Not to mention The Great Destroyer, he was killed only “250” years ago.
There are many places that are mentioned we never got to visit. Khylo for one (disreguarding the fact that Ascalon City was called Khylo early in game development) because of the fact that Khylo is still in the game lore, as is Ascalon city.
Isn’t it obvious guys that Zhaitan corrupted him when the cataclysm happened. The jolt of energy awoke Zhaitan briefly and turned Khilbron into the Lich Lord.
Personally I believed in his good intentions until certain realm of torment quest chains. But honestly, he was most likely a ticking time bomb. We all know that prolonged exposure to Abaddon changes people, you can watch it merely through Varesh during Nightfall. If the charr hadn’t invaded, he still would have done something rash and vastly evil, eventually.
Honestly, when I first saw it, I thought that Tequatl the Sunless definitely looked more “pieced together” than an ancient being. Although you gotta wonder where he got bones that big to work with.
Dhuum might be an integral part of the GW2 Elona Campaign as Palawa Joko basically owns the continent with an undead army and the player might have to do a deal with the devil (Dhuum)like before with Palawa Joko to help cull the undead army and therefore Joko, which he will agree to as it will make him stronger. He might even be the final boss of that campaign.
Here’s the thing, if Dhuum had his power back there would be two being that he would kill (after Grenth for deposing him) and that is Palawa Joko and Zhaitan. Why you may ask? Well it’s simple really, Dhuum loves undeath, but it is a power that he worked hard to deny for anyone but himself. So simply put, Zhaitan stealing souls from the mists and implanting them within their old bodies weakens Dhuum’s strength in the Underworld (assuming he is ruling somehow). Similarly, many of the undead of Palawa Joko hold on to a bit of their souls as well. I see this personally as him trapping the soul within the body before it can escape, rather than ripping it out of the mists though, but once again, having people living on after death is something that Dhuum never would have allowed. Simply put, it’s just as likely that we would ally with Dhuum to stop Palawa Joko’s power over undeath than that we would fight Dhuum for it. I gotta say though, when it comes to the lesser of two evils thing that we had going on when we released Joko in the first place, Dhuum is definitely a greater evil than Joko.
Interesting thing to note is this is exactly what happened right before Lost Shores with the gate where Fractals is now.
Khilbron did not send the Titans to any Mursaat settlements that we know of through his portals.
And I would like to note that we don’t know where mursaat settlements are outside of the Ring of Fire. So that point is saying just about nothing.
I was just pointing out that his portals, at least all of the portals that we found and closed, were to known human and dwarf settlements. The only Mursaat found in those areas would be invasion forces, not the base or homefront.
Yeah, I would actually agree with most everything here. Then again, there are very few claims or items of proof to give any claim against this.
Hmm, so by “saving” the souls by destroying the Soul Weir, we were actually giving them a chance to disappear into oblivion? As interesting as it may be, last I knew all information in the gw.dat file isn’t necessarily considered law.
Well it’s obvious that the changing of the seasons isn’t really in the hands of the gods. At a specific time every year eventually winter would end and spring would begin, and this has continued to happen even after the gods went silent and vanished entirely. So honestly I’m not exactly sure what it was about. I mean the gods themselves were involved, as the avatars showed up every year, but what the end result was, and why the gods got involved really, is something that I do not know.
10,000 could be as far out as 4-5 cycles, sadly we don’t really know.
No one knows exactly what he does with the people he invites over. It could be anything, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be that he’s creating the elementals through people. There’s a long history of abductions having nothing to do with elementals. I personally am extremely interested in what ArenaNet is going to do with the few places they have set up to be future dungeons, especially since they have nothing to do with the ED’s.
Well, for all we know the realm of torment existed before the gods became involved in it, and the river of souls flows right through it. If the gods had created it themselves I would think they would divert the river of souls away from an area like this, it seems like a major design flaw if they had created it themselves. So it seems possible that perhaps souls got stuck in the realm of torment before anything about the gods happened in Tyria and in a realm like this they could easily have eventually become titans.
