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S/S Warrior in dungeons.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I sometimes run S/S in dungeons and it works out well enough. PVE mobs aren’t smart enough to strip conditions, so the bleeds really stack up. Add to that the Deep Strikes trait (bleeds last 50% longer) and it really shines. The shield is great for skips and interrupts and also offers passive protection; even more if traited.

What’s great about warrior is there are many choices, but S/S works well IMO for PVE. In WVW or PVP I would switch to axe/shield since players are smart enough to wipe conditions, thus the bleeds won’t stack up well.

Even with all of what you said in the first paragraph, axe mainhand is still significantly better. Sword mainhand may be capable of getting the job done but it’s still very inferior by comparison to axe mainhand. As for what you said about sword offhand blocks being great for skips, you’re right and it’s even more wonderful when you’re able to remain OOC whilst running past things.

Warrior renovation imminent

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yeah but this isn’t about whether or not he’s able to do it, this is about seeking to do it more effectively. While it may be negligible, it’s still the truth— he’d benefit more in a solo setting from more precision.

Alphard and his new skills.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Out of all the things in Arah to prioritize for fixing, they chose to step in and make sure the clones survive at Alphard.

The clones won’t instantly disappear anymore, but everyone will still be able to safespot her! … and skip bosses + unlock waypoints.

Whatever, at least they fixed something which is a rarity in itself. Forcing her to reset to full HP is stupid though. Why not increase the attack range and get rid of the safespots instead?


(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Ancient Ooze & Mage Crusher (solo tactics)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Good stuff and yeah I can see it being a pretty nice fight with a thief. You were using d/d, yeah? I still haven’t played another class before so I don’t know what it’d be like firsthand, but any class that’s capable of dealing quick direct damage is ideal for this.

I’d like to see someone try this with ranger sword autoattacks, lmao. I heard that it’s tough to break out of the autoattack chain so I can only imagine how frustrating it would be to get destroyed from being unable to evade in time.

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

One of the problems is that rangers often need the active effect of signets, probably along with 1500 longbow range or piercing arrows, traits which are likely to be more appealing than Spotter. Or if they are using Spotter with longbow, chances are the rest of the party won’t be getting the precision.

The other issue that I want to bring up that applies often with the deeply-loathed bearbow pugs is the fact that often times in Arah, for example, their stupid pets can aggro elite mobs. “It’s on passive” pssh.

Personally I’ve seen my pet randomly start running towards an enemy when it was on passive. Although I don’t think it’s the most frequent bug. But it’s definitely happened several times before. I think another possible cause would be auto targeting with melee, where you hit a weapon skill that’s out of range and your pet starts running. Although this wouldn’t apply to bearbows. :P

Reminds me of the horrible dungeon NPC’s. Actually, I’m pretty sure your pets are way beyond the capacity of Varra Skylark; queen of aggroing mobs. I can actually be OOC and standing still and she’ll shoot a champion orrian warrior that wasn’t aggroed at all. I’m like “B**** WHATCHU DOIN!?!”

The other issue that I want to bring up that applies often with the deeply-loathed bearbow pugs is the fact that often times in Arah, for example, their stupid pets can aggro elite mobs. “It’s on passive” pssh.

Pets won’t aggro anything that the ranger itself hasn’t aggroed.

Are you certain? What about if for example, an orrian turret shot the ranger and as the ranger ran away, an elite risen walked right up to where the turret was when the bear pet lunged to retaliate on the turret. If the bear attacked, would it have the possibility of hitting both by accident? I could see some crap like that happening.

Why don't we ALL play berserker warriors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If I had to go looking for flaws in my warrior, I think it would be that his defense options are fairly one dimensional. He has his government issued dodges, higher defense, and very good HP regeneration options. These tend to be suitable for the majority of PVE content, but when they’re not there’s not a lot he can do aside from putting on thicker defense. There is definitely a ‘limit’ to my warrior where there’s nothing that I can really do to stop incoming damage beyond hoping that my team has some support.

If I was going to compare that to my thief, I would state that my thief has a lot of tricks that help him evade damage entirely. If played well my thief has the potential mitigate more damage than my warrior by simply not getting hit at all.

However, a lot of PVE enemies seem to be aware of this and will often simply be IMMUNE to things my thief can do which puts holes in his defense and makes him quite prone to their rampaging hulk-ness. PVE enemies don’t tend to focus on the defense capabilities of my warrior to the same degree, so my warrior winds up being the easier of the two to play in PVE.

In PVP on the other hand, my thief tends to come out on top and is capable of taking down multiple opponents at once, while my warrior can very clearly handle a certain amount of punishment, and then dies.

