Showing Posts For Phaedryn.3698:

Getting Frustrated & Disappointed With GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Getting dungeon armor isn’t that hard I think and fotm is optional. The only point I agree with is the weapon tickets part. No one likes rng.

It’s ALL optional, dungeon armor, weapon tickets, all of it.

Ectos and piles of crystalline dust

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


As the price of Ecto’s dropped, I started sitting on the ones I had saved up over the last month or so. Consequently, I am very pleased by this change as I have 3 full stacks of them sitting in the bank.

Cursed Shore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Adding such an event will not bring people to the zone, it will bring people to the event, after which they will just leave again.

Why is Risk vs Reward so Skewed?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Citadel of Flame path 1 is much easier, faster and more rewarding than level 40+ fractals. Jumping into a world boss and being rewarded with rares is risk free. Literally risk free. I haven’t seen any of these events fail. Not once.

Why is this? I don’t understand the design philosophy. Could someone kindly explain this to me? It’s giving me a headache.

To appease the unskilled and unwashed masses. Simple as that.

Considering that very few people are capable of doing 30+ Fractals, they complained that it wasn’t fair that all of us Fractal enthusiasts were getting all the good loot. Remember many patches ago when we’d get about 6-8 rares AND 2-3 exotics for every 30+ run? Yeah, gone are those days. Now, only the easy content gets easier and more rewarding as ANET ninja nerfs all the hard content.

Really?? kitten , this might have even gotten me to do Fractals.

Yep, used to be an actual rewarding dungeon. Gone are those days though. -_-

It’s sad actually. GW2 had so much potential, and it just gets kitten ed all away.

Elitism is ruining this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Not to mention that there’s absolutely nothing wrong for a gaming company to cater both to hardcores and casuals. In fact, it would be a lot of a better business plan than what they have now. Having both markets play your game is better than only having one of them…

Thats the big question. Is it really better when 50% of your developer ressources are spent for maybe 5% of the playerbase .. and 50% for the other 95% .. or are these 95% kitten ed of maybe after a while because it would be so much better if they get 100% and also a chance to get some nice shinies that normally only these 5% have.

Well, when WoW started catering to the casuals, they started losing players. And by losing players, I don’t mean ‘lol, 5% left, cry babies’, no, their sales went down all across the board. So, actually, yes.

I left about a month into WotLK. Once raids were so watered down they were consistantly puggable it was time to move on. It actually started in TBC, when they started nerfing all the T4 and T5 content and removed all the entry requirements (and gave us lame titles instead…“Hand of A’dal” lol).

Elitism is ruining this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


I’m still puzzled at how a game with so much potential, especially in term of mobility during fights, manage to realize the most boring encounters conceivable.

Pretty much every boss in this game are hp sacks that attacks once every light years, be it one powerfull melee attacks, one or several giant circle that you can either dodge in melee range or completly negate using mesmer + guardian if those are ranged attacks (or even melee actually using aegis, almost exclusive to guardian of course, nobody could figure out it would backfire, just as projectile reflection). They also don’t move at all, they stay rooted, eating everything you throw at them.

Here’s some ideas, why don’t those mobs actually sometimes attacks with fast but less powerfull attacks so staying in place would result in your group to actually move unless they want that attack to destroy all the blocks or dodge you have at your disposal. Why don’t they sidestep when a warrior use hundred blade instead of letting themselves get killed. Why don’t they cast more chills/cripple/immobilize/stun/knockbacks and kite around so staying in melee isn’t always the best option or simply to throw the players out of melee range so the boss doesn’t get destroyed in 3s. Why don’t they have some bullet hell phase (it could be them rushing in the room randomly, throwing tons of unreflectable projectiles or whatever) requiring to move quickly in safe spot until they calm down. Why is there almost no secondary mechanic in order to weaken them, make them vulnerable, lower their damage or whatever (stuff like the dredge fractal boss), those would generally require to move in order to complete them, would add some spice and require some team coordination. Why don’t they actually have multiple phase or simply get a few new moves depending on their hp bars (like lupicus does actually) instead of 2-3 moves.
I’m not going to talk about defiance and unshakable or how underwater combat could be a huge part of the game if taken care off, that should be threads on their own.

So much wasted potential.

This pretty much sums up my view of GW2 PvE. It is, by far, the most lackluster PvE I have ever encountered. If is weren’t for WvW I would have uninstalled the game months ago.

More updates than MMOs with Subs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Absolutely. Don’t know why anyone would pay a sub these days.

Depends on the game. I play Eve, but haven’t actually had to pay pay for a long time (using in game currency to pay for game time). Also, If someone came out with a game that had GW2 graphics, WoW’s UI (with all the customization and responsiveness), and SWG (pre-CU) crafting and resouces, and DAoC’s game play…

I would pay 3 times the normal sub cost to play THAT game…I wouldn’t even need to think about that.

Just got to 80.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Gear the 80, play WvW. WvW is the most brilliant and amazing end-game ever.

Fractals, also. I poured a ton of time into fractals and had a ton of fun doing it. Fractals really are the raid-alternative that GW2 offers.

I wouldn’t say it’s the “most brilliant and amazing end-game ever”. Certainly the best GW2 has going for it, but not “ever”. WvW is a poor imitation of DAoC’s RvR.

Why is Risk vs Reward so Skewed?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Citadel of Flame path 1 is much easier, faster and more rewarding than level 40+ fractals. Jumping into a world boss and being rewarded with rares is risk free. Literally risk free. I haven’t seen any of these events fail. Not once.

Why is this? I don’t understand the design philosophy. Could someone kindly explain this to me? It’s giving me a headache.

To appease the unskilled and unwashed masses. Simple as that.

