Showing Posts For Moonsinn.5382:

damage statistics from stomps

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


No, downed damage doesn’t count at all.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Pulmonary impact or headshot must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


No one would take a 15% damage nerfed ID on a 10 second cd. EA outweighs it by far.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Pulmonary impact or headshot must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


More so, you are implying IP is broken because thief invests into damage instead of picking more survival? Should i remind you on things like DH traps, that deal more than IP damage to EVERYONE, not a single target like IP. Same goes for necro marks etc. Sry but in grand picture 3k single target damage dealt by glass canon is hardly broken.

When combined with 500 with Headshot and other 2k from the sigl of air/fire + beeing ranged that punish evey1 even for moving , then there something wrong

That why they nerfed the sigil of air and fire in the past , and the spamm Headshot spec where one most of the superior specs after the S/d have been ’’destroyed’’
(by Caed in the money-prized tournament with his Dagger/unerfed Black Powder spamm)

If your way of your thinking is like your theif (pewpewpew 2222222) , theres lies the problem of understanding with him

Edit: Dont say that the Elite specs caused harm to the game , and in the other hand try to defend them …
Thats simply moronic…

One question how does this punish people from moving??? The Meta Build people are complaining about doesn’t use Torment so no punishing people for moving. And complaining about Sigils that everyone has access to and that can go off on any attack, smh I feel like you are just trying to fish for a reason to cry for Something is OP, but keep trying to make excuses that have no bearing on the situation.

And guess what almost all classes currently have an over abundance of counters to the Interrupts and the Headshot projectile, almost all Meta Build puke out Stability, Aegis/Blocks/Projectile Hate, all on relatively low CD. Maybe they should Shave those down a lot if they are gonna nerf PI.

Exactly. See, this guy gets it. While you have to wait around some circumstances to use Headshot, what’s really OP is the unblockable (bas venom), insta cast, non-LoS, teleport, boon stripping Steal. Of course Steal and Headshot are hardly the only options a thief has.


Complaining now about a 40 sec single target 1 charge Cc that does no damage by itself, that the charge gets wasted if someone uses a Dodge, or if Thief gets blinded(which there is an abundance of) or if it gets obstructed, which FYI happens a lot to Steal even on perfectly flat ground, so no damage and no cc happen? Bahahaha, you guys are trying hard to fish now.

You want to see the epitome of Unblockable CC? Look at Warrior 6 seconds all attacks are unblockable, and they can keep the Cc up while all their Cc skills except one does more damage than PI w/Headshot.

Nice try though will wait for more excuses.


How about a 20s steal that rips stability and applies a daze after. Insta cast, no animation, no need for LoS, teleports, etc etc.

See, what you obviously don’t understand is how different classes with different mechanics mean different thing when it comes to balance. So 6 seconds of unblockable attacks might seem crazy if, say, you’re a thief. But on a warrior at the cost of a utility spot, it’s not unreasonable at all. In fact the devs are so confident of it being on a warrior they actually give war the potential to double access (traited) on a 20s CD each. Because while it’s strong for a warrior to be able to pressure a target who wants to sit behind a block all of a sudden, it’s certainly not over powered considering- warrior. Nice strawman though, maybe try again.

To be clear: I’ve not targeted PI specifically at all. But I’m happy to continually point out how Thief ini system and their overall mechanics are, and have always been broken. If anything we should be thankful for the changes to the game that have left them in the somewhat troublesome (more a slight annoyance for them really than any actual problem) position they’re in. They’ve certainly always been able to take extreme advantage in this game, and still do.

Ini system is still there. Mechanics still haven’t changed.

Rev is the same.

You know there are literally 8 different traits that thieves take to make steal as powerful as it is, right?

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Guardian build that's a Tank and not an APC

in Guardian

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


You honestly will find more what you are looking for with warrior. Guardian has always been support based.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Pulmonary impact or headshot must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Just imagine if the thief used heartseeker to finish him off instead. Oh how the nerf hate would fly. Surprise! Thieves do big damage! Oh wait, we had the “spam 2” complaints a couple years ago.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

People cant speak English in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


On a more serious note, I only look at map pings. Most of what is said in chat is worthless. If you have a lot of time to chat during a match you are either dead a lot, camping a node no one is attacking, or an afk troll.

