Showing Posts For PistolWhip.2697:

Working as intended! Thanks Anet!

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


There are 2 types of players in this world. The ones that will play any class to win, and the ones that will stick to their class through thick and thin.

Neither understands each other.


[PvP]Will anyone compete with Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Yes, of course.

If you thought we were called Warriors because we had a weapon in our hands you were wrong.

We’re Warriors because in times of hardship like these our best thrive. A good Warrior can still intimidate opponents. An amazing Warrior demands both fear and respect, more so than ever at this moment.

Bring it on, lads.

Someone’s been watching a bit too much Braveheart, lol.

I am from the UK, it is just in my culture.


What happened to warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Though it seems to have passed, quick notes on skill floors and ceiling:

Skill floor refers to the amount of skill needed to be somewhat useful with a specific class’ mechanics.

Skill ceiling refers to the amount of skill needed to fully exploit a specific class’ mechanics..

Warriors undoubtedly have a low skill ceiling, but that doesn’t mean warriors aren’t skilled players. Indeed, a low skill ceiling makes high player skill that much more important… things like positioning, baiting, conserving, etc. But this is also why warriors are virtually non-existent in top tier pvp, where player skill across classes is uniformly high. That, and how easily they’re countered.

I think warriors used to have a lower skill floor than most classes, and it might still in general (i.e. non-end game or dungeon) pve. But in wvw at least (and probably pvp), I think other classes have considerably lower skill floors.

I actually think it’s the opposite. To me at least, it seems Warrior has a low skill floor. Many people can pick it up and it is accessible being one of the simpler classes in concept and design.

I think this scales in a steep fashion at higher tier though, where the simplicity works against the player. The high skill ceiling comes from the lack of tools in an environment where more buttons doesn’t mean anything to say, an experienced Engineer. At this point the player must ‘carry’ the profession in a sense to victory, demanding more of the player in question. You could say this is due to the low skill ceiling however, which is a fair point. I do think though the bigger picture shows a higher skill ceiling… I hope I make some sense in my thoughts.

If I gave two people a toolbox each, and one had only a hammer inside, the other having many different tools. Sure, the one with many different tools would take the person longer to learn to use each tool, but once learned, if I asked both people to build a specific object, the person with more tools would be at a huge advantage to just the hammer. It would be down to the skill of the builder in question to make it work.

At that point the person with the hammer would have to think very creatively on how to use it like a screwdriver for example. This creativity, and improvisational nature is just one of the things the simplicity of a Warrior forces out of the player.

Just my take on it.


[PvP]Will anyone compete with Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Yes, of course.

If you thought we were called Warriors because we had a weapon in our hands you were wrong.

We’re Warriors because in times of hardship like these our best thrive. A good Warrior can still intimidate opponents. An amazing Warrior demands both fear and respect, more so than ever at this moment.

Bring it on, lads.


Requested Changes to make War Viable PVP

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Its a lot of changes I know an plan on adding more. Hopefully we can get at least one of them.

Can Rush have a knockdown or stun if it hits? Maybe a “float”.

Not a bad idea actually. The arc of the hit from the Rush attack aims upward like an uppercut so the brief float would be perfect. Like a launch perhaps but on the spot.


State of Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


You guys give me too much credit.

Just need to remember,

The sharpest blade, has had to endure the ire of the grindstone longer than all others.


State of Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Warrior is dead anywhere outside pve..
So if you gonna play pure pve go warrior and you gonna be fine… if you pretend to wvw…pvp then..choose anything else and you will do much better and you will have much more fun while playing it…

Btw im a warrior main..
It hurts to say that

I disagree. Not on the state of Warrior, it is pretty obvious to anyone who has PvP’d for a substantial length of time, this is the worst state Warrior has been in since the 1st year in PvP.

I disagree however that you will have more fun playing other professions. Warrior offers a style and flare most others lack, and is one of the reasons I have kept coming back to it as a main for years.

In fact, I’d argue now is one of the best times to get into Warrior, because through the frustration and the current PvP/WvW Eco system, you will learn a humbleness that many Warriors have forgot throughout their years of play. It really will make you appreciate each move, each skill, each bait, every dodge etc. Then when the day comes of the inevitable buff to warrior (whether in weeks, months or a year) you will stand even taller than you could before. Not only are you masterful in a profession that required you to up your game very quickly in it’s current state, but also the advantage of buffs.

Point is, the disillusionment with Warrior is fair at the moment, but don’t down play it as the fun profession it is, and don’t down play the potential it can still foster in the best players. Every day, the Warriors who stick with this profession are making it work, and will continue to make it work despite what comes our way.


Guild Raid Testing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Can I just say,

#FirstShame. This must be the new hashtag to associate with the clowns known as DnT LOL


State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Warriors haven’t been the best for years. You guys quickly forget due to your selective memory the down days of this class.

