i agree. i don’t think i’ve ever had as much fun just standing around and spamming skills on the ground or on low level enemies.
The class is visually very appealing, and mechanically interesting, if still in need of some reworking, but my friend has already said he’s gonna switch main to revenant, and i’ll admit i plan to play the finished version the moment i’m able.
if you’re farming any event this way i’d recommend typing out a succint explanation for what’s going on and why, and saving it somewhere where it can easily be copy pasted into a whisper.
and politeness generally works better… the sort o person who won’t respond to a polite request will likely just be more rewarded by you cussing at them.
i recall reading something credible about a physics system overhaul at around the time of the silverwastes’ launch which means that it requires a lot more work than simply ticking the ‘activate’ checkbox. I also believe it was specifically stated that we wouldn’t see anything new there until HoT dropped.
OTOH, the box itself hasn’t budged and iirc correctly the loading screens implied there would be a lot more worlds than just 2, so while it might take a while yet, you can fully expect it to return… Someday™
i’m not against the idea, just wanted to point out how much work it would be.
siege cancelling is a design, not a bug. this was implemented to prevent revs from giving away siege using their duplicated badges – see the whole ‘nothing beta is permanent’ policy
It combines all four accounts into one, which you get to keep after the beta
i agree, it would be a lot of work, but they have a lot of work ahead of them already to bring the revenant up to par. currently the class mechanic doesn’t seem like anything special – i’d almost go so far as to say that it detracts from the class.
while i agree that it’s doubtful that this is the idea they’ll actually go with, i figure at the least it can’t hurt to put the thought out there. if enough people like it they might find a workable way to implement it.
I’ve always found fractals to be more reliable, less irritating, less elitist-focused…. maybe all related to the whole scaling mechanic.
there used to be a daily dungeon explorer/daily dungeon story iirc, in the old system.
I’m so glad i finally finished this collection
You design the weapon skills for every class.
please bear in mind they must be unique, differentiated from all other skills in the game, and both bring something useful but also be balanced.
You might as well go ahead and design a model for each currently existing set while you’re at it. Oh, and don’t forget to create a visually appealing legendary with some sort of unique effect to it, and a corresponding precursor & mystic forge recipe.
good luck!
+1 to raids.
Not sure how they’ll handle progression though, as I doubt they’ll add some sort of gear treadmill. Raid-only cosmetic gear?
even just an extra daily/weekly shot at an ascended box/new material source/like you said, more unique skins will all motivate people to participate.
in significant numbers? i can’t even guess
Video of what happens
i’d hope they’d at least announce the next beta weekend at the same time they unveil the new mechanic, if not do the two concurrently.
I like the general idea but like others, disagree somewhat with your implementation.
Rather, i could see the legends themselves becoming transforms, which (like an ele attune) give you new skills based on your wielded weapon – the difference being that you need not always be channeling a legend anymore.
While not channeling a legend, your weapon skills remain as they are now but are stripped of energy cost. You would have a normal set of utility skills aswell, and even 1 or 2 elites unaffiliated with any legend (or maybe the elite slot is locked out while not channeling)
When you channel a legend, you literally embody that legend, taking on altered form and all your skills (still weapon-specific for 1-5) converting to match the theme of the legend. As now, you start with 50 energy and 5 pips of generation but this should taper off, so that by the time you hit 100 energy, your energy generation has ceased and soon after begins degenerating, accelerating to -5. This would be to make legends less of a stance or attunement and more like something you can only maintain for a short while.
Your heal in legend form should also generate energy, perhaps more or less depending on how much healing it actually delivers (so if you use it at full health, it might restore more energy)
With each legend, you would be able to select a different elite and set of utilities, not at all related to what you had equipped outside legend or in another legend form.
stand on the outer paved ring of the mystic forge and use your hammer #3 to jump into the center.
It’s fun!
can’t make sylvari rev yet =(
It may simply be that this game isn’t/no longer what you’re looking for, and all that’s drawing you back is prior time investment. There’s nothing wrong with ceasing to play a game you no longer enjoy, especially if there are other games out there that do what you actually want better (you named LoL)
Don’t be so quick to dismiss wvw though. if you’re in the top two tiers of servers it can be a very engaging tactical experience – this might require you to pay to realm transfer, though, which given your expressed dissatisfaction with the game mode might be asking too much.
jump to the event you want 30mins-1hr before it’s scheduled and just idle (staying active often enough to not get d/c’d). The way the megaserver works is to drop a majority of people into certain “open” maps and try to close up others by giving voluntary transfers into an open map.
Either way this should get you into the boss train map 90% of the time
as long as we get an option for no helm/just helm/hair&helm i’d be fine with this.
