Where’s the credits section for the heroes that helped you get through the treacherous swamp and the ruthless Siberian blizzard with male norns running around everywhere?
It’s an exploit but you won’t get banned for it.
However one thing you should know is one of the quickest and easiest ways to tell whether or not a group is terrible is if they resort to bugging mossman.
The only downside to bugging him in the water is that you will always be associated that way really. If anet cared about people doing this enough to ban them they would have fixed the issue long ago. Clearly, they do not care.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
It’s a one way street. Sub games can go F2P, but it’d be death to try and do the reverse.
This is very much true.
If this was going to ever be subscription, it would have had to be at the start. You can’t change it now or the game will die. Too many of the people who play it chose it because they were looking for the best they could for as little money to spend as possible. Obviously not all, but a huge amount of people yes.
~12g from Arah 1-4
~3g from AC 3in1
~15g total from just daily chests etc
I’ve done some not so community acceptable things in my day (not so much anymore)
t-t-t-top kek
This was pretty awesome.
Ever consider 64004 or 46004for blasting staff? It might make it easier to land the combos with lava fonts or just to help bait out more dodges. Either way this is probably the only video that’s made me feel like goofing around in PvP again lol
That’s not helpful. I’ve tried that too, doesn’t work. I know there’s a ton of people having the same problem.
Is that all that’s available to us? :/
Title of the game is Guild Wars 2
Yet impossible to even interact with guilds via guild chat. It’s been weeks. HOW is it not fixed? Like, what?
Nothing works. Representing other guilds and re-representing, going invisible and online again, relogging, nil. It makes no sense. I don’t understand why this is such low priority to resolve and I’m really frustrated.
Does anyone know any temporary solutions?
If you want to play staff, pick elementalist. Staff is a terrible weapon for guardian in PvE aside from niche situations like, using #3 for swiftness or clearing the poison blossoms in the dungeon TA on trash skips, for example.
However, staff ele is the highest aoe DPS in the game, so there’s that.
I just don’t get the big deal about the animations being removed. Nor do I see a double standard or feel the need to feign rage about said double standard.
It’s not really a big deal in the sense that it makes a difference in the gameplay, it’s just that the less idle animations you have then the more robotic/identical everybody seems… although, it does seem a little odd when two players stretch in unison xD
Whatever, I liked the animations so I support the OP and everyone else asking for them back.
That is a massive time improvement from the last one o.O
Excellent job.
Now I wonder if it’s going to be another iV vs qT race to sub-3 in SE :P
You know what?
I started reading this with the immediate expectation of it either being a BINGO thread or something that I disagree with but to be honest I feel you, OP.
You’re saying things that I’ve mentioned many times by now.
In fact, I can personally relate to your statement saying there’s not enough incentive to learn to play the game better.
When I first began playing this game I was a complete idiot when leveling up my warrior and talked to basically no one, seeked no sources of information to learn how to do anything better and by the time I was 80 I was using blues/greens with random stats/runes/sigils without caring about anything and had clownshoes utilities.
I was hardly ever put in a situation where I had to stop and think “I can’t do this, I need to change my approach” unless I tried doing something like soloing a champ.
Everything felt too easy, be it the XP gain or the personal story or whatever I was doing. It wasn’t until I started doing dungeons until my perspective of the game changed and I started becoming interested in the game’s combat and learning to be a better player.
Unfortunately, dungeons are something that Arenanet doesn’t care about at all. They don’t even put bare minimum effort into maintenance with them unless a major bug comes about where it’s impossible to complete a path. Aside from that they ignore them, which is understandable but sad.
This game is a themepark MMO and as such, it’s destined to always cater to players that prefer a more casual playstyle so it makes sense why things are the way they are. Afterall, the game was advertised as one that you could always play how you want yet still succeed. You can’t really make a game and adhere to that statement without emphasis on content that’s accessible by everyone.
As for the rewards… not much to say other than they’re in generally really bad. Part of that is because as expected from a themepark MMO and from the cash shop model, they want there to be a large incentive for players to spend real life money on gems. With really good ingame rewards, it would overall lower their profits from the gem store because of the fact that gold would have a lower value. I could be wrong on this but it’s my interpretation of it.
D/F ele isn’t bad, it just has worse potential than staff ele does when played at a high level. Sometimes actually D/F can be better than staff in solo settings depending on whether or not you can meteor shower/ice bow off cooldown without the utility of swirling winds, but as far as groups are concerned the vast majority of the time the better choice is for warrior to run PS in fractals and eles to use staff to reap the benefits. It’s not always the case, but yeah.
However it doesn’t sound like the group you were in was even aware of this, OP. It sounds like they were just jerks flaming you for not conforming to their inept standards.