Heck I remember in year 1, people used to laugh at you when you played Warrior because the sustain was so god awful pre Heal Sig or Cleansing Ire that you’d flop over and die. The only people who died to Warrior were those caught by the cheap Quickness bulls charge Hundo crap.

Plus this thread isn’t about “You had it good for the last meta so now you must live with being bottom tier.” That shouldn’t be how balance works. If Thief has been bottom for a while (which I’d argue it hasn’t) it doesn’t make it a sudden priority. Neither is Warrior a priority.

Balance needs to be addressed at present or we will end up like Necromancers. You know the guys who think being OP right now is justified due to them sucking kitten in the past (or so they think, aside from PvE, seeing as Necro was META in WVW and did okay in PvP engagements I never understood the pessimism.)


"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Cool thread, I think it has made a lot of people happy.

For me personally, I have always wanted and been working towards Predator. If I could get the Hunter or Tier 6 mats from anyone I’d appreciate it but at the same time I know it is a tall order. So obviously it is more than understandable people wouldn’t feel comfortable with such.

That is really all I want though, will keep an eye on this thread time to time to see if I can help someone within my own means. o7


I miss the fast/fun Power meta

in PvP

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


LOL, as predicted once the Meta settles people whine. Don’t you guys get it? There was never going to be a perpetual Clusterkitten of builds as there was on June patch drop. That was just the natural response to a system overhaul.

And people called the Cele Meta the most boring, yet here we are with people calling this the most boring. Hyperbole sprinkled on your hyperbole soup.

For the record I hate the current Condi side of the meta but, I was under no delusion it would get here when June Patch dropped, and I said as much months ago. This is really easy to see if you even have an inkling of foresight.


Axe + GS the only viable build atm (OP too)

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


LOL, yeah Axe Shield GS is the easy effective build. Not condi face smash keyboard mace warriors, or shoutbow, or gimmicky Gun Flame specs (used by yours truly for the lolz).

Seriously, if you’re going to call one of the highest skill cap builds in Warriordom, the GS Axe Shield which has been AROUND FOREVER due to some buffs atm then you are sorely delusional.

It’s funny seeing people qq when they’re bad. Warrior isn’t op pre buff, it isn’t op post buff.

I play warrior and it is op in wvw roaming XD

Right? I never quite understood why though. Is it because warrior has more base stats? How come I’m a scrub warrior in pvp, and the moment I enter a Borderland I’m suddendly 1v2ing everyone and his grandma? Can someone please tell me what makes warrior so strong in WvW?

Easy. The general level of skill in play is higher in Spvp than WvW. In WvW players tend to rely less on an even battlefield in terms of stats, food buffs etc and are carried by their stats picking up bad habits and so when someone with an ounce of skill comes a long a lot of them flop over and die. Not all WvW roamers ofc, but a vast majority as an average have less skill than PvPs in my experience.


(edited by PistolWhip.2697)

No passion for Warrior/Berserker?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Herald gets stability on dodge, a 1200 range no cooldown teleport that also makes attacks unblockable, a defiant stance that includes applied and incoming condition damage that can be used when stunned, a staff skill that blocks and blinds on short cd, a shield skill that blocks all attacks and heals on low cd, a shield skill granting protection, a stealth reveal, an on demand blind, more boons than ele, short cooldown long duration elite stuns, a knockback skill that hits harder than hundred blades, a relatively short cooldown high damage sword skill that evades and tracks players through portals requiring them to dodge twice to avoid damage but still siphons life if they block or endure pain, on demand quickness, permanent swiftness…

And I’m tired of writing.

There’s a big difference in the top tier elite specs vs. the low tiers. This was just Herald. Similar paragraphs can be written about Chrono, Reaper, Scrapper, Druid.

Adapt or die I guess. I’ll be playing a different class.

Mostly agreed except for Scrapper, engies got shafted with god awful ai that can’t keep up with a player that has no speed buffs (one of scrapper mechanics is superspeed, I guess you can figure out the result of having that with the drones)

Berserker since the start did not feel interesting at all in terms of gameplay. You still do the same old same old spam bursts for +20% dmg from trait, adding one additional button to press that does not change the way you play by any margin is not (at least in my book) considered “new” way of playing the class. Rage skills? First thing I checked was if they work with physical skills trait because THEY ARE LITERALY THE SAME as physical skills. Adding “gain x adrenaline” to the skill does not make it a new type.

Not questioning the usability of the spec as it had its uses in diferent places, but it does not change the fact how uninspiring it was.

I dunno mate, numbers may be tweaked by Scrapper Cele HGH as I saw it was pretty filthy in terms of never die and kill potential.


The Rifle, The shotgun(Proposal)

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


I love this proposal, even with skill tweaks the idea of making it a close range shotgun excites me and the prospect of adding utility to it even more so.


