Superior Ballista Bolt 10k Damage, Superior Ballista Improved Spread Shot – Point Blank 35k+ Damage.
The Ballista is meant to hold a choke point, hitting 50 players in a line or bundle. The Catapult is meant to destroy walls.
I believe if they increased Ballista range it would make it overpowered, as it can already cause mayhem if you have 2 – 3 of them and players trained in the rank line.
You can basically prevent a capture with these.
Ballista AoE limit: 10
AC AoE limit: 50Ballista is only good when you can hold players in a choke point. So maybe for 2 shots total. AC is infinitely more useful and works in infinitely more situations including before and after the chokepoint is broken, before gates are broken, and beyond LoS including countering ballistas.
Ballista should be overpowered at holding small choke points in straight lines because that’s all it can do. But it hardly is. Because it lacks the CC (cripple) that AC has, is extremely limited in siege placement, and is basically single target after the choke is broken.
Hmm I honestly have played since beta and never noticed the 10 player limit… This needs to be changed to at least 25. Then it would be viable.
Superior Ballista Bolt 10k Damage, Superior Ballista Improved Spread Shot – Point Blank 35k+ Damage.
The Ballista is meant to hold a choke point, hitting 50 players in a line or bundle. The Catapult is meant to destroy walls.
I believe if they increased Ballista range it would make it overpowered, as it can already cause mayhem if you have 2 – 3 of them and players trained in the rank line.
You can basically prevent a capture with these.
Conditions have barely been changed since Release, with the occasional nerf here or there. However, what has changed is the addition of Dhummfire (spelling) which necro’s didn’t even want. It is the same trait Engineers get as a minor trait. The difference is that Necro’s can put their conditions on 1 player and spread it to others. I actually try and follow the players who are using Runes of Perplexity, and when they get 18 – 25 stacks confusion, I Epidemic and laugh at groups who kill themselves, now that is fun.
I would like something in the achievements panel like the titles area… Instead of Combat Healer, it could say Show WvW Rank, so instead it would show Soldier or Scout or Knight, as title. This is what I want to see
Heh, i would have preferred ascended weapons to not be account bound though. Having 8 avatars means i have to “discover” i ton of exotics
only 2 chars need the crafting disciplines to create all the weapons… They are account bound until equipped iirc.
This site is a big help.
I can’t think of any other game that has gone from ‘we won’t make this a grind fest’ to the complete opposite in a year.
The chances of getting an ascended drop in wvw is an easy question to answer- less likely than winning the lottery when you don’t buy a ticket for it.
Chances of being able to equip more than one toon with ascended gears and trinkets including armor and the multitude of weapons you need to run wvw builds, none.
Time it will take you if you decide to pve the necessary items and spend all day looking for ori nodes then level your crafting ON EACH TOON – years.
Well done Anet, congratulations on being the MMO that broke the rules…..
My understanding is the weapons created are ACCOUNT BOUND until Equipped. Thus, only 1 toon needs to know the weapon crafting skills.
Because I am on HoD and I have a necro, just have never used a MM build, that would be awesome to see… Lol
Edit: Found this video… Holy crap.
(edited by Otaur.9268)
That’s ok, I play condition builds so much that when I went to switch to Zerker build, I forgot to put on all my new armor and stuff… Played for a week believing my char was the weakest zerk out there. /facepalm Wasn’t till after I re-trained for Condition that I realized I never changed armor/trinkets.
Wrong. Imagine 10 people going back to Siegerazer via Waypoint, refilling their supplies instantly and with no effort, who then go back to the keep by using its waypoint. During a siege.
Defenders already have so many advantages in this game. I think it’s fine as it is.
That whole logic makes no sense… The WP during defense is available like 1 second every 3 – 5 mins… And Siegerazor event, I’ll just laugh at that one, that may be easy for servers in higher tiers, but I don’t see that happening much.
Honestly I find it fun to be Outnumbered sometimes, if and only if you are able to defend a point from so many players. However, the determining factor in winning or losing a tower/keep is running out of supply…
Now here comes the suggestion.