Well, from Guild Wars we know that it is not located in Surmia and Drasciir. We can visit both of these locations, I also find it hard to believe that the Flame Legion would have a citadel so close to the human capital, before the charr invaded. The humans would do everything in their power to keep this from happening. I do wonder, personally, about the extreme lack of any evidence, in the area, of any volcanoes at all.
Most likely the situation is that Vizier Khilbron wanted to be the Flameseeker, which he did turn out to be, but to become the Flameseeker and open the door of Komalie he had to go through the hordes of Mursaat protecting the door. He most likely spent years trying to figure out a way to open this door, but the Mursaat and their spectral agony proved too much. Eventually he found the “chosen” in the form of our heroes and used us to kill the Mursaat and get to the door to claim the world for himself, and through him Abaddon. I would like to spend a moment and note that Khilbron did not send the Titans to any Mursaat settlements that we know of through his portals. The titans killing off the Mursaat was just a matter of being in the right place at the right time, his end all goal was to take the human capitals and control the world from there.
I personally find it hard to believe that one of the top metals in the game, to be used for the creation of high end weapons in crafting stations, is an alloy of two of the most malleable metals found on earth.
ArenaNet wants every player to have the ability to mix and match races and professions to create the type of character they want.
I guess I am wrong. My earlier statement should have been that Grenth is the Ultimate Source of human necromancy, which is mechanically identical to every other race’s necromancy. Just a quick thought though, in GW1 we only ever see two races animate minions that I can ever think of. And those races are humans (Verata) and norn (that one guy you have to hunt down, cannot remember name). I do not believe that any other race in the game is shown to reanimate minions, and interestingly enough, those two races are the only ones that have “dieties” that preside over death. Now obviously things have changed since then, but it is still an interesting thought.
I’ve actually wondered this for a while, though I held my mouth and just pointed to 10,000 BE because I didn’t really have any evidence. I hardly believe that the humans were around during the dragon’s awakening, although my beliefs are unfounded (other than having no mention of humanity at the time of the last awakening). This would also make the idea of the jotun being around for multiple dragon awakenings much more believable because having an empire lasting maybe 20,000-30,000 years (2-3 awakenings) seems a bit of a stretch, but surviving 2,000-6,000 is a bit more believable.
I think the easier thing to do would be to open up the armors of every order once you become Commander, but I believe that this was meant for the Suggestions forums.
Well honestly it would make sense that Abaddon had wings if Lyssa had wings, especially since the two (three?) were so closely related. It is unknown if Lyssa always had a mastery over water, but Lyssa and Abaddon both had some control over illusion. I was very intrigued to see that they were so closely related, and I hope more light is shed on the subject eventually.
I do not believe that Razah and Abaddon are related at all though. If I remember right Razah had actually been created from the mists before Abaddon was destroyed, and that he had been captured by the demons and told he had a mission.
“I have been alone for what seems like ages. I am Razah, created from the Mists. I have no memories of my creation, though; the past is shrouded in fog. Abaddon bound me to this plane. His minions blessed me with knowledge to fulfill a great purpose. However, I can sense that Abaddon is no more. Now I am without purpose, my existence without meaning. So tell me… are you here to give me my purpose?”
So overall I’d say that it’s most likely that Razah is something completely unconnected. Not to mention, I remember hearing Jeff Grubb somewhere (sadly no link) saying that Abaddon was dead and over with (prolly like Zhaitan, even though people refuse to believe he’s really dead)
No they could always let the magic run rampant through the world and cause loads of devastation, not like they aren’t used to that
More than likely the Titans only wanted to kill the Mursaat because they have been a pain in Vizier Khilbron’s neck and he wanted to be done with them.
Well the theory would mean these 6 ate quite a few each, but again this is just theory.
He’s the ultimate source from which the knowledge on how to use the powers of necromancy came from. That doesn’t mean that other races haven’t learned the skills from others and used it themselves.
