Showing Posts For Purple Miku.7032:

Wierd E-mail

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It’s a phishing attempt; ignore it and carry on regularly.

Cavalier/Hammer or Berseker/GS/Axe

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If you’re going to make ascended, go with berserker – especially since you mentioned both PvE and FotM.

Also, hammer is only good in WvW. It’s essentially never the ideal weapon to use outside of WvW and sPvP. Very low damage and there are far more effective methods of dealing with trash than using a hammer (LOSing them and 100b > whirlwinding into a wall/object).

Use for Ascended Magi?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Just transmute the skin onto a second zoija weapon or something so that you can have two of the same ascended zerk weapons but easily recognise which one has which sigil based off of what color it is. That’s what I did when I got a shaman weapon chest. Now I know first glance which axe has sigil of battle and which has sigil of undead slaying.

Alternative Build for DPS GS 100 Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


From what I understand, a thief is capable of superior single-target damage with the support from a warrior (banners) and a ranger sword AA is better DPS with the appropriate support as well.

But yeah, I agree about that claim being pretty bold.

5x MM necro run CoF P1.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I started laughing the moment the video started, with that awkward-as-hell male Norn battlecry.

This is brilliant.

How the heavys destroyed the fun in PvE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Sounds like a description of… nothing.

CoF p1 is all warrior with 1 mesmer, everything else all heavies? Lol. Inefficient.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Thanks for the detail!

I actually can fully relate to how you feel about the personal story lacking depth. I’ve complained about that on numerous occasions and it’s one of the reasons why I feel jealous of my best friend who plays FFXIV Reborn, for example. I really do miss the semi-sandbox feel with traditional quests but at the same time a lot of aspects with that kind of system are flawed too.

The real problem with GW2’s system is that it’s challenging to feel personally/emotionally attached to any of the characters kind of like one would in a movie they really liked or a really really beautiful storyline on a game like FFX (sorry if anyone disagrees but OMG that was such a beautiful game).

As a result, I feel inclined to almost always skip cutscenes and ignore NPC dialogue. I can’t help it! It’s just as you say; it all lacks depth.

In regards to your last statement… oh god I hope I don’t find it on here rofl. :P

The beautiful toons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Here is my Ranger

LOVE it!

Here’s my character. Zoija transmuted to all orrian except helm + gloves. Gloves are transmuted to t3 protector’s.

Dyes are abyss and vincent.



(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


In regards to what you posted above, imagine what it would be like having to escort Varra Skylark from Arah P1 through a fractal.

“Why Varra… why do you have to shoot everything with your rifle. WHY. WHYYYYY!!!

I agree. There’s especially no reason to have NPC dependency considering the basic and lazy AI implementations they all have.

Unable to post in Suggestions Forum.

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Ah, thanks for clarifying that. I missed that change… well, glad that’s settled.


(Purple Miku feels like an idiot now)

S/S Warrior in dungeons.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Unfortunately most people that join my LFG posts either don’t care or don’t even read the post, which brings up another point… the ever-so disgustingly awful implementation of the LFG with its incredible amount of flaws and bugs.

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Those could be nice additions. Imagine a boss where you could only challenge him if your party includes two people that are married (in game) which could be a new feature. Boss’ name would be something like “Lovers Hunter” and his aggro would be permanently set up on either of the lovers. Finally we could get an achievement with a proper aggro management system and the best part would be that anyone could be a tank, even squishy ele. Imagine the possibilities.

I disapprove of this so much that it’s difficult to restrain myself.

Adding combat mechanics that encourage internet dating…?

Haven’t ever found a more appropriate use for this gif than response to your post, tbh. This is as relevant as it gets.

Player Marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Rift even included a nice wedding ceremony where you could invite up to 200 people. The rewards were strictly cosmetic although attending and participating in a wedding counted as achievements.

Omg that’d annoy me so much. Also you sent me off on a tangent of horrible “what ifs” ugh. xD

Imagine if they released a Living Story where you had to attend Kasmeer and Marjory getting married for unique temporary rewards…

I’d ragequit. EXACTLY like this.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I don’t understand the concept of roleplaying very well tbh. What even do roleplayers usually… do? I just went on the website that Lilith posted above but I’m not sure if it’s more so of writing stories like Fan-fiction or going ingame and pretending to be superheroes/villains or what.

I also should note that due to an MMO I was a part of for almost a decade (Runescape), I have a tendency to feel kind of creeped out by even thinking about that word. A lot of people on that game took things of that nature to extremely creepy levels, like cybering… (insert cringe/face of disapproval here)

I’m not sure if that’s part of the reason why Arenanet might be hesitant to add additional support for roleplaying communities, but I guess it’s worth considering the possibility of it being the case?