Some helms wouldn’t look good with hair shown, though, & some hairstyles just plainly don’t suit helmets, so making it blanket would be a mistake.
give us drop-down settings. “minimum item quality for salvage confirmation” and “minimum salvage kit quality”
i don’t want to accidentally salvage rares with my copper salv-o-matic but i don’t want a confirmation dialogue when i’m using a mystic salvage kit.
got a dusk out of a bag of gear from SW events.
Not even a bag of rare gear. gave me 2 greens and a precursor worth 1300g (that’s what it sold for atleast)
turned around and bought a dawn for a neat 400g profit.
I’d say allow out of combat weapon swap for all profs. disabled in combat for eles & engies if they have any kits equipped in utility.
I was gonna say that engies have the most available action bars but an ele running a full line of conjured weapons has what, 8?
pretty much all pve content and probably a lot of player skills (because of wvw) would require a total rework to accommodate this. Even if there were some benefit to it (i don’t see any?) i can’t see it happening
rares & exotics already give a prompt which includes the items name (and its quality).
I’ve never had occasion to deliberately use compact, though. It would just totally wreck my bag organisation.
Not even a disconnect system necessarily. I just don’t understand why event credit is instantly lost upon disconnect.
Just leave those world boss chests there, phased so that only people with event credit can see/interact. They’re once a day as is.
Limit event participation credit to one instance per account per event, so people don’t just park alts and overscale events with rapid logging over
Then when the event succeeds/fails, the appropriate rewards are sent to all characters who have participated, and their ‘success’ is recorded for the day so they can log back in anytime they’re able to claim the boss chest reward.
<stuff>I feel bad for the devs.
Even when people are happy with a change here they’re bitter as kitten.
This is why community managers exist. Provide a layer of filtration between the developers and the people they’re developing for so that the unfiltered hate doesn’t rob them of all desire to fix broken stuff for the ungrateful snots who populate forums.
approx 12 hours ago i started getting these two login errors. they are, respectively;
Error 42: The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time.
Error 58: The game client is unable to connect to the log-in server.
Every so often (1 in 10 attempts?) it’ll log in successfully, but promptly disconnect when i attempt to actually enter game on any character (or even if i just sit at the select screen for a minute or two)
Nothing has changed in my configuration in at least the past 24 hours. What could be causing this/is there anything i can do about it?
i strongly prefer toughness to vitality. Necro base health is already very high and we have another secondary health pool we can swap to almost at will, which has more hp all on its own than some classes get as their base.
i would definitely drop something to get a bit more precision, the ferocity from valk isn’t much good if you never crit anyway.
I haven’t really tried warhorn for necro but i love offhand dagger for the condition sending.
adding a third hit to axe 1 would probably be enough to compensate for its ludicrously low dps. 3 hits in 1sec with the .2 aftercast & with the extra vuln would make it a decent power weapon.
Hell, they could even put in the animation for the warrior axe chain stages 1 & 2. Pretty sure the cast times match up.
The pale tree!
taken 13/10/12. I’m not sure exactly why i took this
the scaling on crit damage and crit chance really hurts. 33 →11? 185% →165%? I might as well just go full soldier gear for any time i expect to be scaled.
That said, it still doesn’t feel difficult.
as long as it account binds the item extracted it’s hard to see how this could significantly mess up the economy.
i could see unlocking zone entrance WPs account wide. That trek to cursed shore got old long before i’d done it on all 8 of my characters.
That’s not really gonna mess with map completion, unless there’s some inherent advantage to being able to start at the least accessible areas.
(not blue – shoot it)
I just noticed this. the animation on my sylvari is just… wow. just no.
the rending claws animation was the only reason i played axe over dagger. one of the best looking attacks in game. and now…
I just don’t understand this decision from a design standpoint
it’d be novel if the starter backpack for engies morphed based on your equipped kit, for those who did like the hobosacks
Can I just get the kit backpacks back for the loser like me who hasn’t crafted a legendary and actually really liked the flamethrower kit? I am sad it’s gone!
(or some option to at least turn it on? or a skin? please?)
I can definitely get behind you on the flamethrower one. It actually looked kinda cool/didn’t clip in an eyesore kindof way with my spinal blades.
if they added some other kind of visual cue, like a satchel of bombs/grenades or a flamethrower fuel tank slung on your hip where it won’t clip with back items…
There’ve been a lot of complaints about the mortar’s new model as a wielded (kit) weapon. I can understand their perspective – when you’ve got an ascended or legendary weapon with an extremely detailed skin/model, to stow it to pull out what appears to be a makeshift potato gun cobbled together from spare parts, seems a little inappropriate.
On the other hand, it is very appropriate to the class’s theme. The idea behind the profession seems to be that you do create your own devices out of whatever is lying around, emphasising function much more than form. What’smore, at level 30/40/60/whenever you actually unlock this particular elite under the current skill system, you likely do not have a themed transmog. It’s very unlikely you have any exotics besides perhaps the welfare one you’re gifted as a level-up reward. Any model given to the weapon kit is going to look out of place for some people.
