Showing Posts For Purple Miku.7032:


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Eh.. some of these were really good and made me smirk, like the one in the OP… but some of you really don’t know how to make these no offense. :P

"Account will be shut down"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If it’s obvious then why are you posting this on the forums…

Also why wouldn’t you censor out that link? There’s a chance it could contain something horrible like a remote access trojan, so advertising it on the forums would be helping the person issuing out the links.

Solution for long dungeon wait time.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

They don’t care about dungeons, OP.

I hate to be blunt because you sound very hopeful but… there’s just no chance at them reworking anything for our dungeons. They refuse to even let 1 person there spend even a little time fixing bugs in dungeons or improving them.

To give you an example of how bad they are, one of the bosses in Arah path 2 was bugged for roughly a year and one of its attacks would instantly kill everybody on the team if someone didn’t evade it. It took nearly a year for them to fix this bug.

If something basic like that can’t get an ounce of their attention, then no offense but… your suggestions surely won’t. :x

Raids coming to Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I really hope there will be instanced content for guilds.

If it’s open world it’s impossible to prevent random people joining and making it a big zerg.

You can’t control anything in a free-for-all like that. It’s one of the reasons why world bosses are so boring among a lot of other reasons.

This just in Rytlock Brimstone quits Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

As someone that’s played warrior for close to 2 years, elementalist for roughly a year now, and guardian for just about a month…

My guardian feels like it’s invincible. It has a ridiculous amount of blocks, can literally spam blinds, has high armor and despite having almost no access to fury and might, deals close to the same damage in a solo setting as my warrior if I’m able to maintain scholar bonus. Not only that but it’s easier to maintain rotations and even has reflects/projectile blocks.

On my ele I’m almost able to kill some things twice as fast as I could on warrior. Staff ele is ridiculously powerful, and in any circumstance where staff isn’t great for and I need more defensive utility I can take D/F and still deal waaaaay more damage than I can on warrior. And I get permanent vigour provided I decide to take the trait.

Some of the posts I see on here really overestimate the danger of playing with glass ele in PvE and overestimate warrior’s ability to faceroll everything. Yes, it has way higher base health. Duh. That doesn’t mean anything, however, in any encounter unless it involves 1-shot mechanics heavily based on RNG (i.e. Lupicus’s phase 2-3 transition where random AoEs land that hit 9k each).

Warrior has to sacrifice a huge portion of its personal DPS which is extremely low as it is in order to take along any extra defensive utility and even if they do, many of them are on fairly long cooldowns.

I’m perfectly fine with these tradeoffs, however — all that I want is to have a reason to continue playing my warrior. They shouldn’t be so weak by comparison with the other classes, and they truly are.

It's Guild Wars 1 all over again

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Some of them do apply to all classes like ferocity + might, but some of them didn’t because a lot of classes weren’t able to really utilize strength runes/bloodlust stacks.

Fact of the matter is warrior has lost over 30% of its DPS on average in the past year, often times even more. Prior to any of these nerfs they weren’t even at the top. That’s absurd.

Imo the perfect way to resolve the issue would be to do something like…

Increase the damage from Slashing Power by 5% and/or increase the last hit of hundred blades by X% (I suggested this a while ago and while I did have a lot of people agree with me there were a few people who adamantly refused to accept it). Some people have posted saying they’d like a might duration increase for Forceful GS but I’m not really sure if I agree it’s needed, as that trait already seems overwhelmingly good to begin with.

I think axe offhand deserves a buff in more than one way because it just sucks. I don’t get why the damage increase only is applies to PvP… it’s really bad in PvE and I think it should be applied to it as well. Also #4 on it should either get a fury duration increase by maybe 2 seconds or have a reduced cooldown imo.

Furious Reaction trait I think needs adjustments; I posted this on another thread but I think it either needs a slight cooldown reduction or a fury duration increase. Leave the vigour alone.

