at least it’s not a trait that will kill you and is adept tier…
This trait can also save you… Stealth removes conditions, so if you are running away it can trigger. I mean, most thieves who get low are running away anyhow to reset the fight.
Yesterday I was doing some solo roaming on my Necromancer (I play a condition build), and due to the slowness of the class, I was caught by four people – 2 warriors, a ranger, and a guardian. I killed a warrior, a ranger, and a guardian, but the second warrior finished me off.
This is seriously bullkitten. I hate how difficult it is to 3v1 and 4v1 with this weak class. I win most 2v1s but when there are 3 or 4 enemies it’s not guaranteed. In the name of God please buff Necromancers. So many other classes need desperate nerfs. Why are Necromancer skills so terrible? Take epidemic for example… the cooldown is pretty long and on top of that it has a MASSIVE cast time that basically ruins the usefulness of the skill when everyone and their mother and grandmother has 7 stuns to interrupt it with… is this necessary? Why does ArenaNet feel the need to make the Necromancer class so underwhelming and useless?
Wow… You are such a troll… 1 Hammer warrior can stunlock/cc chain a necro and they can do NOTHING… The only choice a necro has is to pop plague form for stability. If 2 warriors cannot stunlock a Necro, then you sir have failed.
0/10 Troll posting.
Rather than a Gem store item, make it available from the badge armor guy for a couple of thousand badges of honour. That kills two birds with one stone, we get our runes and sigils back and it gives us something to spend the badges on…….
It gives something for the Edge of the Mist PvE runners to spend badges on… Edge of the Mist it rains Badges, WvW… you make the equivalent of 1 or 2 supply camps from EoTM, lol.
teach me the tactics on how to counter running into a keep gate defended by tons of arrow carts.
Some how the carts are able to hit us on the other side of gate even though this out of line of sight. can somebody explain that as well?
This just baffles me… I have tried increasing my resolution and stuff to “see” more, but I cannot. So it only leads me to believe that people who are shooting an arrow cart from behind a wall are usually using some 3rd party software to “zoom-hack” so they can see more.
Stale… very very stale… and boring… and server population imbalance has been frustrating since release… A few fixes… Server merges for Lower WvW communities… They have the numbers, they can figure it out! Another thing, new stuff, or more frequent balance patches… Like 1 or 2 professions at a time…
I posted this elsewhere, but I believe it is relevant here…
… I have several armor sets sitting in my bank with runes… I hold on to them in hopes that ANet will make the Extractor from Gem Store a cheaper bundle, so the cost of the extractor is “efficient” in a manner of speaking. Right now it would be moronic to buy an extractor because it is cheaper to use the same amount of gems to convert to gold and re-buy most runes/sigils.
Please ANet, give WvW players a break, even if we salvage the armor for NO MATS but 100% Rune/Sigil Return… Players would be happy. As we spend gold and badges to obtain this gear. By allowing players to SALVAGE FOR NO RESOURCES, and a 100% Rune/Sigil Return option, this removes Gold and Badges from the game without providing an extra source of Dark Matter, Ecto’s and Other Materials.
Please consider this…
On the chance this guy is serious, which is possible because a trap ranger like the one described does have an extremely high amount of condi pressure. However, it’s one of the few builds that is somewhat balanced. I say this because the strongest trap ranger will have no stability or stun breaks. Minimal condi cleanse and very few boons if any. It’s a high risk high reward type of build.
EDIT: Quoted this one to point out the lack of condition removal if going full trapper.
I run both Zerker and Condition ranger. If I am running traps, I usually have Poison Master slotted for GM trait instead of Empathic Bond, meaning my only chance to remove conditions is through Healing Spring. If I cannot stand in the spring, it is hard for me to counter other condition classes. Another problem is those classes that can transfer conditions Back.
As a zerker Ranger, if thief gets on you, you are dead in 1 or 2 hits… It is all about tradeoffs. I made a Regen/Condi ranger, he is decent, but lacks the condi damage required to kill ppl fast… He is more a troll build that way, regenerating/evading/slowly conditioning.