Don’t worry about it. D/F is not a bad setup.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
I can look through your post history and find numerous occurrences where you refer to berserker-using players as mindless drones who lack creativity etc. Those are clearly pejoratives, and unless you go back and edit out and delete your posts then it’s clear as day that you’re lying.
We aren’t saying there’s only one efficient way to play elementalist we’re saying there’s tons of ways that you can, but yours sure as hell is not. Big difference. We’re not close-minded.
As for your last statements… new players don’t know better. They will likely listen to anyone who gives them advice and speaks to them in a way that makes them seem like they are knowledgeable in the subject.
This is why people respond to you. They dislike seeing newer players fed bad information, such as taking 4 trait points in water for condi removal in PvE when they could simply swap their heal to ether renewal as an example.
Well that’s a fair point in that it might cause him to bug like that, but there’s no guarantee of that happening. Afterall you can actually wall him near the sides of the arena entrance and he doesn’t bug out from that, despite the walls being significantly higher than his head.
As for your capped reflected projectiles I’d only be cool with that if it were high enough so that it’s still possible for coordinated groups to do phase 3 skips off the wall :P
While we’re talking about nightmare tree, what I normally do is swap to 62222 and take lightning hammer/glyph of storms/ice bow. I just use #4 on LH and drop it.
The tree dies so fast either way that it hardly matters, just saves a few seconds is all. If you forget to do it then it’s not that big of a deal.
As for signet of fire… yeah OP the person who ragequit the group clearly over-exaggerated but generally speaking it’s worse to take it over glyph of storms most of the time because of the reasons spoj posted above. Glyph of storms is very strong and very useful.
So much cringe in this thread. Soooooo much cringe.
Either way, I’ll reply to just the OP.
With 62222, that trait spread is suboptimal a lot of the time either way and is really only best for if you’re in full assassins or fighting against an object/structure that can’t be crit.
Going 2 points only into air is just too low of a crit chance to function at your best and you’ll be missing too many valuable crits either way, so even if you had an easier time surviving it’d be smarter to use a different trait spread like 64202 or 64004 if you’re having problems surviving.
64004 is such a wonderful trait setup for staff ele because having both blasting staff and renewing stamina makes it very reliable. You sacrifice 10% damage for permanent vigour which helps a lot for situations where you don’t have enough evades to get by with.
You will eventually get kicked from groups if they notice they have to wait longer and longer at every cutscene because of you, but it won’t happen every time you do dungeons.
Also it probably won’t ever happen at all if you make your own LFG stating you will be watching cutscenes. It’s very unlikely people would come to grief you if you were to do that. Still possible but highly unlikely.
This is unfortunately the best that Arenanet can really do to allow us to freely group up with other players and get what we want, because upper level management doesn’t feel it worth their time to focus on improving the system I guess.
You consistently offer terrible advice to newer players and are steering them in a poor direction. You also trashtalk people that use berserker gear and builds with traits that are geared in an offensive direction along with anything that’s more efficient than what you like to use, calling people mindless drones and whatnot.
The people replying to you don’t take you seriously because you’re disrespectful and really close-minded, refusing to admit that someone else’s advice is better.
Why should anyone care about giving what you say a chance after you use pejoratives to try to 1-up yourself over the people you disagree with?
My answer is going to only be applicable to PvE. I’m not sure if that’s what you wanted, but you did not specify what game mode you meant at all anyways.
Mace mainhand is a smart choice for bosses that require frequent blocks, for example right now Lupicus in Arah has been bugged for over 2 weeks with his autoattack so you can make the fight much easier by going GS + mace/sword instead of GS + axe/sword.
Another example would be Mai trin, where your primary weapon should be axe mainhand, but in the event that you need another block for her teleport shot you can swap to mace mainhand and absolutely never need to worry about being conservative with your blocks.
Just know that regardless of what way you want to look at it, mace mainhand is suboptimal in the sense that it deals way less damage than axe, so it’s somewhat of a “crutch” if you will.
Mace offhand, on the other hand, is the offhand of choice that the warrior should take in the case that they don’t need any defensive aid from sword offhand. It provides 10 stacks of vuln on a relatively short cooldown that cleaves, making it significantly more efficient than the utility “on my mark” and an overall DPS increase for both solo and group settings.
The fix is pretty simple. Just move projectile point of origin to his head. It being on his belly is really convenient considering its the same height as the top of the wall. :P
Thats the only fix people should ask for. Otherwise dont ask for a 1shot fix. Obviously necrid bolt and necrid trap should be reverted. And AI player tracking should be fixed.
The solutions I offered were:
“Suggested solutions:
a) Maybe make it out of bounds to place reflects up on top of the wall? This could be possible by removing the flat surface from the top of the arena.
b) Change the point of the projectiles origin to come from Lupicus’s head.”