I have to strongly disagree here. Engineer rifle is one of the best weapons in the game for me, and is the only reason I have run Engi main alongside Warrior. It fits my play style perfectly, and in fact, if Engineer didn’t have rifle I would never touch it because P/S, and P/P is both face roll and boring as kittens, in conceptual theme and in game.


Something I noticed

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Because everyone is jealous of Tyria’s jocks.


The Charr and the other 'cute' races.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


I dunno, male Charr in tier 3 without helmet as a guardian with bright blue goku hair and that new makeover kit face is going pretty strong IMO.


Endure Pain bugged?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


I hope this is fix or at least acknowledged by ANET soon.

This is one of the last lines of defense for a Warrior usually, which means it bugging out in this fashion is very costly.


Warrior shield vs revenant shield

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Apples and oranges. Plus as far as I know you can’t move with the Rev shield skill


(Suggestion) PvP - Duels [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


If I may chime in on this topic, I don’t think the concept of having duels is totally unreasonable. However, I do agree with many points that have been made on both sides.

I wouldn’t say I’m an advanced player, I have got one character to lvl 80, and the rest are far behind that. I mostly play single player as I do still get overwhelmed with PVP. There is often chaos and sometimes I re-spawn and die within seconds and have no idea how or why. I’m not entirely useless either, but solely focusing on single player doesn’t allow you the opportunity to discover how other players fight. I’m mostly fighting, mindlessly, against monsters that I can beat without trying too hard. Enter PVP, I get slaughtered because I feel unprepared.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but did the original Guild Wars have an option for 1v1 duels? It has been WAY too long since I’ve played it to remembers.

My two suggestions for this matter are either:

1) Create a separate arena for duels, not included on the world map or PVP. Enter at your own risk. Fight other players, either at a standard lvl of 80, a la PVP, or within categories from lvls 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, etc. so you aren’t completely slaughtered. That way you can form a good fighting style at the lvl your character is currently at and grow as a player as you level up.


2) Have a dueling option included with the WvE, when players can send suggestions to other players to duel, and upon acceptance, the duel will commence. However, as mentioned above, it would get annoying constantly declining duels, or have an “inbox” of sorts of offers that gets clogged up. So my suggestions is to have an option to “Block all Duel Offers”, so when one players scans over a player who has triggered the “block” options, the ability to send the suggestion is not even possible until they change that feature to" welcome duel offers."

How this would effect the “community” as people have been concerned about, I don’t know. But at least if you are given the option to duel, or block the offers, then anyone not interested doesn’t have to partake. Those are my suggestions.

I do see the benefit of playing 1v1 to gain experience and fighting strategies, however, they would have to create it in a way where there is still peace between the players, and that those not interested can play the game without the hassle. However, to not include this feature and leave it as is, I would be completely content with that as well. Just my two sense.

I like your first suggestion. It has the benefit of providing a place for dueling that doesn’t stress existing server resources, keeps the duels from disrupting people engaged in banking/posting trades or pve, and means that everyone in the dueling location is there for that purpose. In other words, it’s community building. You could even have it be the Polymock Arena at Rata Sum, with entrances in all major cities. This is a win/win for people who want to duel and for people who don’t want to deal with the inevitable side effects of dueling. Hell, I think it would even prevent a lot of the side issues that show up with open world dueling.

However, I disagree with your second suggestion. It is nothing more than the same open world dueling suggestions as posted earlier. Your second suggestion still fails to address the many concerns of trolling, disruption, and harassment that follow the introduction of open world dueling. I will not list them all again, but I will say this: it’s easier to add an instanced area with it’s own rules, than it is to add a feature that works correctly over the entire game world. This, I believe, argues for an instanced area for dueling.

I like your idea of sparring. I could seem more welcoming than dueling. And while I made two suggestions, I’d agree that option 1 would be my preference. However, if they were to implement it into the PvE world, then that I a suggestion to contribute to how it would be less frustrating for people that don’t with to duel (or spar.) And if it was implemented into PvE, I wouldn’t want it to result in the death of one player. It would be strictly for testing your skills against another player 1 on 1, and perhaps get rewarded at the end of it. Perhaps you can both be granted participatory experience, and the winner gets a small reward. Or after winning 5 Spars you receive an EXP Booster, or something of the sorts. But it would be nice if both parties received something so there is more incentive to participate, win or lose. I know I’d stop after a while if I kept losing and gained nothing for trying.

Also, if it is in PvE, perhaps once both players have agreed to duel (spar) they get transported to an arena meant for that purpose. They have their match, get their reward, and return to PvE. In the meantime to everyone else the players could still be visible and have dueling gloves or swords above their avatars to show that they are in a dual. During that time they can’t be affected by monsters, or addressed by other players. And they don’t need to return to a Waypoint to continue on their journey. They just simply pick up where they left off.

