Showing Posts For Nuked.2360:

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Beastgate feeds off the hate…and uncrustables. Oh, and sorry about the pug group last night Choo and TDub…we didn’t know we were so good in GvGs. 6-1 where’s Red Guard at?!?!

Welcome back! I haven’t seen you around ever since last time BG start winning. I also hope that Red Guard joins SoR to balance BG’s new recruitment.

RG already moved to JQ, and BG didn’t get any new recruits lol… SoR is fighting the same force that they’ve been fighting for months.

Someone is a bit delusional. BG has gotten multiple guilds in the past month or two. To claim otherwise is insulting towards the guilds that transferred to your server. If you want I could list them.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


It’s been a grand couple of hours hanging with [IRON] helping hold Bay. Now I’ve had a bite to eat and am ready to get back to the fight. Wrex’s maniacal laughter as we chased down [TW] tags was just icing on the cake.

What’s Indo’s rank? Isn’t he ranked Legend now? Who is this Colonel in blue armor? Shhhh. We’re hunting wabbits.

Yeah, I have to begrudgingly admit, while I was eager for the change at first last week, it’s nice to have JQ and BG back – a good solid wall of smash is quite satisfying.

Indo’s also a necromancer.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Capitalizing on one sides agression to force a 2v1 also doesn’t mean that one side is afraid to fight the other but they are doing the smart play to maximize their ppt so please stop crying about JQ can’t do this JQ can’t do that yada yada. We can and would if you guys were as adept at sensing an opportune moment to force the 2v1.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Wow I feel like people take this game too seriously. The first three pages of this thread were lots of qqing and bragging. Rise you guys wiped people congrats. Show some class and don’t post every time it happens. You are literally the only guild that does that. If TW or SF or FEAR or Choo or any of the other extremely good guilds posted everytime they wiped someone this thread would be 100 pages long. No one cares if you wipe them once. Cause at the end of the day you wiped them but they succeeded in the long term by fortifying their side and supply starving you to death which cost you your side in EB. So I guess winning those fights was worth it at the expense of 75 points.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Worst case scenario for JQ, seeing BG tears fill the pixels on my screen isn’t so bad though…

We balls deep JQ last week by 111k. Yes, balls deep!

It’s no surprise some of them act like a brat because big bro SoR is back. I personally wanted a match-up with BG/SoR/non-factor server and see how we do against SoR. Only time will tell.

You beat us simple as that no need to care about the score cause when it comes down to it glicko is meaningless now so whether you beat us by 1k or 110k it won’t matter too much in the long run.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

TooHotForYou[HOT] Jade Quarry Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Just a heads up this is the World recruitment I.E server not guild

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Army of Shepherds International WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Bump looking for more players across all timezones.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

JQ WvW Establishment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Shoot any of us a message if you have even a slight interest in JQ and we will ensure someone contacts you

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


So it’s cool for you guys to flip our garrison during Oceanic prime which is JQ’s weakest timeslot numbers wise but if we flip your’s its sad got it double standard’s are double standards

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


this week is epic here was scouting it a bit some epic fights love jade quarry

If you have any questions feel free to contact me :P Also glad you had fun

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Army of Shepherds International WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Server: Jade Quarry

About AoS:
We were founded on the principal of having fun and enjoying WvW while also maintaining a Server first attitude. While we are proud to be members of AoS the most important thing to us is our server itself. We have been a very vital part of helping Jade Quarry continue to improve as we field many active commanders and have tons of members who actively support our Server’s efforts to reclaim the number 1 ranking in NA tier. We will do what our server needs whether it be man up and try and take on the toughest foe they can throw at us or throw down an army of golems to start breaking some upgrades we are willing ready and able to do so if asked to do so. We have active commanders on at all hours of the day. We pride ourselves on our reputation as a guild that lets our actions speak louder than our words.
What we can offer:
We offer 200+ Active members on daily
Strong, Fun and enjoyable WvW and best of all we utilize all classes and groups of people to the utmost effectiveness.
Guild Forums and website for members to use

Guild Missions!

