Correction, cannon, ballista, and ac’s not just a cannon. Jesus christ how do you call that roaming?
maguuma roaming: group up with 10 others and chase around a group of 4.
BG counting: count all enemies regardless of tags, ignore own guys with different tags and multiply number of people from your guild by 2/3.
Correction, cannon, ballista, and ac’s not just a cannon. Jesus christ how do you call that roaming?
opp: roaming = hump cannons and spam 30 seconds of immo
after getting to play against sor+bg on reset i can say this is probably the funniest thing i have ever seen in gw2
claiming that t1na runs all ptv is wrong. there is no way they can run any kind of gear that has power even as minor stat.
I love the stigma against tanky players. WvW is about a team and our meta is made around AOE’s. Yes you get hit for 300 and laugh, but im hitting 5 people for 300 every second for 6 seconds. that’s 9k damage in 6 seconds.
Also stop disapproving T1 builds when you are tied with sos in last place.
I hit 5 people for 1500 every second. That’s 45000 damage in 6 seconds. I also have 3200 armor.
I will gladly help any T1 players with build optimizations, because they really really really need it.
EDIT: This is not sarcasm.
Magumagus are like newcomers to a city complaining too many 4 wheels on the road, too many buildings people not coming out, steaks no good, girls wearing panties-length of mini-skirts, where are the squirrels????!!!!!!
My city has squirrels, bike rentals, and not enough girls adult women wearing panty length miniskirts. It’s also November and Canada.
Oh please, real pros run 14/14/14/14/14 full sentinel.
after getting to play against sor+bg on reset i can say this is probably the funniest thing i have ever seen in gw2
claiming that t1na runs all ptv is wrong. there is no way they can run any kind of gear that has power even as minor stat.
I love the stigma against tanky players. WvW is about a team and our meta is made around AOE’s. Yes you get hit for 300 and laugh, but im hitting 5 people for 300 every second for 6 seconds. that’s 9k damage in 6 seconds.
Also stop disapproving T1 builds when you are tied with sos in last place.
So like… 1 warrior with shout heal trait but no heal power could keep 5 people at 100% against you forever? Without interrupting their attacks because shouts are insta casts.
1. You can BUY exotic weapons with celestial stats and more of them are dirt cheap.
What weapons are those? o_o
Quartz-crafted weapons are account bound, and I’ve never seen tradeable weapons with Celestial stats. (Well, barring Halloween weapons like “The Crossing” with deprecated stats. That’s anything but dirt cheap, though.)
Currently limited to a greatsword, a mace, and a shortbow. The mace and shortbow are both towards the cheapest end of level 80 exotics for their weapon types, the greatsword you could get for 9-12g. Their existence indicates ANet will likely make celestial available in other weapons shortly, or their item guys are silly.
Hint: What non-bop weapons were added AFTER celestial?
Switching to the newest FotM isn’t something to be proud of. Just shows that you have little creativity.
Plus, it’s far more impressive for someone to kill people as a non-FotM build than it is with an FotM build. Also shows that the person is actually good at their class.
My goal isn’t to be the most creative player I can be, it’s to be the most effective player I can be. Sometimes creative new builds outperform old builds and in that case they quickly become the meta. Sometimes people try new things and it underperforms and doesn’t make it into the meta at that time. If I discover a new build that I believe will outperform my old build I switch immediately. If a new build underperforms my old build it gets dropped.
My goal isn’t to impress my opponent but to beat them. I don’t care if they think I’m good or bad or anywhere in between that’s not my problem and it’s not something I can control.
I make a serious effort to never complain about enemy builds, tactics whatever. If someone beats me with something I just try to find a way to beat them. If I can’t figure it out that’s my failing not theirs.
Sure, this would be a valid statement… if anything remotely approaching real balance existed. Where’s the fun in intentionally exploiting bad mechanics 24/7? How do you not get bored after an hour?
Mag troll is just trash talking …. no drama / history ….
Did I ever tell you about the time Joseph Stalin looted DE|RP’s guild bank?
Dull Erotic Role Play has never had their guild bank looted. Plz join good DE|RP not bad DE|RP.
Except there is no difficult PvE…
That’s just your opinion. I have far less experience with PvE than I do with PvP so i often find myself clueless in dungeons and fractals.
LoS npcs into clump, spam high dps, dodge telegraphed instagib skills, stagger interrupt skills if necessary. There, you can do most PvE now. In the advanced class we’ll cover topics such as conjure weapons, skipping trash, and dodging into corners at point blank.
Lot of pve’ers think what they do is complex and skillful, too.
