- You don’t have to do the whole combo all the time. Elixier gun and HT finishers have a short cd, aswell the fire bomb.
It ends messing up the whole rotation if i do so, as the other two finishers would be active 10s later. I do this sometimes, but i would rather prefer not have to do so.
- BASE might dura is 20s. I run rune of strengh wich increase the might dura to 24. I wonder if I also have some boon dura. However the increased dura shares too with the explo finisher.
It is the same for the other classes, though. A guardian could have enough boon duration to bring that might at full uptime as well.
- If you share mass retaliation it was your own fault not knowing how to use the combo field, wasn’kitten
Not if i correctly place my field and someone else overwrites it, especially since all those blasts must be done in a couple seconds – thus i don’t have the time to ascertain it is my field that is being blasted.
“Other classes can do the same thing with a single skill” is clearly a sign of lazyness.
No, it is just more efficent – especially if we’re talking about non-kit utility skills: less preparation, lesser cooldowns to manage and overall lesser number of utilities used – it also means you have lesser skills on cooldown, thus ready to be used if needed. In the example we made before, a single weapon skill versus 3 weapon skills, an utility and a toolbelt.
The combination is what the engi makes himself unique. Sure a guard can “easier” stack might. Sure a thief can “easier” create a long lasting stealth. Sure a mesmer can clean conditions better and more often. But the point is: The engi can do everything of this. Not to mention the insane AoE and vulnerability… if we talk about usefulness in a team…
…but a team is composed of five people, out of 8 classes. Unless you’re in a rather specialized team, there will be others that can do those things.
Also, the vulnerability is mostly due of traited grenades, rather than of the class as a whole
Wasting a said slot? Uhm … where should I start?
- Heal Turret = condi remove, heal, finisher, 2x waterfield.
- Grenades = blind, chill, burst toolbelt, tons of vulnerability.
- Bombs = fire field, blind, root, high amount of vulnerability, highest dps we got.
- Elixier Gun = weakness, swiftness (rarely used), condi cleanse for whole party (15 sec cd), finisher with high burst, heal.
Where the heck is there a wasted slot? What would you like to take then? Tell me.
It seems you misinterpreted the last part of the post, or either i wasn’t clear enough when i had written it.
The build you described offers all those advantages you described – heh, it’s the one i use. Still, it is a rather specific build, with no room for changes.
When i was talking about wasting slots, i was talking about turrets used as blast finishers (but i could say the same for any other non-kit blast finisher, if used only for its blast finisher and not the actual use).
Sure, we may use turrets beside the healing one as blast finishers as well – but using an utility slot as a blast finisher means basically wasting said slot.
Also, aren’t we getting a bit OT?
Active defense is about dodging and timing abilities, not about stacking toughness, hence the whole “active” bit. You can facetank in this game if you want, if you can’t be bothered to buy into the whole actively moving about part though, you shouldn’t expect to be able to bring as much to the table as someone who can actually move and thus can bring more dps to the fore.
See, you’re fixated with the whole “facetanking” mentality. One can have defensive stats and still use active defenses properly – it doesn’t depend on gear.
Why do you expect to be able to bring as much to the table as someone who can actually move the same as you but has geared appropriately for a defensive role?
As those active defenses totally negate damage, the passive mitigation doesn’t even count most of the time – making said stats mostly useless.
If they had some influence toward defensive skills, this would change.
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
Those blast finishers don’t come for free, though. We do have to put on cooldown a fair number of skills, as opposed to a single one (also, the duration is wrong – blast finishers’ base might duration is 20s). And one of those is our healing skill.
And the guardian’s one has a shorter cooldown – either 20s or 16s if traited. Ours will probably be 30s since both shield #4 and big ol’ bomb have this cooldown, unless you trait for the first and get at least 20 points in tool for the latter.
It is also more prone to errors (like other people putting their fields on top of yours, like it happened to me yesterday in a CoF p1 run…mass retaliation instead of those nice might stacks).