I would have to agree with most of what you say. I think one of the things I enjoyed most about the Fields of Ruin was going to the dignitaries tent and listening to some charr actually liking the idea of fighting with the humans (as opposed to against) because of the human’s endurance. They say if they fight half as well as they have these past 200 so years that they will make strong allies. The world is changing, and England and the US are no longer enemies, so why should humans and charr be.
Except the god of the underworld is Grenth, who grants his powers to the necromancers. Necromancers do not hold the souls of the dead, they merely create minions from dead flesh. These creatures are puppets, and nothing more.
The way I like to see it, the elder dragons never really felt they had any reason to work hard to make their conquests because they never really felt threatened, but with an Elder Dragon dead I can see their assaults growing exponentially.
Well my thought on it is that usually when things consume they grow. Perhaps after consuming copious amounts of magic and brethren Elder Dragons the dragons have grown into the massive beasts they are.
Definitively yes!
The problem with that is, everything we know about the DSD seems to point to it having more effect on water than everything else, but the skill that subject Alpha uses is an earth based skill…..
Have you ever looked up in the sky in Orr and watched the Pact Airships fighting off Zhaitan’s Champions in the air? I would sit and watch when I got to a vista or someplace safe in Orr, because it was cool to watch and randomly see an airship get destroyed. Sadly I don’t think I ever saw them shoot down a dragon champion, but I could have always been at the wrong part of the fight.
Well Kralky’s a bit different in any instance, because he doesn’t necessarily manipulate the crystal (assuming that Mordremoth reacts much like Primordius and works directly through his substance) but instead he creates these crystals out of his corruption of living material. Anyways, whatever happens, I get the feeling that either in the Maguuma Wastes or perhaps the woodland cascades we’ll learn more about Mordremoth, if he’s not somehow tied to the Echovald (just thinking of prominent jungle/forest).
See that theory makes a lot of sense to me because of how much dead matter there is in the soil of Tyria, I mean the widespread warfare and the vanquishing done by heroes in the past really left plenty of matter to work with, not to mention constant intrusions of dead corpses on the shores to pull into use.
That’s why I posted earlier, in this one or another, that they seem to me to be a mixture of roman and mongol. There’s a lot of mongol in them in the way that they conquer and treat their conquers.
Steam would want a cut of the profits made from selling the game. At this point Anet does not need to go to that extent to sell the game.
And Best Buy, Gamestop, and just about every retailer that carry the game don’t?
Taking much of the information that you post on here it makes me think of a few things. Firstly, in the CoE dungeon, as you mentioned, Mordremoth’s skill is based in earth, not plantlife, which is an interesting thing. I say this because if Mordremoth is the 6th mentioned ED and is related to the 6th zone in the Infinity Coil then he does have a very strong tie in with plants and nature. This leads me to think that perhaps Mordremoth (as the 6th ED) is a corruption of the soil/earth. Now I know that Primordius is thought a lot to be a corruption of the earth/fire, but you have to think that the “earth” that we talk about a lot has multiple facets. I mean in Primordius’ case he seems much more like the corruption of the raw power of earth and fire located in the depths of Tyria. Whereas earth has another connotation with soil and fertility. I prefer to believe that perhaps Mordremoth and the poison are the effects of a corruption of the soil, thus causing a corruption in the creatures living in and around it. I mean in the case of all of the animals that can be corrupted it seems like in their weakest form, as eggs/larva, they are usually concealed in the earth, caves or in the soil, in this form I would think it would be relatively simple to corrupt and transform these creatures. I know it is not a perfect theory, but it leads one to think that perhaps there is a connection between the Maguuma Wastes and the 6th ED.
One last thing to think about. The Maguuma wastes used to be much more jungle like before GW1. You can see this through many locations having dried up and dead plant-life very similar to the plant-life located in the valleys. I say this because perhaps the Bloodstone isn’t what is keeping nature alive in the area, but perhaps the bloodstone is what is draining the area of life in the first place, perhaps because of the Mursaat tampering with it (through the soul batteries). This is of course speculation, but it brings a different thought to the whole situation. This has always been my preferred theory, over Primordius, although I would also accept the theory on Mordremoth to be my close second. Personally the area just doesn’t hold enough volcanic looking situations to speak Primordius to me.
