Showing Posts For Purple Miku.7032:

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Depends what the second last hit is. It wouldn’t be 340k though, because that would just mean you’re hitting above the 400k mark on the last hit which never happens anymore, trust me. We were nerfed too hard for that.

First phase of Brie you have 10x the damage as normal. Warriors can’t hit 40k 100b on Brie with no vuln in a solo setting without already being at 25 might at the start ;p

Returning...rotation for staff soloing needed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You have to spam fire 2 with staff to have any DPS so its hard to build a creative rotation out of that. Its hit fire 2 after every cooldown and the rest is just filler imo. Anything else and your DPS is crap with staff.

Meteor shower is a DPS increase on even small targets and a huge DPS increase on large ones. Also blasting in your lava fonts is important, especially with arcane lightning trait. It’s also important to use #3 off cooldown to maintain burning for the minor trait that gives 10% damage.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

For warrior, it’s like 99% RNG now because our F1 skills are still bugged since Sept 9th.

I’ll explain the rotation:

1. Cyclone axe (axe #2)
2. Swap weapons to GS
3. Hundred blades (gs #2)
4. Rush (gs #5)
5. Whirlwind but interrupt it half way through with a weapon swap
6. Cyclone axe (axe #2)
7. Crushing blow (mace #4)
8. Eviscarate (axe F1)

This is the absolute best way to ensure you are pushing as close to the phase mark before the eviscarate. In order for it to work, you need to be using the traits 65003 and it is absolutely necessary for you to use arms V, because you need good luck on the eviscarate so as much vuln as you can hopefully build.

Start the fight on full adrenaline. If you have failed right beforehand there should be grubs surrounding the terminal. Wait there until they hit you enough to get full adrenaline before starting.

If you have no bloodlust, then the eviscarate must hit an absolute bare minimum of ~160k otherwise you won’t succeed. Almost any time that I succeed my eviscarate hits in the area of 165-175k, highest I have hit since the nerfs was 189k. It’s all luck.

Sometimes you hit too much damage before the eviscarate, because this rotation is specifically for pushing your luck as far as you can go (otherwise you won’t succeed). You will know if you should reset if your hundred blades hit anything significantly above 330-340k, because that means you won’t get to use your cyclone axe + crushing blow before the eviscarate, which are both very important because you want as much vuln built up as possible.

I know it sounds like a pain in the kitten , but soloing Brie on a warrior is actually annoying as hell now. It used to be fine, but maybe when/if they fix our burst skills with the Berserker’s Power trait it’ll be okay again.

Anyways hope this helps.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

New possible weapons for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Only one I could think off, it’s a Battle-axe/Great-axe. More savage than the GS with inferior mobility, if that makes any sense.

It sure does and I’d support this implementation. It definitely would fit the archetype for a warrior.

My opinions on warr vs. ele for speed solos

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Mobs do move though

If you made then run away constantly then warriors would be even more drastically nerfed because of hundred blades. While it would overall be a positive change to have better AI, it’s depressing to imagine. ._.

Soloing Ascalon as Elementalist

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yeah it’s not that hard if you move quickly, but if you get cced early things snowball very fast. I did it very similarly to the video posted above but I spent less time fighting the mobs than him and spammed hylek pots for swiftness so that I could use glyph of lesser elementals to temporarily tank the gravelings. He used signet of air instead.

It was significantly easier to do before FGS was nerfed because you could use fiery rush when it actually dealt damage.

Imbuded Shaman's AI

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

He actually tends to stick with his targets until they are fully killed, as many other bosses in fractals do. Mossman and Archdiviner do the exact same.

My opinions on warr vs. ele for speed solos

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Either way I still don’t find myself using D/F as often anymore because it’s just so lame that they nerfed burning speed so hard :/

Staff so much better damage…

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Streaming, going for records, and friends mostly.

Legendary Favorites

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Eternity is my favorite.

New possible weapons for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Warriors have enough weapons imo. Even if we were to get anymore I definitely don’t think a pistol makes much sense. That’s no warrior weapon.

Imbuded Shaman's AI

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I know of no bug with his AI, but as already mentioned the ground bugs a LOT and burning is applied for no reason even when already moving. Sometimes inactive lava fonts throughout the area cause lava damage too, which is also a bug.