Considering that very few people are capable of doing 30+ Fractals, they complained that it wasn’t fair that all of us Fractal enthusiasts were getting all the good loot. Remember many patches ago when we’d get about 6-8 rares AND 2-3 exotics for every 30+ run? Yeah, gone are those days. Now, only the easy content gets easier and more rewarding as ANET ninja nerfs all the hard content.

Really?? kitten , this might have even gotten me to do Fractals.

This is why exploits ruin the game...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


While this happens in all MMOs, GW2 exacerbates the situation with it’s game play mechanics. Since survival has almost nothing to do with how you build your character, and everything to do with how you play your character (meaning it is entirely on the player) you can, and indeed should, build for maximum DPS. There really is no reason not to since there is no trinity. This leads to cutting corners elsewhere and you end up with exactly what you are talking about here.

It’s how the game is built and, sadly, it will always be this way in GW2.

Non Permanent Items Ruined Economy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Please elaborate on how an optional dye ruined the economy in any way. And then explain why prestige items should be brought back and given out like cotton candy.

Explain why you get to put words in the original posters mouth then demand that he justify them.

No words were put in, they feel entitled to get prestige items after they are gone. Had these items been permanent they would not be prestigious. The title of the thread is “Non permanent items ruined the economy”, I said elaborate on why it ruined the economy. Using a statement that most people use to make themselves sound smart when it is not applicable has the opposite effect.

When stating something in a forum, one should justify those claims, with or without appeal from posters. That is basic forum etiquette, otherwise you have randoms blurting out “the game is bad” in every thread with nothing constructive.

To further elaborate on what I said- Those dyes are prestige items now, as is the pick. A prestige item in real life would be something like an heirloom from hundreds of years ago that your family held onto which has a great worth(assuming it has real world worth to a collector etc). A non prestigious thing would be something that is available to anyone with very low cost, ie cotton candy.

And again you are adding conditions that were not present in the original post. It seems to me that the original post was asking for items to be brought back. That would generally mean sold for the same price as they originally sold for, not “given out like cotton candy”.

Note, I could care less one way or the other about the main topic, I just find it disingenuous (and unfortunately far too common on these forums) to change the conditions of a position then argue as if the changed conditions, that you made up, were part of the original post.

Oh come on

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Lol, i doubt gw2 is even on top 10 of MMO (popularity wise) at this state. (wow, star wars, runes of magic, lineage, vindictus, runescape……)

I think that you really don’t realize how many users star wars has lost.
I think that it would be somewhere on the top 10. Especially with old MMOs loosing users. (Though I imagine WoW, lineage and runescape are still standing as giants)

The top games would be WoW, Aion, Lineage, Lineage 2, and Runescape. Those are the ones sitting at 1 million-ish+ players. Then comes things like Second Life. Honestly, since GW2’s revenue stream isn’t subscription based I am actually surprised they do not publish their concurrent user numbers. Hell, Eve does it and it is subscription based.

Non Permanent Items Ruined Economy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Please elaborate on how an optional dye ruined the economy in any way. And then explain why prestige items should be brought back and given out like cotton candy.

Explain why you get to put words in the original posters mouth then demand that he justify them.

Oh come on

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Not to mention NCsoft take in all the income from bought gems.. the money is spread out through their games. There will be an expansion, but when? NCsoft need to get their kitten in gear, and focus on their most successful MMO.. GUILD WARS.

Wildstar? Wow, player housing, that’s not been done before. Aion was a flop. Tabula Rasa lasted 2 years. How will Wildstar be any different? They need to pump all their cash into GW2 and Anet, so we start getting good, enjoyable, and lasting content.

To be honest neither of the living stories have caught my interest. Haven’t done anything for them, maybe spent 30 mins wandering around, got bored, and went back to doing my own thing..

You think GW2 is more successful than Lineage 2? I think you’re dreaming…

One Tiny Problem With Cosmetic Rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


There’s one tiny problem with Guild Wars 2’s cosmetic based reward system: I can’t see the cosmetics.

This post is divided into two parts; skip as necessary: the first is the role of cosmetic rewards, and the second discusses the problem of not being able to see these rewards.

The Importance of Cosmetics

One of the great pleasures of Guild Wars 2 is enjoying other players’ armor and weapon choices. This isn’t just a matter of eye-candy, however. This activity supports and reinforces at least (and there are more, of course) two key aspects of any good MMO:

  • Social cohesion:

Players spending time relating to each other by way of equipment choices helps foster a living community. As many know, the clothing you place on your character is a form of self-expression. As you learn about why someone chose to wear what they did, you learn something about the person behind the avatar.

It also works in reverse, as what you wear is an expression to the community about yourself.

  • Content Knowledge:

PowerDudez: hey man sweet armor! where did you get that

Eranitis The Bold: Hi, and thanks! It’s a combination of two dungeon sets. Let me link the pieces and explain…

These kinds of conversation help discover and run content. Even if the content isn’t pursued, the knowledge of that content will continue to be spread by word of mouth between friends or players, which I would argue is more meaningful than learning about it through a wiki or forum (not that these things are useless, of course).

The Problem

I run an above-average computer. (I actually replaced my processor just for this game.) In PvE I can run the game on the highest settings with little to no slowdown. That’s all fine and well—if I wanted to stare at pretty trees and rocks all day. The problem comes when there is a high number of players on the screen. In WvW, I absolutely must turn my graphics down. In fact, I need to turn the number of players and quality of player graphics down to their lowest settings to consistently play without lag.

What this means is that every epic siege and legendary battle is reduced to a series of nameplates trading AoE effects, with a handful of stocky, green-ish rendered players repeatedly hitting the air.

