(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
capable of working successfully; feasible.
Everything in this game is viable.
I don’t believe you intend to ask this question. What you and most others intend to be asking I imagine is along the lines of “Is my build good?”
The answer to that is no, it’s quite awful and for a variety of reasons especially since you mentioned fractals. LH builds are pretty awful in those and they should absolutely never be used for pugging imo.
It just seems too pointless. There is no real value in owning properties. Nothing to be gained and nothing to lose. It’s unscripted so in that sense it’s still better than PVE, but it’s also so routine it’s all too similar. You’re not there to wage war, you’re not there “for” anything. Just running around the map trading castles based on ppt.
Gain a castle? So what, it has no value. Time spent defending it is time spent not seeking out more ppt. Just go ahead and lose it, you’ll grab it again next time around, and it’s pretty inconsequential either way. So goes the routine.
It’s too structured, limited, and artificial. I’d prefer something more free-form. Not so point-driven, and routine. Something with politics, alliances, consequences, etc. WvW, like the rest of the game, just isn’t that deep of an experience. I was excited about it in the beginning, back when guilds bothered to claim castles and so forth, before it became apparent how shallow it all was. Now it’s just “doing the rounds” for no particular reason.
It can be nice to romp around in a bit, but it otherwise just doesn’t feel important in the slightest. There’s no “cause” for me to serve and care about, and there’s no variety. Always the same maps with the same tedious routines.
We share literally the exact same concerns and thoughts. +1 to you.
I’m American but have been on EU servers since early fall 2013 and have no intentions of going back, as it’s great here. Lots of people, lots of activity, lots of friends.
There are no NA guilds that I know of on here but I know guilds probably will not have a problem with you joining. After daily reset things start to die out, but about 8 hours after reset you will see people gradually log in more and more. The peak hours for EU tend to be ~12-6 hours before reset from my experience.
There’s also an element of randomness to archdiviner when he does his whirl. Sometimes the projectiles will shoot before he’s mid-animation.
Sometimes you are far away and a projectile doesn’t visually hit you but you still take damage from some invisible projectile.
If you are talking about the first encounter, then it’s not “sometimes.” It is a bug where if you are further than a certain range you get hit by the projectiles as if you were standing directly in front of him.
if you don’t nuke down molten duo and leave the berserker last, it is probably one of the best boss fights in the game.
I personally hate this encounter atm because it’s one of the buggiest in the game.
Not only are some of the aoes from firestorm completely invisible but almost all of the aoe indicators appear either as you’re already getting hit or afterwards, which is stupid. They need to upgrade the indicators like they did with bloomhunger so it’s not completely RNG.
I agree it is more interesting though if you do what you say, but I have only killed firestorm before berserker once ever tbh and that was around when this boss was first released xD
The glitch happens when you turn invisible mode on. You can fix it by turning your status back to “Online” then restarting the client. It will not work again until you restart the client btw, and you have to make sure your status is not invisible before you restart.
This glitch has been around since they first released the LFG and not a single person from Arenanet has ever commented on it, so it is suffice to say they probably do not care about it but it never hurts to try.
Dreadfully boring. I also felt frustrated due to the terrible gear. I shouldn’t have chosen revenant. :/
Evalia, did you read the last sentence of the last paragraph of my post?
“However due to the abundance of crowd control skills in PvP, you will find that Ether Renewal and Glyph of Elemental Harmony are sometimes too unreliable and that signet of restoration is in many cases the best option in PvP D/D builds.”
The amount it heals varies on what skills you are casting, so for the sake of simplicity I only calculated what it would do if you spammed lightning whip.
This all assumes 0 healing power, which I once again included in my post.
Things obviously change when healing power is considered but the OP did not mention whether or not they would do PvE or PvP, and healing power is not something I would assume for PvE builds.
It’s a bug that has been around since they first made the LFG.
When you go on invisible mode, it bugs you on the LFG and the only way to fix it is to turn it back online and restart the client.
Yeah he is right. I’ll edit my post to reflect his corrections.
Also lol, I think I had quick glyphs trait at the time when I typed all of that up. That’s my explanation for the wrong glyph cooldown xD
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Depends on the circumstance.
I’ll just copy and paste what I have in a document for a planned out ele guide that I was working on a while ago. Hopefully it is helpful for you.
Elementalist actually has the highest potential in the game for healing, provided you want to spec for it. If you focus on maximizing DPS the heal you’ll want to use the most is Arcane Brilliance, as it serves as a blast finisher.
