Showing Posts For Purple Miku.7032:

So i just found this picture..

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The toppest of keks.

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Have warriors died?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The people who say warriors are bad, are the ones who are bad at warrior.

So I’m bad then I guess by your standards. Cool. Try doing any of the stuff in the game that I’ve done because if you’re better than me I’d love to see you outperform me in every dungeon and fractal.

Have warriors died?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Warriors still have phalanx strength trait, so unless they nerf the living daylights out of the trait, the class will still be valuable in instanced PvE. Take away the trait and it’ll be in bad shape though.

We lost over 30% of our personal damage in the past year, but we didn’t lose our banners and we gained an OP might-sharing trait so we aren’t completely useless.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

What is your most hated build?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Interesting that there’s so much hate for a second Warrior. Warrior DPS is pretty good, definitely second rate behind an Ele but above a Mesmer, a Necromancer, or a Guardian. Warriors are also pretty nice meat shields in pubs, allowing squishies to have a little more breathing room.

Times have changed sir.

Warriors have very bad personal damage, but very good group buffing abilities. In the past it would be relatively efficient in casual runs to take two warriors, each running the other banner, but nowadays I can very much notice the drop in performance as opposed to having just one PS warrior with both banners and multiple eles.

Maybe part of the reason for it is over a year ago for the most part there just wasn’t anywhere near as many people who skillfully played ele as there are nowadays and there were tons of people playing warrior. Perhaps that was part of the reason they got nerfed so much? Who knows :P

Bunny ears soon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

wtb fox ears for Holo the wise wolf ingame cosplay plz.

ur pug group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

What is your most hated build?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

-Staff guards
-Longbow rangers
-Rifle or axe offhand warrs
-Thieves that camp SR even when you ping blasts
-Scepter eles that dont use conjures
-Pug mesmers in general

Meh I just don’t really like pugging in general it seems. I used to be a lot more tolerant with it last year but now I just cba lol

Defiant Stance and Lupi phase 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Warrior doesn’t really need anything. This heal would be really useful for ele for when they get RNG’d on phase2>3 transition but warrior can tank them without it mattering unless you get hit by more than 3.

But, life suck only happens on phase 3 not phase 2. :x

If this heal prevented secondary effects it’d be wonderful but unfortunately it’s pretty bad for Lupicus due to the problem of not being able to let Lupi hit you at all in phase 3.

Trio Tournament Betting Thread?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I bet miku’s team will feature more hentai than all other teams together?

Tom’s out of the team now because he is busy with coursework and Ambro ditched us again to go to NA, so my team is now:

Me, Der(py), Quaggan, and Sesshi.

No hentai :<

PSA: Take your signet of might and go.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

What’s hardcore about wanting to higher fury uptime lmao?

PvE - Frostgorge Sound lag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Fair enough, but the way that your first post is worded makes it seem like you noticed it happening in Frostgorge and then it suddenly stopped soon after when you left, not that you have reliably tested it so that it only happens when you enter the map. If that’s the case then I think I will have to agree with you about it probably not being an issue locally.

What region and server do you play on?

My next suggestion for you would be to try seeing if guesting to another server at all makes a difference. I’ve actually heard rumors about this happening — certain WvW borderlands having severe lag issues for specific servers. I’ve just never actually confirmed it to be true for myself.

It could very well be the same problem as described above.

Verizon Fios Connection Issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Hello, I have spoken to some other people who are playing GW2 with Verizon Fios as their internet providers and we all seem to be having issues with GW2 connection. It is a mix of having higher ping (sometimes ridiculous ping up to 3,000 for me even though my speedtest says I have 8ms) and functions of the game not working properly (i.e. Cannot decline or accept party invitations). If you have Verizon Fios or another internet provider and having issues with your connection to GW2, please post here so Anet can see, and hopefully resolve the issue. Thanks!

