Showing Posts For Porky.5021:

WvW: Missed Connections

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


I was running naked down the road.

You killed me for no reason.

Go to hell, you brutal asurian murderer.


Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Now and For evermore

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Now. I may not live until For evermore.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Commander System

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


I think it should cost zero. I think anyone should be able to pop a commander icon at any time.

I also think I should have a “Commander whitelist” on my client. Anyone not on that whitelist will show no commander icon on my map.

I can enable it for commanders I know are worth following, the rest…have fun with your icon.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

[WvW] Whisper players from different realms?

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


I love talking to the enemy sometimes. Most of the time, the people on the other end are pretty cool about it, too.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


A discussion of “best server after mass exodus”.

Maybe after we determine which server that is, we could discuss something equally as prestigious like “best hockey player in Ecuador”.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

(edited by Porky.5021)

Got Whispered By Enemy in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Funniest thing ever was when an enemy invited me to a group and he started saying things like “SURRENDER JQ FOE! I AM SOS SPY! PLEASE TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER!” and such nonsense. We had a fun time talking for about an hour.

Point is, being able to do this is not a bad thing. It’s more that bad people will find anyway to abuse the current abilities of a system to troll and grief others.

LOL That was indeed fun.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Seirously, l2p…

The only people who need to “l2p” are those who don’t understand why thieves (and with a different mechanic Eles) are unbalanced in WvW.

In open type PvP risk vs reward is a fairly fundamental concept, thieves break that concept pretty badly in WvW because the combination of stealth + mobility and the way stealth is implemented in GW2 – multiple in-combat stealths + no reveal on damage makes escape far, far too easy and the balance of risk vs reward is just way off.

I have a thief, ele, mes, necro & engy at 80, and the difference between them in WvW in regard to risk vs reward is huge, I can virtually be as sloppy as I want on my thief, it doesn’t matter if I go into a 1v1 or 1v2 without checking around for other enemies if other people turn up 90% of the time I can escape, compare that with my necro or engy and it is a totally different story.

The same thing goes for being outplayed, losing on my thief, generally no problem, again 90% of the time I’m gone, necro/engy most of the time I rightly face the consequences, risk vs reward.

The thief in GW2 is possibly the most OP thief/rogue class I have ever played in an MMORPG (in WvW), in most games they recognize having a get of jail free card is very powerful as it essentially breaks the PvP concept of risk vs reward, so you typically get one in-combat stealth on a very long cooldown (several mintues), where as in GW2 I get numerous in-combat stealths, it is just mind boggingly bad design.

Outside of risk vs reward, there would be less complaints over it, if the class actually had a high skill floor, but it doesn’t it has a very low skill floor and what is worse it puts the skill emphasis on the target rather than the thief, hence the hordes of clueless bads who make up 90% of thief players, will try to defend the broken mechanics.

But then I guess as it is blatantly obivous the classes were designed for tPvP, and that WvW was “just for fun”, it is no surprise that some classes are pretty game breaking in WvW.

Good post.

The design is bad. Restealthing in combat over and over and over is a terrible way of designing a stealth class.

Just my opinion, there either needs to be a stealth detection mechanism added so when a stealthed creature is nearby there is at least a chance of detecting him, or they simply need to restrict how long a thief can be stealthed for….ie, in every rolling 60 second period there isonly 15 seconds you can be stealthed.

Neither option removes stealth from the thief. You can still use it to either initiate the attack or to get away depending on your preference and just can’t stealth in combat over and over and over and over and over and over and over without any risk of being spotted, or any end to the stealthing.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Got Whispered By Enemy in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


I party up with the enemy at times after I die.

It’s the easiest way to spy.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Doesn’t matter who left or why. We have what we have, and I personally am happy with who stayed. TSym is fun to run around with and there are some very good small guilds remaining. Plus we have some new PvE guilds starting to poke their head into WvWvW and seeming to like it. I think we have reached a stable point and can start rebuilding now, and I like what we have to build on.

Anyways, I have been having a blast. Both in tier 2 and tier 3. DB and YB can definitely both bring it when they have people on and it’s made for some very fun fights since the reset.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

6 months from now, everyone will be a Commander

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


No idea if someone already said this, but I would like Anet to add the ability for me to filter commanders. Default setting…visible. If I see you running around with a commander tag and realize you know nothing….I should be able to set your commander to invisible.

Wham. I only see the commanders I want.

p.s. Commander tag should be free. It does not matter what you make the price, it will not replace watching a commander with your own eyes and deciding if he is any good or not.