But, all that being said, an entirely separate area dedicated to this, as mentioned in my first suggestion, would be ideal…

I dunno about the immunity to monsters thing. This could lead to abusing it to bypass mobs in certain areas.

Heck, some people might want the added complication of monsters to their duel for thematic reasons.

Also about the sparring point… what is my post… chopped liver? xD


[Suggestion] Support loyal customer,limit f2p

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


This implies you’re one of those people who thinks F2P players somehow get it better than you even though you likely paid to play years ago so it is justified because you basically paid to play earlier than them. Not only that but as a consumer you made your own decision not to wait till GW2 was possibly free in some unforeseeable future.

Maybe I am just jumping to conclusions, but a lot of this I have seen, and it is really stupid. It is as if they expect a refund.

How about, these people get a refund only if they agree for their account to be wiped, and terminated. Now they can be a few £ richer and make a Free to play account which has heavy restrictions!

Sure it may not be as fun, but they are finally savvy customers right?… Right?


(Suggestion) PvP - Duels [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


If I may chime in on this topic, I don’t think the concept of having duels is totally unreasonable. However, I do agree with many points that have been made on both sides.

I wouldn’t say I’m an advanced player, I have got one character to lvl 80, and the rest are far behind that. I mostly play single player as I do still get overwhelmed with PVP. There is often chaos and sometimes I re-spawn and die within seconds and have no idea how or why. I’m not entirely useless either, but solely focusing on single player doesn’t allow you the opportunity to discover how other players fight. I’m mostly fighting, mindlessly, against monsters that I can beat without trying too hard. Enter PVP, I get slaughtered because I feel unprepared.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but did the original Guild Wars have an option for 1v1 duels? It has been WAY too long since I’ve played it to remembers.

My two suggestions for this matter are either:

1) Create a separate arena for duels, not included on the world map or PVP. Enter at your own risk. Fight other players, either at a standard lvl of 80, a la PVP, or within categories from lvls 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, etc. so you aren’t completely slaughtered. That way you can form a good fighting style at the lvl your character is currently at and grow as a player as you level up.


2) Have a dueling option included with the WvE, when players can send suggestions to other players to duel, and upon acceptance, the duel will commence. However, as mentioned above, it would get annoying constantly declining duels, or have an “inbox” of sorts of offers that gets clogged up. So my suggestions is to have an option to “Block all Duel Offers”, so when one players scans over a player who has triggered the “block” options, the ability to send the suggestion is not even possible until they change that feature to" welcome duel offers."

How this would effect the “community” as people have been concerned about, I don’t know. But at least if you are given the option to duel, or block the offers, then anyone not interested doesn’t have to partake. Those are my suggestions.

I do see the benefit of playing 1v1 to gain experience and fighting strategies, however, they would have to create it in a way where there is still peace between the players, and that those not interested can play the game without the hassle. However, to not include this feature and leave it as is, I would be completely content with that as well. Just my two sense.

I like your first suggestion. It has the benefit of providing a place for dueling that doesn’t stress existing server resources, keeps the duels from disrupting people engaged in banking/posting trades or pve, and means that everyone in the dueling location is there for that purpose. In other words, it’s community building. You could even have it be the Polymock Arena at Rata Sum, with entrances in all major cities. This is a win/win for people who want to duel and for people who don’t want to deal with the inevitable side effects of dueling. Hell, I think it would even prevent a lot of the side issues that show up with open world dueling.

However, I disagree with your second suggestion. It is nothing more than the same open world dueling suggestions as posted earlier. Your second suggestion still fails to address the many concerns of trolling, disruption, and harassment that follow the introduction of open world dueling. I will not list them all again, but I will say this: it’s easier to add an instanced area with it’s own rules, than it is to add a feature that works correctly over the entire game world. This, I believe, argues for an instanced area for dueling.

I have been harassed by just as many if not more PvE players as I have duelists.

I get the concern, but we can’t bow heads to the trolls or toxic players and give them the power to dictate how we should add to the game.

And it is adding to it. For you, maybe not, but for a group of players out there, this is the fulfilling content they need and want, even if it is simply because they can do it to pass time in events, or play at their full gear outside SPvP without having to swap to be on the opposing server this WvW match. It could just even be to foster a new guild of duelists who develop a ‘Fight Club’ in the Black Citadel Arena, where people can watch from the stands and even wager bets.

Could you imagine if this fighting pit had regular names and favourites who could defend their titles? The possibilities are endless.

The issue isn’t as much dueling, it is how it is implemented. There are measures that can safeguard other players in the event of dueling as an addition, and only when they are fully addressed to a satisfactory level should dueling be added.

But if they are, and people are willing to brainstorm for it because they love the idea of this open world dueling so much, what’s the harm?


