Showing Posts For NICENIKESHOE.7128:

Necromancer Die Die Die no skill no score

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


I think this is to do with lack of tutorial or terrible template. Clearly OP doesn’t have any stun breaks, which btw no profession can survive without it. His choice of offensive utilities is also questionable. Lacking clear direction on going power or condi. Along with core necro I think its safe to say he’s just starting pvp/GW2.

PvP Feels Utterly Broken For Necros

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


condi bomb -> moa and moa -> condi bomb is very difference. If you a mes you know what i said ( bomb -> stealth -> moa). Although i will stand and afk and take a coffee to see their show. But for newbie, they kill theirself. And how long CD of moa for eng and mes??? 1.5 mins? 1 mins?

If you’re a mes you’d know mesmer metas haven’t be using stealth for 6 seasons already. Ofc the options are there and you can talk about those odd builds minority uses, but know that you either have to sacrifice portal or signet of illusions, both of which are essential in rotation or your “condi bomb”.

[OCX/SEA][PvX][RED]Crimson Sunspears

in Looking for...

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


[RED]Crimson Sunspears is an OCX PvX guild in NA servers looking for new and veteran players to explore Tyria together! We do fractals, dungeons and we do raids with new players. Currently we’re looking for stable raid members who are available on Wednesday and/or Friday 8pm Sydney time. You don’t have to be experienced in raid but we do ask members to have the patience to learn over time and work on their builds.

Crimson Sunspears was originally formed as Crimson Mind in 2013. Many of us have left or taken a long break due to real life circumstances, but a lot of us have been around even til now. We value the small community and friendship we build over these years and we’re happy to have both new and returning players.

Friendship is the key focus of this guild. We pride ourselves on having a guild that is tight-knit and friendly, at the same time as remaining open minded. Guild members are expected to treat each other with respect, and whilst we don’t shun things like swearing or `unique self expression’ we don’t tolerate abuse of members.

We understand that real life comes first, and value our close-knit culture above all else. We are driven to experience and participate in all of the content that the game has to offer. However, we’re only interested in doing this with a group of friends who we look forward to seeing when we log into the game, rather than blowing through content with a group of hired guns who are together out of convenience.

Voice Communication
In Crimson Sunspears we believe communication is the foundation of a healthy guild culture. Subsequently, we strongly encourage all members to use the guild voice comm/discord where we can get to know you – by voice. It makes it much easier when grouping knowing whose voice belongs to who.

Guild Events
Since we are a small, tight-knit guild, members who are wanting to complete group content are asked to organize the events using the guild chat/discord as much as possible. We’d prefer if we can complete group events within the guild rather than having to PuG players. The easiest way to ensure this is by staying organized and communicating intent within the guild. Having said that, we are a “real life comes first” guild and fully understand when a member cannot attend guild events.

Currently Crimson Sunspears organizes weekly raids on Friday 8pm Sydney time and we are looking to expand our raid opportunity to Wednesday as well. We’re looking for 4-5 more stable members who will be available on Wednesday and/or Friday. What we expect is someone mature and sociable enough to contribute to a guild and patient enough to go through the steps of learning the game. We enjoy a challenge. We don’t mind wiping or getting stuck at a point that requires work on our part to get around. We play because we enjoy gaming. We also believe that gaming is much more fun with people you know well and can trust.

The guild also host weekly guild missions and activities like raffles and scavenger hunt.

Recruits and members are expected to behave in a courteous manner (as are all members) both in-game and on voice communication. Whilst we do not shun swearing or other ‘unique personal expressions’, we will not tolerate abuse in any form. This means that we will not tolerate any abuse of members for religious, cultural, or sexual preferences. Members that violate this expectation will be spoken to about the behavior. If the behavior continues, further action will be taken at the discretion of the leadership.

Most of our members are mature in age (mid-20s and 30s), thus conversation held in guild tends to be more mature in nature. Recruits and members are reminded that whilst traversing Tyria as a member of Crimson Sunspears, you are representing our family and should behave accordingly.

If you’re interested in joining our small but friendly community, message me or send an in-game email to NICENIKESHOE.7128.

(edited by NICENIKESHOE.7128)

New condi build [Daredevil] Patch 16.05.17

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


I’m actually interested in whether you can slot sigil of fallibility just to add some covering conditions, since sigil of misery is still quite sad with just 1s extra torment in teef traits.