PVE can require skill if it’s difficult enough. It’s just a totally different skillset than the one PvPers develop.
Different toolsets for different obstacles.
Except there is no difficult PvE…
Go do lvl70+ fractals
Been there, done that. Not worth spending more time doing it as the rewards suck and it’s monotonous.
Goodjob Sor and Mag.. really glad to see and hear about another group of skilled guilds and players like those on Mag are laughing and realizing how weak BG is.
BG see a group of Mags, Mags see a group of BAGS!
Moar bags, watch out for that 15 man Mag blob -
Also we have 2 GvG’s so far this week with SoR but none with BG. Would hate to not get one with BG after doing so much PPT just to get into Gold so we could play against T1 guilds.
A lot of BG guilds do not do GvG, they prefer unstaged open field fights. Your best luck would be PLX or maybe OnS on Thursday or Friday when the score is determined.
Score was determined on reset, you don’t need a margin in leagues just to be 1st.
Against Mag yes, but we don’t want to underestimate SoR or any T1 servers and will only consider the score is determined when a clear victory is guaranteed against them.
Oh please, you know as well as the rest of us that you can take SoR in a ppt race. When it comes to holding SoR’s garrison tho ur on equal footing.
Maybe to you who are not familiar with T1 fights. Just in the second week since League starts BG came back from an almost 20k deficit on the weekend. And before that happened, many people also believed that SoR was surely going to win the ppt race in that week.
If you are interested I can give you several more examples of a perceived weaker T1 server came back from a big deficit and actually took the win, some times even on the last day.
what if we promise to 2v1 sor if bg stops stressin and does some gvg’s
the ppt life so stressful
Oh my god yes. Pyro, Ark, VR, and kitten will defend your objectives in exchange for GvG’s.
Lot of pve’ers think what they do is complex and skillful, too.
PVE can require skill if it’s difficult enough. It’s just a totally different skillset than the one PvPers develop.
Different toolsets for different obstacles.
Except there is no difficult PvE…
The only problem, Charged Quartz Crystals. You only get 1 per day.
Which means:
It takes 30 days or 1 month to get your 6 armor pieces.
It takes 10 days to a maximum of 20 days to get your weapons, depending on your weapon sets.
It takes another 25 days for your rings, earrings, accessories.
A grand total of 65 to 75 days for one character. If you want additional weapons to swap out you can always tweak up the number. This is at least 2 months going closer to 3 months for one profession.
You forgot a few things
1. You can BUY exotic weapons with celestial stats and more of them are dirt cheap.
2. Ascended earrings/rings/amulets w/celestial are just as time gated as all other ascendeds.
3. The celestial mats for ascended celestial weapons do not take longer to produce than the rest of the ascended weapon so they aren’t the limiting factor in speed.
Goodjob Sor and Mag.. really glad to see and hear about another group of skilled guilds and players like those on Mag are laughing and realizing how weak BG is.
BG see a group of Mags, Mags see a group of BAGS!
Moar bags, watch out for that 15 man Mag blob -
Also we have 2 GvG’s so far this week with SoR but none with BG. Would hate to not get one with BG after doing so much PPT just to get into Gold so we could play against T1 guilds.
A lot of BG guilds do not do GvG, they prefer unstaged open field fights. Your best luck would be PLX or maybe OnS on Thursday or Friday when the score is determined.
Score was determined on reset, you don’t need a margin in leagues just to be 1st.
Against Mag yes, but we don’t want to underestimate SoR or any T1 servers and will only consider the score is determined when a clear victory is guaranteed against them.
Oh please, you know as well as the rest of us that you can take SoR in a ppt race. When it comes to holding SoR’s garrison tho ur on equal footing.
Because pushing forward with guardian staff 1 and relying on the fact that skill autos always keep going in skill lag is not skill…
I only get skill lag on the really big engagements so there’s usually a lot more to large scale fights for me than pressing 1.
The skill set focuses less on micro level counterplay and skill rotation and more on organization, coordination and teamwork.
Right, and bashing 1 while following a cool ranch dorrito is something made easier to do by being under the influence.
Also perhaps someone from Mag can explain how the ability to follow the commander’s instructions and move and attack as a co-ordinated unit, combined with the commander’s ability to position his force and know when to charge != skill in blob vs blob engagements
Because pushing forward with guardian staff 1 and relying on the fact that skill autos always keep going in skill lag is not skill…
Goodjob Sor and Mag.. really glad to see and hear about another group of skilled guilds and players like those on Mag are laughing and realizing how weak BG is.
BG see a group of Mags, Mags see a group of BAGS!
