Showing Posts For Otaur.9268:

Doubt about Toughness

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


i was wondering if i get more than 1850 tough, do i get less damage or i nothing changes? thanks

Depends on your class… If you are light armor, you will still be hit like a truck.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

GW2 Devs Have In-game Powers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


^ That would mean that every time the hackers used a dev command, it would also be logged, thus enabling them to be caught and banned extra quickly.

Yes, but it has been stated it only records if they teleport further than say a blink (1200 range) at a time. But what about those who become invulnerable or just “blink” under the ground in WvW… Or Walk through walls/teleport into keeps and just claim “mesmer hiding”. What about those who fly hack above towers / keeps until they are clear so they can port others in. If these are all truly logged, then why are they still so popular in WvW today?

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

GW2 Devs Have In-game Powers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


On the live servers, special Dev abilities (like immortality or teleportation) are limited to GMs, and all dev commands are logged and reviewed to make sure no one is abusing the system. The integrity of our live servers is very important to us.

ArenaNet employees can join the ArenaNet guild, and when we’re representing it, we get the special ArenaNet tag by our name. We don’t have any special abilities, though, and we don’t necessarily represent all the time, so the tag isn’t always visible. (I often rep another guild, since it has a lot of my RL friends in it.)

And also available to those who have hacked their client to use the same commands, thus allowing for Dev Abilities for the hackers! Truth set you free!

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Proposed meteor shower circle

in Elementalist

Posted by: Otaur.9268


If it is one GIANT Red Circle where they have no idea where individual meteors will hit, I am OK with that… But if EACH meteor gets a circle…

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

[Video] WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Okay, on the last video he posted I thought I saw churning earth after a few dodge rolls.

Edit: Earth 15pt minor trait? is that what I saw? I think it is.

I pretty much got it figured out, what he is running, all traits at the least, I have an idea on armor / runes / trinkets :-P I will be testing it as soon as I get a chance to play again, kitten college papers… Unfortunately for everyone else, I will not be sharing the “secrets” because we need all the powerful Ele’s on Henge of Denravi! Lol

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Crit Reduction Stat

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Condition spam is dominant in pvp at the moment, nerfing direct damage will indirectly buff it making things even worse.

CC spam is dominant and condition builds are on the decline. I suggest you keep current if you post things like this.

That said, there is no reason to add a “crit reduction stat”. That’s what Toughness is for.

If they made armor cosmetic only and made every professions armor / toughness level the same as a Warriors, I’d be happy.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Hardest/most annoying enemies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Healing Signet Warriors… But I am a WvWvW player, not really PvE.

Oh and Thieves… Them bastids are annoying as hell.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Mob target priority changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Really! I hadn’t noticed. Funny, I inadvertently spawned my low-level throwaway ranger in starter armor in LA and I was surprised that she didn’t die in the events as I had expected her to. Maybe they just don’t like Eles.

No one likes Eles, its why we die so easily! On a side note, took a full glass Power Ranger into LA, didn’t have 1 problem… Took a level 37 thief into LA full Power/Crit build so far, no problems.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Guess the Huge Feature Update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Ooo Ooo I know! “Elementalist no longer have to be killed, simply face the Elementalist and type /point and watch them fall over dead.” Balance 2, “To save Elementalist the time of being one-shotted they may now type /ROFLTD (Roll On Floor Laughing Till Dead). This shall be an on-going development to see if we can shorten that command for future builds!”

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Mob target priority changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


I have noticed more and more mobs attacking low toughness/armor characters first… This change came RIGHT before the patch… Where’s the patch notes explaining why this was changed?