I’m concerned that the same scenario will occur in PvE once they get culling sorted out. What’s the point of being able to see everyone when all that will entail is a choice between a hundred nameplates and no graphical slowdown or a hundred rendered players and a cripplingly low FPS? I already lose the sense of a great army striding toward battle in WvW, equipped in their finest armor and weapons. I fear the same for great PvE battles.

If Anet doesn’t produce a good solution to the graphical problems related to cosmetic rewards, one of the critical, defining aspects of this MMO will be blunted and hampered, thus reducing the game’s enjoyability and longevity.

EVE has a similar issue. It has some of the most beautiful graphics I have ever seen in a game, especially an MMO… and most hardcore players will never see it. Instead, what they will see if an ultra zoomed-out view of tons of red and green boxes, because zooming in on your ship in a battle is a liability.

It is actually a reason I hate group pvp in that game and solo roam. I like to stare at my purty internet spaceship.

As a long time Eve player I have to agree. It was actually one of the more ironic points that were made when they did the first model upgrades years back. The make the graphics better and better only to have them turned off/down/zoomed to dots on the screen.

Still one of my favorite MMOs though. In fact I often have it running along side GW2 so I have something to do while waiting for event timers to roll over.

(edited by Phaedryn.3698)

One Tiny Problem With Cosmetic Rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Two other problems…

1) Most are ugly. Seriously, what is that ridiculous armor set with the castle pakitten ts for shoulders? You couldn’t PAY me to equip that set.

2) Most (legendary’s and dungeon skins) require far too much effort to ever consider bothering to get.

Why there should be a dps meter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


As much as I would LOVE a tool built into the game (as opposed to being forced to use a third party tool) that allowed me to track personal (not public) data (not just damage, but everything from xp/time to % of time under the effects of each boon or condition to coin made per unit of time), the problem is that much of the required data isn’t reported. Even a lot of damage isn’t reported or tracked currently. Until (if?) that changes, such a tool will not happen.

another one bites the dust

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


I just logged out of the game after playing for an hour. I have never felt this empty about this game. Should I have continued farming after all that nerf? Maybe. Should I have done some other things in-game as Anet desire us to? Divided game time between open world/dungeons/wvwvw? Maybe.

I cannot explain it in words but I just decided to log out instead.

I feel like this is starting to be one of those endless races between developer and players. Developers intends something for their game, players play it a different way, and developers change the game. Players find another way to play it differently, developers change the game again. It’s almost as if they are FORCING people to play only one way, and the game play diversity is the diversity that the developers dictate players to have.

It’s a really beautiful game but the changes are starting to feel really dictatorial.

This is exactly how I view the game now…dictatorial and adversarial. It’s why I flatly refuse to buy gems no mater what they put up on the store.

(edited by Phaedryn.3698)

damage output TOO HIGH!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Dev’s…. lower the damage to defense ratio. You are out of control!

Or you can try something other than 30/30/x/x/x with full Berserker’s.

j/k. I’d wager it’s not the damage output that’s killing people in most cases, it’s the sheer number of mobs that spawn and bumrush the settlements.

I cannot speak for anyone else, but this (highlighted part) is certainly true for me. IF I die, it isn’t to one mob, and rarely to two (unless they are drakes and I am caught off guard, sucked in to a ring of death then chain stunned there with my stun breaker on CD). There really aren’t many mobs outside of event Champions that are going to kill my Ranger or my Guardian, even if I miss a lot of dodges. My Warrior (yes, full zerker) has to be a little more careful, but then again most things die before than have a chance to kill me on that toon.

Really? I’d like to know what sort of build you are using to survive going 1v10 against crazed karkas. That seems to be what the devs is appropriate scaling for the settlement event in the Steampipe Steading event. It’s okay if the build won’t survive the crazed reef riders that also happen to show up …

I think you missed my point. One on one, or (usually, exception is noted above) two on one there are few things that can kill either of the two classes I listed above. I was agreeing that people are dying, not to a single karka, but to the crazed packs of them. I was not saying that I have a build that can withstand that level of punishment.

We devour content, Sorry Dev's.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Never mind, this thread is a pointless as the game is becoming.

Thankfully Eve still holds some interest.

(edited by Phaedryn.3698)

We devour content, Sorry Dev's.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Brown Noses and lying to yourself doesn’t get the Dev’s to give you things just saying. :P

Now if you truly enjoy the joke of “Endgame content” then hey kudos, a lot of us don’t (I realize some of you do.) However, I’m at mind to think that you may not actually know what endgame content is supposed to be, and that’s why you’re happy.. but hey if I’m wrong and you enjoy the half hearted attempts they give us, kudos.

The only end game content in ANY MMO has been endless raids hoping for RNG gear.

This game doesn’t have that, for which I’m thankful.

Go play one that does and quit kittening.

So you are saying that GW2 has no end game content? After all if your assertion that “The only end game content in ANY MMO has been endless raids hoping for RNG gear” is true, then “This game doesn’t have that” would indicate that GW2 has no end game content, for which you seem to be thankful?

Is that really so hard to understand? I came to Guild Wars to get away from that crap. I don’t like having to raid five nights a week just to keep my gear current. I don’t like having to pretend to like a bunch of elitist min/max jerks because their guild does runs 2% faster. I don’t like the idea of “falling behind” because I got a few more hours at work some week.

I’m a grown man with a real life; I don’t have time for endgame. And don’t want to waste what little leisure time I do have with repetitive, boring grind and having to deal with a bunch of children who think they’re better than me because they don’t have real lives and can afford to spend fifty hours a week raiding.

First the “I’m a grown man with a real life”. Really? You want to go there? I served 20 years in the military, got a degree in physics after I retired and currently work in the field of magnetic engineering. Do I get to call myself a “grown man with a real life yet”?

