Why should autos be exempt from this trait?
Imo PB was really OP. You can chain interrupt to deny enemy autos for dozens of seconds, even for minutes (with some gaps). In group fight even more devastating. Agains thief – mb it should reliably “eat” some thief’s iniative.
Again, an I am not totally disagree with you. But trying to think from enemy class perspective too, mb not succesfully. And I think mesmer starts to be less viable as u progress at pvp. Or at least require much more efforts.
Ok, we all wanna do mesmer more competetive and interest class. Which tool we have for this except forum complaining (compl-g works too though )?
(edited by Mak.2657)
BF was invuln and damage skill 2.5 s every 8s. So 30%+ of time u was invulnerable, though rooted to place. Still seems ltl OP imo. iLeap was guaranteed break stun (not pseudo stunbreaker like PR) every 8-12s (when enemy should remember position of destroyed leap clone) + not telegraphed (if clone is dead) area root. It is questionable too. Though I think probably it was overnerfed, cause most time leap clone just don’t live enuf in all those AOE even for 1-sec delayed leap. Plus slow autos… Much less viable weapon now.
Power block – 10 sec CD on enemy autos if I’m right? Ofc it’s funny. For mesmer. It’s not so hard to interrupt auto in most cases.
The blinding befuddlement had own issues at zerg fights with confusion stacking.
I m not saying anet fixed all things in right way. But some of them should be nerfed for sure. Just suggest to look at problem from balance pov. And inform anet about problems with class after unbiased consaderation. MB trhough this new forum experts initiative.
(edited by Mak.2657)
BF was 2.5 sec if invuln each 8-10 sec. Can be seemed like OP. I’m OK with CD nerf, but not with change to evade though. BTW did BF stops cap points before nerf (becuse of invuln state)? I’m agree that sw autos have to inflict some more dps too.
I said ‘most’
Tbh most of these nerfs was required. They was really OP. Like insta Into the void abuse at cliffs. The are was some buffs too.
More buffs are welcome though.
Not saying that. Just most tense and intrigue moment in match. “Who will manage to get last points first?” Almost thriller culmination
Just looked 1st video. Dat last stomp fail loss.
So u don’t see my point . You CAN’T kill 2 or more good enemies on shatter (with mb some rare exceptions) in duel. If u was able to kill 4 players it shows only that your enemies was very low skilled. I was able to kill 4-5 ppl at obsidian sanctum on other classes too (on thief for example, look at an old screenshot), but I understand that only because I met low skilled players. And believe me, many in this tread really knows how to play mesmer.
I m not saying mesmers are underpowered (not very experienced), but I see some mesmer class weak points.
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i also still don’t understand until today, what is the problem with thieves.
Just wait for them to finish their random dodges.
Guards are far more dangerous than thieves.
Not arguing about guards, but thief will kill u between those random dodges while you are waiting
(edited by Mak.2657)
I understood that u was on shatter build if u mean that.
…I too can kill 4 uplvls.
Two uplevels, both warriors, a regular engi, a regular guardian.
Two uplevels = 2 upscales, regular engi, a regular guardian = 2 noobs or wvw zerg runners. What I had read wrong? You just can’t kill 2 decent duelists (good skill and build) in 1vs2 on shatterer most time. So suggest u go again to do some pvp at 1×1 servers to see real state of matter.
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Started lockdown (446)few weeks (shatt originally), very funny to play. But seems like unreasonable hype over lockdown builds. You need to land ur interrupt while u have less dps output. One of the most important skill to interrupt is heal, but many classes are using popular not interruptable healing skills. Like warr signet, thief’s withdraw, guardian shelter, engi’s healing turret (0.5 is not enough for me for on react interrupt: blue light at 0.2-0.3 s + time to react and press key 0.2 s + ping 0.13s = >0.5s), etc. On shatter I had better chance against thieves, but now any good(!) thief wrecks me most time. D\P through blind spams, resets, s/d through perma evades and so on.
Big and funny plus though is mass ress\stomp interrupt
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Double ranged shatter with traveler runes. You pick them off one by one, run away/blink and kite around to recharge, rinse and repeat.