This is really bad for Elementalist who are not full bunker, especially when you enter Lions Arch and all mobs basically one shot you.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

sig war

in Elementalist

Posted by: Otaur.9268


21k hp and 1.2k tough is not glass. Ive seen eles with 10k hp and 1k arm thats glass

I run full glass, 916 toughness. 10k hp roughly 11k with WvW bonuses

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

sig war

in Elementalist

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Full zerker Ele fighting an apothecary/perplex warrior last night = Dead Ele repeatedly while warrior just stabilities, runs around in circles with bow / hammer applying conditions and healing.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Vague ele notes about upcoming balance patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Otaur.9268


I found the info from Tyler surprising because no where in this topic is there a single buff to staff:

On top of that, I’m already scary efficient at removing conditions on my Staff ele (with Water traits).

My best guess is maybe the “elite signet” leak might be reality, allowing more frequent switching into Water attunement.

Still pigeon-holing everyone into 30 water.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

What Builds do the Devs Run?

in PvP

Posted by: Otaur.9268


I have 1 of each class, just to keep tabs on how they feel in general.

But if I’m actually trying to hold my own, I run:

  • Sword/Sword + Bow Warrior
  • Hambow (to keep tabs on how it feels in the meta)
  • Various Necros
  • Various Guardians
  • Various Mesmers
  • On internal servers, been playing around with a few new Ranger specs

I don’t get as much time to play as I used to, but when I do play, those are the specs I gravitate towards.

I would ask you to try a D/D 10/30/10/10/10 Elementalist. Use any utilities / heal you want with a berzerker amulet / jewel. Run VI / VI, X, (Fresh Air- Believe is XII) / VI / VI / VI (can be swapped in sPvP as the 25% run speed from D/D not necessary. I’d go vigor on crit or arcane cooldowns reduced.

This spec gives a lot of damage for D/D but you may find without going 30 water 30 arcane you will melt. And I guarantee if you swap out /D for /F you still wont have enough survivability.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Patch notes???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Still no account bound WXP. No balances, seriously… Waiting till other games are released is NOT the correct way to release feature patches.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Remove AoE Cap

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Played this game since beta with some friends mostly because WvW sounded amazing (Coming from DaoC)…

6 Months later my friends quit due to the zerg-meta all over the place….

What do you guys think about removing the AoE cap?
It encourages small group tactics instead of “Lol, look at me blob i win”

You know that time in SMC when there is a 3 way battle and no one can see / tell whats going on due to all the skill lag… That is ANets servers frying from all the information they are trying to process at once so things slow down until all information can be processed. Until they upgrade their servers to better handle all the traffic and information (most likely to expensive and would require to much time) they will not increase the aoe limit…

I myself would love for them to remove Arrow Carts 50 target AoE and make it an Elementalist ability to have a 25 target limit on Meteor and 10 target AoE on Lava Font and a few other abilities. Bam Glass Ele is now worth the Risk and Zergs will met!

Oh the dreams.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

WvW Roamer?

in Ranger

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Moving from a Glass Elementalist to a Glass LB/GS Ranger and eating Healing Signet warriors is fun… Nothing more satisfying than a warrior thinking they are going to run away from you only to be caught and killed by said Ranger!

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268


1. Elementalist
2. Engineer (Turrets)
3. Rangers

Lets face it, since Beta these 3 classes have been tossed around with lots of promises and no real actions. Besides the nerfing of Elementalist based on requests from the sPvP community (which should be un-nerfed in some aspects cough RTL cough Lightning flash stun breaker… Conjure charges need to be removed and just keep the 60 second time limit… Make the cooldown for each 90 seconds and if we take the Conjure Trait it will reduce it to 60 seconds to keep them from being spammed to much! Would be awesome to see more conjure builds… Just some ideas.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

4 slot skills instead of an elite

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


We have been asking for this since Beta

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Constantly fighting with quest notifications

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Am I seriously the only one with this problem?

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

How are banners in terms of long distances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


You pick the banner up, move closer to enemy until inside the white aoe circle, skill #5 to re-place banner, continue fighting.