I see both of these as viable solutions to the problem. Despite the fact that I normally hate invisible walls, I’d be more than welcome for them to wall off the flat surface on the top of the arena, on the inside. The outside of the arena would still have the flat surface, but I’m pretty sure he’d go invulnerable after the first hit if a person was out there placing a reflect for it.
EDIT: It might actually be more work for them to change the point of origin for the projectiles because it wouldn’t make sense for them to do that without changing the animation. If you ever zoom out to look at Lupi while he uses his phase 2 frenzied blasts you can clearly see them coming from his chest, so I think walling off the top of the arena would probably be a lot better tbh because I can’t think of how anyone would be capable of placing reflects at where the projectiles originate if they aren’t able to place their temporal curtain/feedback/WoR on top of the arena.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Yeah J Eberle, it’s not as much as being bad as it is the attitude to me. People mouthing off to you for no reason other than for the sake of complaining are the worst.
Another example of a terrible kind of pug is this warrior that I had in an Arah p1 pug the other night who whined like an infant when I said I refused to let our guard 1shot Lupi. He was going off about how he cares about nothing other than the speed that the dungeon is completed and how he doesn’t care to waste time, despite the fact that he was waiting at the waypoint and typing instead of joining us. I told him that technically it’s not faster to 1shot him, but he was still whining.
In the end I kicked him when he eventually accused me of milking donations from people to compensate the apparent lack of speed in my runs due to never 1shotting him? Dumbest insult tbh and apparently he knew who I was based off of that comment.
There’s my pug story.
I just did a pug zerk only CM. Ranger started kittening because I was using black power + blast for stealthing party instead of SR. Immediately the pugs explained why and then told him to shutup and start running frost/spotter. Faith in pugs restored.
I would have flipped kitten if I were in your position. There’s no way he wouldn’t get a kick option for that. Carrying people through the dungeon with stealth and have them whining about it… wtf.
That was really fun to watch. There were a few times where you broke out of his bubble and I didn’t know how. Didn’t seem like you had stability or anything. Any tips?
Well I fastforwarded the video a lot so I didn’t notice exactly what they did, but I hope you know that you can often times just use a movement skill to break out of bubbles. For example, burning retreat on an ele or whirlwind attack on a warrior. You’ll still get cced while passing through, but end up on the outside of it. Aside from that you can teleport out or use stability/invulnerability.
You really need to increase your camera’s rotation speed, because every time you’re running away and turning around it’s taking you like 3 or more seconds to begin attacking again. I presume that you could’ve saved several minutes off the clock just from having faster camera rotation. :P
Here are my settings for example http://puu.sh/h7kLo.png
I can’t believe this guy is still trashtalking you Zelyhn. Wtf…
I’d also like to note than it only takes 1 warrior to keep the whole groups might at 25 stacks without using the tactics banner.
Yes, we know this.
I personally can’t stand norns or charrs.
Either asura or humans are all I can really bear with. In the end it’s just whatever you think looks good.
Yeah and with guard you can’t really stand still unless you’re using renewed focus or shelter, which you can’t attack during so it’s pointless. I get you, don’t worry. I meant just for engi but in the end Tom would know more than I do about what it would be like :P
I think for warr taking both endure pain + defiant stance would be best for it so you can stop and cleave for a few seconds
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
What I meant was that Tom’s vid of his engi solo isn’t gonna be that much different with wolves, wolves don’t really add much to the fight other than making it so that it takes way longer because you have to constantly kite and move unless you have a few seconds of blocking/invulnerability. That’s all I meant really, I wasn’t comparing guard DPS to engi DPS though engi is technically one of the best classes for DPS in a solo setting
I have something to clarify about Lupicus’s bubble in phase 3 missing.
It seems to only miss if you get bubbled while in melee range. If you range him from a distance, then when he places bubble it will be accurately surrounding you.
Also it seems kind of strange but if you’re ever doing Lupicus with a mesmer, he seems to bubble their swordsmen accurately without any issues.
Either way I really hope they revert Lupi to his former behavior. I don’t like taking clownshoes perma-vigour/arcane energy builds to solo him and after all of the damage-related nerfs in the past year I think he took long enough to solo/low man to begin with.
The change has like absolutely no impact on group play, but it makes pugging even more annoying than before because now even more groups demand 1shotting him. I only have a limited amount of underwater nets to immobilize him in phase 1 you know.
The autoattack bug doesn’t really do anything for difficulty, it’s more of a build check. So I’m not too sure I understand how anyone finds it a better idea for him to be like this other than temporary refreshment.
How can you be sure that lupi’s autoattack is not supposed to hit in melee range? After all, Anet changed spider queen’s behaviour in the past.