One thing I’m not sure about is whether or not movement skills used during his swoop attack are bugged.

Movement skills used as evasions only work if used at the very start of his animation (so like, you have to predict he’s going to do it) or if you use them late in the animation. It seems pretty strange for it to not count unless used either at the start or end of the attack, but you never know with Anet. It could be intended for some odd reason.

My opinions on warr vs. ele for speed solos

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yeah I know Jerus, you’re right. It just feels wrong for ranged weapons to have highest DPS that’s all ;P

Exploited AC P1 sellers number increasing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

How do you see them doing it under 8 minutes? xD

Also how does doing a solo fast have to do with exploiting? The only way you can really tell if they are is if they include “last boss 1%” in the message and/or see that spider queen was skipped.

My opinions on warr vs. ele for speed solos

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Reason it’s kind of bad for mossman is because if you’re in close range, you have to guess/assume when he’s about to do his dagger throw in order to evade it. It hits roughly 9k damage which is almost the entire health pool for an ele, so you have less opportunity to yolo than you do with a warrior.

If you’re keeping a relatively decent distance from him, you have more of an opportunity to react. It’s similar to that of say… the autoattack from mage crusher in Arah P3. If you’re in close range you can’t dodge the autoattacks as a reaction, only by anticipating them. It’s just that in the case of mossman (on 50), you nearly get 1-shot from max HP xD

My opinions on warr vs. ele for speed solos

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Offwall would still be faster with staff if you were able to camp fire for as much as possible, but I agree things get hairier there… only because of the rapid fire attack.

I have to disagree with you about mossman though. I got him to 40% and wiped with staff not too long ago and it’s much easier and faster than with D/F (at least with my experience), though I only tried for about an hour at most.

One thing to mention about D/F vs Staff is that a solo with D/F just looks so much more awesome. It just so happens that the option that allows you to range on ele is better DPS, which kinda sucks imo.

[Results] Best of 2014 Fractals-Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Congratulations to the winners Ill now be stealing all the prizes from my guildmembers if you dont mind.
Just dictator things

In need of offerings for your next meetup with nova?

Nah, it’s to fund for his condition mesmer build.


My opinions on warr vs. ele for speed solos

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’m posting this as a topic because I have mentioned it kind of a lot lately and hope that at least a decent portion of people that have the wrong idea about the ease/difficulty of these two classes get a chance to read it.

Ok so first of all I’ve solod a lot with both of these two classes.

Something I’ve read people say tons is how warrior is ezmode, how OP it is, etc. I’ve also read people saying that soloing on ele is insanely hard. I’ll use Lupi as a scapegoat for solo ease/difficulty for my comparison between them because of his popularity.

First of all, if all you’re interested in doing is just getting the boss killed, then yeah… warrior would be easiest and most ideal because of the fact that it’s just way more forgiving and easier to play at mediocre efficiency. Phase 1 you can get kicked and not die in 1 hit, phase 2 you can get hit by up to 2 aoes in phase 2 without a death, phase 3 you can nearly tank a life suck (though it would be kind of ret***ed to do so), etc. On an ele you die in 1 kick, 3 swarm hits from full hp, 2 aoe projectiles from phase 2, and if you tank any of his phase 3 attacks you’ll die before he’s done channeling them.

But if you’re trying to play at a higher level, and by that I mean attempting to be more microefficient and optimize your DPS via rotations, food, traits, and ultimately RNG as much as you feasibly can, then warrior is by far the biggest pain in the a** between these two classes.

Hell, if anything staff ele is literally faceroll. You can actually get by with no dodges in phase 1 aside from his infection attack and it’ll be twice as fast as a warrior’s phase 1. Phase 2 it’s only slightly slower due to not starting on 25 might, but slightly more of a pain on the aoe attacks because you don’t have blocks — you have to dodge away and use burning retreat back into him. This, along with the phase 2-3 transition, are literally the only two things in the entire fight you need to worry about with an ele unless he spawns too many swarms in phase 1 so that you can’t use ice bow/meteor shower. On a warrior, you need to camp GS as much as possible otherwise your DPS just tanks. If you have to swap, it’s either because you wasted a dodge, or you got kind of unfortunate with the RNG.

