Sounds like skills like Warrior’s Counterblow, Guard’s Protector’s strike, or Ranger’s Counterattack. I’m assuming the OP is talking about Counterattack with the mention of cc, though.
I understand the complaint from necros, but I have to say that one of my favorite soloq matches was me as a shout support guard with 4 necros. I dished out all the aegises, protection, regen, and stability they needed, rezzed as needed, and they made Chernobyl look like a tanning salon. Fun times.
I like the symbol to be a bit quicker, too. It’s always felt clunky to me.
Numerous tests on dps golem shows that staff deals significantly more damage than d/d. It’s also easier to use and is more survivable with evade frames. I really want it not to be, though, because I want to use my Incinerator in pve.
I’m fairly sure the 1s cd on stealth attacks was to prevent breaking through 1 hit defenses like Aegis or Blind, since hitting them does not break stealth.
Yeah, but it’s not like it didn’t have counterplay before. You see your aegis block an attack, dodge. You see a “miss”, dodge. It’s not like the backstabs were flying as fast as double strike. They still took time to perform, and if your opponent was able to get a tell and outplay you, great. If not, then you get to land a hard hitting skill.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding what’s being said here, but the Daredevil can do a ton of damage while dodging via Lotus and Bound.
Nobody uses Bounding Dodger unless he is out of mind. Lotus is the only exception, used only by Condi builds. Unhindered combatant is the only one for 90% of Dardevils
The OP was talking about staff acro build which absolutely uses bounding dodger. Vault also deals a ton of damage with an evade frame.
I still hope they just remove it. It’s the only weapon skill with a cd in the whole profession, it’s the only one that you have a time limit to land, and it’s the only weapon skill you can only land once. We should get a 25% damage buff to all stealth skills as compensation.
I second invigorating precision. I run DA, CS, and DD with bound and staff, full zerker stats, and scholar runes. It makes all HoT maps easy mode. Sometimes you will die to a burst if you don’t anticipate it, but once you get used to mobs attacks, it’s fine.
I actually think the passive heal isn’t too bad with some healing power now. The active heal’s cast time is still way too long, though, and roots you. It’s absolutely worthless in all game modes, especially with the cd.
Tbh, all you really need is invigorating precision if you are having trouble surviving. You could drop acro for DA and do fine imo.
Yup, we are going to see more venom thives now, along with the powerful dmg buff from vital shot.
Lmao! Vital shot venom thief ftw!
The 33% idea wouldn’t really work because conditions are not the same as direct damage. let’s say you pop a 3 second resistance and get hit with an 8 second bleed. You’ve really only mitigated like 12% of the damage. I think resistance is fine and condis are fine.
Meh, it’s (edit for unnecessary censor) hit or miss either way. I’ve won and lost against 5-man premades as a solo q’er. Being premade in itself doesn’t give you much of an advantage.
Great goodbye post. Good read. Good luck.
DH system too harsh?
time to nerf gerdians again.
Lol, that’s what I was thinking.
Are other people finding this to be true? Because I’ve found more dps on test golem throwing in bound and vault after every two aa rotations, even with quickness.
What if you’re left handed? ??
I was running all shouts with mender’s ammy, pure of heart, virtues line, and DH line. I felt like I had decent sustain even when focused. It may fall short of ele/druid support, I don’t know/don’t play them, but I won 4/5 matches and felt like I contributed a lot in team battles.
If they even have chat turned on/read it, I always try to be very polite about it, using please and thank you. More flies with honey…
I actually got my team to listen to me last night and came back from a 150 point deficit.
I’ve been playing a shout DH for a bit. So far it’s not bad. Great team support with boons and condi cleanse, decent sustained damage, and some sustain.
I think it’s a reasonable suggestion. It seems like it could be implemented. However, I also find that there are fewer extreme matches, like 5 v 2,1,1,1 or 4,1 v full solo, than the forums would have you believe. That said, those matches for me have usually been blowouts, unless it’s the noob guild team that plays worse than a full solo.
So I’ve tested dps on golem several times, and every time I do, I get the most dps using the rotation of bound, vault, and auto attack chain X 2. I’ve done this with and without raid buffs (including quickness), and with and without 25 stacks vulnerability. I found, from least to greatest dps:
1. Staff AA
2. Staff AA with bound
3. Staff AA with bound and weakening charge (meta rotation)
4. Staff AA with bound and vault
Maybe some others can test this rotation to confirm.
(edited by Moonsinn.5382)
I played guard for a loooong time and played mostly DH after HoT came out. I switched to thief mostly because it was more fun. Guards and DHs have long been counters to thieves. Now I just /laugh at them, avoid their bursts and burst them down. I couldn’t do that before the last couple balances.
I agree that if you ignore them in a team fight they can be obnoxious, but they melt very quickly under focused fire, and hit like an al dente noodle.
Lol, I thought you were gonna say they are a joke because they’re worthless. They’ve been nerfed so hard now that if you still are having a hard time with them, I don’t know what to say.
