(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
The movement skills should feel rewarding … in combat.
Chilling and crippling your enemy should also feel rewarding, but now they don’t serve their intended purpose. It makes no sense for someone impaired to limp around in slow motion then suddenly burst out in a dash. This isn’t rewarding, this is illogical.
First of all, I like how you enjoyed the majority of my post to cherry pick some line to fit some BS argument.
Secondly, chill and cripple are still rewarding but in different ways. Dashing is not the only way to get around in combat in fact a majority of the time character do this thing called running and those conditions still hamper that (on top of which chill increases CDs). The mobility skills in combat are no longer affected by such things IN COMBAT so it allows the class to function as anet intended. (ex. warrior is very focused on melee when in GS so this allows some ability to stick to targets.) This means that these skills were intended to be tools for people to make their class’s kits work in combat not to spam swiftness and run around the map and getting to places they shouldn’t.
I ignored most of your post because I disagreed with 99% of it. What’s the point in going back and forth about something if it’s already been settled that there’s literally no chance in agreeing with each other?
For example in this post, you completely disagree with me and say that anet intended warriors all along to be able to ignore chill/cripple and leap all over the place regardless of whether or not they have them. You base your opinion off of the fact that they now changed it after 3 years, when you don’t even know if the same people that made everything function the way it used to even work at anet even more.
Claiming that this is what they intended all along is your opinion, not a fact.
Additionally, claiming that mobility skills weren’t intended to be used when out of combat is only your opinion. You have nothing to base this off of at all. If skills on this game weren’t intended to be used outside of combat, we wouldn’t be able to cast anything without being in combat.
I don’t think you understand what a bug is, nor how programming works.
A nice baseless assumption about me when you have no idea who I am, to let me know that you don’t really have any interest in being relevant to the topic. Cool.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
That makes literally no sense. If they had the ability to make swiftness affect mobility skills in the first place then obviously they had the ability to make it not do so as well. What on earth are you talking about… not having the technology. Are you kidding me lol?
It’s not a matter of this been unintended all along, it’s a matter of them deciding to change it out of the blue after 3 years.
This was an excellent change. Mobility skills on weapons were not put in the game to move around a map quickly. They were there for combat hence why they were on weapon skills.
Err, what? So you’re trying to say skills created for the sole purpose of mobility aren’t intended to be used for mobility. That’s basically what you just typed.
The movement skills should feel rewarding … in combat.
Chilling and crippling your enemy should also feel rewarding, but now they don’t serve their intended purpose. It makes no sense for someone impaired to limp around in slow motion then suddenly burst out in a dash. This isn’t rewarding, this is illogical.
I love how this is a nerf and not a buff, considering that conditions that would have made your powers fall short don’t do that anymore also. This is not a nerf, it’s not a buff, it is balance and stabilizing something that was probably never intended.
It nerfs the majority of all situations in which the average player uses mobility skills. It buffs mobility when you’re applied movement impairing conditions in combat, but it nerfs mobility when you’re in combat and not applied with any movement impairing conditions, and nerfs mobility when you’re out of combat altogether. This is an overall nerf.
And if it wasn’t intended for swiftness to affect distance traveled from using mobility skills, then it wouldn’t have been this way for 3 years. Regardless of how easy it would be for devs to miss something when testing content, it’s literally impossible for them to have gotten this far without noticing it.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Hey KaporHabakuk, check out my guide stickied at the top of this subforum.
While it’s mostly geared towards those who want to maximize their damage against bosses in dungeons in a solo setting, I cover the full build guide for maximizing damage output.
Warrior in PvE has such immensely good personal damage now that it surpasses what it used to dish out pre-ferocity. It’s now officially back as one of the highest damaging classes. So try out what I suggest and if you have any questions just post a comment on the thread and I’ll answer it whenever I can.
I use food/nourishment for essentially everything in the game that allows for it.