While I wouldn’t say that my warrior doesn’t require skill, I do tend to think of him as more of an algebra problem when facing opponents. Is damage+mitigation > enemy.damage+enem.mitigation? If yes = win, if no = lose. On my thief it’s more along the lines of “man, I better dodge this attack or I am going to be gooey thief-paste”. My Warrior has many tactics that can help put the algebra in his favor, while my thief has many tactics that can help him not become gooey thief-paste. While they both CAN be played skillfully and performance is greatly improved for doing so, my warrior is also able to survive to some degree by being mindless while my thief would be instantly murdered for such antics. As many enemies do not require a lot of finesse to defeat, warrior is allowed to be mindless quite often.

In summary; warrior is not stupid, but stupid players can play warrior.

Very nice review and comparison, lol.

It’s nice to see a post looking at things from multiple different standpoints.

Accidentally put my Howl into mystic forge.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You’re not stupid, you’re human. Mistakes happen. Though I’ll be surprised if they actually return you it, I still hope they do.

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’ve seen all these lvl 2 upscaled warriors with over 32k health plz learn how to scale uplvls properly are you serious anet?

Why don't we ALL play berserker warriors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

We’re evidently talking about different things. You’re more than likely talking about optimizing a Cof p1 speedrun or something, whereas I’m thinking FotM and Arah as first choice examples. It completely depends on what you’re doing.

If you honestly think 5 warriors would be more efficient in a speedrun for a full run of FotM or Arah, you have no idea what you’re talking about. If you’re talking about something incredibly trivial like Cof, sure. You STILL lose out on a crap ton of DPS without 1 ranger on the team (provides the team a 70% chance to deal 10% more damage), but whatever.

That’s all I’m going to post in response to you on this.

Why don't we ALL play berserker warriors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Berserker warriors were only the go-to class in the PvE meta during the heyday of CoF1. Nowadays, while one warrior is a good addition to a party, multiples bring less efficiency than bringing a mix of professions, including, possibly, a sword ranger.

Wrong. 5 Warriors can crush every single dungeon faster than any combo of classes. You must have never been in a group with 5 good warriors fully geared. Champs go down like vets, and Legendaries go down like champs or faster. In PvP, Warriors own that too. Nothing can burst faster while negating dmg at the same time. Warriors destroy all. I however will never run berzerker, because people who do, don’t understand why it’s a waste of stats, and that you do not pull any more damage then if you correctly setup your stats and traits the correct way instead of going gimmick.

No, you’re wrong lol. It’s highly inefficient to run a group with more than 2 warriors on the team as opposed to mixing it up with a properly equipped & traited ranger, at least one ele, a thief/guard/mesmer depending on what dungeon path is being done. Warriors don’t reflect and in many circumstances it’s what deals the very most damage. Also stacking with 5 warriors with no blinds or reflects? Rofl, hell no.

As for berserker being a “waste of stats”, if you’re referring to the mix-match of 3 pieces of assassin’s from Nike’s guide, he even states that with the upcoming changes to critical damage he suggests against making an ascended set with assassin’s. We don’t know whether or not it will be optimal post-changes.

Why don't we ALL play berserker warriors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


EXACTLY. It’s the game engine mechanics / AI of the mobs that need to be changed in order for anything besides zerk to be viable for PvE.

As long as everything is slow attacking, predictable, and heavy-hitting, toughness is useless. As long as the invulnerability window is as lenient as it is for dodges, it’s pointless to try to mitigate damage taken with any attributes on your gear and especially vitality. If you’re not dodging at the right time, how is having more HP going to benefit you? You’re dead either way if you can’t learn a boss’s mechanics and evade at the right time.

Meta Warrior without healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Warrior without healing signet is free kill in pvp dosent matter how much other defense you use they need it to be viable. HS is good on all war builds in pvp.
Without it they are the worst on the team.

Healing signet only gave us more time to stay alive in combat where people are not glass cannons. It did nothing else besides this.

Did not fixed warrior.
Did not done anything else.

We can completely live without it.

Erm… I hope you’re not referring to PvE at all and intend to be interpreted from a PvP standpoint only because if not you’re making a fool out of yourself. Just saying.

Warrior renovation imminent

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You want to use trait number V in the Arms trait line instead of number I. Just saying.

No, not necessarily. It depends on what utils he’s using and what he’s doing. If he’s solo, using 2 signets, he definitely would benefit more from I than V. If in a group of 5, it’s different and in most cases V is better. Since he didn’t clarify exactly what he planned to do, we don’t really know whether V is better in this case.