With the new Treb Mastery draining supplies on hit, can we please get a Supply Drop-Off NPC added to WvW… This would allow players to Run Supply and Drop it Off to help keeps/towers upgrade, better defend versus zergs in long fights, and add some more challenge.
This would also make players leave a keep during a defense, maybe even sending out Small SQUADS to take and gather supply while others defend. Thus creating a new point to characters who can run/get away and they should be rewarded with some WXP/Karma/Gold for Dropping off Supply during an attack or for Aiding in the Defense (Provided said tower is currently being attacked).
What you guys think about something along these lines?
^_^ The only time I have had a problem with enemies spamming Interrupts is in a 3v1 or 4v1 where they are all running Runes of Perplexity. More of a Troll party though :/
If you have the Weapon Swap function as long as it is still equipped, you retain the stats. The complaint I believe OP is making is that once someone gets full 25 stacks, they just put that weapon in inventory and use another Sigil to thus increase their odds.
The Armor Master sells Most Armor types for Gold and Badges, then the Weapon Master has Most Weapon types for 1g and 100 Badges or so. Very easy to gear armor/weapon wise for cheap (berserker sets). Cheaper than TP that is.
EDIT:: Spend your gold on the runes/sigils/orbs and Trinkets (or use Laurels and WvW Badges for discounted ascendeds)
I tried it doesn’t work cause it is no longer my home.
Hmm, where you the only one in guild? Cause I know this used to work as others posted about it in the past. Sorry to hear about your luck
I’ve never questioned how aggro worked in this game before but something’s bugging me now that I have both an 80 Warrior and 80 Engineer. My Warrior is full zerker axes and hardly ever aggros. My Engineer is in Knight’s so I know she isn’t doing as much damage but she aggro’s constantly, even pulling bosses sometimes when there are plenty of people meleeing them. Why is that? She’s running a Static Discharge/Rifle build btw.
Toughness, higher toughness = more aggro.
Just so you know, try Guesting to that server, everything should still be there…
In these hourly Invasion Events, with all the nice drops I am getting, I am constantly hitting (f) for AoE Looting. So as I do so, if I run over some dead thing and hit (f) my character has to stop what she is doing and jump up in the air, to drive a wooden pole spike into the dead carcass.
For the RPGer in me
All my characters are members of the Pious Knights(Knights dedicated to the common folk). This type of vulgar desecration of the dead just makes me scratch my head and does not make me look good in front of my fellow Knights.I guess this is simular to the “Finish Him” gesture from PvP but I am just missing the reason to brag my superiority to a computer AI.
Besides my RNG seed has already shown that the game hates me…why would I want to taunt it to anger it even more?
Simple fix that I did, re-bind aoe loot to F bind the interact to Shift F, no more problems EVER
I don’t think I have ever looted a key before. Is this new? Or do I just have really bad luck and never got one lol.
I’ve gotten like 3 in a year
As a strictly WvW player, never do dungeons as I do not care to use GW2LFG and only 1 player in Guild (myself, mostly trying to use for storage), I hope to see better stuff for WvW soon.
After reading a lot of the above posts, I understand how players may see my view as bias, however I was not trying to come off that way. As for the Glam mesmer, I have never really played a mesmer and I just created one, only currently level 12.
I am all for a duration decrease on the runes if need be, or even a duration cut from 10 seconds to 5 – 8 seconds.
The main point I was trying to make in this post isn’t that we should be complaining about the Runes, however, hoping that Arena Net will add in NEW Runes with similar abilities to create more open Builds. What these runes are doing is actually giving Support Based characters some damage.
Before this Condition Meta, Conditions were honestly crap… Everyone was rolling high dps zerk builds and that was the way to go, still pretty much is in most PvE. I have 4 Level 80s and 3 of them are condition spec chars, well before the Meta.
I thank everyone in here for their posts and welcome all ideas for these and future Runes.
