Showing Posts For Purple Miku.7032:

1-shotting Lupi...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I understand it but that doesn’t mean that I accept it. As I stated in my OP, people that do this don’t deserve the daily just like the people that skip all of the bosses before light orbs don’t either.

The latter I can deal with because that’s people doing things in their own instances away from me, but this…. directly impedes on my own enjoyment of the game.

1-shotting Lupi...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I understand that Lindbur, but because of it I think it’s necessary that they take action by invisible walling the top of the wall or whatever. It’d still be possible to goat from the outside portion in case anybody likes to goof around, but yeah. I’d just hope for the best and pray that they don’t make the projectiles unreflectable/unblockable as it’d totally kitten guardians/mesmers.

As somebody that plays in EU, it’s pretty bad that seemingly 80-90% of all the groups I come across do this.

1-shotting Lupi...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

How many of you hate this crap as much as I do? I can’t stand it.

I never put any LFG requirements whenever I post anymore other than “no 1-shotting lupicus.” I still have to frequently remind people not to do it, and often times I’m responded with confusion.

In my opinion it’s just as bad to do it as it is to skip Lupicus, in the sense that it makes it pretty obvious that the player is more than likely too much of a terrible gamer to bother learning the boss. There are exceptions, I know… I know… but most people who pug these days that I’ve encountered all assume to do it. And in my opinion people who do it don’t deserve the daily. People who do it on a regular basis are more than likely too terrible to kill him without it.

Ugh, I am sick of being paranoid and frantically trying to keep him immobilised for phase 1 just in case somebody pushes him to the wall and ignores what my LFG said. >_>

And I am disappointed that GWSCR validated this as a legitimate tactic, like… wtf.

It’s so obviously unintended to be able to instantly kill him when phase 2 begins with literally nothing other than a reflect skill placed at the origin of his projectiles… I don’t have a problem with reflects themselves, but I disagree with anybody that says it’s not exploiting something obviously wrong. I get it, “clever use of game mechanics” and loopholes with the rules, but I don’t agree with it being a legitimate tactic to fight him. By my own personal definition of what cheating is, this definitely is a good example of it.

Feel the need to rant because even though I posted an LFG saying not to do it, some kittenlord guardian pug still blew him up the second phase 2 started. I am also apparently unethical for trying to kick him for it, and nobody else seconded my vote despite having gone out of my way to prevent it from happening. Lupi wasn’t aggroed on me, so I couldn’t prevent him from being pushed to the wall.

Rage. Quit.


(edited by Purple Miku.7032)


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Why are some people so determined to change the game to reward bad/unskillful play.

Why should ranging at max range have no disadvantages? Can you give me a good reason?

I wish people in general were as good at being concise as you are. -.-

Terrible thread is terrible. If anything there should be even more disadvantages to ranging than there are.

If I didn’t feel as I’m feeling right now, I’d be literally fuming and clenching my fists in frustration. Mr. teapot is right, it’s mentally draining to explain, no, to even read. So tiring.

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Most of warrior’s utility skills aren’t useful in groups. There’s some situations in which Fear Me/Bolas can be handy (really really niche), but aside from that it’s just banners/FGJ/signet of fury.

But this is kind of similar to what it’s like for other classes too, so the utility skills aren’t as much of an issue.

I think what the warrior needs the most is obviously what I listed on the first post, otherwise I wouldn’t have posted it lol. They shouldn’t be at the bottom of the spectrum in terms of DPS just because they were designed to be “offensively supportive.” How would that make sense, along with a guardian whose role is to be “defensively supportive” having higher DPS?

The logic behind that… I don’t follow. If there are other classes capable of vastly superior DPS and utility then there’s no reason for warrior to not be capable of doing more than just passive offensive support.

[PvE] Warrior's DPS

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Also, if we take into account party DPS, ranger + warrior should have better overall output than two warriors despite war’s damage being superior to that of ranger, because two different classes can stack more boons and modifiers than two people playing the same class.
So what’s right? What’s the class DPS ranking in optimal PvE situation? And is it better to go just straight for 5 war or 4 war + 1 random party or mix it up a bit more thoughtfully?