Warrior renovation imminent

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

They don’t plan to reduce overall damage output by more than 10% with the changes for anyone. No matter what, as long as some fundamental changes with AI and game engine mechanics are made berserker will always be the superior gear set to use for experienced players.

By the way, spot on with everything.

As for your final note, I go into detail about which weapons and utilities to use and when in a guide that I made here:

Expansion or Open the world up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Agreed with the Crystal Desert… and dear god please release the rest of Orr while you’re at it.

Why don't we ALL play berserker warriors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

What’s even funnier is there are plenty of dungeons and boss fights where mesmers are probably the ideal class to solo with, yet nope! “warriors OP NERF@@”

Belka arah p2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Best part is when she opts to randomly use the orb of death in melee range, and just insta kill you.

I’ve gotten good with that, but what REALLY sucks is when you get knocked back into an AoE when all of the barrels explode, dodge out of it to avoid the heavy damage, and have no endurance to evade an electric bomb that shortly follows. Sometimes… bullkitten happens.

At this point I have no tolerance for any death pre-Lupi in an Arah p2 solo. I’d rather just Esc > char select > pick an alt & log in/out to restart instance than watch my character die in downed state.

LFG tool with a senseless feature

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’d rather have the feature since I keep getting people who join my teaching runs just to take down my LFG post and leave. Not so senseless when you keep getting those types of people.

God I hate those idiots. Always report the kitten out of them even though I’m pretty sure it’s just a useless GUI that they implemented to make you feel like they care about us, lol.

Expansion or Open the world up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Same situation here, Mistress Red Death… believe me if they want their game to actually grow, they already know they need to get their crap together and start changing things drastically.

I eagerly anticipate to see what they’re going to do. I hope it’s not underwhelming.

Why don't we ALL play berserker warriors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

We don’t ALL want be bored kittenless!

If you’re bored on your warrior, perhaps it’s your own fault for not doing anything interesting?
Most people who play on warriors probably don’t melee this guy. Try it. It’s fun as hell, requires fast reflexes, and has high intensity especially with an inept guardian.
Most people who say things like “warriors are boring faceroll classes” or anything of the like are likely having in mind group dungeons. If this isn’t the case for you, then fair enough.Try soloing them. It’s a completely different experience and is much more than just autoattacking with axe mainhand.

I don’t hate other classes and I have no issue with rangers specifically other than the fact that the vast majority of the ones I’ve encountered were all morons. Realistically, it’s just the idea of people feeling the need to safely range everything from a distance that irritates me. A ranger with a bow is by no means no worse than a mesmer with a greatsword or a guardian using staff for PvE. Sorry you have miserable experiences with pugs but believe it or not so do I, and all I play on is my warrior.

The only class that truly is awful in PvE by comparison to any other class no matter what, is the necromancer. I feel bad for the people that main them… it’s not their fault that their class was designed poorly.

Belka arah p2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It’s bugged. When you run to the wall and OOC heal up, make sure to do an evasion no matter how far away it seems when you’re on your way back. Then stand on the northish side of her/him so that when the knockback happens you don’t fly too far away. Keep an eye out for the angle he/she has the weapon, because if it’s angled upwards it means an electric ball is going to be fired.

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Weird. Definitely seems like a bug that’s never gonna get fixed. Best add that to the list with the other thousands of things.

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Hey Moa!

1. You know what you’re probably right but I want to clarify that it’s probably only better if you’re somebody that does group dungeons most often. You know me and you know that isn’t the case, which is why warhorn is more practical for a stacking weapon. Sometimes, however, I feel like I should have a third stacking weapon and perhaps even a fourth. :P
2. Good call. I rarely have good groups that maintain might stacks though. Hey, no problem! I have an exotic mace with force that I rarely use… uh, are you certain about that for Brie btw? If so, how much of a difference are we talkin? Kind of tough to visualize how much of a difference it’d make. I guess it depends how fast the might stacks drop from forceful greatsword afterwards.
3. NO WAY. Seriously?! WAIT… do you mean just the action of opening the consumable? Mother of god. I might finally have a use for the 3 spare stacks of ogre pet whistles that I bought on the day before the nerf, rofl.
4. Very true. Good suggestion! Best I can think of as an example would be Alphard and I’m actually going to try that next time instead of Arms I.

Nice stuff to add, thanks for posting

PVT still the "go to" set?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


I’ve already gotten a warning for posting on this thread in the past so it’s not worth going into detail about anything anymore.

I suggest obeying what this person said here:

This general discussion is meaningless if you don’t know how to play.

Bad warriors that go full zerk are free bags in wvw.

If you are a great player you should not be using PVT unless all you do is soak up damage in the front line of a zerg.