Xyonon is right. We are talking not about killing upscales or unexp newbies. Go to 1×1 servers and fight decent enemies without using PU phantasm or condy builds.
i see enemy who’s fighting with my illusion
Whut? :O
Hi, I play GW2 for a month
Think this is a reason. Match-up selection.
If you will progress at pvp, you will notice that almost no one is tricked by your illusions.
(edited by Mak.2657)
Yep, but mirror heal would reflect nothing to decent ranger – only set RF on 8-10 CD and blow your bad (in terms hp\sec restore) heal skill CD. Same with Diversion. And even auto can inflict good damage.
As i wrote have a good result against reflect mesmers and other classes. But probably didn’t meet much good players from both sides (wvw).
(edited by Mak.2657)
I m actually do wvw much and find that rangers in most cases are not a big problem, but only because no skill and glassy. But even non-skilled can sometime punish hardly from range, when already in fight. Trying zerk longbow ranger by myself (1st time) – and easily kill mesmers and other ppl who tryed to reflect hardly (I can evade too and not investing all in 1 burst – root FTW). Mb zergy ppl
Don’t know about tpvp though.
(edited by Mak.2657)
I don’t mean run stright away. Try to lost line of sight. Stealth isn’t for damage mitigation (only evades – dist, dodges blurred frenzy; mb reflects). It’s for sneaky burst or to prevent ranger to track ur position if escaping ( better to use it at end/right after RF). Decoy or evade clones can absorb ltl part of damage too.
Yeah… I m wondering to ppl that mention about mesmer 1-hit blocks, 1-hit aegis, 3/4 sec dodge, 1 skill use confusion, low retaliation, et cetera. Possibly use distortion/evade(or double evade if don’t wanna eat part of RF and not rooted already) and run away if low/ on cd. Or same distortion – stealth – try to burst ranger.
(edited by Mak.2657)
I love the ranger buffs. Feedback and focus trait are incredibly strong against them. They melt themselves.
Probably reflects are strong against newbie ranger, but not against half-decent one. Just cancel Rapid Fire (through evade, character turn, stow). And repeat RF after 10 sec (while your reflect on CD). Tested longbow ranger at eotm – not feedback, nor reflecting wall (guardian skill) does help. This new trend to slot reflect as solution of ranger problem only makes me smile. Just stop fire and wait or relocate my ranger. As far as i see now – biggest contributor to def against rangers is LOS. Organized party of rangers can be very dangerous.
Seems it is ltl against one of main principles of game – melee fight is more dangerous, but more rewarding then safer range fight.
(edited by Mak.2657)
If I am reading some topic and want to write answer (for exampe) I need to log in. After log in procedure page resets to https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum and thereby force me to search my topic again.
It’s uncomfortable. Can be fixed?
Joe I have to ask again, what do you do against condi spammers?
Guys, be serious!
I can answer. He do either of two thing (if solo):
1) run;
2) die;
Or both of them.
Now because of much whine trait really nerfed. New state of trait is better if you are hitted less then 12.5 condies in 15 seconds. Before i thought a whole stacks of conditition that apllied by enemy skill is converted (e.g. if u already have 2 stacks of bleed and opponent strike with skill apllying 3 bleeds – trait would convert those 3 stacks, other 2 still there). In this case it still good in some 1×1, 1×2 where rate of condy applying can be not very high
But noticed recently that enemy engineer hitted by prybar converted on 1 stack of 5. It means even in in 1×1 it much less usefull cause high overall condy apllying rate.
Someone noticed that trait in previous version can be neither controlled by player, nor counterplayed by enemy. But in current state it can be easily counterplayed by enemy but not controllable by player.
Any suggestions?
(edited by Mak.2657)
and Runes with +30% confusion duration
AFAIK still not works. I mean confusion duration from perplexity runes.
Stop defending those broken runes, because now you actually manage to kill things with it.
It’s not you who suddenly become “uber good” at pvp, it’s the runes that are broken and op.
