Showing Posts For Purple Miku.7032:

How good are warriors now?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Finally, PvE is a faceroll, barely matters the class or build you use, so no big problem here.

Translates to “I don’t care about it so it’s not a problem” regardless of the fact that the majority of players on this game do care about PvE. It is a problem when there are glaringly obvious balance flaws between classes and bugs galore.

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Here Miku, maybe this will satisfy your crit fetish :p

He’s very good, but I still can notice a substantial difference in damage. Also it’s sad how bull’s charge/gs rush bugs so often :<

It happens to him a lot in this video, such a shame.

Graphics review one year later

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

FFXIV has the best graphics out there out of any MMORPG. It’s not even debatable imo… they use far higher quality textures and it’s optimized far better. I can go on there and maintain a steady 25-30 FPS on highest settings with my awful NVIDIA GT 540 whereas on GW2 I’m only able to get around 15 on highest settings, 25 on medium-ish settings with shaders off.

Archeage also uses superior textures than GW2’s and overall the characters are a lot more realistic looking (they even have private parts on the characters lmao), but to be honest I don’t think I have ever seen characters on any MMO as cute as GW2’s human females.

Aside from human females though, XIV and AA’s characters blow GW2’s non-human female ones out of the freakin’ water.

But yeah, AA also has an enormous world and it isn’t loaded area by area either. It’s actually optimized incredibly well to boot.

P.S. – I tried FFXIV and while I was truly impressed by the sheer beauty of it, I had no motivation to really play longer than like 2 hours tops because in the back of my mind, I knew that I had only 2 weeks to play the game (free trial) before never again. Seemed pointless.

Anyways, here’s a few pictures I found of it:

Also not saying GW2’s graphics aren’t great, because they certainly are.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Please remove the ledge in SE p3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Anybody here that doesn’t think that being able to huddle up in a corner and spam autoattack with a ranged weapon safely is terrible design – you’re crazy. In a bad way. Did you also think it was fine for them to let us safely autoattack the ancient ooze on that coral branch in Arah P1 before they fixed it?

OP didn’t really give a good reason for changing anything about the encounter but it’s pretty obvious that it’s horrible as it is.

I think instead of removing the ledge they should remove the kitten carrier and maybe make that champion drop a key to open the door to proceed. Unfortunately that would probably be out of the scope of their ability to do, rofl. Too much work!

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Like I said, it’s just for ganking. You pretty much can’t kill people if they have the chance to prepare themselves and aren’t alone, but if you’re a beast you’ll be able to overpower the living kitten out of most other warriors/stuff like that.

When I say full-out offense, I’m being literal for the most part. It doesn’t work very well anymore though because bull’s charge/gs rush are both bugged since 9/9. Also… you’ll get rekt by mesmers with the setup, lol. Like almost no chance of beating them unless you burst them EXTREMELY fast… which is hard to do now with the terribad damage warrior now has.

Some guy Vaans or whatever posted an almost identical setup to what I’m referring to, but he was using axe/mace for some reason along with some unnecessary trait choices. Same concept really; just go for high burst. I almost always use warhorn / sword offhand. Mace is a terrible offhand against other players. :P

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I already knew you would step in and hate miku. Because everything that has less than 70% crit chance is nothing for you :P
Its a build stricly built for our wvw 5 man group. Thus wvw buffs are going to play a major role. It also works really great solo.

In a zerg this build is actually pretty bad because of low armor and I dont even like zerging.

Considering I play on a low tier server and people will never learn to use stability or dodge they are going to get rekt in a single hammer rotation. I don’t think I lack any damage at all. Its more about staying alive and doing your objectives rather than doing those horribly annyoing 1on1 encounters and trying to insta-gib the oponent with a single eviscerate.
I am getting told way to often to move along because they do 1on1s…. kitten that.

pic related

Btw: I’d be interested in what you would run miku

Not trying to give you the impression that I’m trying to bash you, just trying to be honest is all…

However the main reason I felt the need to post is because the way your post is leads me to believe you’re kind of… bragging… about that power and we’re apparently polar opposites on this matter because you seem to think that you don’t/won’t hit low damage like that.

I looked at the setup and that’s the first thought that came to mind, as I can’t imagine being able to stand playing like that personally. Even with the maximum DPS setups I still cringe at the low damage, so I’d go nuts with 30% crit chance ;_;

I personally don’t really do WvW that often but when I do, I usually am set up for straight ganking so I’m all-out offensive as always.

