You can also blind their burst to nerf cleansing ire.
I also timed myself and noticed that swapping to gs as opposed to just staying in axe/mace doesn’t increase DPS all that much (unless you can ww atk against a wall).
You can also just run an offhand sword with your 2nd weapon set so you have an axe, a mace, and a sword. You get a block from the sword instead of the greatswords evade and you can take all the axe traits for your autos. You still get the might from swapping (trait and if you have a sigil of battle) and you can swap mid auto chain without resetting it.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
I solo roam on my mesmer. I can’t say I’m any good, but I do it.
Honestly? Why? Serious questions…
because standing in skill lag blob spamming guardian staff 1 isn’t fun?
So you’ve played Guardian a lot in WvW? If you have, you’re doing it wrong. But that’s not the point, just deflecting the question. I can understand that some people find it fun to go about solo. However I read a lot of posts in match up threads by solo roamers complaining that there either isn’t enough solo roamers or the opposing roamers aren’t any good. I’m just trying to figure out what the point is? Honestly. The Guardian you refer to does something for his/her team, in a game that is specifically designed for team play.
I don’t get the solo roaming mindset, within the WvW game context. Just sayin…
When there’s skill lag you can’t reliably get anything else off. Your auto triggers by itself because the server will keep it pumping. Guardian staff is picked as an example because it’s an easy lawn mower.
I solo roam on my mesmer. I can’t say I’m any good, but I do it.
Honestly? Why? Serious questions…
because standing in skill lag blob spamming guardian staff 1 isn’t fun?
Wow you do nothing, you just spam 1. Stop being carried.
PSA: The Dolyak parade will be in TCBL in one and a half hours (7 PM server time)
the parade that never was?
Actually no. It increases strategy. Imagine having a guild run. You can ensure that you have your treb person, your flame ram person, etc etc. People can spec the way they are needed for that day. It’s the same with your regular build. Good players adjust them.
Increasing strategy is always a good thing.
No, it would mean you would never need a treb person, a flame ram person, etc.
1. Put on 1 guard stack buff, kill 5 guards
2. Swap to 2nd guard stack buff, kill 5 guards
3. Swap to supply carrying, grab supply
4. Swap to siege bunker/siege might/build master/supply master keep the rest of your points unspent
When you eventually are going to siege something you then have people instantly put in points to whatever siege type you’re going to do.
For a STARTER dungeon you shouldn’t need “decent” pugs.
You make it sound like decent pugs are some holy grail. Decent pugs are still bad and even a starter dungeon shouldn’t be so easy.
On scale of difficulty this should be on the bottom, since it is a starter dungeon.
AC explore isn’t even the starter dungeon, AC story is and story quest/open world are your introduction to mechanics anyway. Regardless of the order they’re introduced no Explore mode should be easy for disorganized bads.
For a STARTER dungeon you shouldn’t need “decent” pugs.
You make it sound like decent pugs are some holy grail. Decent pugs are still bad and even a starter dungeon shouldn’t be so easy.
There were a few jumps that required the forward-dodge/roll+jump technique to get the needed distance, but no speed boosts at all were necessary.
You do understand that’s an unintended mechanic?
I don’t want to insult anyone here, but as TCer playing against Maguuma & SoS now, I fear that the next 6 weeks are going to be hell for these servers.
These two servers are gonne get BUTCHERED when they got to play against a T1 server.
And against TWO T1 servers… I am lacking the words to describe what that will be like for them… Unless those T1 servers show mercy on them, they won’t even hold their own garrison in NA prime, me think.
I don’t think Bioware thought this league-thing trough, to be honest.
Really? Cuz we’re not getting butchered by TC. Pretty sure these hammer-train-tunnel-vision guys aren’t exclusive to TC either. Lookin forward to the bags. Corpse jumping on carver woulda been pretty nice tho.
for roman numerals, you need to put in effort to remember them.
forcefully.with icons, there is no need for extra effort to remember them.
it comes naturally.This statement… lol… numerals already ARE icons.
incorrect. roman numerals are numbers not icons.
They’re still a set of pixels in a given orientation.
8 coordinated necros can keep a group impervious to conditions (
8 coordinated mesmers can keep a group impervious to conditions (
Pssst, those fields only target 5 people per pulse and each person only gets 1 condition cleansed per pulse.
If the eight necros are all partied up, their abilities prioritize party members over other people. While it is only one condition per pulse, you can stay in the field as long as you want until it goes poof.
And it takes 8 necros to keep it up always… and it can only target 5 of those necros total…
this cleric troll build crap has to be nerfed somehow.
No it shouldn’t, this ‘troll crap’ is strategy. Just because it’s a strategy you can’t counter on your own doesn’t make it overpowered.
I don’t find a 10-20 sec skirmish that fun.
20 whole seconds people!!
Yeah, the OP admitted back on Page 1 that this thread was about being unable to kill a bunker in an amount of time (measured in single digit seconds) he thought was acceptable for a player of his skill.
The problem is not about killng people with crazy regen .
