does anyone on tc solo roam or are there only 5 man hAvOk SqUaDz just curious
You didn’t figure it out reset night? They send 1 guy ahead to pretend they’ll 1v1 you. Then they bring in the other 8 guys so they can be proud they made somebody laugh at them.
^ You should really turn on area loot and rebind the key to something that isn’t ‘REVIVE THAT GUY’
I put my revive that key to z… I hardly need to use it, I did put AoE loot to f for all the loots
I have it on shift so I can just tap it with my otherwise rarely used pinky every once in a while.
Well if you start taking like 500-1k hits, that’ll be my non-80 ele. Plz clump for powerlvling
IIRC theirs is also a higher damage modifier.
Were those meteors all from the same person? I’m assuming those were mag’s eles, they don’t all run the same build especially since some are just pugs copying the ones from the actual guild groups. Some of them fight and live in full glass, others melt while wearing ptv.
(also 4k on squish thief probably wasn’t a tornado :P)
Like everything in WVW this is made for no brain zerging around. It should be very easy to accomplish. Just roll a warrior, and follow a commander around pressing 111111111.
Roll something like a wellomancer, better tagging with less front lining.
So Guardian’s heal doesn’t go into your calculations because it’s also a sustained block which can by itself do more than any other heal? Yeah there’s no bias in your analysis at all.
Here’s one you left off your list:
‘It causes you to lose complete control of your character and removes your ability to dodge as part of your auto-attack chain’.
Can anyone guess which class this lovely aspect of the sword belongs too!? Coincidently it’s also the same class that is ranked 8th of 8 classes in all WvW surveys!
So don’t turn on auto?
You see Wallace that is my point, in my Cleric guardian i do damage, i just have a tad over 3k attack but thats it, my role is to tank and support.
A Zerk warrior with its crazy DPS might not have the toughness to resist long but if he has adrenal health and healing signet he has almost the same regen as my guard for 15 points in defense instead of 60 points into the defensive trait lines of the guardian and 1500 healing power.
And in addition to that you have your 6 skill?… Seriously, why do you keep comparing healing signet to a list of traits? OMG MY BEAR PET DOES LESS AUTO ATTACK DAMAGE THAN YOUR THIEF BACKSTAB! Apples and oranges.
Again, you’re comparing warrior’s traits+6 skill to guardian’s traits. Please learn to press 6 on your guardian.
You know you can’t take vigorous shouts AND banners? And banners are just applying the regen boon.
Your guardian doesn’t run a 6 slot skill? lolwut
Also tanky support for dungeons? lolwut
(edited by Player Character.9467)
^ You should really turn on area loot and rebind the key to something that isn’t ‘REVIVE THAT GUY’
ranged weapon damage is underpowered in gw2. they want melee fights. rangers kitten this so much… ANet dont like pets and range ——> rangers bleh, warriors jeah!
Well there’s your problem, rangers are rangers not range-ers.
And they will leave once said achievements are done. Like I said earlier, they have had a year already to try it and like it. Adding achievements isn’t going to change this.
So they’ll leave at the end of season 1… just in time for season 2 achievements to come out and bring them back!
Dear TC at mag’s NWT 2 minutes ago,
Thanks for ignoring the uplvled ele with 12khp sitting on the superior AC. My bags are now heavy. I figured you woulda noticed when 5 of your guys downed before you even got through the gate but you just keep on truckin.
Ya that wouldn’t be OP at all…
There was a video on here not long ago of a guy critting 20k+ with burst.
Ya but that’s full zerk hitting somebody else glassy who didn’t dodge/block/reflect the shot. In the same 1v1 you could also down that guy doing something like longbow 5, 3 while running towards your target followed by longbow 2 at point blank. 7k+ rifle butts are also a lot more warm and fuzzy than the killshots.
:O What happened to GF? I ran into a GF thief and he didn’t cheese build. Seriously, I got blinded maybe twice total and no perplexity either.
Think OP needs to look up what ‘theory’ means…
Kicking is allowed. But kicking the host just to destroy the instance is griefing and therefore not allowed.