“I don’t like having to raid five nights a week just to keep my gear current.”

Then don’t.

“I don’t like having to pretend to like a bunch of elitist min/max jerks because their guild does runs 2% faster.”

Good, I wouldn’t either. The solution is simple, don’t do it.

“I don’t like the idea of “falling behind” because I got a few more hours at work some week.”

Awesome, we seem to be on the same page.

“And don’t want to waste what little leisure time I do have with repetitive, boring grind and having to deal with a bunch of children who think they’re better than me because they don’t have real lives and can afford to spend fifty hours a week raiding.”

Then don’t, nobody is suggesting you have to. More to the point I do not know of a single MMO where this would be true. Either you are WAY overly sensitive or just have horrid expectations. Not sure which, but given the hyperbole with which you phrased most of that comment I will have to go with over sensitive.

I don’t do those things actually. That is why I chose to play a game that lacks the mechanics that typically encourage such things. If you want that kind of experience then I suggest you go play a game that offers it, Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 are games for people that are tired of those old tropes.

You are still making massive assumptions (that are wrong BTW). I haven’t done any “raiding” like activity since I left wow (a month after the release of WotLK). But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you point of view is so limited given some of your other responses Ive read.

We devour content, Sorry Dev's.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Brown Noses and lying to yourself doesn’t get the Dev’s to give you things just saying. :P

Now if you truly enjoy the joke of “Endgame content” then hey kudos, a lot of us don’t (I realize some of you do.) However, I’m at mind to think that you may not actually know what endgame content is supposed to be, and that’s why you’re happy.. but hey if I’m wrong and you enjoy the half hearted attempts they give us, kudos.

The only end game content in ANY MMO has been endless raids hoping for RNG gear.

This game doesn’t have that, for which I’m thankful.

Go play one that does and quit kittening.

So you are saying that GW2 has no end game content? After all if your assertion that “The only end game content in ANY MMO has been endless raids hoping for RNG gear” is true, then “This game doesn’t have that” would indicate that GW2 has no end game content, for which you seem to be thankful?

The entire game is the end. I don’t know why you people are so jaded. I have a great time with my guild. I have my legendary. I don’t feel FORCED to come on every raid night for hours in hopes my RNG weapon drops. I’m relaxed and enjoy things. Maybe I want to WvW one night. Or PvP. Or chill and play mini games. Or do a daily chest run. Do a dungeon path I haven’t explored. Or even a random guild event like a costume brawl race. Spend two evenings doing guild missions. For you hardcore nuts, this game just isn’t for you.

The reason you are confused is in this sentance “I don’t feel FORCED to come on every raid night for hours in hopes my RNG weapon drops”

Guess what, I don’t either…I do those thing because, gasp, I ENJOY doing them. That’sd the problem with people like you, you assume everyone likes the same things and cannot get it through your heads we don’t.

“I’m relaxed and enjoy things. Maybe I want to WvW one night. Or PvP. Or chill and play mini games. Or do a daily chest run. Do a dungeon path I haven’t explored. Or even a random guild event like a costume brawl race. Spend two evenings doing guild missions.”

Now, take that list and ADD “mindless killing while I joke with my friends on vent” to the list and you might start to understand the issue. Serisouly, people like you kitten me the kitten off.

So you like to raid 50 hours a week, and you’re playing a game with no raiding and no intention of adding raiding, and you’re kittening about it. LOL, you’re a tool.

I loved the part where you put words in my mouth and then insulted me for them!

lol…and I’m the tool…

We devour content, Sorry Dev's.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Brown Noses and lying to yourself doesn’t get the Dev’s to give you things just saying. :P

Now if you truly enjoy the joke of “Endgame content” then hey kudos, a lot of us don’t (I realize some of you do.) However, I’m at mind to think that you may not actually know what endgame content is supposed to be, and that’s why you’re happy.. but hey if I’m wrong and you enjoy the half hearted attempts they give us, kudos.

The only end game content in ANY MMO has been endless raids hoping for RNG gear.

This game doesn’t have that, for which I’m thankful.

Go play one that does and quit kittening.

So you are saying that GW2 has no end game content? After all if your assertion that “The only end game content in ANY MMO has been endless raids hoping for RNG gear” is true, then “This game doesn’t have that” would indicate that GW2 has no end game content, for which you seem to be thankful?

Is that really so hard to understand? I came to Guild Wars to get away from that crap. I don’t like having to raid five nights a week just to keep my gear current. I don’t like having to pretend to like a bunch of elitist min/max jerks because their guild does runs 2% faster. I don’t like the idea of “falling behind” because I got a few more hours at work some week.

I’m a grown man with a real life; I don’t have time for endgame. And don’t want to waste what little leisure time I do have with repetitive, boring grind and having to deal with a bunch of children who think they’re better than me because they don’t have real lives and can afford to spend fifty hours a week raiding.

First the “I’m a grown man with a real life”. Really? You want to go there? I served 20 years in the military, got a degree in physics after I retired and currently work in the field of magnetic engineering. Do I get to call myself a “grown man with a real life yet”?

“I don’t like having to raid five nights a week just to keep my gear current.”

Then don’t.

“I don’t like having to pretend to like a bunch of elitist min/max jerks because their guild does runs 2% faster.”

Good, I wouldn’t either. The solution is simple, don’t do it.

“I don’t like the idea of “falling behind” because I got a few more hours at work some week.”

Awesome, we seem to be on the same page.

“And don’t want to waste what little leisure time I do have with repetitive, boring grind and having to deal with a bunch of children who think they’re better than me because they don’t have real lives and can afford to spend fifty hours a week raiding.”