Either way just because I don’t want to have anything to do with it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t hope the best for those that do. Hopefully they’ll add an official server for you or something like that one day.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Non-sexy female medium armor choices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Minor nitpick, but this wouldn’t be true. The rate at which any body cools off has to deal with the proportion of surface area to volume. In general, the larger any object becomes, the longer it takes to cool off, since volume tends to increase at a cubic rate, but surface area increases at a quadratic rate. Larger volumes give more space for heat to wander about before leaving a body, and larger surface areas gives larger space for heat to enter or leave a body.

That stereotypical joke about women always being cold? There’s truth to that: women have a higher surface area to volume ratio than men do, both because they are smaller overall and also because they are more slender for their height. So, in a more realistic setting, it is the men who have to reveal more skin.


CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You have to take into account here that probably 99% of the rest of the playerbase aren’t able to do what you can do on this game, Wethospu :P

Just like anything else on the game, there comes a point where you’ll have done something enough times to learn the best ways to do it and it’ll become trivial. Don’t all the boss fights in FotM already feel that way to you?

While I agree that at this point I consider him really easy too, my point is that the fight is extremely engaging and very unique— certainly one of the most memorable bosses this game has to offer.

Steep learning curve, unforgiving, unique, engaging.

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Chris, I really hope you don’t miss my post here but I’ll understand if you do… based on how many of them you have to sift through.

My biggest desire for FotM requires me to highlight one of the bosses on this game and use it to compare with other fights found in GW2.

Giganticus Lupicus

This is by far one of the most engaging boss encounters in the entire game and something worthy of being bragged about. Whoever came up with the idea for Lupi was a genius. Even the lore behind him is intriguing…

This game needs boss encounters like this.

While I’m aware of the fact that very experienced players can take him down in under half a minute (a bunch of eles can take him down in 7 seconds, lol), it’s a boss that doesn’t require you to rely on other players unless you are very experienced yet at the same time can give a full team a great deal of difficulty.

Seriously, this is just the perfect boss encounter. Is there any chance of us getting boss fights similar to this in fractals? Molten Duo is nice, but the fight mechanics aren’t nearly as unique. While I do like that there is a “second phase” after the first of them is killed, compare it to Lupicus’s three phases each with unique attacks and behaviors.

Simply put, Lupicus is a legend in the PvE world of GW2 and I want to see more fights like this. I’m sure many others will agree that it’d be thrilling to have more encounters of this nature. Afterall… fractals is meant to be the “elite” content of the game, yeah?

Any chances we could have a fractal related to the fall of Orr or anything of that nature? I apologize for being so biased towards this aspect of the game’s lore… it’s my favorite.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The reason why I hate pure puzzle encounters is that we could have combat with puzzle encounters. For example we could have a boss in wisp area and you would have to use wisps to beat him.

But back to your reply. So far every puzzle is so shallow/easy that there is barely any need to think about builds. Yes, I use different skill set when running wisps than normally but loading condition removal, mobility and stun breaks isn’t very challenging. With combat elements you would have to make a decision between offensive and defensive skills.

If you get thrilled with using Mantra of Resolve instead of Null Field then I guess we just have to accept that we appreciate different things.

About alternative paths, while it’s a nice idea I would rather first see current encounters spiced up with more mechanics. I prefer quality over quantity.

I feel a little strange for doing this, but I thank you for being persistent with the main points you’ve been asserting :P

I’m really glad that I don’t feel alone with this mentality:
_"The reason why I hate pure puzzle encounters is that we could have combat with puzzle encounters."

While I actually kind of like the wisps encounter, it’s hardly worthy of even being called a puzzle. The challenge associated with puzzles is solving the puzzle, and that’s pretty much done for us. This is more of a busywork exercise, if anything… or sadly a test to see how inept the PUG team you joined is. :/

This leads me to question why we’re told what to do in dungeons and fractals? I’m not sure if many people share this same opinion, but isn’t part of the fun on games exploration? You know, discovering what you’re supposed to do… where to go… how to do something?

Just a thought.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Player Marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Sorry, but hell no. There is absolutely no way that I’d ever want developers’ time wasted on this.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but on another game I used to play… e-dating was a prevalent issue that commonly led to friendships and gameplay ruined from people becoming overly-attached and depressed and in many cases, scammed/hacked. If it’s encouraged on a game there are many potential drawbacks to worry about.

Ever hear about “catfishing”? You’d be surprised at how common this is across the internet— especially on roleplaying games.

OP I’m not insinuating that you have these negative intentions, but please keep this out of GW2. I don’t want to see the same disasters from Runescape seep their way into here.


(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Berserker's Mace with Condition Damage?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I noticed this a while ago too and thought it was stupid as hell. Not even sure if it’s a bug or if they’re trying to trick us into wasting money lol.

