The suggestion itself is by no means perfect Dub but it’s not something I immediately dismiss like a lot of others here are doing.
It’s at the very least better than what we have now.
Unfortunately the most important thing we have to remind ourselves when discussing things like this is the fact that ArenaNet as a whole doesn’t give the slightest ounce of a frosty —-- about dungeons and anything to improve them.
I’d support buffing of air attunement on staff.
The other attunements are fine imo, but air attunement’s #2 skill in particular is really crap. It should be instant cast for the blind.
i agree and feel you man. the speedruns gets way more boring to play than teaming with beginners… i think i’ll never go TA up zerk or SE p1 etc zerk anymore and remove the zerk part when i put pt in lfg.. i’ve been spvping so much probably just because of the boring elitist speedrunning constantly.. an elitist doing dungeons with beginners all the time… sounds odd and new.. i’ll probably live my dungeon experience more fun this way.
You keep using the term “speedrunning” in this post, but at the same time you’re talking about advertising for parties on the LFG.
Erm, what.
Bout time some clarification on what’s permitted and what isn’t is posted.
Much appreciated.
Go play a class that gets nerfed every patch then see how “balanced” warriors are.
We already are. That’s why we’re posting about it on this thread.
This entire game is RNG.
100b isn’t even that good in PvE anymore, just saying.
Eviscarate also is a lousy finisher unless you have Burst Mastery as well, since it doesn’t work with Berserker’s Power anymore (pls anet fix the bug).
Celestial is almost 30% worse dps than berserker in pve.
That is not too bad. It’ll be interesting to see if the new content rewards the additional tankyness better than the faster clear.
You don’t get it.
All of the content in this game – people struggled with at first because they didn’t know how to do it. It’s been over 2 years since and we know all of the attack patterns, all of the locations that mobs spawn, the exact behaviors of them. That is why we don’t need to run around with tank stats.
Good players learn, adapt and improve. If you remain in celestial gear, you’re not a good player. You’re stubborn and narrowminded for thinking that berserker suddenly won’t be the best set to use anymore. It’s by design the best set to use as long as the enemy can be crit.
The only possible way that berserker won’t be the best is if the enemy in question can’t be crit, and even then the best option would be soldiers, not celestial.
No matter what way you look at it, celestial is bad in PvE. There’s no use arguing otherwise.
Literally the worst Ancient Ooze I’ve ever survived on with my ele.
Pugging… it can be so horrible at times.
If things couldn’t get worse, 3 of them didn’t know what to do for tar and of those 3, only 1 of them spoke English and the other ones just longranged tar elementals for 10-15 minutes repeatedly.
Tar only spawned as a freak accident of them running around and conveniently walking over the two geysers at the right time.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
I’ve had a lot of trouble with mousekeys in the past not behaving the exact way that I wanted them to but you’re correct yes.
In reality what I suggested literally takes like half a minute at most to do, but I typed the exact instructions as basic as possible to make sure that anybody browsing this thread that might not be very literate with stuff like this is able to try it out.
Mousekeys are also not very intuitive to learn to set up. >_>
Nah, read what I typed.
It’s not illegal unless you make something that performs more than 1 action for each input.
To say that what I suggested is illegal would be equivalent to declaring keybinds for skills illegal and that we have to click all of our skills. That’s obviously not the case.
You can remap your keys to do whatever you want – it’s your computer and your choice whether or not you want to.
Either way I was merely offering you a suggestion to try to make it at least a little bit relieving, because I too know how repeatedly using a mouse to click can get tiring. Pressing a key is much easier on the fingers I find :P
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
If you want you can remap one of your keys on your keyboard to serve as a left click. It can be a lot more relieving to press a key repeatedly instead of clicking with a mouse, so it’s a nice alternative to consider.
With this, you can write a script to remap one of the keys on your keyboard to perform the action of a left click and it will still follow the rules as long as it’s 1:1 (one button for one action).
You can do this by installing this and opening a notepad document.