Sword/mace offhands are both fine… warhorn doesn’t need adjustments either…

But something I thought about that I’d really like for axe mainhand would be a projectile block of ~3/4 seconds on cyclone axe (#2), same as the burning speed evade frame on dagger mainhand for ele. It’d be tough to time properly but it would actually make the skill worth using, because as it stands it’s currently a DPS loss in both PvE and PvP and WvW.

Have many more things I’d like to see but those are some things I think that would put warrior in a much, much better position.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

RUSH starting to miss again..

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

They didn’t fix Rush.

They don’t know how to fix any of the mobility skills and their solution was to completely change the skill as a whole, so the core problem that causes movement skills/leaps to bug out is still there.

Please stop complaining about warrior nerfs

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If you take the time to notice, it’s actually the same people that keep making threads or commenting about their complaints over and over again. In reality I feel like the majority of the warrior population and this forum are pretty satisfied. I know i am…

That’s pretty obvious because most of the people who don’t like the class anymore aren’t part of the population anymore. There’s still, however, vocal players that want to improve the class and are upset about it having been neutered to the point where it’s at now. -raises hand-

Please stop complaining about warrior nerfs

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Please stop complaining about people complaining about warrior.

It changes nothing. We’re still going to complain.

Solo Dungeon Build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

There’s a lot of trait point variations but for the most part the best staff build I’ve found to like is this:

Just please keep in mind that you should occasionally be using D/F as well and be frequently swapping weapons when out of combat to abuse your skills to their fullest. Traits should also be changing very often depending on what you’re doing, as well as utilities!

For example sometimes you won’t need glyph of storms and can swap to signet of fire. Sometimes you’ll want to maintain cripple on a mob and want to use glyph of elemental power in earth for it. Sometimes you’ll want arcane shield, sometimes you’ll want to swap your elite for glyph of elementals and have the rock elemental tank for you. There’s a lot of things to learn.

Sometimes strength runes are also best on ele for solo situations – depends on a lot of things now. The might nerf really hurt strength runes so I always just stay on scholar now. Staff sometimes you’ll want Force+Night instead of Force+Accuracy but I purposely left it to be a combination that you can never go wrong with because I know it’s costly to swap sigils.

Also, learn to pre-stack might before engaging in a fight. I made a few videos demonstrating it:

Pre-Stacking 24 Might (Dagger Firefield)
Prestacking with an Elementalist

Hopefully this will help you out – feel free to PM me ingame if you have any specific questions and if I’m there and notice the message I’d be glad to help.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Is warrior REALLY sucking that hard ? o_o

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Here are the largest DPS-related nerfs warrior received in the past ~year:

-Ferocity (applicable to all classes), which was ~10% of a DPS loss for the warrior in a level 80 area.

-Torment duration for impale and the time before you’re able to use Rip were both nerfed.

-Strength Runes nerf (7% > 5%) – applicable to both warriors and elementalists, which was a solid 2% DPS loss when this was a very nice alternative to somewhat counter the harsh DPS loss from the ferocity patch. Scholar remained best in groups, but Strength was best for low-manning/solo situations and a very strong runeset for pug groups.

-Hundred Blades + Whirlwind 5% damage reduction

-Adrenaline massively nerfed so that it can’t be maintained at all between fights, resulting in often times a 15% damage loss when using the Berserker’s Power trait depending on the circumstance (an essential one for damage-based builds in PvE, not so much in PvP)

-Burst skills are still bugged with the Berserker’s Power trait because the adrenaline depletes on skill activation rather than after it’s finished executing, so it will never maintain the 15% damage increase before the skill connects.

-Longbow’s arcing arrow got a damage reduction by 15%.

-Bloodlust, along with all other stacking sigils, were nerfed repeatedly so that you can’t maintain stacks when swapping weapons anymore (affected all classes, not just warrior) resulting in most cases a loss of 250 power. Bloodlust stacks were lost on down/disconnect/death, but it was very common for people to build up stacks and swap to another weapon with a different sigil. It made the sigils more useful than they currently are and weren’t a problem at all the way they were. The change made them only extremely frustrating to use overall.