(Suggestion) PvP - Duels [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


I posted this idea a while back somewhere else. I still think it applies.

I am not addressing the technicalities here, but more so the dueling mentality when applied to PvE.

Let’s think a bit on how much an image, title, or even word can change the perception we have of something.

To Kill is one thing, to defeat is another, isn’kitten

I propose, Sparring.

What is the difference? Sparring is almost always between allies or practitioners of a certain skill.

What would be different about Sparring? Simple, when you beat someone else in a spar (If you have ever done a martial art, boxing, MMA etc), there is meant to be a sense of respect for your opponent. After the spar, if they have been knocked down, you help them up. It is good sportsmanship.

in GW2 Sparring, you duel as normal, then after one person is downed, it auto ends. Immediately. The second one of you downs you both turn green, and you an help revive your downed opponent. Not only that, you get bonuses for reviving them, like XP, or a boon which may allow you to do something practical… like movement speed, or a bit of bonus magic find.

Sure, some people will try to abuse it for monetary gain. Though, it would basically be the same as farming mobs for XP in a location, or eating food from the Tp. The Magic find wouldn’t stack is what I’m saying.

To promote this further, you could make it so both people need to be on each other’s friend’s lists to spar. It would only make sense.

Auto decline would really kind of be in practice, as you just don’t add anyone you don’t want a spar request from. BUT just to iron out all possibilities, auto decline can still be a feature which is toggled as default.

Not only that, but there could be certain zones where you aren’t allowed to spar. I.E right outside the spawn point of starter zones, to preserve any difficulty combat effects could bring to such areas in terms of fps and PC.

That is another thing, you could even go as far as to have an option for people not to see other players ONCE they have entered a spar. Sort of like the culling options already in game.

So, what is the issue with that? I’m sure I missed something.

So, just dueling but you can’t stomp them. I’m okay with that.

It is more than that.

You need to recognize, how you advertise something does a lot for how people perceive it.

Calling it a Spar can be enough to dispel the negative feelings some have towards dueling.

If you don’t approach this with a positive and upbeat attitude, then you won’t convince anyone.

That’s why us in favour of such a feature must try to find solutions to problems. You don’t sway opinions with being obtuse. Far more can be convinced with politeness.


The Dream of Zerker War Beat DD Cele Ele

in PvP

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


first of all, those are not 1v2s, they are 2 1v1s back to back, massive diference

in the first vid you ran to reset your hp, so dont say without any reset, then you killed the ele, great, then AFTER that the second ele came and you beat him too, amazing! still not 1v2 though

second vid you rampaged the ranger, then the war jumped you and you ran to wait around the corner and blasted him

all great and fun to watch plays, none of them are 1v2, 1v2 implies fighting two people at the same time from the start, you missed so many skills it was crazy but hey, kitten happens, also, those vamp runes trolled you harder then i have ever seen lolol

haha thanks for your advice! I will try to improve myself as you mentioned! and Yea I know it isn’t a real 1v2 but sort of haha. Thanks for the advice again m8!

I think I get why people respect you as a player. It isn’t just skill or, play style etc (and I know you have experience and expertise in both).

It is a humble attitude and the willingness to improve. A lot of ‘top’ players in games or sports or what have you tend to get stagnant because they think they have hit a plateau, usually going hand in hand with arrogance.

I am glad to see someone recognized by many conducting themselves in this manner. Kudos.


(Suggestion) PvP - Duels [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


I posted this idea a while back somewhere else. I still think it applies.

I am not addressing the technicalities here, but more so the dueling mentality when applied to PvE.

Let’s think a bit on how much an image, title, or even word can change the perception we have of something.

To Kill is one thing, to defeat is another, isn’kitten

I propose, Sparring.

What is the difference? Sparring is almost always between allies or practitioners of a certain skill.

What would be different about Sparring? Simple, when you beat someone else in a spar (If you have ever done a martial art, boxing, MMA etc), there is meant to be a sense of respect for your opponent. After the spar, if they have been knocked down, you help them up. It is good sportsmanship.

in GW2 Sparring, you duel as normal, then after one person is downed, it auto ends. Immediately. The second one of you downs you both turn green, and you an help revive your downed opponent. Not only that, you get bonuses for reviving them, like XP, or a boon which may allow you to do something practical… like movement speed, or a bit of bonus magic find.

Sure, some people will try to abuse it for monetary gain. Though, it would basically be the same as farming mobs for XP in a location, or eating food from the Tp. The Magic find wouldn’t stack is what I’m saying.

To promote this further, you could make it so both people need to be on each other’s friend’s lists to spar. It would only make sense.

Auto decline would really kind of be in practice, as you just don’t add anyone you don’t want a spar request from. BUT just to iron out all possibilities, auto decline can still be a feature which is toggled as default.

