bam, there goes all of your DPS.
Also, not a fan of using AI for damage. Takes no skill and just ads to the already prominent petting zoo.
Dear burnfall, if thieves are so overpowered why don’t they see widespread use in spvp/tpvp?
If they’re as strong as you say, it shouldn’t matter that they’re unable to cap in stealth, since they would kill the opposing player with such ease that the fight over a point would only last a minimal amount of time.
On the topic of mesmers… Why is it that they’re able to stealth with no risk? For a thif to go stealth you have to be within 130 range, less so if you’re running d/p, but there is still room for counter play. Where as with a mesmer, they have high stealth uptime with no risk, or counter play available. Secondly they’re able to keep up very high pressure in a player without even leaving stealth via phantasms, condi on clone death, and scepter block (which doesn’t reveal them).
Anyways, that was a bit off topic. Back to thief.
While I’m happy (for my condi build at least) that out base init regen if being buffed, and infusion of shadow is being changed, I don’t really agree with the change to sword and the vigor changes.
Whether this patch will be an overall buff or nerf to thief seems to change depending on who you talk too, though regardless of if its a buff or not, It wont be enough to make thieves really viable. The sword nerf seriously hinders s/d in every aspect of the game, but the init change buffs d/p trickery.
Not really sure where I was going with this post anymore so..
tl;dr: post patch warriors and necros are still OP in pvp, and PU mesmers are still stupid 1v1 while thief remains mediocre in every aspect of the game.
When I play s/p it’s usually 0/30/0/25/15. But I wouldn’t say S/P is good, at all really.
It is fun though.
Anybody who has a problem killing a thief 1 year after release in a 10 button game has an infinite amount of things to improve upon.
well I play a thief, and many good players have problems with thieves. Especially permastealth which ANET themselves have admitted is an abuse of the stealth mechanic.
Maybe those good players weren’t so good?
Mesmer,I’m just as squishy or even as squishy as you guys
It just really bugs me that he did it 6 times, 6 kittening times. @Travlane,I can’t walk through AOE either,I can’t take as many as 2-3 hits either,I don’t have high armor or high toughness or high HP. (No 2nd weapon set? BS.)
I feel your pain. And I play a thief, it happens to me a lot. You’ll fight a thief, get them low and they’ll run to reset.
Unfortunately there’s not much you can do. :cstun. push. pull. stone. knock back. daze. every class has something. thing is …these arent worth taking unless you are roaming or 1v1ing…. wait what? lol yes that means that 1v1/roaming arent a real part of this game. in the sense of scoring/looting tactical points or attacks. its all group play mostly.
Not sure what you’re trying to imply??? Or even what you meant by your post?
any of those skills can stop a thief from using stealth to reset a fight. theres only 2 reall ways a thief will stealth …. reset…..and re attack. thats using shadow refuge (which is a free chance to do thousands of FREE DAMAGE) and if he uses blackpowder and heartseeker combo to enter stealth (another chance to mess him up/do dmg). either way shadow refuge is on a 1 min timer and keeps the thief still for 4 seconds while black powder shot also keeps him still for 4 seconds he must keep doing it every 6 seconds or so to keep stealthed. all you have to do is run away rather than wait like a $#(@$ .
when u see a thief stand still…. one of a few things is about to happen. black powder shot to heartseeker…….shadow refuge….or something like heartseeker. stun…pull…knockback….leap….daze. something to stop them. if u stun a thief after he uses blackpowder shot. hes in DEEP. you just wasted most of his initiative he had left and MAY only get one HS for a 1.5 sec stealth. useless for 9 initiative and no dmg or real heal or stealth uptime and minus alot of init he would have gained back.
Im completely aware of how to stop a thief stealthing, but when thieves reset with SR and you’re not running any/much AOE or any knock backs there’s not much you can do.
Its just annoying is all.
Mesmer,I’m just as squishy or even as squishy as you guys
It just really bugs me that he did it 6 times, 6 kittening times. @Travlane,I can’t walk through AOE either,I can’t take as many as 2-3 hits either,I don’t have high armor or high toughness or high HP. (No 2nd weapon set? BS.)
I feel your pain. And I play a thief, it happens to me a lot. You’ll fight a thief, get them low and they’ll run to reset.
Unfortunately there’s not much you can do. :cstun. push. pull. stone. knock back. daze. every class has something. thing is …these arent worth taking unless you are roaming or 1v1ing…. wait what? lol yes that means that 1v1/roaming arent a real part of this game. in the sense of scoring/looting tactical points or attacks. its all group play mostly.