It’s about PvP being a borefest when you fight bunkers
Only . I don’t wanna waste 2 minutes on 1 person if i know
Im better than him and only his regen prevents me
To stomp him in 5 secs .There is a big difference between 20 seconds and 2 minutes. Also he claims to know when he is better than other players and should be able to beat them in 5 seconds if they didn’t have regen, based on what exactly?
Atse said 2 minutes is
unacceptable. His superior skill , should
allow him to kill in 5 secs.Yes I just discussed that, why are you repeating something I just discussed?
I think ethics was just pointing out atse’s kittened posting format. What’s really funny is regens SUCK in 5 seconds and a burst heal would make them harder to kill in such short times since the cooldown on it wouldn’t matter.
Thieves are better? BS, a thief does not have a 16K+ eviscerate.
You’re right, a thief would just have a 12k backstab on the same target.
From stealth.
Easily doable every 5 seconds instead of 7.75.
Guess Ele staff is OP. Held a ranger in a corner using gust→static field→unsteady ground→magnetic aura their knockback→shockwave. By then the tower had flipped.
CC kinda needs to be toned down its literally the only class that has CC from out of kno where
Out of nowhere? Earthshaker, Backbreaker and Staggering Blow all have very obvious animations, long casttimes and have the longest cooldowns of all warrior skills (20s, 30s untraited).
If those skills come out of nowhere for you, this is for most a l2p issue.
always a l2p issue with u warriors. when i can faceroll on the same stupid Lb/hammer build without much risk at all.. yea its definitly l2p.
They’re still all skills with huge precasts. When somebody comes flying at you with a hammer in the air perhaps you should realize that’s an earthshaker.
How does damage from MS compare to Hundred Blades? Not sure what everyone else is getting but with my runes and traits I hit about 3k, 5k, 7500, 8500 damage on HB.
Well that makes no sense considering HB is (a) 9 hits, and (b) the first 8 are all for the same damage and the 9th is for double (and takes twice as long to happen).
Antitoxin Spray
Prepare for battle with a new universal healing skill! A dose of this cutting-edge Antitoxin Spray will cleanse yourself and nearby allies of poison, torment, confusion, and toxin. This skill is available to characters of all professions.
Next release kittentards.
If you can’t handle confusion with this then y’all need to go do something else with your lives.
lol…. so your solution is to condi removal it with a pve skill, triggering the damage from those 25 stacks of confusion, and within 10 seconds of combat they’ll all be back.
for roman numerals, you need to put in effort to remember them.
forcefully.with icons, there is no need for extra effort to remember them.
it comes naturally.
This statement… lol… numerals already ARE icons.
If ANet made defending keeps and defending towers as part of the meta achievement, TC would probably have some of the best defended ones in WvW. It’s how it is. We just live with it. Capping camps is one of the grindiest ones of the lot, after all. Not as bad as yaks or sentries or merc camps, but eh.
Well the yaks you’ll get most of doing the camps. The merc camps are just… wow wtf anet? And defending not being achieves just shows their priorities.
I am disappoint, I was expecting to see a juggernaut fight a lich form your juggernaut doesn’t even use the juggernaut form so… new name.
oh, kitten, I’ve been playing my class all wrong. Drat, I’ve been using a LB… Sword/Sword, oh for the love of everything good in the world…
That’s more about killing and less about locking people down while everybody else around you kills them that much easier.
Im on NSP and haven’t gotten a single Merc Camp Vanquisher kill. What exactly qualifies for this achievment?
dredge, ogres, froggies/hylek are considered mercs
Yeah, this achievement is gonna take a while. I do think failed attempts count though, at least it seemed that way last night. Still need to actually look at the count and see what happens on a fail.
it only takes a while if youre a person who knows how to actually be important for your servers score and war efforts, because the really good people arent usually roaming in eb, and no one else should be capping mercs.
In one of my latest videos, one single MS bubble crits on a foe for over 9.000 HP. Where the average crit is 6/7k with same exact stats, gear, food ecc, how can it vary that much? Could it be related to the radius of the sphere? (dunno, I am just theorycrafting here) it would be cool to have an official answer indeed.
because 9k was on some1 squishier than the 6/7k ones.
I have been asking for 2H Axe and Polearms since beta.
Some polearm is actually ingame.. its was somewhere on gw2db i think
It’s just the fact that the watch knights can hold spears above water. It’s no polearm.
Weapon type ingame says Polearm..
Chicken hammer confirmed
Perma hammer
kitten that hammer! Why does it never shift into something else!
They’re trying to remove the warrior spins too. #Anetpriorities
You know I think if Anet ended up deciding to implement a dungeon kill all/no stacking policy the same people would start complaining that all the mobs are too strong.
No because they would just LoS the mobs and burn them down rather quickly. The complaints would be about some dungeons being incredibly stupid as killing everything in them would make them take way too long to even consider going to them. You really wanna run around killing all those things in arah that you don’t even have to come close to aggroing? Or those giants at the wraith boss? lawl
i think what needs to be done here is a nerf to the thieves F1 skills, since they still maintain their god like status.
and since their f1 skills are better than most of the classes they steal them from.