I agree that classes feel relatively balanced now. I never see team comps now and think, “oh crud, they have x and we have x”. Seems like every class has something to offer.
DH is not considered meta, but it is a viable class, just bottom tier.
MM seems to work so far only thing what a program cannot account for is the Human.So far every game i got lost what could be win,was due to players fault for loss in my team.Their skill lvl was below average,no clue what he is doing,no CC no interrupt nothing.Not to mention the joke me playing as druid i put heals down and want cleanse people they keep running away from heal.So player awareness in middle of heat in the fight 0.Then you can even notice that some players get the tunnel view seeing only the health bar and slight view from health bar.And they wonder why they not progress league.And come here on forum to complain that MM did not give them the 1 press button win…
Tunnel View Pic attached
Lol, I like your tunnel view pic. So true.
I have to say this is just silly. I see so many necro’s give up and rage. Maybe because they are so reliant on team support they get more frustrated with bad play. However, these players that rushed home are likely noobs, and you have to wonder why you are in their division. I try my hardest every day, up until the end. I’ve won so many games that turned around and lost games in the same way, when my team that seemed invincible up to that point is suddenly get outrotated hard.
Giving up should be a bannable offense with enough complaints. It’s such a waste of a game to not try and have fun during it. Why bother queuing if you’ll only fight in games you can win, this isn’t real life, there is no consequence for losing, you only get better with every loss. Grow up afk pvpers.
As for comments of giving up with 2 thieves and 2 warriors. You sir lack forward cognitive skills. The winner of a team is decided by how good the players are, team composition is important, but if the skill is far enough, and the team plays together well enough, you can easily overcome poor team composition.
LMAO. I think I was one of the thieves in that match in your pic. Or at least another 3 thief team with very similar chat and outcome.
@OP What I do when others follow me to home is just keep running to mid, or if it’s an outnumbered fight, go far. I play thief though, so I try to manipulate rotations if I have a bad team.
There are 3 possible scenarios at play in his situation, none f which, imo, deserve an afk.
1. This is unranked, and the average MMR of the teams is somewhat balanced. If there are noobs on the necros team, there are likely noobs on the other team. Test out the opposing team to see. Also, if you are an above average player and play unranked, expect to be teamed with lower than average players.
2. This is ranked, and he is teamed with people of similar MMR. He deserves the team he got, most likely. Buck up.
3. They are brand new players and have an average MMR, and they shouldn’t be in that match. Less likely since MMR is volatile at first, and doesn’t stay average for long unless it should be there. The necro still should at least start playing the match to see what happens after that.
There’s a problem here – you don’t get wins towards the wins achievement even if you’re rated in a higher league – so say I was diamond and made sapphire – this should give me the wins for emerald and amber league towards my achievement – but it doesn’t.
This is both sad and upsetting.
Wait you want the wins that would have earned you the pips to get to your division!? Wtf?! How entitled can you be? You can’t even calculate it because it can vary so much with wins, losses, and streaks. And besides, it’s not like there’s a cap on number of wins. Go out and earn them just like every other season.
I fail to see a problem here.
I feel like I have to point out that the necro was teamed with others of similar MMR. He got the game he deserved and will continue to get those games until he learns to work with bad players.
Not gonna quote the people who replied to last post.
Please don’t insult me. I play rev and thief both and understand the mechanics well enough. There are myriad differences between the two, and I wasn’t the one who compared the two initially. I’m merely pointing out that phase traversal is a much more powerful skill for gap closing. Comparing it to steal would be more apt.
I’d also like to point out that even though thieves don’t spend initiative on heals and utilities (they have longer cds instead), they also don’t have a mechanic to reset their initiative with legend swap. Also, the skill only uses 7/20 of the potential total energy, if anyone is willing to let their energy get to full.
Isn’t that a season 1 title? If the player didn’t make it to ruby in season 2, he would start in amber this season.
Rev is out, kaput. Ded. Hail thief overlords and warriors. This is overnerf, its like thief that would have to use 10 ini just for shortbow 5.
I would gladly use 10 initiative for an infiltrator’s arrow with 1200 range and teleported me through walls and gave me unblockable attacks. Oh, but then I would only be able to use it every 10 seconds instead of every 5 like revs.
Good nerfs. Energy is supposed to be a limiting factor for revs like initiative is for thieves. Learn to manage.
Edit: I take that back. At 35 energy, it would take 7 seconds to regenerate. So technically, you could use it every 7 seconds.
(edited by Moonsinn.5382)
QoL change :
- no more knock back when we use shadow step or tp skill out of dh trap or hammer 5 ring
- No damage taken when teleport skill are used throug any AoE/trap/etc… it’s a tp not a quick walk.
Sorry, but these aren’t actually teleports, they are shadow steps. These are meant as “quick walks”, your character is actually moving through the border but with incredible speed. Just like these ninjas in anime, they appear instantly, but they are still moving.