I heard people talking about this OP Warrior who was streaming on an enemy server, so I went and fought him with Zerker Ranger… I died instantly to Hammer/GS combo because I could not evade all his stuns. So I went and changed to my condi build, I figured even if he runs Cleansing Ire, I could use traps to reapply faster than he could remove… Turns out, I was right and 20 seconds of stability was enough time to help me live. That combined with spider immobilize + trap immobilize. Even with food + melandru runes a split second immobilize can mean life or death.
Just sayin, I would love an ascended chest with armor or weapon, or at least something I can use… If they’re going to make it give me 2 of the same items, lets make it 2 precursors so i can stop being broke! lol
Has anyone else found that enemies will always agro on you, regardless of whether there are another 2 or 4 NPCs in the fight helping you?
I’m currently trying to do part 3 of the new living world content, and at the point where you take the golem to find equipment.
I simply cannot kill the weed dog creature in the screen shot, because he kills me within seconds because he simply will not leave me a lone as a hunter.
I send my pet in first and don’t even attack the boss.
The first person he runs towards… me!
I have my pet attacking him, my elite golem attacking him and the AI golem attacking him and still he chases me.
I’ve noticed this trend from day one of release.
Enemies will pin point you out and go for you and NO one else, even if you don’t attack when in some story-mode or single quest.
It can be very frustrating and in this instance, makes this quest pretty much impossible as this creature is very powerful and I’m a hunter. My pet should taking agro for me.
I can tell you the problem now… Rabid Gear = 3k Armor as a Trapper Ranger = High Toughness/Armor = Aggro magnet. You’re welcome. If you are not running Rabid gear and running PVT, you are missing out on soooo much Condition damage. I suggest a 06620 build for traps, with Poison Master if Conditions are not a problem… Best of Luck!
(edited by Otaur.9268)
I too would LOVE to see this change… I have several armor sets sitting in my bank with runes… I hold on to them in hopes that ANet will make the Extractor from Gem Store a cheaper bundle, so the cost of the extractor is “efficient” in a manner of speaking. Right now it would be moronic to buy an extractor because it is cheaper to use the same amount of gems to convert to gold and re-buy most runes/sigils.
Please ANet, give WvW players a break, even if we salvage the armor for NO MATS but 100% Rune/Sigil Return… Players would be happy. As we spend gold and badges to obtain this gear. By allowing players to SALVAGE FOR NO RESOURCES, and a 100% Rune/Sigil Return option, this removes Gold and Badges from the game without providing an extra source of Dark Matter, Ecto’s and Other Materials.
Please consider this…
Rank up chests in WvW cannot be very random… This happens ALL THE TIME.
Hello, today somebody asked if he could have some gold to sell his precursor, because he did not have enough, we ware talking and he sounded OK. I was ready to help him if I got some profit back, so we talked about how much I could get, made a deal, mail sent, even talked later for 10 min,….he left party and blocked me. I know this is my fault, but I’m not that mad about it, money comes and goes. I’m more interested if this is treated as a scam or no.
Edit: after 15-20 min he was again shouting for somebody to buy it
I had a player get an exotic item with Rune of Strength in it. He wanted the rune out of it to sell it for a profit, however, he did not have a Black Lion Salvage kit to Guarantee him the rune. After talking with him for a few, he mailed the item to me. I thus salvaged the item and mailed him back his rune. In return he sent me the agreed upon 2g + 4g tip (1/3 the price of the rune at the time). Some people are scammers by nature, and Scamming is against the rules. Just report him and hope ANet looks at logs and if he does it to enough people that report him for scamming, he will get a banhamma.
These are something that should be available all the time imho… I am a full time college student who works as well and my tuition fees + book fees + bills take 99.9% of my cash… When I do manage to save $20, I usually buy gems, and I wanted to get an unlimited pick myself. I do not care for the other tools, as I usually mine the most.
Here’s an idea/suggestion.
We can’t necro old posts, but we can link them and quote the dev posts.
