I’d be much happier with Ascended if I could get it with the same time investment through other means, although it is a bit soon after launch to be adding new gear.
But it’s too late to do it that way now for WvW players unless they add that immediately because no one is going to want to be behind the curve, fighting PVE dungeon hamsters decked out in the best gear.
Can players even take Ascended gear into PvP and WvW?
Ascended rarity is between Exotic and Legend. They said ascended bridges the gap between them. There can’t be gear progression. Ascended is the new Exotic, there’s not gonna be another rarity for another set of armor. Ascended armor isn’t even here yet anyway. Just back pieces and rings.
Yes this would be awesome but its not happening. I won’t be looking forward to 1 time events anymore.
I didn’t like anything about the opening Event.
Yes, I can’t join anyone in there cause I dc maybe 5-10 minutes in.
I’ve not had a single lockup until this event. 3 now in the last hour or so where I’ve had to hold the power button.
Same problem with me.
Res shrines are disabled in the FotM until your party has wiped, in which case you restart from a checkpoint. Just like in personal story instances.
I don’t like the idea of no waypoints.
I’d second the OP, actually. One time events
-are one use only, so if you miss them, you’ll never see them again
-are always in a single spot, overwhelming the servers, making them unenjoyableIt would be better to instance them or spread them all over the map, not just LA.
Spreading across the world would be cool. Having it in 1 tiny little corner is a bad idea. I’m not doing the rest of the event.
There’s a difference between having an alliance, and intermingling everyone’s minions. I mean in real world standards, in WWII there were the Allies, and sure you may have had Americans following orders from the English and such, but in the end their allegiance was always to America.
And even if there was this full fledged mingling of minions, it wouldn’t be a champion of Menzies or Dhuum, but a champion of the Alliance of Fallen Gods.
The Shadow Behemoth belongs to Menzies.
No, the Deep Sea Dragon would be in a dungeon. I don’t think they’d have him appear only once. I think the Kraka’s and the Dragon are unrelated.
Because Zhaitan was in a dungeon, all the other Elder Dragons will be dungeoned?
Do you think they’ll have an Elder Dragon as a 1 time only Event? Hopefully they’re smarter than that. And I’m sure the Kraka aren’t the Dragon’s minions. A crab doesn’t fit with a dragon.
This creature belongs to Menzies.
I think I understood what you wrote the first time I read it. You wrote a statement of fact with no supporting evidence, thus you wrote a speculation and nothing more.
Okay little one. The Fallen Gods alliance, Menzies and Dhuum. Can use eachothers minions. I don’t know why you don’t get it.
No, the Deep Sea Dragon would be in a dungeon. I don’t think they’d have him appear only once. I think the Kraka’s and the Dragon are unrelated.
Well looking at the shadow army models, it looks like Menzies controls the white mantle after their death, but this isn’t the case.
And Nihilus, if everything that had shadow in the name was Menzies, we should really fear him. Because his army has made incursions into every portion of Tyria and beyond. :P
We have nothing to say it is Menzie’s beast except shadow in the name, and it comes from the Underworld surrounded by aatxe’s and shades, so it seems obvious to me that it is a servant of Dhuum.
You didn’t read a single thing I wrote did you? Go over it all at least 10 times and you might get it.
There was a chain of command, but each god’s servants were still loyal to their specific god first, and the alliance of fallen gods second. There’s even visual in some missions about certain emissaries squabbling with Abaddon’s servants.
Doesn’t really mean anything Shadow Behemoth is Menzies’ property. End of discussion gentlemen.
(edited by Nihilus.3015)
Abbadon, Dhuum, Menzies – All Allies. The Fallen Gods’ army is all the same. Its natural to have a chain of command. It doesn’t matter that the Greater Darkness is under Mallyx. Mallyx is under all 3.
This creature belongs to Menzies.
Why are people expecting more Risen? Zhaitans dead he’s not sending his army anywhere, they’re stuck in Orr. By the teasers its clearly something from the sea.
Everyone said Tengu was planned but delayed. I want a source.
I think about it every time I log back in. I loved racing as fast as I could to survive as people behind me dropped like flies. Me and my friends raced to the top and it was funny to see one of us fly off as we missed a jump at amazing speeds. I miss it and I want it back. Does anyone else have good memories of the Mad King’s Tower?