So I quick walk up to a ledge? But I can run through it with dash and not take damage. Does the same thing happen with DH or rev teleports?
I’m actually surprised they didn’t change this when they were looking at it for the last balance. I suppose they feel that all stacks given to potentially all players on your team would be too much for pvp.
I just wish they would switch it with escapist’s absolution. That one is a more universally useful trait, and I would love to have it and impacting disruption at the same time.
It won’t interrupt because it’s not a channeled skill. It’s instant cast and stays up for the duration regardless of what the DH is or isn’t doing.
I agree, but maybe it’s because I also play rev. I find their skills way too easy to predict and counter/dodge. Staff 5 is the only skill that catches me off guard often.
This is a silly discussion. Unless you are sitting around at full initiative for a time, you can get to the full stack fairly easily. You can literally use 1 initiative every second and get to 15 stacks after 15 seconds and stay there. Both play styles got buffed.
D/P is the go to weapon set. Check out the metabattle build for that. I personally run bandit’s defense, shadowstep, and agility signet for utilities. They all offer multiple functionality. I also like channeled vigor for healing and basilisk venom for elite, but withdraw and impact strike are good options.
I don’t play engi, but from what I hear, you may get more bang for your buck there. Thief can be very fun but also difficult . Typically people who stick with it are hopeless, degenerate addicts like me.
I really like these suggestions. This is probably one of the best change threads I’ve read. Some of them might be a bit much, but not over the top like others I’ve seen on this forum.. I could see some actual viable build diversity in there. Well done!
I like it for d/p. I get up to 15 stacks very quickly and stay there for pretty much the duration of the encounter. It’s much better than dealing less damage as you use initiative.
I ended up going with Shadow Abyss with (I think) lilac highlights. Whatever color matches Lord Taeres’s Shadow for sword. I also use Peacemaker Staff which has a purplish glow. It’s on the pinkish side, but idc, my toon is manly enough to wear it.
Can staff #3 be used to set up #2 (weakening charge) by setting you up at a good distance to hit with more of #2’s strikes?
I may try this…
I think you really only get one hit like this. Better to be about max melee range for weakening strikes. You can get 2, sometimes all 3, hits.
Staff 3 is ok to set up vault also. You get a double evade. That said, I seldom use it, but it has its place.
Edit: I actually think it would be better if you evaded through your target and turned around to face them, auto attacking again. I don’t feel staff needs an escape skill since usually you are trying to get into range.
(edited by Moonsinn.5382)
I tried my old shout bunker build with DH instead of virtues:
It was kind of nice. Tons of healing, boons, aegises, and condi clear for your team. Good up time on stability for stomps/rezzes and quickness. Honestly DH doesn’t offer a whole lot to a bunker build other than much better F2 and F3. It works though.
Personally, I keep going back to this as a staff build.
It’s not a burst build, but you have tons of mobility and sustain with great damage. I can do the +1/decap role well and can also help a lot in team fights. I can also run away from almost any losing battle to go elsewhere. Oh, and I 1v1 most classes fairly easily.
However: you run dont stop and unhindered combatant in the same build. Why? You also use mesmer runes and only have a single daze. Change your runes. I personally like vampire, simple thief rune could also be a good idea if you really just want the damage.
Quoting this for emphasis. The runes I could see maybe, but don’t stop and dash are really redundant.
Also Vigorous Recovery gives 26.25 endurance over the span of 7s when you use a heal skill. Considering that you use Dash. I would say that half of the endurance needed for dash on a 7s delay isn’t worth it. Possibly similar reasoning going to Feline Grace and Sigil of Energy, which both offer 18.75 endurance over the span of 5s.
Edit: Also note that those gains don’t stack in parallel. Meaning that if you proc Vigorous Recovery and Feline Grace/Sigil of Energy at the same time then you get 45 endurance over 12s. 12s is quite a long time for less than one dodge. Tells you something about how much Sigil of Energy got nerfed when it used to give one dodge instantly. Where now even a Sigil of Energy proc + a skill tied to the CD of your heal + Vigor buffs from Acro don’t offer one dodge over the span of 12s.
I agree about not using Don’t Stop and Vigorous Recovery. However, I have to point out that you are forgetting about Endless Stamina in your calculations. Vigorous Recovery gives 39.375 endurance over 7 seconds, and Feline’s Grace gives 29.125 over 5 seconds with the extra endurance from vigor. This means you can dodge every 3.8 seconds while vigor is up, with Endless Stamina, instead of every 4.4 seconds without Endless Stamina or every 6.6 seconds without vigor.
I have to say, I’ve been able to 1v1 many classes as well. I find DH and scrappers hardest of course, but revs, necros, thieves, some druids, mesmers, haven’t been too tough. Eles are so so for me. Maybe I’m consistently fighting people less skilled than me. I’m not super serious about it, and I’m only emerald right now. I also run a acro, trick, DD staff build which is a little more bruiser than the norm, so it can take me a bit longer. I feel more useful in a team fight though because I can sustain decently.