This is where I will say something that I suppose might be a different opinion than what most might say. Grinding for good RNG on a warrior is way more annoying to me than on ele.

An ele has so much better DPS than a warrior that there’s less opportunity for bad luck to surface, because the fight is so much quicker. For Lupicus in particular, you basically fail if Lupicus did his big aoe attack (liftoff) in phase 3 more than 5 times. I remember Dub telling me long ago this very same thing when he competed for the best warrior time at Lupi. That attack in particular wastes so much time. Not only does your might tank during it, but you’re dealing essentially no damage for over 6-8 seconds. You have to re-build up your might to get to where you were before, so in effect this attack wastes way over 10 seconds at least every time he does it.

Since warriors have reckless dodge, not a whole lot of time is wasted on his other attacks unless you need to break out of 100b to evade. The damage coefficient of reckless dodge is pretty decent (0.6-0.9 according to wiki) which puts it in between the damage of the first two hits of a GS autoattack (0.7) and the third (0.9).

Now, an ele on the other hand doesn’t have to bring anything defensive in a speed solo other than the trait Arcana II. In casual kills in pug groups I’ll normally bring arcane shield instead of glyph of storms/fire signet because it’s annoying how someone always manages to cause a bubble in phase 3, but on the occasion I’m soloing him on my own time it’s not needed at all. As I said before, staff is literally faceroll and it’s the most efficient weapon to solo him with. D/F is still faster than warrior (on wall, at least), but it’s less forgiving and less DPS than staff is so I honestly don’t see much of a point in using it for solos anymore. It used to be good, but then Arenanet unjustifiably ruined the burning speed skill (fire #3) and now it’s kind of not worth using anymore imo. Every single opportunity that you can bring it for, staff is better solo DPS than anything else for an ele.

I’m rambling a lot right now and my post is beginning to look less and less structured as I read it. These are the only two classes that I have a lot of firsthand experience with but that may change as time progresses.

Anyways, that’s all I really wanted to say…

tl;dr – warriors are easier to simply get a solo kill with if just killing a boss is all you care about, but if you strive to optimize time, it’s not so much the case and other classes often have it easier.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Leap of Faith actually suffers from the exact same bug that Savage Leap does.

Even if these movement skill bugs were fixed, I wouldn’t want GS rush to be changed. It has a fantastic damage coefficient and travels a very nice distance and considering how many nerfs the warrior has seen in the past year, I think nerfing its mobility by reducing the distance traveled to that of guardian’s GS leap would be a huge mistake.

Why Necro is useles now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I really don’t understand why they choose not to do anything to help put the necromancer in a better place. It’s absurd how they’ve left it alone despite all of the things it lacks compared to the other classes.

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

They should just fix the kitten skill so that it stops bugging at the end of the animation. That’s all they need to do.

I don’t think It’s even a bug though. I think they designed the skill so that you had a “tell” on the attack but the problem is that the Rush itself is a tell. Combine that with the animation stopping you in place and you got a gap closer that doesn’t close the gap.

It still doesn’t connect even when you’re using it against a person/mob that is completely still, not moving at all. It goes right past them, every time for me. Same with bull’s charge, same with savage leap.

The only way to prevent it from happening is to be in close range before using the skill.

Before September 9th, the only time this would happen would be if your target was constantly moving around. After September 9th, all of these skills stopped working properly.

It is a bug.

[Greatsword] Rush

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

They should just fix the kitten skill so that it stops bugging at the end of the animation. That’s all they need to do.

Elementalists and CoE...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Well first of all S/D and D/D are pretty terrible weaponsets for an ele in dungeons.

You should always be using either S/F + LH, D/F, or staff. D/D is generally always lousy in PvE unless you’re bursting trash mobs in open world, and if you’re running scepter then it’s more certainly for the extra blast finishers correct? Well you can’t even use churning earth unless it’s for prestacking, so you may as well take focus since it has more defensive utility and better blast finishers on shorter cooldowns.

Character Creation Hats?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

have an open character slot and char-gen a new toon of that class then delete and repeat until you have unlocked all the starter hats and shoulder items.

not even kidding.