Then don’t, nobody is suggesting you have to. More to the point I do not know of a single MMO where this would be true. Either you are WAY overly sensitive or just have horrid expectations. Not sure which, but given the hyperbole with which you phrased most of that comment I will have to go with over sensitive.

We devour content, Sorry Dev's.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Brown Noses and lying to yourself doesn’t get the Dev’s to give you things just saying. :P

Now if you truly enjoy the joke of “Endgame content” then hey kudos, a lot of us don’t (I realize some of you do.) However, I’m at mind to think that you may not actually know what endgame content is supposed to be, and that’s why you’re happy.. but hey if I’m wrong and you enjoy the half hearted attempts they give us, kudos.

The only end game content in ANY MMO has been endless raids hoping for RNG gear.

This game doesn’t have that, for which I’m thankful.

Go play one that does and quit kittening.

So you are saying that GW2 has no end game content? After all if your assertion that “The only end game content in ANY MMO has been endless raids hoping for RNG gear” is true, then “This game doesn’t have that” would indicate that GW2 has no end game content, for which you seem to be thankful?

The entire game is the end. I don’t know why you people are so jaded. I have a great time with my guild. I have my legendary. I don’t feel FORCED to come on every raid night for hours in hopes my RNG weapon drops. I’m relaxed and enjoy things. Maybe I want to WvW one night. Or PvP. Or chill and play mini games. Or do a daily chest run. Do a dungeon path I haven’t explored. Or even a random guild event like a costume brawl race. Spend two evenings doing guild missions. For you hardcore nuts, this game just isn’t for you.

The reason you are confused is in this sentance “I don’t feel FORCED to come on every raid night for hours in hopes my RNG weapon drops”

Guess what, I don’t either…I do those thing because, gasp, I ENJOY doing them. That’sd the problem with people like you, you assume everyone likes the same things and cannot get it through your heads we don’t.

“I’m relaxed and enjoy things. Maybe I want to WvW one night. Or PvP. Or chill and play mini games. Or do a daily chest run. Do a dungeon path I haven’t explored. Or even a random guild event like a costume brawl race. Spend two evenings doing guild missions.”

Now, take that list and ADD “mindless killing while I joke with my friends on vent” to the list and you might start to understand the issue. Serisouly, people like you kitten me the kitten off.

(edited by Phaedryn.3698)

We devour content, Sorry Dev's.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Brown Noses and lying to yourself doesn’t get the Dev’s to give you things just saying. :P

Now if you truly enjoy the joke of “Endgame content” then hey kudos, a lot of us don’t (I realize some of you do.) However, I’m at mind to think that you may not actually know what endgame content is supposed to be, and that’s why you’re happy.. but hey if I’m wrong and you enjoy the half hearted attempts they give us, kudos.

The only end game content in ANY MMO has been endless raids hoping for RNG gear.

This game doesn’t have that, for which I’m thankful.

Go play one that does and quit kittening.

So you are saying that GW2 has no end game content? After all if your assertion that “The only end game content in ANY MMO has been endless raids hoping for RNG gear” is true, then “This game doesn’t have that” would indicate that GW2 has no end game content, for which you seem to be thankful?

damage output TOO HIGH!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Dev’s…. lower the damage to defense ratio. You are out of control!

Or you can try something other than 30/30/x/x/x with full Berserker’s.

j/k. I’d wager it’s not the damage output that’s killing people in most cases, it’s the sheer number of mobs that spawn and bumrush the settlements.

I cannot speak for anyone else, but this (highlighted part) is certainly true for me. IF I die, it isn’t to one mob, and rarely to two (unless they are drakes and I am caught off guard, sucked in to a ring of death then chain stunned there with my stun breaker on CD). There really aren’t many mobs outside of event Champions that are going to kill my Ranger or my Guardian, even if I miss a lot of dodges. My Warrior (yes, full zerker) has to be a little more careful, but then again most things die before than have a chance to kill me on that toon.

difficulty dilemma

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


That’s why hard mode should be added to dungeons. Unfortunately, Anet tried this and found out that now that they’ve made AC harder, all the people in favor of harder content seem to have vanished.

People say they want challenging content, but by percentage, most people want challenging content that gives them better loot than any other area of the game. Take away the loot and you take away the drive to do the content.

Might be because the rewards didn’t scale with the difficulty. Why would I bother with something that poorly balanced? As it is, dungeons are about as unfun as it gets and if it wasn’t for the ready cash supply many would never do them (I stopped doing them some time ago).

difficulty dilemma

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


They can start by allowing for dedicated healer builds (since we already have tank builds) and restoring the trinity. Then they can look at making content that can be challenging. Under current mechanics it will always be a DPS faceroll.

On inconsistent and paradoxical game design

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


I think game isn’t the problem. The problem is players who want EVERYTHING AND NOW. I have 800 hrs and I never ran into such problems. I have exotic sets of armor and weapon with no farm gameplay at all. One week – few sets from dungeons with stats I want.
I’m really don’t get all those whining and crying.

dont get? Think that way, the game has 1 big pve objective, Legendaries.

What do you need to make a legendary? Gold.

How do you get Gold? Farming.

Where? CoF or Flip the AH, if you try to farm T6 mats or lodestones you gonna waste your time.

Well, you just don’t get this game.
RPGg objective – finish the game(And enjoy the game by the way)
MMORPG – get the most cool equipment
GW2 – have fun. Do what YOU want to do, you are not forced to do this “objective” It’s YOUR personal objective. Hard and expensive.
Btw, I dont farm gold. I have enough gold from fotm, dungeons, wvw and guild missions. And I playing them just because I have fun from doing them

As long as what I want to do does not involve farming, right? What you really mean is “do what ANet tells us we want to do”, because I certainly do not get to play in the manner I want.