Start off with PVT and as you get better as a player start removing the PVTand replacing it with zerker. If you want to remain tanky add some cavaliers or knights.

Moral of the story here is a lot of people like to shoot their mouths off about how great they are and how they never die, and about how the y kill anyone 1v1 etc. Well if you are that good you don’t need to be running in full pvt. ANd If you are running full PVT I call BS because your not killing anyone then.

I personally would never have fun being a damage sponge, but not everyone likes the same things as me.

For some, learning how to play without hindering your own potential is ideal. If this is you, learn to play more offensively and utilize the plethora of FREE invulnerability/evasions offered to us (movement skills, LOSing, dodging). If not, do whatever you want and suit yourself.

GS banishes mobs at random

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Sounds like levelup to me. You can still get levelups after 80 in case you didn’t know. It happens sometimes with me too and always catches me by surprise. One time it actually saved me; an elite risen illusionist got interrupted right when it was about to chaos storm me. :>

Warrior Build: Thoughts, Suggestions.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Err, so you’re using this for WvW and PvE…?

Are you planning to dodge at all or not really? What’s with all of the emphasis on defense?

Duo'ing Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I suggest learning how to duo Path 4, it’s actually really fun when you learn how to do it. It’d be a lot faster with two warriors I think because there isn’t anything that you really benefit much from reflects that I can think of except for Lyssa.

-Balthazar is trivial even for soloing as long as you evade/dodge immediately once he begins to spin.

-Melandru is easy; have somebody kite the gorillas near the entrance and the other person DPS him out after he spawns 5 fioras (trees).

-Lyssa is kind of dangerous if you don’t know what to do. LOS constantly, stop attacking immediately when the confusion stacks appear (she spawns a ton of clones periodically throughout the fight shortly followed by up to 25 stacks of confusion on the party). I’m not 100% sure of the mechanics of this fight but if I’m not mistaken it might happen after you kill the “wrong” being… like, you have to hit the right one? Not sure. I usually do a 100b there because it counts as 1 attack.

-Lupicus, same fight as in other 3 paths. I’ll omit details of it here because there’s a lot of information about him elsewhere.

-Grenth is rather complicated. Two phases of this boss. There are 5 dark circles in the area; a wraith will be on the very eastern one. The wraith will teleport to the different circles in the area in a specific order and if he is not attacked within 3 seconds after appearing at one of them, he will reset to full hp and return to the east circle. He reflects projectiles. The order from first to last circle he appears in: east, south, north, west, middle. After he dies, a priest appears in the middle and there will be a few waves with multiple wraiths spawning at different circles. They need to all be killed; each one will apply a “Grenth’s mark” to a person in the party at random which has a timer that when expired instantly downs said player. After each wraith is killed, the priest’s health bar decreases.

-Dwayna is an extremely easy boss fight as long as everyone participating knows how to do it. She essentially has no dangerous attacks at all other than “dead eyed stare” which when applied to any player will soon lead to “petrified.” A petrified player can be cleansed by using an item that abundantly spawns in the area called “Dwayna’s tear.” Alternatively, using stability right before dead-eyed stare leads to petrification will still enable the person to freely move. When the petrification re-applies itself, using whirlwind/rush or even eviscarate will rectify the problem; it only roots you in place. The objective is to kill the boss as fast as possible because she periodically goes into hiding and heals during it. To reveal her again, lure the sparks that will appear afterwards into the circles at the center of the area. Kind of hard to describe so watching a vid would be useful.

-Last boss is just a bloodstone shard that you just DPS out. Because it has the ability to cause petrification as well, it’s usually best to take stability for it too. Not much to mention here; just avoid the occasional AoE circle and try to LOS the wraiths so that your cleaves hit both them and the shard.

Classes to solo Arah with?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

At least Belka is faceroll easy as a ranger since you can just put your bear (gasp) to take the aggro and then you can just sword autoattack her.

Where do you find all this out? Ive only recently came back to the game after having quit just after launch. I’m actually finding it hard to find anything ranger specific on soloing Arah, any advice would be greatly appreciated mate

Well I have some raw video clips of Arah P3 and P1 solos that I highlighted on twitch in case people want to re-watch and see how I do them. Maybe they can be of interest to you.

Arah P3 solo:
Arah P1 solo:

For P3 there is quite a bit of idling near the end before killing last boss, because I usually like to give P2 and P3 out for free after I solo it. P1, I normally sell because I have to pay random people to come kill tar (only boss in it that is not possible to solo). I didn’t exploit or safespot any bosses in either and I also killed Korga in p1 too (always do). Only reason I killed all those risen spiders is because I was bored lol

Oh also I think I was bored waiting for tar help and solo’d champion orrian drake with no armor for the hell of it. At least, I think it was that time… might be wrong.