Also, here is what is popping up on my screen whenever I try to accept a party:


Koltiron, the problem is probably that Verizon is partnered with Telia, which is very well known for causing problems with routing. They are the “middleman” between the servers that you’re connecting to in order to play GW2 and the connection you receive from your ISP.

You can try using a VPN and see if that helps you. There’s a lot of them out there but one that most people I know use is called “WTFast.”

But the thing is, there’s a chance that this doesn’t even help. If it doesn’t help to use a VPN then the problem is either the fault of your provider (which you can check by using speedtest), your software/hardware, or Anet.

PvE - Frostgorge Sound lag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

But how do we know the problem wasn’t just you? Surely you aren’t suggesting everyone in the map had thousands of ping, no?

Use this, and check in Resource Monitor to see what IP addresses to enter into it. You can do this by doing the following:
1) Right-click task bar and select “Start Task Manager”
2) When it opens switch from the Applications tab to the Performance tab
3) Click on the button with the icon for administrator privileges that says “Resource Monitor,” which will open another window
4) With Resource Monitor open, switch from the Overview tab to the Network tab
5) Look under the TCP connections section

Now with this, you’re able to see all of the applications that are currently sending/receiving data, what your latency (ms) for each process is, and what their remote addresses (IP addresses) are. You should see three for gw2.exe. One of them is for the game server, and it’s likely going to be the one that has the highest value for latency.

Take the remote address corresponding to the process for GW2 that’s lagging the most and enter it into PingPlotter and let it do its magic. You will probably end up seeing packet loss in a few areas.

To give you the general idea of what to interpret from it when you do this, if you see packet loss on the very last addresses that have “ncsoft” in them, then the problem is not on your end. If you see the problem during one of the first few addresses, like the one that represents your router etc, then you know the issue IS on your end. If you see packet loss in the middle and see some strange addresses that have things like “” in them, then what that means is that your ISP is routing you through a “middleman” which is where your data is being lost, thus causing the packet loss and the extreme lag. All you can do about that is trying VPNs or possibly consider getting a different ISP.

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

…but we’re not talking about whether or not you want to bring it to a group we’re talking about its DPS compared to other classes. It’s below average regardless of how much it can buff others. Whether or not it’s valuable to take is something completely different.

I just don’t like the suggestion that warrior is mediocre DPS by any means, with vulnerability and banners and might/fury stacking it’s always a welcome addition to a group.

Erm, I don’t like the suggestion that warrior is mediocre DPS either but it’s true either way. The definition of mediocre is “of only moderate quality; not very good.”

All classes have their own advantages and disadvantages and warrior used to have higher than average personal DPS but those days are long gone. It’s received pretty much nothing positive in the past year other than a mace offhand buff and phalanx strength.

To be quite honest phalanx strength is the only thing that makes it worth taking a warrior in a lot of places. Banners are nice, but they alone don’t justify taking a warrior in some of the lower dungeons over another ele. It depends on the path and how long an encounter takes. :P

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

PSA: Take your signet of might and go.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Oh how convenient it is to just completely leave this part out of my quote:

you should probably just kick them… but only if you ask / tell them first! Give them a chance to cooperate.

Hurr durr. So toxic.

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If you want a real challenge try heading over to the General Discussion forums and convincing them that warriors aren’t top-tier in DPS.

You mean top dps. Because in terms of tier they fall behind only to ele, thief, and the odd engi, in practical dps (not some idealized scenario for a ranger, for example), and no group will run without one simply because of banner of discipline.

And it’s all context sensitive. In a pug or lower skilled group I can bet you the warrior is the one pulling the larger chunks of damage.

It’s really kind of unfair comparing any class to frostbow and meteor shower. Compare a D/F ele to a warrior and it gets closer.

Actually D/F ele is always better if you’re in a group, when compared to warrior.

Warrior benefits the least out of all classes when surrounded by others because in a solo setting its offensive buffs are still there for itself. Regardless of PS builds in a group or DPS builds, warrior will be peaking above 20 might and be using banners.

