- Fix ALL the bugs
- RTL counts as dodging
- Damage buff and/or cooldown reduce on most of our damage abilities
- Huge underwater damage buffExpectations:
- Bunker builds get nerfed to the ground
- Evasive arcana no longer a blast finisher
You are the cause!!! Lol, just messing, follow a lot of your post Aether, you just happened to be spot on with this one… Was really hoping for some buffs to our other builds or maybe even base health, but looks like Nerfing is all we are going to get
So instead of fixing our problems with traits and stuff, they fixed RTL, ok great. But to nerf 80% of viable builds… Wth. If you were going to nerf us into the ground, why the heck did you make us wait for 2 weeks thinking you may actually buff our damage and nerf bunkers to make more builds viable. I am highly disappointed with ArenaNet, I wait so long for this game, got all my friends and family to buy it and you screwed everyone over. Everyone I know has left the game.
Bring back Pre-Launch Elementalist, at least they were fun to play no matter what build you took then.
Nerfing is not the way to fix this game… On a side note…
Where did this Company go???
“So remember: when you’re playing in any of the upcoming beta weekends and that little survey pops up, tell us what you really think. Those metrics truly help us guide our work, and help us get a sense of if you’re truly having fun. At the end of the weekend, jump on the Beta Forums and leave your true honest feedback—if you loved something, tell us why, and if you didn’t enjoy something, please let us know that, too. We really do read and listen to the feedback in the pursuit of making the most fun game we possibly can, because we know if you’re having fun, the game (and our company) will be fine in the long run.”
On another note, to all you who betrayed HoD, shame on you. There is one thing I cannot stand, Server Hoppers. Sad to see guilds that were once part of HoD making it a top server on the opposing servers now. I wont go into specifics, but they know who they are.
The guilds that made HoD a top server, mainly those of us who were in the Titan Alliance, feel no shame for spreading out and leaving. We didn’t like the idea of one powerhouse server. Hence the split. I’d think more on your words before calling out groups.
I was not talking about titan, I was referring to the guilds that server hop every week. I have seen,the same guilds vs HoD a few weeks in row. They basically transfer every week to winning servers. Im sorry if this wasnt clear in original post when I said i would not name specific guilds. However you assumed I was talking about one that I wasnt.
Edit: sorry for any typos posting from phone.
(edited by Otaur.9268)
Is there more to this “superior line of sight” thing?
You can even take this further, and shoot him through a solid wall as long as the wall is not too high. Or you can pop a churning earth below ground, and hit an enemy that’s standing around 600 units above you on a cliffside right next to you.
Just wanted to inform you, this does not work at keeps. Standing on the ground while an enemy is only a few feet above you shooting you, Churning Earth and EQ will not hit. Tested this last night 11/14/2012. It was only hitting on level surface. Maybe cliffs and stuff are different from towers / keeps?
The only good way to really use Ether Renewal is in mist form so u can remove a bunch of conditions. Or when you have enough distance between you and opponent, allowing for maximum heals / condition removal without being interrupted. The worst part about Ether Renewal is that it is a Channeling spell, causing you not to be able to use other skills unless you dodge roll to end it. The best thing about it, is the condition removal + short cooldown.
It’s a little pointless now that the match is half over but
I don’t hold the idea that FA and DH are working together necessarily, but the seeming amount disregard they have for each-other when they go well out of their way to keep HoD under wraps, at the same time seems pretty ridiculous and definitely not productive in terms of a good match.I like where this is going. Please continue.
Actually I ran into this myself, the moment FA started showing up at the keep defense, DH stopped showing up. I figured this was out of respect for us HoD being outnumbered already by the FA server and never thought more of it.
It could be that DH had a force to big for FA to roll against, Zerg vs Zerg is much more difficult than Zerg vs Small Group.
Still disappointed that FA had to bring so many to kill us 5. After reading so much about GOD guild.
On another note, to all you who betrayed HoD, shame on you. There is one thing I cannot stand, Server Hoppers. Sad to see guilds that were once part of HoD making it a top server on the opposing servers now. I wont go into specifics, but they know who they are.
Here is a thought, remove Repair costs on stomp for WvW, add in an Attackers event system like you guys have for Defense. Spent about an hour tonight fighting 12 – 1 odds trying to take a keep. I realized they are being rewarded DEFENSE CREDIT and making Money / Exp / Karma, while my team of only 5 people, who were fighting this zerg and trying to take the keep was being awarded NOTHING. That seems a bit harsh, where is my ATTACKERS CREDIT?
