Ok sure, just give me 8 more weapon sets for my warrior even if they’re only OOC.
These QoL threads that only help the OP are always amusing.
“But I want my warrior to have the guardian armor”. “The ranger armor looks so much better than the thief armor”. "Ele armor has way more particles than my necro armor. Expect quotes like these even if all the armors are equally awesome and are perfect for the respective class
pretty simple solution, they make class themed ones, they then make them not class specific in use.
Title says it all.
You know what the big problem about scoring is? It’s some random server ticking at 600 PPT while you sleep gaining so much points that there is no way you can come back even if you play all day long.
Limit PPT to 230 max per server and problem solve.
If you want to win a match up, you have to put constant effort. Not just PvDooring while everyone is asleep.
Every child gets a prize?
Or every child who plays when I do gets a prize?
Or the irony of complaining about servers who have coverage while claiming ‘If you want to win a match up, you have to put constant effort’.
Recruit, move, or play for the fights.
Except the current coverage issues have nothing to do with constant effort.
Server 1 & Server 2 → High population from 4pm server to 2am server
Server 3 → High population from 4am server to 2pm server
Server 3 automatically wins because they play in NA servers but aren’t from NA.
level 40 fotm drop weapons at a 40% drop rate through rng you can get what you want if you do enough of them. I got 20 weapon I’m not using so many other better skins you can get. I don’t think weapons should be made easier. If anything there should be a recipe to make them ascended.
Got to love when people make up random statistics.
People only make up statistics 83% of the time.
72% of the time those made up statistics are correct which means 17% of statistics are researched and correct, 60% are made up but correct, and only 23% of all reported statistics are actually wrong.
I keep stopping myself from just ‘dropping’ an account item in a room, so I can log out and log back in with another character that is in the same room, so he can pick it up.
One day, I will lose something precious :-\
Just the other day I got 6 glacial lodestones, but after a solid day of farming bags, chests, everything I could find…..not a single drop of dust.
Well clearly your problem is you’re farming a type of enemy that gives glacial lodestones (why?… that’s such a cheap material…) instead of something that drops dust.
Filthy cheaters OMEN and BG, just filthy.
o7 you pointed out somebody cheating, now anet will ban you for pointing them out
Max ppt: 695
230 * 3 = 690
wow such math
So? He’s saying that in a balanced match you should fight to lower your enemy ppt instead of raising yours, to prevent 1 server from ticking 600+ at night and not having to care about pushing over 100 during the day. That way the worst they can do is make you tick 0 but they still tick some capped value.
ranged(sitting 900-1200 away) players don’t get aoe boons (most utilities and aoe combos have small effect radius), cannot effectively revive or be revived, does less damage in general (with few exceptions)
so why would one choose to play ranged in coordinated small group(dungeons)?
its hilarious when 4 players got banner buffs, fury, 25stacks of might, and there is that one ranger standing 1500 away w/o any buffs, and later complains why no one wants him
Honestly, all this proves is that distance-based damage mechanics are incredibly dumb, which we’ve (or at least I have) known from the beginning. While I typically don’t have a problem with stacking in most cases, it just seems so contradictory of Anet to rave about this risk/reward setup between melee and ranged only to ruin it with bosses like the spider queen and subject alpha.
Long story short: Just more proof that Anet needs to get their dungeon design kitten together.
Alpha is higher risk and higher reward at melee. You are guaranteed to be standing on the ice spike. At range spider does more damage, in melee you can’t run out of its range if you get too low.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
okay obvious troll is obvious, they use deception as a weapon that must mean thats all they use of course im so stupid, why does all their skills be deceitful and not once is it implied anywhere on the site or this post -_-
mesmers are there for deception, skillwise and lorewise
oh and to completley destroy you in debate id like to qoute the website with a link aswell
Mesmers are magical duelists who wield deception as a weapon.https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/the-game/professions/mesmer/
Really? We’re quoting the class fluff to justify mechanics?
Is “Their loyal pets, which rangers tame and train, distract enemies while the rangers strike safely from a distance.” what you say when people tell you to stop bowbearing?what on gods earth are you chatting about?? i was told that the mesmers werent created for deception, lore wise and mechanic wise, i provided evidence that they were originally created for that, even if they have gone off on a tangent on some aspects,
just like a mesmer doesnt have to spec into clones, rangers dont have to spec into bows, but the ranger was build to utilise their pets, and tbh the only ranger ever to beat me in an organised 1v1 was a ranger that utilised his pet as his main weapon.