D/F ele, on the other hand, provides no unique offensive buffs to itself but rather permanent fury and might. In a solo setting D/F ele optimizes DPS with strength runes and sometimes strength sigil too, so that they can maintain 25 might. In a group, however, D/F ele optimizes with scholar and without strength sigil. In other words they won’t be the only person contributing with might gain and they’ll have banners. In this scenario, D/F is far beyond warrior.

In a solo setting D/F is still better DPS than warrior but not by that much. I spent a good while in heart of the mists testing it with different runes/rotations and D/F ele usually averages around the same in a solo setting as a warrior does without using glyph of storms/ice bow.

Also, the argument you’re making about pug warriors dealing more damage than other classes is just as valid as me claiming that the average pug warrior is a terribad rifle + axe/axe warrior. It’s subjective to your own experiences in dungeons and means nothing. When we’re discussing DPS I see no point in calculating and comparing it to that of random people in pug groups rather than comparing the classes based off of what we know they can do and what we know we all here do.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

PSA: Take your signet of might and go.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Banners and phalanx strength are essentially all the warrior is used for in groups so if they aren’t complying with bringing what they’re expected to from you, you should probably just kick them… but only if you ask / tell them first! Give them a chance to cooperate.

One thing though…

The normal setup is Banner of Discipline, Banner of Strength, and Signet of Fury.

This is best to do only when you have enough fury. If for some reason you’re in a team of idiots and you don’t have eles blasting their lava fonts, you’d need the fury from FGJ more than the passive precision from signet of fury. If I recall correctly in a level 80 zone/instance, signet of fury gives ~9% more crit chance and assuming you’re running either 65003 or 05063 with arms V, you’ll definitely need to make sure you have sufficient fury uptime.

Otherwise you’re correct because crit chance is lower than ideal for a warrior that has both banners so it’s a lot nicer to be able to take signet.

Warrior's Appeal

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Warrior used to appeal to me because it was a really powerful class, but now it doesn’t really feel like a rewarding class to play.

Despite the fact that it needs some serious buffs in the damage compartment, it still has some advantages over other classes in terms of high base health, healing signet, defiant stance in some situations, a brokenly overpowered trait called Phalanx Strength, etc.

OP you can give the class a test run to see if you enjoy it but as someone that’s learned the ins and outs of the class and played it for an unhealthy amount of hours, the honest truth is that warrior just isn’t the same as it used to be and is in a rather underwhelming state at the moment. General guide discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Does anyone know any good combo video guides? The one on reddit was quite dragged out and some others I have seen mention stuff like Whirling Axe.

I would like to have a brief video which tells “stack might like this”, “stack stealth like this” and “stack swiftness like this”.

Then it would show how to do with different professions.

Also would be nice to also have real examples.

Well I could get real examples before encounters for you too if you want, but I made a video demonstrating how to maintain 25 might by prestacking a while ago and it shows most of the blasts available, so that might be of use.

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Also forgot about this.

This was the absolute most challenging thing I’ve ever attempted, and it’s duo.

I’m not sure how much easier a third person would make it.

I don’t suggest you do this specific thing yourself, but what I’m doing is just showing something ridiculous that was actually quite fun to try to attempt. There’s a lot of ways to have fun and make things kitten this game, you just need to be creative.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You could try soloing FotM 50?

I remember the first time I tried doing that it was challenging. Should keep you busy for a while.

basic warrior build

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

PvE exp or Dungeon: Berserker equip with GS and axe/mace, something like 0/4/4/0/6 to have always adrenaline, obtain might with GS and clean conditions with Cleansing Ire.

Nonono. You may have advised acceptable PvP/WvW builds but this is very very inefficient for PvE.

Here is a build that will yield high results for you, but it’s designed specifically for solo situations:

If you want to make it more efficient in a group, swap arms I to V and contemplate situations in which either sword offhand or mace is better. Mace offhand results in higher vuln output so it’s better for group DPS, whereas sword offhand has decent single target damage (impale + rip) and a block. Rarely will you encounter people that have a problem with this setup, as it’s the standard DPS build for a warrior.