Not sure what you’re trying to imply??? Or even what you meant by your post?
Woah there, slow down a little. First, p/d has no smoke field, where am I getting that from? Am I running it as a utility instead of something actually useful? I guess the second blind is from the trait in shadow arts (blind on stealth), wheres the third from? Another utility? Basically the blinds you’re mentioning have nothing to do with a particular weapon set like you implied.
Unless you were mistaking p/d for d/p this whole time?
Second, I never said a condi fight against a necro was a good idea. Anywhere in my post. A condi fight against a necro is indeed a bad idea, why? Because of your full cleanse heal, high HP and condi transfers.
Third, That traits is actually really bad. Why would you ever run it when you could run vigorous recovery or fleet of shadow instead?
I never said it had a built-in smoke field. I said it has 3 potential blinds. Based on a utility sure. But you’re saying p/d has no blinds im saying it does. Like saying dhummfire has no effect since its in a trait line that provides no condition damage or crit chance.
You want to complain about what then exactly? The necro’s range on stacking conditions? Like… MoB? You don’t have enough dodges? Scepter auto attacks? Should necro’s also primarily stack conditions in melee range AND have the worst escapes and mobility in the game?
I never said thieves condi was melee range, I said thieves burst was melee range. At this point you’re just making stuff up.
Again, you seemed to imply that p/d had a lot of blinds, so by naming a particular weapon set, I figured you meant the blinds came from that weapon set.
To be fair, I was originally replying to nemisis, and you’re the one who started debating me. So what was it you were trying to achieve?
Anyway, since you seem to just make stuff up as you go along, and change your argument post to post. Im out.
Later taters.
Pretty sure the blind spam from thieves is supposed to be X/P
Well yeah, I’m well aware of that, though it seems that TheDevice isn’t. \
Anyway, this thread has strayed way off topic now, so I apologise for derailing it.
Sounds to me like you have literally no idea what you’re talking about. One thing to remember is that thieves burst comes from melee range. where as a necro can lay down a lot of condi burst from 900/1200 range.
So a condition fight vs a necro is a great idea. Who doesn’t play this game?
Also, no one runs that cleanse on dodge trait, want to know why? Because it only removes crippled and weakness. It’s actually a pretty bad trait.
Fair enough but still a decent trait since all of the necro’s best defense come form cripples and weakness. So your choice to think otherwise.
Also, p/d using excessive blinds? Do you even play this game? p/d is the thieves condi set. It has quite low burst and kills via attrition. It also has no blinds built into the weapon set.
Do you even play a thief? Why would you make a point that it has no built-in blinds in the set? As if that’s some major point. It doesn’t need them built in since there are 3 potential blinds. Do you know what a smoke field is and a projectile finisher is? Am I suppose to be the one informing you?
Woah there, slow down a little. First, p/d has no smoke field, where am I getting that from? Am I running it as a utility instead of something actually useful? I guess the second blind is from the trait in shadow arts (blind on stealth), wheres the third from? Another utility? Basically the blinds you’re mentioning have nothing to do with a particular weapon set like you implied.
Unless you were mistaking p/d for d/p this whole time?
Second, I never said a condi fight against a necro was a good idea. Anywhere in my post. A condi fight against a necro is indeed a bad idea, why? Because of your full cleanse heal, high HP and condi transfers.
Third, That traits is actually really bad. Why would you ever run it when you could run vigorous recovery or fleet of shadow instead?
Mesmer,I’m just as squishy or even as squishy as you guys
It just really bugs me that he did it 6 times, 6 kittening times. @Travlane,I can’t walk through AOE either,I can’t take as many as 2-3 hits either,I don’t have high armor or high toughness or high HP. (No 2nd weapon set? BS.)
I feel your pain. And I play a thief, it happens to me a lot. You’ll fight a thief, get them low and they’ll run to reset.
Unfortunately there’s not much you can do. :c
Lawlll you mean a thief is complaining about necro damage. And dhummfire no less.
Sorry you didn’t roll-cleanse out of the condition that only procs every 10 seconds.
Wait a second I get it. It’s because the thieves don’t have enough sustain or deal enough damage. Buff thieves especially p/d cuz they don’t blind enough times. Or tp enough. Or invis enough. lol
Sounds to me like you have literally no idea what you’re talking about. One thing to remember is that thieves burst comes from melee range. where as a necro can lay down a lot of condi burst from 900/1200 range.