I don’t really see much of a reason not to be, considering there’s no penalty for death on this game. May as well just go full-out yolo.

But hey, different people different tastes.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

How do you interpret the term "exp" from LFG?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I read it as “experienced.” As in “Only experienced players need to apply.” I like some of the definitions here that set actual stats, though, like Miku’s. And I agree with Rasimir that the term can be somewhat subjective. (I admit it, a few other “definitions” made me smile. )

Confused the hell out of me for a few seconds until I scrolled up.

D: lol

How good are warriors now?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Come on. In organized groups warrior dps is low tier ok. But in pugs this garbage dps is easybto achive. For non records runs this garbage dps is more than enough.
That being said, it ia true that warriors have been severly nerfed. But the best class to pug with

I don’t think so at all. Guardian and elementalist bring more utility to groups and don’t have terrible DPS.

It may be tougher to outlast a barrage of attacks on an elementalist whenever terribad pugs aggro a lot of elite mobs in Arah and stuff like that, but generally speaking outside of situations like this you really don’t need warrior’s high hp crutch.

This is especially considering the fact that they’ve also made story mode dungeons danger-free by making all the mobs/bosses lower level than you and the changes made to lower-level dungeons in April with ferocity, where our attributes scale to the point where everything (besides bosses) dies as fast as open world yellow mobs.

A small thank you giveaway

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Great. No me. I hate you.

sulk in a corner

XD sorry you’re too new

As rT former that doesn’t go for me. :c

Lorek’s challenge is way too easy, if you think about it. He could possibly consider haviz a friend.

I wanted to put you in, dub but I cant go giving people lagg as a reward. I think we can agree that it would have been the only suitable thing.

Somebody is already giving me that reward.

Been gone a long time....

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

So much negative feedback.

>For one, warrior deals the absolute worst damage out of all classes aside from necro.
Hey miku. Do you have any new charts or dps-meters post patch? I mean, I’ve got no choice but to believe you because I simply dont care about PvE and have no clue about it, but the worst damage of all classes aside from necro is hard to believe for me.

I’ve always seen people throwing those claims here and there since the beginning of time. “Test have been run, and class XY is kitten/OP because of reasons.” I have never seen any of this though.

Sorry for my ignorance.

These links are outdated, but:

Keep in mind that these calculations do not consider the changes from the feature patch, which nerfed warriors harder than all of the damage nerfs since ferocity combined.

This is also a good reference to gauge the degree to which damage has been nerfed.
-Korga – 4:41 (post-ferocity, but before the bloodlust sigil nerf and the 2% strength runes nerf):
-Korga – 5:21 (around a month before the 9/9 patch):
-Korga – 6:06 (after 9/9 patch):

Small errors are taken into account, but less of them seem to have happened in the 6:06 than the first two. Damage has been nerfed on a solo warrior to a very significant degree, but what I mentioned in my post above was not actually referring to a solo situation.

Prior to these changes, warriors were already on the lower end of the spectrum when taking into consideration full party buffs— I don’t have the links on me for single target DPS, but necro isn’t that bad with 25 might/fury/banners for that. However they’re pretty kitten low when it comes to overall contribution in groups and will always remain lowest without drastic changes. We’ve always known this.

I had a really nice list (spreadsheet) of expected DPS from all classes last month but I didn’t bookmark it. Can’t find it on google. If I find it again/dig through my history I’ll edit it in here, but the only class that has lower DPS than warrior is necromancer in optimal group conditions, however mesmers are below warrior unless they have the appropriate amount of time for their wardens.

To be honest, that hasn’t changed much… but before the patch I’m quite certain warrior was ahead of ranger. :<

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

How good are warriors now?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

No idea about sPvP because I don’t care about it, but in WvW they’re kind of meh-ish. I don’t see much of a reason to play as one other than for warhorn swiftness in zergs. They’re still tanky, but pretty lousy otherwise imo.

In PvE, warriors are absolutely terrible. Some of the skills don’t work anymore (movement skills) a lot of the time and the DPS is so low that they’re necro tier.

Warrior DPS in groups always was kind of on the lower end of the spectrum but now it’s just sad to see how dreadful the damage is. I think you would be better off picking another class for the time being. I have no idea if they ever plan to hire anyone that’ll fix the problems that they’ve created.

A small thank you giveaway

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Just received the reward for the Funny Sunny Bunny Challenge!


So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Logging into the game just to see the beautiful number of 30.000HP in this red circle down at the bottom of your screen, what not to love about that?