If you wish to run phalanx builds, that’s another story and for more detailed explanations of how to play warrior in PvE, I give you two guides:

Hope this helps.

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

So… Will you do a guide for eles?

Yes, but I can’t right now because I have a cooldown of 15 minutes in between posts. I have to wait for if/whenever they remove it before I can make the guide because I’m sure people would not allow me to finish with all the posts (4-5 or more) before commenting.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The only thing that I did claim is that:

2. A full berserker guardian can not pull off this “no-dodge” strategy. If someone out there can, please show me. I would love to learn. Seriously.

As you are well aware, the play style of a full zerk guardian in 3 man fotm is different than the clerics guardian presented in this thread. As you put it, “instead of avoiding dodging,” the encounter is “much more active and the fight is less stationary.” These are two different strategies. I am specifically referring to the “no dodge, minimal movement” strategy. I even put in a disclaimer that I would love to learn if someone can teach me.

Finally I never said clerics guardian is efficient. I have always maintained that it is effective. Efficient and effective and distinctly different.

Fair enough, point proven – it was mostly from others then and not so much from you.

But I feel the need to point out that in the mossman videos in particular I’m noticing some dodges from both the guard and the people who aren’t in clerics. It involves tons of eating damage and standing around but it’s not devoid of it, and like I said in previous posts you can achieve basically the same results without clerics. Equipping tanky gear merely allows you to make more mistakes/alleviates the concern of you possibly messing up.

Also, I once again point out that if you have a thief in the group then standing still is a DPS loss for them. For staff ele it’s irrelevant whether or not the guard dodges or doesn’t dodge because all their attacks are aoe and will hit regardless. Warrior it’s different because of hundred blades but warrior DPS is irrelevant anyways.

Thanks for at least trying to be reasonable about the discussion though.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Also what is this wolf bugging strat that I keep reading about. They are generally dead before they can do anything even in a trio format so I’ve never seen it.

For soloing/duoing, it makes it much easier and less annoying to run in circles on the opposite end of the area until you stop seeing wolves spawn when he goes into stealth. Then when you run to the other side, it’ll be out of their aggro range.

But, you know, referring to everything that we don’t understand as “bugging” appears to be a fashion trend around here for some people (you not included because you were only asking what it is).

It’s as much of a bug as it is for Vahid in Arah P4 to stop spawning floras after the 5th one. Guess if you don’t kill him before he spawns the last one you’re bugging him too.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Arah's extreme makeover

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yes Lorgus I noticed it too. It’s really strange, like the hue/saturation is distracting. I have always had postprocessing on low before and it never looked like this so evidently they’ve changed it or perhaps it’s bugged like seemingly everything else, who knows :P

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Why are thieves loved in dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Well why are eles loved? I mean they only bring sheer dps and offensive boons like might and fury.


They bring unblockable chill, instant 25 vuln for short encounters, best cc in the game for PvE (deep freeze), best aoe damage in the game, permanent fury uptime, 2nd highest might stacking potential only to PS warr but without ruining their own personal DPS in the process, can bring projectile blocks and personal tanks to distract bosses (rock elementals), the arguably best blind field in the game (sandstorm), can help maintain high burning uptime as well, give the most swiftness to the party out of all classes, cleanse conditions, and blast like hell in all combo fields.

Ele #1 buddy, don’t you forget it!

Why are thieves loved in dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Stealth to skip content, otherwise they are garbage in dungeons.