Not only that, but there could be certain zones where you aren’t allowed to spar. I.E right outside the spawn point of starter zones, to preserve any difficulty combat effects could bring to such areas in terms of fps and PC.

That is another thing, you could even go as far as to have an option for people not to see other players ONCE they have entered a spar. Sort of like the culling options already in game.

So, what is the issue with that? I’m sure I missed something.


Dragon rank

in PvP

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Don’t worry guys, Leagues is potentially fixing this. I think… I hope?


Reapers are WAY to tanky

in PvP

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


“Necros are like the ethnic minorities of GW2. Feeling sorry for them at all times is the most politically correct thing to do.”

Pls no hate, I am an ethnic minority myself, I just gib jokes :>


Endure Pain bugged?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


This Endure Pain bug has been in the game for awhile. I was dueling my warrior friend a year and half ago as thief, a couple times I was able to damage him through his Endure Pain. Recently, I dueled another warrior friend during the latest BWE as a thief and again I was also able to hit him through Endure Pain a few times.

Not sure how to reproduce it or what causes it but I wasn’t using leeching sigils either times. I don’t duel much but strangely these times I did the bug occurred so it’s possible that it’s not a rare bug. Also both times the bug happened we were in a custom sPVP server and if I remember correctly the issue was with the auto proc Endure Pain but could be the active one.

If it has been around awhile then it has become far more common of late. I have played the game 3 years and only started noticing it now.

It is the same for others too, perhaps some sort of coding error has made the probability of this bug occurring higher of late?

Also, the bug has happened to me the most on Endure Pain active skill. The Auto proc seems to of worked fine for me up until now.


Endure Pain bugged?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


I acknowledge it could of been leech, if only it weren’t for the fact that I have seen Eviscerates by other Warriors and heartseeker by thieves go through it.

Even when the Warrior in question had no leeching, and no Leeching sigil is gonna take away approx 5k ish health.

And thief would need venoms up, as they life steal I believe.

And in the video mentioned above is another point of proof.

I honestly think something faulty is going on with the skill. Oddly enough I DO NOT think this bug occurs on the auto proc trait Defy Pain.

Only Endure Pain the skill, but this is just speculation I have observed.


On Berzerker and the Meta...

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


You’re making us Necro’s look bad… Then, pretty much every Necro does though. Seems to be a niche for us, crying about everything and taking out our frustrations on other professions.

Berserker is strong. But it doesn’t add anything new and a lot of the burst skills are extremely weak. Sure, you can spam them a lot but they’re hardly worth using in the first place. All Berserker really does is make you want to save your adrenaline instead of spending it since you have to build it to full to enter Beserker mode and saving adrenaline isn’t always a good idea… In fact most times it’s not. It’s nearly the same idea as only entering Death Shroud when it’s 100%.

We got a lot of firefields and there are certainly some nice additions with Berserker. Still, it’s not exceptionally powerful like Chronomancer and most of what it adds are incredibly lackluster. Honestly the only things to write home about are Headbutt, Skullgrinder and Outrage.

And Gun Flame. I love that skill, because AoE interrupt and damage.


Least Raged on Professions?

in PvP

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


I have had the complete opposite. In General the Necromancers I have witnessed+met have been people who are toxic, and unagreeable.

In fact even if you legitimately can justify a nerf they need in some area they will blindly defend it and act like a difficult past (if you can even call it that) justifies any OP-ness in the future. Which it doesn’t.

The profession I feel least angry about losing to? The profession I am also playing at the time, because that genuinely must mean I got outplayed/out thought.

I main engie and I used to hate hate hate necros with a passion. One necro used to troll and chase me around the map so I’d log on the hambow and reverse the tide. I finally started playing one to better understand their mechanics. Minus the 2 months of OPness they had with dhuumfire, the class felt too slow and underwhelming to me. I’m sure there are obnoxious individuals in each profession but most of the necros I’ve encountered and befriended seemed like good peeps.

My beef with them in the past was that they didn’t understand why they weren’t viable.

They acted like they were completely underpowered in a 1v1 scenario. That was never the case, in fact power Necro had many individuals actively winning duels in duel servers.

The issue was related to them in team scenarios and conquest the game mode. Yet, they’d always bring up balance in a 1v1. That was never relevant to their problems apart from counter classes, and that is working as intended, No?


Least Raged on Professions?

in PvP

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


I have had the complete opposite. In General the Necromancers I have witnessed+met have been people who are toxic, and unagreeable.

In fact even if you legitimately can justify a nerf they need in some area they will blindly defend it and act like a difficult past (if you can even call it that) justifies any OP-ness in the future. Which it doesn’t.

The profession I feel least angry about losing to? The profession I am also playing at the time, because that genuinely must mean I got outplayed/out thought.


Endure Pain bugged?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


It shouldn’t. If it mechanically does on the technical side of things then the issue could be a stark rise in damage of today’s game since the June 23 patch.