Wet noodle hits?

“Why did I see this comming?”
:D Judge for yourself:
Dat 3400 power with self-buffed might.

Horrible. 31% crit chance along with the WvW applied strength stacks of +100, major bloodlust WvW, and you have +25 stacks of something. I’m guessing those are bloodlust.

In any case, seems like just a damage-sponge with CC. Surely you’re a useful asset in a zerg but like hell if you’re killing people that know what they’re doing.

Then again… I tend to find people quite often that probably have their dodge keys unbound…

Your favourite underrated weapon/armour skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Modniir Quartertaff for sure.

Also not sure if this counts as underrated but the Princess Wand has really nice particles…

Frac 50 Mai Trin 8:07 Warrior Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

requirements to be an EU soloist:

  1. owns an infinite light rather than a bolt
  2. random ugly anime chick chat cover
  3. profit
  1. i hate bolt
  2. how tf is that ugly?<.<
  1. i agree, bolt is overrated though I don’t have infinite light either
  2. it’s not, he just likes to trash people that he feels inferior to

Tankier build for High Level Fracts/Dungeons

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If you’re with warriors/guardians that are ranging… christ, I can’t believe how patient you are. That’s pretty sad to know how unlucky you are with the groups you’re in!

Ok, it might actually pose a significant problem if you have everybody ranging while you’re in melee range. That means that guardians won’t be providing aegis/reflects for the group if they’re far away and the warriors likely aren’t using warhorn #5 (call to arms) for weakness uptime on trash mobs. In FotM it’s more than often the trash mobs which pose the biggest threats.

I… really think you should seek different pugs or if they’re friends of yours… try talking them into changing things up. I don’t play guardian but I know from all of my friends that staff/scepter guardians are “ewwww cringe ewwww” and since I’ve mained warrior always, seeing a warrior using rifle in PvE is just

Try forming your own groups and posting LFG messages like “Lvl __ – tell me your build or you’re outta here, no exceptions!” and see what you get. In dungeons, pinging gear is pretty much pointless because of how faceroll they are but for fractals… different story.

Since the majority of people on this game will have a hard time soloing FotM, it’s a bad call to go with people in WvW setups.

I highly recommend ensuring that the people know what they’re doing. Don’t pay attention to their AP or some irrelevant nonsense like that, ask to see what weapons they’re using, what sigils, what runes and what stat prefixes/traits. At least, if you’re gonna pug FotM. If they aren’t willing to share what they have, that’s a sign that they’re going to suck… especially if they didn’t read the LFG. That indicates they won’t communicate at all as well, which is always dreadful in the world of pugging.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Tankier build for High Level Fracts/Dungeons

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If you’re stacking might for only yourself and everyone’s running around frantically, that’s not your fault. You have no control over it at that point.

Btw I can only post once every 30 minutes/1800 seconds, because ArenaNet has strict flood control on my posts. Forgive me.

I recommend either 66200 or 66002, yes. Stone splinters gives a 10% damage modifier that you’ll always meet the condition for with D/F so it’s a very noticeable DPS increase to have, but if you truly wanted to make sure you’re always surviving then simply go for renewing stamina (Arcana II) instead. Hell, throw in an energy sigil if you really want to make sure you can always dodge when needed.

Oh, let me point out a problem with something you just posted:

Also, spending all my time dodging melee attacks when I could be safely DPS’ing from range seems to be a big loss in damage output.

See, this is the same logic all of the pugs use that people ingame and on the forums frequently whine about. Nobody likes it when pugs range bosses. That person is contributing negligibly by
a) not sharing party buffs,
b) not sharing utilities their class can provide (reflects/projectile blocks, etc)
c) usually lower DPS (staff ele is an exception most of the time but mind you — optimizing personal DPS isn’t your goal here usually in FotM)

Let’s say you’re fighting archdiviner, at the start of the cliffside fractal. Let’s also say you have no mesmer and one guardian. The guardian uses his WoR and it’s on cooldown. If you’re using D/F, you can use swirling winds for his spinny attack that shoots out all those projectiles that really hurt. That’s super helpful for groups because even some of the better players occasionally can mis-time an evasion on it.