But apart from that, it sures offer a good deal of versatility. The problem is that this level of versatility often isn’t even required, especially when other classes can do the same things with single skills. Being in a party with other four people, this is often the case.
And we’re also talking of a rather specific build here – p/s with healing turret, bomb kit and elixir gun (and probably grenades at the last spot, due to explosives’ traits).
Sure, we may use turrets beside the healing one as blast finishers as well – but using an utility slot as a blast finisher means basically wasting said slot.
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
And that’s without considering the nerf – no, they call it bug fix – on the overcharge…
You know, I’m not really aware of what the bug was or what the fix did. Care to clarify?
Mh, sorry, but i may be wrong about that. I was talking about the net turret shooting more than a single stun net in overcharge that was fixed some months ago. I thought they purposefully removed the increase of rate of fire in overcharge to avoid the issue, but as it is still mentioned in the tooltip, it could be just another bug added when they fixed the old one (dunno about the actual number of stunning nets that should be shooted, though).
Assuming they won’t fix as they did with the normal rate of fire – that is, change the tooltip.
No aesthetical endgame due to hobosacks and kits covering our weapons.
As an engineer with a legendary, I have to dispute this.
No class in this game just uses one weapon all the time. If they do, they’re a terrible player and are not truly adapting properly to the correct situation or group composition.
Kits override our weapons, but you should be actively integrating your pistol or rifle into your rotation in WvW and PvE. For condition builds the pistol is an amazing spreader, and for power builds the rifle has two of the most damaging attacks at our disposal. Actively wielding your weapons and not just your kits will make you a better engineer.
What makes you think i’m not doing this already?
I have a legendary myself – Quip. Along with The Mad Moon for utility and aesthetical purposes. And i don’t even show the backpack for those same aesthetical reasons (unless i’m forced to – see:hobosacks).
And even “integrating” those means that unless i’m using #2 to #5 skills I will still be using a kit mostly of the time, even if just for autoattack purposes, as they’re much better than the pistol anyway.
If any other class switches weapon, he can still switch to something specifically chosen for its aesthetical appearance. We have no choice in that regard – kits don’t have alternative skins.
- No aesthetical endgame due to hobosacks and kits covering our weapons.
- Versatile class with penalties due to that in a game where all the classes are versatile.
- PvE design that makes conditions, control and healing mostly useless. As we’re mostly an hybrid class, this greatly impact us.
- Medium armor design. (let’s speak frankly, they’re almost all trenchcoats…)
- Piano gameplay for moderate effects.
We’ve been taking nerfs on turrets for months and they still haven’t fixed almost anything about them. Heh, one of the few fixes was changing the tooltip instead of the skill itself.
What makes you think they’ll finally fix them after this?
Or should we wait after the next nerf? Or the one after that?
So who is going to be the villain/badguy that tries to crash the wedding? Scarlet or the long lost evil brother/twin of Bloomanoo?
Isgarren – the current owner of the wizard’s tower, angry because he wasn’t invited to the wedding.
He will then curse their children: he is fated to prick his hand on a skewer and die.
Luckily, Queen Jennah is able to at least lessen the curse: he won’t die, but he’ll sleep until the wizard is defeated.
Thus will begin our journey inside the wizard’s tower, to defeat the evil wizard and save the poor sleeping quaggan.
Imho, the real problem is that defensive stats have no impact on active defensive skills.
Thus a char geared with offensive stats still gets the same active mitigation of a defensive-geared char. And this mitigation often consists of a full negation of the damage received, or in a consistent reduction, thus making the passive mitigation even less important.
Some people may think that any gear other than zerk should be “training wheel” gear, but i disagree. All gear should be equally important, just doing different things for different roles.
Or because engineers already have other sources of burning, so that trait isn’t as important as necros as far as inflicting burning goes.
And by putting it in master trait they already restricted that tree just to bomb and grenade users – the adept slot has no decent general trait now.