I was in DH Borderlands tonight (im HoD) and was having a nice time with 4 others (5 including me). Started to try and take a small keep near our Border, and a few Darkhaven show up, that was all fun, 5 vs 5 sometimes 5 vs 7 not a big deal. After awhile of beating on the door (got it to half) FA starts showing up, the guild GOD mainly… That was fun for a few mins, as we started having some skirmishes as they mostly stayed on walls, only jumping down to try to finish off our Up Leveled members who stood at door in arrow cart / aoe range, it was ok. Then more started to show… And more… Eventually it became a zerg vs 5. After killing a few of theirs, more showed up, some other guilds too by now, and eventually it became a wipe fest with no hope of winning from being outnumbered. After dieing 3x to 12 – 1 odds, I finally can no longer afford repairs (back to 7s, only had 11s to start). However, I would not think it would be necessary to have so many people come to kill only 5. If this is how WvWvW is going to stay, then they must remove Repair costs for the Lower populated realms, atleast. As we were fighting them at the keep, i realized something… I was LOSING gold while they get rewarded it. By defending they are receiving event credit awarding them money while us attackers were being rewarded nothing. This is pathetic. If I am going to take my time to fight unbelievable odds trying to take a keep for 30mins – 1 hour, I believe us attackers should get some credit with the same Event system. They get Defense credit, why don’t we get attacking credit?
TL;DR, Had a blast till FA brought to many people for us 5 HoD players to fight back.
Easy Fix for the Ascended items… Stat cap in WvWvW… No longer mandatory for casual players, people who play more can have their new armor, and others are not penalized for not having it. Tada, easy fix! And while they are at it, remove Repair costs for WvWvW (on armor), do not get repair costs in sPvP, why in WvW, I want to spend my money on Siege Equipment, not repairs from being zerged 20 vs 1 or 2
If they make these items “Fashion” / “Only above normal exotic stats in new Dungeon” then I could care less. But if it applies to the normal PvE / WvW areas, then I might as well quit. I am very limited on time to play, and still have not farmed, yes farmed, enough gold for my first complete exotic set…
As much as I love the idea of WvWvW, as a very limited player (time that is) I do not have the time to farm gold / dungeons to get all the gear I need. So I am not able to participate as much as I’d like… Being on HoD, I do not mind fighting unbeatable odds of 6 – 20 vs 1, but I cannot afford repairs. Had over a gold saved and kept getting face-rolled by 20+ enemies at a time and now have about 15silver.
If they remove the Repair costs from WvWvW, it would be 100% more active, and they would still have a gold sink, Upgrades / Siege equipment.
Hi all. We were 2 vs 1 elementalist bunker, and we coudn’t kill it. even 3 vs 1 was really hard. please understand it shoudn’t be supposed to be like this !
courtesy of the thieves guild and all the nerfs we took so far.
I do not know if u 3 were fighting me, but last night I fought some really bad thieves… Being a condition / healing ele, necros are my bane. They just condition me till I use all or most my condition removals, then transfer my conditions back to me ans convert my boons to conditions. On the other hand, the thieves I fought were trying to venom / condition me to death, kept stunning themselves with my aura and never tried to run away with shortbow. If these were you and ur friend, this is a l2p issue, because spamming 3-4 buttons isnt going to work on a good ele.
Actually im dagger dagger ele, dropping 1 – 5k (churning earth) aoes on the pets. Didnt kill them.
During all those hits i was jumping / dodging and moving around. As an elementalist i cannot stand still for the life of me. I understand what a lot of you are talking about with Pet pathing as my Elementals also have the same problems. Please understand this is not a complain post, but was created to show Rangers that pets are not all that useless, There were 3 Rangers in this group of screens, and they all seemed to be using similar builds. This surprised me as they were not trying to kite me, but were more into keeping me CC’d while the pet owned me. I did hear “Sick Em” quite a bit throughout the matches now that I think about it.
During these matches when I managed to get close they would use sword/dagger and evade most of my burst / condition damage attacks. I was very impressed and raging a bit, Lol.
Anyways, I may take my level 4 ranger into the mists to test out some pet builds.
Was never standing still Sam, I am ALWAYS moving as an Elementalist… We do not have time to stand still. However combine the above damage with the knockdown abilities of a ranger, and it is pretty much instant down state.