In this notepad document, enter the following:
Click, Left
When you’ve done that go to File > Save As…
You’ll see the usual stuff:
File name: .txt
Save as type: Text Documents (.txt)
What you need to do is change the type of file from text documents to “All Files.” This way, you will be able to save the document as whatever type you want. In this case, you want it to be a file with the extention “.ahk”, so for this just save the file name “MyScript.ahk”
If you’ve done this successfully you should be able to right-click the script from whatever directory you’ve saved it to and you’ll see the top option will be “Run Script.” Select that. Now as long as this script is active, your F5 key will be equivalent to left clicking with your mouse.
Note1: you don’t have to make it the F5 key, I just chose that by default.
Note2: if your gw2.exe process is running with administrative privileges, you will need to run the ahk script as an administrator as well otherwise it won’t work while gw2 is the active window.
Hope this stuff helps you and anybody else reading this.
Celestial everything is the easiest way to not go wrong. However half celestial and half knights/cav makes it more exciting.
How does reducing your output make it more exciting?
oxtred’s post above me is the truth – celestial is terrible for PvE, but good in PvP and WvW.
Celestial… on a warrior… in dungeons…
Pls no.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Ah thanks. Guess it’s the same as ele then, where you need specific gear for it.
sorry for this taking so long to upload, but Australian internet is bad for that kind of stuff arah guardian orb solo without the mortar
Thanks for correcting me
Did you have to change trinkets/gear or nah? Listing that off would be nice. For example soloing orbs is incredibly reliable on an elementalist but it requires a lot of cleric’s gear etc.
Played warrior for the first time in months today. Felt so slow and sloppy it was horrible. The swiftness nerf on signet combined with the fact that i always play D/F ele. I dont think ill be going back to warrior ever unless the specialisation is cool.
I was with you for some of it I believe.
It really is a depressingly bad class these days, compared to other ones. The differences are so much more apparent now.
You don’t NEED full dps beserker gear to do ANY of the content. Thats the difference. You can successfully complete all content with full Nomads or Clerics if you wanted to. The “zerker” requirement is established by players, and players only. Its faster yes, but not a requirement at all. Don’t want to use it? Dont join a zerger only speed run. Its that simple. The content is designed to be able to do it without having being forced to have certian roles. That’s what a trinity system is. You need to have X,Y and Z or you WILL fail. However even with a full DPS group in gw2, there are VERY few events that will fail if you don’t have enough DPS and dungeons aren’t one of them.
What this guy said is absolutely correct.
Nice post pdavis.
Every profession can solo a path that doesn’t need more than 1 player, though i’m not sure about ac p1
There are some classes that can’t solo Arah P3 without use of consumables due to the orbs (ranger, guardian) though I could be wrong about guardian. The only way I’ve seen orbs done on guardian was from Abe the hax0r.
Amiron.1067 why would you expect me to respond differently when you’re condescending me. xD
I find it pretty amusing for you to be claiming that I don’t know what I’m talking about. There’s no sense in trying to reason with somebody that introduces themselves like that, so the only sensible reaction would be something like “yeah, you go ahead and think that…” or “whatever helps you sleep at night…” or “riiiiight…” etc.
My statements about warrior being terrible are of my own opinion, but the reasons I gave for it being terrible are factual and based off of things that actually happened in the past year.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
I thought hammer guard was useful in guards. Is it just because of all the light fields? I was just beginning to do FotM with guard, and uh, if I shouldn’t be running hammer, it would always help to know : )
It’s mostly the light fields yeah. It’s less DPS and never really needed. If someone’s gonna down, they’re gonna down. Protection or not.
But I will say, I’d way way rather have a hammer guard than a staff guard obviously xD
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Anyone that tells you warrior that the profession is subpar has no idea what they’re talking about. Sure, we’re not top damage, but that’s not as important as the buffs we bring to groups. Banners are fantastic, and I find myself often running a Phalanx build to help give my team 25 stacks of might.