Well like I said on page 1 of my guide generally speaking you will take healing signet if health is something you will actually have to monitor in a fight. If you’re taking it just to spam the active off cooldown for signet mastery, you would be better off taking “to the limit” instead for the 5 might + adrenaline. So with that in mind, you wouldn’t be able to regularly maintain more than 100 precision from the trait mid-fight, making truffle steak the obvious best option.
Even if you were using healing signet active off cooldown for signet mastery, +200 precision extra would just make it possible to use sweet and spicy butternut squash soup, which costs 1g. You’d gain only 70 ferocity from that. Does the tradeoff sound worth it to you?
In reality, it’s just not worth it honestly. Remember that between the three attributes power/precision/ferocity, ferocity comes third in order of importance.
Why would you include anyone’s opinion if you don’t even know what theirs is? Who cares if there are people not posting on the forums how they feel about the update if you don’t even know what they’d say? Like, how does it have anything to do with this thread? This thread is specifically for venting frustration about an update I disagree with and want changed.
The only input that matters is the input provided from the people that decide to give it, and the overwhelming majority of all people who’ve commented on this change be it on the forums, reddit, or wherever, are people who disagree with it.
It doesn’t matter whether or not people are more likely to post on forums if they’re upset about something rather than vice versa. There were tons of people lashing out at Anet for their expansion prepurchasing shenanigans and their input wasn’t in vain. The concept is the exact same, just that one had real life money involved and this one does not.
And it really doesn’t matter how much you want to call it a warrior QQ thread – fact of the matter is this nerf hurts eles the most between warrior and ele, because ele had access to super speed which was superb with FGS but can never be used again. Warrior’s main mobility skills that got ruined were Rush and Bull’s Charge, as the nerf primarily destroyed all movement skills greater than 600 range.
“Skills that are supposed to go a set distance but then awkwardly are cut short by last second chill or cripple feel unrewarding.”
Yeah so… that sounds awfully familiar to the point so many of us here were trying to make… try casting movement skills with swiftness now and see how rewarding they feel, knowing you can nearly outrun the skills by just taking your hands off the keyboard, leaning back in your chair and watching your character go with autorun on instead.
“Inversely, trying to do something to a target when you have no cripple or chill and they just dash miles away is equally frustrating.”
Ok… so it’s less frustrating to use cripple and chill on someone and have them able to freely leap/dash away at normal run speed instead? Your logic is falling apart here unfortunately.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
How can you have too much precision? You’re getting free precision from the trait without investing any gear into it so I don’t see what the problem is. Also I cannot think of any place where you would be casting 5 signets while running without having the problem of waiting for the cooldowns to switch back to normal utils for the next encounter.
And my opinion about condition builds is they’re dreadfully monotonous to watch and have too low of a skill cap for me to care to play them. They have high damage in solo settings, especially on bosses with high armor, but they will not be something that I will cover in my guide. This opinion stands for the case of warrior only for me.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Hey all, I’ve updated my guide to include relevant information as of today 6/30/2015, as per the update on 6/23/2015 that included specializations and a lot of changes for the warrior.
You can view a nice link to a lot of the build information here: http://intothemists.com/guides/5899-solo_pve_warrior_build
Unfortunately due to the character limit, I am forced to link a lot of information externally now.
A summary of some of the major changes for the warrior:
-Berserker’s Power is no longer a passive 15% damage increase at full adrenaline but we will now need to actively maintain it by using our burst skills off cooldown (at 100% adrenaline) to maintain a 20% damage modifier. You will want to use Arcing Slice over Eviscerate most of the time to maintain fury.
-Because we will be maintaining fury from Arcing Slice and Signet of Rage, the shout “For Great Justice” is no longer meta for the solo warrior. Signet of Might has replaced it as it provides more power, which is a nice DPS boost for us!
-The trait Stick & Move was buffed from 3% to 10%, making it a relevant enough DPS increase to justify paying very close attention to your endurance. A 10% damage modifier is fairly noticeable, so I suggest making sure your endurance bar isn’t full to the best of your ability in an encounter to maintain optimal DPS!