Just too many contested waypoints in orr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

There is that lone post gate, i’ve been trying for weeks to get through to get to a point of interest which im missing for world completion and it is always closed (closed as in a huge door, not as in hard mobs) because of a contest on every server… and yea its a game not for one person,. but even a decent party of 5 cant beat a huge champ.


Is that a challenge?

Tell me the name of the champ and I’ll upload a solo clip of it. So far the only two champs that I can think of that I had to give up trying to solo were…
1) Champion risen megalodon (I can obviously rifle it from the shore but that takes no skill)
2) some champion noble priestess in Malchor’s leap (I think it’s the one that precedes the Eye of Zhaitan, which ironically, I have solod several times with relative ease.

Just too many contested waypoints in orr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The only problem I have with these contested waypoints is that some of them become re-contested too soon. It gets to the point where reclaiming the area by doing the sequence of events hardly seems worth it. For the waypoint at the Temple of Balthazar there’s a real incentive there; you can buy obsidian shards for 2100 karma each. THAT makes it worthwhile. Half the other crap it’s like… why bother? I’d rather just put autorun on and spend 2 mins travelling to it than waste my time clearing trash (unrewarding mobs).

Deff warrior with healing shouts

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Follow Julie Yann’s advice for WvW, but please… please never use a hammer or soldier runes in PvE. Do yourself a favor and take note of

For PvE, 0, just learn what to dodge.

A properly timed dodge roll nullifies any and all damage taken within the window from start to finish. As well as that, it works for an evasion with whirlwind on GS (#3) too. Instead of wasting your traits and gear to enable you to stand there and absorb damage, you should strive to learn how to use weapon skills, utilities and dodge rolls to your advantage.

WvW sure, that’s a different story as you’re dealing with other human players and the fights won’t be as predictable. Still, I thoroughly discourage attempting to heal with a warrior. It’s ineffective by comparison to what guardians are capable of doing and it greatly inhibits your potential to excell in other areas.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

So why are AH guardian builds...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

To be fair, a character with higher Toughness can be useful in some situations.

Actually, the main one is the first champions fight of the Harpie fractal where you want to pull the Ettin away from the party. In that specific situation I find it works out well.

But usually you do seem to be better off with 5 zerkers. And zerker guardian hits like a truck AND is incredibly utilitous.

How is toughness useful here? All you do is kite an ettin in circles so the rest of the party can freely fight the shaman. Little to no damage unless you don’t dodge or block.

EDIT: Oh… 7 months ago. kitten.


World Boss difficulty - possible solution!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I would absolutely never under any condition support this suggestion unless it severely affected the rewards offered at the end.

Sorry but I have no interest in catering to other servers’ ineptitude or inability to pull a sufficient number of players. Instead of your suggestion, I think it’d be more appropriate to solve the problem with all of the guesting. That’s the main reason why low population servers are suffering.

I’m on Desolation and it’s absolutely essential that I get taxi’d into sparkfly main at least a half hour in advance for reset kill, else I’m screwed.

I think that if a person native to the server wants to get in, they should. It should either boot out someone guesting at random and put THEM into the overflow (a person that’s guesting would always hope they get lucky and don’t get traded off and sent to overflow, though this sounds very anger-inducing and cruel), or the person guesting shouldn’t be able to get the full reward. Possibly only enable them to get the grand chest on the floor without the four bonus ones? Possibly only enable them to get the four chests with no grand chest on the floor? Possibly allow them to get all of the loot except the exotic dragon chest?

Those are some of my ideas off the top of my head.

Best build? for Pvt armor

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Can someone give me the exact details of a nice simple team build (4-10 people).

I’d like to use Pvt armor but can buy runes, sigils, weapons and trinkets if need be.


While everyone is saying not to use PVT armor they are ignoring your question. I suggest PVT of the Eagle, with full offense trinkets. Really it’s ridiculous that people are ignoring your “Id like to use PVT” part. With the PVT armor you can go offense trinkets and heavier offense stats.

Maybe it’s because the fact that OP is claiming to use a gear-type that is specifically designed for the sole purpose of soaking damage, it nullifies any suggestion other than ones that aim to optimize THAT purpose?

Mix-matching zerk trinkets with PVT is pointless. If you’re going to soak damage, then soak as much damage as you can. What is the point of aiming for a medium in between tanking everything and hitting an appropriate amount of damage? You are superior at nothing. The objective here seems utterly pointless to me.