However sometimes you may find that using your healing skill just for blasting yourself fury and might isn’t practical due to the encounter being unforgiving. If that’s the case, then you may need to play more conservatively and save the heal for when you actually need to replenish HP. However, we have other options that heal much more and worth considering. Keep in mind, Arcane Brilliance heals 20% more for every target. Also keep in mind that there is currently a bug with Arcane Brilliance where it blasts wherever your target is, but the damage happens around you with a radius of 240 still.
Comparisons between our heals to show how much hp/min you heal with them (assumption of 0 healing power):
Arcane Brilliance:
3,560 every 25 secs
60/25 = 2.4, 3560 * 2.4 = ~8,544 hp/min (with 0 targets)
Glyph of Elemental Harmony:
4,894 every 25 sec
60/25 = 2.4, 4894 * 2.4 = ~11,746 hp/min
in water attunement add 12s regen to each use of heal (1,560)
1,560 * 2.4 = 3,744, 14,682 + 3,744 = ~18,426 hp/min
Ether Renewal:
625 * 8 hp every 15 sec = 5000
Effective CD = 18.5 seconds
5000 * (60/18.5) = ~16,216 hp/min
Signet of Restoration:
with nothing but Lightning Whip autoattack,
60/0.95 = ~63 casts/min, healing per cast = 202
60/0.95*202= 12,758 hp/min
Ether Renewal has the absolute highest healing potential for us over time but mainly for the condition removal aspect. It pulses 8 times and removes a condition every single pulse. This makes it in my opinion, close to brokenly OP. However, it’s channeled over 3.5 seconds meaning you have to stop attacking and avoid getting cced out of the channel to make full use of it. Provided you ever need condition removal, this should be the first option to choose from.
Glyph of Elemental Harmony comes a close second in terms of healing capacity, and provided it’s always casted in water attunement for the regen it actually will surpass the health restored by ether renewal. Despite the fact that it heals so much over time when used in water attunement, it is in my opinion a poor choice most of the time due to its longer cast time than Arcane Brilliance. What I personally use this heal for is when I’m out of combat and want to maintain swiftness, I cast it in air attunement for 12 seconds of swiftness. Alternatively, you can do the same with Arcane Brilliance in a static field but due to Glyph’s shorter cooldown and longer swiftness duration, you can maintain more than with Arcane Brilliance.
Signet of Restoration falls short in terms of efficacy as it heals less over time than some of our other options and requires us to be casting at all times to make full use of it. Because you won’t ever only be autoattacking in air, the number calculated above does not accurately represent how much health it restores over time. It varies a lot and as a result this option is very, very niche at best in PvE. However due to the abundance of crowd control skills in PvP, you will find that Ether Renewal and Glyph of Elemental Harmony are sometimes too unreliable and that signet of restoration is in many cases the best option in PvP D/D builds.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
In PVE, rifle can be more useful than LB due to higher dps in general, especially against bosses that are hard to fight melee.
This is not true, rifle has lower DPS than longbow even with the crack shot trait. The autoattack of rifle when compared to longbow is lower DPS and volley doesn’t catch up because longbow also has arcing arrow and applies burning + bleeds.
Additionally longbow has a fire field and a blast finisher, but rifle does not.
While in PvE warrior has really bad ranged options, if you have to pick between the two then longbow is always better… both utility and damage-wise.
I like miku’s comment on that video. A lot of people hate on ele staff, but its equally as involved and difficult as other ele rotations. Its just bad ele’s dont use the utilities, or easy content doesn’t require them.
Glad you like it. While it’s true that I feel more involved while using D/F it’s only because of the attunement swapping… other than that it’s nothing special really, you’re autoattacking more with dagger mainhand than you are with staff that’s for sure. The number of different skills used is [supposed to be] the same on average though and it’s silly for people to refer to staff ele rotations as just 12121212 like so many do.
My general rule for D/F is that it’s most of the time never worth it unless you have problems with projectiles (belka, bugged Lupicus autoattack without arcane energy build, etc).
I’d rather have 2 necros than pulling mossman in the water but then again I also waste time by not doing fotm with 5 man groups, so… kinda biased.
And for the next time, try a bit harder, you cant hit me with stuff I dont care about.
Dunno, don’t think someone who actually didn’t care would have bothered to reply.
I find it pointless but oh well. Guess this is how some people operate.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Miku is easily one of the best eles in GW2.
Had a good laugh on this.
And I absolutely dont get it, how you can discuss that much about this topic. Lupi is fine as he is now, it’s not that kind of a faceroll like it was before.
Solo him is still not that hard, getting a good time is something different.
You can laugh at me all you want, but can you send the video of that 11 minute pre-bugged Lupicus solo with guardian from December in 2014 so that we can all heartily laugh at something too?