Unable to post in Suggestions Forum.

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Hi, I apologize in advance if this isn’t technically a bug but it certainly seems like an error to me.

When I first posted a thread months ago in Suggestions (a very constructive one at that), it got pushed off onto the third page without anyone replying. I waited a few days prior to doing so, but bumped it. It resulted in me receiving an inbox message stating I wasn’t infracted, but warned of it. Cool, fine.

So ever since then, I haven’t been able to post in that forum. It says I lack sufficient permission rights.

You can’t expect me to believe that something as basic/common of a mistake of bumping your own thread constitutes a permanent ban, so I’m certain it was human error.

I was tempted to post this in Account Issues but it’s kind of relevant to both forums, really. It seems likely that whatever human moderator was issuing out the warning either made a mistake or there’s a bug in the system(s) they have in place.

Anyone else dislike Marjory and Kasmeer?

in Living World

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

My response is this.

How am I meant to not be irritated with romantic cutscenes/dialogues being forced upon me when I have no connection with these characters?

The way this game is designed is in such a way that it’s nearly impossible for any of these NPC’s to hold any value to me. It doesn’t only apply to the LS either, it’s applicable in every single circumstance on this game including personal stories that feel as lively and exciting as my lectures at uni do, and ESPECIALLY the dungeon NPC’s with horrible AI that I have to suffer with.


If only Varra Skylark was capable of reading and interpreting mapchat. If only. Oh, how I would have so much to say…

What is the best *solo* way to farm gold?

in Living World

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It depends on the path, but I only do this on my one warrior. If you’d like, I made a very thorough guide for a DPS build (the one that I use) along with a plethora of helpful information in regards to utility/weapon/consumables use. If you have any questions in regards to what’s on there, please feel free to post them as a reply there because I’ll definitely see them.


What I meant about people cheating, I mean that there are illegitimate runners that do things such as leaping onto/over walls/miscellaneous structures in order to skip boss fights, safespot bosses, things of that nature. I don’t want to specifically name any of them, because they’re against the rules.

If you’d like, I have raw footage that I highlighted of myself soloing both Arah P1 and P3. I’ve done P2 solos many times too, but I haven’t had a run that went well enough to my liking to save yet. Any of the runs that I’ve solod Alphard without dying, I wiped at the end boss or at Lupi or something embarrassing.

Arah P1 solo:
Arah P3 solo:

Keep in mind that in P1, there’s one boss that’s not possible to solo. It’s accepted amongst the community of dungeon runners that it’s omitted when referring to a P1 solo, and what I and everyone else does is post on the LFG for “tar help.” I pay them 1g each after it’s killed. In the end, I make ~28g each time I solo path 1.

Whenever I solo path 2 or path 3 (if I have the time and am in the mood for it) I generally always give it out for free to anyone who’s watching the stream at the time (EU players only, as I’m on Desolation).

Hopefully you’ll be able to learn how and what I’m doing in those videos. If you have any questions, post them for me on my thread that I linked above. Good luck!

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

S/S Warrior in dungeons.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Understandable Julie. I actually wish that other builds were more effective. While I love everything about the notion of “the best defense comes from the best offense,” which I apply in every game, I sympathize for people that aren’t as aggressive with their playstyles and want to play with focus on other attributes. Unfortunately for them, this game is not designed in such a way for that to be practical haha. :S

The OP just asked if the weapon set would work for dungeons. Now I may have been mistaken for assuming the S/S meant Sword/Shield. It may have meant Sword/Sword. My apologies. From experience I have run Sword/shield in many dungeons and it worked out fine. I’m not sure about Sword/Sword but on its face it seems ok. A block to skip mobs and something to stack more bleeds, which is good for a MH sword user.

Is axe superior? Sure, if you hit it right, and it’s good to keep one in your bag, but MH sword is not as terrible as some suggest. Take the arms line to 25 (10% more damage to bleeding foes, which is will be everything you hit) and bleeds really pay off (also take Deep Cuts, and Blademaster along the way.) I can see two swords being very deadly with this line maxed out.

Go to the mists and hack away on dummies. I have found that axe AA isn’t that much uber to sword AA (1-2 sec.), and who cares if a boss or dungeon takes 30 sec. longer? I think for a warrior to be most useful—drop a banner or empower allies, or trait Shake it off. Those skills/traits help your group more than the weaponset IMO.

I cringed.

You have a misconception of just how much direct damage axe mainhand can do…

Also unless a specific boss has condition durations reduced (i.e. Alphard in Arah P2), deep cuts is a waste of a trait because the 4 second cooldown from Precise Strikes (Arms minor 5) is perfectly sufficient for maintaining the 10% buff from Attack of Opportunity.