I myself wish they would make banners able to be placed on the back and can run around with 1 on back at a time… But that is just a dream of mine.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Ascended Gear for 1000 Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Just give us ascended back items in WvW already…

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Constantly fighting with quest notifications

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


As the title says, why did Anet change the quest notifications… Running around in WvW I am constantly Minimizing the quest popups over and over and over… Can we please have an option to minimize all of them constantly? These changes were not asked for.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

How often does Overgrowth's cleanse proc?

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


I don’t think it affects players outside of their third of the map.

It does. As long as they hold the points.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Dragon's Tooth!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Otaur.9268


No, Dragon’s Tooth needs to be ground-targetable. That’s the only change I can agree with.

Besides that, the whole Ele class needs to be seriously looked at.

It used to be ground targetted in beta but it was changed after the first weekend IIRC.

No, it wasn’t ground targetted in beta.

Nope but Churning Earth was a channel that you Held and could release early!

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

[EotM] WvW Infusions?

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


I was curious if any NPC in the Edge of the Mists were considered “Guards, Lords [or] Supervisors” in order for the WvW infusions to apply their additional damage.

My first inkling is “no” and the Infusions’ only work against the current NPCs in the standard WvW maps; but, I’d like to hear some confirmation (perhaps from a dev).


They give guard stacks (sentries and guards around keeps) so… Yes.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Stealth is Killing All Illusions Now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


I’m getting really sick of thieves, their mechanics are so overpowered – not in the sense that they can kill easily, but nobody should be able to go that invisible, evade that many times and regen their health like it’s nobodies business.

Oh god more whining about thieves… They’ve already nerfed nearly every skill the thief has (even though thieves were never considered OP in beta and received no buffs after that) and put a WvW item to completely disable stealth, what more do you want?

Elementalist that you thieves 1 shot even with high armor say HI!

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

FPS drop after patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Either lag or a fps youre not even sure wich of the two…. ? You do know the difference between the two right ? Did you even check if you have fps drops at all… ?

Theres definitely fps drop. I meant to say if its fps drop or both fps + lag. But lets get back to the topic. Are there a lot of people out there experiencing the same issue?

Lots of lag inside EoTM, not so bad outside.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

EotM is amazing. Thanks WvW team.

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


I found travel to be very easy… And I was using no speed boosts at all. Wurm holes, bridges, etc… It is not like you can’t use enemy bridges.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


I mean, what types of players?

It was made for WvWers who are stuck in queue. Honestly, from the limited time I had on it last night, it was a lot of fun. Less pressure to cap and hold for points, and much more small scale fighting. We had a lot of laughs knocking people off of the edge of the map and getting knocked off ourselves. I don’t know what it’ll evolve into yet, but at the moment it’s something new which has been kind of fun.

Memorable moment, we downed a necro near a bridge and 3 of us went for the stomp. He picked one of us and feared us off of the cliff from downed state, then got stomped before our engi fell far enough to actually die and rez him. Lots of laughs were had over that.

This x100… problem is with lag people were rubber-banding back onto the cliff side and knocking you off instead! Also there were groups of mesmers camping behind rocks and when people got to close, Focus 5, and pull groups without stability off sides. Is very interesting and very dangerous map. If you want to get away from enemies with speed (Ele FGS or Burning Retreat) be very very careful!

EDIT: What I hated about the map was the odd buffs the map gave people… Healing Per second, Condition Removal for entire zergs and Lightning damage??? Wow! Also transformations that are insanely OP.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

[Fractal Rings] Rings a Pleanty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


So I, like many other players, have a countless number number of useless fractal rings kept in storage, for me around 60. Would it be possible to trade them in for pristines at the merchant inside the fract lobby or just regular relics? I think this would be a viable solution to trade them in for pristines to purchase the rings you want quicker or trade them in for relics to get other useful items. Otherwise is there a plan for use of unused rings that nobody wants?

Wish us in WvW had these problems :/

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

WvW rank/chests question

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Are WvW ranks vertical or horizontal and do the chests get better at higher ranks?

The reason I ask is because if the ranks are horizontal and the chests do get better, wouldn’t that mean the people who have a lot of low rank characters will get kinda screwed once they make WvW ranks account bound?

