2 runs is not a valid sample…
… so you want some other system of paying real money for things already in the gem store? You do understand gems are already purchasable with real money?
how many hours is ‘a day’?
Guys, if you’re going to pop a 4 minute cd skill TWICE per run we are now talking about EIGHT minute runs at best(less than 4 per omnomberry bar, worse than a below average pug’s time). As this is something you are trying to FARM and that is the only reason for wanting to do it fast, you should really limit your runs to rotations that will be sustainable from one run to the next and your times would be from a given point in one run to the same point in your NEXT run.
Complaining about dredge fractal? It’s still waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than cliffside and grawl as 95% of the trash you kill in them is infinite respawn so you walk out with almost no loot.
agreed lol….
Figured I had time to do a dungeon path real quick
10 minutes into it we all got dcd for the build
(5-10 minutes after the message popped up)
so 15-20 minutesServer F.A.
When you’re in a dungeon you get 3 hours when the rest of the server receives the ‘3 minutes’ message.
Both of those are perfectly fine, but your lower level shoulda been running under lvl 20’s and not 20+ (due to personal reward level).
Not if he ran with people he knew who needed higher level runs to lvl up. I ran with him on a few occasions and we always started at the highest level of the group. Or are you suggesting it’s better to pug a lvl 10 than run a 20 with people you know and trust?
You are all formidable in this thread when it comes to telling people what they “should” do and “shouldn’t” do. Me, I’ll just avoid AR checking kittens and kick them from my runs if they ping their own gear on /join.
lol you wanna play this game?
So instead of helping him run 18’s and getting an additional daily yourself you make him run your top daily on your schedule having to put up with your difficulty level to get reduced loot? Two way street my friend.
I have 45 AR, a karma neck, and a gold find neck, that doesn’t keep me from running lvl 18’s for guild members.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
If you can’t manage to get AR you really wouldn’t be capable of running the higher fractals, it’s super easy to get…
(10AR for the 18 running 20+ levels, & 20AR for the 30 running 30+ levels)
Both of those are perfectly fine, but your lower level shoulda been running under lvl 20’s and not 20+ (due to personal reward level). Clearly you did manage to get enough AR, you’re just thinking you need way more than enough.
Whoah whoah wtf, why you get rid of crit dmg on banner?
If you can’t manage to get AR you really wouldn’t be capable of running the higher fractals, it’s super easy to get…
They have multiple guardians. If you get focused enough, dodging will not save you.
here’s a part of the video where I got focused while the group rezzed someone at 48 :
kitten about me saying multiple guardians -> links to video with 3 guardians
Dodging didn’t save you, you clearly have an invuln on your utility, a blocking weapon, an endurance regen sigil (2:47), and endurance regen utility, your food might even be endurance related too. Not all classes can get away with using all their defensive abilities to kite, have a thief use stealth to help them not get hit and see what happens.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
Fact says, my time beat their even with FIVE sec delay spawn on ALL acolytes and with 5 sec quest(run to acolyte) delay after slave driver was killed due to the patch long ago on March. Btw thieves was nerfed with 4s reveal and Mesmer with 50% TimeWarp bahh blahhh blahhh
Here’s your updated video:
-TW will not be off cooldown on your repeat slave driver
-Hounds will not be off cooldown on your repeat slave driver
Sustainable times only for kitten comparison.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
I run 0AR in L48 FotM all the time with my friends for the personal challenge. The only time I ever get downed against an agony-inflicting attack is against maw thanks to how much I play Fractals, but I certainly wouldn’t do that in pubs. The only reason I mention this is because AR doesn’t mean anything if you’re a good player, and as a result of that I don’t gear check other players ever.
How a player plays is more important than their AR. I’ve been in groups where a player with 45AR dies more than anyone else and cannot dodge to save their life, and I’ve been with players who have 0 AR and play perfectly. If a player I am with is particularly awful and is holding the team back from succeeding, I will kick them and replace them mid-run, but I always give players the benefit of the doubt before we get in and actually see how they play.
Tell me more.
They have multiple guardians. If you get focused enough, dodging will not save you.
The waypoint is contested because the area is owned by the risen. If you waypointed there they would start nomming on you the second you click the button (because your character model instantly appears while you’re in the loading screen).
so you want everybody to have a max model norn sized gsword? the handle would be your entire character and the rest would just go through the ground…
Versatile can go in offensive, defensive, or utility so you should just stick to getting amulets with utility slots.
You can definitely overwrite them, I’ve already done it before. Your amulet must not be a Utility Amulet…
Whenever they do a free trial people just abuse it to make accounts on the servers they’re wvwing against… >.<
You can already do this…
Unfortunately all they would do to increase the difficulty of the game is increase enemy hp and damage (look at fractals). This doesn’t make the game more interesting, it just makes even more of the bosses into 5 minutes of auto attacking.
- Get rid of dungeon tokens entirely, or turn them all into one type of currency
Lower level dungeons would have to reward smaller amounts of currency, you’re forgetting that the rares they sell are actually leveled based on the dungeon and can’t just be removed as a method for the low lvls to gear.