-Might was nerfed from 35-30 power resulting in a loss of 125 power (affects all classes). Because might-generating is a huge portion of the warrior’s DPS and part of what their selling point is, this nerf affected warriors along with elementalists and engineers by far the most.

This isn’t even all of the nerfs. This is just as many as I can think of off the top of my head, which is why they’re not all in chronological order.

Some sources:

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Good bye warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Your personal definition of cool can be as different as special as you want it to be but I play with people that know the ins and outs of their classes and have completed the content on this game hundreds, no, thousands of times and have no interest in hitting like a wet noodle.

Not a single person on my friends list out of several hundred people would agree with the idea of warrior having over 30% of its DPS taken away. There’s a huge huge difference between toning something down and absolutely breaking it. Fact of the matter is that exactly 1 year ago from now I had significantly better DPS naked than I do now with an optimal setup (minus 6 precision infusions). That’s bull kitten, and that’s what I mean by Ebola DPS. Ebola DPS as in, so bad that I’m about to start bleeding from my eyes at the horrific numbers appearing in my combat log.

Maximizing DPS is a huge part of my enjoyment on the game and it’s what I among many many others enjoy doing. Repeating the same content for over 2 years doesn’t exactly remain fun you know. You need to find some way to make it fun, so challenging yourself with solos and min-maxing can really be motivating to people like me who don’t necessarily want to play casually all the time.

For the record I’ve already switched to another class for a while now, but I put tons of hours into warrior and it’s still my specialty. I play elementalist, which is now also getting nerfed like hell. At least nerfing elementalist is actually justified considering they’re one of the best classes all-around. Nerfing warriors further into the slump they’ve been in for months is just flat-out stupid. It shows how out of touch the people responsible for balance changes really are.

Good bye warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Such drama queens! Take a deep breath. Everything will be okay. Warriors will still be fun to play. They will still be wanted in groups. Just don’t be bad and everything will work out.

Nobody that I know cares about warriors other than for phalanx strength.

I have literally Ebola DPS in max setups with precise infusions and not having any fun.

When will it work out?

Warrior Nerfed

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

But warriors suffer the most along with elementalists, as they rely most heavily on might. All classes were hit harder than even the ferocity patch but it’s abundantly clear that warriors were hit harder than most other classes from it.

Forceful Greatsword trait buff suggestion

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I wouldn’t be opposed to buffing Forceful Greatsword for the sole purpose of self-gain, I just don’t think that’s what our focus should be. Please don’t misinterpret me.

What I feel is the biggest problem for warrior at the moment is the base damage of our skills. We right now don’t have the option of going full-out DPS – it’s reasonable to have a reduction on the efficacy of our buffs for groups for more self-gain but sadly we don’t have that choice.

Warriors are forced into a position where they are literally useless unless they focus on either going tanky or condition builds. No one I know that participates in PvP or WvW says otherwise. It’s no longer a threatening class in any game mode. In PvE they are useless outside of Phalanx Strength for FotM and banners for the dungeons from CoF > Arah really.

It’s a really boring and horrendously underwhelming class to play now. It never deserved to get the treatment it has the past few updates.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

It's Guild Wars 1 all over again

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

They really kittened the class badly this time.

Damage is so low that my ele with no armor pretty much beats my warrior’s DPS lol. Absolutely pathetic.

Anyways, I feel inclined to correct you on something – warriors were trashy at GW2’s release but they vastly improved them later on.

Ever since spring 2014, however, they have been absolutely nuking warriors to the point where there’s really no reason to play them anymore. Warriors are in a critically poor state atm.

Forceful Greatsword trait buff suggestion

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I think Forceful Greatsword is fine, because might duration isn’t a problem for the warrior provided they’re using Strength Runes/any points in tactics.

What I would prefer to see instead would be a buff to Slashing Power. I agree that giving a 5% damage increase to Forceful Greatsword would be a little much but I definitely think it should be given somewhere. Just making one single trait do that much seems a little sketch considering there are other underwhelming self-buffing traits that deserve attention.