I’ve accepted for a while now that I can’t pug fotm. People just irritate the hell out of me. Like, for example in Thaumanova fractal, pugs don’t split up and do multiple things. If I say I’ll solo heat room they all wait outside like idiots instead of having somebody go to the east room and 2-3 go to the south.
Just one out of many many things that drive me nuts.
In any case that I had pugged fotm in the past I always made people share their traits/equipment with me when joining in swamp to make sure I wasn’t getting plebs that immediately think they’re good because they’re wearing berserker. There’s a lot of those… and more often than not it’s rifle warrior that brings both banners when there’s already somebody who pinged a banner/GS mesmer that doesn’t bring reflects/hammer guards and the absolute worst… scepter/dagger eles.
Embrace, don’t be ashamed of being a filthy elitist when it comes to fotm. There’s too many anti-solo mechanics such as dredge fractal in general, and thaumanova (unless you’re a mesmer), coupled with not being able to log out and in to rejoin after a death for me to maintain patience with pug teams, so I totally get what you’re coming at.
Awesome to hear that things are working out well for you Zaphir
Either of the following:
For carrying groups at Mai Trin I suggest this:
Mai Trin warrior stuffz
Reason for the mace mainhand above is that a lot of the time people can goof up and warrior normally has an easier time staying alive than other classes, so sometimes it can help relieve people that are struggling to purposely bait out the teleport shot and block it with mace.
If you wanted to optimize there instead, you could go axe/mace + axe/sword. It kinda depends who you’re with.
As for the two general fotm builds I listed above, it’s up to you when to use which. Keep in mind that playing phalanx is incredibly boring.
To be honest I think they might be in one way glad that this happens because it discourages people to bother selling paths. There are obvious drawbacks to it, but it’s worth considering.
They don’t want to support path selling and probably wish people weren’t doing it.
Generally speaking when you take a signet it’s for the passive most of the time, with the exception of signet of rage elite.
Anyone that hypes up warrior’s sustain, I kek.
I kek and I kek and I kek.
…I’m not in any guild with the tag [Hawt] though. Remember I’m on EU – I wouldn’t know of any of these random NA guilds.
It’s quite horrible for PvE.
You won’t wanna use anything that isn’t power-based in PvE. That’s the most important attribute. The least important attributes for an elementalist in PvE would be healing power and condition damage.
Toughness and vitality are useful against world bosses since you can’t crit those (the ones that count as structures, i.e. golem mark II and tequatl etc), but the thing is having gearsets just for world bosses… is quite wasteful since it’s always just zerging anyways.
For things like dungeons and fractals you never wanna take something besides berserker on an ele. Everything else is extremely wasteful by comparison.
Aww, you didn’t record Abe’s wookie noise!
That was the best part!
Race doesn’t matter on this game. It’s completely down to your personal preference and what you think looks the best.
I personally have no interest in playing a non-human character because I dislike how the other races look by comparison. Plenty of others will have different opinions. If you think Sylvari look the best then go for it.
Yeah Iris I’d like to know the context too, considering Ambro and I are both mentioned. I don’t recognise the names in the party chat.
…Your comment at the end only encouraged it too so in my opinion based off of what you’ve shown you deserve no sympathy….
I mean seriously? What was he supposed to do? Bow down and apologise even if he might not have been the problem at all?
He died and if someone said he’s terrible he probably kittened up pretty badly. People don’t normally react that way for no apparent reason and someone posting a thread like this isn’t likely to admit they play poorly because they usually try to demonize the people they’re posting about as much as they can.
He probably should have apologized for making a mistake. Either that or just not have responded. I don’t see what the problem is with apologizing after messing up… ?
If I do something stupid I normally type something like “kitten … misclicked sry :S” or whatever. Sometimes it’s self explanatory and not needed, but everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
When you pug, it’s to be expected that often times people are going to be less forgiving because nobody knows each other. You’re taking a risk.
They were obviously jerks for kicking him, but I don’t sympathize with the OP because he could’ve handled it better. I’ve seen threads like this tons and tons of times and every single time the person in the OP is always trying to play it off like they got kicked for no reason at all.