Either way, it isn’t meant to.


(Suggestion) PvP - Duels [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


You need to remember this game is not balanced around 1v1, so some professions have a stark advantage in a 1v1 scenario.

Why does this matter? Well by adding an officially supported dueling mode ANET would be admitting they acknowledge it and would have to balance around it also. This just adds another restriction to balancing which they may not want to have a headache over. Instead they give us indirect means (Obsidian Sanctum+Custom Arenas+Guild Hall Arenas) to duel it out.

This all said, I am fully behind duel support and would love if they did add it. Colin himself also said it was something they would like to look into after HoT.

So here is hoping.


Hotjoins (Or "Practice") games

in PvP

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


So the general consensus is a lot of people see no use for these (even practice wise) as it tends to end up switching zerg fests that sometimes won’t teach you anything etc.

I have longed loved them, more so because it is a great stress reliever for me as I don’t actually have to try to win a match.

Anyway I was thinking, why not make them cross-region? A big reason I believe for keeping Unranked and Ranked region divided is the ping, and rightly so. Ping can sway a lot in fights+response in games. There is probably community driven reasons too for EU and NA leagues.

However, do practice/hotjoin games have to be divided? They could be great for playing with friends who are from another region when all you play is PvP anyway. Heck perhaps Custom Arenas could get an option ticking Cross-Region or Region restricted.

I am not a developer and I don’t work at ArenaNet so if there is any technical difficulties or impossibilities hindering this proposal, please educate me. I do in the meanwhile think however this wouldn’t really take away from anyone’s experience.

Heck, you could divide the ‘normal’ server rooms also so they corresponded by number.

Even numbers = EU (Room 02, Room 04 etc)

Odd numbers = NA

or vice versa. What do you guys/devs think? Discuss!


Endure Pain bugged?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Me and some other Warriors I have been asking seem to be getting a bug with Endure Pain.

Basically the one you activate on your skill bar (Not the Defy Pain trait) on occasion seems to let damage through.

This tends to be if you activate it just before taking damage (as you’re supposed to.), and because of this I believe it is to do with it taking time to activate or not working for an initial second.

If there are more people experiencing this, please post here so this gets some attention, it is amazingly annoying, and I’m not sure which patch broke it, but it can ruin some clutch moments.


Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


You kind of pulled majority out your kitten .

Kal Spiro was spot on.


Easiest Build to sPvP with?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


GS + Mace/shield is super easy. Toughness, Precision and Power.

In my experience this is best run on berserker or marauder amulet.

Marauder preferably for more staying power.


Good Berserker Feedback video from Shinryuku

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


The funny thing about his vid is that when he starts playing berserker on his mace/longbow condi spec, every person he fights that has half a clue destroys him.

This illustrates the complete lack of warrior survivability without double Endure Pain.

Not having Fast Hands baseline still destroys warrior versatility.

Your thought that Fast Hands is needed in every build is misplaced. When it comes to Berserker, it is far from needed.

I actually tried to put fast hands into one of my builds but I just felt like the build lacked something crucial, so I went back to whatever it was I was using. And it’s the only build I’ve considered and am still considering whether fast hands is useful in it.

The only trait line that I used in every build was Defense because Cleansing Ire and Rousing Resilience are too good to pass up when it comes to Berserker or even Warrior in general and I would rather consider making Cleansing Ire baseline before Fast hands, just because of that fact.

You can check out some of my gameplay below and a few builds I tested in the description of the video.

I must say I have tried running without both and cleansing Ire is much easier to manage without.

If I had a choice I’d pick FH over Cleansing any day.

Rousing resilience doesn’t even come close to either for me.


Roaming vid - Evisceration - Axe/shield - Gs

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Axe + GS which is like one of the most low skill cap Warrior

Strongly disagree.


Easiest Build to sPvP with?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Any kind of Condi warrior is generally tanky enough to be easy, or anything tanky like a soldiers amulet.


Necro could actually be meta.

in Necromancer

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Necro is already meta in PvP as of the June 23rd update.

Please refer to Celestial Signet Necromancer.


Any 1 use axe and mace as main hand?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Erm, I have used Axe mainhand for most of my GW2 life. It is my favourite weapon on Warrior alongside GS.

Eviscerate is one of the big reasons why. It does need an improvement but it is still usable and fun on burst specs.

Use wise, Axe is meant to be the high risk high reward damage weapon.The burst skill itself is this incarnate as the range for damage is huge. You might hit low even on crit, but decent, or you might hit really high and do a ton of damage. It is also meant to gather adrenaline quickly (as seen from traits like Axe training).

To be honest though they could improve it. Namely make the adrenaline gain base line and make Axe training something else. That would give Axe a baseline niche of adrenaline building, and if they improve eviscerate also it would be set.

