Showing Posts For Purple Miku.7032:

Favorite/Least Favorite Dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Arah p4 isn’t too bad in terms of length, takes half a hour to 45 mins which is acceptable I think. However the bosses are such a snoozefest and they just make the path a drag. If the bosses were better, the path would be a bit shorter (especially Vahid and the Grenth Priest) and much more fun. Farkittens the only good boss imo, Simin is okay too.

Path 4 took me 7 hours the first time I ever did the path with pugs, which was approximately 10 months ago if my memory serves correctly. I didn’t have a full set of exotics at the time, had no clue how to do Lupicus in any way other than to range, and aside from 1 other person in the party I was the only one that spoke English.

The first hour or so was me soloing up to Balthazar (took a while to get people to join), where I got him to maybe 50% hp at best before dying because of lack of experience and because I kind of sucked back then in general.

Lupicus took roughly 3 hours to get done with the pugs, pretty sure I kicked one of them for trash talking, and the other one left. I remember spending a full 2 hours waiting for the replacements because of the time of the day. It was like midnight for me, which is 6-7 AM for europeans.

I’m sure most pug groups would never amount to the disaster that this one was for me back when I was first learning, but I’d wager that a team of 5 pugs that have never done the path before wouldn’t come anywhere near breaking 2 hours to get it done, perhaps more.

Funny to think back at how long that took, fast forward to a few months ago and I can consistently duo it in ~50 mins. My god…

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Favorite/Least Favorite Dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Ah… I see.

Well, about not being able to hit stuff… for some reason the air autoattack on trident for ele doesn’t hit things most of the time for me. I really have no idea why, but it can sometimes be fixed after using the second skill and/or selecting another target quickly and re-selecting the intended target again.

I’m not sure if the grenades problem you’re describing is the same ordeal, but it sure as hell is annoying.

Favorite/Least Favorite Dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


Totally agree. Especially “To Arah I’d like to add that it feels more like a map than just corridors, which is something that makes it so much better than the other dungeons.”

Btw, not sure about the aetherblade trash in aetherpath since I have never tried to solo it before, but after having solod the aetherblade retreat fractal on level 50… I will not take those mobs for granted.

You know you’re getting desperate when you have to kite mobs around objects with GS/longbow and stunbreakers. Lmao.


I thought engineers had the highest DPS underwater? A friend of mine in rT told me that a few weeks ago I think… with grenades. They could’ve meant that they used to be and got nerfed at some point… I don’t really know. All I’m certain of is that warrior is a freakin’ monster in the water and if I ever go in WvW, the way to make sure that I kill the other person is to jump off the bridge into the water and hope they follow me. An ele, however, is absolutely useless in the water.

P.S. I was close to listing HotW as my least favorite as well, but also because I can’t stand the slanted map. It gives me a headache.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Favorite/Least Favorite Dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Same. Fav: Arah Least fav: CM

Same reasons or did I forget to mention anything? :p

EDIT: Hah, nice. So all 3 of us nearly agree with all of it. What are some of the chops and changes you’d make? I know a lot of people hate the trash mobs in CM because of the elite riflemen.

Keyfarming change. Dungeon sellers profit?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

There’s no way keyfarmers will be buying dungeons for it… the rewards from black lion chests are typically so awful that killing the orrian villagers at the start of Arah for 2-3 minutes would probably be more worthwhile. The main reason people do it on such a regular basis nowadays is because of the fact that it doesn’t cost anything other than ~20-30 minutes of time.


Favorite/Least Favorite Dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

What is your favorite dungeon and least favorite dungeon? Try not to list several off for each, just name one for favorite and one for least favorite.

I’m curious how many people are going to answer with “Aetherpath” for their least favorites and favorites. It would make sense to me if you wanted to separate it from TA since it kind of is a dungeon of its own.

Also, you can include TAFU in your reasoning if you wish to, despite it having been removed.

For each, feel free to break it down into simple reasons as to why but you don’t have to. Here’s mine:

Favorite: Arah

1. super-awesome and fun jumping puzzles to go exploring

2. very cool scenery

3. plenty of the bosses are very fun to go for personal best times when soloing… as some of you know my favorite two in particular would be Korga and Lupicus

4. the trash skips are in my opinion one of the best parts of the dungeon which truly makes it unique from most other dungeons and it’s a fantastic way to test a person’s skill with a class as well. I also typically would expect a dungeon to have people ‘running for their lives’ from threatening enemies. It seems fitting to me.