What class is actually hardcountering thief ?

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Nothing really "hard"counters it since thief chooses the fight. I’d say DH soft counters it in terms of combat but due to its mobility a good thief still have greater control on the map.

When do I shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


He said general PvE and he’s using GS (our weapon of tagging pretty much) so I presume its open world.

Against normal mobs you can shatter mind wreck after summon to quickly kill mobs. But against veterans or something stronger you won’t be able to kill them as quick, and I’m speaking as someone using full zerk. Unfortunately you just have to auto attack or find something to do while phantasms or other attacking skills are on CD.

This changes a bit when you run chronophantasma, but you still have a bit of damage “downtime” after you shatter. I generally slot wells along just to keep buff on allies or keep up the damage, but yeah mesmer doesn’t have a continuous damage rotation that’s comparable to rest of the professions (maybe except ranger and revenent).

Golemencer 6 x runes on mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


It used to, so is runes of nightmare when they used to fear opponent on hit. These runes generated some hilarious effects but was patched within days of recognition.

Merging "Must-Have" Traits with Core Classes

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


It is the consequence of choices and a PvP scene cannot function without some form of opportunity lost. What you’re suggesting is a power creep slippery slope and you need to ask yourself this question:

Does this address a mechanical flaw or is it to make a class competitive (even if the class is not competitive at all)?

Two stuff are distinct despite they’re related to each other, even if every effective build requires that trait. If we made something baseline people will start saying without taking another/new traits or traitline you won’t be competitive. Thus we’re back to square one. In warrior’s case, this may as well be adrenal health ever since the rework.

Quote from patch about added summon effects

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


If autoattack is truly the root of problem then have them not work on autoattack. Plain removal just strip fresh air ele of what little value they have and make mesmer GS even more pathetic outside of your one trick pony.

Personally I don’t think air/fire are any more powerful than the new sigils we’re getting, and its removal is very redundant after many power builds got significant nerfs to damage and/or sustain.

Quote from patch about added summon effects

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


On the bright side, it can proc fire/air sigil for burst! Now we just need to test it out in Pv….


Feedback on Balance Changes

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


thief can just teleport in and out, with only a small damage, making the guard wast his skill.

I hope you’re talking about dodge, because any normal minded thief will think twice about teleport in and out against a guard. Especially in opening where you can almost guarantee that the guard will have the most popular trap hidden there. Every teleport triggers test of faith once and we’re talking about 5k hp gone with just “in and out”.

I agree with guard not being the best class in game though, especially true for burn guard.

(edited by NICENIKESHOE.7128)

You over nerfed warrior

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Some valid points on other stuff, but I want to point out that pulsing boons should’ve never be introduced in the first place. It marks dramatic power creep where boonstrip and boon corrupt pretty much lose their purpose, while player slotting the trait pays very little attention to CC unless being focus fired.

Next step would be to bring down the number of CC so those casting it should consider it a valuable tool used in vital moments. That’s the only way to reduce the spam feast we have in current meta, where players just do their own rotation without even reading opponents.

This why Guild wars was taken out of Esports

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


In case anyone who don’t know, mes nerf is actually just as harsh as any other build. Illusionary reversion requires 3 illusions for it to work now, so if you actually got the patient to destroy even one phantasm or dodge shield summon you greatly decrease its pressure.

Thoughts on the Phantasmal Berserker Change?

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Just curious if anyone could test it for me.

Does the bonus damage happen after illusion summon or before? If before it could help clear blind a little if thief is close enough

meta after patch

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


For one, warrior and reaper doesn’t pulse stab anymore so interrupt mes may have more presence. But you need to be capable of survive our age-old counter/friend thief.

Just wishful thinking, I’m also curious on how sigil of ruthlessness can play out with chaotic interruption, that 10 stacks of might immediately (+ GS if you want) can hurt quite a lot if you want some kind of daze/interrupt burst. I might try something like domi/chaos/inspi or domi/chaos/chrono with ruthlessness and some cleanse utility just to see how it works in this boon feast era.