Moar bags, watch out for that 15 man Mag blob -
Also we have 2 GvG’s so far this week with SoR but none with BG. Would hate to not get one with BG after doing so much PPT just to get into Gold so we could play against T1 guilds.
A lot of BG guilds do not do GvG, they prefer unstaged open field fights. Your best luck would be PLX or maybe OnS on Thursday or Friday when the score is determined.
Score was determined on reset, you don’t need a margin in leagues just to be 1st.
the amount of bags on sor bl tonight have been 2much4metohandle
The little corners of garrison where people dropped merchants… <3
SoR garrison recap
SoR – porting into waypoint for the couple seconds it uncontests – every single time
BG – re-broken in 4 or 5 times so far?
Mag – still hasn’t been pushed out
you aren’t really into fights that much either. I mean there’s literally 0 scouts inside of any of your structures lol…
Tower hugging scouts = fights
#T1You have a point, you can’t have scouts if you don’t own anything. :/
Actually I just spent an hour hanging around waiting in paper towers. It’s amazing how many times bg/sor will stack on rams and have 1 ele down so many of them with meteors.
you aren’t really into fights that much either. I mean there’s literally 0 scouts inside of any of your structures lol…
Tower hugging scouts = fights
Again this is why I give up solo roaming after 7 p.m. server time because of “Roaming Groups” like these its kindof pointless if you guys hang out in ruins ganking people. Shouldn’t you guys be taking larger groups instead of ganking people in Ruins?
“y u no 4v50 our zerg?”
it would be essentially like every player has a tiny ring of warding around their character, without the knockback effect, and that stability does not negate.
the amount of AoE calculations would reduce greatly I would expect, both friendly and enemy.
Even if aoe calculations reduced from fewer people being IN aoes, the rubber banding from client-server desynching the position of something slightly, you running through it on your client, and the server saying “NO WAIT YOU CAN’T! GO BACK!” would suck.
Bloodlust? Nah man, 40 is like… enough for a sentry or a dolyak escort. Gonna need more for bloodlust. Gotta hold THREE points.
griefing? use report system….
You can’t report somebody for having 5 people stand and block a portal or a merchant.
If you really want to tag people, get in an omega golem. They’ll just come to you
Friendly bodyblocking leads to too much griefing.
@Handin I think….
Mag doesn’t watch streams to ‘spy’ per se. We like to do ‘stream sniping’ my favorite was Bitcloud. It’s always enjoyable (maybe immature but this is a video game) to watch people rage over a video game when you kill them.
Bitcloud is my favorite to streamsnipe as well. When he moves to a different game because it’s too much. I know my job is done.
My entire guild used to participate in Bit hunting.
As I raid with 25-30 most of the time, I try my best not to gank roamers, but this time was an exception.
The group I run with usually ganks roaming groups we pass. 9/10 times I just keep running with the commander or just stand away.
Few exceptions based on guild tags/emote spam
You’re in [NOPE], we watched your stream, you guys were calling for backup against a small group you out numbered. Please don’t spread lies on the forums.
For example the new WXP consumables where the smallest(that drop a lot) only give 250 – you would need 20 for 1 rank. Would also make sense to let us upgrade these.
I dunno, I’ve never seen somebody go ‘Look, inthe last 10 minutes hundreds thousands of tiny drops of wxp got into my inventory!’
Everything on that list besides wintersday is being discussed in the appropriate forum section, and wintersday day… why would that show up in october/november?…
“End rewards” being the end seems a little odd, those don’t pop until every1 clicks skip on closing cinematics.
Why should something so basic as movement, be denied to some professions, whilst others benefit from it? It does not make any sense to me. Everyone should be allowed a passive 25% movement speed in my opinion.
The thing is, in this game, movement is not basic. Movement is everything. Backstab requires you to be behind your opponent. Ranger’s shortbow autoattack bleeds if you’re behind your target. Combo fields require either you or your projectile to go through it to achieve the affect. Therefore since positioning, and thus movement, is so key, it is a part of the balance system as to who is able to move themselves more quickly than others. Mesmers not having much access to swiftness, for example, is perfectly balanced. They already have a plethora of options available to them to teleport, push back, and confuse their opponents. What if they were also able to outrun them? Melee opponents wouldn’t be able to touch them, and, given a while of running, they would be able to stay out of the 1200 range weapons reach at ease.
As for the out of combat move speed, I also think that all classes should be able to move just a little bit faster overall, but still, some should be faster. In my opinion, the out of combat time before a fight can have a great affect on the course of the actual battle, position included.
by ‘behind’ those skills actually mean ‘not directly in front of’ and it’s a rather narrow field that counts as being in front. Where you’re ‘behind’ somebody is something like a 240 degree arc. You can literally still be slightly in front of them as long as you’re enough to the side.