Actually ranger has better DPS than warrior does by a bit.

AFAIK the order is:


Not entirely sure if guardian is ahead of engineer actually. They’re close.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Why are some people so determined to change the game to reward bad/unskillful play.

Why should ranging at max range have no disadvantages? Can you give me a good reason?

I wish people in general were as good at being concise as you are. -.-

Terrible thread is terrible. If anything there should be even more disadvantages to ranging than there are.

Phalanx vs. Ele

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

To be back on topic, all is a matter of preference for casual runs I’d say. For record runs, you want to min-max everything. I personnally would not use a PS War for dungeons for a speedclear (except for a few niche situations), but that’s just a general preference.

Well said! :P

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

For entirely selfish reasons I would like PvE warrior DPS to back where it was before the greatsword nerf.

From a game design standpoint, I completely understand why the change was made.

Also from that standpoint I worry that further nerfs are coming. I am fairly certain anet will keep nerfing PVE warrior until they are interchangeable with Rangers in party compositions.

Why was the change made? How was warrior dps too good before?!

I don’t think he was insinuating that. Trust me, he knows a lot about warriors.

warrior is not as stackable as people think, runs with 4 warrior 1 guard/mesmer/ele has been among the most horrible of my career. 1, 2 war is all you need, more than that they are mostly dead weight, dps is low and utility is nonexistant, there’s only so much might/fury/banners you can stack.

warrior is the most desirable PUG class, becuase nobody can really “fail” on it as it has no responsibility whitin a group. put the reflection duty in the hand of a bad player and bad things happen, put a bad warrior in your party your run just goes slower.

not as appealing or stackable as most seem to think.

The reality is that many people are ill-informed and have “100b syndrome” as friends of mine like to call it; they think warrior is godmode DPS when it isn’t. Warriors are still a popular pick, so they’re easily targeted by the nerf guns sadly.

You know how much crap rangers and necros get? I guarantee you that most of the people who immediately assume them to be terrible have no idea why. Likewise, most of the people who think it’s good to stack warriors are equally naive.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Phalanx vs. Ele

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I, for one, was mildly entertained by the internet drama on page 1.

Also I agree with spoj. Eles are the best overall but due to how unforgiving certain things in FotM are… sometimes things snowball quickly after a simple mistake.

I don’t see anything wrong with having a hammer guardian but christ it’s annoying when I waste my blast finishers and don’t get any might from them. :<

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’m not arguing that their DPS should be bad, that’s the opposite of what I want lol.

I’m stating that it is bad. Comparing to what warriors were capable of doing months/a year ago— it’s rubbish.

If the mob isn’t against the wall then it’s just dreadfully low. In fact, it’s so crappy right now that condition warrior deals way more damage against heavily-armored bosses even when the boss is against the wall. This wasn’t the case in the past; they used to be roughly even.

Phalanx vs. Ele

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I thought about that too, it’s just… who cares about HotW -.-

(sowwy Painbow <3)

Ranger warhorn versus Warrior warhorn

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I support buffing the ranger warhorn. As long as whatever buffs the class gets aren’t going to longbow, I’m cool with it.

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Reflection is a legitimate defensive and offensive mechanic in GW2’s combat. As I’ve said before, if reflects are involved then guardian in many cases can surpass warrior’s DPS in a solo setting.

Your argument is basically that as long as warriors don’t have the lowest DPS in a solo setting then you don’t need to buff them. That’s no more reasonable than my argument.

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If it’s so clear then why are you the only one that knows it?

FYI before the recent warrior nerf, the record guardian Lupicus solo was faster than the record warrior Lupicus solo, and I’m not talking about that wall exploit 1-shot crap either. Now it’s even faster.

Phalanx vs. Ele

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yea that is a pretty dumb comment… staff ele is the highest DPS in the game.

Sesshi like we talked about last night, I admit that in the past I was wrong about it not being good for fractals because there’s quite a few encounters there where it’s convenient. I still don’t see the point of it in dungeons tho, where you would not need hammer guard and where the fights are too short/trivial for hero teams :P

Phalanx vs. Ele

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It’s not worth using it in dungeons honestly but if you’re pugging in fractals it’s not too bad. Eles handle fury/might much better than PS warriors do, but yeah.