Make it cost gold, badges, achievements, kills, whatever you want….none of it will make a difference. THere will still be good commanders and bad commanders.

Make it free, let me decide which commanders I want to see on my map.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Wait. Are servers being hit by the two other servers at once in a 1v1v1 setup?

This seems a bit odd. In 1v1v1 setups, doesn’t 1 server usually take a break while the other two fight for a while? Then one of the servers fighting takes a break, and the other two can go at it for a bit? And so on?

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


I’m sorry if the night capping is skewing the score, but please do keep in mind what SoS has been through the past few months. Every single “hardcore” WvW guild besides TSym transferred, and the casual pugs were also showing up in much smaller numbers, with the usual bad apples doing nothing but being negative. It’s been week after week of being hopelessly uncompetitive in T1 and watch thing fall apart.

I need to find a website that plays sad songs on a tiny violin, that I can link at times like this.

I am really sorry that your mass recruiting didn’t create long term, dedicated members for your community. I know, its a shock to think fickle, bandwagon, players from other servers wouldn’t just set roots and be content. We are all as surprised as you are.

Yea, Zen. Why were you mass recruiting guilds like that?

I also blame Zen for that.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Get rid of it

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Still surprising how many people 6 months into the game have not adjusted to the down state mechanism.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

(edited by Porky.5021)

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


ROFL I go to sleep and we are all out OWNING… I wake up to see we got night capped and sent to last place… ANet needs to make actual region locked servers. Clearly for WVW only. I don’t care if you have North American friends. That’s fine. Guest to them for PVE dungeons. But this whole flimsy system for WvW is just plain bad.

I play on a North American server… During North American primetime we dominate. Then the oceanic guilds get on a NA server and we lose… I’m living in the twilight zone if I’m the only person who sees the flaw in this system.

I’m not completely bitter. I’m happy to see Yak’s stepped up in T3 during NA primetime and was destroying. Way to represent. =D There is no shame in losing to oceanic when you play on an NA server. We need tougher immigration reform! Vote for me!

Yea those dam Aussies need to play on the dam oceanic time zone servers and leave NA alone. Oh wait.

And Owning you do during NA is same thing them owning during oceanic/SEA time slots. DB NA people are not numerous same as YB oceanic. How think DB oceanic feels when they lose everything to NA time slots. It is not their choice to play on NA it is only choice other than picking a EU server that is 3x distance away than NA ones. But I rarely see oceanic/SEA people whining on forums about all their owning when during their prime time is for nothing.

And BTW Even in NA people don’t play just at same time you do, so why should they be locked out of WvW because they work nights.

You’re acting like your server has no NA presence. It’s an NA server. We fight big battles and win them all day. You ghost cap everything with no opposition. Not a very good comparison.

SoS is ticking 260, Yak’s is ticking 210 right now. 10:30PM EST is NA time as far as I know, correct?

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


checks calendar

For a second I thought it was September 2012 again.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Kaineng: Let's Complete the Journey

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Soon as all the bandwagoners leave JQ or BG and one, or both, of those servers crash and burn, which I can’t wait for, you’ll likely have your shot.

I predict this post will generate large amounts of rage, likely by the very bandwagoners mentioned.
Called it WvWvDrama a couple months ago, WvWvBandwagon seems more fitting now.

I don’t see JQ crashing OR burning any time soon, but I can understand your frustration. LOL.

I do.

Bandwagoners leave > coverage drops considerably, massively might be a better word > “loyal guilds” get mad they aren’t roflstomping everything in their path at all hours anymore > they decide to follow the bandwagon train > JQ dies

I don’t know why people keep saying that. I sound like a JQ fan, but I don’t see that happening.

The bandwagoners may leave, but what was there before the bandwagoners was a very solid tier 1 core. They’ve been consistently in tier 1 for how long now?

Even when SoS had far more numbers, and won for 2 months in a row, the JQ core guilds came out to fight without fail.

The bandwagoners may get frustrated at some point and leave, but I don’t see the core just collapsing like we’ve seen on other servers. Never say never, I guess, but if I had to bet, I would bet on JQ’s core not collapsing regardless of what the bandwagons do.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


for a server that claims all they want to do is fight its pretty lame when the same thief hacks 3 towers on eb within a five minute span at 6:20 est.

Keep this stuff out of this thread.

No individual who is exploiting ever represents an entire server. Even a guild exploiting does not represent the server. Keep this bullkitten the hell out of this thread.

