Well, just being positive doesn’t help much to a discussion. Pessimist concrete people like me are needed to balance other optimist people out there.
Especially with a class like this, literally balanced over best cases (see: grenade kit).
As I have stated in other posts, some of the GM traits across multiple classes seem weak until you really think about them.
For engineer, the bubble on the turret will be great IF a player or a few players can stand under it. You get 4 seconds of reflection and can in theory refresh it every 10ish seconds with 2 fast cool down turrets. Depending on radius and depending on if it reflects siege shots like the bubble on siege weapons. . . .
And then any AoE comes – quite likely, if all those players are together in a point you’ve basically drawn a giant target upon yourselves – and you can say goodbye to the turrets, as they will still be made of paper, if anything changed about it. As they haven’t said anything about making them sturdier, it will be probably so.
That’s also why it will be near useless in PvE as well.
To use them properly, you’ve got to be near them. And that’s like the worst thing you can do if you want to see your turrets alive.
Engineer traits are underwhelming. Why would one bother equipping any of that instead of what we have right now.
Also, still nothing about our class mechanic, the toolbelt.
Sure, i appreciate they added a gadget trait. But gadgets are still mediocre, you can’t make a build just out of them.
Until the first AoE comes, that is. Then all those turrets are toasted, along with the bubbles and the players that couldn’t heal because their healing turrets were destroyed before they could do that.
Experimental Turrets can be fine just in PvP. In any other mode they just explode when someone glances at them.
Gadgeteer is a nice trait. The problem is that gadgets aren’t exactly much good.
Synaptic Overload: dunno what to think; in some builds it could be nice, maybe.
Bunker Down: doesn’t exactly seems to synergize with our firearms, imho, as they’re all ranged and the mines are created on your location. Also, we should see what those mines do exactly. Probably nice with bombs if traits apply.
Fortified Turrets: The last paragraph is what ruins all. Bugs aside, if they haven’t made them sturdier, it will be probably useless.
Experimental Turrets: Usual turret problem – they need to stay alive…and they usually don’t. Same as above.
Gadgeteer: nice to see a gadget trait, but gadgets by themselves aren’t good enough.
Also, seeing that their concept of “high level balance” is “nerf the engineer and fix bugs old of more than half a year” after saying that they wanted to increase build diversity is quite sad. Guess their concept of doing so is nerfing whatever works.
In the best case – ascended chest armor – we’re talking of 3 more points per stat…and 2.7% less crit damage – 50 ferocity is 3.3% crit damage, as opposed to the 6% it had before.
And that’s the best piece. Others are getting +2 and +1 increases in their stats, and still heavy nerfs on crit damage.
Overall it is a huge nerf.
ele/engi + on-swap sigil = win.
you’re not the victim you’re making out to be. most classes don’t swap weapons as soon as their sigil is done with cooldown. but these two are constantly swapping weapons, making on-swap sigils the best fit for the class.
i’d say it’s actually a major buff for them, actually. think about it: now that you can take your on-swap and on-crit sigils at the same time, eles and engis aren’t held back by their class mechanic.
They still won’t be as effective as a stacking sigil + other 3 different sigils. Also, sigil cooldowns.
Also, engineers’ kit were heavily nerfed when they made them work with sigils under the excuse of a rebalancing. Why aren’t 2-handed weapon nerfed too, since they weren’t balanced with 2 sigils as well?
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
I remember they already said something similiar to “they will get more build diversity” regarding engineers in some past patch. They ended up nerfing good skills so that they were at the same level of the less good ones.
Guess i can only hope they won’t do it again.
They still haven’t understood that the problem was in the exponential outcome, not in the stat itself.
Celestial will be hit the hardest by this change, making hybrids even more useless than before.
Good job, heh.
They still haven’t understood that the problem was in the exponential outcome and not in the stat itself.
Celestials were already balanced by the low power and precision. Zerkers weren’t and won’t be with the feature patch either.
They get shotted by aoes and melee attacks, usually, more than projectiles.
Also, if they haven’t fixed their huge hitbox, what will likely happen is that they’ll get hit by projectiles anyway.
They’re fixing some typos. The blog post is actually “The art of Wombat”, where they’ll introduced the aforemented pet, a marsupial friend highly requested by the ranger class.
Actually we’ll find out tomorrow, in the Ready Up. They’re going to show all the traits.
And i was here to post your same last paragraph: it seems indeed that such a playstyle will be encouraged. And that makes me think turrets will be forever squishy and thus useless for PvE purposes. I hope i’ll be wrong.
Still, it depends if the bubbles persist after the turrets’ death or if there is some cooldown involved.
And if they’ve finally fixed and rebalanced turrets.
Still, it depends if the bubbles persist after the turrets’ death or if there is some cooldown involved.