I would rather say it is due of their utilities, rather than the armor and hp (even if those help, too). Especially since a warrior can get quite an high sustain without any healing power, thus can wear full zerk and still have some good mitigation. Even if someone gets downed, they just have to use the elite banner.
Regarding guardians…projectile reflection, blocks, protection and a full party heal…
Also, warriors may have no minions…but they have indestructible banners.
Used everywhere in pve, unlike the other classes’ destructible counterparts. And with far higher uptime compared to guardians’ spirit weapons.
Automated response seems strong only because of the condi meta and people going full conditions. In a balanced meta its user would easily get bursted down.
IP has already been moved to master tier, leaving the adept with no decent general option and destroying a good amount of pve builds since you have necessarily to go bomb or grenades now if you go in the first tree (whereas before you could have got IP to deal a bit more damage).
Whatever they decide to do, i hope it stays confined in PvP instead of ruining the class further in PvE.
It won’t change anything. Any other heal is still more convenient, less risky, and doesn’t depend on your opponent not seeing you emit sparkles for the whole duration.
It still hasn’t got additional gadget traits to work with, it still works bad with automated medical response, and still requires you to not use your healing skill until the last moment, wasting its uptime whereas any other healing skill would be used just when needed and put on cooldown to be ready asap.
This whole argument about one and two handed weapons and their speed has nothing to do with this thread, though.
Kits were balanced for 2 sigils. All weapons now get 2 sigils. Change kits to balance for no sigils? Confused.
Kits got rebalanced to account for two sigils (even if you were to use just one, as it didn’t depend on the weapon used).
Two handed weapons are getting a second sigil.
Two handed weapons should be rebalanced to account for the second sigil, as they weren’t balanced for a second sigil to begin with, exactly as kits weren’t supposedly balanced for using one or two sigils.
If that doesn’t happen, revert the changes to kits for consistency, as if two handed weapons are fine with the added sigil, kits should have been fine too (especially since we already pay for them with a weakened main weapon).
Seems simple enough. Either 2-handed get nerfed due to additional sigils as it already happened in the past with kits, or no 2-handed get nerfed and the kit nerfs due to sigils get reverted.
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
lol lots of people who use tool kit in pvp use box of nails regardless if they are power or condi. it has a lot of uses. now it’s even better because the ridiculous cast time is halved. please just speak for yourself.
They didn’t halve it. They’re reducing it from 1s to 3/4s.
using battle/energy for my p/p was directed at your funny comment: “Battle/energy? That’s new only if you use the rifle, anyway.” i hope you know that if you use both battle/energy now, only one of them will work.
Yep, i admit i hadn’t thought about that. I thought you was talking about using a rifle with it.
“the whole point of pvp is literally standing on a point”. lol that’s the silliest thing i’ve read all day. what rank are you? do you even pvp?
I was around rank 40, but i stopped playing it because i was finding it quite boring after a while. Always the same maps, always the same game mode. More variety would be appreciated.
And yes, the point of pvp is standing in a point and staying alive. It doesn’t matter if you would be useless two meters out of there or if you can’t kill anything. As long as you’re inside there and alive.
And that’s why bombs are fine to use there, and turrets are so bad in every other mode.
are you telling me a 1200 range giant aoe stun plus an additional immobilize that also provides aoe burning and heals is bad? they nerfed the immobilize by ONE second every 180 seconds. GAMECHANGER.
No, i’m saying that a 1200 range giant aoe stun plus an additional immobilize is bad for a 180s cooldown, as the turrets won’t last more than a couple seconds; and even if there are the bags to heal yourself there, the presence of turrets makes that whole area a giant target – especially with pve bosses – making said heal risky to get, and potentially useless.