Active Teamspeak/Community

Represent us in World vs. World
Pride for both guild and server
Unwillingness to give in against even the most dire consequences
If you are interested
Apply on our website @
If you have any questions you can message me I will respond as soon as I can.
If you want to roll with a team and have fun while your out there regardless of score and smash groups 2x your size then you should come join us!

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

[RE] Rethesis is looking for a new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nuked.2360


If a senior [RE] member or GM wishes to scout in JQ, i am willing to sponsor 1 Senior member of RE or the GM to come over to JQ to see how its like. I will only accept the GM of [RE] as the middle man of the transfer when i send over the gems/gold required for transfer. No strings attached offer.

PS. I have a wedding and will be able to only send money to the GM in 16 hrs from now.

Please PM me for arrangements.

^ Thanks for the offer, but we already have a scout in your server.

For all those wondering: Does Rethesis have a decision timeline?
I know it was stated earlier you guys are in no rush.

^ We have a good amount of scouts sent to the servers that interested us already, so we’re just waiting on details. We are also still waiting to hear from the few servers that we haven’t gotten in touch with yet, yours is one of them, hint hint. So to answer your question, give or take a week for scout feedback then our decision will be made.

I suppose I should let you know that I’ve been stuffing your scout with cookies eh? He’s currently lying there in a sugar coma. Sorry about that. Otherwise he seems very happy

Sound’s like bribery to me!

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


JQ ts used to get ddos’d too if I recall, back in the hod days.
I’m surprised the two aren’t both affected, both run on the same private server.

Each TS server is run on a different one iirc. Epi told us on (JQ) that he has them all on different ISP as well so if one gets hit the rest don’t go down. JQ/SoR TS are hosted on server’s not spare computers for one. Secondly they get DDos/trolled (Soundboards random people joining etc) because they aren’t passworded and it happens. To think anyone from either server is involved is a large stretch. It happens JQ got DDOS’d so hard before the ISP threatened to drop our TS server as a client. Once again the more used a TS server the more likely it will be hit for the heck of it and based on usage they will try and hit it at or around peak time which is noticeable from the link someone posted earlier.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


What I imagine this weeks reset meetings to look like.


Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

JQ WvW Establishment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nuked.2360


^ Do experiment and let me know if blackout has any impact to the server pop, lots of thanks!

Cos we tried before, dosen’t seem to help…

From past experiences (pre-Paid transfers it works) but we haven’t done it recently as we had much need to til recently. The key to it is coordinating with large PvE heavy guilds that may not WvW but if you can get one to help then they will talk to their friends and it will snowball to a larger effect than spamming LA/all PvE zones asking people to log off would.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

[RE] Rethesis is looking for a new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nuked.2360


p.s If you choose a FULL server good luck trying to get 350+ people over. My friend and his guild moved to a full server 2 weeks ago and it took over a week just to get his 50 man guild over. It’s possible, but it’ll take several weeks

It can be done quite easily it just requires manuveuring on all sides. I.E blackouts, coordinated efforts and just observations of when things open up.

Not sure if blackout works. I came across a post by dev that mentioned its calculated based on total accounts on the server. Meaning if a large group of players decide to stop gaming gw2, then your server is full till active players transfers off. There will be this problem when ppl transfers becos of WvW and players who are heavy PvE will not bother to transfer to give these slots away because of the guest feature.

Then the population wouldn’t fluctuate from full to very high so often. I’m not sure but you do what you think works and til anet says otherwise it’s the best option available

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

[RE] Rethesis is looking for a new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nuked.2360


p.s If you choose a FULL server good luck trying to get 350+ people over. My friend and his guild moved to a full server 2 weeks ago and it took over a week just to get his 50 man guild over. It’s possible, but it’ll take several weeks

It can be done quite easily it just requires manuveuring on all sides. I.E blackouts, coordinated efforts and just observations of when things open up.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Either way this is a great match right now.

If you say so. I personally think its pretty skritthouse. Being outmanned on 3 maps almost 24 hours a day is fine for a while, then it just gets old. Trying to run havoc and every yak I come across has anywhere between 5-15 SOR players standing right near the yak, I try to flip a camp but I have to kill 10 mesmers first and then there guild mates who come running in for backup after Ive killed a couple of them. Sure, there are some fun fights, nothing like killing six players whilst running solo, but at the end of the day I think its pretty skritt.