Why are you assuming that when one PUG tells the other PUG he/she is terrible, that that’s a correct assessment? Maybe someone else screwed up and he died? Maybe they all screwed up and died?
You’re acting as if you had some kind of metric on these threads and occurrences. If you do, please share. If you don’t, stay neutral. No one is asking you to sympathize, I am asking you to not take sides unless you have a valid reason to. Then again, who am I to ask anything.And to the whole debate about how his reply could only lead to negative outcomes: So what? I believe that no one should have to take bullkitten and if his kind of reply was enough for them to kick him at the last boss then they have a problem with their attitude and his snarky answer was fairly irrelevant.
There is no way that you can die at Mai Trin without it being your own fault with the exception of lagging out/disconnecting or doing some tactic involving group stealth that someone messes up for. Despite the fact that the cannon phase involves RNG there’s always a way to survive.
So no, I don’t have metrics, I have knowledge of the encounter. I don’t agree with people being jerks to one another but I don’t have any sympathy for the OP because as I’ve stated before, they could’ve handled it better if they didn’t want to be kicked.
Especially if people are in the same guild as one another, you’re taking a huge risk by encouraging people to kick you if you don’t want that to happen.
Not even once did I condone the behavior of the person chatting.
I’d just rather post something more useful such as telling the OP that next time they get into a situation like this, try swallowing their pride and apologizing with them just to get the daily and avoid getting booted. I personally would rather get kicked, but if I got into the position like that before (and I have) I wouldn’t post about it here if I knew they kicked me because of a dispute in chat. That’d be my own fault.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
“capable of working successfully; feasible.”
The answer to your question in the topic title is, yes. It is indeed viable. It may miss quite often depending on whether or not the enemy in question is sidestrafing or moving across the screen quickly, but that’s normal for just about all projectiles that aren’t homing.
P.S. – sorry to nitpick about the word viable. I see it thrown around all of the time and it truly eats away at me to see it misused so much :x
Thank you for the fast reply, as i said it doesn’t really makes the game unplayable so that i must play another game.
Don’t worry. Him saying all that despite you clearly stating you still enjoy the game then going on to post some cheesy gif of some trite, worn-out forum saying about ‘beating a dead horse’ is just a tactic to make you upset or feel bad for posting your thoughts about the game.
I agree with you in that stacking can be somewhat immersion breaking and it does sometimes feel like a shoddy way to do a boss fight. I just usually go with the flow and kill the boss however the group wants to kill it because for me arguing with people in the game is even more immersion breaking still. It would be nice if non-stacking fights were designed in the future.
No actually, me posting that gif was just reinforcement of my statement that this topic has been done to death literally hundreds of times.
I wasn’t trying to make anyone feel bad. If anyone should feel that way, it should be the person that’s intentionally trying to get the OP to misinterpret me in an attempt to belittle me.
I explained to him all that was needed to be explained for them to have a better idea of what their options are along with explaining that the notion of stacking in plenty of cases within dungeons isn’t actually efficient because there isn’t a fiery rush to kill bosses with anymore. Since most people don’t know this they just do it without knowing why and assume that something magical happens that makes everything die faster, when the reality is that LOSing bosses is a massive time waste unless it helps eliminate trash mobs/keep a boss that frequently moves around in place (i.e. Fyonna in TA up).
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Topic’s been done to death hundreds and hundreds of times.
Most pug groups in dungeons stack because they’re clueless and don’t realise that the only reason to pull bosses to LOS spots was to use fiery rush, a skill that was nerfed on September 9th, 2014. That was a long time ago.
Sometimes it’s beneficial to stack on top of one another, as it enables easier access to boons/sharing group utilities, which makes stacking part of the game’s combat design.
Unfortunately for you if you don’t like it you’re forced to either:
a) play another game
b) make your own LFG that says “no stacking.”
I’d end up paying because of how thirsty I am for new content.
I don’t give a kitten what it takes – just give me new dungeons. PLEASE.