Well, I have a feeling that the only reason that the Pale Tree has created as many sylvari is because of how many are going to be lost in the war against the dragons. When expecting large amounts of casualties it is best to over-estimate than under. After this she can drop her production rate to something more acceptable. Plus they haven’t surpassed any of the oldest races. Humans have settlements throughout Kryta, not to mention the unavailable Cantha and Elona. And the Charr have societies located in the Blood Legion Homelands and “east of the blazeridge mountains”.
Well, I know Konig has before mentioned that perhaps there were more Elder Dragons and that they were perhaps a race of beings on Tyria before anything else existed. It makes sense, then, that possibly the current elder dragons are the only living ones, while all the others were either consumed or converted. It would make an interesting possible backstory.
No, it was pest removal, but yeah I catch your drift. Although for some reason I got a similar feeling from GW1 to, though I have no clue why.
Well, it is known that undead minions can be summoned from the recently deceased. In Ghosts of Ascalon Killen re-animates the corpse of one of the enemies they recently killed in order to walk ahead of them and check for traps.
I don’t think that in GW1 I will ever forgive the Charr. I played through the story of Gwen as they used her as entertainment to see if she could survive against a siege destroyer and hunted her down when she succeeded. I saw the complete annihilation of Ashford (my favorite pre-searing city ever!) and the people inside of the sanitarium unable to cope with the world that had been destroyed around them. I saw good men and women fall away from Ascalon and eventually turn to banditry. And in the end I destroyed the charr armies and their gods in return! My character will live with hatred for the charr in his heart forever in GW1! But times have changed. My character is a sylvari, and he has only been in this world for a few months. He doesn’t know anything about these age old hatreds, and he has no reason to side with one faction over the other when it comes to these wars. In the end the only thing that matters is that we get over our differences so that we can kill these Elder Dragons!
He’s also afraid of death. I remember him crying out about how he’s been freed from death and doesn’t want to die again. Which is pretty awkward for a high priest of Grenth…
I don’t know Zaxares. From the outlook of the Charr, I get the feeling that even if an omnipotent/omniscient being came to Tyria and looked to rule all, they would most likely fight tooth and nail against it because of their outlook on life. They are all that they need to accomplish what they want. Everything else is a hindrance.
The Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan also told me that Sieran (a Sylvari) was working at the right hand of Zhaitan. I’m pretty sure that you gotta take what risen say with a grain of salt.
I would like to point out that there are people, aka me, that cannot play WvW because their computer doesn’t render opposing players until they are dead on the ground. My computer has no problem loading large groups of NPC’s, and I had no problem solo mapping Cursed Shore, but WvW is another animal entirely. And being forced to wait months for maps to rotate or switching world every week is an easy way to kill someone’s interest in the game in general, by giving them something to aim for, that they can never get. My proposition, in another topic, is to create a dual world completion titles. Giving people in PvE the chance to do the completion that their computers allow, and giving people who enjoy exploring in PvP a chance to do that as well.
I would like to point out that I understand the possible reasoning behind it. And believe me if I had a decent computer that allowed me to WvW I would be in there fighting with groups to claim areas so that I could get the points of interest. Sadly this isn’t possible for me. I have just a tiny bump above the minimum graphics and that leaves me in a situation where PvP of any sort is not not a physical possibility, until such a time in which I can upgrade what I have. So if there were to be a separation of World and Mists map completion this would help anyone with my situation by giving them the ability to put off the PvP related world completion until such a time that they can play it, and allowing them to get the completion in game that is no problem for their computer to render.
Pretty much that’s the point we are at. We just need to get the Centaurs, dredge, Ogres, and skritt to be okay with their current lands and we’ll be set. I don’t see any hope for the Harpies or Krait.
I was going to say I think the scythe might be a likely expansion to the game. I can definitely see it being put to good use by the Necromancers, Warriors, so on and so forth. But sadly the god related enchantments and avatars are limited to to human only skills.