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Good call, I agree. The only thing I don’t like about the idea of doing that is it makes you less versatile and for me personally that takes a huge hit on gameplay. I do love fractals, but considering how much fun I have when soloing Arah as well and other things of that nature… it’s not viable.

Like you just said (and what I said in one of the above posts), the might stacks must come from somewhere. In a solo, the might from forceful greatsword is essential and thus makes the GS build an absolute must. In a group where you have a competent party capable of maintaining 20+ stacks of might, a pure axe build would certainly be the better option.

Thanks for the post

Best build? for Pvt armor

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

PVT armor isn’t good for anything other than running around soaking damage.

The important thing is to ask yourself this question: do you care about being effective in combat?

Yes? Then you definitely aren’t going to find a viable build with that armor set and need to kit up in something else.

If you don’t care about dealing damage and want to just soak it, then forget about everything and just screw up your traits by maxing defense/tactics so you can be a true Spongebob Tankpants.

Picture related.


PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’m not sure if I understood you correctly, Miku, but I got the feeling you say attack of opportunity is triggered only by attacks that cause bleeding.

Yeah, you misunderstood me. I’ll re-read my post to see if I wasn’t clear enough or typed something misleading. You basically just supported me either way so thanks.

E: AH! I had an extra “for nearly 1/3 of the time” after I said “your overall damage is increased by 10%” in one of my paragraphs, which conflicted with what I also said in the post… “This includes non-crits, because as long as the foe is bleeding then any hit will be 10% greater.” and “Arms (25) minor: 10% damage increase to all bleeding foes.” Thanks, that was a typo. Good catch.

By the way thanks for posting and for confirming what I said! You posted in a much more concise way and I appreciate that. As someone with ADD, that’s usually not something that I’m able to do.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Opinions on "5k+ AP"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

None of you guys will be able to top this trash pug team I had months ago.

Once at the end of a TA fwd run when I was ~2k AP, I joined a pug group with literally every other person besides me having more than 10k AP. Two of them were warriors, one was a guardian, the other was a mesmer. The mesmer had ~11k AP, one of the warriors had ~10k AP, one of the warriors had ~12k AP, and the guard had ~14k AP.

ALL of them were ranging the nightmare tree from a distance.

Both warriors were using rifles with dolyak signets. One of the warriors put down a banner of discipline, and I saw a banner of tactics and a banner of defense as I laid there dead from trying to melee by myself and getting owned by the mortar turrets.


[List] Dungeon & Dungeon Related bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Arah P1 – if the NPC is dead at the time and you either use a portal from a mesmer to leave the area or stealth, the two vile oozes that Ancient Ooze split into will despawn.

Arah P1 – Korga frequently gets stuck in the walls during fights after he rushes.

Arah P1 – There is a hole on the wall that any player can clearly see when passing Korga (right around the corner, against the left-side on the passageway) that a player can walk into and fall into and pretty much just walk underneath the map. It’s pathetic and depressing to see all of these unused textures we’re rendering each time the instance is loaded.

Arah P1 (P3 and P4 too if you exploit into the area I guess) – Berserker Abomination is invisible and still attackable at the point where he spawns. Not a big deal but kind of stupid to just attack an invisible object to stack adrenaline.

Arah P2 – Belka (first boss) will stop teleporting if you immediately run to the entrance behind the bone wall, resulting in her resetting to her original location. Upon running back, she will launch an electric bomb that automatically hits you unless you evade, despite how far away you are from the AoE ring.

Arah P2 – Alphard – mesmers, thieves and elementalists can blink up onto a ledge and jump onto a fabric where they are able to safely range Alphard from a distance. Anyone else is able to be ported up there where they can use an ember consumable. After spawning the ember, attacking Alphard from this spot and walking back 1-2 steps results in the ember taking aggro. The ember is out of Alphard’s line of sight and every attack on it will result in “invulnerable.”

Arah P2 – Alphard – The same climbable mushroom-like object can be used to safespot Alphard with melee. If you engage the fight with Alphard by attacking with ranged and quickly run behind said object, you will be able to melee Alphard by quickly stepping back onto a small sand hill next to you once he gets close enough. He will then be trapped underneath the object and every shot of his will be obstructed, effectively enabling one to safespot him.

Arah P2 – Northeast barrier at Alphard; if you run up all the way to the corner during one of Alphard’s daggerstorm, you will be able to go OOC and disengage in combat with Alphard but her HP will not reset. Barriers will respawn and all currently alive clones will instantly disappear.

Arah P2 – If you set a mortar turret consumable up outside of the dome facing Brie, she will stare at the turret until it is killed by the mobs, enabling a player to freely attack Brie until the mortar is destroyed.