Again, the point to this was to hope ANet adds in more Runes that will promote build diversity.
No comments on this subject?
Please no flaming, these are my honest opinions and that is all they are OPINIONS. We are all entitled to them. Please keep all feedback constructive and on topic. Thanks in advance.
I have seen several posts regarding the Runes of Perplexity and people complaining about how “overpowered” they are. However, I would like to say Thank You for this rune set… And here is why.
When it comes to content that is hard / challenging like Liadri, people asked for nerfs, including myself. However, some players explained how if you could learn the mechanics and still damage her enough to win, then it was a tough challenge. I hated this challenge, and failed so many times that I finally gave up. I decided that due to my laptops limitations on FPS and skill lag, that I was not going to be able to beat her and obtain a mini. But Liadri did make us players actually think and pay attention, promoting SKILLFUL gameplay.
Now we get to the Runes of Perplexity. I see players complaining that these runes are to Overpowered and should be nerfed. While other players claim they are not overpowered.
I would have to say these runes are not as Overpowered as players are letting off, and here is why I believe this.
1) The on hit effect stacks 3 condition with an ICD of 15 seconds = Balanced
However, the problem players seem to have is the #6 ability of Interrupt causes 5 stacks for 10 seconds. This is actually not overpowered at all, because the only way this works is by Skillfully using an interrupt ability. This makes players think and as we know it can aggravate some people. By introducing these Runes you have made the gameplay change to a whole new level. Players can no longer mindlessly spam abilities to be as effective. If someone is spamming their skills just to put them on cooldown and gets interrupted it has an effect. If the player using the runes uses an interrupt skill but the player cannot be interrupted at that moment, his skill now goes on cooldown and the enemy has 0 stacks confusion.
This Rune set also promotes Teamwork. If you are a solo roamer in WvW, you need to be prepared to have some cleanses for conditions. Say a Warrior uses Shield bash (interrupt 1), Stomp (interrupt 2), Bulls Rush (interrupt 3). They will all be on cooldown = no more interrupts for at the least 20 – 30 seconds.
By playing with at the least 1 other player, you can easily provide Condition Removal for each other, classes depending.
Now for the side where everyone says these are Overpowered.
In 1 vs 1 gameplay, fighting an Unskilled opponent, this rune set can absolutely /facemelt an enemy. However, vs a well played opponent, these runes are useless.
For instance, take a 3400+ Armor warrior with 1700 condition damage with Runes of Perplexity, 3 interrupts versus a Guardian. The Guardian can out damage you because you stack 2 – 3 types of conditions, while constantly removing the conditions before you can stack enough to do any damage. Versus a D/D Ele who runs the 0 10 0 30 30 build, they will be able to cleanse faster than you can apply conditions as well.
On another note, I have seen videos of engineers stacking 22+ stacks in a few attacks, however, I also observed the Engineer using his BRAIN… He times his interrupts, he waits for the enemy to use a skill and would then interrupt, this is wonderful to see as it is the player using tactics and not just spamming his skills.
So I would like everyone to think about these Runes, lets not NERF tactical gameplay, but to encourage it. Let ANet bring more Runes like this into the game. It will promote more strategic gameplay as well increase the skill level of the players. Learn and adapt to these changes, bring more of this stuff to the game to increase build diversity. If these Runes were called Runes of Feedback, #3 bonus 15% chance Grant 10 seconds of Retaliation on hit. 15 second ICD and #6 bonus Grant 10 seconds Retaliation on Interrupt, this would be interesting to me as well. What other neat ideas can ANet create.
My thoughts on the new runes, they promote strategic gameplay less skill spamming. Players must time their interrupts to benefit from the Runes of Perplexity otherwise waste a chance of landing confusion. Some other useful stuff, if want to know it all, please read.
Dead in North America… Let us Guest to Europe where they are actually doing the events. Been waiting almost 6 hours checking
Have even attempted to solo… Please fix this, no one is ever doing these events.
Thank you for all your replies. We are both pleasantly surprised at the helpfulness of the community.