The thing is NO ONE should be forced into a Bunker build. However, if we spec for damage (And full power does not count because I can do 2x as much with Precision spec), we die if someone sneezes on us. And the max amount we usually hit for is about 3k. Where as other classes that spec glass cannon, say thief or warrior, do triple that damage plus have more survivability. Heck, warriors Power trait line has a 5% of power becomes vitality. And there is enough thief threads to go around.
All we ask is for some more balance, however it would seem that the Elementalist forums are ignored 95% of the time. Elementalist was the first Profession revealed, and the last one they seem to care about. But we will have to wait and see on the 15th of November…
Thats what im saying, i usually only get hit for about 500 – 800 (which you can see a few of) but tonight every ranger i faced was using pets to my bane. I never have problems with them before. Was curious if anyone else was having this problem tonight. Quite annoying being knocked around with arrows and also killed in a few seconds by rapid shot / pet damage. But meh, good for the Rangers I guess.
Rangers are good in pre-80-PvE, some ‘ld even call them op.
Sadly they’re also completely worthless in WvW, sPvP and Dungeons.
People with say “No they’re not, you can play them successfully!”
Well thats true – but every class can stomp rookies, especially lvl 1 guys in WvW.
The main problem of the Ranger is:
The numbers on 9 out of 10 skills are simply broken.
(Due to Ranger being op in CB and getting overnerfed on nearly each single skill)
Also countless bugs and bad trait-in-traitline positioning (trap@precision).An image says more than 1000 words.
Note: The Ranger has a full critical set, the Thief has only 1 rune, but the rest of his equip is exactly equal.
Pets in sPvP have great damage, if you trait for it… I was being hit on average of 1k – 5k by pets tonight. Check it out.
Did the rangers pets get a damage boost recently? Never had this happen before, and 3 games in row I had these happen. Also, why is some Rangers stomping under 1/2 second, while others are normal. Watching the chars boons, no haste / quickness applied.
Anyways, check screens of pets mad crazy damage.
This started right after the build update for the Unidentified dye drop rate fix…
The thing is Burst damage even with max Toughness builds we still get hit for 6k damage. Which is if you go for a vitality build is about 1/3 of our life. So Toughness actually does not stop burst damage. Where a condition only does about 500 – 800 damage a tick and can be cured by many methods.
I use a high bunker build for sPvP, I can take on about 3 people at once. Yes I still die, but I am tough to kill. Yesterday I had the whole enemy team of 8 on me while my teammates capped points. After about 2 – 3 minutes I was dead, but it was still 2 – 3 minutes they spent fighting me instead of capping. My build is a high healing build with lots of condition removal + 1,100 condition dmg before might stacking. I do not have the most health only 14,500 but just switching to Water heals me for about 2k, then evade is another 2k, plus cleansing water is another 1.5k which makes me a tough cookie. Best of luck to you!
Elementalist damage + quick suggestions + Dev feedback request
in Elementalist
Posted by: Otaur.9268
@Prince. as my quote button has disappeared… “Churning earth – add pulsing damage to the charge up. People can still walk and dodge out of it but at least we aren’t then taking a huge drop in dps.” Funny thing is, this used to be a Hold and Release spell, that did exactly what you describe. It was intended to send out shockwaves that cripple nearby opponents in waves to help keep them in the blast radius. However, BWE3 we saw a lot of unspecified nerf’s. Our damage was actually quite nice. Maybe it was because no one knew much about the game yet, or maybe we just had more damage. All I know is pre-launch I ran an all Fire ele because the damage was awesome. With 2 daggers I could die quite fast if I did not dodge in time, but the risk was most definitely worth the Damage I was dishing out. I could easily take out groups of monsters in PvE with high damage (and this was before learning combos). The thief in Beta was the opposite, less damage, high survivability due to their escape tactics. Somewhere during those Betas we got our roles switched. I was under the impression that since we had the lowest base health and armor in the game, we would also have some of the highest spike damage. Which makes a lot of sense.
If you have a class that dies in 1 to 3 hits (Even Thief dies this fast) then they should be able to dish out loads of Damage. However, on the Development side of things, you have to take into consideration, thieves are mainly 1 v 1 attackers. I believe they may have felt the ability to dish out all that damage in an AoE form was over powered. This made the Elementalist seem like the most useful profession in the game.