While we’re also on the topic of traits, does anyone feel Furious Reaction deserves perhaps a fury duration increase? It’s a decent trait but with its long cooldown it seems kind of underwhelming to me. I’m sure most of us would agree that the fury reduction on SoR wasn’t as much their focus as was lowering warrior’s swiftness uptime, which was essentially permanent with warhorn and SoR.

Those two things are the main things I’d like to see changed for us.

Also, they really need to fix our burst skills with Berserker’s Power trait… ugh.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Kicked at the last boss, just for fun

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Title is misleading.

Looks like you were kicked for doing a poor job from their perspective, not for fun. Your comment at the end only encouraged it too so in my opinion based off of what you’ve shown you deserve no sympathy.

I get it, you’re unhappy because a sizable amount of time went to waste, but in the future learn what you could’ve done differently to avoid this same outcome. If you died only once this entire fractal run I’m willing to bet this wouldn’t have happened. You’re conveniently leaving out a lot of detail.

What Did You Name Your Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Ruby Miku

Dungeon runners.. will you buy expansion?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yes. I need the new heavy armor class since they are 1 nerf away from removing the warrior class anyways. :P

Is warrior REALLY sucking that hard ? o_o

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Not even remotely is it sucking as much as some would have you believe, its balanced right now except the adrenaline which should last a bit longer after you ooc.

PvE: You have top to mid tier dps, best offensive support AND highest armor/vitality.
PvP: Great competitive meta builds available in both condi and power spec
WvW: Crucial part of the blob or zerg, top tier mobility which is great for roaming

Warriors fell from #1 dps spot to 4th or 5th and they didnt loose much dps, other classes simply gained more which frankly they all needed…a warrior with the best armor/vitality doing more damage then a squishy thief or ele make any sense to you? Ranger and Engineer do marginally more dps then warrior, which is inconsequential when you consider the amount of keys an engineer has to hit and a single mistake in that rotation could put them behind warriors in dps again. Ranger dps weapon is ludicrously difficult to use and animation locks them which deserves better dps then the dps weapon of warrior which has a build in evade that can cancel 100b anytime.

Just going to comment on a few things here that I bolded.

First of all, going to correct you and put low to mid for your first PvE statement. There are worse classes, but quite a few better ones. Other than that, armor/vitality isn’t really relevant in all forms of PvE unless you specifically are trying to make the tankiest possible character just for laughs. For world bosses, sure, but everything else – naw.

The second thing I bolded… is completely false.

Never at any point in history did warrior ever have the #1 DPS out of all classes. Thieves and elementalists have. Originally, warriors were actually really terrible but Arenanet improved tons of things with the class like signets, banners and traits and warrior was on the higher end of the spectrum. It wasn’t at the top, but it was superb.

Since April of 2014 they’ve been getting tons of nerfs, all of which accumulated up to the point of roughly a third of the damage cut.

That’s quite a lot different than what you’ve said.

I could list off the damage nerfs for you if you’d like proof of it or something.

Is warrior REALLY sucking that hard ? o_o

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

This is the thing.

Comparatively speaking we have ~30% less DPS than we did at the start of 2014. Back then we weren’t event the highest DPS either. The main problem is that they kept going and going and didn’t know when to stop. At this point warrior is forced into a position in PvE where it has absolutely no purpose other than for banners and for casual runs, Phalanx Strength traits. It used to be good enough to have damage on par with the other classes but now the only two that are really lower are mesmer and necromancer.

However, this is from a min-maxing PvE standpoint.

The reality is that for any game mode, anything can work. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re in PvE, WvW, or PvP. This game by design is made so that anyone, no matter how terrible of a player they are, can succeed. It’s always important to keep that in mind.

So while at a low level of play warrior may be fine, along with anything else, at a high level of gameplay warrior is trash individually and only really is purposeful for buffing other classes.

Just like you may see posts like mine talking about how warrior is broken in PvE, I’ve seen loads of people who probably play PvP the same way that I play dungeons and fractals talk about how “anyone who’s actually good at 1v1s will not lose to a warrior” etc. I can’t speak with certainty because I personally hate the PvP on this game, but I imagine that warrior struggles to remain a threat at higher levels of gameplay there too.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Bring Back Holy Trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

No. Go play another game.