If you use PS, please make sure you’re using 05063 with GS + A/M and strength runes. It’s not worth doing something weird like GS/longbow, nor is it ever worth using without strength runes.

New FotM Glitch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If so, then someone needs a paddlin’

That pug run was a waste of my time. That mesmer was making it impossible to cleave down trash mobs and it was driving me nuts.

We couldn’t complete the run due to this glitch -.-

Btw, it was streamed.

New FotM Glitch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

We were unable to do anything about it. It happened after 3rd fractal, aetherblade retreat. We tried taking turns logging out and in, kicking each other and reinviting, etc.

No idea if this has been around for a while because it’s the first time I’ve seen it.

Tower of Nightmares as a fractal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Sure, but they’d need to be changed a lot so that they’d actually be threatening.

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Looking back at old videos of mine and comparing the damage that I was able to max out with over time, I completely disagree with you. The damage I can deal now in the most ideal of solo settings is pathetic. Regardless of how much time and effort I’d like to put into it, there’s not a chance in hell I’d ever be able to catch my ele’s DPS in a solo setting or group setting.

You can say it’s a circular argument all you want but when one of my classes is better than my other in offensive support, defensive support, group DPS, solo DPS, and just about everything else— I’m not going to take it seriously.

Nowhere did I say anything about any of the other classes not deserving more attention.

Also what’s with this rhetorical question…?

What makes a guard sepcial except support?

Why are you telling me that any classes present are only there for support like I don’t know??

There’s a profound difference between providing a party with reflects, stability, timing party-wide aegis, blinding mobs, purging conditions at encounters like archdiviner etc…

…and just dropping 2 banners that give passive attribute increases.

That’s literally it. Warrior does nothing else useful aside from applying vulnerability to bosses which they aren’t even best at. If you want to do more, you can neuter your damage to sub-necro levels and run Phalanx Strength, but not be able to provide everyone permanent fury like an elementalist can.

Comparing the support that a warrior offers with a guardian is kind of laughable tbh. One of them requires active gameplay, practice and understanding encounters to be good at. The other requires absolutely nothing. The fact that this is all warrior is best at doing makes it pretty clear to me that warrior is a very underwhelming class in PvE. Planting banners should not be the only thing warrior is the best at.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Toughness wasted stat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I think I agree with the title.

It’s not really just toughness though.

You benefit way less from having high vitality/toughness/healing power than you do from having high power/precision/ferocity.

Vitality and toughness start to be purposeful in PvP/WvW, but they are pretty terrible in PvE and you should avoid making use of them in that game mode.

It’s good that it’s this way because this game is supposed to be about active defense. If toughness did enough so that you didn’t need to use dodges/evasions/blocks, this game would be even easier than it already is. Be thankful for it!

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Warrior Suggestion: more range on shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Erm, may I ask what you feel the need for using mace/shield?

If you’re looking for gap closers/mobility, you’re using the wrong stuff for it. Shield bash has no tell and it’d be pretty overpowered in PvP if it could be used from a distance.

Elementalist Fiery Rush damage bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


C’mon , we’re waiting.

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I think the reason we haven’t seen any warrior-specific buffs is because we are already in a really good place in all game types. The whole basis for this thread is to do more damage while solo in content that was designed for groups, not just a single warrior trying to go balls to the wall. And you can still solo, just not as effectively as before.* In my opinion it’s a non-issue because 1. we can still solo and 2. we do it pretty efficiently compared to other classes.

and edit: Btw I’m not against reverting the changes simply for the sake of it. It sucks when you see a fellow player so disappointed with changes that they literally drop the profession. And many others express this opinion on the forums. I’ve probably seen at least 8 responses in other threads about dropping war. They might change it back with discussions like these, but I don’t think the current changes are a reason to never log into a warrior again.

No, you’re just assuming it’s about soloing group content. Quite obviously as that’s something I do, yes, that’s something I obviously am upset about.