Think you need to learn to comprehend what you read before making posts.All i did was use sor motto and that is all we care about are fights.look at the end when a said the same thief.I did not say sor as a whole hacks anywhere in that post.

Then why did you add the part about the “for a server that claims all they want to do is fight”?

Makes no sense. You start off talking about the whole server, then talk about one person as if he represents the whole server.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

lack of variety overall

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


I find PvE world lacking variety.

Kill a mob, grab his loot, kill a mob, grab his loot, omg a bigger mob, kill the bigger mob, grab the bigger loot.

Would it be so difficult to add more variety to the game? Like if you’re killing a mob so you can grab his loot, I can come up behind you, blast you into pieces and grab the loot you drop.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


I see the gvg cant you all do anything smaller?

Hands off my octopus would love to play other groups but we only have about 6 ppl online at any given time so couldn’t we do a 5v5??? come on:D

I’m not in tier 1 anymore, but you guys were fun to fight. Very good group you have. Very tough.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


If BG is strong enough, it could damage JQ morale enough to send them to tier two or below.

I don’t think I agree with that.

JQ’s new transfers may leave, but JQ’s core seems to be the most solid of any. They hung together through weeks of losing to SoS and always came out to fight.

If JQ morale gets damaged, some of the new transfers may leave, but I don’t foresee a wholesail bailing of the server like we’ve seen on other servers.

Things change, and who knows, but JQ is probably the least likely server I can see just collapsing at this point, just because of how solid the core was for months.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Actually people/guilds moved from SoS to BG over the last few weeks. So its not like the original BG members fought their way back in some heroic fashion. They just acquired better players which still wont be good enough to beat JQ

Ha! Didn’t BG fail at T1 before and fall back down to T2?
Keep smacking your lips foo…

To their credit, they stuck together and fought their way back up to t1 again. Very impressive in light of the number of other servers that have fallen from t1 only to see all their major pvp guilds quit and run off to another server.

They made it back to t1 before all the transfers.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


JQ was losing by a mile. So what is going on with Blackgate. Nobody cares now?

The core guilds on JQ don’t quit. I don’t know how that big blob of transfers they got are, but I know their core guilds don’t quit.

Since the core guilds were good enough to keep them in tier 1 all that time, if that core gets any help at all from the transfers, they will be tough to beat.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


If you guys decide to throw the match then there is a high chance that you would be in T3 next week. Or you can fight hard to stay in T2 for one more week. Its up to you. ^^

Its been a honour fighting you guys in SoS. You are worthy opponents.

No way. Those of us posting on the forum obviously can’t control what other people or groups do, but most of the remaining people on the server will not throw it.

I’d rather fight to stay in the highest tier possible than throw a match to get an easier matchup in a lower tier.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


I was fighting 5 on 80 last night and collected many bags. Ambient creatures were getting farmed…sometimes we were farming them even when it was 2v1.


Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Golems: Game breaking?

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Used properly, a group of golems can help things out a great deal.

I’ve also seen groups of golems wiped out when a port went wrong, someone made a mistake, or the other side just got lucky and caught them somewhere.

They seem fine to me. It’s not like I see golems all over the place constantly.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


There’s a new way to trash talk the enemies, by using the term: Ambient creature.

Some players on EU servers already used that term to call/trash talk their enemy players.
However, I have yet to see that term being used in any trash talking by people playing on NA server lol

I was farming ambient creatures for bags all day yesterday. And wiping them.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


There once was a group uber great
They wiped everyone at the gate
after all the chest thumping
and bags they were humping
they realized they’d fought only the Krait.

How’d I do Porky? ~grins~

HAHA I like it.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


I think every server could say the other is full of wipable pugs, because the reality is that every top guild on each server will regard the other server as easily wipable. It’s tempting to say ‘lol we wiped ur forces 8 times in one night’, but if you are on any kind of organised guild then that is what should be happening.

What speaks more to a server or guild’s class is the ability not to gloat on the forums afterwards. And remember FA, this is a T2 thread, if you want to say something bad about another server you need to sandwich it between 2 compliments and make them read between the lines.


No way. You can always tell whose classier by who has farmed more bags. And badges.


Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Lot of trash talking…but it’s not being done quite right.

The words “wipe”, “bags” and “badges” are not being used enough. See the tier 1 thread for how to do this properly.

HA-HAH! The five of us wiped the 84 of you 15 times and I never died!

OH yea, I got a ton of bags from you. Bags everywhere. I can’t count nubmer the of bags I got from wiping you over and over. Farming (this word needs to appear as well from time to time).