And if they’ve finally fixed and rebalanced turrets.
I see two problems here.
The first is that it competes with rifled-turret barrels, as they share the same slot unless later specified (they could have moved rifled-turret barrels, after all).
The second…well, if they haven’t changed the natural squishiness of turrets, a turret build will be useless anyway. Projectiles never were a huge problem. Turrets dying in a couple seconds is.
And the bugs. I hope they have been fixed.
Except that kits aren’t proper weapons – they can’t be equipped as one – and use up utility slots. Utility slots that could be used by other utilities as well, if only the class wasn’t balanced upon the use of kits.
These problems will persist until Arenanet stops treating the symptom and instead targets the problem by inverting Grenade accuracy such that minimum spread is obtained at max range – makes 1500 range casting onto point less potent but no less deadly if it hits – and maximum spread is obtained at minimum range – precluding Triple Poison or Triple Chill. This would force Grenadiers into mid-range – 300-900 units. The skill cap required would increase, which would then possibly justify a baseline buff of Grenades to 3 Grenades thrown as base, with the Grenadier trait simply increasing Condition duration and/or a damage bonus no larger than 10% total across 3 grenade hits.
And making it mostly useless if you aren’t in that “mid-range”, as either it would be extremely inaccurate (melee range) or extremely easy to dodge (higher range, due to the combination of reduced spread + travel time…the enemies can just walk out of the red circle).
And that’s putting aside that it doesn’t even make sense for a projectile to spread like you propose.
And they’re already balancing the whole weapon upon having 3 grenades, anyway. So, if anything, we should already have them as the baseline. No other weapon or utility in the game is being balanced on the assumption of being traited, after all.
The simple truth is that there shouldn’t be such a trait as grenadier to begin with – as is, grandmaster traits working on a single weapon. Because such a trait must necessarily provide strong effects, and assuming the base weapon is balanced to begin with, it will end up making it unbalanced.
The solution they continue to follow is to nerf the base weapon – making it subpar – to have a balanced traited one. It doesn’t make sense – a weapon should be balanced to begin with, and if the problem is the trait, they should just adjust the trait. If the adjusted trait isn’t worth of a grandmaster trait, then make it a master one.
And that’s something they should have done when designing the class.
I don’t agree with the poison grenade nerf as well, instead. First, poison is dealt over time, that means people are just supposed to move out of the area affected. If that’s a problem in PvP, just nerf it in pvp.
And second, and actually more important, is that they’re yet again using the (grandmaster) traited version as the base one as far as balancing goes. Making the untraited, real base version even more subpar.
And that’s just nonsensical.
Or just change the grenade kit to a grenade launcher if they think bomb kit and grenade kit aren’t distinguishable enough.
The whole hobosack thing doesn’t even make sense to begin with, though. Else any class should have a visual cue on the weapon it is using on its back…and this doesn’t happen.
It would probably wander in the inventory as well, changing his position in the bags every now and then.
I agree, quaggans should have more importance.
Therefore, ascended cooking should include quaggan recipes.
Omnomberry-filled roasted quaggan. Yum.
At least i haven’t deleted all the ones i have. Just, like, 7 or 8 stacks…
…still, we could have known that beforehand…
Edit : for Groonz, yes there is a timer to encourage you to be active and not just watch the mobs while pressing AA…
Yeah, tell that to an engineer. The condition reflect phase makes many of the skills apart the autoattacks outright useless, if not harming the user directly. And that’s assuming the autoattack isn’t dealing conditions itself (and often it does).
Yet we didn’t see any compensation for either the loot we haven’t received, and neither for the one we should have got when they disabled it prior to implementing the new system.
And the whole encounter design thing is just an excuse, anyway. Else they would have made changes during the last living story as well, and they didn’t.
Because some people farming champ boxes while others get nothing apart from the event reward, while extremely unfair, isn’t a problem. Everyone getting rewarded for their effort seems to be a problem, instead.
And considering they closed the thread about “knights giving too much loot” saying that “the issue has been resolved”…well, i would say we’ve got quite a clear response.
they didn’t want people to get loot from multiple Knights because they didn’t intend for people to play that way!.
They intended/expected people to split. So yes, I think its pretty understandable the change they made, no one was meant to get THAT much loot.
They intended people to split during the last living story too. And they did nothing.
So, is the matter just about the loot? Some people farming champ boxes while the others do the event are fine, but getting anyone who contributed to get those isn’t?
Then, i repeat, all those “spread out” banter is just a convenient excuse for nerfing the loot. Nothing else.
Too much loot? Heh, i wish.
I couldn’t get almost nothing the first days, i got nothing when they disabled it on purpose, and now even if i defeat them i’ll just get this nerfed loot.