They’ll have been opening all these low level chests rather than progressively better chests if WvW ranks have been account bound since the start.

First 5 ranks give you a WXP booster. 6+ give you 2 items and some coin. As of Tuesday (Edge of the Mist patch) they are supposed to be increasing the chances of getting Ascended gear from the rank up chests. Best of luck on the battlefield! (New patch may bring more loot bags into WvWvW, Yay!)

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Invader Weapons->Forge

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


They want you to buy the extractor from gem store for those runes and sigils. That may not even work though Lol

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Feature Build Balance Preview

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268



  • All sigils now have independent cooldowns, meaning you can use two on-swap sigils, or an on-swap and an on-crit sigil at the same time. You will not, however, be able to use two sigils of the same name at the same time. On-kill sigils that provide attributes, such as Sigil of Corruption, will not be able to be used simultaneously with other attribute modifying on-kill sigils.

Clarification Please
So does this mean if I have 2 sigils of bloodlust I will NOT get 2 stacks of bloodlust for 1 kill?

He means you cannot stack Bloodlust and Corruption. Just like right now

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

[WvW] Thief BS High Armor Squishy Targets

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268


So when the OP is trolling people with his condi bunker build that’s ok? His build has a lack of counter’s and can be considered just as lame.

A condition Elementalist takes more skill than a thief. Elementalist only has 2 damaging conditions, burning and bleed. Now to get others we have to use runes and/or sigils to get more. It takes more skill to live and survive on a condition or glass elementalist than it does on a thief with glass or conditions.

Sorry it’s my bad, I just realized the reason you posted it to show that eles can do the same damage a thief does.

Yup, it’s there to show that a) elementalists are just as capable of bursting as thieves are and b) since everyone and their mothers can do burst like that, the damage can’t be the real reason people are complaining about thieves.

Now I’m ready to admit that stealth regen build damage is a bit high for the amount of survivability they have, but pointing at an all out glass cannon and saying thieves deal too much damage is just silly.

I mean, I’m one shotting people on my warrior, and that’s on 10 second cooldown, 1500 range and it pierces :P

As for surviving as an elementalist glass cannon, it’s doable, though it does take a while to get used to. Mine is still sub 80 so all I can do is sPvP, but I’m not dying noticeably more than I’m on my 3 or 4 signet thief.

The ele burst is also on a longer cooldown than 4 seconds. Period. And the only reason thieves burst is on a cooldown is because of 4 second revealed. If you want to change it so a thief is revealed when he is blocked/evaded then I wouldn’t mind the damage. However, when you can stay invisible spamming an attack until blocks are gone or endurance is empty, that is bull kitten. If someone attacks you from stealth and you block or evade, then you know they are there, they should be revealed. Either add a cooldown to spammable attacks with high damage or reveal them if they fail.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

(edited by Otaur.9268)

[WvW] Thief BS High Armor Squishy Targets

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268


If the problem lies in pistol offhand permastealth and blind, why is the OP asking for a stab damage nerf?

Stab isn’t even the biggest nuke skill in the game lol.

As a D/D ele and a D/D backstab thief player, I can assure you this is l2p. While I openly admit D/D ele is not exactly in the best place at the moment mostly due to conflicting concept design on ANet’s part, backstab is NOT the problem, seeing as Eviscerate, Headshot, and even a longbow ranger playing properly hit for better burst.

And as an ele, the amount of AOE you have, on top of mist form, should be able to effectively counterplay anything the thief throws at you.

My point wasn’t the damage itself, but the frequency it can be applied. Put Elementalist Fire Grab on a 4 second cooldown and see how many people complain…

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

[WvW] Thief BS High Armor Squishy Targets

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Ok, I am one for going glass cannon as an Elementalist I ran it for the longest time. My heaviest hitting attacks did 3-6k (D/D) damage versus squishy targets… With the upcoming nerf to Crit damage, I changed my gameplay up. However, with over 3,000 armor, Thief damage is just ridiculous.