My point is that the feature patch changes neutered warrior in PvE as a whole. You can’t even make use of the warrior’s primary mechanic in open world; adrenaline doesn’t build fast enough to make use of before a mob dies, yet disappears before you fight the next mob. The only time this isn’t the case is when fighting hordes of mobs all at once. While I don’t have a problem with adrenaline decaying, it seems stupid for it to decay this fast.

Also it’s significantly slower to kill mobs with a warrior compared to my ele when running around attacking things, both in the best of the best setups. There wasn’t a point in lowering the damage from GS and warrior’s DPS is extremely low even in a solo setting… which used to be the one place warrior specialized at. It’s not bad, but it’s nothing special now aside from its high health pool/healing signet honestly.

Should the only niche of warrior in PvE be to provide offensive support in groups with banners?

Ideally I’d like all classes to specialize in more things. I’d like to see improvements for some of the other neglected classes that were mentioned in the thread, but this one is specifically about improving this one.

And right now, warrior is in a bland and underwhelming position in PvE.

kicked from CM P3 last boss GG ANet

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

@DonQuack ofc u can easly skip it (especially on both guard and war classes) but when i have thief in party, i dont even want to change utility and waste cd on it (thief in dungeons is especially usefull for stealths thats why)

You don’t need to change utilities to skip them on a warrior unless you mess up and engage in combat too early.

Alternatively, you could just buy some of the stealth consumables.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

In regard to your post I think adding some mechanics to existing bosses to punish stacking is a great idea. The bosses are just too easy in this game.

You know whats even easier than stacking? Everyone ranging from 1200 distance all spread out. There is almost no chance of even being hit by a single attack from the boss. Maybe they should add anti-ranging mechanics to every boss to force people to melee.

Best choice for two eles in dungeon/fractal?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

With rune of the scholar, the warrior and thief can help blast might.

How do scholar runes have anything to do with whether or not a warrior and thief can help blast might? o_O

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I don’t feel that the damage nerfs are unwarranted. To be honest over the last year with the addition of a second sigil slot on GS and the ascended armor stat increases the damage as climbed quite a bit. I mean + 5% from force +10% at night +5% ish? from ascended armor. I don’t think the original numbers were balanced with those increases in mind back in 2012. So I think the changes to HB and Whirlwind were an attempt to pull those back in line when those modifiers are present. Perhaps other classes need to be reviewed and brought in line as well.

As for the adren change I can’t really speak much to how it feels on 6/5/0/03 in PvE since I haven’t ran that since the patch hit, although it did take some time to get used to not being able to use Combustive shot before the beginning of every fight. It feels pretty decent in PvP after adjusting. I’d get behind some changes to the decay rate though, I think there is definitely room for fine tuning it.

What even are you talking about??

The damage decreased since the ferocity patch in april in all areas at or around level 80 by a lot for all classes and all builds that relied at all on critical damage to be effective. This is the same patch which was when we were permitted to add a second sigil to 2h weapons. When that patch hit, there was also a bug that enabled all warriors to get a free signet of might the second they slotted the deep strikes trait, effectively adding 180 power for free without actually having the utility slotted. Even with the signet of might bug and the force sigil added to the GS, damage still was noticeably lower than before.

Not too much later after this patch hit, they nerfed stacking sigils so that we weren’t able to reliably keep bloodlust stacks anymore and managed to also fix the signet of might bug. Damage tanked even further.

Then later along in the summer they nerfed strength runes which was the go-to set after the ferocity patch hit, surpassing scholar runes in solos. They nerfed the damage from 7% increase to 5%, pushing DPS down even further.

Come september we’re now sitting on yet more damage nerfs: 5% damage reduction on 100b, 5% damage reduction on whirlwind, unable to use GS rush in our rotations in the majority of cases unless right in front of the mob, burst skills are bugged and no longer gain the damage increase from the Berserker’s Power trait, duration reduction on Signet of Rage (our primary source of fury/swiftness), and a triple nerf to adrenaline.

The only positive update warriors have seen in the past year for PvE was the buff to mace offhand. Literally nothing else.

EDIT: I forgot to include the several nerfs to sword offhand’s impale, and before anybody has the audacity to mention whirling axe getting a 17% damage increase— it’s still worse than the autoattack and irrelevant in PvE.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Give the GS it's DMG back...

