If you don’t stack Might before a battle you’re a bad Elementalist
Today is the day I learned I am a bad elementalist
We’ve known for quite some time. I am glad you came to the realization. It was getting awkward.
Hopefully the day will come that you learn it as well.
When in doubt, ask purple miku. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/warrior/DPS-guide-for-PvE-Dungeons-Soloing-More/first
I always prioritize Arah but my next choices are usually AC and CM because they’re very fast to duo with my friend.
I usually do all 4 Arah paths, and if I have time and feel like it will do AC P1 + P3, and CM P1+P2+P3.
I never do AC P2 because imo that path is just AIDS. I kinda hate CM P3 too but meh, casual runs no one will care if you use the rifle gun on Wahlen ^^
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
If it counts as old school, the very first song I heard from Netsky was “Iron heart” and I remember loving it. Same with “Memory Lane.”
I think I have both on either my youtube or offline main playlists as well.
Yes, for sure.
It’s the biggest reason why people decide to skip CoE quite often.
Wait… do you guys mean murellows?
If so I’ve been laughing/wondering about those things since I was a total noob. They’re hideous. So bad to the point where I had to stop and think “who the hell sits down and decides to draw a creature that looks like this…?”
Just make the waypoints contested from the event chain but leave the dungeon entrance open.
This would completely solve the issue.
Then I wouldn’t be forced to pay people gold to open an Arah instance for me or wait 20-30 mins for the open world zerg to open the door.
CoE’s is the worst though. I think I’d rather get herpes than do that event chain tbh.
Dw I have a boatload of infused rings too.
Packrats unite.
perfect Lupi RNG.
and very fortunate run to alphard for Hater, where he didn’t engage in combat from the sharks. ^^
Well I wrote this long ago with the focus on optimizing solo play but a lot of the information in it applies to group play as well.
Maybe it will be of some use to you.
I’ve seen this happen before quite a few times and it is indeed annoying as hell. I hate it.
So if I understood correctly:
1) It’s easy to not bug her
2) Bugging disables flamepots which makes positioning and sustain less important
3) Bugging disables teleporting which makes gap closing, positioning and movement less important
4) Bugging removes the chance of getting insta-orbed if you close the gap carelessly
The way I see it is that “having to move around” is not a very good reason to allow bugging. So how big thing that insta-orbing is? If you realize that you may get insta-orbed can’t you counter it somehow? Or does good time depend too much on RNG?
A good time does depend on some RNG but not much of it. It’s just her knockback attack – she sometimes doesn’t do it right off cooldown and if you’re in close range you cannot reactively dodge it – only preemptively.
Because of that, if you anticipate her to use her knockback (from my experience it’s almost always after between 6-9 fire arrow attacks or whatever they’re called), you waste potential time to strike/evade. Besides this RNG there is nothing else aside from your own damage numbers.
As for bugging you’re right about all of those.
Oh kitten this sounds like it’d be incredible for mai trin.
I kinda like BlackBeard.2873’s suggestions.
I still don’t think making ice spike a blast finisher is a bad idea either because it’s pretty crappy. Increase the cooldown if you must, just make it worth using.
I can’t confirm if it’s the same thing happening to you, but I think people found another chat code that instantly crashes people. This time it crashes you before you have the chance to see it and you don’t need to hover your mouse over it.
After the fight is reset. Belka will no longer teleport when you next engage.
She will still teleport after the reset, but it’s rather random when / if happens. But, you just repeat the bone wall glitch and she resets again.
It’s not random actually.
If you go beyond the bone wall and don’t go within her range quickly enough she’ll disengage combat herself and you can look for visual cues to tell when it happens. She will change from combat stance to just idle animations for an asura. If that happens she’ll begin as if she just spawned and will teleport around the room. To prevent it from happening you need to run back after retreating behind the bone wall quickly.
She also will begin to teleport around the room if you remain out of her line of sight (behind wooden structures etc) for more than 30 seconds I believe. I think that was implemented in case of someone safespotting.
Berserker is always going to be optimal with the exception of a few classes unless the enemy in question cannot be crit (structure/world bosses)..
Well if they change condition to make them good in PvE we could have Zerker/Assassins/Sinister/Rampager that could all be optimal in their own situation.
If they wanted conditions to be good in PvE they wouldn’t have nerfed might. :P
Nah but the reality is that when you’re alone conditions are fine provided you have time to build them up. In group play they aren’t.