No you cannot… My post was locked for talking about the WvW blog from over a year ago…
If you use Guard + Jaguar Stalk, you can almost have a perma stealthing pet! Lol
What is there to do?!
The guy is having fun. Anet want us all to have fun, right?
It is against TOS to purposely sabotage a WvW competition.
So does arena net plan on doing anything about siege trolls or what? this player “solo J” on crystal desert has been placing 20+ siege rams all over our ebg keep draining supply screwing us over. Yet arena net does nothing…. so stupid it really is, I bet will not even comment on this.
Clearly it screws our server over and nothing is done.
Nope but you will be infracted for posting his name and calling them out… Sorry bro.
Many of the Ranger’s utility skills seem horribly unusable and they have some of the worst weapon skills in the game, namely on the short bow and main hand axe.
The short bow consists of 3 skills that look identical with some different effects, a boring “3 shots in 1”, and an interesting but horribly underutilized dodge.
The axe has some cool off hands but the main hand skills are the most boring skills in the game. You have your auto attack which is just a ricocheting axe which makes no sense even by video game standards, a boring “3 shots in 1” just like the shortbow, and the freeze shares the same animation as your auto attack but with an ice effect.
This doesn’t even take the torch into consideration but then again i dont know what you could do with the torch.
Now lets look at the utilities, all the shouts are boring and useless, even in PvE the only skill that is useful is Sic Em and that is on a ridiculously long cooldown for no reason. These either need to have some extra effects to make them useful or just rework them completely.
The spirits are pretty cool but the storm spirit is useless, the active should do much more damage than it does.
It seems like the Ranger was rushed through development and Anet didn’t think things through. Other classes suffer from similar complaints but they aren’t nearly as bad imo.
Didn’t you read the upcoming changes to Axe/GS/LB traits, signets, etc.
I am 62, and first played MMOs with Ultima online in 1997. I’ve been writing software since 1981.
I play sPvP exclusively. I enjoy it. Keeps the reflexes and muscle memory in better shape. And the brain connections.
Who is older?
26, Ultima Online 1997 – 2001, DAoC 2001-2003, Shadowbane 2003 – 2004, WoW 2004/City of Heroes/Lineage 2… GW1… The list continues.
Ultima Online was one of the best games ever… Until they started adding all the Eastern Influences to it. Once they turned to Trammel, added the Pet Bonding system, the insurance system, etc, it ruined it. Good times… Baja was my home server until Trammel, then Siege Perilous (pvp only server, 1 character per account). I repeat, Good times…
It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. I know the necroing highlights Anet’s lack of communication and just generally makes it look bad but how about archiving inactive threads instead of threatening to punish users?
^ This pretty much nails why it happens and how ANet should manage it.
BTW go to the PvP thread right now.
The bias to the wvw community is really strong. I thought mods were supposed to be neutral to everyone. Apparently that isn’t true anymore….
Worse… it wasn’t just a moderator, but a developer that posted it. Also he says to make NEW topics referring to OLD threads, but proceeded to LOCK my thread about the WvW Blog post from 1 year 2 months ago without even a word or reason why. It was a new thread asking about the state of the WvW Team.
Love these necros lately.
Only way we going to see red posts!
When you get killed in WvW, do the players that killed you get to “steal” from you?
BTW, I did a search, and found no other threads on this. So I either didn’t word it right, or it’s not been asked yet. Thanks
They have recently removed Repair costs too, so WP’s and Deaths are free of charges in WvW… Get out there and be a loot bag until you get good enough to earn their loot bags. No Charge = room for mistakes.
In answer to a question upthread.
Some of us solo roam because Anet forced us to, if we want to do map completion. I applaud the class and sportsmanship of those who (especially when it’s SUPER obvious a player is headed for a POI or Vista) just leave us the heck alone. I wish we were allowed to message other players (the opposing ones) in the game, I swear I’d give them a big thank you and “well done sir”.
And a huge boo on the poor sportsmanship of those who stomp the single player with 5-15 player groups. Wow, what a massive accomplishment that is. So much skill and effort required there (there aren’t enough rollie eyes).