Remember though that the servers we are currently facing were wearing the outmanned buff for a long time during our reign of dominance. Personally, I and my guild are enjoying being on the other side of things solely because we don’t have to deal with Queues anywhere. I believe that we JUST created a queue on Eternal battlegrounds after getting a large portion of our guild in already. I don’t think that EB has had no queue anywhere near primetime in all of JQ history before now.

Lots of good fights though this week. Anet’s “optimizations” were obviously rather useless for the scale of fighting that we do up here, but I hope lower tiers at least received some benefit from it. IMO what Anet needs is a good ol’ hardware transfusion, A.K.A. More servers/better servers. Until then, the Lag monster will always be the strongest enemy in T1 WvW.

I don’t recall BG or SOR having outmanned buff on a minimum of 3 maps 24 hours a day every day for weeks on end, including weekends, ever. Not in the time I have faced them. I also recall it being a struggle to find the resources to have 1 player escorting a yak, let alone 15. Sure they had less numbers turn out and experienced outmanned buff more often then we did, but not to the extent we are facing on a daily basis. Can’t wait for reset and fingers crossed we drop down and play other less populated servers, because T1 is just ridiculous for JQ right now.

JQ has had this 2x in our past for extended periods of time. It happens when you have a high PvX player base. I don’t mind it I still fight when i’m on and the bags drop the same whether we have 5 or 80.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


pot wtf did we get ourselves into? lets carefully back up and out of this silliness…….

Too late!

Already spoke to Pot! It’s offical! You’re going to be one happy lady! Enjoy that

And Stei!~ Don’t pay people! Geez! Just get them drunk, then put a female in the TS channel and get them to ask them to sing songs… it works wonders :P

True story, thats how Cuddles got me in LOVE. She just wanted me to make JQ [LOVE] SO bad.

Sorry she reps MERC now

And I used to think MERC was respectable. There goes that idea

Oh noes!

Karps! WHY WOULD YOU TELL THEM?! The secret is out….


Also, I’m still very LOVE’ing, just depends on the time of day

Need to be in the loop to make sure we start playing golf and punting cuddle’s off cliffs and stuff like that lol.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


pot wtf did we get ourselves into? lets carefully back up and out of this silliness…….

Too late!

Already spoke to Pot! It’s offical! You’re going to be one happy lady! Enjoy that

And Stei!~ Don’t pay people! Geez! Just get them drunk, then put a female in the TS channel and get them to ask them to sing songs… it works wonders :P

True story, thats how Cuddles got me in LOVE. She just wanted me to make JQ [LOVE] SO bad.

Sorry she reps MERC now

And I used to think MERC was respectable. There goes that idea

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


pot wtf did we get ourselves into? lets carefully back up and out of this silliness…….

Too late!

Already spoke to Pot! It’s offical! You’re going to be one happy lady! Enjoy that

And Stei!~ Don’t pay people! Geez! Just get them drunk, then put a female in the TS channel and get them to ask them to sing songs… it works wonders :P

True story, thats how Cuddles got me in LOVE. She just wanted me to make JQ [LOVE] SO bad.

Females don’t exist in video games. They are just men wanting something and have voice changers duh. I mean look at Madhatter.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


pot wtf did we get ourselves into? lets carefully back up and out of this silliness…….

Too late!

Already spoke to Pot! It’s offical! You’re going to be one happy lady! Enjoy that

And Stei!~ Don’t pay people! Geez! Just get them drunk, then put a female in the TS channel and get them to ask them to sing songs… it works wonders :P

Well see the person was trying to fund their armor and we were all being generous and well bored. We also had madhatter in TS we offered 100g to her if she would sing a duet but she wouldn’t

So where you hosting our cross server karaoke night then Stei?! :P

I don’t know would need someone who has a VoIP that would be willing to donate the space for a bit :P I mean I don’t run one so not my place to say yes or no :P

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


pot wtf did we get ourselves into? lets carefully back up and out of this silliness…….