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Look, taking this VOD as an example;
2 hours of constant wiping in duo (albeit they started fooling around after ~1hr 15 minutes) at Lupi. Miku is easily one of the best eles in GW2.
So no, it really isn’t as simple as you’re trying to represent it.
Or should I go find more VODs for you?
Thanks for the compliment but allow me to speak my mind about it please
We are using a really yolo setup to come up with the fastest method for a duo arah record, which we will be recording offline sometime. I was streaming us coming up with the best duo strategy for ele/ele. There is nothing mechanically difficult about fighting Lupicus (well, in my opinion), but the bugged autoattack makes it really annoying because it’s just another RNG-dependent variable added to the 1-dimensional record grinding for low man settings.
But yeah, umm… I think you have the wrong idea here because neither Austin or myself struggle to solo or duo Lupicus… consider the VOD that you linked equivalent to for example what I tried to do in this video long ago:
I was using 65003 no energy sigil no lifesteal no sword block etc, on warrior, attempting a sub 4:30 bloomhunger solo. This was probably the most obnoxious waste of time solo records I had ever tried doing. There was nothing difficult at all, just had to roll the lucky numbers on the dice. That’s pretty much the same concept of what Austin and I were doing at Lupi in the VOD you linked.
If I wanted to solo him reliably 100% of the time then I would not be taking super yolo setups :P
I just want the fastest time for it that’s all.
EDIT: Ok my ADD is showing and I went off track pretty hard but the point I was trying to make is that there is a pretty huge difference between farming for RNG for a speedkill time and struggling to just kill a boss.
When people go for 5 man records the same thing applies btw, you spend hours and hours and hours with many times people downing or screwing up big time, but it doesn’t mean it’s hard to them necessarily.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
laokoko.7403, what the hell are you talking about?
Since when are Arenanet supposed to balance dungeons around who gets to solo them? These are designed for parties of 5, so whether you can or cannot solo them is completely irrelevant.
I can solo Arah with ease after the bug was implemented, but I don’t go around saying “it’s still possible so it should be left alone because I can do it.” Likewise, I’m not running around complaining about not being able to solo Thaumanova Fractal due to not being a mesmer or thief. I just suck it up and invite a friend. The same should be applied to you and AC. Just because you can’t solo it on your favorite class doesn’t mean the mechanics are unfair.
This bug is first priority compared to other bugs in the game.
I dont see how this “bug” should be first priority as in normal runs it doesnt matter at all and soloing is still possible.
Indeed possible, but kittening annoying after a while.
I don’t understand why people don’t just solo it if they want to o.O
Like, what’s the point in complaining about any of them besides AC and Arah story gates? All of the other ones are easily soloable on every class, AC story gate is actually soloable on any class with a leap or teleport too. Those two I get, but I don’t understand what the problem is for the rest of them.
You can either solo them now, or just post an LFG saying “story, no skipping cutscenes.”
Now, if someone still kicks you from your story mode even after you state that in your LFG ad, then we have a problem. At least give it a try.
That’s weird… did you try blinking past the point where it ports you back?
Yep, it’s an overlooked problem with the stability changes. They didn’t think about the consequences of doing this because there are certain NPCs and mobs that apply stability for themselves but it counts as 1 stack only. Example of this is Detha at the end of AC p2, and a new bug that surfaces as a result of this stability change is that she can get cced by one of those elite ascalonian rangers right as she finishes the last trap to the north, and then you have to reset the whole instance because she bugs if she gets pushed to the north.
Grast is another example. He gets cc interrupted during the barrier animation because his stability, which is intended to not be stripped, is removed so he tries use the shield immediately again afterwards. I suppose he may have a cooldown with this skill as well which lasts as long as colossus’s shout that causes the ceiling to collapse, so… basically Grast is using the shield at the wrong times due to the stability changes.
So I have been VODing some of my casual dungeon runs, and some has been like pretty close to all time record runs o_0.
Links? :P
Less than 1 minute difference!! hehe
Don’t mean to hurt your feelings but it’s miles away from the record… There is not very much you can do where it goes wrong aside from the last boss which is not easy to consistently kill as fast as all-time records did. The path is too short and too linear for this to be considered close imo >.>
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
I should also mention this glitch surfaced at some point during the patches between march and april.
So your problem with it is that it’s too easy to do? But isn’t every dungeon tactic about trivializing mechanics and 100-to-0-ing enemies as fast as possible? Not being condescending, I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. But why is this particular tactic worse?
No, this isn’t fast as possible. This is literally only chosen because it’s a free pass to skip Lupi. That’s all.