How can it be fair to ANY game developer to accuse them of not letting them “play the way they want”, even if they promised it, because they want the game to be something else it wasn’t designed to be? It is rather obvious that “play the way you want” is the direction they took with this game (even more so than with GW1,which I also love), but the term has to work within the constraints of the game’s design.

It all sounds like “I want to play the way I want-like I used to have fun with this or that game”. Which begs the question, why not play the games that you like, rather than complaining about GW2 for not offering you the play style that you prefer… and why did you buy the game in the first place?

I can buy a hose and find it difficult to use it as a leash… but it isn’t a leash, even though it may have similar characteristics as one. The hose isn’t defective; I am just wanting something out of it that it was never designed to do.

Play the way you want, within the constraints of the game’s design-no one needs to farm, they just want to (no offense intended, and I myself have farmed for very tiny bits, but never feel pressured to do so-I WANTED to farm to get something a bit earlier, it was not required of me.)

Feel free to disagree, not worth it anyone getting all angry about this stuff. I consider my point made in any case, and give you the right to believe as you please.

I got the game for WvW (which, while not living up to it’s potential is still better than most other MMOs out there, DAoC excepted) and the graphics (some of the best in any MMO period). I am not really even a PvE kind of guy, though I have done my share over the years. I also have no need of gold as I have way more than enough to buy what ever I want. I do not want a legendary (way way too much effort for what is essentially nothing more than a skin), so that isn’t the issue. When I farm I do so because I truly enjoy the activity. That said I expect to get something worthwhile for doing that, or any other, activity.

The issue, for me, is that I find ANet’s decisions (and actions) on this topic honestly offensive as both a player and a consumer.

That’s it. Nothing more.

Oh come on

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


It’s been almost 1 year (10 months-sih) since GW2 came out, not only do we not have any sort of fun or engaging PvE endgame, the games METAgame is in disarray, and they haven’t moved the main story any further since we Killed (but not really we shot sparkle guns while he King Konged.) Zhaitan.

So instead of going further along with the Elder Dragon story (we still have what 4 of them?) You guys decide with every Living story and event to side step the main game story and open up other story lines Some were terrific (Molten Alliance.) Some were boring and didn’t even make me bat an eye at it. (South Sun stuff.) and the next event you give us is another happy cheering pointless party event…. I’m sure it may be fun ..but kitten can we please move on with the story?

At this point any hope I have of this game adding any sort of significant Endgame that doesn’t involve PvP of some magnitude (I still hate WvW still just Zerg vs Zerg… which is mainly because Towers, and Camps etc are to close together, and there’s no threat of a real counter with AoE being capped at 5, and more than useless Guards/Captains… but that’s another post.) is for Anet to continue the story and hope they learned from their mistake with Zhaitan and actually let us fight the darn dragon.

Seriously Anet.. stop side stepping your main story get back to it!!!

Wait, there is a story in this game? After tree dude’s first monolog I just “skipped to the end” of everything.

Dragon Coffers work like Southsun Crates?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


After buying 40 South Sun supply crates, I had received 1 cheap mini and nothing else of value? Are we going to see this again with this Dragon Coffers in the new event? Thank you for your time.

As long as people are stupid enough to go around “buying 40 South Sun supply crates”, yes.

On inconsistent and paradoxical game design

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


As long as what I want to do does not involve farming, right? What you really mean is “do what ANet tells us we want to do”, because I certainly do not get to play in the manner I want.

Actually, if what you want to do is farm, then you’re in luck! They made it so you have to farm even MORE to get the things you wanted to farm for! Actually, if you look at it like that, it makes it confusing as to why farmers hate the fact that it takes more farming to get farmed things when they enjoy farming so much.

As far as to answer this, farming is fun, and relaxing for an hour or two, sometimes even 3. Farming the same material 250 times with a 1% drop rate is hundreds of hours of farming, and you may get unlucky and have to farm for several hundred more hours. There is a large difference in farming for fun and being forced to farm for a random or even no reward.

Yeah, pretty much this. The truly sad/ironic part is that I do not need to do it, I just enjoy doing it. Yet ANet has done everything they can to tell people like me to find a different game.

On inconsistent and paradoxical game design

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


I think game isn’t the problem. The problem is players who want EVERYTHING AND NOW. I have 800 hrs and I never ran into such problems. I have exotic sets of armor and weapon with no farm gameplay at all. One week – few sets from dungeons with stats I want.
I’m really don’t get all those whining and crying.

dont get? Think that way, the game has 1 big pve objective, Legendaries.

What do you need to make a legendary? Gold.

How do you get Gold? Farming.

Where? CoF or Flip the AH, if you try to farm T6 mats or lodestones you gonna waste your time.

Well, you just don’t get this game.
RPGg objective – finish the game(And enjoy the game by the way)
MMORPG – get the most cool equipment
GW2 – have fun. Do what YOU want to do, you are not forced to do this “objective” It’s YOUR personal objective. Hard and expensive.
Btw, I dont farm gold. I have enough gold from fotm, dungeons, wvw and guild missions. And I playing them just because I have fun from doing them

As long as what I want to do does not involve farming, right? What you really mean is “do what ANet tells us we want to do”, because I certainly do not get to play in the manner I want.

another one bites the dust

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


I used to go to Southsun for a bit of a farm before the LS but I haven’t since the LS started. No skin off my nose and I’ll go back there when everyone leaves. Farmers need a place to farm though. All Anet has to do is put some spots in (they don’t even have to tell anyone!) away from events and other sorts of content so farmers can get their fix.