Apparently players are allowed to play the way they want. And since Anet won’t do anything about it… etc etc
Griefing is a violation of your user agreement. If the person you kick is recording a video they have sufficient evidence to submit to anet for anet to take action against your account.
Anybody else realize laokoko is clearly the scum off the bottom of your shoe that joins and kicks people and is just trying to justify it?
Critical hit chance is the probability for ones character to do double damage.
No it isn’t.
If two teams or two individuals had 5% critical hit chance and squared off against each other, would the critical chance alone determine who the more skilled player is over long run?
Over a long run? No, their crits would average out over a long run.
T1 never get it cause of queues of 3 hours :/
Anet is great in not see the consequenses.
And no i do not want transfer to another server cause i am on SFR since 1 year and wont give up all friend or miss some player.
T1 also has a lot more targets to kill for wxp. Tag the zerg, wipe the zerg, get 60*60 wxp for 1 fight.
So turn off melee combat assist. Step into the mob. Press 2. Profit.
1 rank per day for 49 days, and the extra rank spread out over the 49 days, you can rank up in less than 1 hour, its hardly grindy, if they had said 250 ranks then its grindy.
You’ll get more than that extra rank out of those cheevo reward chests too.
A very small price to pay for 1 more sigil, more stats and versatile skill setup
It is not more stats. And it is less weapon damage.
It’s a whole extra 10% modifier. That’s a ton of stats.
Maybe you should clarify exactly where you’re getting that 10% figure. I don’t see 10% more stats in any category for two 1H weps vs. one 2H wep.
Dual wielding gets an extra sigil, Night + Slaying vs Night.
A very small price to pay for 1 more sigil, more stats and versatile skill setup
It is not more stats. And it is less weapon damage.
It’s a whole extra 10% modifier. That’s a ton of stats.
The same thing works with sword, shield, axe, and twice on greatsword.
I like mag because it’s friendly and everyone is cute
Meanwhile on FA…
Maybe you should’ve taken your tag off…
Wooooooooo! Take if off!
To the awful [PvP] guild members:
If I’m dueling one of your guys , don’t jump in right before he goes down then spam laugh when I have to run away from 6 of you. It makes your “PvP” oriented guild look really terrible.
Sounds like you haven’t entered spvp before, that’s exactly how it works.
If I could put infusions in my ascended weapons that were 5% damage reduction vs Dredge and Elementals, I would trade all my AR for those.
Nike 2014
To the full group of FA at bravost tower just now that had 1 (almost 2) go down to my poorly geared lvl 50 ele after your engi died solo, LOL.
Does leg specialist still have the 1 person cap? or has it been rolled back so the Hammer cripple can do 5 targets again?
1 person cap was because it would go on cooldown after the first one… now it has no cooldown.
OP secretly just wants 1/4 second stuns to be buffed by sigil to 0.75s spammable stuns.
1/4 sec stuns? We are making new skills? Just dont reply with this crap.
lol fine, 1/2 sec stuns. Please go back to thief forums to beg for your thief buffs.
OP secretly just wants 1/4 second stuns to be buffed by sigil to 0.75s spammable stuns.
Hot-fix in 3… 2… 1…. XD
Enjoy nearly-permanent Immobilize till you can!
Hot-fix on that? have you seen what tehy did to the mesmer fall trait? Hello 80k hits.
Survival but you took 0 blocks?…
Anybody remember the preview for TA new path? That dev’s mesmer had like 25khp and was camping scepter. Anet so gud at dunguns.
heh… wvw zerker guards…
judges→SPIN TO WIN→pray they were squishy enough for it to be over!
Tell that to all the guards that shrug off a group of four and keep running….
Soldier runes shout guard in WvW traited for cleanse. Try it.
So your answer to a thief backstabbing you is… condi cleanse…
I don’t suppose there’s a fast way to drop an item? Mouse-clicking can be hard in combat, since the pointer gets lost easily. I don’t see anything in Options>Controls.