I have 30 in Water line, so this is absolutely ridiculous. The thief constantly kept blinding and hit for a ton of damage even though I have 30 in Earth as well. This really needs to be fixed, the whole fight he just black powder, heartseeker, backstab and switches to sword to strip boon / shadowstep. As an Elementalist D/D our interrupts are on a VERY long cooldown. Why is thief’s highest hitting attack on a 4 second cooldown?? Thank god for all my healing and running around, otherwise the thief would have killed me off. I got him to about 90% life and he would just shadowstep away, black powder, hs, backstab and repeat.


Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

New Patch Bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Otaur.9268


If u try to Minimize Living Story Event quest on right hand side, it immediately crashes game

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Cant beat Doc Howler - so frustrated.....

in Elementalist

Posted by: Otaur.9268


I remember Doc Howler killed me repeatedly back in the day. Don’t worry, you will figure it out (or already have by now). One piece of advice, she uses several projectile attacks, you have a reflection on staff, or a reflection and projectile destruction on focus.

Also earth dagger 2 blocks projectiles

WHAT? Lol Earth 2 is an aoe bleed/cripple.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

10K backstab!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Lol thats not bad, I have 3k armor and when I am 1v3-4 I get to 50% life and try to pull out to regen and get jumped by a 4th or 5th person (always a thief) spamming 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 for 3k damage a hit. Seriously, wish I could spam Fire Grab Fire Grab Fire Grab over and over too.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

How will you name dual Sigil weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


How will you name dual Sigil weapons?

with both suffixes at the end?
Apothecary’s Pearl Broadsword of Frailty of Strength
Apothecary’s Pearl Broadsword of Strength of Frailty

or with one of them becoming a prefix?
Bloodlust Berzerker’s Ceremonial Scimitar of Doom
Doom Berzerker’s Ceremonial Scimitar of Bloodlust

or simply name everything Twilight?

Rampager’s Destroyer Greatsword of the Hydromancer of the Geomancer!
Icebrood Slaying Sentinel’s Destroyer Greatsword of Elemental Slaying!
(if that even makes sense)

Berserker’s Bloodlust Scimitar of Doom

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Live stream Updates/ see 2nd post for rest

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Now can I use a sigil of fire & air together? The 2x silgil of blood still work?

fire and air sigils are of the same type “on crit” so they wont work together.

Not quite sure, will have to be tested. Sigil of Energy and Sigil of Battle are both On Swap sigils, but they will now work together, so I expect the crit ones to be the same way. They also planning on removing the “30% on crit chance” for a 100% on Crit. So expect the damages to be reduced but may work together! Also, a lot of On Crit stuff may change to On Hit as well. All we can do is wait and see.

Tbh, that would just makes them the “valid” sigil combo for zerker builds or something, and it wouldnt make much sense, being able to combine aoe whit single target sigil, why not just combine it in to 1 sigil.

but whatever if i can use hydromanyc and geomancy sigill together than im fine with it

Lol yes, I would love to see this option > Combine sigil using mystic forge 2 Sigl of Fire + 2 Sigil of Air > Sigil of Firestorm, 30% Chance on Crit, Cause a Firestorm in 300 Radius around your target, targets are stunned 1 second and damaged (AoE Fire dmg, lightning stun). ICD 20 seconds

But seriously, all we can do is wait and see all the changes.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Live stream Updates/ see 2nd post for rest

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268


They love the idea that high health = hard content.
Its kinda ridiculous that they could not think of anything better than nerfing a stat.

Well, its more like its the fastes thing that they can do at the moment also its much better than buffing everything else cus it would creat more balance issue.
From how i see it, changeing mobs and their stats would be more problematic and would require much more work.

We do not know all the changes. The “Features” Patch will change a lot of the games mechanics and stuff. All we got were a few samples of some of the changes that are coming. Expect a lot more stuff.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Live stream Updates/ see 2nd post for rest

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Now can I use a sigil of fire & air together? The 2x silgil of blood still work?

fire and air sigils are of the same type “on crit” so they wont work together.