Arah P2 – If you stand outside of 1200 range at Brie after engaging in combat but without fully running to go OOC, she will stare at you without attacking. This isn’t much of a bug, but it indicates that she evidently needs an increased attack range or needs to be able to move around inside of the dome.

Arah P3 – If you stand at the door right when the path is starting before crusher+hunter (you wait until you’re about to reach the door where the mobs spawn before clicking on the path), you will be able to pass through the door at the same instant the four elite guards are spawned and effectively skip them.

Arah P3 – If Warden Ilyra dies after the cutscene succeeding the Lupicus fight (she often gets killed by the risen spiders) at the chicken cage, she will get bugged when you revive her. You have to revive her for the Passage Waypoint to appear and start the ending cutscene with the ritual + wraithlord fight. The only way to fix the bug and get her to stop standing there is to lure the spiders over and attack them right next to her. She will then start engaging in combat with them and you can proceed to the end.

Arah P4 – Simin, the high priestess of Dwayna, is still capable of bugging by LOSing behind a rock near the east wall resulting in her freezing up like a statue; unresponsive to any attacks, she will not attack anyone or go into hiding allowing players to freely DPS her out provided she gets in this state.

Arah P4 – The bloodstone shard doesn’t reset to full HP even when all players are far out of its range. As long as the player who hosted doesn’t go OOC, it will remain at low hp forever.

Arah (all paths, Lupicus fight) – if Lupicus touches one of the unopened exit doorways, he fully resets… in the middle of the fight.

This isn’t much of a bug, but it needs to be mentioned. The AI of the NPC’s in these dungeons is absolutely pathetic. They drastically need improvement. If this ever crosses the eyes of an employee at ArenaNet, this is an embarrassing representation of what your company can do lol.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Some more ideas for new fight mechanics:
I’d love for a moving fight where you had to “chase” an enemy . This could be either on foot or on some kind of vehicle where you would alternate between DPSing the boss down, and then using ranged attacks to put “obstacles” of some kind in it’s path to either knock it down or daze it. (Picture an airship chase through a canyon and you’re having to shoot down boulders to daze or slow down it down)

Or what if it’s the other way around, where a huge enemy is chasing you down a hill where you have to fight it occasionally to slow it down then run like crazy to get out of it’s way. Example: A reverse Cliffside fractal, where the giant statue dude is actually trying to attack you and you’re running up the cliff trying to lash him to the cliff. Another example: Picture the mechanical spider fight in the beginning of FFVIII.

That would be amazing!!

Loved these two suggestions.

S/S Warrior in dungeons.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’d much rather take a person with Valk or Knight gear or Cavalier, that doesn’t die and hinder the team, then somebody in full berserker that dies all the time.

I would rather just not have the slot filled with anyone at that point. I don’t want either of those lmao :P

Returning after a break.Need build help

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Pretty bitter attitude you have with efficiency. You’re allowed to do whatever you want… wear less effective equipment if that’s what you want to. Just don’t whine when people don’t want to have anything to do with you then.

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I have a question. I run candied dragon rolls/omnomberry pies/ghosts since I’m poor and struggle to maintain the scholar buff. I am considering dropping 5 out of Arms (Increased damage to bleeding foes) and picking up 5 in Discipline (sharpened axes probs) for the extra crit damage. Is this a good idea? I lose roughly 3% crit chance and gain roughly 5% crit damage.

Hey! What Ephemeral said above is correct, but let me try to elaborate to make sure you and anybody else that reads will understand.

Ok, so important things to note here:
Arms minor trait at 5, and Arms minor trait at 25.
Arms (5) minor: chance to cause bleed to foes for 4 seconds (33% chance on crit)
Arms (25) minor: 10% damage increase to all bleeding foes

Think about this for a second.

With each trait point you pump into Arms, you’re gaining precision, which increases your chance to hit a crit. Not only are you applying bleeds nearly 1/3 of the time assuming you’re maintaining fury with a banner of discipline and signet of fury with proper nourishment, (your crit chance should be ~90% or around that area), your overall damage is increased by 10%. This includes non-crits, because as long as the foe is bleeding then any hit will be 10% greater.

Something important to take into account is whether or not you use GS often or want to just stick with axe. If you do not want to use GS, you will struggle majorly with solos. Because of what you suggested, it seems to me like you’re interested in focusing on axe autoattacks. Having Arms X will no longer be as useful for you if you swap 5 points in Arms for 5 in Discipline because your DPS will be reduced from a slightly reduced chance to crit and the loss of the 10% damage buff to bleeding foes.

So assuming you also take out Arms X, you will not maintain an appropriate amount of might stacks and you will also be hitting much less than you’d like to with axe.