They nerfed the immobilize there and at the actual net turret, with the third nerf in a row, and they’re still doing nothing to address all the problems and the insane list of bugs they’ve got.
battle standard and light of deliverance both have really, really, really long cast times. and they’re hardly used. probably because they have really, really, really long cast times. now supply crate. that’s used 100% of the time. what a silly comparison.
They were used all the time when i used to do pvp. Along with stability.
Obviously they’ve got appropriate cast times…what do you expect, full area heals and area ress + buffs being instant? And people can’t even do anything about the banner once it has been cast as it is indestructible, unlike turret.
Also, the major effect from supply crate can be dodged or removed with a stun breaker. And supply crate is always used for a simple reason: it is the only decent elite we’ve got. Elixir X is too random to be reliable, and mortar…heh, is mortar.
And those nerfs will be inflicted upon pve as well, where turrets are already bad enough…
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
nobody uses the actual net turret in pvp. if you do you’re gimping yourself. i will still use net turret int he only scenario that i actually use it after the nerf. so nothing’s changed.
And neither in pve, yet they’re nerfing it there too.
you can be sure i’ll be using battle/energy with my p/p. i got rid of battle for energy because i took prot injection over vigor. now i get the best of both worlds.
As can other classes. It changes nothing, basically.
box of nails isn’t a crappy skill. i use it now even with the long cast time.
You, and no one else, it would seem. The area is so small people have no problem to move out, assuming they even care to do it – that bleeding is terribly poor, the only issue is the cripple.
engineers being one of the best pvp classes isn’t just my opinion, it’s the opinion of a lot of high level pvp players. that’s why it’s getting nerfed. and these nerfs are so small i don’t even know why anyone is complaining.
we may be the least played class in pve, but in pvp there’s been a huge influx of engineers to solo and team queues. why do you think that is?
Because we’ve got a couple builds that are relatively easy to use and still effective, as the whole point of pvp is literally standing on a point. And bombs are perfect to do that.
you can’t write off supply crate because oh yeah i can dodge it so anyone who can’t deserves to be absolutely annihilated. it’s an undeniably powerful elite that wins 1v1s and turns teamfights around. that is the definition of an ability that needs a nerf. and we didn’t even get a huge nerf to it. it stil functions the same way except of a 1 second immobilize reduction every 180 seconds. really? you’re gonna cry over this?
Undeniably? The only thing it is useful for is the initial stun and immobilize, and they just nerfed it. Those turrets get destroyed in seconds. Be it pve or pvp.
And we have a long list of bug for them, yet fixing them has never been a priority. Just nerfing them, again and again.
You say that it turns fight? Battle Standard and Tome of Courage with his full heal do this as well. Are they nerfing their ress or full heal? No.
You just said yourself that it changes nothing for pistol shield but buffs riffle. Its going to be the same for all classes.
It changes nothing with kits – because kits were already nerfed in account of using sigils, be it two or one according to the weapon (obviously they were balanced for the worst case, thus 2 sigils).
Even if the rifle can use now two sigils, it doesn’t change anything with kits – their previous nerf is still there.
Thus we’re still at the same point of before: two-handed weapons get nerfed as well (that applies to engineer’s rifle as well, obviously),or kits nerf gets reverted, or we throw consistency out of the window.
The problem is in the formula itself. It ends up giving exponential gains when power, precision and ferocity/crit damage are involved.
Making low amounts really weak and high amounts too powerful.
There is a bias on the balancing of the warrior since the start of the game, can’t do much about that.
All of those should be balanced separately.
Putting PvP and WvsW together would be a blunder – they’re very different modes after all, as far as scaling of people and places go. As well as goals – in pvp, all you’ve got to do is stay alive in a point…
so the nerf applies once every 180 seconds. big deal. engis are one of the best pvp classes in the game right now and borderline overpowered. the supply crate and poison grenade nerf were needed. we have tons of poison with pistol 2 and a whole minute of poison with the grenade if they stood in the aoe, of which there were 3. even after these changes we will still be one of the best classes in pvp. supply crate will still be nothing short of amazing after the nerf. stop whining. think about the good things: box of nails buff. battle/energy combo.