You don’t have to understand a single thing about this boss other than to place WoR on the wall after he’s gone invulnerable and he dies instantly from 75% hp. This allows bad players to get past a boss they otherwise couldn’t do, because they are not willing to learn how to fight him. It is intended to be able to reflect the projectiles, but not intended to be able to reflect every single one of them.
This is by definition inept way of getting past this boss/
having or showing no skill; clumsy.
It is not only easy, but it is just as legit as it was to 1-shot bosses in FotM with mimic was back before that was patched.
Does Warriors Sprint still apply in the room? I’m usually set up for PS so I don’t have enough traits for it when I’m supporting.
There is no point to use warrior’s sprint because it gives less movement speed than swiftness does.
Just swap to shoutheal traits for the heat room and swap back to your normal traits after, it’s free to change traits so there is no reason to avoid doing it
WoR on wall is to me no better than skipping Lupi altogether is, and it’s the vast majority of the time that the main reason people do it is because they don’t know how to do it without it.
I’ve actually asked pugs before and they aren’t even aware of the fact that you can skip phase 3 in coordinated groups without doing it. I also have seen every single time when I spam immobilizes + my burst in phase 1, no one knows how to dodge his attacks and often times don’t even realize WoR works when it’s on the ground lmfao.
The tl;dr is, it’s a tactic for bad players. There are such thing as good players that pug, and they should not be forced to subject themselves to something so pathetic. It’s the equivalent to me as pugs safespotting ancient ooze and max range 1111ing it… it’s just facedesk.
And yes, you can make your own LFGs specifying what you want but you cannot force others to obey your wishes. The vast majority of pugs clearly don’t respect LFG ads / don’t read, so it’s never a guarantee you get what you want… especially since you can’t own the instance anymore or kick without 2 others voting with you.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Try hambow then or GS + LB.
I have a hard time suggesting anything without longbow in PvP because of how good it is and how important cleansing ire is if you want to deal with multiple people at once ever, but if you want you could go for a complete yolo build without it and full glass or something.
It’s up to you but those are my two suggestions.
By your logic ‘disabling a boss from attacking and moving is a legit tactic’ – you cheat your way all the time by speed clearing. Or do you kill Kholer ranged by dodging his pull attack how it is intended by the developers? Think before you direct false accusations under your self-made premises what’s right and wrong, legit and illegit.
I don’t kill Kholer at all because he’s optional and a waste of time imo.
And no, doing dungeons quickly by itself is not cheating. Try reading what I typed before replying because you are typing nonsense.
Seriously though wtf is up with your Kholer remark? Why do you and so many people demand that ranging bosses is the only way to fight them as intended? Why can’t meleeing be an option? Was I not supposed to be using GS on a warrior and not be using the stone splinters trait on my ele? Why do I have to range Kholer in order to dodge his pull attack?
So clueless.
Disabling Belka from moving seems to be accepted as a legit tactic. It can be very subjective.
Belka is not completely disabled like I typed tho, she will always attack you unless you go out of her line of sight.
The almighty god of underwater combat in my previous quote on the other hand, disables Mossman from both attacking and moving.
Totally diff scenarios.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Video demonstrating:
This same glitch happens to any mob/boss in this game currently with teleportation skills. It is not a Lupicus-specific problem. It has been this way for over a month and it’s really weird for it to not be fixed after such a long time.
Other examples:
Mai Trin teleport shot
Wraithlord shadowstep
arah is easy. and if it comes to you not wanting to run it, you can buy paths off people who sell it. (A lot do this, and 99% of the time they are people who exploit Lupicus via wall-on-wall and sometimes skip bosses)
I agree about fast hands being baseline, but I am not sure about the warrior’s sprint being baseline.
In that case, tyvm Lauren.
We understand it’s not your fault but either way it is complete BS for this to have gone on for over a month with still no attention. There’s really no excuse.
If they have no time to work on fixing the problems in this game then evidently there’s a problem with the # of people employed… there are still so many bugs people have been begging for fixes for years as well without even so much as a single post of some acknowledgment, let alone fixes.
Suffice to say we aren’t very trusting because of that.
Either way I cannot speak for anyone but myself… but I’m grateful for you trying to maintain communication with us despite it not being a part of your job, along with anything you can do to help us.
Please don’t stop here though! We believe in you, senpai!
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
I only play human females, yes.
I would never consider another race to play unless I wanted to make a character specifically for trolling, like a nomad guard male norn max size etc.
If I want to actually enjoy playing my character it needs to be aesthetically pleasing, not ugly and I find asuras/norns/charr to be hideous personally.