And don’t even tell me they wanted people to spread out: they did nothing during the last living story to avoid people farming champs while others were trying to win the event.
Now that the event – bugs aside – gave anyone loot for their contribution, and we had people cooperating, they nerf it outright.
So, some people farming champ boxes while the others do the event and get nothing are fine , but if anyone can get those champs boxes by doing an event then it must be nerfed. Surefire logic.
they cant leave the content with bugs >.> …and there’s only so much testing they can do on private servers.
Gosh it’s not a major change in strategy, just removes, zerg red & spam 1.
Splitting is the way they originally meant the content to be!
No, they just didn’t want people to get loot from multiple knights, any other reason provided is just a convenient excuse.
They would have made changes during the last living story as well otherwise, and they didn’t. And there we had people farming champs while the others tried to win the event, while getting far less rewards than the farmers if they achieved their objective.
Here the people were all cooperating, at least.
Battle for Lion's Arch Open Issues and Tips
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Manuhell.2759
Yeah, nice and all, but what about the people who did the event before this change and didn’t get loot from knights?
Especially since it was even disabled for a days or so – and if i thought it was a bug before, after the changes it would seem it was disabled on purpose.
So…bugged loot for the first days, no loot for a day and nerfed loot now. Amazing, especially when nothing was done when people were champ farming the event before.
And that wasn’t even helping the event, unlike the knight killing.
Disconnected at like 10 minutes from the end. We would have won it. Wasted time. Quite annoying.
Yet another RNG-fest.
SAB – and especially tribulation mode – is the only living story content that actually rewards effort instead of rng. It should be taken as an example, not shunned.
And i actually found it very fun, especially when exploring the levels in tribulation for the first time along with friends. I wait in trepidation for the 3rd world.
Who died and made you Captain of the Lionguard? The objective of the event, as with everything else in the game, is to have fun. People apparently are having fun farming bags. Deal with it.
That’s just your opinion. I have posted actual facts – the patch notes and the ingame gui clearly explain what the goal of the event is.
And i can’t see “farming champs” or “staying afk” in any of them.
Except “my way” is wanting to do the objective of the event, as clearly stated by patch notes and a citizen counters on the right of the screen.
Whereas “farming champs” is yet another way people have found to abuse said events.
In the end a lot of people are using the events as another champ train, and depending on the magnitude of those trains, making the event fail for all the other people due to sheer lack of people doing anything else or, in the best case, leeching off the final reward on top of all they have farmed. Getting, by the way, a lot more rewards than the ones that actually made the event succeed.
And you call me selfish, heh. No, the selfish ones are farmers and afk people, surely not me that just want to do an event as intended by the developers.
Removing those champ bags would only be fair, if anything.
If you took away the champ bags or whatever loot then people will no longer bother to do the event and you’ll be in an even worse situation. People need an incentive to continue doing an event after they have experienced it enough times and/or gotten the achievements.
This ^^
But the people aren’t taking it as an incentive – rather, the problem is that many people consider farming the whole point of the event, and do just that.
Give them an hand and they’ll take the whole arm, we could say.
An ideal solution would also give rewards for saving citizens – something that they should have given from the beginning. But the most we can hope for is some sort of hotfix now.
Making champs not drop bags is one of those.
If champs didn’t drop bags, there wouldn’t be any incentive to form big zerging groups.
Rather, people would spread out more, thus doing the events in small groups – as supposed to – while still getting alliance bags for the effort.
As the title says. People are too fixated farming those. Can’t do the event with people that are there just to farm champs, so i guess the solution is just to eliminate any major profitability from the event other than the main objective.
Thanks, a Piken Square player.
Well, having those horns “attached” to the head would be better. They don’t make much sense as now, imho.
So there is a defense force for AFKers, too?
This forum never ceases to amuse me.
bringing back awards cheapens everything :(
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Manuhell.2759
They shouldn’t have based those reward on rng to start with. And neither they should have made it on this final event.
It requires quite a bit of effort…and then it rewards luck instead of said effort.
No wonder that people prefer farming mobs during the event…
If there was a violet one, it would have been perfect for my engineer.
But still very good, both as the appearance and method of crafting. Seeing it “grow” makes it especially nice.
Citizens is not worth more. We’ve been hitting 1500 citizens each hour for a few days now, and I haven’t seen anybody get anything worth more than 1g from that last bag.
You have an EXTREMELY small chance at getting anything good from the final bag. Its so tiny that it isn’t worth it at all.
Yep, this is the issue.
It just is more convenient to farm enemies than to save citizens, since the final reward can be good only if you get very lucky with it. And very few people will be lucky.
$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Manuhell.2759
Lol your in a better position just to protest them to put the services back in la so that you can face wrecked by an upscaled mob while crafting asc armor then to convince them not to find ways to pay the bills while continuing to give free access.