I wouldn’t call defiant stripping, above-average damage, blinds on trash, blast finishers and projectile absorb to be “garbage”

Above average damage? They have the highest single target DPS in the game so…

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

This isn’t about full groups tho, the thread’s about trios. In full groups having a healer/tank guardian is even more irrelevant, and even Brown admitted that last page. No point in bringing a tank guard when you can strip defiance and chain deep freezes + coordinate rock elementals and reflects :P

If you’re talking about pugs then well, let them do as they please nothing’s stopping them…

No one’s saying people can’t/shouldn’t do what they want to make runs easier on themselves, we’re saying that the claims that facetanking bosses in full zerk guardians isn’t possible is false, and that the stat combo clerics isn’t really necessary or best to take for what they say their intended outcomes/purposes are. Healing power scales really terribly and the attribute goes to waste, and thieves need to be moving constantly to optimize their DPS anyways so standing still at places like imbued shaman doesn’t make sense to me.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

My math says Knights is 25.2% more DPS than Clerics.

You are right; I did my math wrong. I forgot to include base ferocity in my calculations. The rest of my post still stands though.

No offense but the only reason why this thread’s annoying me is because you + OP have posted many times suggesting that this is the best method to use for efficiency because of comments saying things like “you can’t do _ with berserker” etc. It’s false.

I’ve been duoing/trioing fotm 50’s for ages and it’s almost entirely possible to tank mossman with a guardian in berserker, which is unlike what you say. The difference is that instead of trying to avoid dodging and having someone change their gear, we’re all much more active during it and the fight is less stationary and well… more of a fight, I guess.

Yes, it’s error prone to people that don’t fully understand Mossman’s attacks and make mistakes. It certainly isn’t going to work for people that don’t know what to do in every moment. But the problem I have with your posts is that you’re pretty much saying that you cannot repeat what you’re doing without being in clerics. It isn’t true.

Your methods work for you, which is fine, but you’re spreading false information by stating you can’t tank in full berserker. You can. And even in Skady’s cleric mossman trio, I can see Mossman turning around and using dancing dagger on the ele/thief, and hear her saying that she cannot fully protect them from all of his attacks so they need to dodge some of them. This exact same situation happens when the guardian is in berserker. It’s no different.

For reference to show that a cleric guard isn’t needed to tank, here’s a video of Sesshi and I duoing Mossman on 50 with two staff eles:

..which is basically one of the most yolo sort of setups you can choose from. It was our third try, and I presume that provided we put effort into it it would be possible to do it in around 3 minutes.

As you can see, when you spawn rock elemental he will maintain aggro the same way that the guard does. As long as you remain a certain distance from him, he will absolutely never stop attacking the rock elemental aside from the occasional dancing dagger throw, until that rock elemental dies.

Once again, I’m not trying to bash you and your friends. While I won’t do it because the idea of standing still doing almost nothing to defend myself for the whole encounter sounds just as fun to me as the idea of doing what pugs do and bug him in the water, I commend you for finding your own way of enjoying yourself and encourage you to do as you please.

Just please don’t spread false information about it.

It is completely possible to hold aggro and have smooth + consistently fast runs without cleric guards. It may not work for you, but it certainly has for me.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Rofl ok.

So it appears they reverted the change as of tonight, 3/17/2015. NEVERMIND. xD

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Undocumented changes, March 16, 2015

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Looks like all the scaling nerfs from yesterday were reverted, guys. Unless the hero panel lies, that is… will do some test runs now.

This just in Rytlock Brimstone quits Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Probably, Rytlock saw the bunch of bad people complaining about the warrior,allthough the warrior is part of the meta in top pvp teams and speedclearing.
After reading those tears ,he was so ashamed that he quit.

So are you claiming that I’m a bad warrior? Interesting.

Undocumented changes, March 16, 2015

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The great mystery is how many of these are actually intended.

Knowing Anet, probably not many of them.

The one that seems most mysterious to me is the snowblind elemental top change because it seems highly unlikely to me that they would be aware of it seeing as most people I’ve encountered tend to not even be aware of how to damage it in the first place, especially in pug groups.

New Down-scaling Since Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I tested the scaling on my ranger. I agree it takes longer to kill stuff. Sometimes an entire second or two.