5. gold reward at the end makes it actually worth my time and effort

6. great, replayable content… there’s a low chance of me wanting to repeat paths more than once in a day but I’m generally always up for Arah dailies even after a year of playing

Least Favorite: Caudecus Manor

1. dull atmosphere, would probably be cooler and set the mood for a dungeon more so if it were night.

2. everything just seems so darn compact when inside the manor. I frequently bump into walls while moving (at least with swiftness), and it’s really lame how the mobs can be attacked from behind walls.

3. I also can’t use my warhorn #5 on warrior to blast in fire fields/smokescreens unless I want to never be able to get ooc again (at least inside of the manor).

4. ferocity made it and the other lower dungeons too easy imo.

5. for some odd reason, the majority of people that pug this dungeon are even dumber than they are in the other dungeons. I can’t come up with any reasons for this that satisfy me.

6. gold reward is sufficient for the level of difficulty of it, but considering how I don’t find it fun I don’t think even doubling it would justify it for me.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Dungeon selling: request deposit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Another easy solution would be to allow us to set passwords to LFG groups. That way, people will have to send you the payment up front before you send them the password to join.

Every scammers wet dream

If anything, by communicating with the scammer by whispers/mail, you get to keep his name and the conversation that allows you to report him a lot easier. You’re much safer from scamming than with the current system.

Reports do nothing. Also with your idea, you still lose your money. At least with the current system you can enter the instance and open the map to determine whether or not the path is actually completed up to the last boss. People that do the paths aren’t the ones scamming.

Help Needed!

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Hi, the guide that I posted will mostly benefit level 80 warriors that are keen on optimizing themselves in solo situations but it certainly is ideal for group gameplay as well. Link:

One key thing to note is that if you are in a group, you’ll want to swap Arms I (precise strikes) for Arms V (rending strikes).

The reason for this is because while you do benefit more so for personal DPS to have more precision (as with only 5 in Arms you are slightly lower than what you’d ideally like to be), you benefit very negligibly over what you would with applying vulnerability to the target. In a group, everyone benefits slightly from vulnerability on a target while extra precision only benefits you.

So in short, for soloing:

6 (V IX XI)
5 (I X)
3 (VI)

and for groups:

6 (V IX XI)
5 (V X)
3 (VI)

For both situations, your primary weapon should be GS and you’ll also want axe mainhand on swap. Offhand can vary depending on situation, but in 99% of all cases you should be using either warhorn, sword, or mace for offhand.

Hammer racism in pve

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Apparition.1576 – this isn’t about PvP builds, this is about PvE. There is literally no reason to use anything other than full DPS setups for it unless you’re roleplaying. If you want to feel more immersed and this is what works for you, sure. If you want to be different than everybody else, whatever.

Just don’t expect other people to cater to it.

Are people seriously crying about this?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

No, really, the FGS nerf whine is way too much atm. In PvE, I don’t see how anyone could argue that FGS trivialized nearly every fight ever, so I believe it’s justified. For pvp/wvw, how often were people rushing other players down next to a wall? Is that a thing that happens right now that I’m unaware of? Is there some PvP meta where teams used fiery rush next to the altar wall in temple of the silent storm? What’s going on?

For normal usage, in PvP FGS was used mostly as mobility, and it could arguably be said to be buffed in that regard as you now have a high damage attack opener rush. And for PvE, a lot of other classes have bad elites – look at thief and engi for example.

FGS doesn’t trivialize PvE encounters; the design of the PvE content does that. The hardest PvE encounters like Mai Trin or Grawl Shaman aren’t difficult because you can’t use FGS exploits against them; they’re hard because you can’t stack on them. FGS merely made content that was already easy go by faster. All this change will do is make dungeon runs take a bit longer.

I’m fine with the change happening by the way. It wasn’t the way the skill was supposed to work and I’m ok with that. What Anet seem to have missed though is that, much like Tornado, the only thing that made these skills worth slotting was those very unintended effects they just removed.