No, you claimed that since they “use deception as a weapon” that must mean it’s in every aspect of their combat (especially since this isn’t about clones) and that all their skills must be ‘deceitful’.
“Engineers are technological and alchemical masterminds.” Why doesn’t my engi get bonuses to making potions and rifles/pistols?
AC is one of the hardest dungeons because it demands actual teamwork (or icebow)
Woah woah, hold the phone. Icebow? Like switching my utility skills to counter some mechanic? This is gw2, i play how i want.
Just imagine how bad it will be for ascended celestial armor. You have the time gating of ascended plus the time gating of the quartz. The grindiest of grinds.
o.O Except that they operate in parallel… the charged quartz won’t make it take longer than the daily ascended mats already do.
Hey MAG…FA here, how are you dealing with all the terrible guilds on BG and SoR?
BT no need to reply, I know what you guys are doing lol.
Sticking around in paper objectives that should get hit soon, downing 6+ guys when they blob the gate, and running away laughing.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
How the heck is Immobilize not considered a control effect when Daze is?
They are like two sides of the same coin, and both equate to a stun.
o.O immobilize and daze are opposites
Immobilize – can’t move, can use skills.
Daze – can move, can’t use skills.
oh and to completley destroy you in debate id like to qoute the website with a link aswell
Mesmers are magical duelists who wield deception as a weapon.https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/the-game/professions/mesmer/
Really? We’re quoting the class fluff to justify mechanics?
Is “Their loyal pets, which rangers tame and train, distract enemies while the rangers strike safely from a distance.” what you say when people tell you to stop bowbearing?
Yeah, Gold League is a snore 4-6
It’s OK guilds from all over the world are realizing the problem and transferring to the top 3 to ensure solid competition for all eternity, since the top 3 face each other all the time for good fights.
Oh wait durr
lol ok tc
Those are kinda silly requests. With the exception of the fgs elite, conjures without charges are 100% uptime. Conjure stat bonuses are also higher than the ones other classes can trait to give to nearby allies. Those boons also have no thought put into balancing them, 60% protection uptime >>> 1.7 stacks of might.
Any chance to see an actual organized RIOT roaming group before the end of the week?
Just seen duelers and solo roamers so far.
Get 10 RIOT together and opp would probably accuse them of blobbing it up
Get 2 mesmers with clones out and opp will call you a zerg.
Where did the +8/-8 random matches come from? In 2 of the 3 weeks before the league our server, Rank 15 ended up against the first and second ranked servers.
the RNG is borked
The last week or two before season did have some very strange match ups. Before then though the gliko system was working fine.
What server are you on? The newest system they put in place for the matchmaking was making matches massive gaps from day 1.
you still can craft to 80 by using only 100g.
Here’s how:
-post buy orders for raw mats/thread
Correction, you will NOT be able to craft to 80 with only 100g.
100g covers 8 crafting profession to level 400, each giving 7 character levels.
That’s 7 × 8 = 56 character levels. You can add experience scrolls that level you to 20, which roughly gives you a total of level 76. Not nearly a lvl 80, less so if you don’t have the exp scroll.
And you can do the 3 weapon crafts to 425 on refining orichalcum at no expense…
How? You still rally if it dies.
But it doesn’t die until you stomp. That’s the point. Normally, if you’re downed when an enemy is almost defeated, you can use attacks in your downed state to still come out victorious: The enemy dies, and you revive.
But with enemies that go into a downed state, this isn’t the case. They aren’t dead until you stomp them. So the end result is that you’re both in a downed state now, and any remaining enemies beat you to death.
They’re dead when you kill them, regardless of whether you use a stomp or damage.
I don’t mean to sound like a jerk, but I feel perhaps your strategy in play is the cause of this.
Well let there be no confusion, it’s not like I’m constantly being downed by enemies, and rallying to defeat them. But the fact of the matter is, it does sometimes happen. The whole point of the rally option, is that you have a chance to still defeat your opponent, if he’s low health. The npc stomping defeats the purpose of this rally option.
How? You still rally if it dies.
It could potentially be a direct counter to people zerging dungeons like CoF P1 too!
No… it would just make it take an extra second or 2 to kill it while it can’t fight back. You don’t need to stomp.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
300 to 400 gems? in order to make any sort of sense in terms of pricing it would have to be more expensive than craft leveling which would then make it never used anyway.