What’re you mouse clicking to drop them? o.O just hit weapon swap.
Also, rebind your aoe loot key to something that isn’t interact.
… they’re buying AND selling on a 1 copper margin?
well ya see, as long as nobody is dumb enough to SELL to them…
This screen shot actually shows the Bloody Prince Thorn costume and not an armor skin, so it is not usable in combat.
See, even ANet knows how much time we spend sitting around doing nothing in LA.
No player in their right mind is going to kitten about getting a run done faster.
I dunno, I had a guy complain about how fast my warrior was melting alpha… course it was actually the FGS ele but pugs don’t know of such things.
Axe/Shield(5% dmg on all).
That doesn’t even stack…
has anybody even seen this mythic [moya] tag?… o.O
And pls don think about running zerk gear withe ele stuff in wvw. It’s total waste unless you planning to head to frontline with conjure weapon. If not I recommend get full pvt.
So your recommendation is for full zerker eles to go frontline with a….conjured weapon? Where they’ll go toe to toe with hammer guardian/warriors? Okie I’ll try that.
He also thinks staff eles can’t dps in dungeons, so… lol
Threads like this are why zergs with a dozen elementalists can melt the enemy zerg and then the matchup thread is filled with ‘omg you guys have so many necros’ cuz of course that’s where those aoes came from. Obviously that’s who was hitting you for 8-13k per meteor.
i laughed 8/13k per meteor in wvw? please.
also anyone thinking meteor shower looks even remotely to a condi, your forgetting that only ppl like you who Akitten meteor showers are hit that badly. (ppl who dont realise that a red circle with red firey balls is an actuall attack)
Plz ask CL what happened when they came to mag’s watergate, I’ll give you a hint, the fight lasted 2 seconds for their 30+ group.
also if you have a zerg filled with eles just charge in and see them ALL flee due to NO defences. maybe arrowcart up and see them all drop like flies? idk..
filled? what, are you t8 and you have 15 people on the map? and you’re going to open field arrowcart (lol open field siege)? while people can drop aoes on you from 1200 range and just keep walking out of the incredibly visible red circles that intentionally give you enough time to walk out of them before anything happens?
just tested it out, its about 3k dmg with lavafont and fireball, 100blade is still higher dps…
Same runes, sigil, amulets/gems(zerker), both have fury. Warrior at full adrenaline running 30/0/0/10/30, ele running 30/20/10/10/0. Nobody else nearby because I just did this to help out your bad testing.
Oh and warrior had 2 more stacks of might (ele 2 blast finishers for 6 + fury, warrior fgj/signet).
so you relly on dying instantly when ANYTHING comes close to you, hence no reall speccing except full glascannon, wich means you will die before you even get your stuff out?
unlike a warrior going full zerk glass warrior etc. because ofcourse he has heavy armor + huge hp pool eventho hes going full glass.
Ele can mist form and lightning flash very easily, also throw static behind themself. Warrior can try to run and hope it isn’t cc’ed/soft cc’ed from getting back to friendlies.
Was that some kind of bad joke? The mobility and stability king, the warrior, can run from anything.
In wvw warrior is at melee range from the enemy zerg, the ele can easily sit up to 1200 range, they never have to frontline and are only that exposed if they suck at positioning. Also nobody is running away from you with a hammer.
You are still completely wrong.
You are still talking about a very specific spec of warrior, and running from a 1v1 against somebody without boon strip. D/d ele can outrun stun warrior, hell a properly speced SBow thief outruns the greatsword sword/warhorn ‘all i can do is run away so why do you have an issue with that anyway?’ warrior and if you have an issue with that warrior then you should have an issue with almost all thief builds as the class is 80% based on resetting fights until you’re still on cooldowns.
Threads like this are why zergs with a dozen elementalists can melt the enemy zerg and then the matchup thread is filled with ‘omg you guys have so many necros’ cuz of course that’s where those aoes came from. Obviously that’s who was hitting you for 8-13k per meteor.
(edited by Player Character.9467)