If you just leave us the heck alone, we’ll map clear as quick as we can and never darken your HardCore WvW points game again.
I had an enemy uplevel in WvW just trying to get from his side of the map to our side to get a Juvenile Salamander Drake. My party mate killed him thinking it was funny, so I left the party, re-invited the enemy, and escorted him all the way to my spawn for the Drake. Even politely asked several server mates that got him into downed state not to stomp so he could get the pet. All-in-all, I got him all the way there and even saved him from the monsters before he WP’d out. I just finished mapping on 1 char, and it was tedious… Don’t think I will be doing it on my other 7. Also, I hate PvE.
They don’t want to say anything until they are able to make the 100% awesome mega perfect patch that solves world hunger and global warming.
WvW players don’t pay gems outside of transferring during seasons anyway, so you guys should have no complaints waiting till then!
This is not true…
As for others saying they will never answer, I do not care if they can deliver on the things in that blog post. I just want to know if there is still a WvW Team. From all the silence we have had, I am holding my hopes for some nice updates with the next balance patch in September. I also believe they are trying to tie Living Story Season 2 into WvW somehow. Some of the stuff in EoTM was supposed to be a test there for future WvW updates. I am looking forward to new things and more anti-zerg mechanics as I have been playing Outnumbered for past 3 weeks.
Long story short, just curious if WvW is being worked on.
It’s the future, can we get an update on this please ANet? Just something, so we know that you guys still have a WvW Team, or if Mr. Devon Carver is still working for ANet?
Also turn shadows to none… this makes a huge difference.
Edit: I run in World vs World and get average of 50 fps. 25-30 in zergs, and 3 way battles vary. I am also on a laptop, nvidia gtx 560m graphics, i7-2670QM processor 2.2ghz
(edited by Otaur.9268)
This game is cpu intensive, for a laptop I would download ThrottleStop. This will allow you to use your cpu to its potential.
Whatever, I am done. If a thief ckittene a wall to get an advantage then every class should be able to. My point stands, NO OTHER CLASS BENEFITS FROM HITTING A WALL.
Warrior get acess to bleed, burning, torment and confusion(by traits)
Elementalist get acess to bleed, burning
Thief get acess to bleed, poison, torment
Ranger get acess to bleed, poison, burning
Mesmer get acess to confusion, torment
Necromancer get acess to bleed, poison, burning, torment
Engineer get acess to bleed, confusion, may be something else……and Guardian! Get acess ONLY TO BURNING???
Is it fair ANET? Where are the balance? Guardian is a worst profession to play condition – because you can`t give a 2nd condition to Guardian?
How much years we can beggin you for 2nd condition?
Is this a challenge to make a condition guard? I have a few ideas in mind…
Edit: I will need 50g-80g to gear my guardian for conditions. More if I get perplexity runes. I am currently at 68s, so it may be a long time before I can test it. Lol
I hope you all realize you are attacking a survival mechanic.
Secondly OP, CnD grants stealth on hit. With walls being a damageable object, even dealing no damage at all will cause the skill to grant stealth simply because it hit it. If anet thought that stealth on hit was wrong they would have changed it by now.
Just like they have changed mesmer’s Proximity Anguish (massive damage from stealthing showing up as | 5 – 13 damage in combat log). Or fixed Rangers pets. Or Reverted RTL Nerf on Ele’s because they made Warriors master sprinters with more mobility than a light armor, low hp class. Or maybe because they have fixed Necromancers to be king of conditions (nope warriors still survive better than necro as a condition spec)… Point being, ANet just doesn’t seem to care about WvW or any type of balance. Again, I may hate thieves and mesmers constantly stealthing… However, using an inanimate object to stealth is not right. When it comes to using a monster, or AI, fine, but a WALL that I Cannot Kill to remove it as a source of cheap stealth, no.
When fighting a thief who constantly stealths and backstabs, smart gameplay should be awarded. What I mean by smart gameplay is avoiding CnD’s, knocking back when they go to use Hide in Shadows, or knocking out of Shadows Refuge. But by using a wall, they have effectively taken away the players ability to fight back fairly. Stealth in GW2 is a broken mechanic. They tried something new compared to every other mmo in history. Stealth in any other game slows down the player and cannot be spammed for good reasons.