These bugs are common after a game update. They put out a emergency patch for a Dye Drop Rate. But not for Serious bugs like this.
Don’t expect an Elder Dragon to be the size of their concept art, that size we see on paper will never happen ingame.
Don’t expect an Elder Dragon to be the size of their concept art, that size we see on paper will never happen ingame.
I thought I’d post it here instead of the bug section so as many Elementalists can see it as possible.
Sometimes using this skill will get you stuck near a mob for a couple seconds. I’ve noticed when I’m running either left or right it will work properly each time, as long as you’re not going forward or backwards it will work. No more self CC’s
Some spoilers
Zhaitan was massive, Nihilus.
Do not watch the following video unless you’ve beaten the game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A0WJF9PjCg
Zhaitan is at least 4 times bigger than those dragons (each on the same as Tequatl). Each of those dragons was huge, and Zhaitan dwarfs them all. Literally, when his tails are shot off, they fall off and they’re far longer than his lieutenants, and that’s before we even get to his body. His wings alone are larger than the other dragons.
Im afraid not. Those Dragons in the sky with him look like smaller models of Tequatl.
We wouldn’t be able to see Lazarus anyway.
That’d be cool if Dhuum killed Grenth and took over the underworld again I’d love to see Dhuum in GW2. He’s my Favorite Guild Wars character.
Zhaitan was suppose to be massive too. Don’t expect to see a Dragon too much bigger than Zhaitan.
It ends on Nov 1st.
I love this new Jumping Puzzle, its by far the best idea of a jumping puzzle in the game so far. I wish it could stay forever. It’s so fast and intense, watching people just a couple feet behind you get eaten by green goo and rushing as fast as you can to survive. Its awesomeness, now if you’ll excuse me, I need my fix.
Eles can have a permanent 33% speed boost. I was first everytime I did it. Even other eles with speed boosts were a bit slower. I just knew the jumps. The guy you saw wasn’t hacking just a very good jumper.
You guys should really click the screenshot before commenting.
He is bugged. He is staying neutral and thus preventing you from attempting the encounter. Biggest whoosh.
Only one who got it.
I wanna be able to wear the hats over our armor like in gw1.
I just beat Lupicus with my warrior being in Melee range most of the fight, I ran out when he did his Aoe Health steal and used my bow but other than that I was in his face with my hammer. Didn’t get downed once. I have eye witnesses.
Cool, I was there Good old Arah bugs.
This skill almost never leaves my bar. It does have a pretty intense cooldown though. Its not like its extremely op or anything. 15-20 seconds would fit better than a massive 45 seconds. The range is fine for me.
“Where the F do you guys come from? … Consequently, where do you GO?”
We go where the wind blows~
haha, That was Legendary.
wait i forgot how much jugs do you get for monthlies again?[/quote]
What are you talking about, it’s right there on your elite :o
Haha I know, its Volcanus only though. I want Sunrise!
Does anyone think Greatsword would be a good future weapon for the Elementalist? I would love to get Volcanus or Sunrise for my Ele.
I didn’t mean a Melee Ele, Kinda like the Conjure Fiery Greatsword. Where we shoot fireballs from the sword. Something like that with each attunement.
(edited by Nihilus.3015)
Can we wear the Devil horns over our armor or is it town clothes only? Town clothes only would kinda suck.
It says it ends on November 1st. So you’ll probably get to see some of it. You just won’t get to see the King, if he’s coming.
Back armor
Would Elementalists be able to use greatswords in the future?
in Elementalist
Posted by: Nihilus.3015
I want to see Elementalists use hammers.
I use them in any situation really, although Hammer is the hardest cause you have to be melee range. Its a lot of fun bustin in with a hammer on a Elementalist. Ice Bow’s AoE does Extreme Damage to Environment Objects. Like in AC where you have to kill Graveling Burrows.
Conjure Lightning Hammer skin is what I want, I’ll take it over the Juggernaut. Does anyone know if this skin is craftable through the Mystic Forge? My Friend has seen someone link the Conjure Fiery Greatsword skin, he said it was named Volcanus.