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The GS is a mobility weapon and no dmg weapon. If you need dmg than use an axe

And this is an ignorant / misinformed post.

OP you’re right; I posted a thread here that addresses the problem as well. Take a look at it and see if you like my proposed solution:

The zerker meta and how to change it.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You’re in luck, OP.

The solution is here for you and all that hate Berserker metas!

AC cave troll is OP and annoying as heck.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I will agree that the troll is annoying but I enjoy the fact that it is at least somewhat threatening. I just hate the fear. I hate being feared.

Best choice for two eles in dungeon/fractal?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Particlar #1 ele!

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I can agree with everything the OP said except the point on adrenaline decay. I understood that change. We have entirely too many skills/traits linked to adrenaline to allow it not to decay. Although some compensation could be applied to some skills that it effected.

You sure you carefully read it? I didn’t say that it shouldn’t decay, I said it shouldn’t decay at the speed that it currently does— which is basically vanishing before my eyes without a chance to make use of it in any situation other than a boss fight. You kill non-champs too fast for it to build up.

List of horribly annoying skill bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I don’t know of that bug that you speak of. All I can think of off the top of my head is that after the 2nd hit in warrior GS’s autoattack chain it delays any skill used afterwards significantly, and that it’s annoying to try to stop elementalist staff’s autoattacks as they typically will throw an extra attack or two even after unselecting target.

Best choice for two eles in dungeon/fractal?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

First of all after playing around I’ve found that it’s always best to use staff unless you need more defensive utility (blocks, condition cleanse) because you want to avoid swapping off of fire as much as possible.

Ideally with two eles, one of you two would be using LH due to the fact that every third hit on LH’s autoattack chain is a blast finisher, but it really depends on the circumstance because sometimes LH is a trash weapon depending on the encounter.

For staff the optimal build for DPS in fast groups is typically 66200 because of the fact that lots of speedclear groups deep freeze bosses (ice bow #5), and you can take Tempest Defense grandmaster trait for 20% more damage against stunned fows. If a boss isn’t deep freezed, the absolute best trait setup you can take along would be 64220. Otherwise, 62222 is an incredibly powerful getup but you’ll need signet of fire with only two trait points in air. Alternatively, 64202 is a versatile staff trait setup for pugs that’ll make it easier for people to blast in your lava fonts and make your meteor showers hit more.

For the D/F \ S/F ele that’s using LH, they’ll want to be using 66200 or possibly 66002 if they’re afraid of goofing up and will need more endurance from renewing stamina. The reason they don’t have as many trait point variations is because at least one ele should be using weak spot to contribute to vulnerability stacking on bosses (though with the recent glyph of storms buff and warrior mace offhand buff it isn’t as necessary now in groups). Along with that, it makes it much easier on an ele that isn’t using staff to have the fresh air trait so that they can always make sure they keep their +10% damage modifier in air after they are done with their might stacking rotations.

Staff traits:

2 (VI)

4 (VI VII)
2 (VI)
2 (VI)

2 (VI)
2 (VI)
2 (VI)
2 (V)

4 (VI VII)
2 (VI)
2 (V)

D/F & S/F traits:

6 (V II XI)
6 (VI X XII)
2 (VI)

6 (V II XI)
6 (VI X XII)
2 (II)

Note: if you for whatever reason are not using LH for anything, swap out II in fire magic for VII or VI (I keep it on VII because internal fire isn’t very useful when I’m using air training).

Also with 100% scholar bonus uptime and permanent 25 might and fury, scholar is ~7% personal damage increase over strength runes, but strength runes ends up being better DPS provided you’re able to maintain 8 stacks of might or more with it. Scholar typically is the better set for staff eles because of the fact that they are very infrequently blasting themselves might and normally have to rely on the aid of others blasting in their lava fonts.

In fractals (especially levels 40 and 50 with the mistlock instability of agony ticking periodically while in combat) it’s very impractical to maintain 100% scholar uptime so it’s normally best, or at least much easier, for the ele to just use strength runes for there. In dungeons it’s pretty much always best to use scholar runes if the group is good.