Just to be clear, what we’re hearing is:
> Armor is meaningless
> Vitality and toughness are there to give you time to get behind the mob
> Raise the power, percision and conditional damage skills by all means
> Use external tools to determine combos between different classes
> Use your stay on the run as much as possible (Rogue / The Secret World)
> Stay out of the way of red areas (The Secret World), but stay behind the mob as much as possible
> Use abilities to keep you from getting knocked down, punted, etc. There is no passive skills that help in that area. (e.g. armor, toughness, vitality)Do I have the correct?
Edit: Yes, we both understand about the down leveling, but one would think that the armor, weapons, passives and ability that were gained during the 15 levels previous would give a distinct advantage.
^_^ It sounds to me that you are used to Traditional MMORPGs with the Trinity system, i.e. healer and tank roles.
As an elementalist I am assuming she is using a staff, when she lays down a healing field Water #3 or Water #5, if you are a guardian using say, hammer, you can use a Combo Blast Finisher to do Area Healing which is nice, or in fire fields to gain might to increase your damage. Using combo fields is a lot of help. If the mobs are ranged and shooting your wife (Elementalist) Earth #3 is an aura that will reflect projectiles for a short period of time. If she is being chased by a mob, Air #5 / Earth #5 will completely stop them in their tracks for a moment, whereas Earth #4 will cripple and slow them 50%. Earth #1 is also a great auto attack as it applies weakness, causing the mob to do less damage 50% of the time.
Stay mobile, if you have not edited your keybinds try V to dodge roll out of attacks. I hope you all do not give up on the game, if you need help sometimes heading to Lions Arch and asking for someone friendly to help instruct / demonstrate combo fields, they may help. However, be warned, you will get those people who are rude and unhelpful as well. Never send people gold in mail for help unless they helped you first and you feel you want to send them something.
Depends on how you like to play. Why do you like the Elementalist? Do you go burst or survivability? Do you like conditions? If you like a challenge and not being the best at damage but like having a lot of buttons to smash like F1 – F4, then engineer is kinda interesting. I have yet to try a turret build cause I hear they are trash. But Pistol/Shield condition builds seem nice.
As for burst, thief is greatest troll. Can do high damage and troll opponents with condition removal / stealth. Best of luck!
Easy, increase AoE to hit 10 people instead of 5… Thus a group of 5 can stop a 50 man zerg, grats.
Anet has already explained that it’s not easy and reasons they won’t do that.
It is is easy to increase a cap from 5 to 10, they’re not being totally honest. Case in point: DAOC, a game > 10 years old, had no AOE cap and supported higher player density as well.
Also, it was 10 to begin with, they Lowered the AoE Cap limit for… can you guess it? sPvP! Lol
Hollow you are correct, you only get the guaranteed rare once per day, and the chest would still spawn… Unless they changed this.
This has seriously got to stop… Why is it almost a year after release we still see people using some type of programs to teleport and stuff. Whats to say people aren’t modifying their damage, or regen rates? Saw a warrior hitting for 4k – 6k each swing with hammer tonight and when elementalist gave him regen he was full life in less than 0.5 seconds from 10%. There were over 10 people trying to kill them, we all were doing 200 to 1k damage.
I even switched characters to a full glass ele who usually hits average 2k – 5k, only did 500 – 1.5k damage a hit, where warrior did 6k+.
What is going on in this game…
Could just be that instakill cheat that some people have been using. Wish I was joking about that. There really is an instakill cheat. Do any attack on you, and you instantly drop afterwards.
Fought a warrior on my Ele, hit me once for 780 damage took 12k damage. Nothing in combat log, no conditions. I smell foul play!
Easy, increase AoE to hit 10 people instead of 5… Thus a group of 5 can stop a 50 man zerg, grats.