And everytime one decides to use net turret, before removing it forever from his utility bar.
The supply crate nerf wasn’t needed at all – at least, not before making turrets actually useful. If people can’t dodge a giant crate falling from above or use a stun breaker after that it is just their fault, especially with the long cooldown it has got.
The only thing i concur with is the poison grenade – but it is still another nerf that won’t be repaid in any way.
And a quarter second reduction on a crappy skill makes it just a crappy skill that can be casted faster.
Especially when it was instant to start with.
Battle/energy? That’s new only if you use the rifle, anyway.
And while you do say that engineers are one of the best classes in pvp (and that’s just your opinion), facts say that we’re one of the least played classes. And we continue getting nerfed in any game mode despite of that.
the engineer’s one good elite that absolutely devastated 1v1s and really turned around team fights.
With a 180s cooldown, a rather flashy cast animation and turrets that end destroyed in the first 10 seconds.
But sure, if there is even one good effect, that must be nerfed. We aren’t supposed to do something good.
Engineers will get 1 Sigildps closer to other classes. Don´t know what u´re talking about.
Thief DPS will stay
Ele Staffs gets closer to LH
Warrior will stay nearly unchanged
Guards too (will use GS instead of a rotation but ok)
Necros will stay unchanged
Rangers too (GS will still suck)
Mesmers the same (GS will still suck)Oh, and not even 1 kit got a 30% Nerf, Nade AA got 50% but not the whole kit. And Nades will be superior now with rampagergear. So the old nerfs were necsessary.
Im talking about a PvE point of view.
They toned down every kit. They just hadn’t written how much, but it was calculated on the class forums, even if never said officially. But on a thing you’re right, it was the autoattack they nerfed by 30%, not the other skills. Some people had estimated around a 15% nerf in the dps of the weapon.
Nades won’t benefit from rampagers more than before, anyway.
Engineer Kit Sigils. The Engineer now benefits from the sigils on their weapons when they swap to a kit. So, this means that you will have the ability to get sigil procs on your Flame Thrower, or Grenade Kit, etc. This means we had to tone down some of the kits accordingly, the biggest of which was the Grenade kit.
Engineer Grenade Kit Changes. We didn’t want to totally take away the power of this kit, but when it is able to proc sigil abilities, it becomes very strong due to its powerful AOE nature. So we’ve toned down this kit a little due to the sigils now working on engineer kits.
Still, Engineers won’t see any change with kits – they already used two sigils if they were using pistol/shield or pistol/pistol. There is a change only when using our rifle skills (but those are nerfed by design, anyway – see the class balance philosphies in the post linked above).
Thus, the problem is still there. Either nerf 2-handed weapon or revert kit damage nerfs.
Or act inconsistently and indirectly the engineer yet again. It wouldn’t be the first time, anyway.
I was expecting something a lot worse his was kinda funny, in all seriousness net turret is only good in a 1v1 and maybe a 2v2 provided they ant bursty types, so that could be a reason to nerf it a bit for the 1v1 factor but for a game that is apparently not balanced around 1v1s i say “the kitten”
A lot worse? It was supposed to be a 3s immobilize every 10s, it will be 2s every 13s.
From 30% immobilize to ~15.3%. They halved its only effect in a couple months.
While still retaining all the weaknesses and bugs.
After all, it isn’t like they’re static, destructible, with an absurd hitbox and have the only function to immobilize.
Oh, wait, they are exactly like that. And this is, like, the third nerf in a row. No, excuse me, one was a tooltip fix.
Also, warrior may have no native access to protection…but nothing stops him from getting it from an ally – as it happens in every single party.
Whereas other classes can’t have its innate sustain.
Still, kits were nerfed. Either they revert said nerf or nerf all the weapons that are getting an additional sigil accordingly, indipendently on whatever change they’re doing.
(and speaking of kits, we’re still waiting the scaling on ascended stats for them in pve…)
As that is what happened when engineers’ kits were modified to inherit sigils from weapons. All of them had their damage nerfed, some even up to 30%.
Thus, for consistency, they’ll have to apply the same treatment to 2-handed weapon as well, to rebalance them in account for a second sigil.
If they want them to be useless then sure, they’re in a good position.
What about directly deleting the category? Would be faster, after all. It isn’t like they had any use before, and since all they seem to do is making them even more bad patch after patch*, surely they won’t get any in the future as well.
*net turret was supposed to be a 3s immobilize on 10s cooldown; with that patch it will become a 2s on 13s cooldown. And that’s without considering the nerf – no, they call it bug fix – on the overcharge…
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
Still, when they implemented sigils for kits they also nerfed them accordingly (and quite a bit), thus i suppose two handed weapons will see a similar nerf.
When sigils were implemented to work with kits, all kit damage was nerfed to compensate.
I expect them to do the same with two-handed weapons, due to the additional sigil.
I would rather have backdraft back. Along with the old juggernaut, at least for pve/wvsw.
If they want to make stats like toughness and vitality useful, it is the only way.
Offensive stats already have an effect on every skill related to them, after all, as well as healing power (even if i think it isn’t still relevant enough) and boon duration.
Doing so, people specialized in offensive stats wouldn’t have the same active mitigation as people specialized in defensive stats. Unlike now, where said mitigation skills ends blocking up better amounts of damage on offensive-gear people than on the defensive one (as the damage otherwise inflicted would be major compared to more tanky-geared people).
So why should we be the exception?
… he said, ignoring Elementalists.
And before you now say: “But but, they can change stance!!!!”, yes, they can. We have a toolbelt.
Both classes have extra skills (we have double heal/utility skills, they have quadruple weapon skills) and both classes in turn cannot swap weapons.Consider it that way around, weapon-switching gives you double the weapon skills. Instead of that, Engineers have double the heal/utility skills but – like Elementalists – the extra skills depend on the main skills.
I mentioned them exactly in the line above the one you quoted.
And they give up a weapon to get…a weapon set back and two additional ones. Double the number of the weapon skills, in total, plus utilities.
We are on the opposite spectrum: the only class that has a single weapon by default, with a fixed penalty (due to kits) on them.
And sure, we have our toolbelt…but do you want really to compare the potency and number of elementalists’ extra skills (15) to our extra skills (4)? Especially considering that if we get something good, the main utility is nerfed in return (see: elixir R)?
And often their effect is just a normal one splitted between the utility for the user and the toolbelt for the allies – like all the elixirs apart from R. Any other class would use the utility directly as an area buff (see: shouts). Without even having to spend time to aim an unpractical aoe. Let alone the random effects.
Or turrets? Their toolbelt can’t even be used while the main utility is active. Either one or the other.
Gadgets’ toolbelt are nice…but gadgets themselves are mostly useless, they just don’t have the same value of kits as opportunity costs go. And their traits…heh, we should say, “the lack of them”.
Or the lack of toolbelt traits – 3 of them, two of whose are minor ones, all in the last tree. And that should be our main mechanic.
Guardians too have extra skills, three of them, all of them signet-like. Yet they still have a second weapon. And 11 traits about their virtues.
We start at a disadvantage – one weapon less than anyone else – and must spend an utility slot just to catch up. At this point, any other class has still all their weapons, their utilities and whatever more is offered from their class mechanic. We have one less utility slot and a weapon nerfed to begin with.
The alternative is using a weakened-by-design single weapon and being forced to spam the autoattack half of the time because all our other skills are necessarily in recharge.
And it isn’t like this weapon can be made stronger…we must be balanced either by using a single one (plus utilities) than using one and four other kits. A balance nightmare. One that i don’t expect will ever be solved, unless they make each other utility strong like a kit.
Shrapnel wouldn’t work anymore with bombs and grenades, thus it would be so weak to be useless. Also, i did already explain why some traits are made this way in a post that was reposted above.
Infused precision…well, you changing the entire trait in a buff so small to be irrilevant. And breaking any sinergy with Invigorating Speed.
Precise Sights would be terrible vs players and trash mobs – as no one stays immobile in a fight – and it probably wouldn’t even be feasible: Scope didn’t work at all – it required the player to stand still – and was reworked with another completely different effect. So it would seems there are issues with finding in an enemy is effectively still or not.
In Go for the Eyes you’re completely changing a trait yet again – one that rewards high precision by giving some defense when using the rifle.
Removing the defensive feature in order to put a bonus less useful the most you’re investing in said tree and weapon.
Acidic Coating, same as above – completely changing a trait, again. It isn’t even specified how that vulnerability would be inflicted. Still, the blind would be more useful anyway, especially since we’re talking about a trait in a defensive tree.
Transmute was already changed – your description is wrong, it now converts a single incoming condition every 15s. It was made so terrible that your change could even be a buff.
Incendiary Powder, with a 3s delay, would be avoidable by moving normally, making it completely useless when fighting any mobile opponent. Probably even when crippled. Completely useless versus trash mobs, also. It wouldn’t even have enough time to activate.
Sharpshooter…you are basically putting a double condition to put that bleeding, and probably reducing quite a bit the amount of said bleedings – that were already poor anyway, as we’re talking about 1 stack per 3s. Seems more useful to zerk builds for getting often fury than for the condition builds it is supposed to work on. Especially since it worked that way to give condition user an incentive to get some precision. But with your change you would need quite a bit of precision to even begin seeing some of those bleedings. It probably would be overall weaker than the current one in a condition build, and used just for the fury in a zerk build, basically.
Edit: the post i was replying for was deleted. Considering the wall of text i had written, i’ll just leave it here.
Edit2: the on-chance passives are there by design – since we can’t have burst skills on kits due to balance reasons, as we would just rotate between them, we instead deal sustained damage. Those passives are means to increase said sustained damage.
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
By the way, while you can’t give an exact date yet, are those balancing going to be introduced before the end of living world season 1 or will they be part of the feature update that was mentioned after it?
Is there some plan to break heavy classes’ dominance over pve?
Cause this game was supposed not to have a trinity to avoid people having to wait for specific classes to do parties…yet all we can find in the lfg is “looking for guardian” or “looking for warriors”, as they are the only wanted classes.
Imho, toughness and vitality should have some kind of effect to some active skills like endure pain, blocks and similar, alike to how offensive stats work with…well, any skill that inflicts damage.
Toughness improves your heals already. No need for more.
A bit convoluted, but we may say that it ends doing that, by reducing damage. Albeit it is overshadowed by boons like protection, blocks, evades and other means of blocking/reflecting attacks.
Thus, why should people that don’t spec on mitigation be more efficent – as they would receive more damage if those attacks weren’t blocked/ they had no protection – in their active defense as people that take those stats (and thus are lacking in other aspects)?
You can wear full soldier yet still die to lupi if you don’t dodge red circles.
Has nobody been kittening paying attention in this thread?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0kDnswWyjYww, sword 5, mace 2
Party-wide magnetic aura from elementalists due to a trait, area blocks via arcane shield by elementalists, aegis and protection from guardians, ress banners (and, if traited for it, regen) from warrior.
And i’m probably forgetting something.
Imho, toughness and vitality should have some kind of effect to some active skills like endure pain, blocks and similar, alike to how offensive stats work with…well, any skill that inflicts damage.
The easiest way would probably be to tie the duration with some calculation based on those stats; the current duration could be assumed as the byproduct of that calculation when using celestial gear.
Tequatl slaying guilds are just a workaround for a terrible design choice.
If it had a reasonable scaling to begin with, no one would even have bothered to do such guilds.