Sword/shield may be viable in PvP but there’s barely any purpose that I can think of in PvE that you’d ever want to use a shield offhand even in a solo setting. I only ever use it to block while I’m skipping trash in dungeon solos (still, warhorn is generally always better anyways), and it was a decent idea for Alphard solos on Arah P2 for the 3 occurrences when all of the clones appear. In a group? Hell no.

I dunno about you but with the axe AA chain being as fast as it is and with as high of a crit chance that I’m able to maintain, I easily can average above 3k crits with axe AA in a solo setting, frequently above the 4k range depending on how many stacks of might I’m at (not always easy to maintain more than a dozen stacks in a solo setting). Video example demonstrating:

Now, I know that riposte applies 4 stacks of bleed lasting 15.5 seconds on each recoil. If you observe, essentially the only times in which there aren’t ~2+ stacks of bleed on Korga at all times are after he rushes… as I’m obviously evading it/side strafing. At all times that I’m attacking I am easily able to maintain bleed stacks on him.

Even if I stood still with permanent stability and endure pain with Korga stuck in a wall, I’d be willing to bet I wouldn’t be able to even come close to killing him in under 5 minutes with a sword.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

S/S Warrior in dungeons.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I want to clarify that Flissy is absolutely correct and I said the same thing above:

“Axe autoattack, believe it or not, is actually THE FASTEST possible DPS that a warrior is capable of dishing out provided they’re at 25 stacks of might & bloodlust and have fury + the proper traits and gear. There is nothing that surpasses it at our disposal, period. Axe autoattack chain is just that good.”

I think I also said this on another thread, but the personal problem I have with the 30/25/0/10/5 alternative is that it makes you less versatile, as you rely on there being a competent guardian and ele in the group to take full advantage of your potential whereas with the 30/25/0/0/15 build you do not. I prefer more versatility as do many others, so the pure axe build is less ideal certainly for my gameplay.

Julie, I hope you realize that just because I’m asserting the fact that these builds are superior to anything else in PvE doesn’t mean that they’ll work for any and every person that starts using them. It’s very unforgiving on the inexperienced players, so noobs that go out and try to facetank are going to be pathetic. I know, I agree with you. However, if one seeks to improve the very most effective way is to put themself in a position where they must make use of evasions and timing their skills.

As for your statement of “Who said anything about going to range, I hardly ever range. Even though I play SS/LB I still stack when it is time to stack, it makes blasting my own fire fields that much for efficient.”

Erm, I do this in certain circumstances when I’m soloing actually. It definitely has its purposes, but do you normally play in groups? If so, is it really necessary for you to use longbow F1 when stacking in melee range? It seems like one heck of a waste of your own individual potential to do it if you’re stacking with a group. Ideally, an elementalist will be there for the fire fields.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Alternative Build for DPS GS 100 Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’ve always strongly disagreed on EA being the pug carrier. For me the answer has always been to go for maximum self efficiency instead of trying to give buffs for people who are struggling (as a warrior that is). When I feel like the job gets done faster solo than with the team EA is not an option.

I completely agree with you, Konu. When you’re dealing with pugs you do not want to rely on them to get the job done.

However, Flissy does offer quite a lot of interesting suggestions to the table for those that wish to be more of a supportive role than they currently can be with the GS meta. I actually still don’t think it’s worth going that low in Arms ever for PvE, mostly for the same logic in your post.

"Expansion sized" patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Thanks for the posts, Mark & Colin.

GS DPS Warrior Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Well, first it’d be nice to know what specifically you plan to be using this build for. I’m going to go ahead and assume general PvE since you didn’t specify.

Generally speaking, power is the most essential attribute for optimizing DPS and you want to find a good balance between that, your critical hit chance, and critical damage %. Currently in your build that you posted you not only are missing out on a lot of power, but one of the most crucial traits at our class’s disposal for damage output! :O

You definitely do not want lower than 30 in Strength, because of XI (Berserker’s Power). Having a perpetual 15% damage increase when your adrenaline is full is HUGE, not to mention the added +100 power which is an extra 10% direct damage from the base (916).

Also the grandmaster traits in Arms aren’t very important, but the minor trait at 25 is.

Desperate power wouldn’t even be active unless you were low health, which you are obviously aiming to avoid.

Discipline I’m not sure why you wouldn’t have it on VI, as you clearly intend to be using signet of rage.

Try looking at the thread that I made for some ideas; it’s pretty much what the META one is but there’s a lot of details added elsewhere that will probably be of use to you since you’re looking to maximize damage output.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

S/S Warrior in dungeons.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

First of all Julie… I’m absolutely certain that your claim in the first sentence isn’t true. You may understand but there’s unfortunately a lot of players in complete oblivion to the truth.