-Attack of Opportunity was renamed to Bloodlust and was nerfed from 10% to 5% damage against bleeding foes. I think I can live with this considering how much our personal damage was buffed already.
-Rending Strikes is now a minor trait in arms meaning we’ll have more vuln in solos than before. Previously we’d always take the former version of Deep Strikes for extra precision, so this is another DPS increase for us!
-Healing Surge was renamed to “To The Limit” and changed to a shout, and due to the recent changes it’s even more desirable for solo encounters where health isn’t a problem, as we’ll want to be starting out a fight by using our burst skill at full adrenaline for Berserker’s Power.
-We have 3 super-awesome GM traits at our disposal now that we didn’t get to use in solos before: Furious, Heightened Focus and Burst Mastery. My explanation for these 3 traits can be found on the first post of this thread on page 1.
Anyways this guide is always going to be a work in progress as long as I play this game, hope you guys continue to find it helpful. Let me know of any feedback if you have any to give, I’d greatly appreciate suggestions if there are any.
Yeah, trust me when I say that almost every single person I know that plays/has played warrior since the mobility nerf finds it dreadfully slow now. Those threads are very justified and while I have no data to back up the claim of “most of us feel this way,” I think the responses on this thread and any others pertaining to the mobility changes along with the responses given when asking people ingame, on my stream chat, and on forums indicate that this is a very unpopular change.
Thanks for the information about the in combat vs out of combat speed though guys.
Anyone ever solo Arah 100% in first person camera? That’s something I haven’t seen…
On the day of the update I solod Arah p3 on first person with my warrior, but I died like 5 times on crusher/hunter because it had that weird cone attack bug where all mobs in the game would have like 180 degree cone attacks. It was a strange experience… dizzy too.
To be honest considering how OP damage is now since the update, it would be inappropriate for them to revert his autoattack at this point.
Being in combat gives a movement speed debuff of ~28% (294 units/second out of combat, 210 units/second in combat).
Did you test this yourself? I’m curious, as I’m too lazy to myself tbh.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
you know it’s a sad day when the common complaint of “you just stack and press 1” has actually become a reality.
They need to click 10 as well.
Where’s the 10 key on the keyboard?
He said click, you melon. xD
Anyways… so I tested this out today and dear god it’s horrifying how broken it is.
Like… wow. Ridiculous.
a warrior QQ thread. how typical.
Yeah because warrior’s the only class in the game with movement skills. Nice post buddy, but if you wouldn’t mind I would prefer to have people posting only if they care enough to read beyond the first few words of the post.
It’s strange how no one at anet even comments on these :S
The biggest thing that I see is mobility is fun above all else. A person should be rewarded for quick swapping weapons and using mobility skills over just plain running. The moments of the war thief and elies are part of what makes them fun classes to play. The mobility that they have should be incorporated into other classes not nerfed. GW2 boils down to a game of movements. If you cant move it makes the game a lot less fun.
VERY well said. This is exactly true, it’s FUN to swap weapons/gear and make use of everything at your disposal to move quickly.
Thanks for the post, I’m tempted to edit my OP to add this in because I forgot to mention this.
I don’t like the change either but I can’t imagine it game breaking. It hurts classes that used soft cc on people the most, not people who wanted to go faster for lulz.
It’s “gamebreaking” in the sense that it pretty much ruins any chance of traveling around feeling fluid/enjoyable besides autorunning. Using movement-enhancing boons should naturally enhance your movement. Skills that move forward/backward SHOULD be affected.
So.. many… emoticons…
Anyways, you could maybe try posting this in here:
You will have a lot better of responses in that subforum than in here. However maybe a moderator will move this thread for you instead so you don’t need to repost another topic.
Alternatively, you could find a guild in the community section.
7 dungeons with 4 paths, 1 dungeon with 5 paths, fractals with 50 levels.
