You can pass the bubbles by using a block skill as you pass through.
They forgot to add it. It’s our duty to remind them about it, so keep posting these threads.
Also why are some of you ganging up on Julie Yann?
She exaggerated a little in some comments but technically everything she said is true. You really don’t need to have things like vigour/protection/aegis and whatnot provided you know when to evade/block yourself.
I just find it kind of peculiar to read her type a comment like that which is technically true, then see someone reply to her and claim it to be the stupidest thing they’ve ever read. Excuse me?
Eh, PvE peasants…
Because Revenant lacks all those damage modifiers, it’s actually amazing. Most traits (apart from Ventari ones) have some thought besides “20% more dmg when X”, they actually feel like traits or talents, not kittening level upgrade.
Before you say something:
1. I don’t and won’t care about PvE at it’s current rotten state. You have your DPS speedruning, I have my fun.
2. Neither you or me know anything about HoT PvE.
Wow condescending much?
What an incredibly myopic viewpoint to have. You don’t care about anybody else’s opinions as far as balance is concerned and only care about whether or not you have fun with roleplay healing builds. Well, that’s your problem.
Yeah there’s been problems with parties/prompts to join instances for years. Since you’re new to the game there’s absolutely no way I would expect you to understand the problem. It’s really weird, I know.
Next time this happens, I suggest you try what Oxidia said and waypoint somewhere far on the map so that you get a loading screen. If it doesn’t work then try hopping to another map and back.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Miku is complaining that the Revenant’s traits make it bad in every role, not just DPS, right?
Nah, I’m complaining primarily because there’s not only nothing offensive oriented, but all four of these specializations have really lackluster options for everything. Even if the other two traitlines are good, the current four of them are still pretty horrible.
The weapon skills are underwhelming as well.
In PvE it looks like it’s going to be really bad. That’s the main problem that I have.
Ahahah, a LOT of traits are bad on several classes at the moment. Rangers lost the 5% vitality converted into power trait and had it replaced with 7% healing power converted to power.
Anet has no idea what they are doing.
Hey that’s a valid point, I agree with ya.
But regardless of how many problems exist with our current classes, I think it’s pretty obvious that Revenant’s current traits shown to us are much worse. If you disagree feel free to explain otherwise.
It sounds like we’re on the same team here though.
Yeah, encouraging people to grief on the LFG is definitely against the rules, and so is doing it.
Well, you tested a beta class in 2 paths and one fractal run with the same build, so I guess the decision is final…
Take a look at what the class has to offer in 4 of its specializations and weapons. Absolutely nothing.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Thanks Gaile o/
You don’t get it, but I still don’t understand how you’re so confused.
I’m not complaining about being unable to trait and equip gear properly, I’m complaining about all of the options being way worse by comparison than what other classes have.
Seriously, what part of it is confusing you? I’m not sure if I can simplify this any further.
There were so few of decent traits that this class is really looking like it’s going to be weaker than necro, which says a lot.
Yes, for example that people still cry on and on about Necros in PvE despite them being far from bad nowadays.
Compared to other classes, they’re very bad in PvE. Perhaps you just haven’t really seen the classes all at their full potential yet?
Necro has nothing to bring to groups. Absolutely anything they can do, others can do better… unless we’re talking about fearing trash mobs away.
What I’m saying is that you need to learn and understand how to use the traits. GW2 is a game with dynamic fight mechanics. The traits you select assist your game play. If you feel the traits are weak before even trying to learn to use them, then it’s quite possible the Revenant doesn’t fit your Zerker play style. From what I’m seeing, this profession is more support and sustain than 1-hit kills.
You basically just explained exactly why the Revenant’s traits are problematic. Well… thanks I guess? :/
How is it a L2P issue? I’m complaining about the traits being bad, not complaining about having trouble playing it.
I compare this class’s traits to other classes’ traits, and they are dreadful by comparison. All four of the traitlines.
What’s difficult to understand?
I couldn’t even tell which specialization was supposed to be more healing/defensive related, because all 4 specializations were filled with traits that had nothing pertaining to anything relevant in PvE. There were so few of decent traits that this class is really looking like it’s going to be weaker than necro, which says a lot.