If you upgrade to ascended armor to one shot stuff in Queensdale I’m not sure what to tell you, bit it’s not the fault of the game.

The game needed to make it take longer to kill stuff in early zones, so people that are actually in those zones could get credit for events.

That may be so, but the nerf was overly-drastic imo. We were indeed overpowered prior to the patch but we went from one extreme to another.

I don’t think it’d be unreasonable to claim that they should consider readjusting the formula.

I mean, seeing numbers like 40% crit chance in AC with full ascended berserker is pretty cringeworthy. It’s to the point where assassins might be optimal for lower leveled dungeons.

Unnecessary Invisible Walls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I remember that orrian tree node. It annoyed me tremendously, it was the one that was in front of the entrance to the promenade of the gods. :\

Current PvE meta?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Most people don’t factor churning earth into the equation because it’s pretty much established that it’s never worth using mid-fight and only for precasting :P

You technically have less might stacking potential with it either way because the time it takes to wait for churning earth removes the possibility to blast in your fire field with your first autoattack chain on LH. With S/F all of the blasts are either instant or nearly instant cast, so you have time to perform 1 autoattack chain with LH after using all of your blasts before your flamewall disappears but ring of fire doesn’t last that long so you can’t stack as much might with it.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Unnecessary Invisible Walls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I guess that’s one way to look at it, but not all invisible walls placed prevent access with the intention of that.

That’s my point really… there’s many invisible walls placed that serve absolutely no purpose.

Current PvE meta?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

A couple of little things put together. 4 pts in Water, Cantrip Mastery, Aquamancer’s Alacrity, Mist Form, Lightning Flash, Mixe of Soldier, Valkiry and Berserker.

I suggested the S/D because of the utility of Might and Fury stacking, not personal DpS… why would you use anything other than Berserker if want full DpS?

It’s not a bad build, but OP asked for meta build. And you give him an personnal adaptation of meta build not to optimized dps in certain situation, but to increase your survivability how you prefer.

That’s why I said they were suggestions. I considered my personal experience, since I don’t expect all fights to be simply standing still and spamming skills like a DpS race.

I just questioned why did you consider it not a good damage build when it has nearly everything of the maximum damage build output you can with a few changes for survivability (and I’m talking about the Staff build if it’s about DpS).

Not only does S/D have less might stacking potential than S/F, but you should never use scepter unless you’re using LH, with the exception of prestacking might before an encounter. Scepter has the absolute worst DPS out of all weapons for an ele and might that you stack isn’t put to good use. If you really want to stack might, use D/F.

Unnecessary Invisible Walls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’m glad you agree, I love exploring. I just find it pointless how random invisible walls prevent you from doing simple such as standing on top of a mountain to take a picture.

Here are some pictures that I’ve taken of goating, to put it into perspective of how enjoyable it can be!

Unnecessary Invisible Walls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Arenanet normally places invisible walls all over the place to prevent players from going out of bounds.

The problem that I have with this is that sometimes they’re placed for literally no reason. Like, I understand if you want to prevent players from abusing terrain to safespot bosses/take massive shortcuts in dungeons but when it comes to something for example like, climbing to the top of the highest mountain in Timberline Falls… why? What’s the point? Why not allow people to go up there for fun, to see the highest viewpoint in the map and maybe jump off after taking a picture or something?

Also sometimes the invisible walls are placed really lazily, like for example around the entrance to the Ruined City of Arah dungeon. You’ll notice that a lot of the decorative giant ribcage bones that surround the area can’t be approached because you’ll magically hit an invisible barrier.

The point of this thread is just to express distaste with pointless invisible walls. Some of them I understand the purpose of, but sometimes they serve no purpose at all. I just wish/hope that in the future they would be placed appropriately to prevent abuse ingame, not to inhibit any and all exploration.

And if any of you haven’t tried it, “goating” can be quite fun.