Same thing with the last encounter in the harpy fractal… the more projectile blocks/reflects you can pump out, the better. If there’s none, the raving asura’s agony will destroy whoever it’s targeting…

See like I said, you have way more utility with D/F than other weapon sets:
-swirling winds (air focus #4) for party-wide projectile block
-gale and comet (air focus #5 and water focus #5) for interrupts/removing defiance
-ring of earth (earth dagger #2) for a brief + immediate personal projectile block
-magnetic wave (earth focus #4) for cleansing 3 conditions and temporary reflects
-obsidian flesh (earth focus #5) for temporary invulnerability

Also obviously 2 of those are blast finishers as well. Staff offers significantly less utility at the expense of being capable of healing (more relevant for PvP/WvW as in dungeons/fractals you’re interested in optimizing DPS and being efficient and what-not) and having better personal DPS.

Once again, hope this helps.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Tankier build for High Level Fracts/Dungeons

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You don’t need tankier crap, dw.

D/F is what you should primarily be using in FotM because it offers way more utility and you will be able to protect yourself much more. Staff isn’t even a viable option in a lot of FotM encounters, such as archdiviner at the end of cliffside where he reflects.

Staff is generally better to only use in Arah also for:
a) soloing Lupicus
b) possibly soloing Ancient Ooze (haven’t tested it but it sounds like a good idea)
c) I guess Korga/Abomination soloing for similar reasons as one another but I normally do D/F for them
d) blasting a water field on top of someone rushing the 2nd orbs in Arah P3/P4 as they run by
e) Vahid (Melandru) in Arah P4
f) You can use staff on just about all the P4 bosses but I don’t suggest doing so if you are solo because you’ll just get rekt. Also only do this if you aren’t the only ele and the other one is not staff. Someone (an ele) is expected to provide might and fury from persisting flames.
g) blasting swiftness periodically while doing trash runs

I mostly use my staff for g) and while moving around I will quickly throw down a static field, use arcane brilliance + arcane wave, use staff #4, swap to dagger offhand and use #5, maybe RTL too if it’s off cooldown, back to staff and use #4 off cooldown again. It’s just a way to maintain swiftness uptime while traveling from point to point.

Also, staff is easymode for Lupicus soloing if you know what to do. Like, big time easy mode.

For just about anything that’s not listed there, I will use D/F for. Staff is a fine choice in dungeons for when you aren’t the only ele but if you are you’re not contributing nearly enough as you could be by having S/F or D/F to provide your group might and fury. Emphasis on this as it’s more important than a warrior remembering banners etc.

Staff is great personal DPS, but it’s generally bad against anything that moves and if you have to kite then you shouldn’t be using it. Also, you have little to no defense with staff without swapping attunements. It’s always best to swap attunements for a might stacking rotation on S/F or D/F but on staff it’s different because your DPS is incredibly low unless you camp fire.

Remember: D/F for like 90% or more of FotM encounters as well.

It’s come to my attention that a lot of people who watch the videos on youtube/read forum posts that have meta builds are literally under the impression that they should camp that weapon set.

I.e. people who know that the optimal build for warriors in dungeons is 65003 GS + axe/mace actually f***ing stay on axe/mace lol. THIS IS FOOLISH. 99% of the time it’s better to use warhorn while moving around, swap to sword MH to travel quicker, swap to sword OH to block while skipping trash that ranges/maybe shield as well, etc.

Do not be a fool like these people. Regardless of what class you use, you should always be taking advantage of when you’re OOC and abuse weapons by swapping them for their benefits temporarily. Prestack might, stack swiftness, use mobility skills — do all of it. Be fancy, don’t camp the same weapon set throughout all dungeons if you’re keen on being efficient!

P.S. did I mention you should be very frequently changing traits depending on what encounters/dungeons/fractals you’re in and what utilities/weaponsets you’re using?

Hope this helps.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

I keep getting random letters.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I always mail random crap to my friends, like aetherkeys.

I’ve actually started a trend where friends and I just mail random garbage to each other for the hell of it/trolling. :P

[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Please, don’t sell skins for God’s sake. This is one of the genuine “OK” RNG stuff. I only have three but I like the idea of beating a hard content for a chance of getting a skin.

RNG generally isn’t enjoyable unless you get a favorable outcome.

Having like 1% chance of enjoyment sounds pretty bad to me. It’s one thing to get nothing because you didn’t complete the task at hand but another thing to get nothing over and over and over again because of something completely out of your control.

This is supposed to be the high end PvE content, but instead it’s a kitten lottery.


in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Warhorn is all around the best offhand for warrior along with sword, so I have no idea why the hell it needs buffing when you have obviously worse options like axe, which has always been a dreadfully awful offhand.

Rifle is and always has been pretty bad, so buffing that doesn’t sound like a bad idea.

Been gone a long time....