I understand there will be 2 more, but just… how could these last two specializations make up for how absolutely terrible the current specializations are?
Thinking realistically it doesn’t look like this is going to be a good class at all. I don’t understand why there’s so much emphasis on healing allies and so little options for people who just want to focus on more offensive builds.
Oh Weth you misunderstood me, it’s not a matter of your wording of the rules that’s making it less clear for me it’s just the fact that the rules change on a weekly basis. Because of them changing, it’s no longer something that I can easily remember. For example I remember a few weeks ago you enabled Lupi wallsploiting, but I don’t remember if it was changed back to be disallowed after people whined about it. I would have to check the website again to see.
This is just one example, but it’s like that with basically all of the modified rules/added ones. Formerly, all I had to do was just remember all of the rules once and I was good to go. Now this isn’t the case.
I didn’t see much of a problem with the rules after the meeting was held. If you were being asked about whether or not things were allowed, couldn’t you just do a FAQ section for specific things you get asked?
I would have to say no thank you very much. What use would you have for loot under your level aside from salvaging?
That’s the point. Lower level gear salvages for actually good materials worth something on the tp, whereas level 80 gear salvages for trash like mithril, elder wood, etc.
The abomination of p2? You don’t even need to dodge his hammer swings if you’re on warrior. unless you’re like 25% hp. Even then, you can side step them no problem.
His aoe you just dodge when he jumps. You can see when he jumps because he crouches at the start of the animation.
The only reason we have voted weekly is because rules were so subjective. If you think rules have changed much since then, that should tell something about the subjectivity.
When rules are subjective it’s easy to think you know what they mean. If that had truly been the case, why did I receive questions about “is this allowed?” and “why is that allowed?” on about weekly basis?
To be honest with you, I’ve had to ask that question more and more lately. Because of the fact that I constantly have to worry about whether or not something is allowed or disallowed due to the weekly rule changes, it’s no clearer to me what is allowed and what isn’t as the weeks pass. No offense to anyone here but I really don’t have the patience to read through all of these huge walls of text (I wouldn’t blame anyone for saying the same about mine here as well haha), be it on this thread or any others. I just want to know the rules and that’s it most of the time.
Do you think more people would agree with the decisions if we based it on a minority? Even with a clear result like 6-3 it’s quite normal to have lots of people complaining about the result. This is often called as a vocal minority. People tend to open their mouth when something is wrong instead of when something is right, so it’s easy to jump in conclusion that “no one likes the results”.
I think it’s a good time to review this voting process as most of the stuff has now been decided. And reverting the progress is definitely a worth-while option for that. Though I have to say I would resign in that case since I don’t want to go back to that kitten when spending so much effort to get rid of it.
I get your point and I agree with you that for the most part people will only post when they are displeased with the results. I’m an example of that right now, but somehow I can’t help but feel I’m not a minority.
Honestly there’s only 1 person from rT taking part in the weekly votes and no one else. I would be willing to bet that it’s probably the same thing for most of the, if not all of the guilds listed on page 1 of the thread. With that being the case, it doesn’t fully represent how everybody in the community feels but I understand that allowing everyone to vote would just be impractical. I bring this up only because minority vote in a group of a dozen people isn’t really that much smaller than the majority vote because of this.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
WTB bunny ears…
I find this system really inconvenient because I have to worry about the rules changing every week, so I don’t feel like I know what is and what is allowed like I once did. My personal opinion is that the ruleset was fine before the weekly voting, and that it’s just getting worse and worse as the weeks go by because too many people don’t agree with the ruleset changes based off of the majority votes. I don’t think only Wethospu should decide on rules either.
I am in favor of just reverting to the rules decided from that last gwscr meeting.
I’ll ask for it to be stickied, it makes sense for it to be.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Start with cof p1 and SE p1. Those are both really linear dungeons and shouldn’t be too much trouble for you to learn.
My original intention was to create a warrior build that didn’t strictly follow the meta but was able to perform effectively in dungeons.
Personally I would like to see more variety in builds for each class but it’s hard to rationalise much change because alot of what there is to offer in the ways of different traits and utils just isn’t very relevant to what’s needed in dungeons.
Unfortunately due to the specializations variety is pretty much out of the question as far as traits are concerned. We have way fewer options now so most builds will inevitably use the same traits in most cases, with a few exceptions.
Well I did a full Arah run tonight after the patch and his bubbles were still going behind me like they have been for the past few months.
“the exploit”
Implying there’s only one exploit…
But yes Nyx it’s not that simple. I made a video showing how to do it
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Extra tokens sounds pretty good, yeah
His bubble is not fixed. It’s just that it only bugs on players, and if you move backwards or forwards while he’s casting it it will hit you. Kinda like how moving while he does shadowstep is what causes him to teleport to Narnia.
First of all you’re overhyping hammer. It does not have a strong autoattack, it’s actually quite awful. It’s similar to greatsword’s autoattack chain, which is also really slow. Greatsword has horrible autoattacks but the rest of its skills are very good damage-wise. Hammer’s however are not high damage, and like I said are only used for soft + hard cc. If you use it in groups, you can interrupt attacks, yes, but you’re also pushing mobs away making it slower to kill mobs and therefore increasing the amount of opportunities for them to attack. Due to the significantly slower kill times, you will be absorbing more and more damage over time.
Also whether or not you’re critting, axe always has the most efficient autoattack chain. You don’t need to highlight that it’s not optimal for speedrunning either… that part I know, and since you want my feedback I’ll give it.
Ok so for traits, you’re taking defense specialization over arms so you don’t get signet mastery or furious, making your adrenaline accumulate very slowly. You will not maintain berserker’s power as a result.
Additionally, you aren’t taking forceful greatsword which is arguably one of the, if not the best trait(s) warrior has. Sacrificing 10% extra damage with every greatsword attack, along with might accumulation on critical hits with no ICD, along with 20% reduced cooldowns on every GS skill, just for 10% of your power to get converted to vitality… is a pretty huge mistake. You value vitality too much here.
Leeching and hydromancy skills are pointless because if you’re taking tanky traits/equipment then why would you need to leech health? You also have healing signet which is pretty much one of the most OP healing skills in the game, and such high health anyways so this sigil is just a waste when you could be taking things that are way way better and help 100% of the time.
Same thing with hyrodmancy sigil, do you need to chill enemies if they aren’t even moving? The damage loss is huge, and the benefit of chilling mobs for just a second or two is negligible and will not serve any purpose.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
So I pathed the mobs in arah p1(oozes), after sitting here for around 70mins they still haven’t returned to their spawn. I think distance breaks their pathed aggro point allowing them to return to their spawn. I’ll have to try dying and running ridiculously far away later.
If no one is in a given area for a long enough period of time, everything seems to change.
It’s why in Arah p1 for example, by the time the group is up to Lupicus you could waypoint back to the White Bears Waypoint, run into the area where Ancient Ooze used to spawn, and all the turrets will be back along with some spiders.
You will also notice that many times, the specific type of elite risen mobs can change. For example instead of getting 2x elite risen mages, 1x elite risen hunter, and 2x elite risen illusionists, you might end up with getting 2x elite risen hunters, 2x elite risen elementalists, and 1x elite risen illusionist.
Whenever this happens it seems that pathed mobs can reset too, but one thing I’m certain of is that elite mobs do not respawn after they’re killed, nor do any of those little lesser oozes. There are certain mobs and things that do respawn, like those spider hatchlings on the way to Ancient Ooze, but for the most part if you kill anything it won’t respawn.
I just don’t understand what the point of hammer is. Why do you need to use earthshaker at all?
In PvE very few mobs evade/run away, and hammer is a weapon purely used for cc purposes.
I’m not trying to be unkind I just find your choices to be illogical. Like I said, it’s fine if you want to use tankier stat prefixes because you find it too tough to stay alive. In fact, I encourage that you learn in different setups and work your way up to the best, as that will help some players ease their way into GW2’s combat system!
So I promise you the knight’s gear isn’t what I’m shaking my head at, it’s the sigil choices, the traits, and the hammer as secondary weapon are all just… I dunno, pointless?
What exactly are you doing in PvE that requires earthshakers?
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Just want to remind everyone that you can use shield offhand to channel a block while you’re out of combat and swap to any other offhand of your choice mid-channel. Shield is very useful for remaining out of combat.
As a combat offhand it is definitely lackluster.
“Enemies walking through walls” was about arah p1/p2 after Shoggroth or Abomination. You just run through enemies without stealth. Then you jump down off the ledge in the room before Lupicus. Suddenly some risen enemies appear to come through walls. I guess they teleport nearby?
Since there is no stealth, shouldn’t the pathing break when you run through them?
If I understood you correctly:
- Gradually gaining distance makes them stop.
- Instantly gaining “not too much” distance makes them stop.
- Instantly gaining too much distance makes them teleport.
- Moving to an unreachable location may make them teleport or stop.
Ahh forgot about those ones, yeah they are teleporting through the walls not walking through them. I guess this kind of refutes what I said in my previous post about it necessarily being a distance thing, but these patrol mobs seem to behave a lot differently than all the other mobs in Arah that path to you. For these ones they will immediately start pathing to you once you pass the area that Shoggroth dies, but for all the other mobs on this game that path to you they will start once you approach them but still out of their aggro range.
Also the weirder part about these patrol mobs is that they seem to walk right past you when you stealth by them, and will walk in a circle. But you can also lure them to Shoggroth’s spawn by slowly backtracing, making sure not to be too far out of reach to them but also making sure not to be too close in range for any of them to aggro.
And yeah, you’ve understood me. I think I will make a quick video demonstrating how to bomb the waypoint at the start to give you an idea :P
EDIT: Here you go, Weth. I sped up the part where I had to goat a little to get to some of the elite mobs, but slowed down right before I pathed them. It’s kinda tricky to get those ones to waypoint, because you need to wait like ~1 second for them to “trigger” their deathwalk/pathing but if you wait too long they’ll just port up onto the rock with you. If you waypoint too early, however, they will just do nothing and stay where they were. So you have to waypoint at the perfect time to get them to port.
But you could see after I waypointed from the p3 mobs that as I was running away, they would all spawn like right under me, all scattered? It’s because as the mobs begin to walk, they don’t all start at the same time but as soon as you are detected out of their line of sight they teleport.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
I can understand if someone wants to use different stat prefixes, whatever floats their boat. But to call this build a DPS variant…?
Also… hammer… in PvE…
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
People expect an MMO patch to be absolutely perfect upon release and it will never happen. There will always be a few nagging bugs here and there and so far Anet is doing a fine job of catching the most obvious before they are released. Never once has GW2 had to be taken down for a hours at a time due to a faulty patch.
It’s not that we expect it to be perfect, it’s that we expect when they mess up random things that they at least let us know that they are aware of the problems and actually do something about it.
A public test server isn’t a bad proposal. Something needs to change with this system. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a public test server though.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Pathing is pretty essential in CM in a few parts unless you want to waste time killing elite mobs. Same with the ones at the start of Hotw p1, same with oozes and many other mobs in Arah.
I can’t say that I would be surprised for people not to know about it considering basically any pug run I’m in there are clueless people luring drakes/lesser oozes all over the place causing chaos. This is not something that’s commonly known about in pugs, but yeah it’s been widely known around these forums/in dungeon running guilds for years.
As for a few of your questions Weth…
What exactly happens when you waypoint? Do enemies teleport or just follow?
What happens if enemies can’t move to your location?
What happens if you run too fast?
Why enemies sometimes walk through walls?
It’s not really just waypointing that makes mobs teleport, it’s just that they are attempting to reach you but you go completely out of their line of sight and have no way to reach you. When this happens, they will teleport. It can be if you suddenly leap up onto unreachable terrain/out of the map, it can happen if you teleport. Something I’ve noticed is that if you let them path close enough to you they will not necessarily teleport to you, but instead will just stop moving abruptly. I think that it’s a distance thing maybe.
If you run too fast then depending on which mobs and where you run to, they should just stop coming.
I don’t think enemies walk through walls, can you give an example?
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Or…ahem port half of Arah back to beginning and open LFG stating everyone welcome. I’m sure NOBODY does that, right? Riiiiiiight??
Didn’t Miku post a picture somewhere where he pathed like 3 arah p4 bosses onto the start WP?