Not quite sure, will have to be tested. Sigil of Energy and Sigil of Battle are both On Swap sigils, but they will now work together, so I expect the crit ones to be the same way. They also planning on removing the “30% on crit chance” for a 100% on Crit. So expect the damages to be reduced but may work together! Also, a lot of On Crit stuff may change to On Hit as well. All we can do is wait and see.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Ready Up livestream notes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Pretty sure they mentioned a thief nerf for choking gas… i think reduced duration of poison.

This is correct, I covered poison stacking cut on my post as well. And I believe they said balance changes would be later on, near Features patch, but I could of misheard.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Live stream Updates/ see 2nd post for rest

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268


10% overall nerf to zerk damage. No more Crit damage stat… New Stat combos.

Not overall, to crit damage.

Crit Damage is being removed from game. Being replaced by Ferocity a non % based stat. So yes, 10% over all zerker nerf. Straight from the Devs mouths.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Ready Up livestream notes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268


I live-blogged the stream notes on reddit, figured I’d cross-post here so everyone can see.

Critical Damage

  • Crit Damage as a percentage stat will go away
  • Replaced by a numeric stat called Ferocity
  • Balanced to be about 10% less damage overall
  • PVP crit damage won’t change – they feel it’s in a good place already
  • Numeric amount same as “secondary stat” on gear (e.g. 90 power/60 prec/60 fero for berserker)
  • Opens up potential for Ferocity to be a primary stat on new stat combo


  • Two sigil slots for two-handed weapons!
  • No more shared cooldowns!!
  • RNG reduced – percent chance on crit will probably just become 100% on-crit
  • Still only one stacking sigil type (bloodlust, perception etc.)
  • Dual swap sigils WILL both proc. (e.g. Battle + Geomancy or Air + Fire)


  • Adding strong bonuses further towards rune #4/5/6 to give more benefit of having full sets
  • Added more condi duration on early bonuses so 2/2/2 is still possible
  • Examples: Strength:
    1) +25 power,
    2) 10% might duration,
    3) 50 power,
    4) 15% might duration and 25% might proc on hit,
    5) 100 power,
    6) 20% might duration, +5% damage under might.
  • Fixing Rune #6 bonuses and other rune bugs (e.g. Ranger runes etc.)
  • They’ve done a balance pass over runes and sigils to try to improve diversity.


  • Adding new unlockable stat combos for PVP (similar to how new heal skills are being added)
  • This is more speculative / for future, probably not in next build

Balance Preview – There will be balance updates in the next build:


  • Signet of Restoration is restored to full power (no more pve/pvp split)
  • Armor of Earth cooldown goes from 90s to 75s (pre-cantrip mastery)
  • 3 seconds of Regen added to Water Trident (for up to 5 allies) – support+condi removal for scepter
  • Burning Speed now evades during cast! (more melee survival for d/d)
  • Frozen Burst is now a blast finisher! (can combo with Burning Speed)


  • Net Turret immobilize reduced by 1 second
  • Poison grenades – poison applied per tick reduced from 5 to 3 seconds
  • Toolkit – Box of Nails/Piranhas cast time reduced from 1 sec to 3/4 sec
  • AED cast time reduced from 1 sec to 3/4 sec (may go to 1/2sec later)


  • Litany of Wrath cast time reduced from 1 sec to 3/4 sec (may go to 1/2sec later)
  • Vigorous Precision cooldown increased to 10 sec (so only 50% vigor uptime)
  • Healing Breeze rescaled so 50% self-applies on cast, then 10% per tick for 5 seconds on allies


  • Critical Infusion cooldown increased to 10 sec (so only 50% vigor uptime)
  • Deceptive Evasion will no longer create a new clone if you already have full images (no overwrites)
    (yeesh, that’s huge. RIP clone-death builds.) :’(