Well I asked a dev about it and they confirmed that as far as they knew they didn’t intend to change ANYTHING having to do with Lupicus in the past few patches. Everything that has happened were unintentionally caused by changing other things, resulting in a lot of unexpected changes with bosses and mobs such as the bug where everything with a cone attack had a 180 degree radius etc.
The only thing that we aren’t sure of is whether or not it was a bug for the autoattack to miss in melee range all along. The person that I spoke with didn’t know the answer to it, but my personal guess is that due to it being popularly disliked now they will most likely change Lupicus back to how he was before.
Miku, actually the p3 Frienzed Blast works fine now, it was a bug that it could shoot you outside of red circle.
Yeah I know, you can see that in the pastebin that I linked in the last paragraph. That’s what I said as well.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
I’m not going to dig it up but probably 3 or 4 months ago this was well researched. Apparently it looks wrong but it is working.
Also you link looks odd so I am not clicking it.
What’s odd about youtube?
I sent them this days ago. http://pastebin.com/xnzHgdkp
That’s about the best I can do. Made sure it got forwarded to the right people. Idk if it will make a difference.
Found this on that thread
I feel so filthy now
It’s a bug that’s been around since launch that has kittened everyone off every single day with no attention from the devs.
We all know about it and unless they don’t do combat at all, I’m sure they know of it too.
The question is, why don’t they fix it?
If eles didn’t have extremely good offensive utility and damage there’d be no reason to take one because they’re as squishy as possible and get aggro from just about everything. It’s not unfair, it’s completely justified imo.
Can you do this on an engineer so I can learn from you?
Just watch Tom’s vid. It’s not gonna be much different on engi other than way slower
Arcane Brilliance is the heal an ele should have 90% of the time in PvE.
Defiant Stance is also very useful for a warrior on certain bosses, especially in low man settings.
I’ve always thought Defiant Stance should be 30s cooldown instead of 35, but as for Arcane Brilliance the only thing that needs fixing with it is the bug where the blast occurs wherever your target is rather than where you are.
You want to know what is optimal? its not a 5 man zerk squad, there should be at least one slightly tanky person to rez and pull aggro when necessary. Like the OP says, dodge makes zerk viable, but its not just dodge because not every class has high endurance regeneration. Can you completely avoid or severely reduce damage for a long time with zerk? if not go home or run something else.
How is that optimal lol?
Ever hear of active defense besides dodging before? I’m guessing not.
Well in GW2 you can reflect, provide aegis, deep freeze, bring stability, clear conditions and much more. You should probably inform yourself a bit more about the combat system so that you can relieve yourself of the terrible notion that in this game you have to have someone tanking to be optimal. It’s not true in the least bit and if you want to be taken seriously I suggest you look up some information about what the many classes in this game can provide in parties before posting.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
When you find something that works why mess with it?
to improve
Ugh I’m so sick and tired of clueless players whining about berserker.
Anyways PvE is fine. There are adjustments that certain classes need but there’s nothing wrong with people wanting to play efficiently. This is a consequence of learning how to do everything and not needing defensive crutches.
It seems like you are the one that is clueless to me, you are too tunnel visioned to realize the problem.
Oh I realize what the problem is. The problem is that there are people with mindsets similar to your own and don’t get the combat system on this game.
It’s one thing if you don’t like it, but to claim it’s broken just because you don’t like it is silly. We understand you don’t like berserker gear. We also understand that there are players who want to conform everyone to their own beliefs instead of just making their own LFG posts stating what they want.
No one’s forcing you to wear berserker gear. Play with whatever floats your boat.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Ugh I’m so sick and tired of clueless players whining about berserker.
Anyways PvE is fine. There are adjustments that certain classes need but there’s nothing wrong with people wanting to play efficiently. This is a consequence of learning how to do everything and not needing defensive crutches.
It’s been bugged for about a year-ish.
If you have a target, it blasts where the target is rather than where you are.
Most of the story mode dungeons are soloable though?
After you get all the utility that’s needed for a path, then the last class shouldn’t be anything other than what deals the most damage. Two thieves does more damage than two warrior does, so despite it being more wasteful than two eles it’s better than two warriors.
Though if for whatever reason I can’t have a 2nd ele I think I’d rather have a ranger fill in the spot personally
Yeah the objective is to just remove her stacks as fast as possible so the team can stack might, deep freeze, and burn her to the next cannon phase as quickly as possible. It’s faster to remove her stacks with one person doing it due to the RNG with horrik’s aggro in groups and the fact that Mai frequently switches targets, and it just so happens that warrior is relaxing to do it with.
Whatever what the Warrior run, more than 1 warrior is a waste.
So you would pick a party of 4 condi necro over 4 zerker warrior?
I guess you’re having trouble following the conversation.
He said having more than one warrior in the party is a waste. What you said is not even in the least bit relevant to what he said.