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Lots of stuff have changed.

For one, warrior deals the absolute worst damage out of all classes aside from necro (mesmer is lower without its phantasms too, but with them it’s very high).

Also, you will find every movement skill completely unreliable now. In particular, it’s not possible to hit a target with Rush on greatsword unless you are standing directly in front of or under it and it is not moving. Savage leap, bull’s charge, and sometimes but not often earthshaker (hammer F1) will sometimes become “obstructed” mid animation and behave as if you’ve just hit a brick wall mid-air. This mostly happens with savage leap.

Signet of Rage and adrenaline changes nerfed warrior DPS significantly, as we have 5s less fury uptime per minute along with being incapable of ever beginning a fight with adrenaline ever. The trait Berserker’s Power was nerfed heavily from it.

Greatsword’s hundred blades and whirlwind attack were both nerfed by 5%, resulting in another DPS loss because reasons. ArenaNet has finally acknowledged the problem of hundred blades in PvP/WvW being so overpowered that it never hits anyone because it’s a rooted and channeled skill, so they acknowledged said problem by nerfing the damage. Because logic. As well as these two skills being nerfed, they changed Arcing Slice (GS F1) to do something else that’s better than before, but still terrible altogether and pretty much never worth using.

So, yeah.

Interns will be interns.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I think my LFG ads have always been the most bizarre.

Just about any time I post an LFG it might have a kirby face in it somewhere or say something like “must love Ellie goulding or gtfo!” etc.


Short Conceptual Warrior Guide for Beginners

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Ignoring the fact that like 90% of the video is just your charr walking in slow motion, I can’t find anything in here that would teach people how to play on a warrior effectively.

Also… I erm… endure pain/balanced stance in open world?


More DC's after the last patch?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

As much as I’d like to blame it all on Time Warner Cable, it’s not all their fault this time.

twight arbor.. which path ??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

No not necessarily.

I just think it’s mind-numbingly monotonous to have no choice but to wait for the oozes + the people luring them to take them to the gate. Even if I was the person luring them, I may as well toggle off run and just RP walk to the gate because of how slow they move.

This doesn’t seem like a good design for a puzzle to me in the least bit… there’s very little user input required and you have no control over the speed at which you’re able to do it. It’s not necessarily about speedclearing it, it’s about having literally no choice but to just wait. It’s not fun to wait and watch oozes inch their way over to a door.

At the same time, I also feel that it should be possible for pugs to perhaps be able to lure it along a longer route without interference from oozes. Hell, perhaps the option to give the ooze a permanent invisibility buff at the cost of reducing its speed by over 50% along with the elementals dealing 2x the damage to players or something of that nature instead?

Perhaps instead of luring the ooze, the player would have to attack it/cc it to push it to the door. Like, it won’t move unless you knock it back yourself.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

twight arbor.. which path ??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You think you’re reading what he says but you obviously aren’t if that’s what you’re getting from him.

He said many times now that good design would be for there to be a puzzle that doesn’t restrict everyone to being capable of doing it at a set pace. He gave up on you because you keep misinterpreting him.

He’s not talking about speedrunning specifically.

The ooze puzzle restricts everyone to either passing it or failing it at the same pace; you cannot do anything to speed it up should your team know what to do already and with a dysfunctional group there is no way to do it at a sluggish pace with minimal risk. You can do the dolphins puzzle slowly in aquatic ruins, as well as the alternative route with the lights to let your hp regen etc.

To improve the ooze puzzle would be to be allow players to be capable of doing it even slower than currently with minimal risk yet allow innovation to make it as fast as possible as well. I think that’d be a better alternative to what’s there currently. A few suggested being able to cc the ooze/give it defiance stacks, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be that either.

You can keep continuing to say that you understand the argument perfectly, but you’re not convincing us.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

twight arbor.. which path ??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

After reading all of the posts it seems blatantly obvious to me that many of you are just sugarcoating this statement: “I like it so it’s fine.”

Can’t really blame him for ragequitting. You all know that the dungeon isn’t perfect and could most certainly be improved in a variety of ways. -.-

twight arbor.. which path ??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

spoj the champ. Well freakin’ said@@@

Nerf Ele Regen

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The issue is that there’s just so much damage in GW2 now with double sigils and buffed runes, as well as general power creep in the various classes. The Elementalist’s sustain does need to get nerfed (preferably to the major offenders: Soothing Mist, Soothing Wave, and Evasive Arcana’s Water dodge roll… although the nerf to Evasive Arcana in PvP is probably already enough). But there also needs to be a systemic trimming of all damage from all classes, as well as from the various overpowered sigils and runes that dominate (Battle, Doom, Fire, Air, and Geomancy are all way too strong and push class’ damage through the roof when you can run two proccing sigils at the same time).

