Yeah I saw failed attempts of some ESL teams to bring necro to counter chronobunker but thought anet was going to give more time. Anyway let’s see what will happen .
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Distortions prevents capping a point. Blur (blurred frenzy, WoP) doesn’t.
Ppl cried (and still crying) about DH, but after some time they learned to counter or just escape fight with DH. I thought anet would give more time to adapt to chronobunker too.
Why would I use soi? I cast 1x TW (22s), 3x WoA (18s) and 4x ToT (24s). This means 64s quickness every 51s. With that considering reality is not a perfect world, I indeed might miss my allies with one or two skills (or they miss the wells) and keep a 100% quickness uptime. Without soi, and calamity instead A) your personal damage is higher, not just a little bit, and you have a higher alacrity uptime for your allies = higher passive damage / group damage.
On one thing tough I agree with you: group dps is far more important than personal damage. That’s why I do not use soi, nor chronomancer runes in raids.
Imo runes of leadership not much better or even worse than runes of chorno and you underrate SoI.
With 70% boon duration:
1x TW + 3x WoA and 4x ToT = (11 + 9 + 12) * 1.7 ~ 54s
Runes of chronomancer with 3 wells gives you ~25-30s of additional personal quickness per rotation which you can share with SoI. Thus it is easier to keep and spread between more teammates – 54s from TW, WoA, ToT + 69s (54 + 30 – 15 ) from SoI ~ 113s (very rough math though). SoI gives quickness to 1 additional person (WoA and TW gives quickness to 5 ppl including mesmer, SoI – to 5 ppl, but not to mesmer) and shares other boons too. Runes of chronomancer gives you and you phantasms +275 offensive stats (power and precision) while runes of leadership – only 108 (power, prec, fer). Rough math: RoC gives 139 more power then RoL. Let’s say mesmer with all buffs have ~3400 power. Then 139 additional power is like ~4% damage boost to you and phantasms (swordsman mostly though). Imo additional precision for phantasm is not a luxury: phantasms don’t have phantasmal fury.
It’ is not a problem to farm raid with any of those runes
And now most impotant for me: while RoC + SoI gives you easier time with boons spreading and RoL + WoC gives you more (8-10s) group alacrity and mb more dps (not sure how much though), RoC is much easier to obtain.
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Considering raids commander gear \ leadership runes just not worthy imo. With decent revenant + 50% is garanteed and + 20% from food = + 70% is enough to keep quickness for burst phases (for 4-5 ppl). With runes of chonomancer + WoE + WoA + WoR + SoI + 70% boon duration you can share additional ~30s of quickness (9 wells * 2s quickness from 1 well * 1.7 boon dur) per 50s-70s rotation. For runes of leadership to be more profitable, base quickness (without runes) should be like 100+ seconds per rotation (0.3*x >= 30s -> x=100s)
Even for chronotank better just swap 1-2 trinkets to cavalier/else to have merely most toughness.
MB another story if you wanna spread other boons (protection/stab through chaos line?) or keep quckiness for full raid – didn’t test it.
The eternal btw
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And how often can you cast it with sword trait a
This trait almost never used outside of pve.
Btw not only bunkers are using sword, but other builds too. Plus sw2 already was nerfed.
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stop using runes of force/accuracy they don’t affect illusions
Any suggestions to replace force for raid environment.
It mean to take both utility soi and both soi from inspiration trait.
This basically double the soi cast from 3 to 6 cast.
Aaah, got it. But no shield, no inspiration line for me for this moment.
I trying to do raid without shield now.
If that’s not enough you can add another soi that are 120 more sec.
I’m not sure if there is space for 4th SoI (usually using it after 30s CD WoA +3s). And why 120s?
Now you are in 2, and other member are 8 so to achieve 100% you need an average of being hitted 1 times each 2,67 mesmer skill (8/3).
Don’t get it. Can you elaborate?
Let me try rough math.
Ideal full cycle = 46 + 6 (shift phase) = 52s
Let me assume we can do 3 WoA, 3 SoI (cause we do it after WoA + 3 s), 1 TW (let count it as 1 quickness apply).
100% Boon duration, crono runes, no shield
For 2(crono+1) + 8 split to reach permaquickness you need 8(rest of ppl) * 52s (cycle duration) = 416 s every 52s
Lets imagine rotation:
Cs start, TW(22s*3=66s), WoA(6s*3ppl=18s), WoR, SoI at ~5th second of CS (I think mesmer have at this point like 7s from TW + 10 from WoA + 4 from WoR = 21s, 21*4 = 84s), cs ends, WoA(18s), WoR, SoI (mb 3s-4s after WoA using selfquickness would be like 16s, + 10 from WoA + 4 from WoR = 30s, 30*4 = 120s), some other skills, after ~20s using 3rd WoA (18s), WoR, SoI ( like 6s of rest quickness + 10 from WoA + 4 from WoR = 20s, 20s*4 = 80s).