Eviscerate? Maybe it could evade for a short period during it’s leap, dunno if that would turn out broken, but I don’t think it would since it has such a quick animation anyway. Or it could be unblockable? (This 2nd one seems far more broken potentially… but it might be worth a test?)

Heck even some Vuln like 12 Stacks would be nice. Like all it has is damage and that damage can sometimes be out done by Arcing Slice. Quite frequently actually.

Tbh I’d just like eviscerate to get back its old range, I don’t mind it being predictable it’s supposed to be like that seeing the crazy numbers it can pull but the lack or range is a big problem.

I just feel it lacks as a burst skill. Because every other burst skill has something synergizing with it’s style. Killshot has a far better pay off, and Eviscerate’s damage is so unpredictable due to it’s range of attack power on Axe.

I am fine with the range myself, I hit 90% of the time but then again SPvP is small.


Axe/Shield for WvW roaming?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Since Axe is already addressed here. I’d like to recommend on the Sword/Shield front that you take Hammer as a weapon swap.

They actually synergize surprisingly well. And you can you the stuns on hammer to keep them in place for your Final Thrust for example. This particular build requires a lot of weapon stowing at the right time to cancel out skills or animations (Such as flurry F1 on Sword. If you stow your weapon right as it begins they will still be immobilized fully so you can land whatever attacks you like). However the Sword 2 leap is great for clutch escapes in WvW.

There were some great videos from a friend and rival called Callahan who was a beast at utilizing the environment in WvW to make escapes and kills on youtube, but sadly they have been taken down since.


Any 1 use axe and mace as main hand?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Erm, I have used Axe mainhand for most of my GW2 life. It is my favourite weapon on Warrior alongside GS.

Eviscerate is one of the big reasons why. It does need an improvement but it is still usable and fun on burst specs.

Use wise, Axe is meant to be the high risk high reward damage weapon.The burst skill itself is this incarnate as the range for damage is huge. You might hit low even on crit, but decent, or you might hit really high and do a ton of damage. It is also meant to gather adrenaline quickly (as seen from traits like Axe training).

To be honest though they could improve it. Namely make the adrenaline gain base line and make Axe training something else. That would give Axe a baseline niche of adrenaline building, and if they improve eviscerate also it would be set.

Eviscerate? Maybe it could evade for a short period during it’s leap, dunno if that would turn out broken, but I don’t think it would since it has such a quick animation anyway. Or it could be unblockable? (This 2nd one seems far more broken potentially… but it might be worth a test?)

Heck even some Vuln like 12 Stacks would be nice. Like all it has is damage and that damage can sometimes be out done by Arcing Slice. Quite frequently actually.


Thinking about a berserker(spec) build

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


This is the build I’m looking to try

Though tbh, I have thought about it and Condi warrior will have ridiculous synergy with some runes and Berserker.

Like Distracting Strikes with Mace is obvious, what is less obvious is Headbutt+Krait Runes. That is confusion, torment, bleeding and poison as long as you count to 10 after headbutt is off cool down. Which isn’t too long.

I mean I really only enjoy power Warrior, but condi is gonna work so well with some of Berserker


Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Well, I for one hope SAB doesn’t return…Why? because i invested in SAB skins way back..and now they are worth a ton. The longer no SAB, the more i get when i sell. Call me greedy but…I wasn’t that fond of SAB to begin with..might as well make some quick coin of it..

Capitalism at its worse.

This is why I don’y buy a lot of TP skins. I would rather play without a skin I want than feed some kitten hat their in-game lunch money.

It is fairly petty, because they will get another buyer regardless, but at least it sets my own mind at peace.


Game release notes: Versatile Power ICD

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Not much of a loss really. There is already away to stack ridiculous might with little effort on your part.

Have Elementalist friends.

A constructive comment would have been appreciated. Saying to stack might from Elementalist friends does not make the warrior class better.

Also saying it is not much of a loss does not negate nor support the topic being discussed.

Evidently you are the more serious of people in the player base.


Game release notes: Versatile Power ICD

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Not much of a loss really. There is already away to stack ridiculous might with little effort on your part.

Have Elementalist friends.


Will Berserker be superior to Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Trait lines or Specialization lines to be more precise.

Berserker has some new opportunities of course. But a lot of them are very cost heavy.

Which will you give up? Strength? Discipline? Defense? Say you gave up strength, that is already a loss of hefty damage in many setups atm. Discipline is almost mandatory because of Fast Hands, and a few other traits.

Defense? Cleansing Ire, Endure pain, the works.

I think the biggest downside to Berserker is actually that Warrior has many useful and arguably mandatory things already in it’s trait lines which Berserker will lack.

As much as I’d love to try Headbutt, and or Berserk mode, I just can’t see myself giving up the holy trinity.


You know...given the other professions...

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


That is because Warriors only use adrenaline on the battlefield.