That’s effectively 83 dungeon paths for you to experience.
I don’t think gw2 really needs any more dungeons at this time – and I don’t think any more will be released for the base game itself.
Tons of the paths have SO much overlap that you are exaggerating a lot. CoE for example are all the same paths just with 1 boss changed lol
COE is a lot more than one boss changed. There are are different bosses and mechanics beside the main boss in different paths of COE. But yes, you can’t call each path of a dungeon a fully new dungeon either.
However, dungeons like CE and COF do have very different paths as well. You chose one illustration to try to prove a point, but ignored others that really do operate very differently.
Paths 2 & 3 are the same for CoE besides the husk and destroyer bosses. The subject slpha boss is literally the exact same encounter in all 3 paths. Everything up until husk/destroyer in paths 2 & 3 are the exact same things…. path 1 has barely anything different besides the security console and bjarl, other than that it’s the same subject alpha boss like in the other two paths.
That’s a LOT of overlap.
Some of the dungeons like Arah, SE, and CoF have much less overlap and the paths vary way more, but then there are some like CoE which have barely anything different in them at all.
This is what I pointed out. It makes the situation look way better in Anet’s favor if you say we have over 80 different dungeons to do but so many of the paths run through the same segments of the map, some of the paths have copy/paste boss mechanics and in the case of CoE, have the exact same boss in all 3 paths. Lupicus is another example of that, though in his defense he has much more interesting mechanics than 99% of the bosses in the game.
7 dungeons with 4 paths, 1 dungeon with 5 paths, fractals with 50 levels.
That’s effectively 83 dungeon paths for you to experience.
I don’t think gw2 really needs any more dungeons at this time – and I don’t think any more will be released for the base game itself.
Tons of the paths have SO much overlap that you are exaggerating a lot. CoE for example are all the same paths just with 1 boss changed lol
Yeah TheDuck that’s another good point. Removing counterplay from PvP… makes this change even more illogical.
If it’s universally disliked then we should be more vocal about it instead of just giving up and accepting the terrible choice :/
It is mostly for HoT, since there are places they want you to reach only with masteries and stuff.
I don’t think you understand… refer to my first post. There is essentially no map breakout that can’t be done with this mobility nerf.
If it would be possible to reach a place with swiftness affecting leaps, it’s also possible without in nearly every circumstance.
I believe they said they done this so skills match what they say it does.
If a skill says it moves you 900 you go 900, swiftness made you overshoot this number with slows making it go less than stated.
I think this is why decided to go ahead and gut mobility.
So then why wouldn’t they just make it so this “Slow” and “Quickness” alike don’t affect the distance traveled?
This seems like the only logical explanation to me…
The channels would still get decreased/increased but your character would perform the skill quicker or slower, so you would still go the same distance. This would be a perfect solution to it.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Why didn’t they just merge this trait?
The only logical explanation I can come up with is that they forgot about it because it makes no sense whatsoever to completely remove one of the most useful traits we had for PvE.
This post is more or less just a rant, and I feel the need to vent frustration about this change because it’s something I completely disagree with.
This nerf is probably the most depressing changes I’ve seen happen for this game since 2013.
It’s so bad that autorun with swiftness pretty much nearly matches warrior GS rush and whirlwind. They’re barely worth casting now when ooc.
I really don’t see what the problem was with letting swiftness and super speed affect movement skills. If it was super speed, then perhaps reducing the access certain classes had to it would have sufficed… but even then, what was the problem with them?
I heard a rumor that part of the reason that they wanted to nerf combat mobility skills with swiftness is because of people breaking out of maps. Well let me assure you – as an expert mountain goat… this nerf made about no impact whatsoever with the ability to break out of maps… absolutely none.
So if that wasn’t a part of the nerf, then perhaps it’s because of people complaining about random mobs crippling them in open world. For example I remember some thread on here about a guy who was upset with hyenas crippling them. Well then remove the cripple from hyenas? This doesn’t seem like a valid reason for them to have done this, so I doubt it was it…
So what gives? Why make moving around feel so sluggish?