Too late!

Already spoke to Pot! It’s offical! You’re going to be one happy lady! Enjoy that

And Stei!~ Don’t pay people! Geez! Just get them drunk, then put a female in the TS channel and get them to ask them to sing songs… it works wonders :P

Well see the person was trying to fund their armor and we were all being generous and well bored. We also had madhatter in TS we offered 100g to her if she would sing a duet but she wouldn’t

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Took this POT shot just for my favorite BG member <3 With love of course.

Please command so I can hunt you down! <3 With love of course.

Should we have a joint marriage celebration together Pot?

Apparently Sang and I are engaged and you and covergirl seem to be quite loving today!

Let the celebrations begin!

I rekon Stei should plan it for us! He loves to party!

Only if I don’t have to pay for the booze. I still owe SF like eleventy billion gold cause I apparently paid them 1k per member that transferred to JQ.

Oh and I think we should throw Jed and Indo’s impending nuptials into this huge party make it one giant fun love fest.


That way, we can all be together again in the future! After the horrible ANET god separates us!

We can still guest server’s and enjoy the wedding in a giant 3 server party! I also heard that Shini is performing some karaoke headlined by some Call me Maybe (his favorite song )

I just read that as “group karaoke time, with mainly Shini singing”
Got it! Someone needs to organise it! I keep hearing about way too much enthused karaoke people (cross server) but we have nowhere to host it?!

Thoughts? :P

Um idk where but we had a karaoke night one night in AoS we paid someone 40g to serenade us for 4hrs straight it was funny as hell.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Took this POT shot just for my favorite BG member <3 With love of course.

Please command so I can hunt you down! <3 With love of course.

Should we have a joint marriage celebration together Pot?

Apparently Sang and I are engaged and you and covergirl seem to be quite loving today!

Let the celebrations begin!

I rekon Stei should plan it for us! He loves to party!

Only if I don’t have to pay for the booze. I still owe SF like eleventy billion gold cause I apparently paid them 1k per member that transferred to JQ.

Oh and I think we should throw Jed and Indo’s impending nuptials into this huge party make it one giant fun love fest.


That way, we can all be together again in the future! After the horrible ANET god separates us!

We can still guest server’s and enjoy the wedding in a giant 3 server party! I also heard that Shini is performing some karaoke headlined by some Call me Maybe (his favorite song )

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Took this POT shot just for my favorite BG member <3 With love of course.

Please command so I can hunt you down! <3 With love of course.

Should we have a joint marriage celebration together Pot?

Apparently Sang and I are engaged and you and covergirl seem to be quite loving today!

Let the celebrations begin!

I rekon Stei should plan it for us! He loves to party!

Only if I don’t have to pay for the booze. I still owe SF like eleventy billion gold cause I apparently paid them 1k per member that transferred to JQ.

Oh and I think we should throw Jed and Indo’s impending nuptials into this huge party make it one giant fun love fest.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

AoS International Jade Quarry Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Looking for more people willing to command and kill tons of people out there

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Took this POT shot just for my favorite BG member <3 With love of course.

I am quite speechless but I think the picture suffices.


Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Now JQ also cannot drop siege in EB……so whats going on?

Blackgate has been having siege issues in EB also. I wouldn’t be surprise if whatever they did to change the siege timers also messed up the siege caps as well.

Yeah, We have siege problem in EB too, Look like that map become Golem Wars 2 now eh ? :P

it’s time to GvGvG

It’s actually time to see who can pvdoor gates faster! We should race each side pick a keep in EB whoever caps the others first wins a photo op with cuddles!

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

[RE] Rethesis is looking for a new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nuked.2360


I would honestly suggest FA or JQ given the amount of NA guilds both server’s have lost.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

JQ WvW Establishment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Bump for EU/Oceanic/NA coverage!

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


It’s sort of ironic watching SoR complain that their GvG’s got interrupted after FEAR did it so many times and ruined the first batch of them.

We are no longer told when or where those “GvGs” are happening.