This is why I don’t talk about farming spots when I find one

Also, for me, farming “stuff” is relaxing. I do it while I am chatting in vent with friends. I do not do it because I need to, but rather because I like to. I have more than enough gold to purchase anything I desire (or do not desire as the case may be), up to and including a legendary (I hate the things honestly, there is nothing about them that comes close to justifying the effort/cost to acquire one). But I DO expect something for my time investment, it isn’t like I’m just standing in LA after all. At this rate I really don’t see myself playing much longer. WvW (the only reason I ever got the game) has gotten worse, and now this attitude on ANet’s part with regard to PvE. Frankly, the game isn’t good enough to put up with much longer.

My only question, what happened to the “play how you want” mantra that was tossed around so much pre-launch? Apparently it’s “you will play how ANet wants you to play and like it!”.

“Please sir, may I have more?”

(edited by Phaedryn.3698)

another one bites the dust

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


I am curious what the thought process was the lead to the 200% MF buff on the island if they were just going to turn around and do kitten like this? It almost seems like a cruel joke now. Just waiting for a dev to pop on and yell “Psych!”. If anyone ever asks why I will not buy gems, I point to kitten like this and just reply “kitten em…”

Ranger pet damage will get nerfed...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Seeing as how my Jungle Stalker can solo a Veteran Reef Rider (as in kill from 100%-0% while I am /sit’ing) it is probably deserved.

However, I would greatly prefer the ability to permanently store my pet, and have my personal damage output adjusted to compensate.

(edited by Phaedryn.3698)

another one bites the dust

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


It’s Arenanet’s way of saying: You can haz no monniez without buying our gemz!!

Pretty much this…

It’s why I refuse to buy gems. Bought some way back in October before I took a break, but none since I came back about a month ago.

(edited by Moderator)

Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


People, you’re demoralizing me from making a Ranger – she’s now level 21. :|


I love my Ranger, seriously. However, I do not do dungeons so take that with a grain of salt. But a bunker build, well played, in WvW is a thing of beauty.

Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Yep. Not grouping with Flissy

Ok, this made me laugh…

A question about racist comments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


I am going to make it my mission to now go around in game and let me character be racist to plants and humans by calling them salad bowls and meat and bookah and I can’t get banned because its only game racism.

You wont be banned. Mainly because nobody would care, why should they?

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


its not the difficulty factor like i said earlier, the dungeons dont feel complete and ive done many other dungeons in other MMO’s, it feels like its missing something. Like for instance, i have no idea WTF i’m doing in dungeons, i dunno how much DMG im doing, 90% of the time im dodging….its not like im dying or not completing it, i just wish there was MORE to it. I feel like more can be done, especially nowadays. I LOVE THE GAME btw so don’t flame me. I’m just trying to give my input.

All i here in this forum is
“this is a different MMO”
“your not running with guildies” etc….how about you guys give your input of bettering the game.

The problem is that many in these forums think the mechanics of GW2 are so good, everyone should love them. They cannot comprehend that many do not. To them, it’s simply that you haven’t learned yet, not that you understand the mechanics and do not like them.

More explorable maps instead of this story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Off top of my mind I cant think of any other mmo that is giving away content for free, no matter how short or small it might be. They pack it in DLC/expansion and take $$ for it.
New explorable maps are alot of work, they are also material usually put into expansion. You want a free expansion every 5 months?
Stuff you ask for takes more than 5 months to be made, it takes money to make it so its hardly gonna be free every time (Southsun Cove+fractals is generous gesture from Anet).

Eve Online has never charged for an expansion, and they have had many (twice a year). While it is a subscription based game, you can pay for your sub with ingame currency if you wish (I havent paid for a sub in years).

A question about racist comments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


LOL…thanks for the laugh

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


I’m going to get flamed for saying so, but when ANet did away with the trinity of tank, healer, dps, it made for a dull dungeon experience. Without tanks to soak up damage, and healers to keep everyone’s health bars topped off, dungeons are basically just zerg content. To keep a “level” playing field, that any profession can play in, they designed dungeons so every profession can withstand the damage mobs dish out, and gave us a dodge mechanic (which I love, btw) to avoid the big stuff.

So, how to keep dungeons from just being massive dps-fest facerolls? Give mobs and bosses knockdowns and snares, and (with bosses at least) huge dps-spike one-shot attacks which will kill you regardless of how defensive you are. In some areas, they included traps to slow things down as well.

What this does is:

1) Encourage people to skip trash mobs. They don’t drop anything worthwhile, and are really just annoying bottlenecks.

2) Encourage people to go full berserker and dps things down as fast as possible. If you dodge/avoid the big spikey attacks, then go back to dps-ing, the mob/boss dies faster, and does fewer big spikey attacks. DPS is king in this game.

3) Encourage people to find the dungeon paths that can be completed the fastest, and run them over and over. It’s simple risk vs. reward behavior.

4) Once people learn the mechanics of a particular boss or dungeon path, it gets repetitive (for example: when the boss does xyz, wait 1 second, then dodge, then go back to dps-ing). When content gets repetitive, people look for the fastest repetitive content to do for their rewards (loot, money, etc.), and skip the rest.

Attempts to make content “harder” have really just made content more annoying. If we look at the changes made to AC a few patches back, it’s not really a “harder” dungeon, it just has more annoying mechanics that slow parties down. As a consequence, fewer people run AC now than they used to.

Making dungeons take longer to complete, with more “tripwire” (roots, snares, knockbacks, knockdowns, etc.) type content in them is not a very good solution, because people tend to avoid that kind of content.

In my opinion, dungeons in this game need a massive overhaul. Mobs and bosses need to be made more “interesting”, and “smarter” — not just frustrating and annoying. Some of the paths take way too long to complete, and many players don’t have the time or inclination to run them, given the rewards. Some are too short, and thus get exploited. But the saddest thing? Many dungeon paths in this game just get ignored or avoided.