I spent like all of my cash on gearing S/S + LB for condi build and I didn’t really like it. There’s no denying the bleed damage is great but I still felt I was being killed pretty easily. That being said, I’ve only hit level 80 recently and I’m probably below average at the class but still :>
I’ve ran into this too, I get better damage and more survivability going zerk with Axe/Shield and Rifle…
:-/ I go into EB and its all GREEN… I go to walk outside entrance, 3 Kain waiting there, so what do i do? I charge them, down 1 other 2 revive, I die. I charge back out and go at it again. After 3x 2 down…. I die, come back 3 there again, then another player from my server shows up, 3v2 awesome… What happens? The 3 Kain high tail it to the keep… And one of them was a COMMANDER? Wth? So used to large numbers you wont fight 3v2? That’s not cool at all… Ok, I get an 80 warrior and a 44 thief to join me, going to take an upgraded, hylek protected supply camp… 3 Kain show up, we kill all the hylek, the supervisor, the guards, and the 3 Kain, Vet guards start respawning, Oh im last one left, no problem, bam Kain #4 80 thief to finish me off… /sigh
We seem to have no WvW force since this patch. Hope you guys have a fun week, cause I probably wont be in much WvW with work and all.
@Shakki: I’ve completed Liadri on my ele with both zerker and knights gear, and on my guardian with knights gear. You do not need a “specific gear setup” or a “specific class/build” in order to kill her. All you need is the will to keep trying.
And what if it’s a failry new Player,who don’t have 8 chars wioth differenty gear but only one and no money to modify it for example has an Ele Support healing Power build, you think this player can kill her? i think not.
That person needs to do the best with what they have.
And perhaps they give it their all and they still don’t succeed. I see no problem with that. This boss is by no means beatable for everyone.
Video of you doing this on Ele? I would love to see it, as her grasps alone out damage all the heals I have. And if I do go condition, I cannot stack them fast enough during phase 2 to beat the timer.
Just keep in mind, this content is for hardcore players. .
Ok, you dont consider 40 gold, more than 120 on a single boss, over 3 days of trials, around 7 hours of pure play, retraiting regearing solely for the purpose of beating this boss hardcore? Then geez, what else could it be?
Im sorry, but right now it is borderline impossible to do, has too many luck elements on top of the already punishing mechanics.
Remove luck away and it will be skill, which improves with time spent. Right now I can either die in the first phase than at 10% hp in 2phase. Nobody is that incoherent. Luckplays a much too big factor. P2 needs to be toned down, period.
There is literally nothing in this fight that requires luck. Everything has a set spawnpoint. As i said, clearly a player issue. You might want to look in your
respective class subforums; i’m sure there are plenty of helpful
threads with tactics for various setups.Did any of the devs even say that this was a bug? No.
For all we know it could be to force you to use pbaoe skills, which every class has access to.Poor design is poor design I guess.
So i guess it’s yours to determine universally what is good design and what isn’t.
I think it’s good design because i encourages diverse skill usage.
By all the threads complaining about all the bugs released this patch, it’s poor design. Defend all you want.
Please show me a video of a Warrior killing her under 5 seconds with Shield Stance.
Never said all warriors kill her in under 5 seconds. I just said its been done, and by you, so the fact your arguing that" its not broken for warrior is pathetic. Just because you’re an elitist doesn’t mean it should be impossible for the other 80% of the population.
Just one is enough. You said there is a video of a Warrior killing her under 5 seconds while “eating the shadow aoe and clone explosions”. As far as I know, Endure Pain doesn’t work against clones so that only leaves Shield Stance.
Endure pain makes u invulnerable, the clones explode and do 0 damage.
Agree with the bugs, other than that the fight is fine as it is.
Change any of the mechanics and everybody can do it.
They point is that they shouldn’t. The orbs can be killed with ranged attacks, just use one with pbaoe on impact or something that doesn’t count as projectile – problem fixed. There are only a total of 3 orbs in the entire fight so that shouldn’t be a problem,
plus they take a very long time to charge and pull you so you have plenty of time to counter that. Aoe is fine, just learn the patterns and avoid it.
