This is still occurring.
i don’t think they implemented the change very well, back when they made statues controlled by the closest temple, rather than their parent temple.
Yes it is, it’s part of the whole that is the WvWvW experience. A mode that, at it’s core is not, never was and never will be balanced and the makers say this is intentional(as silly as that sounds). I can’t really think of a way differing borderlands would break this non existent balanced gameplay. What’s the worst that could happen? Someone finds a really convenient cata spot?
Exactly. At worst this is simply a weakness that defenders must compensate for. Or else you simply take that objective as a distraction to break up their defense at the target you really want
It should just be the server loses a point when a player from that server is killed; then you don’t have all this third party zerg-fight-tagging silliness.
It would also encourage your server to fight the one you wish to beat as opposed to getting points from the third server.
I was going to suggest partial points based on the solidity of the tag but actually this idea works out rather elegantly.
There’s still incentive for a third party to interfere in a scrum between two other blobs, but in order to facilitate the loss of as many points as possible by both enemy teams, instead of to earn rewards for your own.
On the other hand, i can see a huge amount of hate being directed at new or uplevelled players as a consequence.
yeah, i’d love to be able to tell WHICH dungeon paths i’d completed, rather than just seeing a total…
You really don’t think they build new maps every 2 weeks, do you? I’m no game designer (or programmer) but even I know that they build these maps long before they release them in each episode.
Yeah, i mean, LS has only seen us get three new maps over its entire lifespan (EotM in first season; dry top at the outset of s2 and now, half a year on, a second map)
At minimum i’d say that’s three months development to create a new map, and since LS is doubtless going to require more maps still, anything else would have to be developed either in parallel or to coincide with a hiatus from the LS. It’s by no means a simple proposition, but i still think we can definitely get it – IF it’s what the community wants.
Depends on how well they are designed.
There is also an argument to be made for giving a very slight advantage in layout to the side who the borderland originally belongs to. (at least for some objectives)
I’d say that there will certainly wind up being elements that require patching, however well they are designed. In fact, from that perspective, i’d say they’re better off not even attempting to balance any new maps before release – give players time to find and take advantage of whatever oversights the devs have made, which are severe enough to be considered exploitative (gaining access to a keep or tower without the need to seige it, etc). Once they have that information, they can consider what is severe enough to need outright fixing, and what merely conveys a strategic advantage which one side must learn to counter or compensate for.
I’m all in favour of defensive advantages, though, as long as they’re slight – easier reinforcement for the world that owns the borderland, things of that ilk.
Yes, i believe it is new. Previously, each achevement would say whether it contributed to the meta.
As a rule of thumb, repeatables don’t.
specifically, it makes a sound like a norn, or maybe svanir, dying. every cast.
if i recall correctly it used to have a tinkly, whooshing sound appropriate to the ability so i imagine this is fairly new.
(i noticed this on the elementals around Drakkerjorg Pit [&BGcBAAA=])
Because building maps is probably a lot of work.
That’s almost certainly the heart of it, but they’re obviously not shy about doing it – even building more or modifying existing wvw maps.
If this was something the community could agree we wanted, i think we’d get it.
Any differences will bring unique advantages/disadvantages which people will compensate for and capitalize on, just as now.
You might as well argue that the existing borderlands aren’t balanced, because hills and bay are different.
the differences in balance in EB are what make it fun. taking each keep is a unique experience, and each confers different battlefield advantages (red overlook’s curtain wall easily in range of SMC)
Symmetry is aesthetically pleasing but functionally boring.
I recently had the reason for the condition cap explained to me, which gives me a bit more tolerance for it – however, that still leaves conditions in a sad state. I’d like to see that rectified.
My suggestions to address this:
*Conditions’ damage should scale with their stack count/% max duration. All the way up to 100% bonus damage at full stacks. To avoid having this shred pvp entirely (where conditions can already be quite strong) I’d suggest an exponential scale. 5 stacks of bleed inflicts perhaps 110% normal damage, while 25 stacks inflicts the full 200% (you could perhaps scale the upper bound off ferocity)
*Your conditions are prioritized based on how much actual damage they will do. A 1k condi damage bleed applied on top of a full stack will push off the bottom, 0 condition damage bleed. Burning will always tick for (and deplete the duration of) the highest condition damage application.
*Applying a condition to a full stack of superior-damage conditions, OR having your condition pushed off, inflicts an instant tick based on the condition type, its remaining duration, and your condition damage. This tick has NO base damage, meaning if you have no condition damage, you don’t qualify. It is incapable of critting, as any other condition tick.
Each separate corner of EB is themed differently. Same goes for EotM. So why are the borderlands simple, exact, boring clones?
I don’t really understand why effort was put in to name the points differently on the different maps. All that does is create confusion. Frankly, i find the borderlands unutterably boring, to the extent i will usually just leave WvW when my commander relocates to one.