I don’t like the focus on zerk for pve but pvp in trinity is awful and Anet can create opportunity for different requirements. Just no might as well only 3 classes with 3 amulets.

Anet doesn’t even need to change the stats to get rid of zerk, they just need to revamp bosses and harder encounters. However, I doubt they will ever do it because that will require players to actually look at their skills and press some more buttons in which case many seem to find really hard.

It is not that Anet can’t make Pve more challenging. It is simply that the current MMO community is full of casuals and they can’t handle harder content therefore companies dump down the overall difficulty.


This might be one of the most intelligent posts I’ve read on these forums in ages. Not even being sarcastic here.


Stone Flesh + balance idea for might nerf

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

*he only Ele’s this is hitting hard is Cele Ele’s.


Most FUN rotation.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

My only problem with D/F rotation on ele is that since it’s designed for long fights, and staff is so much better DPS, I never get the chance to see it because I always take the option for superior damage unless the utility (swirling) is needed for whatever reason.

The only exception I make for this rule sometimes is grenth in Arah P4. That crap is just too boring for me to bear sometimes. Need something to keep me awake.

Non-berserker builds should be more rewarding

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Have you ever heard someone say something so not intelligent that you don’t really want to respond to it…due to feeling like it brings you down to their level to even acknowledge it?

That’s how I feel about every single one of the threads whining about berserker in PvE.

I can’t dignify it with a detailed response. All I can really do is… smirk and shake my head.

This just in Rytlock Brimstone quits Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

-insert festival of keks here-

Erm excuse me but do you have any idea what DPS even stands for? DAMAGE PER SECOND.

Against medium targets in a solo setting it’s around 7.8k and against heavily armored targets like Lupicus/Berserker Abomination it’s not even 6k. This is also assuming you have the best gear/runes/sigils/food and can maintain an optimal rotation.

10k is ridiculous to claim lmfao. That’s like, staff ele burst with ice bow + lightning storm ridiculous. In groups maybe, but when you’re in a solo setting you maintain on average between 14-16 might with a GS + a/m warrior in strength runes including the downtime of fury and banner.

Also why are you bringing up defensive traits/hammer cc skills when we’re talking about warrior’s usefulness PvE? What is this, a joke?

Also, why are you replying to that guy with a video of someone hitting a 71k eviscarate on an AMBIENT MOB? How is that supposed to prove anything?

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Good bye warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Aww, don’t leave yet.

We still have plenty of more nerfs yet to come to shake things up… we’ll still be top tier too, cause lolbanners lolhealingsignet.


In all seriousnessness though I know how you feel and I’m really bitter about them making the class so much worse too. I’ve primarily switched over to ele because it just doesn’t really seem like there’s anything positive coming for warriors again. They don’t really want it to be a good class to play with I guess. ’Tis unfortunate that I put all the time and effort into mine, really.

Non-berserker builds should be more rewarding

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

“and basically it is the laziest way do deal a huge amount of damage.”

top kek

new weapon HoT

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

More than likely some low DPS ranged weapon.

They hate warriors ^^

Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

$30 seems reasonable

This just in Rytlock Brimstone quits Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Sorry for displeasing you then, Mr. Happy Adult.

This just in Rytlock Brimstone quits Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Just can repeat myself – PvE wise warrior is still (together with engi and ele) masterrace. You can either go full damage for a good amount of 10k solo dps, or go full support and buffing allies while having a solo dps of about 7k. Hambow in PvP still rocks and WvW chilling-way-to-go is also war. Just because the damage isn’t anymore at ele/ingi/thief level, doesn’t mean they’re bad. They are just fair now.


10k solo DPS… hahaha jesus christ.

Warrior solo DPS isn’t even at 7k against mobs that don’t require you to dodge, buddy.

Then maybe whoever is having that problem should stop using dire on a power build. Warrior DPS and support is amazing. Why do you think people want more of them than thieves in dungeons?