If you need more survivability by stealthing off a wall, then maybe you should practice in-combat stealthing more.
The patch is about stacking so work as intended.
Another nerfteef thread can be close then.
It is not about nerfing a thief. It is about fixing something that is being abused… A necro cannot LIFEDRAIN a wall to heal himself. A Mesmer cannot create clones off a wall. No one can damage a wall without siege. Thus, why should a thief using a skill meant to deal damage to gain Stealth, be able to hit something that is not meant to be used to gain stealth.
@Ario, I agree, siege should be only thing that can hit walls. Ok, map mechanic. As for not attacking stealth, it doesn’t cause revealed so it can be used immediately upon exit stealth, not even long enough to target enemy before they restealth. Otherwise a channeled skill would work.
@coglin I have never used a keep wall to stealth as I have never really needed to. There are plenty of ways to get stealth that actually help you more than a keep wall because it actually damages players. So just because I am bringing out a point that differs from what you believe to be true does not mean you can assume I am some Bug exploiter trying to keep my exploits usable.
As for what does the number of people have to do with it? Well The op said it was annoying to have a thief stealth off a wall when running from a group chasing them down and that it is wrong for a thief to be able to do that. While I agree the exploit is wrong, the intention of using something to gain a stealth on is very well justified because I don’t know about you, but I find it rather difficult to solo a 20 man group focusing on killing me.
Edit… posting from phone, trying fix post.
Ok… let me clear something up. When I say group I mean 2- 5 ppl. Not a zerg. Secondly, defending a broken stealth mechanic is not helpful. If a thief uses cnd on me or someone’s ai pet, it’s fair game, but to use a wall which doesn’t give revealed and to cnd a wall and shadowstep, its broken and was supposedly fixed over a year ago.
(edited by Otaur.9268)
This has got to stop… FEBRUARY 26, 2013 Patch notes:::
Cloak and Dagger: The player can no longer use this ability stack stealth by attacking WvW walls.
This is still a problem as thieves are CONSTANTLY using Keep walls to stealth. Especially SMC. Please for the good of the game, fix this no skill crap. A thief spamming CnD versus a wall as they run away from a group is not skill, it is annoying.
ANet claims to have fixed this back in February of 2013, but has yet to be fixed. It is still an issue, as thieves can still hit walls with CnD to stealth.
What bug was it? I can’t tell from the screenshot
If you watch closely you will see that the thief is not perma stealthed.
Lul, I c wut u did thar.
For obvious reasons, I’m not going to go into detail about the bug, but it was a fairly well-known exploit to get into Bay without breaking any gates/walls.
So you went to EXPLOIT it and found it fixed… Well done.
lol… Wall Of Fear! In all seriousness though, I myself am getting tired of Server population issues, hackers, griefers, Super Mobility Warriors, Mesmers’ instant Proximity Anguish 5 – 13 dmg in combat log doing 20k life instantly to 3k armor build Deaths, you know the usual. I’m not saying they need to stop focusing on PvE, but at the very least, throw WvW a freaking bone.
Um. What attack were you using before that cleaved more than three targets?
Skills on cooldown can often cleave up to 5, but auto-attacks on cleaving weapons have always only hit three.
melee skills (i.e 100b , autoattack) were unlimited on how many they could hit.
The max AOE targets for every skill in the game is 5. Nothing in the game that isn’t a siege weapon hits more than 5 targets.
Please do more studying… I know AoEs that hit 10 targets, not siege weapon related.
Can whoever finds this guy gouge his eyes out and remove his vocal cords? Thanks
Not like he uses his vocal cords… He has no friends. Maybe cut off all his fingers and toes so he can never use a keyboard again.
1. No comment.
2. If you aren’t using all/most of your skills, you’re probably doing something wrong.
3. I’m perfectly fine with autoattack as it is. I don’t really understand what you want to change it to either.
4. that option would be nice. I like vindictus’ style of press esc to unlock the mouse, then esc again to lock it
And you can set it up for toggle by Esc, like Vindictus. Used to be ok to use, not sure now though.