Haha I just thought it was funny that Choo was complaining about being interrupted after those GvG’s caused such a stir when interrupted :P

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


It’s sort of ironic watching SoR complain that their GvG’s got interrupted after FEAR did it so many times and ruined the first batch of them.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

AoS International Jade Quarry Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Bump for EU/Oceanic players!

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

AoS International Jade Quarry Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Bumping for EU/Oceanic based players!

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

JQ WvW Establishment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Join us today and expand your horizons as they change the match making system to allow us to fight a bunch of new servers. We might even get the lucky and have a battle of GW1 factions servers in Kaiening, JQ and FA!

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Yes, but is feeding the Black Hole really in anyone’s best interest?
The list is pretty absurd. Especially with a stable server like JQ as an option.

I would say the DB/JQ tensions don’t help the case but that is my own opinion on the matter. It doesn’t exactly attract a lot of guilds to see guilds transferring from JQ to DB no matter what role they played in the scheme of things. Big or small it still doesn’t reflect well. While BG some guilds may disappear from time to time they haven’t transferred off. In fact the only big guilds to transfer off BG recently were FoE and Agg iirc.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


BG = Eat a wave of guilds, win 1 week, get stomped following weeks, wait for another wave of guilds to eat, etc etc. Rinse and repeat. The only reason blackgate’s server status is “full” is because of their stacked wvw population they’ve devoured. No idea why anyone would want to transfer there. JQ would be a better choice for guilds to go to, at least then you have a server who wants to fight.

JQ woulda been a much much better decision for BT to transfer too. I’m guessing The Blackhole forgot to mention the attrition rate they have over there. I personally am hoping they can bring a fight back to BG, but I’m really not all that confident after seeing so many guilds transfer there to die.

Each guild makes what they feel is the best decision for themselves. Whether its JQ/SoR/BG/DB et al I wish them the best because at the end of the day they have to do whats right for their friends and fellow guild members and I know these decisions are never easy given all the past transfer talks I’ve had with guilds.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


My only hope is when they do the new rating system they give us the matchups a little before reset to help us figure out
1) what color we are
2) who we are facing
3) I don’t know but it can’t be a list without three!

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Hope some guilds see the senses to join JQ. Hot competition of jq vs sor and iron made a mistake going to sor and just killing the chances of balance considering its been fairly stable sor being ahead by far for weeks now. Sor will stay ahead till some guilds get bored or others move to jq. All coverage aside the score is perfect proof of the current imbalance in the grand scheme

Rewriting history a bit. SoR had the weakest coverage of all 3 t1 servers. No one could foresee that JQ would start bleeding guilds. At the time Iron made the choice SoR was the best choice as far as balance is concerned.

Yeah no hate on them. They made an unforeseeable mistake and now we can fix it or we can leave sor at top spot for a few months till the guilds get bored and they fall out of t1

I’m on JQ and I don’t think it’s fair to ask them to cough up another 1800 gems to appease our biased sense of fairness. Instead it’s up to us to recruit, fill gaps and bring the fight.

I don’t recall JQ offering to send any guilds to SoR when JQ was in the top unbeatable position. Why all of a sudden are you asking for SoR to break itself apart to help you guys win again?

You do realize that a few random people on the forums saying this doesn’t make it the opinion of the server. We are enjoying the fights. End of story.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

JQ WvW Establishment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nuked.2360


I have seen a lot of [Ge] Recently. Your site is under construction. Does GE wish to share info here?

No, I’m going to open a recruit to stick again in guild sub-forum?

Awesome I will make sure to send any prospective people your way

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


I name that server BlackHoleGate though. Where on earth are they putting all these guilds? They get a bunch of transfers, I see them on the field for a few weeks and then they dissapear. Something very fishy is going on over there, Anet should be calling in the feds.

This has been kept under wraps, until now. I can’t live with the guilt any longer. The fact is, Blackgate has a dirty secret. Behind the scenes, we are nabbing all the new transfers, taking them down through the heavily guarded Blackgate and to the depths of the earth where we are harvesting their brains and fusing them all together to form a “super brain”. Once it’s ready, this “super brain” will rise through the depths and embed itself right in these very forums, where it will begin to respond to trolls and in turn troll our competitors at a level so incredible and downright heinous that our competitors will explode from within.