  • Putrid Explosion is no longer unblockable
  • Training of the Master damage bonus reduced from 30% to 25%
  • Dhuumfire changed to make only Life Blast apply 3 sec burning with 10 sec cd – no longer split pve/pvp
  • Less passive — controllable application, and makes for active counter-play possibilities
  • Vampiric Master changed (didn’t catch the specifics)


  • Spirit of Nature healing was bugged – changing to 320hp / sec
  • Considering adding combo field to all trap skills (Viper’s Nest => poison field, etc.)
  • Empathetic Bond will no longer remove conditions when pet is dead
  • Making steps towards allowing dodge during sword auto chain (server-side fixes involved)


  • Positive things coming that won’t be discussed yet (same for ranger)
  • Pistol Whip possibly split into two-part skill with separate ini cost (stun and then slashes separated)


  • Healing Signet passive reduced by about 8% (~30hps), active may be improved / altered
  • Pin Down has new animation / tell, cast time increased from 1/4 to 3/4 sec

~This is a non-exhaustive list, full set will be in patch notes.~

FINAL: Welp, looks like that’s it for balance folks.
Let me know if I missed anything in the comments and I’ll include it!

Could of sworn they said Balance updates wouldn’t be till the Feature patch. But I could be wrong, we will see this Tuesday I guess!

^_^ Yours looks much nicer than mine.
I ran out of room, and kept hitting the Edit button to release the info as it was explained lol.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

(edited by Otaur.9268)

(Balance) Developer Livestream on Friday at 2pm PST

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Live stream info, typed as I watched it, some stuff got cut off so had to continue in second post lower on page.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Live stream Updates/ see 2nd post for rest

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268


(Sorry had a lot typed but ran out of space and it didn’t save in original post)
Necro) Dhuumfire now controllable, will go off when using Life Blast in Death Shroud. Promotes more skillful gameplay, and players can have a chance to dodge the Dhuumfire (Life Blast).

Ranger nerfs / fixes. Buffs working on Ranger Main hand sword AA chain.

Thief changes) Poison stacks down from 5 to 3, Pistol Whip changes,

Warrior) Controversal thing (healing signet), passive is EXTREMELY High, don’t want to Overnerf it, reduced passive by 8% (-30 health per second) still playing with the numbers, but working on Improving the Active to make it viable to push. They want more skillful play, and to be active. Trying to figure exactly what to do to make it serve a purpose when activated, not just a heal, but active getting a new mechanic to promote skillful gameplay.
Want to bring offense down a little bit, but are not sure what to do yet. They do not want to make them to frail…
Pin Down longbow #5, added new “Warm Up” effect, white swirly arrow before it shoots, so it is easier to see / dodge. Cast time Increased to 3/4 second.

Reiterate, a lot more changes to everything, and still can be changed depending on testings. Future blog explaining why they decided to do what they are doing.

Reminders, today is WvW reset, next Tuesday is origin of Madness release, some PvP Events, every Thursday, open signups and gem prizes. Today and Tomorrow, ESL and Bloody Tech GvG Tourny 6v6. They saw a support staff Elementalist being played in one of these Tournies.

A couple more tournies coming in near future check out the PvP Events Forums, and a dev mentions the Superbowl.

~Otaur out, sorry again to Rangers, I had a lot typed up but the forums didn’t take it. Same to Thieves. All information was typed as the Developers explained it during Live Stream. I hope everyone enjoys what I managed to get.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

(edited by Otaur.9268)

Live stream Updates/ see 2nd post for rest

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Edit) 10% overall nerf to zerk damage. No more Crit damage stat… New Stat combos.
Crit Damage is gone new stat Ferocity not % based.