PLEASE say you’re kidding me.

Damage has been nerfed to unthinkably low levels. It’s grotesque how I’m hitting literally over 50% less damage now than I used to on my warrior than back in April and how weak my ele feels in PvE these days now since the ferocity roll out + lack of FGS. There’s barely any reason to justify taking it in dungeons to begin with because it dies so fast if anything goes wrong.

The reason I bring PvE into the picture is because just about every person that talks about balancing in this game neglects to take into consideration that ArenaNet is too lazy to separate their changes between the game modes. If you feel like damage is too strong in PvP, keep in mind it’s weak as hell in PvE and that’s considering all classes.


in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

This 9/9 feature patch was easily the worst update they’ve released since I have started this game.

Not only has warrior DPS in a solo situation tanked MORE than even after ferocity, strength runes nerf, bloodlust sigils nerf, and signet of might bug fix, but in groups warrior’s DPS is so low by comparison to other classes that the only class worse than it is necromancer.

Also, savage leap + bull’s charge + gs rush bug out nearly every single time regardless of whether or not a target is selected. Sometimes when doing a savage leap out in the open with no target selected, it gets “obstructed” or interrupted mid-flight and will either turn to the side or turn directly around 180 degrees, as if hitting a wall. Same thing happens with Earthshaker sometimes. This isn’t even a warrior-specific bug— it happens with Elementalist’s LH leap too!

Not only that, but collectively all of the servers have been lagging more than usual. This isn’t a cause of DDoSing, this is completely on their end as it’s happening to way more than a small portion of the community this time.

Also on that note, I’ve discovered something interesting. Whenever I’m on warrior, I get huge ping spikes occasionally and average 370-400 at best, whereas when I go on my elementalist I’m always sitting on 220-250 with no skill lag at all. I’ve tested this on numerous occasions on several different days with 2-3 different IP changes on my end. Hmm, why the hell would this be the case I wonder? This never used to happen prior to 9/9.

Also, the launcher doesn’t store password when you check the “Save password” checkbox. You can only bypass this problem by putting an autologin switch in the target for the GW2 shortcut that you have (like mine for example: “D:\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -autologin)

I honestly struggle to find benefits that came from the feature patch. The few that I’ve come up with do not justify all of the insufferable problems that came as a result of it. What this tells me is that they’re either severely understaffed or are in dire need of reallocating their attention to the things that matter in this game.

[Noob]: Need updates from Mentors/Staffs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I think it would be best to put me as inactive (or kick I guess if you need space). I don’t log in very often these days. Sorry

Nerf Ele Regen

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You’re all making huge mistakes by demanding nerfs because when Anet nerfs things they never buff alternatives (balance).

What you should be demanding is for more active healing to replace the passive healing at the same efficacy instead of simply crying about regen.

What would you do if...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

This is the most constructive thread ever posted on the GW2 forums.


Spewsta + AmbrosialK #1 Arah Duo NA.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

twight arbor.. which path ??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Anyone who claims that aetherpath is the best dungeon makes me question their sanity. I get the impression they are just blinded by the shiny puzzles and newish content and overlook all the major design faults of the dungeon.

I definitely can’t recall any time I’ve ever felt like doing Aetherpath before. Pretty sure I’ve done it like 6 times total and not once did I find it fun. I much preferred Vevina’s path and wished it was not replaced.

However at this point I don’t care anymore, as I wouldn’t do either these days anyways -.-

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I always say staves too, dw OP. I got you.

New, Instantly attacked and reported.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

This seems like a DonQuack vs. everybody else sort of thread and I’m proud to say that I pretty much agree with everything he’s said so far. The mentality he has offers the ability to actually move on/overcome hardships or at least try to, and learn from them. A large amount of the opposing viewpoints seem like misplaced and overly-sympathetic rubbish.

OP messed up and instead of accepting it for what it was, decided to post on the forums and “1-up” himself over everybody by mocking the rest of the community with crude generalisations.

Why I think the first 10-15 levels are better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I have more to add.

I’m currently looking through my old pictures that I took over a year ago when I was leveling up. My friend is laughing at me and I’m like, repulsed at how horrible I was… omg it’s tear-inducing.