I hope you are trolling. Warriors F1 skills are some of the best In game mechanics when traited for. Cleansing ire allows warriors to remove an impressive amount of condi very quickly while doing damage. Give thieves eviscerates and the longbow fire field and warriors can have steal
How does that response make any sense in your head?
“The things thieves steal are better than what those classes can do.”
“Are you trolling? Warrior F1’s OP.”wat?
thieves can’t steal the classes actual f1 skills im talking about the class specific steals they do.
if you weren’t so busy face pounding the keyboard to win every fight with some cheeze build you’d notice that.the warrior steal does more than the actual warrior ability, the mesmer steal is lyssa runes elite proc, engies steal is gunk that does a fair bit of damage and acts as a confusion field and like most thieves will give chaos armor when they spam 2 going through it.
necros steal is a aoe 3 second fear, that a necro doesn’t have.
thief stealing from other thieves is a on demand 3 second stealth that costs nothing.
guardians get a stun as already stated and eles get a 3 second chill.not to mention they can steal a 3 second invul skill from trash mobs.
and the warriors f1 skill isnt as good as you think.
Hey now, the rest of Mag would have made the first move if we knew it was time. Isn’t the best part of GvG the guaranteed brawl at the end? Kind of sad Agg left what was going to be a fun 3 way.
They probably realized sitting in the middle was a bad move. They didn’t seem to realize this when their members kept interfering in the gvg…
That swirling axe skill is a little op… they need to nerf it…
but there’s nothing wrong with the mad king right? -_-
i can’t believe you all settle for roman numerals over icons.
icons will be much easier to remember than roman numerals!
So you would rather have “You want to take squiggly line in arms, purple heart in strength, and the pig face in your 5th line” instead of “Take arms IV, strength III, and _ V”
Hunter’s replaced the pillaging stat, anet forgot to replace the recipe name.
I’ve reported the same bugs multiple times, they’re still many months old and still never EVER addressed. Even ones as simple as fixing a couple kittening numbers.
So since the OP wants gem store discounts, are they hoping for more or less than what $14 of gems would get them?
8 coordinated necros can keep a group impervious to conditions (
8 coordinated mesmers can keep a group impervious to conditions (
Pssst, those fields only target 5 people per pulse and each person only gets 1 condition cleansed per pulse.
i think what needs to be done here is a nerf to the thieves F1 skills, since they still maintain their god like status.
and since their f1 skills are better than most of the classes they steal them from.
I hope you are trolling. Warriors F1 skills are some of the best In game mechanics when traited for. Cleansing ire allows warriors to remove an impressive amount of condi very quickly while doing damage. Give thieves eviscerates and the longbow fire field and warriors can have steal
How does that response make any sense in your head?
“The things thieves steal are better than what those classes can do.”
“Are you trolling? Warrior F1’s OP.”
You also put the word AND before achievement hunting.
And actually, you’re killing somebody who was on the borderland long enough to walk to the camp near their spawn. And that’s on top of the camps being impossible to get if you can’t manage 450 WvW kills especially when you’re top ppting.
Went to TC BL with 2 other guys, killed 1 dolyak, 10 TC showed up, went to a camp, 15 TC showed up, killed 5 TC and 20 showed up, casually passed by a tower, AC and cannon manned… that desperate on PPT even when is obvious that you are going to win the week?
It’s not PPT play. It’s sheer boredom and achievement hunting play.
15v1’ing somebody trying to flip your camp doesn’t give you achievements or wxp. Waiting 30 seconds gives you several dolyak kills and a camp to flip.
Longbow isn’t much better…
F1 = power + condi, another bi-curious attack
I actually like that about the longbow because of the people out there that only associate the damage from a fire field to be the burn it applies, and with my condi dmg they see a tiny burn. What they don’t notice is sitting in the lvl 3 for the entire duration is going to eat their hp up from the power based half ticking. It’s no lava font, but it’s also much bigger.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
Oh no! Your axe skills suck? All of our weps suck as thiefs, save maybe d/p
I will take ur sword skills anyday. So deal?
And if they don’t want that sbow, I would like to be able to outrun a pure mobility setup warrior.
BTW it’s pretty standard that weapon attacks 2-5 are a DPS loss vs. auto-attacks on most weapons.
*if those skills provide additional utility.
(using a single mace and two identical shields)
Ready to have your mind blown and buyer’s remorse? Equip the mace in 1 weapon set’s main hand and a shield in the other set’s offhand.
Epics were also class specific and in a system with specific roles for each class. The appropriate gw2 equivalent would not be sigils/weapons, they would instead be class specific skills earned through some other means than just skill points.
I ask my friend warrior, he sais he does 18-20k hits on a boss!!! How can it be so? I have a full berzerk gear and LW does 3500 – 4500 max on a crit!
20k… with a skill that hits 9 times.
2.2k per hit
(also 20k 100b is more like half of what he should do)
lolwut orpheal wants perma magnetic aura?
Well actually you have to give him credits for that
Swapping with staff is very suboptimal, but of course if he can’t survive just by sticking to fire …
Why am I not surprised ?
Nuhuh, gotta have that eruption already placed while closing the distance then swap fire and lava font it.
They didn’t just DC. The instance only closes if the owner leaves party or if they log in on another character.