I understand that you wish for there to be more build diversity, but if you have no reason behind changing something other than for the pure sake of change, is it necessarily the best way to approach this desire?

The fundamental problem lies within the design of the game itself and without drastic change to mob AI, variety within instances, class balancing with team synergy and unique specialties, and stuctural changes implemented to dungeons there isn’t any reason for somebody to want to have anything to do with somebody equipped in a way that’s flat out awful by comparison.

“While a well built SS/LB can’t out DPS the meta Axe build it doesn’t mean that it isn’t good or effective.”

It is awful by comparison.

Something to take into account here that’s very important is that most people aren’t like me and solo dungeons all the time; most people do them in groups.

Though it’s not entirely the case, it’s selfish and pretty rude in a way to know that you’re intentionally hindering your potential just because you like to change things up, which directly affects the outcome of the dungeon for the rest of the party.

Sure, it depends completely on what specifically we’re talking about here— let’s use this S/S + LB build as an example. This is so blatantly inferior to a warrior using Nike’s GS / Axe build meta that by comparison it’s almost as if the person here isn’t even there. In fact, the idea of them splitting mobs apart by stepping back to range could very well make things even worse than if they weren’t there to begin with.

Furthermore, what if I were to maintain my very same build but join your instance without using armor?

The logic I’d use is that I’m aware of the fact that I’ll have less tankiness than before and hit less damage, but I’m seeking for something new and more interesting. Though I can’t absorb quite as much damage as before and hit as much as I could with armor, I still am able to perform at the same pace as the rest of the team due to proper utilization of my dodges, blocks and utilities to mitigate damage.

Even though the scenarios aren’t the same, it produces the same feeling upon the rest of the party; everyone feels a sensation of my presence a burden and slightly irritated at the idea of me replacing somebody who would be a more trustworthy and reliable candidate as a teammate.

Now as for me personally, no I don’t get sick of running my build. I knew coming into this game that I wanted to play to kick _, to be as good as I can be; constantly improving and seeking new challenges to overcome and perhaps to even go for record attempts.

Efficiency and personal records aren’t always what I want to do, but I still find it very thrilling to achieve the arbitrary goals that I set for myself.

One could argue that I could seek to challenge myself by completing solo runs in inefficient build setups. Yet at the same time, is this the same kind of challenge here?

In a full DPS setup, completing a boss fight that was intended to be done with 5 takes skill and proper knowledge of the mechanics and my class to do whereas repeating the same thing in a less efficient build is just senselessly hindering my potential, as it’s not actually changing the difficulty of the engagement but it’s making it arduous and more time-consuming.

I understand that this isn’t the playstyle that suits everyone and I do agree with you that repeating the same instance over and over again results in the experience becoming stale. I do not, however, agree with you on the notion of intentionally making the experience take longer for no other purpose other than for the sake of change.

If I’m going to do something like that, I need a tangible reason.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Ranger or Necro for dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You’re gravely misinformed if you think Rapid Fire is a Burst Skill for Ranger. Or a DPS skill in any way, shape or form. It’s not. Furthermore, 5k DPS is deplorably low by PvE standards, which is one of the many reasons you can’t hope to translate sPvP to PvE.
Not to mention, that DPS is nothing compared to Necro’s Dagger AA or Ranger’s 1h Sword AA, -even- with 100% crit chance in DS. I’d look up Spoj’s Necro guide for PvE and Dungeoneering if you -insist- on bringing a Necro into dungeons (Which, really, should only be the case if you don’t have any other Profession at lvl 80, because of Necro’s lack of Team Synergy and Support.)
Ranger brings two unique Buffs to the team (Spotter and Frost Spirit), Perma-Fury and Decent Might, making them good Offensive Supporters. They also bring a long-lasting Water field that removes conditions, and a reflect. Necro brings none of these, barely any defensive buffs, Paltry excuses for Heals in their Life-steals (Which you have to Trait, in trees that are otherwise of no interest to you) and only decent Vulnerability and Blind. Both of those latter points can be done by a Guard or a Thief, and they both bring better support than the Necro. They -can- pump out pretty good single target DPS, with a smaller army of Minions out, though they tend to die pretty quickly against AoE’s. Furthermore, Necros lacks Cleave, which is situational in sPvP but downright essential in PvE.

TL;DR – Ranger > Necro in dungeons (Generally speaking, as mentioned in other posts Necro has a few uses but more often than not, Ranger takes it.)

Pretty good breakdown here. You deserve to be quoted on all threads that try to claim necros to be useful in PvE.

Well done. :P

Ascalonian Catacombs - Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yeah, have fun charging traps mid-pull in a pug. It’s your funeral.

Exp is one trap and stack but pugs don’t even know how to reflect, so that’s out the window too.

Your post reminds me of one of my worst ever experiences with dungeons overall. I’ve completed it like twice ever.

It took very little time to understand what you were supposed to do, but everyone seemed to enjoy being inept and not only refused to stack, use reflects, and dodge, but afterwards when they all immediately wipe they whine as if there wasn’t anything they could do to prevent it. I’m unable to DPS out the boss by myself due to people dragging it far away from any objects (can’t even get the job done by myself by looting FGS that I magically convinced the idiot ele to conjure), and post-fail and pre-attempt I CAN’T EVEN RECHARGE THE TRAPS BECAUSE THE PUGS ARE AGGROING THE BOSS WITH THE GUNS OMG.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

TA Story down for maintenance

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


Lindbur & dlonie you both are brilliant. I would love to read more things like this on the forums. Afterall, if we can’t ever get the issues in the game taken care of we may as well laugh at them and make fun of those responsible for them (until they stop neglecting them that is)!

Dunno if you ever saw the originals, but they are hilarious.

Ohhhh I remember skimming through this a while ago but I didn’t finish reading it for whatever reason. To be honest I thought yours and Lindbur’s were funnier except I freakin lol’d at when it said “We are very clear on this. This is an exploit. Damage sets, and in particular ‘Berserker’ will not be tolerated within the confines of dungeons.” xD

TA Story down for maintenance

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


Lindbur & dlonie you both are brilliant. I would love to read more things like this on the forums. Afterall, if we can’t ever get the issues in the game taken care of we may as well laugh at them and make fun of those responsible for them (until they stop neglecting them that is)!

What is the best *solo* way to farm gold?

in Living World

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

@Paul Kay
To answer your question, nope not really. It’s pretty much the best.

I solo Arah all of the time. However, I never cheat in them. All bosses are killed, I don’t jump over or under the map, and I sometimes even kill optional champs + always kill Korga.

Arenanet has already mentioned that as long as you aren’t exploiting, they’re fine with path selling. All of the people telling you otherwise are likely either believing their friends that tell them they got banned for no reason or spreading rumors passed on by said people. Afterall think about it logically — considering the fact that hardly any bugs/exploits have been fixed since launch, does it make sense for Arenanet staff to be focusing their time seeking out people to ban? Of course not.

Selling dungeon paths is legal provided you do not cheat. If you do cheat and get caught, you’re going to be permanently banned no matter how many times you beg in email. Not worth it.

S/S Warrior in dungeons.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


I feel bad because I know you really like what you’re using, but at the same time I also feel bad because you and anyone else repeating similar statements about sword mainhand’s damage haven’t been exposed to what really is the best :/

Look, in the end you can do as you please. I just want to make sure you’re aware of how profound of a difference it makes to trait and gear yourself up in full berserker w/ proper nourishment with fury, 20+ stacks of might, BoD, and axe mainhand as opposed to traiting yourself to increase bleed duration and use sword mainhand with the same might/fury/banners etc. Axe autoattack, believe it or not, is actually THE FASTEST possible DPS that a warrior is capable of dishing out provided they’re at 25 stacks of might & bloodlust and have fury + the proper traits and gear. There is nothing that surpasses it at our disposal, period. Axe autoattack chain is just that good.

However, Greatsword will certainly be better DPS over time provided the enemy is either against a wall or an object (or alternatively, a large enough hitbox) so that whirlwind is able to hit more than once. Also, the might acquired from Forceful Greatsword becomes more and more necessary depending on the team composition. If you have an ele that’s capable of sustaining your might, axe autoattack chain deals the most damage. If you’re solo or with noobs, greatsword is your best friend.

Once again I don’t mean to insult you or anything… but sword pales in comparison to the damage that you’d be able to hit with axe mainhand/greatsword. Sorry, but it’s the plain truth

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

What would GW2 be without the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Who’s to say what it would be, really? We don’t know what alternatives we’d have for content updates because it seems as if they’ve pretty much gotten rid of development with content that doesn’t pertain to it.

I’ve heard rumors of them firing off the whole dungeon team a while ago and while I don’t really have any way of proving this, it certainly doesn’t seem like anything’s really being done besides LS content. It’s actually really depressing to see how little attention dungeons receive in regards to exploits/bugs being taken care of, the dreadfully-coded and implemented LFG, and general alienation of players that seek “hardcore” content rather than being catered to like the majority of the population.

To give an example of what I mean by hardcore content, I mean boss fights that are unique, interesting, challenging to a certain degree, and non-zerg. WE NEED MORE GIGANTICUS LUPICUS FIGHTS!!!

Rate the Human's Face /10 above you

in Human

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032



Overall, I like it. To be honest that hairstyle seems like it’s beginning to get a little too common for me but it looks great so I understand why

I don’t like the choice of lips and the eyelashes very much, and of course since we each have our own personal preferences of what looks best I’d probably at best give somebody a 9/10 unless they chose exactly what I’d choose. I’m sure it works that way for most everyone haha… but I think you did a really good job on the outfit of your character and choice of colors especially. It looks really nice with the brown hair

This is my warrior in full zoija. Everything is transmuted to orrian except the helm which is hidden (all helmets are as aesthetically displeasing as it gets imo) and the gauntlets are actually transmuted to T3 protector’s gauntlets. They look much nicer than the orrian gauntlets. I was contemplating T3 shoulderplates too but… I don’t like how they look on any character unless it’s with the platebody/platelegs as well. That’s just my personal taste.

Oh, right. This was supposed to be about faces only oops.


(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Alphard and his new skills.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Lol, I’m not going to be surprised if I get banned for the post I put on this thread:

I haven’t paid for any gems that I’ve acquired. Considering how simple it is to acquire wealth on this game, there’s hardly much of a reason to imo. One can easily acquire enough gold for ~350-400 gems each day if they really want to. 1k+ if they really go all-out but my god I’d get burned out fast.

Alphard and his new skills.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I know how you feel lol.

I had such a positive first impression of Arenanet when I first started playing this game last summer. It’s drastically diminished since then to the point where I’m pretty sure that 90% of their employees are working on strictly LS content and the other 10% of them must be trolling the forums and banning everybody.

Master Class

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Tbh, good call on berserker’s stance for this. I never considered it to be worthwhile because the majority of the time I get idiots that all drag her as far away from me as possible to the point where nothing is worth using besides axe mainhand. I figured if I were to use anything like berserker’s stance + endure pain, I’d like to ideally pull off a full 100b to make it worthwhile.

I’ll give it a try next time I get Mai.

Ancient Ooze & Mage Crusher (solo tactics)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Why are you hating on Varra? She can solo lupi for you, shes op.

I can’t stop laughing

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


Great content updates are ones with replay value. It’s important to note that replay value =/= free stuff. The fact that the only reason people have been bothering with all of this toxic alliance and LA stuff the past few months only for the sake of farming for loot and achievements does not show that the majority of the playerbase enjoys the content. When easy rewards — especially limited time only rewards are released, of course people are going to try to get them. I fear that they might use the metrics of participation to their advantage for the sake of advertisement, just like any other company would, in order to give off the impression that everyone is immersed in engaging combat and challenged with new content regularly… which really isn’t the case.

On that note, it’s pretty depressing to see how little attention the game receives outside of the Living Story. I didn’t dock off any points for this, but if I had it’d be a score of about 3/10 instead of 6.

Did Living Story Hold Back Guild Wars 2?

in Living World

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Completely agree with you both.

I’ve been saying the same thing about the zerg content for a while now. I understand why it’s being done but I still don’t think it’s the appropriate way to go about things. My reasoning behind all of the zerg content is that it’s the easiest way to ensure everyone has the chance to participate in the content… at the cost of quality.

Since they’re catering to the majority (casual gamers), we’re not getting truly engaging content. There is no way to gague how useful you are as an individual and chances are you’re just as useful in a huge mesh of people like that by just autoattacking in the back with a ranged weapon as you would be by attempting to go all-out. In the grand scheme of things you do so little as an individual in a setting like that… that it just doesn’t matter.

So, what’s fun about that? Nothing! People are only there for the rewards and nothing else. Sure there are obviously people that love the lore, watch all the cutscenes, go for all the bonus achievements and the like… but setting foot into this new LA at any given point in the day the vast majority of all people in there are either AFKing near one of the waypoints until the knights are up, or farming champs. This is extremely arduous and these Living Stories make for anything but great content with replay value.

I had such a different (positive) impression of Arenanet coming into the game. They really do a great job with first impressions, that’s for sure. Nowadays I feel more and more disappointed as the days pass with little to no signs of them ever fixing exploits/bugs or adding more amazing boss fights like Lupicus.

Alphard and his new skills.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I know the clones are not fun to deal with while alone if they don’t los fast enough and running away to reset the boxes might either make the boss reset or get you hit by a stray ball.
But why people keep complaining about that pull? It has a very clear tell you can usually see in most scenarios anyways. How do you deal with mage crusher in p3 with that poison attack that has both a minimal tell and hits you almost instantly? Oh you spam reflects. Well guess what you can use for alphard.

Well for one, reflects aren’t even necessary for either but we both know that.

There’s a profound difference.

If one person misses a dodge and gets hit by the mage crusher, they get hit for ~25% of their hp if they’re in full zerk heavy armor. If one person misses a dodge by the pull at Alphard, they not only are insta-downed but so is EVERYONE ELSE.