Hehe that’s what I did. Flame Eye head item for my ascended strength set on my ele ^.^

All around warrior build dungeons,wvw,pve,pvp

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

@Purple Miku
“I can’t really comment much more on this without hurting your feelings, but you really shouldn’t be steering people in such a gruesomely ineffective direction.”

check out the build in action, i finally finish this video i was working on so i didnt have any proof until now click here

What am I supposed to be impressed from? You can win against people using literally anything. Sometimes when I’m bored I go to WvW with 65003 berserker with strength runes and kill people in 3-5 seconds, but does that make it the best to use in WvW all-around? No, not really lol.

You didn’t really prove anything here.

Furthermore, we’re not talking about whether or not something can work. Anything can, because that’s how this game is designed to be. We’re talking about what’s the overall best, and since we’re trying to use videos to make a point I’d like to see you take that build and try doing better than me here.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Ride the Lightning: 1 Me: 0

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Let’s not forget Savage Leap, guys.

Ride the Lightning: 1 Me: 0

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Just wait until you realize how kittened burning retreat is. It’s like Arenanet is playing ping pong with my character every time I cast it.

Agony resistance in fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Anything that is ascended can have infusions and everything can be ascended except for an aquabreather.

Account Will Be Shut Down in-game Mail

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Jesus christ, why would you post the link?? You’re HELPING the account phishers by advertising it for them on the forums.

Arah path 2 bosses Alphard + Belka bug a lot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The first boss of Arah path 2, Belka, will glitch and stay green sometimes.

I have noticed it seems to happen when someone runs in to spawn her at the same time someone in the party isn’t there, but I think it might be because they are running past the spot where the bone wall appears.

I’m not entirely sure what causes it but the only reliable way to prevent the bug from happening is to make sure everyone is there before triggering the cutscene.

The second last boss of Arah path 2, Alphard, bugs a lot more often.

The first problem with her is that if a player or party dies and she resets, the bone wall stays up so you can’t run back in. The barricades also don’t respawn either and the only way to have it fully reset is to just have the whole party wipe again and then waypoint a few seconds after everyone’s fully dead. Rinse and repeat until it works. It’s been like this for months…. please fix it…

Also another bug with Alphard that is less well-known — if someone starts the fight with her before anybody in the party makes it into the area, she will occasionally reset to full HP whenever somebody is outside of the bone wall and moving around. She doesn’t go invulnerable and go back to the middle or anything, her HP just instantly shoots up to full mid-fight. It’s weird, but you can easily test this.

The last Alphard bug to mention is that she sometimes can randomly go invulnerable while fighting her around the barricades. Here is a short video showing it:

Please, we’ve been waiting soooooo many months for ANY attention on these bugs with no response.

Arenanet, I beg you on behalf of everyone that does dungeons. Please do us this favor and fix these bugs that I cleanly described and showed for you.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Fractals and the Weapon Skins Problem

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

We’ve been saying this since the age of the dinosaurs, OP.

Fact of the matter is they really, truly, do not give a flying fist of a **** about us or improving dungeons / fractals. It’s the sad truth.

Kicking Other Players (not stealing dungeons)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I don’t think so. I can think of a perfect counterexample for it here that would make your suggestion completely unjust:

Say I want to pug Arah path 1.

I enter the instance by myself and post a listing on the LFG that says the following:

“P1 – no 1-shotting Lupicus allowed or kick”

I end up getting 4 strangers within the span of a minute or two. One of them is a guardian, I am on a warrior, one of them is an elementalist, one of them is a thief, and the other is another warrior.

Everything’s going fine, nothing particularly out of the ordinary really… until we get to Lupicus. It’s easier to fight him on the wall in general but just as a precaution to avoid what I hate and didn’t want to happen in my group, I warn the guard before going in “do not 1-shot him, ok?” and he doesn’t respond. So because of the lack of response I say “k let’s do it off wall.”

The other ele then types something like “sec changing traits then” and everyone else seems fine except the guardian still doesn’t respond. So when we run in and attack, I can’t prevent him from being pushed to the wall as he’s aggroed on somebody else. Lupicus manages to get to the wall. Right on the phase transition I intentionally run to the middle of the room, hoping that Lupicus would decide to shadowstep to me but unfortunately he opens with his AoE barrage attack. The guardian, like the little prick that he is, places his WoR on top of the wall and instantly kills him.