So there you have it. Ah it felt good to get that off my chest.

Ah, I knew it….. looking forward to see that super brain in action. Be good to test myself against some real trolling competition.

Well if its confession time…. they won’t like me for this but hey so what.

Jade Quarry has been running a Soylent Green game for months. Stei, called it the “make a super soldier process” but really the truth is much more henious than that. That guy has a future in marketing.

Honestly the free transfers we got were a real boon. We were starving. We have now consumed most of them. We only keep the SF and their friends around because they are tough as old boots.

There you have it, JQ eats people. Its all true folks, JQ really are the evil beast you thought they were, and you thought our hyper density of Orr Risen were all npcs… those are just the dead husks of ex player avatars running around.

The super soldiers were supposed to be secret super soldiers Kreen ……

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Oddly enough I am indeed in Nebraska. Second time in my life!
But in BFE rather than the thriving metropolis of Omaha

Pshaw, no Nebraskan could EVER sink so low as to being on SoR! :P

Hang my hat in non-detroit Michigan. Just passing thru nebber nebber land :p
I’m sure had they known I was TW they’d have added “special sauce”

Fixed Just kidding xD

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Poorly composed, my apologies. I responded to the whole discussion with half my mind on a tasty Reuben. My point was SoR has watched it’s holdings be fought over during this time for months. It’s hard to keep a straight face seeing the leaders in the coverage war arms race crying foul. Much less respond with anything but “up your game, son”

Was it a New York Reuben? Huh huh… ?

Reubens are best served from Omaha, where they were created, tyvm.

Nothing from nebraska is good tyvm

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

JQ WvW Establishment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Definitely look into joining Jade Quarry if you’re looking for a fun, competitive WvW experience. I’ve been with JQ from the beginning and can definitely attest to the camaraderie within the community. More importantly, it’s an all-around good place to have some great times and meet some really cool and skilled people – which is what this game is all about!

Rinoa also solo’s zergs with her face seen it multiple times!

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

JQ WvW Establishment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Can I ask for your definition of the timezones? When you say NA timezone does that mean daytime or night time US? How do the Oceanic, SEA, EU and NA timezones convert into server time, for example?

Added it to the Timezone seperation. These are rough times and probably won’t reflect each player in the timezone but its really rough to sort of give you an idea.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Ben I’m on every night, and I’m not a member of jq that gives up, It’s the inbetween sea and Na i believe because sea is good, and around 9pm central we start to gain a little back, but we seem to lose it right before that every night. Our transition from when one group logs off and the other doesn’t come on for a few hours is what hurts the most right now I think.

It’s easy enough complaining on the forums about something when things aren’t fine and dandy but I personally would rather see people who are wanting to be part of the solution instead especially when the going gets tough. So if you have ideas pop on and help out.

I log on Every god kitten night and play wvw. I don’t need my own server telling me b.s. If logging in is part of the solution then I don’t know what is. If just logging in nightly and joining in on taking camps/ scouting/ havoc groups w/e you want to call them.

There are just better places to complain where the complaints can lead to a solution rather than public forums. Just my 2 cents.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

The Lag in JQ BL (NA Tier #1)

in WvW

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Was pretty bad last night as well. Its funny when ur trying to take a T3 keep, have 25 people, run in and half of them dc =P

It was the arrow carts man they are now just making people disappear

It’s not the arrow carts, Anet is doing that very well by themselves.

I was kidding lol. I am well aware how bad it is as I’m often on Home BL during the week when I am playing

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuked.2360


I think it’s silly when when people bring up the FULL comment. Ever heard of PvE? TC is probably the best example.

Could say JQ would be the best given our first few PvE event experiences and the fact that we were the first server to reach full on release.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

The Lag in JQ BL (NA Tier #1)

in WvW

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Was pretty bad last night as well. Its funny when ur trying to take a T3 keep, have 25 people, run in and half of them dc =P

It was the arrow carts man they are now just making people disappear

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader