Showing Posts For Purple Miku.7032:

Ancient Ooze & Mage Crusher (solo tactics)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Sounds like CoE is going to be a frustrating dungeon to solo haha… I have 250 ping on average because I stream on a laptop, live in the US and play on EU ._.

trick with camera to kill entities faster

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Oh good job, I still am a newb kiting them in circles o_o also I use frenzy instead of signet of fury. Thanks for posting this, it’s definitely faster than the way I do it. I checked now and I usually kill them like 20-25 seconds slower than this :p

Easiest and/or fastest dungeon paths

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

What these guys all said seems pretty accurate but I want to comment on Arah and which of the paths are easiest to do with groups…

Arah P3 is definitely the easiest in groups because for all of the bosses if you don’t have aggro on you… you take almost no damage at all from anything and it dies so fast. Wraithlord at the end after ritual is a good example; I guarantee the vast majority of people have no idea how the fight really works just because they’re so used to him dying in less than a minute. For a long time I didn’t have any idea you could stand in the light to remove corruption stacks (or what corruption stacks even did) because I never really needed to learn, due to it dying before it had the chance to damage me.

IMO between paths 1-3 I’d say 2 is the hardest and that’s just because of Alphard and the deadeyes. It seems like most people exploit the path these days tho… =/

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

[rT] TA Up 6:20, restricted world record

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Dang that’s fast, great job

Naked Lupicus & Korga soloing clips + more.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I thought that some of these might be kind of funny to many on here so I decided to share them. The endings in the Korga and Lupicus videos are… sad… lmao. Very sad.

Hope you like them

Korga the Troll (naked solo attempt):

No Lupi No (naked solo attempt):

Champion Krait in sparkfly fen kill (solo):

Leurent the jerk (solo):

Ancient Ooze & Mage Crusher (solo tactics)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Do you have to have stability active prior to the crystallization? Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought that you weren’t able to use any utils during it.

It normally never happened to me whenever I went in groups with people and I obviously never had to pay much attention to it because of how much of a snore the dungeon is with others… press 2 with GS equipped in a corner with 4 others brb everything dead. -_-

New To Fractals - Need Help Please!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If you run them long enough, you’ll eventually have bank tabs full of unwanted rings.


To add on to this, you’ll have to cringe every time you’re forced to sell them to a vendor because ArenaNet doesn’t permit you to salvage them.

Ancient Ooze & Mage Crusher (solo tactics)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Well the kicks from Lupi are only on phase 1 and as far as I know the crystallization happens throughout the entire fight for Alpha.

Personally I never even attempted to solo CoE before so I can’t say much on that but I definitely think it’s dumb that there’s no way of breaking free. You shouldn’t be REQUIRED to rally.

griefed by dungeon openers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Are you lot really giving OP a difficult time for cursing at the griefer? You know it’s a legitimate reason to get upset so try not to spend an unnecessary time highlighting that. Who cares if he swore at somebody after they wasted all of his & everyone else’s time for no legitimate reason. I’d have done the same.

The point is that there are obvious flaws with the way that parties are formed and how they’re linked to instances and they should be addressed. I think I’ve seen a post somewhere by a dev claiming that it was intended for an instance to be closed the moment the person that opened it leaves, which is preposterous. That implies that they were likely aware of the issue from the start but didn’t give the slightest ounce of a kitten in the first place.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Lies , arah p4 legit takes FOREVER , if you skip directly to lupi , you only kill 2 bosses . Which takes around 15 min . 15g\slot x 4 = 60g in 15 min is basicly breaking the economy in every way.

You really suck at math… I’m posting for the sole purpose of pointing out the obvious fact that Arah p4 does NOT sell instantly. You also have to spend time finding placeholders/fillers when you sell it because if you don’t people just join and kick you from your own instance.

I hate that there are so many people exploiting and selling as well but I hate when people provide false information to skew reality in their favor even more.

Ancient Ooze & Mage Crusher (solo tactics)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Haha that is kind of ret__ded. It should be like what happened with that tower of nightmares spider champion boss, where you can fight your way free out of it before he gets to you… or something like that.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Ancient Ooze & Mage Crusher (solo tactics)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Ancient Ooze

You can always weaponswap out of Rush. But I think normal movement should be enough if you time it correctly.

IIRC, when I did Mage Crusher I used Mace/Sword to block his attacks. Hard to remember when it was so long time ago.

By the way, if you want to have good time go to solo Subject Alpha (excluding first encounter). AC end bosses are also pretty nice.

Whoa, never saw this website before :o

Alright I will give this a shot. I only was soloing Ooze with the way I learned how to through trial and error so I figured there was probably much to improve on. :P

Many thanks for the Ooze tips! I’ll be sure to highlight a faster kill of it soon

I have been contemplating CoE solo attempts but I thought it wasn’t possible because he crystallizes people in the party for like 30 seconds.

Yeah, downing yourself in order to survive is great design.


(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Ancient Ooze & Mage Crusher (solo tactics)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Waaaaait… what specifically is different between Ooze’s attacks? The only things that I’ve noticed are that if you’re not within his range, he bounces towards you (which is why I was trying to keep him crippled as much as possible)… and that sometimes he immediately attacks again right after he’s finished and sometimes he screws around for a few seconds first.

Also this is once again another boss that GS #5 bugs (running in place) unless you do it right next to them :/ so perhaps your bull’s charge idea IS a really good choice… not decided because it does have kind of a lousy cooldown… I feel like I’d be able to benefit from some other utils more so.

By the way, great job :O definitely makes me eager for my next Arah P1 solo so that I can try changing the way that I fight it

Now about Mage Crusher…

I don’t think defiant stance would be a good idea for mage crusher because it lasts for way too short of a time for it to be worthwhile… the best you can do is just predict that he’s about to do one of his normal attacks but you have no way of guaranteeing whether or not he’s going to do it and I think it’d end up with having to hide behind the book with a mango pie nourishment to rectify inevitable mistakes.

I tried using Healing Surge once and it went horribly. It was much tougher to keep my HP up, but I did screw up a few times as well. Perhaps I should give it a go again now that I’m more comfortable with the fight.

Thanks for the post, great feedback ^.^

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Can 5 DEVs do dredge fractal at 49-50?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’d like to see their testers do Dredge lvl 49 without a thief. That would be fun to watch.

It’s not lacking a thief that makes dredge horrible to get done, it’s the NEED for a guardian that times reflect wall / shield of the avenger. If you have no guardian for dredge at lvl 49 then good luck to you, sir.

A thief certainly would help, but it’s by no means necessary. Spykits + harpy feathers can suffice for stealthing anyways.

Funny dredge rage quitter thread

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

One time I got dredge in a 30 something, and everyone kept trying to skip (but we didn’t have a Mesmer). And I kept trying to explain to them what do.

I had to type in all caps for them to listen to me. Finally, when I got them to pay attention, the warrior in the group said “I don’t listen to Asura.” And left.

Then I calmly explained how to do dredge the normal way, we got it done no problem, after grabbing a guildie, and everyone was good.

Silly bookah.

LOL imagining this happen in my head is just hilarious. The other night I pretty much solod the part where you put the bombs at the door (every single attempt, the entire team would wipe except me and I’m a zerk warrior) and on the part afterwards… I died because 2 people were pulling a lot of dredge and our guardian was inept without reflect wall…

And this nitwit had the audacity to complain because I “died too fast” when he did virtually nothing useful for the cage part or the bombs at the door, dying each time because he was using HEALING SURGE and GS/longbow.

Might seem funny to some of you, but what the hell… that was just…

New Dungeons Sometime?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I would pay money for a new campaign or an expansion that has new dungeon content. Just putting that out there for the metrics or if anyone’s counting….

+1 even though we shouldn’t have to.

First official full swampland solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It sucks, but the watchwork portals cost like what ~5g to make? Goofing up with attempts on these… gah.

Bloody Victoria solo on warrior (CM P1 boss)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Good job! i remember reading a comment by wethospu saying he couldn’t do this boss on warrior, real nice job

Ye, I tried it before Endure Pain got a cooldown reduction. Almost got it done back then but that RNG was just so stupid.

Not very fun fight tbh.

Haha, it was really freakin hard that’s for sure… I would have used endure pain too but sometimes she’s such an kitten and just stealths every few seconds. Surprisingly 3 stun breakers sometimes wasn’t enough… that is, until I started going “sissy mode” and running away to bide time for my cooldowns.

Well, Endure Pain is a stun break. Just didn’t have Stomp or Dolyak Signet back then.

Crap you’re right… also if I’m not mistaken I think Dolyak had 60 second cooldown a few months ago? But yeah since it’s 48 seconds as opposed to 60 it’s definitely the better option here. To be honest I totally forgot Endure pain was a stunbreaker… haha.

my riposte was interrupted with the stun :P

Oh!!! I hadn’t thought of that!

I thought since the backstab was unblockable, riposte would block then next (killer) attack. But it actually makes sense, the backstab stun interrupts your riposte channel.

I wonder if you used Melandru runes whether you could just ignore her regular attack’s bleeds. Maybe melandru runes plus -40% condition duration food? Perhaps you can do it faster than with these than Scholar runes because you’d be able to facetank her?

Yeah you’re probably right and at that point the stun duration might be short enough to just run out of the way in time, but I don’t think it would be worth getting a whole different set of gear just to fight this boss =P

Scholar runes are definitely not the best for this boss fight that’s for sure. Also not only this boss fight, but in my SE P1 and P3 end boss fights I probably would have been able to do much better if I was in different gear as well and maybe with different traits but I suppose part of the point of it all is to show that I managed to do it in full zerk, you know? You’re right though but haha “facetanking” her… nah. She still beats kitten =(

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Why not fix Arah exploits for good?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I wish I could get hired to just check everyone’s instances that post on the LFG for Arah and just immediately ban anyone who’s selling without Lupicus killed. Would be so fun. Too bad that wouldn’t ever happen obviously :P

Make dungeons easier

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

None of them are hard in groups of 5, I disagree sorry. My first time doing them I was taking deaths and such, yeah, but none of them were hard to get done. I also have never worn non-zerk equipment on here before.

First official full swampland solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I knew you’d be using watchwork portals. God I love those. I’m surprised you didn’t get touched by any of the random traps anywhere tho.

Bloody Victoria solo on warrior (CM P1 boss)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Thank you

Umm, I know she does have one regular attack where she kind of just lunges with the dagger and it hits a lot… but to be honest all of her attacks not only deal a ton of damage, but they inflict bleed as well… that is what the problem is. Also since I’m in scholar runes it’s tough to maintain the buff as it is, but the real issue is how challenging it is to recover from low health when you get in a tough position. She’s a very unforgiving boss fight and like I said I did get her down to 1/4 a few times much faster… it’s just less reliable because you never know when she’s going to suddenly spam you with stealth attacks.

I also tried and you can’t actually block the stun she does right before her backstab, btw. I know it’s kind of a long fight so you probably didn’t see it but it did happen somewhere I believe towards the end of the fight… my riposte was interrupted with the stun :P

God it would be so nice if you could block that stun. Wouldn’t even have to dodge the backstab haha.

Bloody Victoria solo on warrior (CM P1 boss)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Good job! i remember reading a comment by wethospu saying he couldn’t do this boss on warrior, real nice job

Ye, I tried it before Endure Pain got a cooldown reduction. Almost got it done back then but that RNG was just so stupid.

Not very fun fight tbh.

Haha, it was really freakin hard that’s for sure… I would have used endure pain too but sometimes she’s such an kitten and just stealths every few seconds. Surprisingly 3 stun breakers sometimes wasn’t enough… that is, until I started going “sissy mode” and running away to bide time for my cooldowns.

Bloody Victoria solo on warrior (CM P1 boss)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Thanks joey! It took a while though haha =P I wiped a few times at 1/4 too

Also yeah Bread and I should also mention that stun duration food isn’t helpful because even if you reduce it by like 100% or more you still will get hit by the backstab haha. I think you might be right about the 3 seconds but it’s like.. never worth chancing things with her and even if you have to waste a second dodge to make sure you get away in time I suggest doing it. Can always keep your distance if you do GS #5 and have a sigil of energy on offhand sword.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Bloody Victoria solo on warrior (CM P1 boss)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Hello all

I decided for the sake of challenge to attempt to solo CM P1 on stream last night and this was a really really tough boss to beat so I thought I would share how I managed to do it. =)

Zerk warrior
30 (V IX XI)
25 (I X)
15 (VI)

First thing to mention is that this freaking thief’s backstabs hit more than 3 times my hp… they hit 19-20k lol so it’s an extreme overkill if you get hit. Also she lunges when she does it so she has a range of greater than a greatsword.

Sometimes she spam-stealths and even with 3 stun-breaks you have no choice but to die and start over. This happened to me like 3 times so as you can see in the video I wasn’t taking as many risks and fighting her in close quarters (I used GS #5 to rush away). Reason? I have time to kill so that I can free up my stunbreak cooldowns. It’s easier to predict when she’s about to strike if you don’t do this, sadly… and this does take a while.

Sometimes instead of the stun/backstab, she will leap in the air and perform 3 immediate strikes that each deal 2 stacks of bleed. You can’t block all 3 but you can block the first and only end up with 4 stacks of bleed, or dodge/evade to avoid all 6.

Her regular attacks hit a LOT so it’s important to be very quick to dodge / block.

I used Mango pie and Powerful potion of Outlaw slaying. Mango pie may not be the best to use but for this purpose I thought the extra regen helped a LOT because sometimes you cannot afford to waste your shake it off on removal of the bleed, as it would screw you over if you couldn’t stun-break on one of her backstabs.

This was my first ever attempt at CM P1 solo, so there may be better ways to do this. I came up with the tactic(s) that I was using through experimentation / trial and error.

I looked just earlier to see if there were others who have solod her but all I could find on youtube were people using exploits that were patched, so even though I made many mistakes here I think it might be helpful for some to see how I managed.

Hope you enjoy and if you try this, good luck =)

Solo Arah p2 Brie

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Ah, I figured that Sanderinoa probably wasn’t referring to Brie because if you got downed you’d likely die seconds later from a laser fire or something. You’d have to time this well… at least picturing it happening in my head that’s what it seems like.

Increase party vote kicking system.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I can’t say that I haven’t had anything like this happen to me before, but wow that blows.

I was kicked from FotM cliffside on the last boss the other day because I used hammer when there was 1 chanter still left with 20% hp.

The option to tell npc's to "Wait here"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If they improved AI of NPC’s then first attempt at soloing Lupicus would be too easy and you wouldn’t have to re-push him back onto the wall. Also, I wouldn’t ever screw up when trying to use watchwork portal devices for soloing 2nd orb on Arah P3 because motherf___ing Wardel Ilyria wouldn’t be trying to spam my interact option.

Once again, it’d be too easy to fight Korga the Mighty solo without Varra Skyf__k forcing him to rush off into the distance and revive a dozen elite gorillas.

Edit: Oh let’s not forget about how awesome it is to sit there idle as Agent Spire moves in slow motion towards a control panel. I know we all LOVE that.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Some people.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You guys are making me wonder what future games would be like… all pictures, no text? Like they say, a picture paints a thousand words?

Anyway, you see, as long as dumb and rude people exist out there, I will not look for puggies on my own unless I’m forced to. All the times I’ve asked a pug warrior to slot Battle Standard for final bosses, they never ever seem to realise I’m talking to them, even if they’re the only warrior around. It would be fine if there was a properly specced LH ele, but the chance of getting one outside CoE is rather low.

This is nothing. Try to be a warrior in a team with a few more pug-warriors, tag your banner of Discipline, wait for the boss fight and see how many more green banners will be placed all happily around yours.

Jesus christ that p*sses me off so much. I don’t understand why people wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to take along an extra signet. Once I know there’s already a BoD and BoS sorted out on the team, I pop signet of might or On My Mark depending on whether or not we’re up to a boss yet.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Solo Arah p2 Brie

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

oh god, Im just here to report a bug cough, so, turns out, when the console gets destroyed when you are down, the mobs will despawn but you can’t be teleported out, and brie cant reset. HOWEVER, the entire fight mechanic DOES reset, and the grubs stay. So, if a class with low dps would want to do this very easily, they could just let the mobs attack the console, go down when the console is at 10%, let the mobs kill it, rally on a grub, reactivate console and destroy brie with AGAIN a 10x damage boost for the final 50%.

Please fix this devs


How does one get downed with invincibility though? That part I fail to understand.

Warrior; Solo Running P3/P4 Orbs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Every time I solo the 2nd orbs, I use watchwork portal devices.

Stacking in the corner. What fun is it?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I agree with you.

There’s a valid reason why I solo dungeons now. It’s the only way to make the content challenging.

Tezza SE p1 endboss solo (warr)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Tyvm for the very detailed advice! I did think about using warhorn #5 for weakness but I was still getting absolutely destroyed. Honestly she’s TOUGH to solo if you pull her out in the open golem area (did manage it a few times) but you’d never notice it in a group because of how trivialized the fight is when aggro isn’t on you.

I’ll probably try it again at some point but I’m pretty proud of having been able to figure out a way to win nonetheless. Any suggestions for Noxx btw? I was longbow side-stepping but dear god it took forever. I kept getting frozen in place and it was driving me insane lol.

Got kicked from 4th fractal level 50

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I can sympathize with you but honestly there really needs to remain the option to kick people from a party. I trust that you weren’t doing anything wrong, but imagine if you never could get rid of somebody no matter how horrible they were and incooperative…

What I think they should do instead is to make it so that if it’s a team of 5, EVERY person must be required to vote and hit “yes,” 3 yes votes if it’s a team of 4, 2 yes votes if it’s a team of 3, and make it so that the instance host CANNOT be kicked. The reason for the last suggestion is that since they’re nitwits and tie each instance to one person it’s the only reliable way to get rid of griefers when posting on the LFG…

Once again, I really do sympathize for you. I’ve actually been booted from a level 19 FotM just the other day because I was the only person that WASN’T wiping the moment all of the adds appeared on legendary imbued shaman and instead of intentionally suiciding, tried to get it done so I could revive them. Yes, I was soloing the boss because the rest of the team was totally inept and don’t know how to use reflects or sidestrafe.

It happens. :/

Soloing Korga the Mighty (Arah P1)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

When I was with a team that finally defeated him I got 1 x blue 2 x green drops. That is why no one does Korga. It (he/she) is not overlooked..we can all see them, we just don’t care. There is just no reward for taking on one of the toughest bosses in game.

I understand that. I don’t like fractals very much because of the same reason… I just don’t make money from it at all and the rewards are useless once you get your rings (I guess if you really like the fractal weapon skins… but I don’t. They look too play-doh-ish to me).

We all have our different preferences and I personally am just obsessed with Arah. =P

I guess I just wanted to make it known to others that sometimes skipping bosses means skipping a lot of potential fun and challenge to be had.

Tezza SE p1 endboss solo (warr)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Oh wow interesting! I didn’t try it there no, also hmm do you think healing surge would be better to use? I know I failed to keep my hp above 90% for the majority of the fight so it definitely seems like it but I’m not sure about Frenzy… I feel like it’d mess up my timing because I was relying on whirlwind for a lot of the evasions.

Either way cool stuff thanks for sharing =D

Tezza SE p1 endboss solo (warr)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

This is by far without question the toughest thing I’ve ever solod on here so far… soloing Lupicus with no armor seems easier. Take a look, I’m happy I managed to do it even though it wasn’t a graceful kill:

Basically it was not an option to try to lure it out in the open like most people do in groups because you take an immense amount of damage and he spams knockbacks. When you get knocked back he VERY frequently will just randomly reset, not to mention the elite spawns will DPS you out before you know it.

The slightest mistake could get you knocked back too far so that boss resets or even worse… you aggro the other elite off in the distance and have no choice but to start over >.>

Full berserker with scholar runes 30/25/0/0/15

I wanted to share my arbitrary achievement that I’m happy about and also show anyone who might want to try to solo this path how I managed to do it. =)

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Dredge fractal Unbearable!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I disagree and I think it should be kept as is. It’s honestly not that bad if you’re with a competent team. Make use of consumables like spykits/harpy feathers if you’re that desperate. Coordinate with your team and clear out one of the sides, help each other out, have warriors make use of blocks and guardians use reflect walls.

It’s not that bad with people that aren’t idiots. In really poorly organised pug groups, then I agree it’s awful. Honestly the game needs really challenging content. This part is fairly difficult to get done and I’m glad it’s here despite how much of a nuisance it is.

Superior Sigil of Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Because there are 80% of time in the open world are days?

Ah well that seems to make sense would still be good tho becouse some of the fractals are during day time

They’re going to let us put two sigils on 2h weapons in the upcoming changes, which would lead to weapons having a superior sigil of night and superior sigil of day (provided the day sigil were to exist).

A constant 10% damage increase no matter where you were, or a 15% damage increase in all daytime environments, or going into Arah with a sigil of undead slaying + said theoretical sigil of day… 20% damage increase. That’s a LOT…

I don’t think I want that, no >.<

add 2 more wisps to swamp fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Miku knows what’s up


Future Boss Design.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I agree with you on everything and you’re right about it but it’s been said by many different people many different times. It’s sad, but the first sentence in your post…

“Defiance is a crutch at the moment as far making new dungeon bosses.”

“new dungeon bosses”

From what a lot of people have told me and from speculation, doesn’t seem like there’s anybody working on dungeons nor does it seem like ArenaNet is interested in improving our current ones/making any new ones

Easiest Arah path?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It depends on so many different factors. Reality is that P1 is probably the easier to solo (obviously aside from tar) than all of the other paths without exploits, but P3 is probably the easiest to do in a group. P3 can be pretty tough to solo… the ritual is extremely annoying and the wraithlord boss is actually horrible to solo if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing. It’s not really one of those things you can just wing it on when you’re alone but it sure as hell is a joke with 4 others at your side.

Why not fix Arah exploits for good?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Omg the spoiler… are you ME or something?

100% support everything you’ve stated.

Soloing Korga the Mighty (Arah P1)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I like pug runs (with Arah mostly) more than experienced runs because I find it more fun (and hilarious with elite mobs getting aggroed everywhere lmao) when it’s not just stack and DPS everything in 5-10 seconds.

I do get what you mean but in a normal pug run with Arah P1 you wouldn’t be able to set up a Korga solo by the time they’re done with reflect crystals on the skygazer apparition… it takes some time to get all the corpses revived and despawned before you can start fighting. Unless you hosted instance, you probably won’t get your chance

Soloing Korga the Mighty (Arah P1)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Oh okay I don’t know who that is but I’m glad there are others out there trying it then

An idea that I had which I posted on another thread was that maybe the entrance to the room with those 2 champ spiders and all the elites (where you get the two crystals) could be shut off and only unlocked once Korga is defeated. Korga would die and the waypoint would appear.

Along with the waypoint, the Staff of Radiance would appear by the loot chest AFTER he dies and you would have to use its ability on an object by or on the door for it to open.

I think it would be a great addition to the path because it’s already too easy as it is… last boss you can almost AFK with a mirror and he dies :/

Soloing Korga the Mighty (Arah P1)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’ma dedicate this thread to discussion of a neglected boss that deserves more attention imo.

It makes me sad that this boss is optional just like Kholer in AC P1… hardly anyone ever kills him but he’s actually a really fun fight! I managed to get him to about 1/5 hp with no armor before but I got greedy with trying to get the last hit off on 100b. With no armor on it’s 1-hit & cya.

I want to know if anybody else bothers to fight him ever? When I solo Arah P1 I’m not in a hurry to make gold I’m there to have fun and kick kitten . The toughest part about soloing this is dealing with the NPC and getting Korga to revive all the corpses.

If you lose aggro on a revived gorilla it’ll despawn but SOMETIMES a corpse will respawn and you’ll have to repeat the process which gets pretty bothersome.

Korga has a few attacks, which I’ll list below.

First of all he always begins combat interaction with a charge that leads to a roar. When he roars a white ring appears around him and any corpse that’s within the ring will be revived from the dead and start harrassing you. It’s horrible to fight with even one of them alive because they can do 7 second knockdowns. The corpses are revived at the exact same time that he throws two rocks which deal quite a lot of damage but can be blocked/evaded.

I always take the opportunity to get a 100b off and time my whirlwind at the same time that he throws the rocks. If you don’t mess up you’ll fully evade even the possibility of him following through with a punch (he has a chance of punching the ground after a charge which will knock you back and down).

He also charges a second time but after the second time he will either do nothing or once again, punch the ground. I always use sword offhand #5 to block in case he does and try to make sure I get a cripple on him with axe #3 right as he’s about to charge.

The most important part about the fight is making sure you’re standing on the appropriate side of him so that he doesn’t rush off into the distance and revive corpses… but also you want to keep him crippled so that it hinders the distance he travels.

Assuming you do everything properly you should be able to get a full 100b off on him or at least close to the last hit before having to whirlwind.

Here is my best attempt so far, 5:38 and I know it can be done much faster but it’s actually pretty tough going for a sub-5 solo of this boss… like, really tough tbh.

I encourage people to try it out instead of just skipping him… it’s rather fun

How to get rid of Scholar Yissa?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Now that harpy feathers are nerfed, I can’t use my original tactic for getting Varra Skylark killed by the elite gorillas when I’m soloing Korga anymore. Used to just spam those beautiful things and watch her get demolished. So satisfying.

As for Scholar Yissa, if you wipe on your first Lupi solo attempt then when you return she won’t be there to bother you anymore until the next cutscene. Same thing applies with the rest of the bosses :P

I feel your pain. It’s sometimes pretty annoying to get Lupi back on the wall after the NPC makes him shadowstep off. ESPECIALLY annoying when he does his AoE immediately after because I like to whirlwind/dodge to evade in place for it and sometimes you can still get screwed depending on where you end up after an evasion if you’re not on the wall.

CoE P2 Solo Advice Needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yeah quite the lousy change. The harpy feather cooldown was a good thing and I think the time of the cooldown they chose was perfect… but what the kitten with the embers, ogre pet whistles and mortar turrets?

You don’t make something go from “overpowered” to nearly useless. That’s just garbage. I see no reasoning behind 30 minutes specifically. Based off of the reasoning they specified, 5-10 minutes would’ve achieved the same outcome.

Also yes I am mad because I have 3 spare stacks of embers and pet whistles in my bank lmao.

Dungeon steps not done in consecutive order

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

From what I gather from others, doesn’t look like there is one Xandror.