He ignored my LFG and several comments/requests to make sure that it wouldn’t happen. I promptly try to kick him, but no one else agrees. Because your suggestion was implemented recently, I am now unable to kick for the next 24 hours and my path was pretty much hijacked.

Sound fair to you?

Looking for pve playstyle advice.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

But see you don’t have control over that on this game. That’s all the responsibility of everyone individually. Also it’s worth noting that the majority of encounters in this game involve hard-hitting attacks that can be evaded/blocked as opposed to tons of tiny attacks.

All around warrior build dungeons,wvw,pve,pvp

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Thanks, oxtred

ZeN, this is what I use on my warrior for general PvE:

There are a plethora of reasons why it’s so good, but I’ll try to keep it short so that you don’t need to read as much.

It has incredibly higher crit chance and power compared to any other option for a warrior (except for one which I’ll mention below), making it so that you not only have nice burst but high sustained DPS.

The only way you could have better sustained DPS on a warrior would be to go 66002 with your traits which would mean you’d just about never miss a crit. The reason for 65003 over 66002 in the build is because of the fast hands minor trait that you get by going 3 points in discipline which reduces the cooldown for weapon swap.

The reason fast hands is important is because sometimes camping one weaponset just doesn’t work in all situations. If you need to kite at all and can’t maintain your rotation on GS, swap to axe+mace/axe+sword/axe+warhorn or whatever. If you need an extra block while in combat, swap so you can riposte, etc.

Anyways, this is a very comfortable build and performs much better than anything else you’ll find in almost all PvE situations with certain exceptions. However it’s another story for PvP and WvW. You can still keep the berserker with strength runes for all gamemodes, but you’ll probably need to change around traits and maybe your weapons for those. PvP/WvW is saturated with condition/bunker builds and high-DPS oriented builds are underperforming in any circumstance where you are fighting more than one player at a time. However, if you are skilled you can very quickly burst people down with 65003. :P

EDIT: By the way be sure to check out the guide that oxtred listed above. It has lots of helpful information for warriors in PvE. Also if you’re really keen, this is the best warrior guide you’ll ever read:

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

2-manning Dungeons/Fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I duo or solo my FotM runs every other day actually. There’s just certain things that require the use of specific classes/several people.

Thaumanova fractal isn’t possible to solo on most classes. Sanderinoa recently did a 50 solo on a mesmer, but it won’t work for most, if not all, other classes because they lack the utilities needed for it. If thief is able to solo subject 6, then they are also able to solo the whole fractal on 50. Subject 6 is only particularly difficult to solo on higher levels because of the huge amount of HP it has compared to the lower levels, making it difficult to burst him down in time.

Aside from that, the only parts in FotM that can’t really done alone…

Wisps in swamp fractal (you actually need to use portal consumables for it which cost a fortune… like, 9g each or something). To do wisps easiest you’ll need 2 others including yourself, but it’s certainly possible to duo as long as one of you is either a thief or a mesmer.

Dredge fractal you may as well just stay trio for the whole time. The cage requires two people to stand on the pads to open the control panel for someone to activate, so there’s absolutely no getting around it— you need 3 people.

Then afterwards depending on what RNG you get, you might have the path with the reinforced door that requires 3 people to use the guns simultaneously, or you might get the reinforced door that requires bombs which can be done solo.

Aside from this all, the only part in this fractal that can’t really done solo is the last boss on any classes that don’t have a teleport. The last boss, whether legendary ice elemental or legendary dredge power suit, can be done on thief, mesmer, or elementalist.

The only way it could be done on another class would be to somehow have it maintain aggro on something else long enough for you to run up and pour the bucket + jump down without him moving out of the spot, or to keep him immobilized for over 10-12 seconds or something like that.

Aside from that, everything else can be solod but some parts might be excruciatingly difficult depending on what class you are.

It is my personal opinion that duoing Cliffside in particular is really fun

Kicking Other Players (not stealing dungeons)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The only thing I’d be fine with would be for this “Don’t kick” option to just make the prompt disappear for everybody.