I got 65323 badges this weekend from farming you. We wiped you so many times bags were pouring out of my DVD drive. My grandkids will be collecting bags from us wiping you. They’ll be able to buy a Mercedes Benz with the badges there’s so many of them.

And so on.

Please strive to do better. Remember…wipe, bags, badges.

P.S. Extra credit for using “2v1” or “coverage” in a way that makes sense and fits seamlessly into the bag farming bravado.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

(edited by Porky.5021)

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


I’m sure both JQ and SoR will continue to fight hard despite those coverage gaps.

JQ and SOR always fight even when losing. Same of the core BG guilds.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

To all the PvE exclusive players...

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


So you’re not asking players why they are on tehir’re asking guilds?

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

To all the PvE exclusive players...

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


on any server.
1.) what made you choose and stay on the server you’re on?(guilds and friends aren’t a valid reason since transfers were free for four months)

Why are guilds and friends not a valid reason to choose a server? Even with free transfers, most people choose to play with their friends and/or guilds.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Much respect to both FA and Kain. You all fight hard. SoS will continue to battle until they turn out the lights on us.


You guys are definitely doing really well against everything that has happened. If you don’t stay in tier 2, I have a feeling you will be back eventually. I’ve come to respect SoS once the fat has been shaved so to speak – the bandwagon fat. Those that stayed are the guilds that are the truly respectable ones. Keep it up guys!

Well we lost another two guilds today, and not small ones either. Bleh, just keeps getting worse.

Which ones?

Oceanix, zero negative.

I see. At least OCX is going to SoR.

Taking the road less travelled, props to them.

The road least travelled appears to be the one where you stay on your server.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Please make it so we can vote on commanders

in Suggestions

Posted by: Porky.5021


Nothing will replace experience. Spend time in the game. Watch the commanders.

If you can’t figure out who is good and who is not, no system of tags, icons, ratings, or reviews will ever suffice.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


So were did all the SoS guilds end up going anyways?

A large number of the “hardcore pvp guilds” couldn’t take losing 2 or 3 weeks so they transferred to Blackgate.

I think it was:


Might be more.

Ons and VotF too, although VotF had only been here like a month.

And please tell me you are the naked Asura ele always running around…lol.

That would be me, although there are occasionally others now.

btw, thank you for all the rezzes. lol.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

AR vs NSP: Forum Battle Round 1

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Well anyone can make it to T1 with transfer, it takes special dedication to make it to T1 forum battles.

I’m hardcore and can’t stand losing. I’m transferring to Nuzt’s forum team.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Combining NA & Euro Servers for WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Linking the NA Servers to a Euro Server partner in WvW.

What would this do?

-Allow coverage over all time slots & Spread the population among all servers.

-If 2 servers were in the same WvW team, the queues will become crazy, almost forcing players to spread around to other servers to avoid that.

What would that do?

-Create more, better, and more equal fights among all the tiers; bettering the ‘WvW’ competition.

-Servers would be less dominant because there will be more competition.

Why did I think of this?

-The current NA Winners are determined by who who has the better Oceanic/Euro coverage (PvDoor). Why should it be like that?

Just a crazy idea I thought of, what do you think?

I think it would cause a bunch of transfers as guilds on EU servers with weaker NA partners move and guilds on NA servers with weaker EU partners move.

A lot of people don’t like losing. They will do anything to avoid it in a game.

Free transfers could happen to stabilize the change.

The way I see it, servers won’t be so populated because WvW space will be limited so guilds will spread to weaker servers, making stronger servers on both the NA and EU side.

In theory, this should work, but when server transfers were free, it didn’t work out that way.

More people will transfer to the winning servers rather than the servers that need help.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Anyways, I have been having a blast this weekend. Lots of fun fights and it’s interesting to see what other servers are doing and how they do things.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


So were did all the SoS guilds end up going anyways?

A large number of the “hardcore pvp guilds” couldn’t take losing 2 or 3 weeks so they transferred to Blackgate.

I think it was:


Might be more.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Combining NA & Euro Servers for WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Linking the NA Servers to a Euro Server partner in WvW.

What would this do?

-Allow coverage over all time slots & Spread the population among all servers.

-If 2 servers were in the same WvW team, the queues will become crazy, almost forcing players to spread around to other servers to avoid that.

What would that do?

-Create more, better, and more equal fights among all the tiers; bettering the ‘WvW’ competition.

-Servers would be less dominant because there will be more competition.

Why did I think of this?

-The current NA Winners are determined by who who has the better Oceanic/Euro coverage (PvDoor). Why should it be like that?