Time limit is fine too, it’s part of the challenge and without it i would have beaten her on my third try which would have been far too easy.Just keep in mind, this content is for hardcore players. It’s challenging on
purpose. It was completed by every class. It was completed by zerkers as well
as support characters and condition based characters.
If you can’t do it then that’s a player issue.Problem fixed? How about broken design if you cant use your skills properly… The problem is not fixed, it should not even be Obstructed. The fact you’re saying that is a fix is sad.
Did any of the devs even say that this was a bug? No.
For all we know it could be to force you to use pbaoe skills, which every class has access to.
Poor design is poor design I guess.
Agree with the bugs, other than that the fight is fine as it is.
Change any of the mechanics and everybody can do it.
They point is that they shouldn’t. The orbs can be killed with ranged attacks, just use one with pbaoe on impact or something that doesn’t count as projectile – problem fixed. There are only a total of 3 orbs in the entire fight so that shouldn’t be a problem,
plus they take a very long time to charge and pull you so you have plenty of time to counter that. Aoe is fine, just learn the patterns and avoid it.
Time limit is fine too, it’s part of the challenge and without it i would have beaten her on my third try which would have been far too easy.Just keep in mind, this content is for hardcore players. It’s challenging on
purpose. It was completed by every class. It was completed by zerkers as well
as support characters and condition based characters.
If you can’t do it then that’s a player issue.
Problem fixed? How about broken design if you cant use your skills properly… The problem is not fixed, it should not even be Obstructed. The fact you’re saying that is a fix is sad.
Also it was not completed by every class. 5 out of 60 testers completed it. They didn’t say it WAS done by every class they said it CAN be done.
(edited by Otaur.9268)
Please show me a video of a Warrior killing her under 5 seconds with Shield Stance.
Never said all warriors kill her in under 5 seconds. I just said its been done, and by you, so the fact your arguing that" its not broken for warrior is pathetic. Just because you’re an elitist doesn’t mean it should be impossible for the other 80% of the population.
And what has to do with “eating the shadow aoe and clone explosions”?
Lets see, you sit in the aoe using Block, several evades, and invuln from endure pain. Funny Arcane shield on an ele dies to the shadow aoe. Yet Warriors block works just fine. I understand you want hard content, but everything should not be made just for warrior… How about raising all classes to warriors Health/Damage/Defense levels… Or better yet, lets see a Warrior nerf to bring them DOWN to the other classes levels.
@dani what class, cause all range spells i used said Obstructed repeatedly.
With any aoe range weapon skill ! Cluster bomb , arcing arrow !
About the warrior block
defy pain and endure pain doesnt work and i think 1% of warriors beat liadri with shield , i mean gs is alot better !
Endure pain and shield block do work as i tested it on warrior… And the 2 examples u gave for Range are aoe based attacks that explode hitting the rift underground… Try again.
And what has to do with “eating the shadow aoe and clone explosions”?
Lets see, you sit in the aoe using Block, several evades, and invuln from endure pain. Funny Arcane shield on an ele dies to the shadow aoe. Yet Warriors block works just fine. I understand you want hard content, but everything should not be made just for warrior… How about raising all classes to warriors Health/Damage/Defense levels… Or better yet, lets see a Warrior nerf to bring them DOWN to the other classes levels.
I use Greatsword, Axe and Mace with Bull’s Charge, Frenzy and “Fear Me!”.
Zero blocks, zero vigor, zero immunities, only one built-in evade. Every class can get that with Sigil of Energy.
Well ive watched quite a few warrior videos doing it, and i know the shield block does block it. Also a free evade every 8 seconds on Whirlwind, that also counts. Just like mesmers #2 sword invulnerability counts for them
(edited by Otaur.9268)
And what has to do with “eating the shadow aoe and clone explosions”?
Lets see, you sit in the aoe using Block, several evades, and invuln from endure pain. Funny Arcane shield on an ele dies to the shadow aoe. Yet Warriors block works just fine. I understand you want hard content, but everything should not be made just for warrior… How about raising all classes to warriors Health/Damage/Defense levels… Or better yet, lets see a Warrior nerf to bring them DOWN to the other classes levels.