Ive been saying this since beta :/

I refuse to step foot in a dungeon again, and spend my playing time in WvW mostly (and chest farming for cash). I used to love group content in games, but the mechanics of GW2 are what made me leave back in Oct. I came back recently, but only for the WvW.

Thoughts on Raiding

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Two problems with implementing raids in GW2. First, no trinity means raids will be trivial (just as all the world bosses are now). Second, the necessary gear progression would break all other content. Raid gear in WvW would be completely imbalanced, and would utterly trivialize all other PvE content (even more than it currently is).

I would say that with the number of mmorpg’s out nowadays there are many different variations of raids, and gear progression is not really a necessary component of raids (though it does get people hooked on them, as WoW has strongly shown.)

In some games raids are a simple matter of gathering a large amount of players to tackle a very difficult boss, dungeon, or series of encounters, and the gear you get from it doesn’t really give you a huge boost in power, but it does look cool.

I don’t think a GW2 “raid” would need the trinity to be successful either, rather than focus on that, they could focus on the cooperation of the people in open world.

Say if they ever had, oh, I’ll just call them advanced dynamic events, they could have a feature where a boss would switch to different phases, and in one phase melee dmg would heal him, requiring everyone to switch to a ranged weapon, or not attack at all if they don’t currently have access to one. Well, I’m sure it would be a lot more complicated than that, that’s just something I made up.

(there should probably be no scaling for these special events either, the difficulty would already be set, and remain set)

And none of what I typed above is even needed, as they will probably be introducing new dynamic events sometime in the future, that are a bit more fun, I just wanted to show that there is more to raiding than gear progression.

Those are called Temple events, which very often go undone.

Pretty much this. We already have raid “light” encounters in the game and they fall into one of two categories; the “nobody bothers with them” category which includes temples (and when they do it is to unlock the merchant for gear), and the “zergging the hell out of it making it require nothing more than showing up” category like the world bosses. That’s it, the pinnacle of GW2 raid-ish content. As long as there is no trinity more difficult/complex encounters wont be possible (or they wont be done). Gear is required to allow for more an more difficult content, that is why it is called a progression. Both of these are necessary for real “raid” like content.

Where's the Challenge? Like old times...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Honestly, I would love for an old school MMO with a brutal leveling curve and unforgiving mechanics. By and large, those who made it to the level cap knew their class and how to play within a group. They were also rather dedicated to the game (and their class since re-rolling was out of the question for most who valued their sanity). Esentially, you got a better class of players in those games rather than every johnny come lately modern MMOs attract. Give me a game where you spend 6+ hours to get one bubble of XP and if you died an entire day (at least) was lost with modern graphics and deep mechanics and I would walk away from GW2 in a heart beat.

And I’m so thankful that MMOs aren’t like this anymore.

I am not asking for all MMOs to be like this. Like most things, there is a place for each to exist side be side. GW2 for those who want casual, and something else for those of us that want to play with like minded people. Every MMO I have played has caved in and become more and more casual and, frankly, it has ruined the game. I just want one game that, at end game, you know that those who are there are competent and knowledgeable.

Where's the Challenge? Like old times...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Need I remind you of the way MMO’s use to be?

1) spam an area for a group for several minutes/hours.
2) Meet group in one area of the map.
3) kill the same mob or mobs till you got bored and logoff.

yup, that was alot of fun

Honestly, I would love for an old school MMO with a brutal leveling curve and unforgiving mechanics. By and large, those who made it to the level cap knew their class and how to play within a group. They were also rather dedicated to the game (and their class since re-rolling was out of the question for most who valued their sanity). Esentially, you got a better class of players in those games rather than every johnny come lately modern MMOs attract. Give me a game where you spend 6+ hours to get one bubble of XP and if you died an entire day (at least) was lost with modern graphics and deep mechanics and I would walk away from GW2 in a heart beat.

Condition Cap part II: Electric Boogaloo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


As a condition Ranger, I too am eager to hear news.

What is "skill"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


For many players in other MMOs, the word “Skill” is synonymous with “Gear”. The raiders are “skilled”, everyone else isn’t. The hardcore PvPers wearing the top end PvP gear are “skilled”, the “noobs” wearing greens (regardless of the player behind the wheel) are not.

In FPS games and other games were everyone is of a base stat plateau, skill literally means 1 player’s ability to win against opponents/survive the game world.

In this game it’s a bit of both. For me, at least, when I whine about something not requiring skill I mean that I could do it with minimal thought and effort on my part as a player. My character, wearing all exotic gear and being level 80, can complete the task with me watching Dr. Who on the side monitor and only mildly paying attention to the game in my peripheral vision.

To date, with the exception of a few jumping puzzles, that pretty has described 99% of my GW2 PVE experience :-P

The closest to a high skill PvE battle I’ve had in this game was on the heart of the mist island. Go to where the various class sparring partner NPCs are. On the right side are 2 kind of close together- the warrior and the thief. Aggro both of them together and try to win. Be honest about it- don’t get the warrior to half health and THEN aggro the thief. 1 autohit on the warrior, then run to the thief (or the other way around). Dont fight back until both are fighting you.

THAT is a skill based PvE fight, IMO. It took me several tries before I could regularly beat that duo.

As a former “hardcore” raider, you are way off base with this assumption.

Thoughts on Raiding

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Two problems with implementing raids in GW2. First, no trinity means raids will be trivial (just as all the world bosses are now). Second, the necessary gear progression would break all other content. Raid gear in WvW would be completely imbalanced, and would utterly trivialize all other PvE content (even more than it currently is).