Just a crazy idea I thought of, what do you think?

I think it would cause a bunch of transfers as guilds on EU servers with weaker NA partners move and guilds on NA servers with weaker EU partners move.

A lot of people don’t like losing. They will do anything to avoid it in a game.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

EB jumping puzzle why be that guy?

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Lmao. So many WvW’ers crying about PvE’ers taking up queue spots.

Lmao. So many PvE’ers crying about dying in a PvP zone.

And sometimes, we (PvE’ers) like a JP so much, that we’ll do it over and over again. I often do JP’s in WvW for that reason alone

If you are repeatedly going to do the JP in PvP world for the joy of jumping, then I guess you should accept the fact that other people will kill you for the joy of killing.

They need to either remove PvE content for it, or have a neutral buff that lasts for awhile so that we can’t fight for that entire day or something.

There’s far more options than that. The PvE’ers can learn that they will need to either get lucky and do the JP when no one is around or learn to fight to finish the JP’s in the WvW areas.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

EB jumping puzzle why be that guy?

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


cuz I don’t want to karma-train for hours like a braindead lemming

Fixed that for you. Anyone really interested in actual skill-focused pvp goes to the HotM not to Wuvwuv.

If these people lack skill how hard can it be to kill them at the JP and finish your jumping exercise?

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

the queue times are too high

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


They made 4 maps.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

EB jumping puzzle why be that guy?

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


I have never camped the JP. I have also never jumped the JP.

However, I don’t really care if people are ganking people in the JP. It is well known that this is a PvP zone. You can’t be given a free pass just because you want to jump a puzzle.

WvW is a jungle. It’s not a fair fight…it’s not a tournament or a duel or some sort of jousting ritual. It’s a jungle. Not just the towers, or keeps or camps…the entire WvWvW zone is part of the same jungle. If you want to enter, you need to either:

1. Be big enough to run around by yourself and stay healthy
2. Be fast and observant enough to run away if someone wants to make you less healthy.
3. Be stealthy enough to get by without being seen or get away if you are seen
4. Bring friends so you can improve your chances of staying healthy through numbers

I don’t think it’s the coolest thing in the world to camp the JP….but everyone who wants to complete the JP should be aware they are in a non-free-pass zone and someone is most likely going to try to kill them for no other reason than they can.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


They posted they would stay on SoS “as long as it’s in T1.” They won’t be in T1 next week. It was very clever of Tysm to leave that particular clause in there imho.

I’m rallying up some donations to help them rebuild influence once they are done xferring, please post on server forum if you would like to help.

I have yet to see anyone from TSym say they are leaving.

Interesting. Almost like you are making up stuff.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Stop Transferring.

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Everyone should transfer to Kaineng.

Bad recruiting. I see cookies, I see low interest loans, I see naked asurans…what have you got?

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Stop Transferring.

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


To late , SOS is doomed , all the wvw guilds are moving , no reason to stay if you wvw

This is not true.

There are a number of small and mid sized guilds that are sticking around.

You are correct in that if you are unable to deal with adversity, I would advise moving to BG or JQ.

But the guilds that are staying are actually quite fun to run around with and ZN has one of the best commanders I’ve found in the game.

Plus we have spies and naked asurans, and who doesn’t like that?

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Stop Transferring.

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Which server will be the next to crash and burn?

I don’t think there will be more major colapses… But the next server that will suffer a huge exodus will be either SoR, which is composed by SoR+SBI (People who fled during the fall), or BG, which is composed by BG+SoS (People who fled during the fall). But knowing both SoR and BG core communities, their tenacity won’t allow such a long fall to the bottom.

Maybe JQ if for some reason it start losing? But then we will get Kaineng as the next T1 “Superserver” since it will be waiting quietly in the 4th position.

JQ’s core kept them competitive even losing 9 weeks in a row. If all their bandwagoners left, that same core would still keep them competitive at a high level.

Shame the SoS guilds didn’t have even half that intestinal fortitude and could only survive 2 to 3 weeks without winning before giving up and fleeing.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Stop Transferring.

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


But if I don’t transfer, how will me and my hardcore pvp guild get off the server that isn’t winning anymore and on to the next big thing?

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


We were in T1, JQ never, ever attacked SoS,

I can dispute that. I was frequently attacked by JQ whenever I was in WvW.

In fact, I can personally attest I have never seen any pact, alliance, truce, treaty, 2v1 or anything since everyone not on my server has done their utmost to kill me everytime they see me.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]