As is clear from the prices of the other Doubloons the price of silver doesn’t reflect its actual worth as an item and is being grossly altered by its necessity in making the vile of quicksilver.
There’s already a million posts about this and where all your mindsets differ from anet’s is so clearly laid out by this statement. If it is used to make quicksilver why do you feel that the ability to turn it into quicksilver should not impact the value of the item? The price of anything on the market is determined by what people are willing to pay for it. Even if somebody buys something out the item will only sell at what somebody is willing to pay. What somebody is willing to pay is determined by what it can do.
So paying 600g more is fair ? GG Fanboy
600? It’s currently 200g ahead of twilight, and that’s less than 50g ahead of bolt and bifrost with sunrise and incin not much below. Oh yeah and it’s a 2hander so 2 1handers are anywhere from 200g-1.4k more than juggernaut. GG Mathsboy
P2 defend detha as she sets up traps is really harsh on less tanky groups because the mobs hit hard, there are many, and how fast you kill them doesn’t really matter (they respawn). if your party is tanky it’s much easier to survive the attacks.
o.O you don’t even have to fight ANY of those, you just have to get them off detha and then run around pillars. Alternatively run around the pillar once and use the LoS to burst them.
As is clear from the prices of the other Doubloons the price of silver doesn’t reflect its actual worth as an item and is being grossly altered by its necessity in making the vile of quicksilver.
There’s already a million posts about this and where all your mindsets differ from anet’s is so clearly laid out by this statement. If it is used to make quicksilver why do you feel that the ability to turn it into quicksilver should not impact the value of the item? The price of anything on the market is determined by what people are willing to pay for it. Even if somebody buys something out the item will only sell at what somebody is willing to pay. What somebody is willing to pay is determined by what it can do.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
How are we defining “roaming” again? Too lazy to go back and look in the page.
I always considered my 2 or 3 man group roaming and anything that can build a cata in 1 trip a havoc.
So 2 or 3 man is a roaming group but 2 people are havoc… o.O
Just gonna let you read that again and see if it sinks in… The confirmation of server side skill lag is the following speed boost all attacks get once the cause of the lag has been removed. When me and everybody beside me can staff auto on an ele 5 times a second it validates my claims.
I am sorry you had to experience all this new and weird things in T1. Yeah. Old thing to me. I used to have the same problem when I was downloading stuff and playing gw2. Really, upgrade your rig helps too. You and everybody beside you (if you’d personally confirmed with them) need to do something about your specs and connection.
If the specs of my rig let me fire 5 fireballs a second, I’m keeping my specs as is. You still don’t get what you’re replying to.
Yes because my modem totally controls the server clocks. You caught me, I generate massive zone wide quickness for all 3 servers by running on dial-up.
Why are you so sure it was server wide? Did you ask the other two servers?
That kind of lag happened to me and only me when I was downloading.What you’re responding to doesn’t even mention lag
So what did you call it in T8? sorry T3?
Yes because my modem totally controls the server clocks. You caught me, I generate massive zone wide quickness for all 3 servers by running on dial-up.
Just gonna let you read that again and see if it sinks in… The confirmation of server side skill lag is the following speed boost all attacks get once the cause of the lag has been removed. When me and everybody beside me can staff auto on an ele 5 times a second it validates my claims.
Yes because my modem totally controls the server clocks. You caught me, I generate massive zone wide quickness for all 3 servers by running on dial-up.
Why are you so sure it was server wide? Did you ask the other two servers?
That kind of lag happened to me and only me when I was downloading.
What you’re responding to doesn’t even mention lag
Nothing much I can say except get a better rig. I had 0 skill lag for the past two weeks in the matchup with SOR.
Well that’s a load. If it were our rigs it wouldn’t be followed by server wide quickness as the clock catches up. The fight in SoR garrison was so long that the following super speed lasted until we had PvD’ed NWT and capped it. I was firing so fast my meteor showers were just 1 massive wave of death instantly falling.
In that case you might want to consider to change all of your 56k modems to something more in the trend? Like I said, totally no skill lag these two weeks for me, not even once when we and sor two megablobs were fighting inside SMC lord’s room.
Yes because my modem totally controls the server clocks. You caught me, I generate massive zone wide quickness for all 3 servers by running on dial-up.
Mag must be mad from getting zerged. They are zerging so much in sor bl atm. I can’t find a single solo roamer lol. They adapt so quickly.