The reason I had terrible weapon choices/skills (besides being a dumb noob) was because in my mind, it hardly made much of a difference. I rarely had trouble killing any mobs while I ran around. In fact aside from jumping puzzles or trying to figure out how to get to a vista I can’t recall anything remotely close to being a challenge up until I found champions and tried to solo them.

I think that is the real problem why people seem to have issues with learning how to play the game properly. Nothing requires you to learn. If mobs were actually threatening, like for example on ArcheAge, it would encourage players to learn and come up with tactics to kill mobs without losing as much hp/dying. If there was actually consequence to death aside from having to press F next to an anvil, then perhaps there’d be a reason to care about death.

So while the NPE may aim to help new players learn the game, it doesn’t give them a reason to care to learn how to play effectively. There is a lot of controversy about it because of more than one reason obviously but I figured that this might be a neat perspective for some of you to consider.

Feel free to laugh at the horrendous noob pics of me too.

Why I think the first 10-15 levels are better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The main problem with the update is that there’s almost no combat at all. Autoattacking and not dodging? Honestly, wut? How is that fun in the least bit to anyone?

Level gating everything is the only real problem, that and removing conditions/stuns and anything that makes combat mildly interesting.

Most people that I’ve spoken to or have seen express their distaste with modern MMOs often includes having all development resources catering to the crowd of people that want to put forth minimal effort into gameplay. This is what is happening here.

btw now when you unlock the skill 2 you unlock skill 2 for all weapons so you dont need to GRIND to have all skils unlocked in all weapons and if your a elementalist you dont need to GRIND all attunement too…

Lmfao. Oh that’s cute. You actually considered unlocking weapon skills grinding.

As a person that played Runescape for over 8 years, you’d have probably failed to survive on there for longer than a few minutes.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

LB Ranger killed rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Rifle on warrior has always been complete trash, feature patch changed nothing other than that people basically aren’t allowed to have adrenaline in open world, damage is terrible while in dungeons, you aren’t allowed to use greatsword rush and hit damage against a target unless you stand directly beneath it, and if you use savage leap, you will occasionally teleport back and forth or turn around mid-air and leap back to your original location. This is clearly for immersion and not because the bulk of the employees working there are clueless interns that don’t know what they’re doing.

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Your location Wisconsin (USA) and on Desolation (EU)
Time and date of incident (plus time zone) Every single day since 9/9
Game World Everywhere.
Brief description of what you’re seeing Ping spikes from the average 300-350 to 600+ on a consistent basis with insane skill lag, sometimes chat lag, and sometimes but not often disconnects.

Also, all leap skills are bugged including warrior’s greatsword rush. Savage leap will, for example, sometimes turn around mid-air and leap back to the original point and sometimes it will teleport me back and forth a few times. Rush will just never hit the target— even if it is completely still.

Just revert the 9/9 changes tbh. I sincerely doubt that aside from the minis and trading post changes anyone really likes the rest.

out of bounds - Snowblind fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

So much fun. I almost feel compelled to do fotm just for more chances to do this again… but I need to be with likeminded individuals

antigaming path sellers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I completely agree with the point Mad Queen Malafide is making that a lot of people are trolling him/her over.

Dungeon designs are too basic. I would love more traps. CoF P1, while it may be as trivial as tying one’s shoes, has a trap that seems perfectly reasonable to have in dungeons… those boulders.

What would be bad about having to walk across a chasm on a narrow pole, or having to carefully side-step along the edge of a wall to get past a pit of lava etc?

Or perhaps a segment in a corridor is littered with buttons that once stepped on, arrows/javelins fly out of the wall.

More complex layouts would always be more interesting too, especially if for example say you hit a fork that breaks off into 3 directions. All 3 directions would lead you to the same place, but they would be different; the left path would be the overall safest but longest, the middle would be the shortest but most dangerous, and the third would be a healthy medium between the two or something like that.

I also think it’d be cool to have certain parts of dungeons be locked off with a gate/door that requires a key which would be obtained somewhere else in the dungeon… which kind of falls under the same category as mentioned above, the layout being too simple/linear.

Sorry to those of you that rage whenever things like this are suggested but I’m not advocating stupid ooze puzzles that are sluggish party-dependent timegates. I just think that this person has a really good point about dungeons being too simplistic in design.

PVE Solo Roaming?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Hmm, nah I still think minotaur/truffle steaks would be a better call. Check the condition for the might— you have to kill something for it and if the OP is struggling as it is to stay alive, getting downed would mean he’d have to start over.