Disabling it for 24h seems pretty unjust.

Also normally these stories are just boring and sketchy, but I for some reason trust you with the details you listed…

I’ve actually witnessed pugs trying to kick other pugs for literally no reason at all. It never happens to me, but it’s always hilarious whenever they try to. I usually start chewing them out on the spot and make them look like an kitten .

All around warrior build dungeons,wvw,pve,pvp

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Sorry for the delay i kind of forgot about this post…anyways here’s my build click here
and its doesnt do well for pvp but it sure doesnt well for roaming, zerg support, pve and dungeons offensive support, all you have to do is change traits

1. for roaming and zerg just leave it the same (around 3200 power)
2. for pve just subtract 1 trait from discipline and add it to defense (around 3400 power)
3. for dungeons offensive support just take take out discipline and add 4 points to arms to get grateful greatsword, change lung capacity to inspiring banners, vigorous shouts to phalanx, change shake it off and great justice to whatever banners you want. support power up to 1195 points (up to 3449 power)

I honestly felt myself get goosebumps from being so disgusted at the traits.

What on earth do you need dogged march and cleansing ire for in PvE?

And while we’re at it, why on earth would you ever take hammer in a dungeon??

I can’t really comment much more on this without hurting your feelings, but you really shouldn’t be steering people in such a gruesomely ineffective direction.

Good race for an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

~~Male characters only because I’m not a weird cross genderer lol

Well then you better pick human then, so that you won’t be a weird cross-race-er!

Cheese Builds poisoning GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’m not sure what specifically you have in mind with the term “cheese build” but the primary reason for me hating the PvP related content in this game is because it’s saturated with condition and bunker builds.

Memory leak

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

What even is your processor?

“More than sufficient hardware” could be something that’s extremely dated.

Also what is your RAM…?

If you’re going to complain then why would anyone care if you aren’t going to share these details…?

A Scammer or a Legit Reward?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It’s depressing to think that there are people out there who honestly fall for these. Like, I think even if I was drunk I’d still be able to put two and two together especially with that warning message at the bottom… ._.

Party got kickd from Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Sorry to hear.

Next time don’t bother selling the path. You can do it but you need placeholders/fillers to protect you from losing the instance. Either way, it’s not really worth selling Arah these days as there’s an insane amount of competition and a much much lower demand for buyers than there once was.

Low Fps

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Your FPS is low because of your processor. Sorry but these days you shouldn’t bother with a dual core. Those are way, way out-of-date.

gw2esp [source past 3/15 patch available]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Just so everyone knows I’m down in the pic because Dub is a n00b and made him bubble by whirlwinding off to the side. :@

Fake free 5000 gems mail?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Omg, gz! You so lucky please.

You do realize that is a phishing mail, and thus only sent to try to get account information to steal the account, I hope.

If you receive such an in-game mail, be sure to report and block the person who sent it. It is fake.

Good luck.



Looking for pve playstyle advice.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yes I read it. They asked for a healing build in PvE and there’s unfortunately nothing even remotely close to decent to provide for that question.

Because I saw the opportunity to, I’m trying to help steer the OP in a more helpful direction.

OP if you want to heal you can still do it even in DPS setups. Blasting in a water field will result in aoe healing regardless of your traits/gear. You should always spec for DPS in PvE.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Looking for pve playstyle advice.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Healer roles don’t exist in this game and trying to play as one will just result in both abuse from other players and annoyance with being unable to complete anything as effectively.

Im a new player.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I strongly advise you not to advertise your skype publicly lol

Brie solo 61 seconds Ele (No meteorsploits!)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Good job sir! Certainly put my ele brie solo to shame. I should have given glyph of storms more of a chance; I was trying to use churning earth with it instead of fire grab which wasn’t really working out.

If it’s easy to pull off the phase 1 in a real run and not too RNG-ish, then it makes me want to try a full Arah P2 solo run on ele :P

"Network Error"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yup, I tried going to character select and swapping characters but it didn’t work. One thing I have not tested is if logging out works or do you simply HAVE to restart client.

To me it didn’t matter because logging out wastes an equivalent amount of my time xD