I don’t see this as much of a problem because it’s my opinion that they should be niche and if they right now were good/optimal to bring in groups then they’d be king in all 3 gamemodes.
People really should just watch my stream instead of wasting time on the forums.
Getting pretty desperate now aren’t ya?
Berserker is always going to be optimal with the exception of a few classes unless the enemy in question cannot be crit (structure/world bosses).
The thing is this doesn’t mean you are required to use it. You’re free to use whatever you want and if you can’t comfortably play with no passive defenses then don’t do it. Just be respectful of the wishes of others when you check the LFG please.
Funny how 9-10 months of no releases in WoW (which requires a subscription) is okay, but as soon as Guild Wars 2 goes a month or so without releases it is the end of the world.
Yeah part of the reason for that is because we’ve been kittening starving for content for years.
We haven’t had an expansion yet. It’s different.
I don’t see this becoming much of a thing unless many more changes are made. It really all depends what they do and it’s hard to visualize anything because all you can really imagine is what it would be like with our current game if we had another control effect.
Imagining it like that, then obviously nothing much would change.
These new specializes/class changes, however, mean that anything could happen for what we know.
Yeah I just learned that as well. Nike and his friends are constantly crashing on stream atm, my friend crashing at Tequatl last burn phase, etc.
Wonder what the hell’s causing it.
Nope everything was smooth up until mai trin… I streamed the whole thing so I could highlight it if desired.
The first client crash was when we were LOSing those mobs before you fight mai + horrik, right when I casted meteor shower.
The other 3 times were during fight with mai. :/
I wish I knew what was the cause of it but at the very least I figured posting it here to warn everyone would be a good idea. Beware. :x
No idea… never has happened to me before, but it happened to not only me but both Ambro and Robyn as well.
At first I thought it was just me, till we all lost our instance from it the 4th time it happened.
I don’t have a problem with it.
Every time you run out of combat and run back in, you’re wasting time you could be doing damage. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to allow it because you’re still encouraged to avoid running out as much as possible anyways.
I’d be fine with them changing it provided we didn’t lose even more DPS than we already have. After all our burst skills are still bugged with the trait anyways.
I’m glad you’ve found it helpful!
Let me know if you have any specific questions and I’d be glad to help answer them.
EDIT: I’ve learned what it is.
It’s yet ANOTHER chat code crash, but this time it doesn’t appear in chat and just instantly crashes the person. Looks like what happened was, someone was watching the stream and spammed it to all of us.
Just thought I’d share that today, myself and my friend were unable to complete our fotm 50 duo because of constant game crashes randomly at mai trin. We even invited another friend to come help since we literally weren’t able to stay on and then all 3 of us got the exact same client crash during her last cannon phase.
I got the game crash a total of four times before we finally all crashed and lost our instance. This has never happened to me before in any area of the game and I’m currently idling in LA after it just happened with no issues.
Had it only been happening to me I’d assume the problem to be on my end but clearly it isn’t.
Pics below.
When I think “Anet,” the first word that comes to mind would be “Ebola.”
If you get mai trin be warned and be prepared to potentially lose your instance for no apparent reason.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
^^ Ele has all the tools, it’s simply a matter of learning them. Knowing the dungeon is good and all but your success is more about learning the Ele, and you ahve to play it to learn it!
Personally I’m a very bad ele
working on it though!
Well, I feel very comfortable as staff ele. I cant enter to d/f tho and I dont know why cause I really like theengi metabuild.
Don’t worry because D/F is between 10-15% sustained DPS loss compared to staff anyways, and that’s not even factoring in meteor showers nor is it considering the fact that a staff ele’s initial burst can be absolutely insane.
D/F is usually worth it when you absolutely need the swirling winds or if you just like the playstyle. If you aren’t able to use ice bow #4 and meteor shower pretty much off cooldown due to needing to avoid projectiles then D/F is probably worth taking.
Cygnus back in the day before people that did Arah P4 finally decided to switch to meleeing Vahid (Melandru boss in the path), the optimal rotation for warrior was using Rifle + LB.