This is dire?

K m8.

And good groups don’t want warriors more than thieves in dungeons. Pugs do.

Most inconveniences that cost time in dungeons can be resolved from stealthing with thieves or porting the party with a mesmer.

Warriors have some of the lowest personal DPS out of all classes, but some of the best offensive support. In other words, they do trash damage but make everybody hit better.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Fract. weapon droprate down?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I still keep getting the same salvage trash and useless rings to vendor as always.

This just in Rytlock Brimstone quits Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Just can repeat myself – PvE wise warrior is still (together with engi and ele) masterrace. You can either go full damage for a good amount of 10k solo dps, or go full support and buffing allies while having a solo dps of about 7k. Hambow in PvP still rocks and WvW chilling-way-to-go is also war. Just because the damage isn’t anymore at ele/ingi/thief level, doesn’t mean they’re bad. They are just fair now.


10k solo DPS… hahaha jesus christ.

Warrior solo DPS isn’t even at 7k against mobs that don’t require you to dodge, buddy.

Will they also update the old maps with HoT?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’d be mad if Orr was without risen. Orr is one of my favorite places, as Arah is my favorite dungeon. I don’t want everything in the game all happy sunshine and daisies. To me that’d be really boring.

Arah p3 Ritual..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The glitch is caused from you and your team. The spiders kill her and interrupt her dialogue. Don’t get her attacked while running by and she won’t hit them, resulting in her death.

To fix her just lure the spiders over and have them damage her again.

Phalanx Warrior post might nerf

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I just find it ridiculous to glorify PS warrior to the point of referring to it as a necessity for efficiency. Yes it can be very good and it makes it way easier for groups at times, but camping it 24-7 in FotM makes me cringe.

Some of my best and smoothest runs have been without a PS warrior anyways. It’s perfectly fine to go with or without because there’s plenty of ways to outsource might. No need to get snarky.

Phalanx Warrior post might nerf

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

PS war is really really essential in fractals. Sometimes the ele just has to go staff and the loss of might buff for the whole party is detrimental to the group dps.

Never, at any point ever, is it essential to take a phalanx warrior. It makes things easier and is sometimes better, yes, but essential? Not in the least bit

Phalanx GS only or + axe / mace rotation

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


If you are in full strength runes, you won’t need to do anything besides camp GS and use your signet elite + for great justice for might.

The reason 05063 is best is for PS is for a few reasons.

The first is that if you’re using a PS build, it’s under the assumption that you have 1-2 staff eles in the team. Despite the fact that you are going to be the primary source of might, staff eles can and do have two blast finishers to use every now and then (arcane wave + arcane brilliance) which will help with fury and might a little bit.

Because of this, there will in many cases be a large “waste” of might because you will frequently be at 25 might just by yourself. Having 6 points in the tactics line results in extremely long might duration, so whenever another class provides might as well it lasts longer for you. This opens up the opportunity to occasionally swap which can and is helpful for when vulnerability is lacking against bosses.

The second reason is that it allows for more comfortable play. Lacking fast hands is always obnoxious, especially when things beyond your control mess up your GS rotation. If you are camping GS, it’s assumed that the enemy isn’t moving around and that you aren’t being interrupted or forced to interrupt your rotation.

Ideally the best sigils on a GS for phalanx would be either force+night or force+slaying if applicable, but if you wanted an all-purpose PS greatsword then strength sigil would be an option to ensure that you absolutely never drop below 25 might, though in my opinion it’d be very very wasteful.

Your secondary weaponset should by default be axe/mace when in combat but if you need the extra block to stay alive, take sword. As for sigils… I suggest flat damage modifiers for these because you’re swapping back to GS as soon as possible anyways.

You should be frequently taking advantage of being ooc to swap offhands/weapons according to the situations.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

PvE Axe Offhand

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I agree with the OP in the sense that it really should be improved.

It’s as it stands the least useful offhand all-around for the warrior. If an offhand of ours is going to be completely void of any and all defensive utility whatsoever, it should at least offer options that are worth using over an autoattack chain.