It’s a solid idea but I wouldn’t recommend it for people unfamiliar/uncomfortable with the class.

antigaming path sellers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The only real endgame in GW2 is mountain goating. Everything else is just a heap of lies.

PVE Solo Roaming?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I don’t really do it anymore since I’ve been level 80 and done with world completion for a long time, but I can help ya.

For solo roaming in open world, this is what my ele has:

Explanation of the traits:

While it is true that you’ll primarily be camping air attunement, you’ll still be blasting yourself might by rotation through fire (burning speed/ring of fire) > water (frozen burst) > earth (earthquake), and because there’s nothing really relevant here, you may as well increase the damage that your fire fields do as it’s better than nothing.

You won’t really be needing Conjurer because FGS is literally useless for any purpose other than mobility. Pyromancer’s Alacrity would be fine as well and probably equally as useful as Internal Fire is. All the other options in fire are pretty bad.

The rest of the traits should be fairly obvious; the remaining choices are simply damage modifiers with conditions that will pretty much always be met (thanks to the Fresh Air trait).

As for your concern about stacking might, keep in mind that you’ll be getting a lot of that from your MH dagger with strength sigil, and you will not be blasting nearly as much with this setup (literally 4 blasts total, sometimes fewer). Strength runes will be helping quite a lot for might retention.

I occasionally swap weapons/utilities depending on the circumstance (which everyone should be doing lol).

For example, swapping to glyph heal and using it for swiftness (air) and swapping air signet to lightning flash for more mobility? Not a bad idea at all.

Swapping internal fire trait (VI) for conjurer (II) whenever you wanna/need to use LH/Ice Bow? Sure, though I can’t imagine it mattering much in open world PvE lol.

Swapping to staff temporarily (and hopefully swapping traits for it) to do an open world boss that happened to spawn in the map you’re in? Good call.

Swapping to focus temporarily if you feel like soloing a champ? Good idea, because dagger offhand is pretty awful for that kind of stuff and is only good in PvE for mobility and killing trivial trash mobs.

I personally use truffle steak because money isn’t of much concern for me (but sharpening stones I very infrequently use and I’ll usually override it with a slayer potion anyways, so I just use the welfare ones), however a perfectly fine alternative would be minotaur steaks. Those are a lower tiered version of the same type of nourishment (power + precision). Elementalists benefit the most from this type of food!

Let me know if you have any further questions.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

@Live teams: Will FOTM 51+ ever be unlocked?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I don’t think there will be.

They are too heavily focused on something else:

It doesn’t hurt to have hope though!

Lvl 20 fractals Imbued shaman mes solo.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

My biggest 3 gripes with FotM are:

a) have to wait until everyone’s ooc before waypointing/resurrecting unlike dungeons, where you can go to character select and waypoint outside + re-enter

b) no rewards

c) forced to play as a charr/asura

Other than those 3 things, some of the bosses like mossman and imbued shaman are a lot cooler than most of the dull ones like for example AC/CM/HotW bosses.

With that said, what you see in Sandy’s video is not an easy thing to do consistently. Gj.

Our elites are kitten

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’m pretty sure that anyone that doesn’t agree that ele’s elites are pathetic is either trolling or doesn’t play ele tbh.

It’s not even debatable— there’s legitimately nothing good about them other than having rocky for soaking up projectiles, or using FGS to skip trash mobs with a 3 minute cd.


[EU] Lorbeerfraktion offering dungeonpaths!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Your prices are very high. If and when I buy paths i kittentainly get almost all at half or less your quoted price. As any person with a sense of thrift can find much better deals on LFG. Good luck with this to anyone who wants to be client of them you should seriously negotiate better prices. I will not even bother to negotiate anything they seem out of touch. Dungeon tokens are not worth enough and gold rewards do not offset your prices. I can easily buy CM runs for less than 3G which is one example of your wacky prices. If anything your prices should be lower than random LFG sellers since you want a steady clientele, the ideal being you run dungeons fast and no selling downtime but no crazy prices. Do not buy you can find better deals in which buying the run is actually profitable to self not just the seller.

There is nothing wrong with selling for what you deserve.

Months back when I sold Arah, I’d sell p1 for 7g, p2 for 6g, p3 for 6g, and p4 for 18g every single time, no exceptions. The prices aren’t the problem, it’s the competition.

As long as there’s no one else trying to sell at the same time, it honestly will not really make much of a difference at all what the prices are. People WILL pay for it if they want the path.