This thread was ‘revived’ september 28th, ur a little late tree.
Ya box sets are silly, they cost the same mats to make but you had to sac stuff into the forge to make it.
I heard they like feathers.
The only thing GvG can currently do is clash head on in that tiny strip of land because that’s the entire area we’re allowed to play it in.
“polish up”
Why have I heard this from everybody but NS? What do you think GvG is exactly? All we’re here to do is fight with even numbers… if you fight already what is the issue?
Not talking about 1v1’s, the posts asking why JQ guilds keep saying they love open field fights but that they will also never gvg are being reported as insulting.
“It’s insulting to ask why I will fight you open field but not with rules that only restrict (a) numbers to even levels and (b) sigil/guard killing buffs.”
Wow, JQ claims they love fights, won’t gvg, and they report anybody who asks why? Please grow thick enough skin to be on the internet.
When, ever, in the history of this game, were any of the T2-5 woods or metals completely bottomed out in value on the TP?
During the semi open betas… Again in the weeks after release. I remember the days when even lodestones could be bought for merch price, in those few hours where the TP was available in the early game. The T1 mats were the window to using t2-6, and everyone was trying to climb through it at once, selling anything they could to afford access to using T2. I think it took more than a month for that pricing to fully reverse.
//Portable Corpse
I like how that’s your reply when LITERALLY the next sentence he wrote was “Last September, when the game was 1 month old?”
This group was obviously specced for long immobilization so looks like it works as intended. This condition should have been working like this since the beginning like cripple and chill does. They also sacrificed a lot of damage for immobilize if those 3 couldn’t down a rooted necro for 21 seconds. They also suck because you turned around and wiped them pretty easily. At least 1 was up leveled
By ‘specced’ you mean the thief had devourer venom and venom share.
The real discussion is that the “play how you want” builds took 3 minutes for these guys to win. That’s just orders of magnitude better than PUGs just in terms of pure skill. There’s a lot to learn if you just shut up and listen.
4 minutes, 3:59 does not round down lol
Play how you want needs to have a 14/14/14/14/14 celestial tank guardian.
They are doing a big mistake, Burst Mastery has always refunded adrenaline points. It is in fact the combination of our previous 2 Grandmaster traits wich were seperatly a cooldown reduction on our burst skill and a decrease cost of adrenaline (wich was actualy a refund) wich got merged together in a patch.
Somehow we only get 1/3 of our adrenaline back instead of the previous 1/2 when they decided to rework our Brawn into a cooldown reduction for Burst skills and now they are willingly going to remove this from our Grandmaster trait judging it as a erronated tooltip value…
Do you even read the tooltip? They are not removing ANYTHING that it does, they are removing garbage text that shouldn’t be there.
Cost Reduction: 33% -> working as intended and staying on tooltip
Damage Increase: 10% -> being adjusted to 7% (which is basically pointless because of how minor a change to your dps it is)
Adrenaline: 15 -> This text is being removed as this is not something the trait currently does. It would be really dumb if activating a level 1 burst gave you back 15 adrenaline while only costing 7.
Using a keyboard gives you carpal tunnel but you would use a gaming controller? that’s even worse o.O
you guys are all WAAYYYY behind… you get get from 400-475 with like 5g using the new toxic recipes…
If you are crafting exotics and refining things you are throwing away money,
Except that (1) you need to refine the ascended mats anyway and (2) refining t6 wood/metal/cloth can be done at a profit.
Oh how quickly Anet forgets about the newer players in the game…. Like usual, very disappointing.
They’re obsessed with balancing the economy I think. Why I don’t know, nothing they’ve done has stopped it in any way going the same way as every other MMO’s economy. They tried, I’ll give them that, and it’s great that they did. But changes like this do more harm than good. e.g. once again hurting the newer player, how very sad.
It will just take 5-6 hours of play (regardless of the game mode played – either PvE or WvW) to get a full stack of Silk to a “new” lv80 player, so this change will not affect anything at all.
By my estimates, unless the requirements will differ significantly from what we have seen for weapons, it would take between 6 to 12 full stacks of refined silk for a set of light armor. That is 18 to 36 full stacks of scraps. This is a massive grind, much, much higher than it was the case for mithril.
Even before that last change it would have been 12 to 24 full stacks – the change just made an already bad situation even worse.
36 stacks of scraps = 9000 scraps
@ current price of 8 copper per, 9000*8 copper = 7.2 gold
Don’t blow it out of proportion by saying ‘omg 36 stacks’