@dani what class, cause all range spells i used said Obstructed repeatedly.
Not everyone plays classes that have access to several evades, blocks, invulnerability, massive melee damage. So there really isn’t a fair option for some classes. Hell there is a video of a full zerk warrior just eating the shadow aoe and clone explosions as he kills Liadri in under 5 seconds flat. This challenge is broken. Period.
You probably should first learn few things about the encounter. Or pay more attention when watching that video.
I know the orbs need to be melee’d not all classes melee. Period.
Umm a couple of things, to counter your points.
1) use melee to kill the cosmic rifts (has a dev even stated if its a bug that they are immune to most ranged attacks, for all we know it could be there to make you take a melee weapon with you, or use a non projectile attack)
2) yeah the camera does kinda cause problems, but you can avoid it by staying towards the center of the dome (not saying that we should have to find a work around, but at least one exists)
3) if you’re in a party you can call target her to help with targeting (same as above)
4) that is annoying and should be fixed as it isn’t intendedAnd yes, this was designed for hardcore gamers, they said so. This doesn’t need a nerf. It is suppose to be hard, and they said they don’t expect everyone to be able to beat here, that’s the point of having hard content. I haven’t beaten her yet, but in the 10 or so times I’ve tried I’ve managed to get her to 50% twice and it’s almost always my own fault for going down (opposed to bad camera angle or the like).
The entire point of the dome battles was for the hardcore gamers, that’s why they even made the point of putting it in its own achievement panel, so people who couldn’t do it could “forget it” and not have to look at it (though to me that’s really silly, but apparently people complain whenever they can’t get an achievement).
If anything they aren’t excluding the casuals, they are finally including the “hardcore” games. People were able to beat her within 3 hours of launch, so it isn’t impossible. Their beta testers said that 5 of 60 (I think those are the right numbers) were able to beat her, but she was beaten with all classes, so again it’s possible. If you want the reward, which is just a mini, keep trying. If you don’t want to, then don’t. There are plenty of other things included for casuals in this update.
Not everyone plays classes that have access to several evades, blocks, invulnerability, massive melee damage. So there really isn’t a fair option for some classes. Hell there is a video of a full zerk warrior just eating the shadow aoe and clone explosions as he kills Liadri in under 5 seconds flat. This challenge is broken. Period.
1) Remove the Rifts> The Obstructed crap and constant pulls into AoE of Death is ridiculous.
2) Remove the timer from Liadri only, there problem solved. It takes more skill to learn and stay alive from all the 1 shot death visions/aoe that you cannot really see, than it does to beat a freaking timer on a cheap boss.
This boss is beyond frustrating, if you do manage to get her to phase 2 (After hitting her with 5 orbs of light due to bugged ones not counting) Then get her to 50% life, oh wait we are going to drop you 500 feet to your death again, because 1 shot mechanics are such great designs.
Remove the time limit on Liadri and fix the bugged Corrupted Rifts… Then it may be doable by every class.
Several times get her under 50% with conditions only to die horribly due to a fall.
What are you? Bunker engi? Lol.
I have tried this on Elementalist about 35x and on Necro several times as well.
Time limit, bad camera, lack of evades… These are what kill me, oh ya and auto attacks that deal 2k damage a hit. Several times get her under 50% with conditions only to die horribly due to a fall.
I gave up when I was trying to Solo defend HoD Garrison vs a zerg of like 30 ET with 3 Omegas… No one was even in our Borderland. At least, no one was answering or talking in map chat. As for EB, I gave up when there was only 4 of us defending Durios from the 40 or so NSP, just to have them split their zerg and take Bravost and QL while we held them off at Durios.
I feel bad for ET in this match-up, if HoD is getting the Outnumbered buff from all the NSP running around, and we seem to have more people than ET, then I give your entire server props.
Respect ET.
~HoD Since Beta.