Current PvE meta?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yeah I understand why this wouldn’t worry you, but keep in mind there are a lot of players (myself included) that enjoy running dungeons for the sole purpose of optimizing gameplay because we find it fun to try to compete for times.

It sucks for us.

I think the change was a little drastic, but still I understand why it was done. It’s just that combined with the might nerf, ferocity implementation along with the many other things taken away from us such as stacking sigils, it really is less fun compared to how it once was a year ago.

Current PvE meta?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Guys, the damage nerf is in areas where you are downscaled.

This change should have arguably done a year ago when ferocity was first implemented because then there wouldn’t have really been the need to further nerf anything else, such as might/warrior weapon skills etc.

The nerf is across the board and affects everyone regardless of what class played and you will notice a drastic decrease in efficacy in places such as AC, CM, etc. Your crit chance is utter trash compared to what it used to be and your power is capped much lower to narrow the gap between a person actually at that level and a person being downscaled.

This is why it might actually be optimal to use assassin armor in some of the areas that you are downscaled in where it’s easy to achieve the maximum power without having power primary on your gear attributes.

However in level 80 areas berserker will still remain supreme.

And yes, Arenanet carelessly excluded this fairly significant change from the patch notes. Reset discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I tested with AC and CM this evening and the loss in DPS is astounding. Probably the biggest damage nerf we’ve seen yet (at least in these dungeons it is).

LF PvE Mordrem Ele Build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Since most Silverwaste content is in a group, I would heavily recommend running 66002 for the extra vuln stacking. You’d be surprised how little vuln people are packing in their builds (including most posted here) and it brings an astronomical increase to zerg’s overall damage.

I usually don’t do Silverwaste anymore but I popped in it to record a run with the action.
Gear in video: Zerk Helm and the rest Cele(Strength Runes), Zerk Trinkets, Zerk Staff(Force+Night sigils) all Ascended.

With this set up, you can occasionally and safely leave Fire Attunement for lock downs. The damage you’d normally lose for leaving Fire Attunement can be filled with Lightning Storm and/or Ice Bows. Lightning Storm is notable since you alone will provide 25 vulnerability with it.

Hope this comes in time to help you out!

I very often see advice offered that makes me cringe, but what you posted is exactly what I’d have suggested for everything except the armor. The only problem I have is that you chose celestial gear which is kind of pointless.

Ether renewal is literally all the condition removal that an ele will need and going full out offensive with the perfect traits like this is highly effective.

But aside from the armor choice… perfect suggestions for the utilities, the heal, the trait point allocation and knowing to take quick glyphs?

My hope for GW2’s forum community is restored (for now at least).

-internet high five-

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Its a bug. — Therefor its temporary. — Totally acceptable.

No, it’s not.

They delayed this update a week and still pushed it out wayyyyyyy too early. Rushing updates is just dumb.

If it wasn’t enough time to at least test to make sure something as basic as chat bubbles/down state not being green, random male charr noises coming from my human female character, and the plethora of other problems released this patch then it’s pretty obvious they’re understaffed. Tequatl is no exception to this and OP has every reason to be uptight about it.

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Well, good news for warriors somewhat.

Now that they’ve completely changed the downscaling formula, everyone’s DPS is significantly nerfed once again as of 3/16/2015.

Warrior is now actually worth taking in some circumstances to groups in lower dungeons (only one) for phalanx strength. Aside from PS builds, warrior is pretty much as useless as ever in groups.

This has nothing to do with soloing but figured it would be worth mentioning here still.

Undocumented changes, March 16, 2015

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Not sure if implemented in this patch but:
Arah p3 jumping on the plant to skip a portion of the run after crusher/hunter no longer possible(there’s a wall now).

That’s not entirely true. You can jump onto the plant/tree, but now the mobs cannot aggro on you when you use it to leap up the wall to skip the entire run to mage crusher.

Which was the only real purpose of jumping onto that plant anyways, otherwise it was pointless because you can just teleport up anyways with lightning flash/shadowstep/blink etc.