Also sigil of opportunity synergise well with GS trait in domination, which I never thought I’d say that. Though mental anguish is also a lot stronger now.

not enough carrots

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Carrot? Very poor choice of word


well image won’t work on me, but you get the point :P

(edited by NICENIKESHOE.7128)

Make everything squishier

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


I don’t think OP is asking for a first-to-burst-win type of playstyle, but more of a “make one mistake and get punish for it”. This is very much the case pre-D/D cele, where you have players pre-cancel skills to bait out dodges and defenses. Now you don’t see cancel skill much, sometimes for moa, but nothing more. Now defenses are so excessive that even if players get fooled they still have another backup without much punishment.

And then you also have skills that do damage, defense at the same time, or even CC with it. You can only find 1-2 of those examples in core builds.

Skale Venome in raids??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


a tempest can easily cap vulnerability and weakness does nothing on breakbar…


in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


You know the guard trait that makes retaliation scale with condi damage? It’s bugged for so long that nobody bother test whether its fixed anymore.

In all seriousness though, baylock is probably thinking about power mesmer with illusion traitline.

small guild problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


I’ve participated in 4 guild hall claimings for guilds I’m quite active in, 2 from small guilds (4-5 people) and 2 from large guilds (30+). From my experience both small guilds completed it easily without failing but large guilds get mess up as vines tend to spawn more with numbers. In the end both small guilds got through in one go whereas large guilds got through after 2 or 3 tries.

To me the more difficult part for small guilds would be afterward where you try to upgrades the guild hall. Do expect to spend couple thousands of golds or hours on upgrade and decorations. Its a long process and you either need good friends to chip in or have someone say goodbye to legendaries.

Plz delete Revenant

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


If you’re living in most of OCX where you will have to play with at least 200 ping, try go through that corridor and you’ll get hit by troll rock even if you’re >130-160 range away. As a regular pvp player I can confidently say its a lot more frustrating than your pvp matches so please don’t fool yourself about “its just normal reflex with WASD and space bar”. I’ve got through it after 3 hours with dozens of coins, and almost all the time I got hit by the rock behind me.

So I refuse to farm for Leadership Runes...

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


If you’re group is not aiming for min/max everything, tank (especially in LFG) typically have >1400 toughness in case warrior revive trait mess up aggro. So just commander armors will give you around 1200 toughness and should still be sufficient. You also gain around 13% boon duration which is more than enough for covering expensive utility price. Ofc you can always reduce number of commander armors to suit your need.

Losing Streak

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Unranked has no matchmaking

This isn’t exactly true, unranked does have matchmaking but its based on old algorithm, so given players played enough matches they’ll still get 50/50 match up based on total team MMR. Ofc season 4 is criticized a lot for that as well.

(edited by NICENIKESHOE.7128)

Portal (entre and exit)

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


I actually really interested in seeing this Pyro, any chance anyone recorded it down?

New Interrupt Sigils

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Pulsing stability is pretty much present in every berserker builds, and you bet they’ll pop berserker as soon as they can. Indeed they don’t always have it up, but that means half of the fight you’ll be fighting at a disadvantage when you trait for interrupt builds.

Boon strip does work wonders in DH, ele and necro though, so interrupt builds will work on them.

New Interrupt Sigils

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


I used to run ruthlessness with chaotic interruption + PB back in WvW, gosh just a single gravity well or tides of time into a zerg backline could chip away 50-60% of their HP

Ofc everything changes when boonshare mesmer + rev stab becomes a thing…

Sudden loss of winning team

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


On the bright side, even pro gamers made that mistake so you shouldn’t be ashamed

Phantasmal Defender and Disenchanter

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


The problem I am currently having, while tuning up for next season, is all of the passive procs, boons – the rate and quantity are too overwhelming to use Disenchanter offensively (boon stripping),.

This has been the case even back in celestial D/D meta, where every ele just play to their own rotation and you can’t keep up with shattered concentration. Not to mention the pulsing boons we have now require almost 0 brainpower in them, and iDisenchanter takes longer time to repeat attack than your regular shatter.

Unless you can corrupt boons or steal them, there are very little benefit in stripping them nowadays. Like you said, the only benefit iDisenchanter can bring is AoE condi cleanse (and require you to stand close to target as well). Overall it just doesn’t bring enough to the table even when compare to mantra of resolve or even nullfield.

How do you feel about the state of sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Too much reward for the amount of effort put into each skill. And pulsing boons are one of the biggest offenders in this regard.