PvE Axe Offhand

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

People on this forum have a low opinion of offhand axe. They just dont get it. and while for a while offhand axe was weak, and even at one point the combo whirl was broken for many months ( and I had to mount a small campaign to have that eventually fixed, see )

It’s not us that don’t get it.

Anyone that fully understands and compares the other options for offhands that the warrior has with axe offhand will know how terrible it is in PvE. Whether or not somebody likes it is completely different than whether or not it’s actually worth using from an efficiency standpoint.

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Another update.

I changed some of the things mentioned in posts about utilities and my uses for them, but also added two videos demonstrating some examples of using them during solos.

These include:
-a guide to soloing the light orbs on a warrior in Arah P3/P4
-a guide to soloing the first part in CM P1 (golem parts/bombs) on a warrior (thank you to Stoya Gray/ELement for originally showing me this long ago!)

More video demonstrations are soon to come!

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Well technically anything is viable.

But, while sigil of strength would most certainly be better than battle, it wouldn’t be the best option.

The sigils with flat bonus modifiers would always be better options in the end though it was convenient for off-wall rotations (and also those who enjoyed running Phalanx Strength 05063 builds) to have battle on their axe/mace set as it formerly allowed for an extra 9 might stacks to be maintained.

Currently with 9 might being equal to 35 * 9 = 315, that’s a bit more than a flat 5% modifier which makes it slightly better if you’re doing an off-wall rotation with GS + axe/mace.

After the patch battle sigil will only help you maintain 6 stacks more, which is 6 * 30 = 180. That’s not really impressive at all anymore.

Sigil of strength enables you to maintain ~8 stacks of might more at a time but see… you shouldn’t be camping axe/mace long enough for this sigil to serve its purpose. It’s a good sigil for eles (in particular for D/F builds) but for warriors it’s most of the time wasteful for just about any weapon except for maybe a longbow/rifle… which aren’t really relevant anyways.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

[Sugg] How to fix the Zerker Zerger problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If you think people using berserker is a problem, then it’s your mentality that is the real underlying issue.

Perhaps you should, like everybody else does, make your own LFG ad requesting people to use whatever you’d like. That’s exactly what they’re doing.

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Update again:

I had to remove some things in the first post because of irrelevance and because I needed more room to list important information.

I mention now in post 1 the significance between changing the adept major trait depending on the situations and how it synergizes well with our healing skill + signet of fury.

I also put a comparison between our healing abilities and how much hp/min they each give, also mentioning the usefulness of defiant stance in fotm.

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


Since we are seeing a lot of nerfs once again, I thought I would bump this to note that I have now edited out “Superior sigil of battle” as an option for offhands. It’s going to be absolutely terrible and never worth using again in a few days.

I’ll go through all four posts and look for things to change after the update comes live.

Low Damage != Fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

What upsets people is not that defensive builds are bad, it’s that they’re slow and most people don’t want to play with people who use them.

Defensive builds are not just not bad they’re blatantly overpowered. You can sit there and facetank some of the hardest hitting bosses in the game -solo- and not die. That end of the spectrum is what should be nerfed.

Instead, what we’ve been getting patch after patch is nerfs to damage-centric builds which serve only to make content slower. As you noted, the lower level content became faster because of scaling -so fix that if it’s becoming cheesy- but there is no reason the top level content should be made slower and slower. It’s long enough as it is.

Well said.

I wasn’t able to post for 5 days but I’ve been reading and I appreciate the fact that you, Jerus and several others have stood your ground for so long.

I don’t think I’d have been able to remain as patient.

Props to you guys, seriously.

Opinions on the Battle Sigil nerf incoming?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Sigil of battle is done for.

Sigil of strength will be far superior to battle after this nerf.

Low Damage != Fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Actually Nardodx, you’re wrong. I’ve stated several times by now that they only balance with PvP in mind, and I disagree with it and feel that it is best for them to separate the two.

I accept that it’s the case, but don’t accept it in the sense that I won’t speak my opinion of it. If you don’t care about what I have to say then so be it.