So it would be like 404s out of 416. BUT it is for ideal conditions when Quickness spreads ideally between 8 other members. Have doubts about it.
Btw I don’t like sigil (for this moment) because it can deprive my in combat flexibility imo.
Shield 5 buffs 10(+) ppl, iirr. Though I’m not using shield at raid now. Only 20% boon duration food and rev. Though I consider to buy crono or surging runes.
It’s probably a combination of the cast time and then the time it takes for you to finish the current attack you were doing when you pressed the well. Fortunately, if you go with illusions, this isn’t a setback. Really think illusions is the way to go.
Yeah, I do go Illusions instead of Dueling from start. It could be even DPS gain
I did test in non-combat environment thus wasn’t attacking at all. Seems cast time + delay before WoA goes on CD (1s-2s) + mb something else.
You get 50% from revs, 33% from the sigil, 10% from bountiful stones or oils, leaving 7%. To use a 20% duration nourishment then feels like a waste.
50% rev, 33% sigil, 20% food. Bountfull sood/ oiles are pretty expensive.
Didn’t do accurate math/test but usual 70%/80% boon duration + Illusions line + SoI + permaalacrity (+ runes of crono) seems enough to be close to 100% quickness uptime for party.
Sigil is good, but weapons switching could costs sometimes.
93% boon duration is sadly 1% not enough for max quickness. I’d say just forget about the bountiful stones and use the nourishment then. The game only translates 0.25 sec at minimum, wich means there’s no difference between 94-100% boon duration.
1 sec -> 1.94 = 2 sec
1.5 sec -> 2.91 = 3 sec
2 sec -> 3.88 = 4 sec
But still WoA with 3s → 5.82 = 5.75
Plus some seconds if multiplying 20s+ of quickness
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For you to get your results WoR would have to have at least a 1.6 cast time, including the times you have quickness when you pop it.
Was surprised too, but this was from practical test. Idk, mb I did something wrong.
Did you test it? Asking because wandering if only me get such result.
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20/30 from Boon duration from nourishments and +50% from rev is enough as far as i can see.
If when you come out of CS you place WoA before your other well or do anything else you can get that 5s+ down to like 2 seconds but that is a good point.
I did spam WoA off CD and still at 5s+ gap from 2nd CS ready to 5th WoA ready (to start new cycle). Dom+Duel+Crono, WoA+WoR+SoI, permaalacrity. Tested it outside of battle.
You got another result?
Good to hear.
Though you will not fit 4 WoA to CS split rotation w/o mimic or w/o stretching time window of rotation by 5s+ on practice (iirr).
Curious would be swap Dueling for Illusions dps loss/gain/equal (mesmer-only dps wise)
100% quickness uptime w/o runesn and w/o shield? What is the sequence?
+1k personal dps whole 55-90s with scholar? So mesmer doing like 8k-9k dps without scholar (personal dps, not counting phantasm)?
As a Mesmer it’s better to sacrifice Power coz Mesmer’s Power Modifier is weaker compared other class. Like 1: 0,6~0,9. While other “Pure” Power class can 1:1 ++ . Try to aim 210% Crit dmg As minimum.
Crit damage depends on power and skill coefficient too. Optimum set of 3 stats (power, crit chance, crit damage) with finite stats pool is floating. But most of the time power is a last thing to sacrifice.
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Think mesmer has the upperhand since he can dmg while hes evading..
It’s true for non-HoT thief. Quite opposite for daredevil. Hah, damaging while evading – dd.
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Chromomancer is the worst 1v1er in the meta.
Well how can I say…
The chronomancer is invincible.
You shouldn’t loose to power crono of the same skill at 1×1 unless got moaed (1×1 server usually forbids to use moa though).
If you wanna some advises – show your class/build, how you get beaten, etc.
/15 chars
I hope it is a bug and will be fixed
Same as signet from utility bar 30s. For you build – 24s with signet -20% cd trait. Probably like ~15s with 100% alcaricity uptime.
Healing prism and signet part of illusionary inspiration have CDs, thus no distortion spam through phantasm casts and no heal spam through shatters probably.
Illusions line with with lesser shatters CDs mb better for distortions wells spam.