(edited by Otaur.9268)
Lots of nice comments here. I, too, have a strong dislike for the Defiant/Unshakable system. Internally we’ve kicked around a lot of ideas about how to change it. The problem is that making large sweeping changes to the game is a bit like moving a table that you built a Jenga™ tower on—it takes time, planning, and a lot of care to do it.
We’ve made big changes before, though. This one is on our list to address.
In the mean time it’s great to see some discussion over alternatives as well as some specific examples where existing alternatives work.Personally (by which I mean not representing the entire development team) I’d like to see at least one boss with a sort of reverse defiance. Generally immune to CC except in windows during one or two keys attacks with a long warmup. I think the theory behind Defiance would work well if everyone knew exactly when to interrupt. This is a troublesome prospect for the ad-hoc groups that GW2 promotes in various settings, so maybe shifting the responsibility to the boss (which everyone is already paying attention to) would work out a little better. “He’s winding up for super-mega-attack, everyone stun now!”
In all honesty, the bosses should be more visible with better telegraphs… The big orange circles at a lot of the lower level bosses = incredible. So many effects flying around that we cannot even see the boss. Also, as someone who hates having green names everywhere, I turn All Player Names Off… Which means a LOT of INVISIBLE players running around me with the Megaserver. So I am seeing more Effects than I see players.
Maybe make the Monsters size Scale to the amount of players as well? For example, Dwayna statue would grow giant size to make reading telegraphs easier. Or possibly give players an Effects Slider, so we can choose “Only our Effects”, “Friendly Effects”, “Enemy Effects”, “Party Effects”, “No Effects”… You get the point. Less particles = more visibility. I have played MMORPGs in the past with 0 Spell effects, sure you do not see whats hitting you, but you can still play. It also helps with slower computers.
Loot is directly indirectly linked to your class.
You will get more loot on a guardian than a mesmer, for example, assuming you are playing properly.
But that pretty much only applies to farming mobs rather than farming events.
In terms of metaevents, the damage you do will influence if you should be considered part of the loot threshold.
For example, an elementals attuned to water will more than likely have more lootless encounters than a GS/AXE warrior.
I should also note that these rules only apply to Mloot from MOBS. Tequatl is not defined as a mob, as his corpse (technically there is no corpse) does not drop loot, but his loot comes from a chest. The credit for a chest has no bearing on class but as long as you participated in some way in the event.
Karka Queen is a mob, and you may miss out on it’s corpse loot. However, you should be getting a big physical chest and a daily chest.
If you miss out on loot for tequatl, then you either didn’t participate properly, you reached your daily limit, or it’s bugged (though that has never happened to me)
Same with Karka
But any insinuation that specifically classes get specific loot I think is unfounded
Thanks for your viewpoint. Maybe there is some kind of damage threshold that gives you specific loot, like:
5 000 damage dealt&less – nothing
20 000 damage deatl&less – inscriptions
50 000 damage dealt&less – exotics
100 000 damage dealt&less – ascended
etc.This is an assumption, but it makes sense to me. After all this game is based around damage dealt.
I can throw your damage numbers out the door… I did well over 50k or maybe even 100k damage to Tequatl and didn’t receive even one exotic. I got a guaranteed yellow and a bunch of greens and blues.
Hi! I’ve noticed that whenever I kill a world boss such as Tequatl or Karka Queen, I get loot depending on the class I’m using. I have multiple level 80 characters, and usually it goes like this:
- If I kill Karka Queen with my Engiee, I get “Exotic Settler’s Inscription of Blahblah”
- If I kill Karka Queen with my Guardian(I think it was), sometimes I get some kind of trinket with Settlers stats- If I kill Tequatl with my Guardian(and it happened multiple times) I usually get Fang of Tequatl or that other accessory
- If I kill Tequatl with my Engiee, I get only greens
- If I kill Tequatl with my Warrior(or other class, I don’t remember clearly), sometimes I get breathers
- If I kill Tequatl with anything else, I’m basically guaranteed to get “Rune of the Sunless”.It just doesn’t…really sound random to me. My engiee got Settler’s Inscription thingy 4th time in a row. Anyone else noticed anything similar?