Let me find the picture for you…
Ah, that wasn’t hard to find. Saved it as “ebola waypoint.png”
It was the first boss of p4 and I lured all the p3 mobs at the start, and lured all the elite risen from the left side of p1 on the way to ooze. Fortunately I got lucky this time and one of them was an illusionist, just to spice things up
Was so funny, they all had permanent regen and the illusionist was giving all the mobs retaliation too from its chaos storms.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
It was time to stop selling them over a year ago, it’s been a garbage market for wayyy too long. Too many people learned how to solo Arah and undercut each other to the point where the prices just don’t justify the wait times along with the fact that we have no instance ownership anymore. It was bound to happen eventually but now if you want to sell Arah it might not seem so unappealing to you since you don’t have anything to compare it to, so it’s up to you. Just know what you’re getting yourself into whenever you try it, as the system is very easy to get griefed with.
As for the report, you don’t do yourself any good by posting the screenshot on here. The best you can do is email the names of the people with the screenshot attached to the appropriate CS email of theirs (can’t remember it off the top of my head).
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
I agree with you EnderzShadow but the reason they nerfed mobility skills is probably just because they’re introducing the Slow condition and wanted to take the easy way out on making sure it couldn’t be abused for longer rush/leaps.
I really wish they didn’t do it either but they did, and it really sucks. Warrior feels slow as hell now… but tbh, so does everything else ;_;
Asura look downward, too.
In a really creepy kitten way.
I actually laughed. Thank you for that pic. xD
It’s pretty much guaranteed that if you see an LFG ad with an AP requirement on it, at least 1 person in that group is clueless.
I consider GS to be in a pretty good place if it’s the best in one gamemode, good in another gamemode, yet not that good in another one.
This sort of thing isn’t unique to GS though. For example hammer is in almost the same shape except instead it’s absolutely useless in PvE, very good in PvP and very good in WvW.
All of warrior’s weapons are in good shape except for rifle. That is the only weapon out of all of ours that’s rubbish in all gamemodes.
Getting to be a bit off topic, but just thought I’d comment based off of Skyper’s post above because the way I’m reading it makes it look like he’s saying it’s a problem that GS isn’t good to use in competitive PvP. Considering it’s great to use everywhere else, I think it’s fine for it to be this way.
But if it’s important at all for GS to be useful in PvP then there’s no way this sluggish Rush is gonna cut it. It moves way too slowly.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
It’s kind of hard to give advice to someone for optimizing a build if they don’t want to pick what is optimal :\
You should be using elemental contingency in arcane, pyromancer’s training and persisting flames in fire, tempest defense for any boss that can be cced, and in any downscaled dungeon you should almost all of the time be using water specialization over arcane.
Also camping D/D is really bad. You should be swapping to different sets depending on the dungeon encounters, not staying with the same thing 24-7. Same goes for traits/utilities/food.
Assuming this mobility nerf won’t ever be reverted, all that needs to be changed imo is to reduce the cast time of Rush to 1.5 seconds instead of 2 seconds, but keep the same distance traveled at 1200. The same should be done for any other movement skill for all other classes that travel a distance greater than 600 (by this I mean, reducing the cast times but keeping the distance traveled).
You can use the pillar on the right side as you enter alphards arena to continuously LoS her, should mitigate most of the damage, and it can’t be destroyed randomly like the boxes.
Eh, there’s nothing random about the boxes being destroyed. They get blown up in a specific order, each one after she daggerstorms. She also daggerstorms every 40 seconds if I’m not mistaken, so it’s for the most part a DPS test to kill her before all the barricades are destroyed.
I usually advise against using that one spot in the video because it’s way worse DPS than on the barricades due to the fact that it’s a pretty large object that obstructs your attacks and view easily. It’s pretty safe, but at a pretty huge expense :\
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Since the definition of the word viable is “capable of working,” then yes it along with everything in this game is viable.
If you ask the question instead “Is rifle good?” then you’d probably get a different answer.
It’s only a requirement if you do not have cleric gear
>35 hours a week
>35 hours
>every week
>140 hours every month, plus the odd amount from days left over of the 5th partial week
>1680+ a year
>of your life
>to one gameanon plz no
~3.3k hours in 2 years of video games is not that bad at all. Still plenty of time remaining to get things done in a week if you spend 35 hours, unless you live a super busy life doing tons of work… but that doesn’t sound very enjoyable to me.