It’s one of the biggest letdowns with the update for me. I used to really love running around and playing but this is really holding me back from enjoying gameplay. The two classes I main are elementalist and warrior which the nerf obviously affected the most.
Thief being the most mobile class in the game is also heavily affected with heartseekers.
I dunno. I want to enjoy this game but something like this really holds me back from it.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
A true work of art. Fantastic solo, Abraham. In light of your achievement I’ve taken the liberty of creating a perfect stream title for you:
Snow Crows [SC] .:.:Abe:.:. #GrenadierBoyz #CondiHype #NoGorillaChatCover
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
There’s not a whole lot to add to the thread but it’s worth mentioning that they removed Inspiring Banners for no apparent reason when it should have been either made baseline or kept in tactics, and I also think it was a pretty stupid move to have Crack Shot and Inspiring Battle Standard moved to Discipline too.
Because apparently it confused new players too much.
I think I paid about $35 because I bought the game on Amazon for a discounted price from the regular $50.
So, yeah. $35.
As for gems… I paid for them with my hard-earned gold or was gifted them. I haven’t ever spent real life money on ’em before.
The master level traits need a bit of adjustments imo. They’re too underwhelming for master level really and often times irrelevant options anyways.
I really dislike how the original deep strikes trait was merged with signet mastery and given the free might signet. It feels like this one trait is trying so hard to do so much at once but for no reason. I mean… just look at the other two options:
“Gain fury when you immobilize a target”
“Gain adrenaline while in combat. Gain fury when you strike a foe below the health threshold.”
Berserker’s fury isn’t bad, but my gosh opportunist looks underwhelming. Signet mastery is just so good here.
As for the grandmaster traits… they seem alright to me tbh. I’m not sure if I would change any.
Which things have you tried?
Some of the things I suggest:
-Change maps
-Change characters
-Waypoint somewhere else
-Leave and re-enter party
-Restart client
Try all of those things at once.
Looking at the pictures in the OP it’s no wonder they failed. Look at all the people scattered at max range. This is obviously not an organised map.
The people that want to continue doing Tequatl in their daily rotations are just going to need to learn how to adapt to the change. The fact that it’s been accomplished at all since the update shows that it’s certainly possible to do.
Should the HP be toned down at all and should they consider making other hitboxes crittable? Sure. Should the HP be nerfed down to a flat 50% increase? In my opinion no.
Oh wow. Do you mean this trait? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bountiful_Disillusionment
Hmm well it says in the notes “Effect does not trigger for each illusion shattered.”
I do not play mesmer so I do not know… I must be missing something/a lot of things then.
Who says speedrun guilds don’t have casual runs?
relaxed and unconcerned.
Not trying to be pedantic hear but I’m definitely being misinterpreted. There is a profound difference between record attempts and people just doing daily runs for gold/tokens. That’s what I mean by casual runs, not runs done by “casuals.”
Well yeah, as long as there are fewer options to choose from there’s always going to be less diversity.
Some of the traits before the update were barely used/extremely situational, it’s true, but I didn’t see anything wrong with that.
Now I find it boring by comparison I will admit. There are benefits and drawbacks to both systems.
You can use portals in basically any path to speed certain parts up, there’s just some paths that don’t really have nearly as much opportunity as others.
Even in one of the most linear paths in the game a mesmer proved to save a ton of time for Hotw P1 record right before the update, and now mesmer is able to use mimic to do portals even more. They also have power block, really fast defiance stripping and of course the OP slow condition that just got implemented into the game with their time warp.
Guardians are great don’t get me wrong, but in your original post you seem to be ill-informed (no offense meant by that).
Mesmers actually have the best reflect uptime by a lot, but guardians have the option of going for near permanent projectile defense should they want to and their reflects are generally easier to make use of and more reliable. It makes them much more friendly to use for casual runs.