The rotation was using 65003 with crack shot and either deep strikes or deep cuts (fast hands was essential):
Weapon swap to longbow
Arcing arrow
Autoattack until weapon swap was off cooldown
Weapon swap to rifle and repeat
Even with deep cuts trait, you were right. It would be absolutely impossible to have achieved 25 stacks of bleed from straight up rifle autoattacking and volley was pretty much the only skill on rifle worth using from a DPS standpoint.
With a rifle and with 65003 and banner of discipline with the old signet of rage + for great justice (increased fury uptime), it was possible to maintain roughly 9 stacks of bleed on average with straight up rifle autoattack and volley off cooldown, no deep cuts trait.
Deep cuts increases bleed duration by 50%. Quite obviously that wouldn’t get you to 25.
Arenanet made a mistake in doing that. Buffs and nerfs should not change the function and use of a weapon in such a manner. If you were a sword/sword rifle user, for example, that change alone meant you had to drop the weapon and that’s not what a buff should be doing.
Rifle was never an adequate power weapon and the adrenaline change limited it even more because it couldn’t be used with the killshot opener. The weapon was made doubly useless and Arenanet`s logic on the rifle changes eludes me to this day.
To be fair, using rifle as a condi weapon was…. sub-optimal to say the least.
Lol so much this.
The bulk of rifle’s damage was from the direct damage. The bleeds from the autoattacks were negligible by comparison.
Fairly accurate assessment and post for the most part, which surprises me because you’ve said you’ve only played it for a week.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
In my opinion this is what they should have done a kittening year ago at least do…
a) Increase rarity of both infused and uninfused rings by a debatable amount, but give them a vendor value of 10x so it would be ~50s instead of ~5s.
b) Allow any uninfused or infused ring to be forged with an exotic essence of luck into a guaranteed infused ring. no guarantee of which ring it would be, just a guarantee of it being infused.
Pristine Relics:
a) Open up a third vendor tab option on that one golem that sells every fractal skin for (50/75/100) pristine relics each. This way it would ensure that it would take a lot of fotm to get the skin(s) that you want. The amount of pristines it should cost are up for debate but in my opinion any higher than 100 sounds obscene and any lower than 50 sounds even worse.
b) Kind of goes with the above, but also sell the fractal tonic for perhaps 250 pristines.
Oh hell why am I even bothering to type this.
Anet doesn’t care.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
I’ve played three chapters, and i find it boring… the stealth level was nice, other than it didn’t interest me, and I don’t really care what happened before / what will happen after
(once i knew that scarlet was the one building the steam creatures i thought it’d maybe read up on what’s going on, but i didn’t)
and I won’t be doing the achievements since I don’t want to play the same thing twiceSo you’ve only done each dynamic event once and never run a dungeon twice?
It’s different with dungeons because you get a gold reward from them. Take away their incentive and their popularity would vanish pretty quickly.
The LS achievement rewards aren’t the same.
Welcome to 2015.
Where MMORPGs are less and less about role play what it once used to be.
Sure some people still force the role play but the game itself does not encourage it.
Most MMOs today are quasi-single player games with a set story and course of events.
Once you are through with this there is instanced PvP and grinding score points of some sort.There is no more focus on making your own story/journey. Exploration is meaningless, everything is being spoonfed to you. Games full of micro rewards as a cheap excuse to cut short on actual meanigful content. No punishment for anything. Its boring.
But still, Gw2 is the most enjoyable among all of those bad games today. Atleast I thinkg that way.
It all quite sad if you think about it, because Less is more.
Developers would not even need to grind their butts off and create personal stories and what not. Its irreleveant.
We need to go back to a more sandbox approach in MMOs where the players and world build themselves a story.The only thing it really needs a little bit of background information you put into a wiki and then off we go.
I remember the time where clans made up their own stories and view of the world. Times where relationships expand beyond the border of the game, where you are a personality within the gameworld and you fullfill one certain role… and not play XY alt-characters by the side.. urgh.
I could continue on but who cares…
I care.
You’re starting to make me reminisce on the real old school days of Runescape (not the terrible old school servers that were released in 2013).
I too miss the old sandbox-type of MMOs, but sadly these days those just… wouldn’t flourish among the type of gamers these days. There are tons of reasons why MMO makers target the more casual crowd.
Back when the adrenaline (what whiners call nerf and what us good warriors thought of as a 2 year fix to how the mechanic is supposed to work) change, about a handful of us called it plain as day, that the gap between terribad and great warriors would only become more transparent. Seems like black is on the side of great with us, but where do you stand hybrid?