Man Abe, you said already that you didnt like your Seaweed Salad, but why didnt you like your focus as well.
Maybe do this earlier next time. :pTell me about it lol, I had great plans for Bloomhunger, like using Chains of Light when Miku was casting Meteor Shower and Ice Storm and actually swapping to focus after 4 Zealot’s Flames, but oh well. My brain was kind of shut down by this time and rolling for swamp for 10 minutes didn’t make it any better.
Dw mine was too, I presume we could do this over 20 seconds faster with perfect rotations etc… but our wisps was faster than it normally was by 2 seconds in this run too.
can some 1 enlighten me on what was done differently to get a 1.5min shorter time over the previous?
The path is really long so the short answer is that all of the tiny little things done to optimize time really added up, for example in vC’s video they actually did a proper phase 3 lupicus skip as opposed to in LOD’s, and they had faster burn times on basically all bosses by at least a couple of seconds if I’m not mistaken.
However the biggest difference between this record and the last imo is killing Simin before she has the chance to go into hiding. That was probably their best accomplishment. Not just because you have to spend time getting the sparks but because she heals while hidden and you have to reapply vuln/your might drops, etc.
Who the kitten cares, sorry why make extra a thread for such a minor thing? This forum is so ridiculous when it comes to such things. Same with this ridiculous view of the ‘bugged’ mossman.
It’s fine if you want to justify being a bad player by pretending that completely disabling a boss from attacking and moving is a legit tactic, but not fine for you to have such a narrowminded and egocentric viewpoint to claim that just because you do not care about something means that no one else should.
Thanks both of ya, and well to be honest I expected it to be way worse than it was, as this took a total of about an hour. I think it would have taken longer if I was the one rolling for swamp every time we had to reset, because this game just doesn’t seem to like me very much
You are right though, we have had at least 3 times to reset due to getting mossman but overall we were fairly lucky with the wisp rolling… and ele/guardian is a pretty easy and comfortable combination overall so there wasn’t too much that could go wrong.
Now, if we did this with ele/warrior or ele/ele or ele/thief… that would be a completely different story. It would be like playing the lottery every single time you try to use ice bow or meteor shower lol
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Thanks, Talyn! I appreciate that
Well all rolls are fine except two… the two that you cannot do it with are ummm…
Northwest + North + Northeast
North + Northeast + East
Aside from those two rolls all of the other ones will be ones that guardian can do two of np, so it did not require us to restart for better wisp RNG as many times as it was for something wrong happening like triggering a trap or getting teleported randomly as you are jumping over a tree xD
Yes, and he can manage it fairly consistently too. I think it’s possible to do 2 wisps on all classes if you get the west one and the champion drake one, provided you never engage in combat and have swiftness the whole time but I’m not too sure
Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkSn19QmRok
Abe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnnxdfLwVxs
Hi, this is a full swamp duo with the game build 48,555 but I forgot to press F11 for the video unfortunately… looks like Abe remembered tho. The boss is bloomhunger.
As far as I see on the list for gw2records.net there are no FotM duo records yet so hopefully this counts as one :o
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Most dangerous ranged party would obviously be 5 staff eles.
If you are crippled, chilled or lack swiftness there is a higher likelihood of more hits in whirlwind attack connecting.
The new traits are MASSIVELY buffing warrior overall, especially in PvE.
Food in AC?
Boon duration food m8s. Dumplings OP.
But then again what do I know. I’m just some scrub warrior that uses healing signet at imbued shaman afterall.
Thief has better mobility than warrior, just saying. The only way warrior actually can surpass thief mobility is if they are sword+warhorn and GS with bull’s charge. This is also excluding the fact that thieves can blink up on ledges etc, which warrior cannot.
Warrior mobility DOES NOT need to be toned down. Warrior has to sacrifice in WvW and PvP in order to have it (cleansing ire with longbow, a stance or shout, etc), GS rush and whirlwind alone are not anything close to enough to escape a thief, and even an elementalist can have an easy time catching up.
I have had it happen before Berserker dies many times too though, in fact it happened on stream to me tonight, slightly after my opening burst in a low man setting so I went far away to a safe position before it happened… so if what you say is true then they turn invisible regardless of what point in the fight it is.
This is bogus, I don’t remember it happening last year and only started to notice it a few months ago. Tonight in particular I died from it when Berserker was <5% so it kittened me off. -.-
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Does anyone else ever experience random 3k damage ticks from burning when doing molten duo ever? Idk how to explain it but there’s no aoe anywhere around me and suddenly I get burning pulsing for 3k damage a tick. It’s really weird… happens sometimes after berserker dies and we wait for firestorm to stop roleplaying.