Pick and choose what you want. :P

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The several times I recall recently going into WvW, I remember hitting a 17k Final Thrust on a mesmer that probably didn’t know you can dodge on this game and and 11.8k Rush on a ranger with a longbow and a drake pet.

I’d be ashamed of myself to hit a 13-17k 100b.

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Dominik and Narkodx are right. I strongly support them.

I run warrior since beta and I feel them to be quiet fair just run 6 0 0 4 4 gs/bow or Ham or Axe/Shield. Use Ascended Zerker gear with Str runes or Hoebrak or Rune of Pack. Fusion with Knight/Cav accessories. It’s very fun! And yes if I can get a champion shadow to eat my full one hundred blades that’s the reason for nerf. In wvw it strikes with 8k-12k and 13-17k with full stacks. A beautiful 4k with f1 gs so yes that’s why nerfed. You can GS and Bow 14-18 stacks of might easily.

I also champion a D/D or D/F ele and is quite fear in 1v1 tspvp, hotjoin or wvw roaming universe. I can get 25 stack of might in the same time But team play is the best.

Thank goodness you’ve posted on a thread exclusively about PvE to give us relevant insight on your experiences in WvW and PvP.


Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Another thing for the warrior that certainly needs changing:

Utility “On My Mark”

It’s simply too lackluster. Even prior to mace offhand’s Crushing Blow buff, it was very infrequently used due to the fact that it’s single target and lasts only 10 seconds. Now that mace offhand offers the same vulnerability but on shorter cooldown and cleaves, I think it’s suffice to say this utility needs to be changed.

Here’s a few options:
a) Perhaps increase the duration of the vuln itself to 20 seconds, though that does seem rather long to me. Even still, I don’t feel like I’d use it that often anyways.
b) Add weakness along with the 10 seconds of vulnerability, duration of the weakness isn’t something I’m sure of.
c) Rename the shout entirely to be more fitting of causing everything within a 600 radius to be applied the vulnerability, maximum of 5 targets nearest to the person casting the utility sounds good to me.

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

@ Purple Miku:
I completly understand your point that the warrior has to be used as supporter and that you even don’t have the chance to act as a DD.

That’s why I suggested to buff the dps but to nerf his group buffs in return.
You have to find a compromise for that.
Simply to buff his dps ( doesn’t matter how much ) doesn’t solve the problem.

But see, warrior isn’t even the best at offensive support. I will admit, both banners + EA and phalanx strength is good… but is there anything as good as literally permanent fury, 20-25 might, sometimes 25 vuln (glyph of storms), conjures, projectile blocks, blinds, and the undisputed best DPS in the entire game?

And no, I’m not wanting eles to be nerfed… what I want has been mentioned plenty of times throughout the thread.

Warrior doesn’t need to sacrifice anything else than it already does.

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Everyone knows mesmer has been in a bad state in PvE for a long time. That is for another topic.

Being forced into a support role in groups is garbage, and we’re forced to do that unless we want to have sub-average DPS in our best possible personal damage setups. The whole problem is that we don’t have the option of having good personal DPS anymore. We’re forced into having unimpressive results even the best possible settings and the tradeoff isn’t worth it.

Since you brought up mesmers I’ll use them as an example here. They have significantly low DPS in compensation for being capable of soloing things that no other classes can (imbued shaman) and being the only class capable of achieving 100% reflect uptime. Warriors can’t solo everything. They also can only reflect if they sacrifice a huge amount of their DPS.

Every class has their own strengths (aside from necromancer I suppose) and their own problems that need work on and this thread’s focus is solely on what I believe are the warrior’s. There are also some other changes I’ve thought of but right now these are what I believe are what should be done first before all other things are considered for the class.

So far, looks like a lot more people seem to agree with me. Looks like you’re getting rather uptight about it, what with mocking me and all.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I will say that it’s a horrible feeling to constantly see pugs going to the old FGS spots. I hate feeling embarrassed for people and it’s just like… what the hell are you people DOING. Have you ever known why people LOS bosses to these spots to begin with… ?

Srsly. Goes to show how many people have no idea what’s going on.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Oh. The OP is being serious?


Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

They are one of the best solo classes but they’re not superior in groups wth. The only reasons people play them so often are:

a) misinformation
b) high health pool = more forgiving
c) misinformation
d) banners
e) misinformation
f) misinformation

Seriously. So many people are under the impression that warriors deal godmode DPS and that they actually matter in groups more so than for just banners. Aside from banners there’s really no reason to care about whether or not you bring a warrior. They do literally nothing better in a group of other players other than apply a passive damage increase with the press of a button.

Banners never have and never will be necessary. If they mattered that much, then rangers would be invited more often into groups because they not only deal better personal DPS but also offer offensive support. Does that happen? No. There’s a lot of variables that need to be considered to understand why this is the case and it’s silly to assume that just because you see a lot of people playing with a class that it means it needs no attention.

The fact that you’re using the fact that many people play with warrior still to try to prove your point astounds me. I’m sure the several necro players on this thread would dislike it if I stated that we shouldn’t bother buffing necro simply because I get pugs joining my fractal/dungeon groups on necros all the time.

Using that metric is about as useful as it is to gauge player skill from the little AP number that appears when you hover your mouse over them in the UI. Useless.

P.S. – even if warriors were actually nerfed to the point of being impractical to ever take in dungeon/fractal runs, I guarantee a ton of players would still use them just because it’s undesirable and difficult to give up something that a lot of time and effort was put into .

List of horribly annoying skill bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yes X T D.6458, I included that in my OP.

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The worst about this all is that I’m only asking for reversal of the DPS loss of the last september patch. Warriors already had low-as-hell DPS. There was absolutely no reason to lower 100b + WWA damage at all. None.

Not only am I only asking for one of those two skills to be reverted, but I’m asking for it in a way that will not impact PvP to avoid QQ. Not even that worked.

Stop Nerfing, Start Buffing.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Okay to all those who support the OP’s idea:

MMO rule #1 – If instead if toning down some skills/things etc, you are buffing everything else, you lose contact with the world around you, causing people to be able to faceroll any PvE content, to the point of playing naked.

Source: Long time MMO history of: WoW, RIFT, LOTRO, SWTOR, etc etc…

We’ve always been able to do that. I’ve solod Arah P3 naked a year ago and I was much worse of a player than I am now.

List of horribly annoying skill bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

-GS : Rush – goes past target unless activated in close-range
-GS : Rush – runs in place if used against a large target unless used underneath the target
-Sword : Savage leap – leaps past target unless activated in close-range
-Sword: Savage leap – gets obstructed mid-air sometimes mid-jump or towards end of the jump and ends up going either side-ways or turning completely around, doing a full 180.
-Sword: Impale – can get obstructed if used on a moving target even if there are no objects nearby and the ground is flat.
-Sword: Riposte – stubborn activation if used after dodge-rolling. Sometimes it will take a second keypress (or being clicked on) if casted while moving. Problem does not persist if standing still and is definitely caused by trying to activate it right after a dodgeroll.
-Utility: Bull’s charge – charges way past enemies unless used close-range (basically need to stand right in front of target)
-Axe: Eviscarate (and potentially all burst skills) – since the 9/9 feature patch, adrenaline is drained before the skill connects. This results in not having the damage modifier from Berserker’s Power when using our burst skills.

-Fiery Greatsword: Fiery Rush – did not receive the damage increased as was promised in the 9/9 feature patch.
-Staff: Burning Retreat (Fire #4) – frequently rubberbands/teleports back and forth after casting
-Staff: Burning Retreat (Fire #4) – have had it occasionally freeze my character after casting; unable to use any skills dodge, or move until downed.
-Staff: Burning Retreat (Fire #4) – in rare circumstances, it can perform the animation but without actually moving backwards.

Stop Nerfing, Start Buffing.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The title of this thread is exactly what I have been saying for so long.

+11111111111111111111111111111111 to OP.

Best pve duo?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It really depends on the content.

I personally dislike warr/mes, and my favorite combinations (for Arah at least) tend to be either warr/warr, warr/ele, ele/thief, ele/guard.

However I recently tried warr/engi and it went pretty smooth.