It’s factually correct to refer to it as a nerf because it substantially lowers DPS in PvE and prevents the ability to use burst skills at the start of an encounter without first building adrenaline for it in PvP and WvW.
Regardless of whether or not the mechanic works the way you feel it should, it reduces the efficacy of the class as a whole and does nothing to increase it as a tradeoff.
That is by definition of what a nerf is in this context.
Nice ego trip though.
I love jumping puzzles but hate how terrible the rewards for completing them are.
Like many other things on this game, I feel cheated for my time to get essentially no reward.
What. What the hell is boomerlang?
I’ve noticed for a while now a common trend for people that prefer to exclusively play in PvP to refer to any and all PvE content as braindead spamming 1111 as if it were actually the case.
The attitude BlackTruth has shows he pretty much falls into the same category as described, as he’s pretty much trashing anybody that doesn’t do exactly what he does.
She shouldn’t.
“LOSing a single boss or pushing them against walls”
She can either be pulled out of, pushed out of, or LOSed out of her retal symbols. Pugs don’t typically burn her down before she has the chance to do it twice or more times.
Warrior has low DPS across the board, but still play several pretty important roles for WvW – especially zergs.
- snip-
First of all you’re talking to a primary PvE player. dboylolz is a very skilled and knowledgeable player so lose the condescending attitude.
No one expects you to know that, but you should hopefully be aware of the fact that what is deemed as the “best cc in the game” is totally different for both PvE and PvP.
In PvE the all-around best cc skill in the game is this: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deep_Freeze
You bet it is. It’s great that you both acknowledge the significance of might for initial burst and the awesome deepz of staff.
If it helps, I show a bunch of practical prestacking combinations here that you can use to not only prestack to 25 before an encounter but maintain it too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bMz5pX9MsU
I do it all the time. The initial burst is the biggest key to success in runs sometimes.
I agree with the first three points but not the fourth.
Dailies aren’t required anymore to get your daily reward so if you don’t want to do them then simply don’t do them.
They’re there for the people that to be overachievers.
They also are more rewarding which is nice because they’re better reflective of having done anything at all. In the past you wouldn’t even need to pay attention to what was listed because you’d frequently complete random dailies just from doing your everyday routines.
I’d be fine with them adding more options to complete dailies but yeah.
I don’t play fractals as often as I’d like to, still I managed to get all achievements. Even the dreaded Shockwave Skipper. The only Skin I ever got is the longbow. I don’t even play any class that can wield a longbow…
You have reminded me that the only dungeon/fractal related achievement I don’t have is that not-stepping-in-lava one for volcanic. I’m sure it has much to do with the fact that I always shortcut to imbued shaman by dropping down on the cliff and jumping through the lava :p
Even if you are not abusing some game mechanic, controlling aggro is always a good thing. Stacking in a corner assures that you know exactly where all the mobs will be and where your attacks will push them. It’s easier to concentrate fire, and you don’t risk them spreading out and being difficult to cleave/AoE. It also means that you can reliably use wall of reflection to lock out all projectiles because they are all coming from the same direction. Also there are certain places where pushing mobs into a wall changes their behaviour and they become less threatening. As well, corner stacks are very reliable for pulling ranged mobs into the stack with melee mobs (due to line of sight). Finally, an open field stack is never as tight as a corner stack, making it harder to use small-size AoE’s.
No one argues that LOSing mobs isn’t a good idea.
They are arguing that LOSing a single boss or pushing them against walls is pointless with some obvious exceptions such as Bridgette in CM p2.
It’s about pugs who were completely oblivious to why people used to want things on the wall, which was for fgs’s fiery rush.
The fact that people are still using the same outdated tactics that don’t even work anymore is what this thread’s topic is about.
So this build is still viable? :x
Every single build you could manage to create is viable in any gamemode.
Do you mean to ask me if it’s still optimal/the best choice?
If so, it really depends on the specific encounters/bosses/mobs that you’re fighting against. Sometimes for example like I stated in the first post, 66002 can yield slightly superior DPS to 65003 but it’s very niche and requires perfect conditions.
Rest assured the build I suggest is the most versatile trait point allocation that serves for as close as you can get to an all-purpose and efficient build centered around DPS for the warrior.
The guide is pretty much up-to-date; I periodically check to see if there’s anything I can reword better or tweak.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)