The regular attacks from mage crusher in P3 aren’t telegraphed I’ll give you that but the comparison you’re drawing here is as if the punishment for failing is equal, which it isn’t…

Alphard and his new skills.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Alternate uses for ascended mats are needed!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

God ikr.

I don’t understand what the hell the point is of having these materials dished out to us in such high quantities is. The only reasoning behind it I can see is I suppose a shot-in-the-dark chance of getting somebody to waste $ on gems for extra character slots (more mules) or more bank slots/inventory slots (mules). However at the same time this seems almost too sadistic to be true.

Instead of getting dozens of piles of bloodstone dusts/empyreal fragments/dragonite ore when we complete dungeons/kill world event bosses etc… why not decrease the quantities of them that we receive to 1/10th along with changing all of the recipes involving them to 1/10th…?

Ex: 2-3 empryeal fragments at the end of a dungeon path instead of 27-30, 10 fragments needed for 1 empyreal star.

This way someone like me wouldn’t have a mule with over 25 stacks of the crap. All of my friends seem to suffer from the same issue.

Why doesnt anyone like TA Aether?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Wow that post by Nike is spot on.

I want to add to it though and to the topic because I think a lot of others share this common mindset with me:

I don’t like Scarlet. She is a cringe-worthy and annoying antagonist and I’m happy for her to be gone.

Arah feels like what I would expect when entering an instance of the type “dungeon.” Exploring this ancient city that’s now in ruins with undead enemies everywhere seems a lot more thrilling to me than anything at all to do with Scarlet no matter what. I didn’t want any of the Living Story seeping its way into the dungeons because with every new release of it, it’s felt cheesier and cheesier.

It’s kind of tough to explain what I want to here but not only am I not interested in the story behind Aetherpath at all, it’s the kind of dungeon path that you simply can’t get by without a coordinated group which means that a pug one off the LFG isn’t really viable. I’m personally ecstatic at the idea of dungeons having more difficult content, but this is not what I had in mind. Spending over a half hour wanting to beat my head against the wall because the people on my team are too inept to kite tar elementals away so that I can lure an ooze over to a door is absolutely infuriating. This puzzle isn’t difficult or dangerous, my team is just inept! The mechanics behind this encounter are by no means challenging or demanding of skill.

I think I’ve completed Aetherpath a total of 3-4 times ever and ragequit in pug teams an equal amount of times at the ooze part due to it being essentially impossible thanks to the idiots I was with. I don’t know anyone at all who thought that puzzle was fun.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Ancient Ooze & Mage Crusher (solo tactics)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I tried Korga on mesmer once, for the first time – I figured I could do it (very slowly, phantasms </3), but eventually she ressed a gorilla and I had to run xD


That’s happened to me plenty of times. Nowadays depending on what mood I’m in I might just reset the fight if I lose scholar buff or if I get that “running-in-place” GS #5 glitch that happens with larger targets. I always try to add that in for extra DPS immediately followed by a 100b because if you time it properly, you’ll still be able to get the full 100b off before having to whirlwind.

Did you come to the realization that Varra Skylark is the epitome of ineptitude on your Korga attempt?

Most people don’t know her true potential to ruin your experience ingame. If you thought it was bad when she was shooting elite hunters out of the blue while you were approaching the entrance w/ the two abomination guards before Lupi… wait till you see her at Korga.

Alphard and his new skills.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I actually really like the idea of it being so dangerous, so I’m not complaining about the pull EXCEPT for the fact that it kills everyone around you. It should only insta-down YOU if you were pulled, imo. The way it currently is just makes it so that it’s not practical do do Arah p2 with groups anymore, or at least this boss.

Highest DPS Team?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

-1 shout warrior using rifle, banner of tactics, banner of defense, and dolyak signet (just in case, and because Spongebob Tankpants needs more defense)

-1 guardian using staff, all shouts no reflect wall unless used same time as feedback. Be sure to never use GS to pull mobs closer, because that just makes things more dangerous for everybody.

-1 mesmer that ranges with GS and properly times feedback at the exact same time any guardian uses reflect wall.

-1 ranger with a bow so they have optimal attack range and they MUST have a bear. They are OP and can take aggro for the team.

-1 necromancer that always makes sure to protect the party by spamming Fear condition when mobs get too close.

Warrior must certainly be in PVT because they are at the front in battle and need more defense so the team can DPS easier. Guardian needs to be in Cleric for optimal healing. Everyone else can just wear Magi.

Be sure to use Superior Sigils that spawn trash mobs because they can also take aggro off and attack with you for more DPS, guardian needs Superior Runes of Mercy so they can support better, and everybody else needs to use Superior Runes of the Flock so they can summon birds every time they’re hit for more DPS.