I hope to see some of our Pre-Release nerf’s undone and allow us to be the profession we were. With Churning Earth being a Hold / Release / Pulse Cripple being one of the best things ever. It would allow us to use it to cause some damage / cripple, but if situation got to bad we could release it early for less damage and less range, but rewarding those who held it till full charge to be released in a massive aoe damage with bleed.
Again sorry if this is long winded, but I am hoping for some answers myself. Love the Ele, don’t plan on changing. If we get buffed so we can go back to Glass Cannon, I am all for it, and will gladly get out of this Bunker role. I don’t mind dieing, as long as I take 3 – 5 people with me!
TL;DR – Churning Earth was a cripple / pulse / charge to release skill. BWE Nerf. Overpowered due to massive aoe dmg compared to thief single target. Why I believe they changed it. Hoping for explanations and some buffs / responses. Goodluck fellow Elementalists!
PvE or PvP? Either one check out Tanky DPS post by daphoenix
I think a 9 sec cooldown on each attunement without speccing into Arcane would be awesome… This would allow for more build diversity right there.
One thing to consider ihmo is that every race has diferent camera placement. Camera on norn is much higher then for example on asura character. I did some testing and for me its easier to aim and throw granades with camera placed higher, especially if you use “fast ground targetting”. Its not game braking of course
but for me using granades on asura was awqward.
When I found out about this camera placement thingy I just deleted my lvl 20 asura engi, rerolled human(wish i made norn) engi and never looked back.
With the new FoV Beta they are doing for Wide screens, the view is no longer a problem. Check it out if you have a 16:9 Monitor! (Only problem is a minor fps drop like 4 – 10 fps)
I use all but the pants (to skirt like for me). So I used some light armor pants with same stats from an npc in Orr
I believe exotics are only craftable, dungeon tokens, WvW rewards (badges of honor). Otherwise you could try playing the Mystic Forge game. Combining 4 like Rares (Yellows) to try and get an exotic? I’ve only had this happen for me 1 time out of about 30. So best of luck with you. If you need exotics, sell all your high level rares (yellows) on the Trading Post, and then accumulate some gold and buy some exotics.
Or you can work your trade skills.
Hope this helps!
PvE mostly, with a little PvP.
The Elementalist is decent in both fields. We just require a higher skill level and gear. Unfortunately gear is a major factor in our survival. Also, you aren’t going to be mowing down enemies as fast as others, but more of a dragged out process. Bunker builds still die, but not as fast as burst builds. We are really good for stacking might on our allies, so if you enjoy the guerrilla warfare approach and love lots of combo-chaining, then stick with Ele. I started with Ele, leveled to 80, and now when I try to switch to another profession, they do survive easier, but they get boring real fast.
Best of luck in your choice!
We are more manual, and to help with this point, you should probably disable Auto Target. This will make strategically using Ride the Lightning easier. Hope this makes sense. Good luck.
If you are having a hard time landing fire grab, I would suggest trying to use Right mouse and looking at your opponent. Also, the range on it is basically face to face. With practice you will land it 80% of the time. The other 20% people will dodge it.
It is a really nice burst skill (if you are built that way) otherwise it is just some extra damage. Good luck!
Daphoenix whats ur armor at? I was told mine is low at 2300
No offense but I do not see what you are trying to accomplish with this build. You are not condition, you are far from burst damage. Are you trying to go more healer?
From the looks of this you are trying to just live a little longer with high vitality.
@Scribbles Thanks, he is an evil looking thing. I figure, if you don’t run when you see me, you will run after I hit you with a DoT.
I dont care how good you are versus this many thieves you are dead.
Wow that’s crazy, was this sPvP or WvW? I completely agree that, ignoring gear, no class should ever be able to one shot someone with ZERO chance of retaliation.
Final shielding may have saved you, but that shouldn’t be REQUIRED for survival. So yeah, normally I think most people that complain just aren’t playing the class very well, but that is crazy. I don’t know how you could possibly counter that.
Everyone thinks im complaining, but there is a point to what I post. I know how to play the class quite well, and can survive a lot of abuse in sPvP, but to go from full life to 1k in less than a second just really irks me.
Eh, I feel like HS spam gives me enough time to react. IMO, BS thieves are MUCH more deadly. They spike for a lot higher in a single hit.
The best thing about HS thieves is that most of them are dumb and just keep hitting the “2” key, so when I mist form, they waste all their initiative hitting me lol.