To reconcile this, i suggest that the actual model of the kit should vary based on the quality of the weapon you have equipped, with at least two, and preferably three or even four tiers, each being a refinement/streamlining of the lower-tier model.
the progression would be:
Master quality & lower: Primitive, makeshift weapon
Rare: more refined, but still clearly a homemade device
Exotic: Skillfully made, every part evidently purpose-built
Ascended/legendary: All the bells and whistles. extra fuel injection, custom sights, futuristic looking detonator – anything to make the model look worthy of supplanting a legendary.
Can confirm. was wondering what i was missing, how i was meant to get to the hatchling in the skritt ecto trader area
Just human male. previously norn male too, but i’m adjusting (norn ranger sword chain looks awful though, esp after male sylvari)
There’s just something… neh about human males. Can’t put my finger on it.
Human females also have weird small feet but that didn’t stop me making my mesmer one.
Charr females voices are just soo wrong for them. Clear enunciation? no growl? (my personal beef) Sounding freaked out whenever they get a condition applied to them? It’s just all wrong. I play my warrior with voices turned off.
Asura are just so perfect. Sylvari i love for how wondrously naive they sound about everything.
yeah. But uniquely of all the gems, no way to transmute it. I don’t know if azurite orbs can result from random combinations of equal or lower tier gems in the forge, but i doubt it.
I mean, that sentinal’s stat group isn’t SO amazing, and unless you wanted a full sentinel build you could probably achieve roughly the same stat levels by mix n matching, but it seems kind of weird to add this stuff in but then only partially keep it.
As for the recipes, i know they wanted some limited availability things to reward players who put the time in, AT the time, but it’s been long enough now that people have already reaped those rewards in spades, if they were ever going to. It would be nice to see some wider availability.
I’ve gotten several variously colored unidentified dyes worth 1g+ each. Seeing as the emp frags were totally worthless trash before, I can’t complain.
Basically this. You had worthlkess junk, occupying inventory space, which you either couldn’t bring yourself destroy to or had already been destroying (amidst pangs of mild guilt). Now you have some things with a vendor value, if nothing else, the occasional thing of actual value or utility, and – yes – the occasional piece of worthless junk.
On average, you are still better off. either destroy the worthless stuff (again), or collect it until you have enough similar things to mystic forge.
I suggest just destroying.
i find myself equipping racial skills much more often on my asuras than on my sylavris.
That said, neither is an engineer so i don’t know what the toolbelt counterparts are like.
Charr, on the other paw, make fantastic engineers.
In a purely visual sense.
Around Charr areas we see huge rolling tanks and artillery emplacements. Asura use huge lasers and accelerator weaponry.
Siege golems are a nod to this, but otherwise i don’t quite understand why all other WvW siege looks so medieval?
I like the new dailies. You guys made an awesome job. they feel more rewarding and actually make me wanna play instead of doing 5 tedious things i hate like on the old system. keep the good work.
They’re too specific. They drive you to a specific area and force you to do specific things. That’s not “play how you want”, that’s, “play in an arbitrary fashion which likely isn’t how you want to play”
There’s a whole screen of achievements if you want to be rewarded for playing that way. Changing the dailies to match is a slap in the face.
I miss Ambient Killer. That was my single most favorite daily.
I felt really really guilty about that one. Who smites bunnies?
It should have been titled “pest control”
i think it’s a good idea, but difficult to implement well in the current mechanics. Think of how many recipes are available. How do you categorize them? it will accept any four pieces of gear of any level providing they are the same quality. How do you pick which specific pieces of gear it uses?
That sort of thing.
I would love a way to make converting my million-karma-worth-of-reward-gloves more effectively into linen, but i don’t see how it could be done effectively
I like the new system for achievement points (though i would prefer the daily meta be hidden, if at all possible)
I dislike the specificity of the new dailies. Intensely.
I’d say that kills, gatherer and events should still be present. Keep the old variants on kills and events, keep the new variant on gatherer. Add in three extra ‘wildcard’ dailies like fractals, crafting, consumable, vista view (DO NOT MAKE THIS ONE ZONE SPECIFIC we’re already likely going out of our way to do it), puzzle jumper… that kind of idea.
REMOVE THE STUPID kitten CLASS SPECIFIC PVP WINS this one does NOT cater to pvpers. not unless you have all classes, and have played them all extensively, which is much more likely for a PVE person. Again, they don’t cater to pvpers.
Replace them with “3/4 matches played” & “2 matches won”
The WvW ones are largely good and it’s nice to have two extra options/get wvw specific rewards for doing the daily this way. These are presently how i most commonly complete my dailies (i’m in t2, though – lower tier wvw experience is probably worse)
1) no
2) 1
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