It’s been known for a while that in an optimal setting where you never screw up your rotation, camping GS with 66002 is overall the very best sustained DPS that a warrior can achieve. The problem with this is that sometimes you do need to swap. Sometimes when you’re solo you want sword offhand for a block, or mace for a tremor (interrupting berserker abomination’s berserk form is a pretty good example).
It sounds like you understand the importance of mace offhand for application of vuln so I won’t go into detail about that, but one of the biggest luxuries of 65003 vs 66002 is that you sacrifice at minimum 50 points (sometimes up to 130) of precision in order to gain 50 ferocity + the comfort of not totally screwing yourself over in the event that you do need to swap.
Fast hands is quite possibly one of the most useful traits between all minor and master level traits available to a warrior, but it’s certainly not an absolute necessity. It just allows for more comfortable gameplay and in some cases is better.
Nice post though, truly. ^^
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Well, it all depends on the player and what you’re fighting of course :P
It may help if I show you some videos demonstrating it in action, and I’ll definitely get around to it and upload some but basically with a staff build like this you deal such an immense amount of damage that you simply won’t go down against things like veterans unless you let yourself. Your personal damage will be high enough for you to not worry about defensive strategy other than positioning and dodging when needed, provided you stay in fire attunement.
If in the case you wanted to take down a champion, use the glyph elemental elite in earth attunement to summon Rocky, aka #1 tank EU. He’ll last long enough for you to get in your initial burst at the very least, and will most of the time get focused first because of his high toughness.
Keep in mind that ideally you want to use ice bow’s #4 skill pretty much as soon as it’s off cooldown so you’ll have to get used to knowing when it’s time to pick up your second one/use it again. By the way, deep freeze (ice bow #5) is pretty much one of the overall most useful cc moves in the game in both parties and by yourself.
Give it a try, I promise you that if you learn this will yield very very satisfying results. Do note that utilities and traits occasionally should/could change depending on the situation, hence why I suggested fire signet ^^
Glyph of storms used in air will yield in temporarily giving a boss 25 stacks of vulnerability which will make ice bow’s ice storm hit a lot higher, and if you use it in earth it can basically perma-blind all mobs that don’t have ‘Unshakable’ (aka champs/legendaries) for its duration. It’s a very powerful utility to take into consideration but it’s not always needed.
Here is an example of me using glyph of storms in earth, and the rock elemental to tank for me:
In this video, I’m soloing a boss in Arah P4. Every few minutes those 3 elite gorillas will respawn and they’re very dangerous as they can basically keep you knocked down forever (6-8 seconds of cc at a time, and their knockdown ability has a shorter cooldown than its duration). I’m also using a slightly different staff build in this video, as I mentioned just previously you should change traits depending on the situation.
For this boss I have the trait point allocation 66002, and the reason for it is because since I’m damaging the boss at range, I won’t ever be within 600 range of the boss so the stone splinters (earth VI) trait is essentially useless there. 6 points in air also allows me to take the “quick glyphs” trait which shortens the cooldown for both glyph of storms AND my glyph of elementals elite, making sure I have Rocky ready to tank for me when the gorillas respawn and that I can throw down a sandstorm when needed.
Here’s another video of me demonstrating staff ele in action, but it’s mostly just showing what I do for opening burst:
In this video I have the exact same traits that I linked in my first post, except I temporarily changed the stone splinters (earth VI) trait to serrated stones (earth IV) which instead of giving 10% damage within 600 range, gives 5% damage to targets that are bleeding. The reason for this is because that I’m beginning my attack at a distance and because each impact of ice bow’s ice storm applies bleeding, so it is an easier damage modifier to maintain in an encounter like this.
I hope these two video demonstrations help you – though they may be more on the advanced side I did my best to try to explain what my justifications were when picking the traits/skills that I use.
If something isn’t clear then let me know and I’d be happy to point it out for ya.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
30 in arcana (or rather, 6 points these days) is not useful in PvE for general purposes but it’s really good for PvP and WvW because there the extra cleansing wave from dodging in water is actually needed.