Is the full life to 1K health you describe from multiple thieves HS spamming or just one? A single thief should take more than a second to reduce you to 1K HP from full to 1K with HS spam…BS could probably do it though.
This post was originally made because a thief hit me 3 times before I could even render him. And saddest part was it was 3 heartseekers for 6K+ each hit. With only 16k life I was downed to fast to do anything. (Was in WvW) With 2300 + armor.
Then went into sPvP and got 2988 Armor, which was what the later posts were about.
LOL, love it!
abcdefghijklmon (15 char spam)
You messed up…
abcdefghijklmno <<<< NO not ON Lol
Wow that’s crazy, was this sPvP or WvW? I completely agree that, ignoring gear, no class should ever be able to one shot someone with ZERO chance of retaliation.
Final shielding may have saved you, but that shouldn’t be REQUIRED for survival. So yeah, normally I think most people that complain just aren’t playing the class very well, but that is crazy. I don’t know how you could possibly counter that.
Everyone thinks im complaining, but there is a point to what I post. I know how to play the class quite well, and can survive a lot of abuse in sPvP, but to go from full life to 1k in less than a second just really irks me.
I was in a game tonight where a mesmer told me I need to L2P Ele because I am only rank 9. My rank has nothing to do with my ability to play. Ele has the potential to be very strong, but I feel we are punished if we try to spec for damage. We all have to spec Defensively. However, I can kill groups of people. With the exception of most confusion mesmers, several thieves at once, or bunker guardian. Get them low and full life instantly. This is not a L2P issue. When 95% of Elementalist are forced to spec Earth, Water, Arcane, that is a design flaw. Who here is not this spec? If so, please elaborate on your build, how fast you can kill (dps numbers) etc, and survivability vs 2 or more targets.
Yea i use my skills / utilities vs thieves all the time. The stun aura, mist form, etc. All very helpful, but when you get 4 – 5 at once on you… You are dead before u can take a breath.
So far I'm not satisfied with Warrior damage. Does anyone have any advice?
in Warrior
Posted by: Otaur.9268
I lol’ed at the whole second class with highest damage and highest defense. Pretty much every class out there absorb as much or more damage then us. Even clothies. We do have the highest hp yes, but that hp goes down fast as the wind, even if spected to have high toughness.
We only achieve such high damage on very glass cannon classes played by players who are still inexperienced. HB everyone dodges as the combo is predictable like no other. Stances have too much of a cool down, in fact every utility we have got insane cool downs. So if the poster is happy with big numbers and dying a lot against a real thread. Good for him.
Thief damage imo is at the point where every melee class should be. They have stealth to make up a tiny bit for their glass bodies, which makes them rather balanced in a certain way. Specially since bunker builds will sponge that damage down to normal thread. Warriors on the other hand only get high numbers from going suicidal with attacks that everyone predicts. So yeah.
Tell that to us Elementalists… You cannot complain about damage or survivability. Go play an Elementalist, then play your warrior. You will jump for joy.
On a side note, with 3000 armor we still die in 3 – 4 hits
Wow, a dev actually posts in a professions thread? How about heading over to the Elementalist page and giving us an update. You know, first profession announced, worst one in game? Just saying.
On a side note, nice to hear one profession getting some love, and he says they can’t do all at once, meaning maybe one day I will be viable on Ele!
Sorry for the Low Quality, have my game running in performance mode when I took these. Here is my Lil’ Devil.
No matter what game I join, there are always 3 or more thieves. In this one alone, there are 7. 5 on the enemy team. It is getting to the point that even with 3000 armor, I die in a few seconds from 3 – 4 of them all spamming backstab, C&D, steal, Heartseekers, etc. Even with my Aura on, it does no good vs all of them.
Do your matches look anything like this one?
Thats what I thought too… However I decided to do some sPvP, i have 2,900 something armor, and still being hit for 3 – 5k by thieves. It is sad. I mean look how noob the class is, everyone in sPvP seems to be making thieves… This needs to be looked at, it is not coincidence that 80% of the games I join look like this.
hmm, well he did appear after killing me, but combat log only showed the 3 hits.
It counts as u downing urself again, but doesnt increase downed penalty
This was fixed awhile ago in a stealth patch. It now resets ur health to like 70% and is very nice in PvE… If the mob gets u to low, pop mist, and back to 70% and rally. Lol
Edit: Go to Mists and test on svanir if you’d like (training one, not in a match)
I’m not fully geared atm but I can ALMOST do it. It is very hard… D/D