There’s a lot of truth there. Only exception is when I’m capping or decapping and have a moment to type something, but even then I usually ping map. Oh, and when I /dance on corpses.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

spvp is garbage

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


It seems to me that anet has been trying to balance it by buffing core and nerfing HoT. I’m pretty sure they said somewhere that their intention is to make it balanced. The problem is the elite specs needed to be wanted in order to sell the expansion. Now they are toning it down slowly, and bringing up core (which is tough to do without buffing elites).

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

People cant speak English in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


I understand the frustration with not being able (or knowing if you can) communicate with your team. The matches where I am literally the only one in team chat I often lose. However, this happens even with people who speak English, like another posted, and all you can do is ping and draw on map and watch their movements to try to coordinate with them.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Pulmonary impact or headshot must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


This thread has gone on too long. OP (or someone else) needs to post a video showing how broken this skill is, or it’s all theoretical bullkitten. Arguing about what a thief can potentially do is pointless. People who play thief know what it takes to win with thief, and it’s not as easy as the “nerf PI” crowd would have you believe.

Video or end thread.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Very important PSA

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Oh man, I feel for you. I stopped playing support role because of its reliance on competent teammates. I honestly don’t know how someone gets into platinum without understanding roles. I will always rotate to where I see an ele in a 1v1. That’s my job, not his. Likewise, I’m not going to make a thief sit on a point to finish capping it, or worse guarding it. He has better things to do.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Change Decay System please

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


There must be data related to how many matches it takes to get a reasonable estimate of rating. I think implementing a minimum number of matches to qualify for leaderboard would help this situation. Decay is definitely too lenient, but I would hesitate to make it very harsh to address this problem. Anet wants this game to be accessible to the casual players, and alienating them would only hurt matchmaking in the long run.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Pulmonary impact or headshot must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Have you tried Traiting into Impact Disruption or equipping Daredevil to begin with?

Was this to me? Of course I did. It was a joke as much as this thread is.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

New build

in Guardian

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Hey fellow guardians,

Just wanted to share this new build for testing. I’ve used it from T1 silver to T2 gold, and it still is feeling strong. I actually prefer it to the other meta builds. I’d like people to actually test it out and see how it works for them, especially people in plat or legend to see if it’s viable.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Pulmonary impact or headshot must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Just for kicks I thought I would see what spamming head shot would do in unranked. I killed no one, the other team made fun of me in map chat, and my teammates told me to go hotjoin. True story.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

PvP Quick Stomp

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Pretty sure it actually is a thing. Had a game today and lord got stomped within 0.5 sec after down by thief. Not sure about regular stomp however.

Sounds like thief’s finishing blow.

Hmm now I look up it sounds right. Probably with quickness and make the stomp go super fast.

If timed right with the first two hits and the last one finishes them as soon as hey go down.

This. If the last hit from the daredevil elite chain takes the remainder of your regular health bar, downstate gets skipped entirely and you go straight to defeated. Most daredevils using it generally prefer to wait until someone is downed rather than gambling on pulling that off, though.

(Incidentally, from what I recall of prerelease stuff, downed state was actually intended more for PvP than PvE.)

Sidetracking from the mechanics; Although the daredevil elite chain is pretty underused (probably only staff thief will take the elite), I don’t think temper with downstate mechanics with any skill is a good idea considering res is a huge part of the current gameplay. Timing stealth for res would be impossible (and the skill description sounds like it will stomp through stealth too.)

In any case, anet has lots of other balancing issues to take care of and this is not one of them.

If they Stealth the Stomp have to have a target

Good to know. Now anet needs to make lord stop attacking when down like my bronze teammates

Lmao, so true.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

PvP Quick Stomp

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Haven’t run into it, but there’s still the issue that thieves can stomp from stealth which is just unneccessarily overpowered

Bahahaha this is OP? when there are people that can Stomp while under Stability, Stomp while Invuln, not even be near you and stomp you. But Stealth which the Thief can still be Cc’d and Thief isn’t the only class that can Stealth Stomp and the other classes have access to Stability while being able to stealth Stomp, it’s not game breaking or OP, it’s a form of actual Strategic/tactic gameplay.

I think they should remove the downstate completely in PvP it’s a crutch that was designed for PvE.

Omg the complaints on these forums are so funny.

Haven’t you heard? Everything about thief is OP this season. AA damage, shadow shot, head shot spam, evade spam, condi spam, staff spam, now stealth stomping…

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

What determined skill rating gain?

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


You get larger changes when you do something outside of what the prediction is. This makes the algorithm “less certain” about your true skill, so your rating changes more.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

PvP Quick Stomp

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Pretty sure it actually is a thing. Had a game today and lord got stomped within 0.5 sec after down by thief. Not sure about regular stomp however.

Sounds like thief’s finishing blow.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

ALL Thieves are so bad at rotating

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Every Time my team loses it’s always because of the thief. I don’t care if our marauder longbow/staff druid sat off point all game and did nothing, we blame the thief.

Seeing a Thief die to a Dragons Maw off point, all I can do is call him a pleb all game, he should have known there was static traps placed off point, he is pleb.

I watch thief try and spike something, but everyone’s explosive AoE stops him from getting anywhere near the stomp, everyone cleaves, rez gyro is rezzing, thief is pleb, should have stomped inside gravity wells and Dragons Maw. Thief too scared to cross Test Of Faith too, and there’s lots of those on points. Thief is bad, should play traps DH or Warrior instead, he is pleb for trying to play something that requires skill instead of spamming traps and aoe.


Lmao, he just needs to spam 4. It’s OP and needs a nerf.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Pulmonary impact or headshot must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Here’s a basic BP->Heartseeker->Steal, BS, dash out, headshot spam against the Mesmer npc for comparison. I used the meta build.


Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Weighing Number of Games in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382



Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Condi thief Foefire exploit needs fix

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


No. Just stop randomly attacking the thief in panic mode. Wait for him to be almost back to ground and then stun, immob, KB, pull, whatever. Repeat after auto stun break. Repeat as needed. They really don’t do crazy condi damage like necros or burn guards. You have time.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Reasons why thief is not OP

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


I just wish I could actually be as successful as easily as all these new “thief OP” whiners claim because I have to work significantly harder for my wins on thief than I do as guard. Oh, but then…nerf guard too.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Condi thief Foefire exploit needs fix

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Condi thief is trash and free kill if you know what to do. Nothing to see here. Move along. Hint: cc

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Pulmonary impact or headshot must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Aoe and instant casts. I’m not saying every class can do this because obviously thief counters some classes.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

nerf burn guards pls

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Yeah I don’t want to switch from thief. Definitely nerf DHs.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Pulmonary impact or headshot must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Yeah let’s nerf dagger aa damage, ID, vault, SS. Thieves just do too much damage in general for the amount of sustain and team support. I mean, I was fighting a perfectly fun 1v1 once, and this thief came out of nowhere and killed me. This should not be allowed.

/end sarcasm

This thread is the biggest joke I’ve seen in the forums in a long time. Thieves (and ID) are not wrecking the game. Thieves are honestly one of the few professions that have a risk/reward playstyle right now, and ID in particular is a trait that you must take as a tradeoff with one of the best condi cleanses the class has.

Whats the risk? Thieves have the highest sustain in the game. A thief should never really die such is their sustain. Huge evasion and decent healing.

Also the most mobile class shouldn’t be a juggernaut in actual fights. That is bad for the game.

Oh they can escape, but that’s not sustain. Sustain, to me, means being able to provide steady pressure while surviving pressure. Any d/p thief under pressure will have to use defensive skills to survive. They absolutely have to have high dps in order to not be useless. These are geurilla tactics.

And I completely disagree that the most mobile class shouldn’t be a juggernaut. They shouldn’t be tanky, but they need to be like the light brigade, getting to critical battles to turn the tide quickly and move on.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

try something else (new alg)

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Hence the “:p”

(That’s an emoticon of sticking tongue out)

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Pulmonary impact or headshot must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Yeah let’s nerf dagger aa damage, ID, vault, SS. Thieves just do too much damage in general for the amount of sustain and team support. I mean, I was fighting a perfectly fun 1v1 once, and this thief came out of nowhere and killed me. This should not be allowed.

/end sarcasm

This thread is the biggest joke I’ve seen in the forums in a long time. Thieves (and ID) are not wrecking the game. Thieves are honestly one of the few professions that have a risk/reward playstyle right now, and ID in particular is a trait that you must take as a tradeoff with one of the best condi cleanses the class has.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

nerf burn guards pls

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


build is absolutely disgusting, not only do guardians have an unblockable unavoidable pull and can drop their traps twice on a point, but can put 12 stack of burning on you can will take you to 30% hp before my Pain Absorption is even done being cast.

I don’t think anyone agrees with you on this. Regardless of your ranking, I think it’s time you put some thought into learning what you can do to counter them as a mallyx rev or perhaps expanding your profession options.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

try something else (new alg)

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


According to the page, it can take from 46-138 matches to accurately determine skill level from 2 team/8 player matches. GW2 does it in 10 :p

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

5 matches in a row 4x5

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


I’m so sorry…

…that I wasn’t your opponent in those matches.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Climbing out of bronze

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382



The seasons have been repeatedly set up with stacked matches. That is to say, matches that were deliberately unfair, set up for one side predicted to win.

I don’t expect to be top of the leaderboard. I do expect an even match. This season, as the three previous ones, the matches are uneven.

As to indirectly holding me responsible for pvp issues.. well, thanks for granting me that much power.

Matches are not deliberately stacked. They MM algorithm tries to get matches as close as possible, but it will never be perfect. In this game mode, though, even a little difference in skill or some luck can make a big difference in score. It is possible to snowball after winning mid, and unless the losing team is coordinated, it can be difficult to gain momentum back.

Hogwash, it HAS to be because of stacked teams.

Nevermind zero evidence that shows Anet is remotely doing anything like this, if people are losing a lot of games it can’t be them settling into the rank they should be at it’s definitely Anet’s fault.


Also you forgot to add the just because 4 out of 10 of your matches consist of at least 1 to 2 AFKers at the start, that it’s completely your fault that you lost not ANet’s. ANet don’t put on into stacked matches, you are just so much of a bad player that you can’t hold two points at the same time to win enoth games to get out of clowntown bronze. You also forgot to tell people to Git Gud and Learn to Carry 3v5 matches or even 2v5 matches while at the same time only earning 5 to 10 a match and losing 15 to 23 a match. But that completely on those who are trying to actually progress, not on ANet’s match making system at all right?

I agree we should take more responsibility for our actions. But our actions at best make up %25 to %33 at best, of the win unless you can hack or use scripts. I think people should also not wait till only the same 20 to 30 players are only playing PvP before admitting their is a huge discrepancy with the system and how it judges players and set up teams. There is a reason more and more people are evacuating GW2’s PvP. And as more and more PvPers leave, that leaves everyone with only PvEers chasing rewards and those few getting paid to play or the ones that are their joking to themselves that they are actually good because, it’s actually all of the competition lefted.

Then again there are actually a few chosen players that are just flat out giving leader board positions with barely any games played. Then you have people with not only more games played but also a higher win/loss percentage way lower then them. I mean how innocent you think me to be to know that this isn’t even more crooked then the WWF (now called the WWE).

You think that people who climb the ranks don’t get on teams with afkers or dcs? You have to remember that those people get assigned to teams without personal bias. It might be your team one match and your opponents’ the next. YOU are the ONLY constant in every single match you play. I’m not saying you can’t have bad luck or bad losing streaks. I’ve had them too. I’m just saying that if you are generally a better player than the others in you rating range, you will end up winning more matches, on average, than them, and you will climb the ranks.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Climbing out of bronze

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382



The seasons have been repeatedly set up with stacked matches. That is to say, matches that were deliberately unfair, set up for one side predicted to win.

I don’t expect to be top of the leaderboard. I do expect an even match. This season, as the three previous ones, the matches are uneven.

As to indirectly holding me responsible for pvp issues.. well, thanks for granting me that much power.

Matches are not deliberately stacked. They MM algorithm tries to get matches as close as possible, but it will never be perfect. In this game mode, though, even a little difference in skill or some luck can make a big difference in score. It is possible to snowball after winning mid, and unless the losing team is coordinated, it can be difficult to gain momentum back.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Pulmonary impact or headshot must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Are people really winning by “spamming” head shot? Having 0 initiative is never a good thing. I’ve always used it with intention, myself. I think an ICD on Impacting Disruption would be the fairest change for balance. All the rest of the suggestions make the trait or the skill useless.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Climbing out of bronze

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


May as well put in my anecdote. I did bad in placement matches and got put in T1 silver, 1086 rating if I remember correctly. Struggled in silver for a bit and even fell to bronze 3 at one point. I kept at it though and slowly climbed my way with losses and loss streaks along the way. Most of the games have been good with a lot of very close matches, but also some blowouts. Currently I’m in gold 2 at 1486 rating, 400 above my starting place, 101 and 71, and having pretty good matches for the most part.

It is possible to get out of bronze/silver if you are good enough. I don’t think I’m anything better than average. I only got to ruby in previous seasons. One thing I changed this season is making a commitment to laying out a clear strategy at the beginning of each match to hopefully get everyone working together, and then if my team isn’t going along with it, adapting myself to play how I perceive them wanting to play. I’ve won matches with 2 thieves, for example, simply by playing around what I know they can do.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Make the PVP Lords a lot stronger

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


lord is better than it was. remember when a trap DH could walk in and kill everyone with in 10 seconds?

Pretty much this. Lord has breakbar, heals himself, and has a downstate. He doesn’t need to be a fractal boss. There is plenty of time to defend against one attacker if you are paying attention.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Foefire "Your lord is under attack" duration

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


I usually just ping the green check on the map, but yeah, it’s annoying.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

nerf Traps!!! QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


I just dodge all traps now, even my own. XD

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

In-combat Run Speed Too Slow?

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Well, it would make rotating to other points a little faster if you’re still in combat. Not sure if that’s good or bad though. Personally, I’d rather have enemies be slower to walk out of my aoe. I just hate when I’m on the receiving end.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Sword 3

in Guardian

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Tested against thief npc’s reflect.


Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Class Stacking - Post Yr Pics

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


People complain about DH stacking…


Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Which is broken? DH or matchmaking?

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


DH is strong but has counters, and the guard profession has the most diversity. I think the rest of the professions need to be balanced around it. I would also argue that thief is in a similar place, having niche roles with decent diversity. Interestingly, staff thief is very effective against DHs while d/p is an upward battle.

Also, symbolic DH is very susceptible to cc bursts. They still have the small guardian health pool with very little stability/stunbreaks.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Blue Laser of Dragonhunters

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


Cool, we get druid’s staff aa?

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

"What does 'rotate' mean?"

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


In a very general sense, rotating is moving around the map in a manner to create favorable fights for your team and unfavorable fights for your opponents. This includes knowing when to leave a point (either winning or losing) when you can do more good elsewhere, as well as knowing when to stay (whether in a fight or not).

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Sword 3

in Guardian

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


I agree. If ZD gets reflected, it should then get destroyed by the same skill. If it doesn’t work this way, it has to be a bug.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Rune of the Lynx

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


I’m all for it, but at least as a guardian you get a little more burn damage. It’s not bad at all.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

nerf Traps!!! QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


I support this. The little red ring isn’t cutting it for me.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Down skill 3

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


I love this skill. I kick a warrior’s tush, then I get to do it again just to add insult to injury.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior

Nerf trap damage already

in PvP

Posted by: Moonsinn.5382


@Moonsinn.5382: 3 DHs on enemy team? LOL.

I would switch classes if I saw that, lol.

Aethelweard Rex – Guard
Trist Lockwood – Thief
Aelius Swift – Warrior