Also, no one runs that cleanse on dodge trait, want to know why? Because it only removes crippled and weakness. It’s actually a pretty bad trait.
Also, p/d using excessive blinds? Do you even play this game? p/d is the thieves condi set. It has quite low burst and kills via attrition. It also has no blinds built into the weapon set.
ps: an engineer complaining about necromancers, i can’t stop laughing…
Nice pure glass thief. I feel bad for the naked level 2 you backstabbed.
If that picture isn’t biased, I don’t know what is.
I am confused… i am saying that Dhuumfire ticking for 1328 damage per second + Terror ticking for 2000 damage per second, both calculated at exactly 4000 condition damage… this is OP… this can not be…
We all know how bad thieves are… i am asking for a nerf to the clearly OP necromancer, it’s absolutely ridiculous to do 3328 damage per second for a few seconds (damage that can be negated entirely) once you get to 4000 condition damage…
Thieves clearly have it so hard… please buff thieves… and bunker engineers…
Especially bunker engineers…
This skill – Automated Response: currently gives you PERMANENT IMMUNITY to conditions while under 25% health…
that’s wayyyyy to UP, i suggest a buff to 50% health. Engineers must be PERMANENTLY IMMUNE to condition damage while under 50% health…Make these two changes and nerf the necromancer and we are set for Esports… weeeeee i can’t wait…
I’m saying that by using that picture to ‘prove’ thieves are OP is stupid. Since You clearly attacked a naked low level. If you have video proof of you one hitting a fully leveled fully geared player, I’ll gladly believe your picture.
Also, In response to your complaints about engie, sure, they might be immune to conditions while under 25% health, but that leaves them very vulnerable to physicial burst. It’s a risk/reward situation.
Also, how can you even complain about that when necros have a heal that is also a full condi cleanse every 25 seconds?
ps. No need to be a sarcastic kitten .
ps: an engineer complaining about necromancers, i can’t stop laughing…
Nice pure glass thief. I feel bad for the naked level 2 you backstabbed.
If that picture isn’t biased, I don’t know what is.
Lmao I actually watched the video… Wow, that’s… Unsettling, that you guys think that you’re running good builds.
O and btw I love how you got straight up destroyed when that engi came in and made you both run like little girls lol. Good stuff good stuff. But hey, you’re happy with your build and that’s what really counts.
It was two engineers that used their elites at the same time and immobilize stacked him. Feel free to hate on the build. I’ve almost never lost a 1v1 with it.
Is this you?
Agreed. There is a great video out there of a thief with only an off-hand pistol killing people with these runes.
You must have missed his video of killing people with perplexity and fireworks.
While perplexity runes are undoubtedly a massive problem, that’s just as much a testament of how ridiculous thieves evasion is when combined with all the passive-defensive abilities and traits they have.
Tell me sir, what passive defensive traits do we (thieves) have that are so ridiculous?
But backstabs of thieves are instant, non-cleanseable damage, this is what I would call op.
Ahahahah. You’re kidding right? For a start to be hit hard by a thief with BS, they need to be behind you, and within 130 range. I frequently get 100-0’d by necros, where as I can’t even remember the last time i got instagibbed by a thief.
The amount of condi damage a necro can do with burning/terror and signet of spite to cover it all up is straight up stupid.
Oh yeah, and not all classes have a heal that consumes all conditions.
…while Necros cannot even get DECENT STABILITY?? EVERY OTHER Job gets access to several seconds of stability, AND access to heal while stable. Necros don’t.
Just wondering if else thinks this is completely unfair?
Yeah, no. Thats just a lie.
Necro’s have more stability than thieves. Not by much, but they do :P
Wait so, you play a necro? One of the strongest classes currently (didn’t a whole bunch of people quit pvp because of dhuumfire?(which didn’t get nerfed in wvw)), who can also spam a bunch of aoe, and you want thieves to be revealed if they take damage in stealth?
Would you like us to also /sleep every time we come across another player too?
Maybe it’s not the classes that’s over powered, but you who is underpowered.
Did you mean the nerf inc on 10 dec?
IS, it’s already an OP skill, even without the spam, you can instantly teleport to your foe and also immobilized it. That’s pretty insane in this kind of games.
I don’t know why so many thieves are crying and saying their class will be useless after this patch.