Hurrah! No CoF nerf. Guess we can CoF for another patch or two.
Or until the end of time.
Did you really think they will nerf this? EVERY harder dungeon is heavy nerfed loot wise, if they nerf this most people that run dungeons will:
1) Find next supereasy 4 warr + mes dungeon (se, coe p1 maybe)
2) Quit game for goodHas their recent tendency shown that they care about their “hardcore” players running dungeons?
Check Fractals.Seriously though, it’s very likely that the nerf-hammer will hit it sooner than later; if they restart their “dungeon renovation” project which made the new AC.
How do they care? Heavy nerfing the loot at 48+ FotM and disableing you to progress past lvl 50? Yea i see how they care.
If they didn’t intend for you to be able to leave 1 chanter alive, making it easier than if you just blindly zerker everything down, they could just make it so it starts in the infinite respawn of large waves instead of 2 on each side. They clearly put in effort to allow you to simplify the fight if you bother to think about the mechanics. This is as close to exploiting as pressing 6 or reviving.
Pip all I can say is try harder.
Take 2 hours, get the gold, buy the gems.
Again, you can already solo a lot of the dungeons. The only issue is this isn’t worth taking that much longer for the same rewards.
Pretty funny that you went from heiroglyphics to ’what’s the healing power symbol supposed to be’
The current dungeons ARE soloable except for the ones that require people stand in certain spots or press switches at the same time.
None of the points you’ve raised for it don’t apply to every single class.
Ok I tried to read it but… spelling…
Watched your video, you started getting into the real issues of handicapping your par- wait a second… is this a video of you showing yourself exploiting a broken game mechanic… o.O
Or at least a filter to set what you want the auto button to touch.
This thread comes up over and over and over again and even with an elementalist myself I feel the people posting it must ONLY play ele’s or engi’s. Yes, you sometimes have to swap between your d/d and your staff, but at the same time I’m fairly certain you’re swapping traits (at least your majors), your utilities, and possibly armor too. This is something the rest of us also have to do on occasion. Having 2 sets of weapons no more magically prepares me for every situation. You complain about swapping between what adds up to 3 MAYBE 4 weapons in TOTAL, taking up 1 or 2 spots in your inventory. My warrior main has a greatsword, 2 axes, a mace, a rifle, and a longbow. That’s 3 setups for 2handers and 2 setups for dual wielding (and two different full sets of armor) if we completely ignore stacking sigils (bloodlust and luck) and situational sigils (aoe procs vs single target vs % modifiers), in reality I have 3 more greatswords and another bow. That’s actually reduced from what it should be because I have a SECOND warrior that runs support/CC, covers situations I would use hammer or shield or mainhand mace, and has two OTHER sets of armor. All of these situations get compressed into how you use your elements and required you to purchase of fraction of the gear.
You got it good. Quit complaining.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
Nice Halo, but I think something about you using ‘ kitten Surfers’ is making youtube suggest I also want to view videos about ostomy bags.
Were you required to stand in front of the cliff? Was your own buffed supervisor back at the camp scaring you away? Was there a reason you couldn’t also take a retreat as an opportunity to heal? Was it entirely necessary for you to throw your upscaled guys right into us at point blank? Does our spawn point in any way, shape, or form even provide us with reach to hit your camp? Is this not a spot that has been in since beta that they never touched despite filling in similar gaps in almost every other map?
Is this coming from the guys that partied me from DB, then told me to ‘gtfo’ out of their party, told me to leave them alone, and when i said bye they decided to whisper me to “leave me alone i’m ignoring you moron”?
I can still see a rather humorous hole in the change to the rez mechanic. If you kite long enough without exchanging hits but while staying within an enemy’s leash distance you won’t lose aggro but you will exit combat. Running in circles long enough will allow all of your team to revive without resetting a boss.
It’s the same item as the black lion chest potion. We really don’t want to walk down the road of making more cash shop items sellable…
Is AFKing with auto-attack enabled skills on DE spawns a bannable offense?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Player Character.9467
“He claimed that because it was a built-in function it was not against the Terms of Service, only script use was.”
Pretty sure GW2 doesn’t come with built-in customizable scripts. If that was allowed then ALL botting is allowed so obviously he’s being stupid.
What I’ve always wondered is where would building an actual robot fall? If you actually built something that physically pressed the keys on your keyboard, what does this count as?
Actually it is, you guys hacked the orbs JUST BEFORE flooding all the WvW zones with huge zergs. Your offensive was COMPLETELY coordinated with the timing of the orb hacking. Whether or not you did it, you took full advantage of the circumstances.
Trinity? What happened to tank, heal, dps, CC, support? Youngin’s forgettin bout bards, druids, chanters, etc.
Does this actually seem like something that should be capable of sitting there for hours? Fixing the economy by getting rid of bots kinda requires you get rid of the bots BEFORE they ruin the economy. You have cancer, do something about it before it kills your entire game.
Edit: Oh and apparently
Image [img]http://link.to/image.png[/img]
from your posting FAQ isn’t right, but you can get to that after.
(edited by Player Character.9467)