Mag on SoR BL have abandoned all pretense of solo roaming.
Sounds like you missed last night when we took your garrison. 2k kills in 2 hours ftw.
I did, actually. That’s not all that surprising because I haven’t played on BG BL once since season started.
Oh it was SoR BL, i assumed from your original comment being about SoR BL.
Nothing much I can say except get a better rig. I had 0 skill lag for the past two weeks in the matchup with SOR.
Well that’s a load. If it were our rigs it wouldn’t be followed by server wide quickness as the clock catches up. The fight in SoR garrison was so long that the following super speed lasted until we had PvD’ed NWT and capped it. I was firing so fast my meteor showers were just 1 massive wave of death instantly falling.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
Mag must be mad from getting zerged. They are zerging so much in sor bl atm. I can’t find a single solo roamer lol. They adapt so quickly.
Mag on SoR BL have abandoned all pretense of solo roaming.
Sounds like you missed last night when we took your garrison. 2k kills in 2 hours ftw.
One duel I did not record was vs. a mesmer that made me look like I had never played the game before.
Warrior lost a duel, some1 call the balance team and fix this.
Ayri the guide sylv is linking updates a few times an hour based on tp prices.
On MAGBL earlier.
Trebbing from Citadel onto NE Tower…
I thought blackgate was a carvermeta T1 server? Citadel treb has been meta for months now, please keep up.
Mag does care about PPT – until it’s time for gold league qualifiers
we’ll be here with yall ~every season~
Maybe u should move to SoR. They claim they dont play for PPT neither but they at least can put numbers in open field fight.
Because “putting numbers” is fun. If Mag wanted, we could assemble quite possibly the scariest megablob of guild groups you’ve ever seen… it’s just boring.
PYRO-Ark-VR-INC-DE|RP nuthug party tonight? I’ll bring the nose plugs.
[VAPID] now openly recruiting! (sorry, those initials work too well)
(edited by Player Character.9467)
Well you could ask them to just quickly type a single letter if they want you to help. Voice chat makes it easier.
Very disappointed. Past 2 pages filled with Mag raging about specs and posting screenshots with diagrams trying desperately to prove a point. Where your trolls at?
I am missing the TW/IRON trolls from yesterweeks.
If you don’t want somebody to point things out on a screenshot, don’t post a screenshot claiming a mesmer is 4 people.
That really is such a good picture, thanks.
You have at least 3 guys on siege in the tower alone.
Oh, sorry, I forgot all of you were berserker. Siege is actually scary to you guys. What a bizarre world you live in.
Sorry, what gear set makes superior ballista, superior arrow cart, and cannon fire count as 0dps/0people?
That’s a neat picture. I have one for you as well!
lol win
plz l2count
The 2 players at the tower are probably afk or scouting for a possible inc sor zerg. You even counted the player all the way at the ruins… seriously? The fact is there are 4 Mag players ganking a single roamer. It is perfectly fine because every single server does this at several points in wvw on a daily basic. Just don’t pretend it is not happening when the screenshot clearly shows the scenario.
Do you even read? “7 BG NOT INCLUDING RUINS DUDE”
Here’s a new version with the forum post blocking the chat for you.
http://i.imgur.com/k6P33cU.jpgAnd no, it’s not a single roamer, the guy taking the picture escaped and the guys at spawn died and the tower guys not only camped that siege, they expanded it without being attacked. We don’t WANT your tower.
It is only your assumption to defend your invalid argument. Those 2 opp members at the spawn tend to go afk a couple of times. I know because I roam with them occasionally. Also they are not building siege to defend themselves against few roamers. You still got a lot to learn from t1. Don’t worry you’ll probably learn something by the end of this week.
You haven’t been following the discussion, even opp will say they had at least 4 people there. The tags in the tower weren’t opp so… ya. Your own guys on the forum have also posted pictures showing your map chat fearing that 10 vr/aon are building siege in ruins (while the picture clearly shows 8|). You shouldn’t even care if SoR came and capped that tower. It would let you pop siegerazor for a zerg supply refill to siege up the keep which you owned and the tower is paper. If you want actual fights then say so, but your own bragging about 3v1’ing in ruins and then sitting in range of that siege is not going to make us go out of our way to open field fight you in exactly even numbers when I can just laugh at every guy who runs through the portal while guys camp inside the tower with 2 sup ballistas, 1 regular ballista, 1 sup ac, cannon, and treb.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
Double VR all the way across the recruitment posts.