EDIT / UPDATE! 2 Handed weapons now have 2 sigil slots

Update! Sigil stacking, Example. Sigil of Battle and On Crit sigils now work together. Cannot combine 2 same sigils like, On Crit On Crit. Some On Crit sigils now are On Hit. 2 On Swap will work, Battle/Energy on opposite weapons will work! No more 2 Stacking sigils like 2 Bloodlust on 1 weapon, so 2 point per kill, but 1 Bloodlust 1 Perception does not mean both stacks, 1 stack period.

Update Runes: Re-Balancing on ALL ruins to make them more consistent, % of when things proc, stat weights like 2/2/2 of runes for max runes, adding condi duration / boon duration to specific sets. Exampole, Superior rune of str: 1) 25 power, 2) 10 % might duration 3) power 4) 10% might duration 5) 100 power 6) Might duration , you wont be able to mix and match as well now. Numbers are subject to change only examples from devs.

Update) Rune of Ranger, 6th slot benefit will no longer be Useless!

Update Stat Combos for sPvP) New stat combos, open to feedback (post on forums) depending on all combinations you see in PvE high chance all things will not make it (Devs laughed and coughed DIRE).

Update PvP) Also sigils and runes, re-balancing, want all to be viable in sPvP as well.
Stat combos will be Unlockable* Like the new skills were.

Update Balance Preview) High level balance changes, next feature build includes balance pass. Above and beyond all the other changes and not close to everything, (ELEMENTALIST dev shouted) Signet of Restoration same healing potency in sPvP as PvE (already known).

Update Balance) Elementalist, Armor of Earth reduced cooldown to 75seconds to try and bring them back in line with other professions, cantrip mastery will make Armor of Earth more viable. Bug fixes, new rune combo’s may help also, (Do Not buy runes expecting them to be high price in TP, as almost ALL runes will be changed and balanced) Elementalist, 3 seconds Regen on Water Trident up to 5 allies (scepter) more condition removal from Remove condition on regen trait…

Update) Ele lacking sustain, since hit in past in bunch of areas, wanted add regen to other weapon sets besides staff, water trident fit this need for more support for more builds. Supporty scepter type builds to increase support.. (devs words)

Burning speed changes, you will be EVADING DURING USING !!! WOOT No more hammer in the face! Survivability for D/D. Hundred blades coming? Burning speed into it and evade (like whirlwind) to increase melee!

Frozen burst is now a blast finisher!

Update) Dev quote “Ele so OP” changes are not a full list of changes, some may go away, but they are trying to make sure they tell us things that “may” get in. All is subject to change. But what they explained most likely be in.

Update Engineer) Turret that needs a nerf… Reduce immobilize on net turret by 1 second. (Due to supply drop + net turret combos) Reduced for counter play. Josh explains the Nerfs.

Update Engi) Poison grenade, (shotgun effect stand on them and throw all poison stacks on them 60 seconds poison instantly) Reducing poison from 5 stacks from each tick to 3 stacks.

Continuing Updates) Toolkit, Box of Nails cast time to long and sluggish, cast time reduced to 3/4 seconds, and underwater version too. Make it more fluid.

A.E.D. From player feedback, Reduced cast time to 3/4 second (may change to 1/2 second depending on testing).

Update Guardian) Litany of Wrath reduced cast time to 3/4, maybe change to 1/2 second, depending on test.

Vigorous Precision, from 5s cooldown to 10s cd. to follow along with other class changes from last balance.

Healing Breeze, Re-scaled so guardian receives 50% from start and 10% per tick for next 5 ticks. For a more supporty heal. Doubled ally heal and scales really well with healing power.

Shelter is very strong skill, wanted to buff other heal to try to open more builds.

Update Mesmer) Critical Infusion recharge increase from 5s to 10s. Want you to use boon duration to get that longer vigor up-time, on par with other changes to other classes. Was OP with clone on dodge.

Update Necro) Putrid Explosion, No longer UNBLOCKABLE (Bone minion skill).
Training of the Master (MM Power line) Reduced damage from minon 30% to 25%
Changing Dhuumfire so it doesn’t throw out lots and lots of burning DPS.


Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

(edited by Otaur.9268)