One thing we forgot about the Phantasm Buffs

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Never got a chance to ask this…but could someone clear up the description for iWarlock? Say if you have 3 opponents in cone radius and you stood in front of one person, does summoning iWarlock cause ALL THREE winds of chaos to hit the same guy or you have to be really close to hit?

I ask this because I always thought its easy to get caught by winds of chaos even when you are targeting others due to long trails and slow moving projectile.

How do condition builds work for mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Well you do need weapon skills to get illusions for shatter. But yeah the main pressure will be from shatter, while weapon skills and sigil (on swap) is mainly covering condition. That’s why you see metabuilds mostly run signet of illusions. Once shatter is on CDs and opponent cleansed it all you basically have no pressure.

There are couple other smart uses for weapon skills though, such as phase retreat actually generate clone right before teleport you backward so if you combine that skill and shatter fast enough you get 2 hits. Additionally summoning iWarlock also gives out auto from you so you can quickly set up your cover conditions if fast enough.

As for sword shield. Its weapon skills are mainly for setups or defense, but offensively Tides of Time (and cancel-cast) is probably the only more reliable way you can land moa now. Not saying guarantee hit but by this stage most people can tell a 1s cast.

Condi mesmer is slowly phasing out of meta in terms of roaming, but portal is still essential in generating team advantages.

Revenants, why alacrity?

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


3s of 33% faster recharge rate (effectively just 1s faster) on a 20 energy skill and an underwhelming traitline…

I’m pretty sure it’ll remain underuse :/

Mesmer Balance Notes

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


too busy to try things out, but personally don’t enjoy having mediocre damage added to phantasm cast. It makes stealth more gimmicky and so-so damage doesn’t really make up for the lack of dps pressure on glass builds that rely on stealth.

Oh well, can’t have it all I guess.

High risk, High reward?

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Power mesmer still has good burst potential, but usually you need some significant skill differences to pull it off, which in a sense you’re just crippling yourself. With the amount of protection, weakness, stability and immunities flying around, most classes can achieve similar things by playing their own rotations rather than reading opponents.

Help I'm stuck in a PvP Match!

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Hello I’m stuck in map selection result screen. I’ve submitted a bug report 20-30 min ago and no fixing yet. Can someone address this please?

Stuck with map results screen (PvP)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Also stuck in map result screen. I’ve already submitted a report 20-30min ago and no reply yet. Hence I’m here.

Can’t do anything with a giant tab blocking center.

Viper's over zerk?

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


I actually have a viper set for WvW whenever I want to change playstyle. You just have to be careful not to get instagib by thief in stealth etc. I usually trait for defensive traits but you actually have quite a bit of tweaking room in traitlines.

Try whatever you find best, I find chaos/insp/chrono or chaos/illusion/chrono useful since stealth still works quite well in WvW.

Why just cats?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Can we have cats in guild halls as well? Doesn’t have to be super animated or such, just go around in circles like seance candles with occasional rolling.

Do people like Meta Maps?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


A lot of friends and guildies I have left GW2 after HoT release because they were unable to enjoy HoT contents without the “meta train”. Some meta maps can be helpful in bringing up difficulty, but having every single HoT map related to map population ruins my guildies’ time to enjoy, discuss and explore with people they know. Some of them are die hard GW lore fans, so it’s really disheartening to see them go because of it. And you can really tell a lot of development resources is directed at meta maps rather than story instances, so you basically lose a lot of MMO teamwork opportunities into blob pressing 1 or stomping mushrooms.

Not saying I want all meta maps removed. But this should be done on a fine balance. I’m still a bit reserved with Lake Doric since its a bit early to tell.

(edited by NICENIKESHOE.7128)

offseason ranked vs. unranked

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Map difference is the main thing that comes up my mind.

MMR might be slightly better with ranked but if you play enough unranked its about the same.

What Khylo map do you prefer? Poll inside

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


I don’t like it personally, it feels smaller now and makes it harder to rotate because it’s so easy to see when someone tries to sneak out.

This. Unlike most maps, Khylo requires player to basically pass through mid when heading far. If your team isn’t good at teamfights then they’re just piling bodies at home and mid.

Denial Esports moving on from GW2

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


You do know esports players have one of the shortest career life? I’d say a whole team waiting for announcement on future direction/possibility of tourney for 6 months has already demonstrate enough blind faith.