As i have already said tens of times, the fight itself isn’t even challenging when you know the spots and have a general understanding of the fight.And neither is the real problem.
The problem is all in the number of people required to even have a chance to do it. The base scaling is far too high, basically.
Why do people guest in other servers and organize via guilds to do that? Because they’ll be sure there will be enough people there if they do so. Cause it is useless to even try otherwise. And people don’t stay in a map doing nothing for tens of minutes just to see if there will be enough people – unless they already know they will come.
The end result is of a Tequatl that isn’t even tried in most servers and gets done in a couple servers full of guesters and in some of the overflows (either by guilds or by random people).
Want to fix it? Reduce the base scaling. Just that.
Blame the design of the encounter, not the players.
Those guesters can’t do it on their servers, so they have no choice but to guest.
And that’s all due of the high scaling – it is useless to even try doing the event if there isn’t an army of players already there. And people will go where they know they can find said players. Your server, for example.
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
I would say it takes more player skill to dodge or block or position yourself than facetank something. I didn’t know that was such revolutionary thinking.
And that has nothing to do with gear.
Yet in pve any gear is drastically inferior to zerk (and i still think it is due to having three multiplicative factors in the same gear, leading to an exponential effect, unlike any other stats composition ingame, rampagers included).
Especially since you can make up for lack of defensive stats by using blinds, evades, blocks, protection apart from the active dodges; and yet the opposite isn’t true, as there is nothing that can make up for the lack of offensive stats – might and fury aren’t as effective, and are even more strong when using offensive gear than when using defensive ones anyway (unlike the mechanisms descripted above, that ends up being more efficent in mitigation the less defensive stats you have, as there isn’t any exponential scaling involved there, just straight nullifications or cuts).
In the end, wear zerker is always the best choice.
Making all the other gear types useless.
So, what is so wrong on wanting to have some meaningful choice in gear instead of a single set to rule them all?
P.S. and those videos don’t prove anything, i already replied about them multiple times, and they use a lot of active defenses that don’t depend on gear anyway, making those video irrilevant for the matter discussed.
As I recall, based on statements by the Devs, the rationale for Warriors having high health pools was that they were meant to have mediocre to average condition cleansing, so they used a huge HP buffer to stay alive instead. Given the fact that warriors have since been updated to have pretty good cleansing in some builds, it doesn’t seem inappropriate to throw base health into question if no other changes are made.
Indeed, as the class balance philosphies post clearly states, they were supposed to have an hard time versus conditions.
Now they removed that weak point, though, so the end result is what we can see in any game mode: warriors everywhere.
Though I do agree that the OP’s post was well thought out and constructive, I’d have to point out (yet again), that it’s UNTRUE. As has been demonstrated in another topic, defensive gear setups are nowhere near disadvantaged as compared to berserker in terms of survivability and in these terms, the game is balanced.
EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0kDnswWyjY (leaving the proof of tanky gear being good enough to get players through high level content without any active defenses)
Except there are a lot of active defenses in those videos – all those blocks and reflections sure don’t depend on “tanky gear”. And neither the warriors’ sustain or battle standard, or the mitigative abilities provided by the guardian (like protection).
They may not have used dodges, but half the party had a block+reflection with riposte (that would end with a melee hit, thus usable during all the ranged barrages), as well as blocks and, assuming the elementalist is using the same build from another video, area blocks and party-shared reflections as well via traited auras.
The whole premise of “not using dodges” doesn’t even make sense for the argument – they don’t depend on stats after all, so they can be used indipendently of the gear (as the skills mentioned above).
It doesn’t prove anything, basically. Assuming they weren’t aiming to showcase why warriors and guardians are the meta in pve.
I don’t see what is surprising about the matter, as it is the same reason why those stats are so strong at higher levels: all the stats involved are multiplicative between them, thus it ends being an exponential growth.
Very low when the factors involved are low, and out of control when the factors involved increase.