Chances are that la will go back to its former glory after the ls ( though I hope it never does, come at me bubbles) so all this hub bun will be in vain.
Lol charrgirl has some brass for wanting to be in the black citadel
Oh, it will probably happen. It still won’t change what happened here – putting convenience that was free over a paywall, even if for a limited time.
Then go to the kittening Vigil Keep for that.
Where there are no crafting stations apart from the airship ones. So we’re still at that – they’ve removed convenience and put it over a paywall.
Nice going
We at Gunnars trying to get people to raom for citizens and telling them the real loot is there. But so far people still need the achievements or they just like the farm :/
Truth be told, there isn’t much loot in the last bag. Farming champs during the events is effectively more convenient…
$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Manuhell.2759
Yes, because conveniences that exist all over the place are the same as game mechanics that don’t have legitimate backups?
Good argument. eye roll
Yep, it is a good argument, because they did exactly the same to the Lion’s Arch conveniences: used an excuse to take them out and make them over a paywall.
And if people are fine with that, they’ll feel free to do it again.
Black Citadel has all services in close proximity to one another. I never used LA for that. You have crafting stations, bank and trade post all concentrated near the Diessa Gate.
Along with the famous Black Citadel Mystic Forge and their dungeon vendor, right?
Sounds like all you want to do is attack them and thus never will be pleased. I don’t think this is the correct game for you. That being said I would like to extend my sincerest apologizes on behalf of the gw2 community that your pressured into buying a completely optional item that can’t be bypassed because the 1 s 30 copper is bank breaking as well as who has the time to map travel.
I don’t know what else to tell ya
Or they could avoid removing conveniences just to put them over a paywall.
$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Manuhell.2759
[…]convenient hub[…]level of convenience[…]
I see a trend here. You don’t NEED or DESERVE a convenient spot to do everything in on place. Go explore the world. You can WP instantly. It’s not like you have to wait 3 minutes for a tram or flight or something.
It’s a convenience. Thus it has a price.
Except it was free before.
And now it is still free but slightly less convenient, or just as convenient but not free. Things change, get over it.
Or they could avoid making such changes just to have something more to charge with.
What next? Charging for the “convenient” map entrances we had since now?
“Oh, there has been a landslide so you can’t pass unless you’ve got our consortium gate contract; but you can still pass over that two minute trail without any charge”
Or they could charge for entering the mists swiftly?
“The gate is currently restricted to authorized personnel; so unless you have a Mist Officer’s Permit you must go there manually by using the Mist Road; it still gets there after all, you just need to walk a bit”
People would still defend them, anyway…
$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Manuhell.2759
[…]convenient hub[…]level of convenience[…]
I see a trend here. You don’t NEED or DESERVE a convenient spot to do everything in on place. Go explore the world. You can WP instantly. It’s not like you have to wait 3 minutes for a tram or flight or something.
It’s a convenience. Thus it has a price.
Except it was free before.
$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Manuhell.2759
You are connecting convenience with LA. You are either lying or completely ignorant and choosing to stay ignorant. Seeing how your reply ignores many of the posts already in this thread, I’d say it’s the latter.
Name any other location other than LA that had got any service – retrainers, laurel vendors, dungeon vendors, crafting stations, mystic forge – all in the same map.
Any proposed solution in this thread requires using a portal to go somewhere else and, eventually, back.
Or using a pass.
To do something that, before, needed nothing else than walking in the same map.
$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Manuhell.2759
Exactly this sort of non-stop being unhappy and crying is reason why people make fun of official forums community. YOU DON’T NEED THAT PASS. Is loading into one more zone such a big deal? Is it really? I hate people bashing ArenaNet just because they want to earn some money (everybody does). Anything that is on that freaking ship is also in the open-world for free. Ship is meant to be a VIP zone, so let it be if you don’t want to go there.
Considering that it wasn’t needed before…yes, it is a big deal. And the problem isn’t about them making money. It is about them removing convenience and putting it over a paywall – and there is no excuse for that.
Lion’s Arch was a central hub because it had all the services there. Now they’re making an excuse of the emergency escape to put that convenience under a paywall – the airship pass. What you consider “VIP zone” is the convenience people had before this patch…except it didn’t need any pass.
There is absolutely no reason why there couldn’t be retrainers – they are refugees as well, after all – or crafting stations as well – they’ve built asura gates on a whim and they can’t afford an oven for cooking?
And stop expecting to get everything for free.
More like, avoid to put a payment for something that has always been free since the start of the game.
I am really afraid of ArenaNet ever releasing a expansion, because most people on forums would be like “Oh my god, I have to pay for it? What the hell?” GET REAL.
Unless they are planning to remove a part of the game to make it available only to people who have bought the expansion, i doubt there will be problems.