Esports by definition is a job. People spend time training for it instead of earning money through other means. A decade or so after their youth, players will start to lose their reflexes, endurance and plasticity to continue. It’s a cruel industry and anyone who dwells in it have to make do with what they can. Fans should just maintain a professional relationship rather than getting too attached or becoming fearful/spiteful of abandonment.

If you want to get anything out of that video, is that they didn’t actually leave per se. He just said they’ll compete in other game until GW2 actually have another tourney. The only request he made was more transparency, not balance, not MMR, not team/soloQ.

Stealth and point contribution

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


If you’re interested, cast shadow refuge and see the proportion of people that can actually force you out of 240 radius without AoE.

Ofc players can always goes against your advice and burn AoE, but then your argument lost its purpose isn’kitten

This is a dead conversation from the start. Game has been like this for a really long time and there’s no reason to change it.


in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Just think for a moment. If they really want to keep competition going in the next 2-3 days, then there are really no reason for giving such reassurance.

Should they care that you don’t want to play PvP now due to ranking? Even if they do they’re primary aim should be addressing ranking system, which we all know is too late.

Wells are useless in PvP/WvW except GW

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Funny thing is, I got a feeling they introduce wells so that mesmer can perform outside of veilbot in WvW. But in the end we had boonshare bloom that was never directly supported by chronomancer traits or skills (except knowing CS combo).

We used to have plenty of people testing out mistrust/interrupt traits with Tides of Time/Gravity Well, but resistance/stability become so abundant that they never shines. As for well of calamity……you might argue that people recognise it as a tagging tool or whatnot, but not many people have high hopes about its damage in WvW since the start lol

Power mes needs more access to condi cleanse

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


What would be cool is a way to fight against condies in the dueling line without making it OP in conjunction to the inspiration line. Why not give the mesmer access to some resistance ? How ? I would scrap the adept trait that puts you into stealth at 50% health because I simply can’t imagine any reasonable scenario in which I would want to passively gain stealth at 50%. We could then gain resistance in an active and meaningful way such as: “when blasting a field, mesmers gain resistance for 3 seconds”. 7 seconds cooldown. The effect is not applied when your allies are blasting the fields for you but you can chain blasting fields to increase the initial duration of resistance.

Er…good idea, but mesmer only have one blast skill. And its on a very gimmicky torch 4.

Thematically I feel like mesmer isn’t suitable for resistance though. Transfer condi like arcane thievery sounds more mesmer-ish, regardless of how bad that skill is.

Mesmer Support Healer Build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


I wouldn’t recommend healing, just focus on concentration like commander if you want full support. Some PvE raid people may spend huge money for minstrel but ultimately mesmer can get very little out of its healing power.

In WvW you have very little burst heal ability and mantra heal/healing well have clumsy 2+ seconds delay. That time alone is enough for your teammate to die before you do anything. If your WvW guild decides to pile too much responsibility on you, your zerg is going to suffer a lot.

As for PvE raid, there’s just no way you trump druid’s healing potential. And druid is pretty much a must with all the buff they provide. Not to mention spamming MoP in raid is a terrible waste of potential in any scenario…

If we’re talking PvE open world, healing support can work given how forgive-able the game gets. But again I wouldn’t spend huge money on minstrel for that, each freshwater pearl is like 9g due to how rare it gets.

Healing Prism Trigger

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Does it still trigger off without CD every time you use down 4? Its been like that ever since they nerf the trait.

Thief build with 100% stealth and condi traps

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Its what we called Ghost thief build in WvW land. Annoying as hell, but in PvP it has major flaws.

As you see it has next to no stun break (can add one but at expense of stealth), so its a double edge sword in team fight. And in solo fight in PvP, say goodbye to your cap points. Note it only benefit team by 5 points when you stomp someone, but it only takes 3-4s to lose a capture point and more or less 6-8s to regain one from scratch.

It also only damage people by burning utilities to achieve condi burst every 24s or so, if anyone pop resistance or manage to survive initial burst, the thief have almost no sustain damage afterward. Mesmer doesn’t really have mass condi cleanse except inspiration + well. So mesmer is kind of countered when fighting this.

EDIT: oh and traps and cantrip are unblockable. So don’t think about using shield to block it on cap points. Get out of area and burn condi cleanse if needed. If you can pace yourself then that thief is a dead meat to his team since he can’t steal the cap from you either.

(edited by NICENIKESHOE.7128)