For staff in PvE you should by default go no more than 2 points (10 in the old system) in for blasting staff because it
a) makes your lava fonts larger so that it’s easier for you to make sure the mobs are hit
b) makes the radius of a meteor larger, so that when you cast meteor shower it’s more likely that for each meteor impact that lands it will hit, making it a significant DPS increase
I posted this on another thread that asked for a good solo staff build for PvE, and I’ll post it here for you too. You can choose to use it or ignore it.
Despite the fact that you don’t plan to do dungeons, this will be much more effective than 30 in arcana with PTV ever has the chance of being (provided you’re fighting against mobs and not structures, like world bosses).
Basically anything that’s possible to crit, you want to use this.
I however suggest you substitute glyph of storms for fire signet in most cases. Begin an encounter on earth and use eruption then swap to fire to place a lava font over it. It’ll deal damage and blast your lava font giving you fury and 3 stacks of might.
Periodically blast your lava fonts with arcane brilliance and arcane wave, making sure not to use both at the same time because you want to maintain the 150 ferocity bonus from arcane lightning.
Anywho, hope this helps you.
While they’re at it, please fix savage leap, lightning hammer leap, leap of faith, and any other leap/movement abilities please.
As I’ve posted in another thread the underlying issue causing the leap/movement skills wasn’t fixed… they just changed the rush skill entirely.
This is fine if they feel that it’s less work for them but it means they’re gonna end up needing to do it to more than one skill.
The weird thing about these leap skill problems is that not everyone has them. I have some friends in NA who have never had them bug out before. They all have been happening to me and many of my friends since Sept 9th; the leaps will just occasionally turn around at the end and leap to either the side or completely backwards.
Here’s another instance of it.
A theory that I’ve heard was that they only happen to people in EU. If this bug ever happens to some of you I’d really like for you to post to confirm whether or not you’re EU or NA. It’d be helpful for when I send this bug report in for the 4th or 5th time :P
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Yeah I know about that too.
I still agree with the OP though and have thought about it before.
I frequently use my youtube playlist or one of my own personal offline playlists while playing anyways so it’s not that big of a deal. I just remember when I first began I played with sounds on and everything because when I like to pick up a game I prefer to at least try to absorb all of what they try to throw at you for the sake of the experience.
I noticed pretty early on the music was really repetative. Hell, everything was. ._.
I wish Bloodstone Shard would also get Lupi’s attacks too, rather than just the basic bosses throughout the path. It doesn’t even spawn Lyssa’s clones…
May as well just call it the AFK-behind-a-tree shard.
…Your comment at the end only encouraged it too so in my opinion based off of what you’ve shown you deserve no sympathy….
I mean seriously? What was he supposed to do? Bow down and apologise even if he might not have been the problem at all?
He died and if someone said he’s terrible he probably kittened up pretty badly. People don’t normally react that way for no apparent reason and someone posting a thread like this isn’t likely to admit they play poorly because they usually try to demonize the people they’re posting about as much as they can.
He probably should have apologized for making a mistake. Either that or just not have responded. I don’t see what the problem is with apologizing after messing up… ?
If I do something stupid I normally type something like “kitten … misclicked sry :S” or whatever. Sometimes it’s self explanatory and not needed, but everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
When you pug, it’s to be expected that often times people are going to be less forgiving because nobody knows each other. You’re taking a risk.
They were obviously jerks for kicking him, but I don’t sympathize with the OP because he could’ve handled it better. I’ve seen threads like this tons and tons of times and every single time the person in the OP is always trying to play it off like they got kicked for no reason at all.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
I hope they make everything mobile eventually.
Stationary bosses are too easily exploitable.
Back when I started I thought the same and that the music choice was kind of meh.
The whole world ingame is and feels too safe with too cheerful of music. I’ve played other games that had ominous music in forests with really dangerous mobs and I liked it a lot.
Nope, what I’m saying is that while there were a few overall nerfs for all classes, warriors were hit the hardest by having even more overall DPS nerfs and were most greatly affected the past year. Damage is insanely lower than it was back in April.