Duke paid for some1 to write this post. Campaign spending must be transparent!
Sorry, what gear set makes superior ballista, superior arrow cart, and cannon fire count as 0dps/0people?
The gearset that makes you not run to your buddies every time you start losing a fight. Also nice job taking a screenshot that will fit your argument, the time our zerg and the SoR zerg rolls past that tower.
That’s funny. As this was taking place, I was fighting an oPP s/d thief. There was an add, but he backed off pretty quickly after I kited a bit and I downed the thief. He got rezzed and then proceeded to do his best to run me down with multiples repeatedly. Luckily for me, this was one of those rare times where there were other Mags around me, and I got the stomp I was cheated out of before.
Don’t let them try and troll you.I have been fighting them for months and its always the same thing from them.If you want a good laugh watch their stream and hear them brag about how good they are,when they kill a up level in a 3v1.
They think they are a good BG guild like Riot is,but they fall short of it.
Probably a good 80% of our players are in both RIOT and oPP.
#ThanksForTheComplimentBroHashtag’s really?My kid does that on her Facebook and she is 10.
I’ve been making fun of “Player Character” for theirs. Keep up, bud.
That really is such a good picture, thanks.
You have at least 3 guys on siege in the tower alone.
Oh, sorry, I forgot all of you were berserker. Siege is actually scary to you guys. What a bizarre world you live in.
Sorry, what gear set makes superior ballista, superior arrow cart, and cannon fire count as 0dps/0people?
That’s a neat picture. I have one for you as well!
lol win
plz l2count
The 2 players at the tower are probably afk or scouting for a possible inc sor zerg. You even counted the player all the way at the ruins… seriously? The fact is there are 4 Mag players ganking a single roamer. It is perfectly fine because every single server does this at several points in wvw on a daily basic. Just don’t pretend it is not happening when the screenshot clearly shows the scenario.
Do you even read? “7 BG NOT INCLUDING RUINS DUDE”
Here’s a new version with the forum post blocking the chat for you.
And no, it’s not a single roamer, the guy taking the picture escaped and the guys at spawn died and the tower guys not only camped that siege, they expanded it without being attacked. We don’t WANT your tower.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
Nice job popping orange swords mag roamers.
again, taking screenshots when it fits your argument. Why didnt you get the one when you popped swords 30mins before that? There was about 15 mag “roamers” vs 10 BG.
That zerg is only there because you cause them.
Plz stop referring to NOVA and INC as mag “roamers”
That really is such a good picture, thanks.
Why don’t you roam inside jumping puzzle or go south camp? the siege can’t even hit you that far what’s with the complaint? by the way, you forgot to include our Champion lord and his gang in the tower.
Because your “roamers” are tower hugging that siege so it lets us laugh at them more? Do you guys not understand this is why you get /laugh’ed when you get 5v1’ed? Sitting on that siege is why in the unlikely event that you finally do agree to a 1v1, when some of us roam by we’re not making any promises.
Nice job popping orange swords mag roamers.
That really is such a good picture, thanks.
You have at least 3 guys on siege in the tower alone.
Oh, sorry, I forgot all of you were berserker. Siege is actually scary to you guys. What a bizarre world you live in.
Sorry, what gear set makes superior ballista, superior arrow cart, and cannon fire count as 0dps/0people?
That’s a neat picture. I have one for you as well!
lol win
plz l2count
(edited by Player Character.9467)
Sorry, what gear set makes superior ballista, superior arrow cart, and cannon fire count as 0dps/0people?
The gearset that makes you not run to your buddies every time you start losing a fight. Also nice job taking a screenshot that will fit your argument, the time our zerg and the SoR zerg rolls past that tower.
Even before they showed up, 1 RIOT, 1 TB, at least 4 GoF, 1 tagless guy plus your opp guys hugging a tower portal, using siege, and waypoint rushing.
‘the gearset that makes you not run to your buddies’
Please tell that to the asuran guardian who keeps dying while running after over extending.
Edit: I forgot the perplex thief!
(edited by Player Character.9467)
You have at least 3 guys on siege in the tower alone.
Oh, sorry, I forgot all of you were berserker. Siege is actually scary to you guys. What a bizarre world you live in.
Sorry, what gear set makes superior ballista, superior arrow cart, and cannon fire count as 0dps/0people?
(edited by Player Character.9467)