One of the biggest differences between guard and mesmer is that guard can provide tons of group-wide stability and blocks whereas mesmer cannot, so it’s easier to carry groups through content with guard than it is with mesmer.
Also guard has moderate personal DPS in groups while mesmer’s is really low, this is true, but you don’t take either class for their DPS. You take them for their utility.
Would they really look that much stranger than the fuzzy animal hats that we already have though?
I miss the warrior’s Inspiring Banners trait.
I miss the elementalist’s Stone Splinters trait.
I miss the guardian’s scepter power trait.
I miss a lot of things.
Not this again….cat ears does not fit GW2.Cat ears fits immersion dead games such as Perfect World games.No pls
Yeah but apparently having black and white feathered wings are perfectly fine along with having Super Saiyan Charrs and rainbow unicorns flying out of longbows.
I want this boss to remain exactly how it is BUT I want them to slightly up the rewards a little to justify doing it.
If I’m going to exert myself to bother with this, make it worth my time please. Having a very miniscule chance of RNG skins is not something that I’m fond of, and the negligible ~13k karma along with the 2g requires me to wait or search for an organized map, prepping up to maybe an hour in advance for it. In that time I could easily acquire more gold and karma than this, so this just isn’t enough imo.
The gold reward is fine, but why not perhaps adding a unique currency acquired from doing this boss (similar to that of pristine relics) that you can use to buy the skins from a vendor from a quantity of maybe ~20 each?
That’s just an idea I had off the top of my head, but it sounds pretty good to me. It would also solve the horrible RNG problem.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
That’s the pug meta. It’s for casual runs which is exactly what I said. Guardian makes things easier but in a 5 man setting they are suboptimal in basically all dungeons and fractals.
You can’t expect pugs to execute things properly nor can most people be bothered to exert themselves beyond a certain threshold in casual dungeon and fractal runs, and for those circumstances you take a guard.
Why aren’t you using warhorn when you’re OOC for swiftness?
If you’re camping GS + A/M all the time that’s your reason for lacking swiftness. Take advantage of the tools at your disposal.
As for your complaint about GS3 and GS5… I completely agree with them feeling worthless now. Savage leap isn’t changed very much but the greatsword skills really blow now.
There’s no reason to play Mesmer in PvE now that Guardian can apply quickness every 30s (24s with shout trait).
Very much wrong. Guardian may be good for casual runs but mesmer is by far the superior class for optimization. The time to travel throughout a dungeon path is by far the longest part in most cases.
^ This is true.
Lupicus is basically the new spider queen from pre-patch.
Yeah there are many reasons why the loot on this game is so bad but it’s partly because of the pay model. Subscription MMOs dont really have the problem where they need to constantly push for incentivizing buying gold but instead just to buy subscriptions, whereas free games want you to buy gold. Buy-to-play games like this one are kind of in the middle between the two usually.
In this case of GW2, they want there to be a heavy incentive to buy gems and convert to gold, but not overburdening to the point where you feel like you have no other choice.
Some of the posts on the first page of this thread are really disturbing imo.
I am perfectly fine with gay marriage, but do I want it shoved in my face everywhere I turn to, be it reddit or imgur or the TV or facebook or youtube etc? No not really.
Because of that, I cannot help but feel mildly annoyed by this tweet. I have always believed it to be stupid for it to be illegal. It’s basic human rights to me. But regardless of my opinion on the matter, I would prefer not to see anything about it coming from the game that I play.
My opinion is that real life politics shouldn’t be discussed like this on the forums. This isn’t and shouldn’t be permitted on this forum unless they specifically make an “Off-Topic Discussion” subforum.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Yeah it’s really bad… it feels so sluggish by comparison to what it was prior to the nerf. The nerf affected savage leap and whirlwind, but not nearly as badly as it affected fiery whirl on FGS and warrior rush on GS. The difference of impact of the nerf between 600 range dash/leaps and 900-1200 is really large.
It’s a shame.