Basically for soloing, you definitely want to stick with Nike’s GS build. It’s unquestionably better, but non-soloing aside… provided you were able to outsource might from other people with you then yeah your idea might work well but still less efficient. :P

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Rangers have no respect in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Omg maxinion. That sounds like such a glorious moment to just stand there and completely forget about your surroundings. Nothing in that moment matters except for the fact that there is a ranger, in YOUR pug group, that isn’t an inept bearbow soccermom.

Humina humina humina.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Offering ascended jewelry through laurels was a horrible idea. Now it’s going to be challenging as hell for ArenaNet to come up with a viable method of adding ascended jewelry crafting or forever leave the cap at level 400 with cooking.

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Hey Chris.

I don’t have time or desire to sift through dozens of pages of extremely long posts to ensure that what I have to say hasn’t already been said, but I’ll try to give a few concise requests and opinions about FotM.

First and foremost, the only solution that I can think of the counter the incentive for the average player to roll for specific fractals is to release rewards that are unique to a particular fractal.

As well as the above, I believe the daily chest reward pool needs changing. I definitely do not advise weapon/armor chests being made more common than they already are. The problem is that if you don’t get one of these or a fractal weapon skin at the end, your reward is almost nothing at all. A simple yet effective solution would be to scale the amount of gold acquired at the end based off of what level of difficulty was done; each level would increment the gold reward by 10 silver.

Ascended rings are too abundant. It makes pristine relics essentially useless for any purpose other than conversion into regular fractal relics which are as well useless after a few items like a back piece/gifts of ascension are acquired.

As well as ascended rings being too abundant, you must implement some form of exchange we can do with these other than selling to a vendor for under 5 silver. It’s atrocious.

Two possible solutions:

1) enable us to salvage for a 1-3 chance of ectoplasm and globs of dark matter like exotics with an additional chance of 1-3 +1 agony infusions or 1-3 vials/globs/shards of mist essence as well. It seems pretty fair to me!

2) allow us to sell the rings to one of the vendors in Dessa’s Lab for a certain amount of fractal relics. I actually think it would be fair to offer this option as well as the salvage one listed above.

Let me know what you think. I have many many many more ideas for dungeons and fractals, but I’m going to limit this post to just these simple suggestions.

Lupi solo questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’ve noticed sometimes there are even places in the middle where he will let you stay just in his circle (kind of on the edge) without him moving, meaning he won’t use frenzied blast even in the center.

Yeh the ground isnt flat and so he buggs into the different textures on the ground

and it is a horrible idea to stand under him there as he has a chance to hit you.
if we’re gonna Ant-kitten it all the way through.

Indeed. I’ve died from this before. I was standing directly under him in the middle of his red circle before while off-walling and got 1-hit by one of his regular ranged attacks on phase 3.

Lupi's kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


I bought a lovestruck greatsword skin for my Mesmer.


Anyway, Lupi’s kick. Didn’t someone say they experienced a triple Lupi kick once? Dat RNG!

I’ve had one before!!

I was so mad when the double kick happened, but laughed at the third. I didn’t even die, which is the funny part rofl. I got hit by the second kick, but evaded the third because when I whirlwinded into the wall it somehow had me fly off to the side a little bit so I was out of the hitbox

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Thanks for the posts guys!

Yeah I remember when I first got 80 on my warrior. I didn’t have any idea what traits to use. I remember that out of pure guessing, I chose 30/10/10/10/10 because I didn’t even know what most of the attributes even did. The only ones that were straightforward enough for me to know that I obviously wanted them was “Strength” lol

I strongly advise to check out Nike’s guide there, and to read through everything I’ve posted here for specific advise with utils and more

*Spoilers* MIND BLOWN right now! A++++ ANet

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Seriously! I’m still picking my jaw up off the floor.

C) Selling Tormented weapons on the store just makes me angry that there’s no way to get them besides random. It’s a slap on the face for any GW1 veterans who had them and loved them.

Buy them from the TP?

yayaya farm gold till you fall flat on your face!!! awesome rewarding gameplay!!

/sarcasm off

get real. Stop with this nonsense “buy from TP”… ya farm gold ok, i dont really feel like doing endless and mindless zerg trains to earn something.

Make it rewarding by actual skill. my 3 year old can farm champ zerg trains and eventually buy something off TP. Stop acting like this makes it OK. It doesn’t change the fact that anet only plans to add skins and what not through gem store

So are you implying that these weapons should all be inexpensive? As far as I’m aware these were fairly prestigious weapons in GW1… that’s at least what others have told me. If anything I’d expect them to be significantly higher in price.

So, what do you propose as an alternative? Lol.