I really hate you now… You have to have some really good luck to get exotics and stuff all the time. That or my account along with thousands of other players are just at the lower end of RNG like 1 – 10 rolls compared to those who get ascended and exotic drops all the time getting 70 – 100 rolls lol.
You have those items already. The vendors are in LA.
Maybe they don’t look like you want them to but they have been in the game since the beginning.
Those have not been in since the beginning… And they take guild commendation points. I’m talking the skins, just like the original ones…
EDIT: Also, the Guild Weapons Skins, actually show the logo. The commendation ones, do not.
(edited by Otaur.9268)
One every few months. Two if I am super lucky!
And that cost you how much real money? Just freaking ouch.
It’s like $30, not really that much.
Some of us who can afford it have dropped hundreds of dollars. $50 for gems is cheaper than a few drinks out at the bar.
And for that short bar-hop you at least got a buzz. What do you get from the gem-store for the same price? A few million useless pixels.
It’s only useless because some of us cannot afford to do it. If we could afford to do it, then it would be an “investment” into something we enjoy. I don’t know about all of you, but I play Guild Wars 2 to get away from reality. Also, some people just plain enjoy the Social aspect of MMORPGs. Now with GW2 being B2P, it allows them to save their $15/mo to buy gems with. So 2 months subscription = ~200 gold. Not so bad when you think about it. Some people also treat this like a P2P game and spend at the least $15/mo.
TL:DR, if we could afford it, we wouldn’t care
P.S. I am accepting 3 Gifts: I need an Unlimited Pickaxe, Unlimited Logging Tool, and Unlimited Harvesting tool. Anyone well off person, I’d appreciate the gift! Lol.
Was just wondering if we are ever going to see a FULL Guild Outfit and ALL Weapon types on Guild Vendor? It would be awesome to be able to have a Greatsword, Sword, Mace, Hammer, Etc… With my guild logo. I was thinking a Giant Hammer with the Guild Seal on both sides.
Let your creative designers make some epic weapons for those who do not want to sport legendaries, but to show guild pride!
Anet, I write this post out of desperation. I enjoy WvW and commanding in WvW, however I have a disability which doesn’t allow me to command to my full potential. I am colour blind. This does not allow me to see red and white fields very clearly anywhere in the current WvW maps. This puts me at an immediate disadvantage as I cannot see where is safe for my group to go and where any water fields may be. So I beg of you for the sake of more people that are colour blind and play this game please add something to change the colour of these.
We suggested this in Beta… Add a color option for AoE Fields… I suggest bright orange for enemy AoEs… Like the new bosses use. It makes the game so much better and reaction based imo.
I love how in Orr people yell at you to INTERRUPT the Champion Wrath during life siphon, but it cannot be interrupted during its life drain due to 29 stacks of Defiance… Then they yell at everyone saying NOOBS LEARN TO INTERRUPT. GG Anet, you made an AoE Life Stealing Champion who downs everyone during this channel unless the mob is being interrupted by 30 people at once. Same as the Champion Lich in Sparkfly Fen.
This really does seem more like a, functioning as intended situation. Stacks grow out of control if you randomly CC, so the goal is to know your profession and know the fight and as a group burn defiance and then hit a CC when need be. Pugs obviously can’t do this, they use their CC abilities indiscriminately, stacks grow too large and the fight becomes next to impossible to win. But this is more a discussion about how difficult a dungeon should be (in terms of pugs vs organised groups)
I can agree with applying Defiance if CC is used at wrong times, yes. But the Life Siphon spell (without being interrupted prior) adds 29 stacks of Defiant immediately upon starting the siphon. With say 5 – 10 people fighting these 2 champions, you cannot break 30 stacks of defiant before it siphons all the life from those around and basically re-heals to full.