Before last patch I could see distance to my personal waypoint on minimap (it helps with portals). Now can only see distance to personal wp of party member, but not mine.
attacking from all sides at once
What is this?
Suppose, you are not using gs, but having problems vs gs mesm while using offhand sword?
Gs2 do like 2k damage with both crits.
You see gs mesmers/cronos being OP in current meta, thus wann make them only class without offensive unblockable capability (don’t count arcane thievery)?
Idk are they the same person or not. Mb just popular name from some game or anime.
Emm?.. Revenant has hard time to land attack? Dragon hunter?
Idk, but:
Mirror blade – xiao.2614 (should be banned from forum imo)
This one – xiao.6794
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something like this:
Imho it is possible with f5+ any other shatter through only correct timing. I achieved this (not steadily) with f5-> wait some time -> f1
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Standard models only for ranked. And ranked is closed now.
Meta is still forming. Rotation ability probably will always be in meta.
Ppl learned how to handle enemy bunker/support guard, why not mesmer?
(edited by Mak.2657)
There is no such rule at ESL/ pro league game and most of other tournaments.
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“That really drives you insane
Let’s do the Time Warp agaaaaain!”
Cronos credo
What build/class are you using? What build/skills mesmer used?
Btw how long you play spvp?
Dh can use unblockable spear of justice with next pull when mesmer goes blocks too.
Well heal isn’t best heal for solo fight with bad solo hps. Mesmer should sit in well area when final heal (3s later) hits. Either cc out healing well, or punish hard for sitting at area (keep cc to stop blocks though)
bunker mesmer can kill you in 1v1 with soldier runes or some other power runes.
Btw why soldier runes? There no shouts. Only for vitality/toughness stats?
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Tbh imho cele amu is pretty good for Heseth particularly (if there are perma 25 mightstacks from teammates, plus all stats except condi damage are useful at build).
This utility carrier mesmer reminds me support guard with not very good solo application, low mobility and great support at teamfights. Though I mb would take portal insted of well of action to compensate low mobility.
Yes it’s brokenly powerful, as I said earlier it needs to not cooldown reset at all or not work on any CC or team support abilities. At the very least not work on anything with greater or equal cooldown to Continuum.
Mesmers still are not popular and “12-s evade wells spam” not shown at any competitive (are they good or not not – doesn’t matter, they are best players at game now)/regular play and you already call for nerfs?..
Still theory fight. This perhaps could be a problem, but community still have to meet it before make conclusions. Plus there are more problematic issues right now. After solving them probably would be turn for cronos, daredevls with evade spam, etc.
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Ok, mb you are right. Just show me vid (yeah vid, not forum speculation) with such type of mesmer at competitive play. There are should be bunch of them if you are right?
As I already said ( ) you EITHER use your precious distortion/wells CDs, etc and port away through the portal at the end (or teammate inc in best case) against competent player, OR die.
This theory war can b e endless. Just post some competitive video with such chrono – it would be best fact evidence. I can post you vids with DH, scrappers, druids, etc doing good at competitive play for example.
They don’t have mobility in this case outside of portal. 25% ms will not help you. Yeah, dodges, distortion,.. only for wait of teammates help or portal cower. Cause low sustain and right applied damage would force such mesmer run away. Like other classes don’t have dodges, traits, invulns/evades, stealth, unblocable skill?
For sake not to start theory war – take such crono and go ESL. Then post your results as evidence (mb you will be succesfull, idk). Or just show VoD with such mesmer at some ESL finals.
This combo requires only Mimic and Well of Precognition, elites are broken automatically since you need to take one unless you take Mass Invisibility for some reason. Rangers require 2 slots for 12 seconds of personal invulnerability and if your pet dies it’s less while they don’t give their allies endurance and alacrity.
Then you have no spot for blink and decoy (cause portal is a must have). So if crono is intercepted between points he is gonna either waste all CD’s and run through portal/wait for help, or die. Btw DD melts such cronos.
It is already stated by top mesmer users that mesmer blocks not shines in competitive play, due bunch of unblockable skills (revenant, dh, eng, necro,..).
To carry “12 seconds of invulnerability, alacrity and 120 endurance every 90 seconds”
mesmer need to trade self sustaining utility skills/traits.
Chrono is definitely is better then core mesmer, but fades relatively other elites. Mesmer was more competitive before HoT (almost every thief said that they aren’t hard counter to mesmer anymore).
Yeah, chrono theoretically is very good uprgade, but right now only theoretically. Mb it will be changed (ppl goes from standard shatter to more bunkerish, change tactics).
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