I realize that i am suggesting a major investment of time and resources, but it would go a long way towards revitalizing WvW and re-piquing interest in this ailing game. Heck, you only need to do two of them! just leave the current design for red, and redo the other two to a slightly varying theme. Bonus pints if you structure them so that the maps can be put at a 30* angle, linking up to their respective spawnpoints in EB. MANYLOTS extra bonuspoints if you redo all three maps so that the ‘borderlands’ collectively form a circle around EB.
But please, PLEASE do something. I’m tired of playing that same tired map in triplicate.
I think i remember seeing it was actually the males. Others might be wrong/missing as well but the male sylvari recording is “hold this line” which obviously doesn’t match the shout.
The norn one isn’t brilliant but isn’t so immersion shattering. But i agree, without a massive outcry i can’t see them being redone.
Simple balance.
Only way to get rid of the kit is to detonate, putting it on cooldown.
While using the kit, your movement speed is hampered.
That would be a nightmare to balance. Any advantage or disadvantage has to be compensated for – when in pvp would you pull out a kit you know will hamper your movement? when in pve?
The closer to a standardized set of mechanics you go, the more the balance game becomes by-the-numbers. How much dps can you get out of a kits toolbelt skill? okay, fold that into the autochain damage. What damage would be fair for an X-CD, control effect aoe elite? less than supply drop, so that it can’t overshadow it in any important regard.
Plus, and this is my opinion, the purpose of adding a skill would be to see it used. It’s great for skills to look and appear cool in theory – “Yeah, i can pull out a minigun and unload on enemies!” – But if it has such severe disadvantages that it can’t be effectively used (noswap, shot and time limitation on charzooka) then it’s just gonna wind up as bloat rather than a useful addition.
5s more would make it op against any non-dedicated condi class.
it would hard counter dedicated condi builds and make them even worse than already.
That doesn’t need to happen.
if it’s time llimited it really has to be cooldown controlled as well, for the time restriction to mean anything, and then it has to be more powerful than an ordinary kit to compensate, AND THEN it means it would outclass the regular kits by too large a margin to be easily balanced.
All this kit does, in essence, is turn your elite slot into a utility slot, and instead of a toolbelt skill you get a quasi-elite function as part of the kit.
i had this issue too.
Relogging fixed it
The skill continues to track you once you have dropped target, though. It shouldn’t be doing this.
I don’t think, anyway
slavery to be re-legalized.
nonstandard usage RIGHT TO THE FACE
You might need to give more examples? outside of staying within the determined area around your world spawn, i’ve never come across players becoming invuln save through skills
In fact, using any type of exploit in WvW typically leads to your own team reporting you
Nope. This is one of the most categorically useless traits in existence. +10% damage under a set of conditions you’ll basically never meet; Recharge a skill you probably don’t even have equipped.
Not sure if this was ‘fixed’ because it appears to flex a little bit, but it still looks really out of place. You’d expect it to more sortof stream out behind you, especially when falling, but it barely responds to movement at all. Little disappointed for all that i love the hairstyle
I’d be pretty happy with being able to put Utilities in the Elite slot, personally.
That sure wouldn’t hurt, though there’d need to be some compensation for losing the toolbelt skill. Maybe it could be a tools line trait, granting you ~100 condition dmg, power, precision and ferocity while you have a utility equipped in your elite slot?
I swapped mostly to sinister, and so far i’m liking it. The thing about condis is they’re a frontload damage mechanic – you don’t need to be continually hitting the boss for them to be effective, so in movement or downtime heavy fights where you just get short periods to stack damage, i find them hugely effective.
Of course, for ordinary stand-and-shoot encounters, zerk will outperform. Power/Prec/Feroc just synergize too well. Condi has only passing synergy with power and prec, and none at all with ferocity, so until ANet figures out some way to fix that (or just does the obvious thing and doubles condition damage values or condition damage contribution) then straight damage will always outperform condition DoTs (for pve at least)
Ele’s are locked in terms of what skills they get due to their weapon.
Engy’s, less so
That’s basically my intention. It would give you flamethrower kind of damage out to ~1000 range, but at the price of no longer being multitarget on the auto. At the max range, skill2 should be a slight dps increase over the 1-chain, just so that skill is actually worth using.
The “elite” bit only comes into play if you decide to blow your kit up.
honestly, part of why i want an elite kit is just so i don’t feel like i have a filler skill equipped there, & so i don’t have to sacrifice a precious utility slot for a weapon kit.
It does sound VERY familiar, but i can’t place it either =X
While we’re on the topic of unreasonable buffs, i’d love to see rocket boots create a blast finisher when you land aswell.
I was awarded one when i first began the newest LS. It can’t be used and requires the annoying dialogue in order to be destroyed.
Perhaps a toggle between ‘consistent feet placement’ and ‘consistent head placement’ would be a good compromise for this?
Seems like the ideal compromise.
Semi deliberately kept in a ‘meh’ outfit.
Wanted him to look like someone who might actually be found out on a battlefield performing field repairs.
Ahaha no. The whole point of an elite is to be your wild card. Making it so you can equip it/unequip it whenever you want defeats the purpose of an elite.