Also this “nerf” was pretty obvious, if IS can’t break stuns then the common sense is that you can’t teleport away if you’re in CC, it’s just common sense.Btw, I’m using s/d and I will be using it after this patch.
Because by taking away the ability for IR to be used while stunned they’re taking a lot of survivability from the build without giving anything in return.
I still astonished how Anet allow Thieves to drop an entire Shadow Refuge (and dark field), but not fix or rework these banners :/
How is that similar/relevant in the slightest?
Banners and SR are two completely different things.
There is NO differentiation between a bad S/D player and a good one. Hopefully these changes WILL introduce some type of differentiation between a good S/D player and a bad one. Hopefully the bad ones will have to peel more often, reducing dps pressure. There are reasons why upper-level players left the game, and S/D theefs are part of that reason.
I beg to differ. D/P thieves are probably the majority reason why people are leaving esp in wvwvw (where the majority of the kids are).
And the same can be said about D/P thieves as well. There are no difference between a good d/p and a bad d/p.
>There are no difference between a good d/p and a bad d/p.
Then how me, a dog, beat d/p thief with d/p in wvw?
Checkmate atheists.
There are multiple builds for thief, thief is not broken and is not a bad class. Just like engineer this kitten takes a while to get used to and if you don’t get the hang of it in PvP. GTFO and stop QQing no one likes you and your talking kitten about something you don’t understand well enough.
Oh yeah ofc we have multiple viable builds. Thats D/P, D/p, d/P and …. oh right d/p.
You obviously can’t use anything else if you don’t know how to play thief without D/P. I use D/D without regen or init regen or remov condi’s. I backstab for 13k and can win 1v3’s. please learn to play your class.
Link a build and video proof of your claims and I’ll believe you.
Killing 3 clueless uplevels doesn’t count either.
Classes I’m afraid of regardless of if the player is good or not: Warrior/Necro
Otherwise good eles and engies can be pretty scary. But bad ones can be really bad.
Guards are always something to be cautious about.
Oh no most elusive profession with is gonna flat out gonna get buffed in all respects just by a number tweak in resources cannot stun break via weapons, so sad.
pls go
As someone who has played sword a fair amount, when I saw JP say that you could telestomp someone with inf strike/return I had to do a double take. With roughly 1400 hours on my thief had I been missing this the whole time? So then I thought about it for less than a minute and realized it wasn’t even possible.
I’m going to have to agree with rav here and say that I also am convinced that no one on the balance team actually plays a thief.
If they want to make this trait less awful, then I agree with many of your suggestions. If the disable is negated, then it shouldn’t trigger; the cooldown needs to be cut down significantly; and it needs to grant Vigor, Retaliation, Stability, or Regeneration instead of Swiftness. They want Thieves to use this trait for “sustained combat,” and Swiftness does jackall to help with that.
I think the range is okay as-is, but I think a lot of the problem could be solved by just having it teleport you backwards instead of in a random direction. Then it requires positional awareness instead of luck, and would sync up with builds that use teleports, Withdraw, and/or Roll for Initiative. It could also then be used as a positioning tool.
^ Agree.
If the trait had a reduced cooldown and teleported us backwards, instead of a random direction, and gave us ret, regen or vigor(doubt it) I’d run it.
I agree with the stealth duration change, and the healing change. Im sick of bad thieves reseting over and over to try get the jump on me.
I also agree that it would be a hard hit to pve thieves :c
Not sure if you guys knew this or not, but the stolen ability a thief gets is meant to be a counter to the class they stole it from.
Ever reflected a kill shot? Its fun :P
Doesn’t a theif stealing from ranger create a Healing tree sead pod?
How does a small AoE heal counter a ranger? ;3
Its an AOE condi cleanse.
Some other examples are the goop stuff from engies, since it loads them up with condi which they cant clear that well. The chill from eles messes with their atunement swaps (if you use it after water).
They may not be direct counters, but they definitely aid in fighting the class.
Not sure if you guys knew this or not, but the stolen ability a thief gets is meant to be a counter to the class they stole it from.
Ever reflected a kill shot? Its fun :P
Here’s an idea! Take the bleeding from DB, and put it on unload. And then, are you ready for this? You take the damage from unload and you put it on DB.
Now you have one full power set, and one full condi set.
Looks like a poorly disguised troll thread to me. Culling has been fixed and revealed has been extended by a second. Thieves shouldn’t be too much of an issue if you know what you’re doing.