Played direct damage thief most of the time – killed all perplexity thieves and other rune users in 1×1 fights. Probably they was very bad players – dunno. Get bored so trying to play condy engi now – can’t interrupt good players on regular basis as i said above. Serves as supplimentary tool.
Still seems like L2P issue for me.
But i don’t want to insist. Just will try another runes if nerfed again.
(edited by Mak.2657)
static shot give only 2 stacks of confusion and bounce isnt applied on the same target
how u get 5 stacks of confusion?
with trow shield i dont know how it stack confusion, can u explain it?
You are wrong. Pistol 3 bounces 4 times. Between 2 enemies it bounces 2 times on each one for total 4 conf stack on each of them.
Throw shield (as any CC) can give u 5 stack of confusion on enemy interrupt. But it hardly procs on good players (through evades, stop skill spamming, etc).
Changes to our trait lines were long overdue.
Personally prefer that such changes never will be done… Do not see how to use turrets in wvw roaming exept some exlusions. But condy build will be nerfed.
Being able to make an excessively powerful build out of ‘one thing’ is really, really stupid.
It’s just dumb, like making a build completely focused on a single skill—like, say, rifle shot or 100b.
That’s my problem with perplexity. Runes and sigils should enhance and support, not be the sole focus of an entire playstyle and build.
You overestimate Perplexity runes. Seems like monitoring condys on you and enemy behavior issue. Never was beaten by perplexity user in 1×1 battle on my memory. Every perplexity OP users video i saw – only against mediocre players at best. I’m trying to use this runes now – it serves as support against decent players. Was hoping try it as aoe confusion, but seem it will not happen cause nerf.
i hope then confusion duration bonus will work and there separate CD on each target (for aoe control)
The Inc. Powder change does really upset me… it has been a great staple in my old CondiTurret build as well as my Pistol HGH… I could still use it with HGH but at the cost my my pistol attacks piercing, which cripples another build i love.
I fail to understand how the changes promote build diversity when every single build I love to play is/will be ruined </3 I hate using kits but by Dec 10 any non-kit build will be useless except for Static Discharge…
It seems more like anet probably doing unintended coercion to use turrets by nerfing condy. I hope they leave Incendary powder an adept tier and will move empowered Exploit Weakness to master tier for example.
Mes/Guard will still have perma vigor : /
Vigor on crit u mean?
26 nov update
“Grenade Barrage: This skill now launches 7 grenades when traited with Grenadier, instead of having a 50% chance to launch 6 or 8 grenades.”
What is this? It always was only 50% chance to proc 8 grenades? Or only said to sweeten the pill?)
I’m ok with no permavigor there while no acces to it from other classes. But Incendary powder change really hurts my condy build. Already have much necessary traits at master and gm tiers. So -1 condy type with best damage. And transmute change is bad for condy-heavy fights or just for fight with any decent enemy with spammable condis. E.g. p\x thief with 1st bleeding autoattack will set trait on cd. 8% chance to proc = 1 proc at 12.5 apllied condies on the average. If u get hitted by more then 12.5 condis (e.g. 13 p\x thief autoattacks) in 15 seconds – current state of trait seems better.
(edited by Mak.2657)
They nerf most popular/strong builds (Incendiary Powder, permavigor combo). Very strong nerfs. Even transmute can counts as a buff only for pwe IMO. It’s nerf for heavy condy fights – and engee already have problems woth condy cleanse outside of elixirs.
They buffed unpopular traits for more diversity, as well as thief and ele will be.
Personally i d prefer current situation.
Anyway why are u poosting here? As a thief i newer had a problems with engineer in wvw (d/p).
From my point of view of engineer rebalance:
Explosives V – Incendiary Powder. Moved to Master tier.
Appreciable nerf for condi\hybrid builds.
Alchemy 15 – Transmute. Increased % chance from 8% to 100%. This effect can now only trigger once every 15 seconds.
You trying to dispose of random factor. But as i can see it will make trait much useless. Cause many classes\weapons have condition on autoattack. So if they knows new mechanic of trait, they prefer to start atack with auto (or other cheap attack) to set trait on CD.
Suggest to ponder on these nerfs.
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