Oh they changed/removed Flesh Golem? i didn’t see that patch note.
The idea of a kit is to provide an alternate weapons set. In this case it would give an engy flamethrower-ish damage potential at longer range, at the price of AoE. If you’re insistent on a ‘wildcard’ skill, it’s there – the no.5 skill. And it puts the kit on cooldown.
I realize there are other minigun kit suggestions – i didn’t try the forum search function, but google works fine – But a) i didn’t like any of them, b) They’re all months or years old (that i could find), and c) so what? this suggestion shares a name. There’s only a certain number of weapon names. I suppose i could have called it a gatling gun, but i’m sure people would still have just pointed out i was basically suggesting a minigun, which someone else already had.
The main motivation for suggesting this kit as an elite is that Engys don’t have an elite kit. The kit class – has no elite kit. I realize that it brings balance issues, – it either has to be so good that you’d use it instead of a 1000-range, aoe stun which also deals damage and ALSO deploys turrets, which would make it almost game-breakingly overpowered, or else it has to break from an essential kit mechanic, like VitalSuit said – in which case it’s not really a kit either. More like a conjured weapon.
I feel i compensated adequately for both these extremes by adding in an ‘elite’ skill as one of the skills granted by the kit, but by using it, prevents you reusing the kit for a time. What’s more, since it’s caster centered it doesn’t overshadow supply drop, especially since it doesn’t also deploy additional gear.
Finally, i want an elite kit because, basically, we need one. Supply drop is amazing for pvp but niche at best for pve, and pretty blatantly crap at worst. Mortar is worse still – it sees some niche use in wvw but it’s useful basically nowhere else (though feel free to educate me). And then there’s Elixir X, Which while interesting and fitting with the Elixir u theme of emulating other class’s skills, doesn’t really offer anything very engineer-y (or consistent. Or particularly useful). That’s it. That’s the class’s elite skills. Niche use or niche useless.
We need and deserve an elite skill that’s good for pve and engineer-thematically-appropriate.
For starters: yes, this would be a permanent kit, not shot &/or time limited like the Charzooka, which is more like an ele conjured weapon. Kit should have 1000 base range, increased 200 by elite supplies trait.
Skill1 : Burst Fire – 5x shot over 1 second channel. Single target.
Skill2 : Full Auto – Roots you. 0.5sec spinup then 3 second channeled fire. ~12 second cooldown. Hits three targets, deals 33% more damage within 600 range.
Skill3 : Chaff – creates a 3 second cloud that destroys projectiles and blinds enemies within. Ground targeted.
Skill4 : Flechettes – For the next 6 seconds, all hits inflict bleeding.
Skill5 : DO NOT PUSH – detonates the kit, unequipping it and putting it on a 90 second cooldown. Deals major damage to enemies within 400 and launches them.
As long as you don’t use your skill5, the kit can be freely switched as any Engy kit.
They should really just make a new category for these things – flavour dialogue or something similar. Then just give us a mute toggle for it.
I think my main issue is this: where the appropriate response would be wariness or alarm, the charr females always sound either totally apathetic or beyond panicked.
That’s appropriate for the asura – i can easily accept that a race of diminutive geniuses would be dangerously highly strung – but from a race of war-hardened, childhood-indoctrinated military personnel, it’s extremely jarring.
For my part i was a little surprised how cheery and playful he was. Wasn’t the whole ritual of the great dwarf meant to have turned him more or less into a machine single-minded in its dedication to destroying the Destroyers?
This has been a pet peeve of mine for really quite some time. a female charr warrior was one of the first characters i made, and immediately i was struck by how… wrong… the voice sounded.
Every voiced NPC in the game, especially charr and ESPECIALLY their females have sounded amazing. Exactly as i’d expect. General Altmoora Soulkeeper? amazing. Rox? brilliant. There have been no NPCs whose voices jolted me out of immersion.
My player character? Every time she speaks. Whether it’s yelling “Guns And Iron!” as though she recorded every word individually, Or bemoaning being set on fire as though passing the time of day with a casual acquaintance – the voice is just wrong. I don’t know if its the lines, the actors misconception of context or just the actors voice itself, but this simply is not the voice a female charr should have.
Two issues i see:
1., as mentioned, tow charr players both calling in the cavalry might summon duplicate NPCs
2., your warband support racial is not dependant on personal story step. Some people wouldn’t have a warband to call in.
suggestion: Leave it as is, but if the player has a warband, make the npcs summoned APPEAR to be those of the warband, just to the player. Any other player would just see two random charr npcs, whom they wouldn’t know from a bar of soap – exactly how it would actually be.
Only the player would be able to see they had actually called their actual warband members.
…only to watch them die.
We need also a button to skip the fights. It is very annoying to have boring fights until you can follow the next dialog.
In the case of instances where the achievements don’t pertain to combat, this should be allowed too. If players are replaying the instance, it’s presumably for the achievements – If that’s not the case, they can always elect NOT to skip to the relevant bits. But the option should always be there.