For PvP/WvW, sure, FGS gives you some nice mobility. That almost seems to be an unintended side-effect though. When you summon a giant flaming greatsword you’d usually expect to use it to fight. But its best use is letting you run away. If that isn’t an indication that the skill needs improvements, I’m not sure what would be.

Finally, the argument that other classes have terrible elites, so its ok for us to have terrible elites, doesn’t really add up. Other classes having bad skills doesn’t excuse us having bad skills anymore than it excuses them having bad skills. Those skills should be improved just like ours should be. And for the record, Engis have a fantastic elite in Supply Drop.

+1 +1 +1 +1 +1

A quality post right here.

Safespots and Exploits

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

This is a horrible use of time and effort on Anet’s part. Scrap the dungeon police idea, and instead allocate those resources to programmers so that these issues can simply be addressed in a more permanent way.

In other words: Fire the Game Security team and hire new programmers to fix all the bugs.

Whatever suits you, then. Give people an inch and they cry for a yard.

I know right? That’s basically what I was thinking while reading some of these comments lol.

Arah List for Devs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

That does sound strange and it’s unfortunate that you don’t have a screenshot or video of it…

Take a look at this goofy clip:

I promise it’s relevant! So I drew his attention when I was behind the wall, and he immediately went invulnerable/lost aggro as he wasn’t capable of hitting me. All mobs do this, this is nothing special. He was “dancing” because I was strafing back and forth, so he was moving along with me to try to approach me/get in line of sight.

The key thing to note is that if you were fighting him and he somehow went too far into one, he’s programmed to immediately get that “determined to survive” buff, stop what he’s doing, and run back to his starting location. He then instantly turns around with that buff gone and carries on starts attacking again.

You can see this happening here, just that I’m not damaging him.

So in short, you might have found a specific spot in the area that he can inadvertently rush himself through an invisible wall? Not sure.

P.S. – A tip to make things easier for yourself… intentionally get him to resurrect the corpses in the area you plan to fight him in. Run out of combat/range afterwards. The elite gorillas will despawn on their own and the corpses will “randomly” spawn anywhere in that enormous “L” shaped area. Rinse and repeat until they spawn elsewhere. :P

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Very disappointing news for you guys

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I wasnt expected the dungeon to appear at the beginning or mid season. I was hoping they were already working on one to add at the end. Its a huge let down. The mordrem theme could add a lot of fun enounters considering the mordrem mobs and bosses weve seen so far and the aesethetic could look amazing. TA is by far my favourite dungeon looks wise. Id imagine a mordrem dungeon would be very similar, but a bit more corrupted looking.


I was so confident that they’d add a new dungeon in one of the new zones opening up.

I was telling friends things like “there’s no way they’d not do it.”

Sigh. Lol.

Simple (or not) Dungeon Owner fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

So to all of you guys that don’t want a kick function, what if you’re half way through a path and suddenly 1 or 2 people don’t feel like pulling their own weight and aren’t contributing? Then when you ask them to do something they refuse to cooperate and/or insult you? You want to disband your own party instead of kicking the said offender(s)?

What about if someone decided to start trolling everyone by luring elite risen illusionists on purpose into the arena and kill everyone at Lupicus, knowing they couldn’t be kicked for it? Would you rather kick that person and find someone else on the LFG or restart the path from scratch?

Dungeon selling: request deposit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


Nevermind. I misunderstood due to the new system.

On a semi-relevant note, here is a thread that discusses what I’d like them to do:

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Safespots and Exploits

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Your definition of what is a safespot is very different from what mine and many others is. It’s clearly not a safespot if you can still be damaged from the boss. Good job ignoring what I and several others in the thread have pointed out to you.

As for the design of the encounter itself, I find the attack to be bad only because without certain spots that one can stand in to avoid the rocks you have to rely on an NPC. Relying on the AI of an NPC just to not get 1-shot is silly to me; rocks not falling through solid objects at the very least makes sense.

Evidently I haven’t made myself clear enough for you if you’re still responding in a way that completely ignores what I’ve concisely stated. Can’t say I expected much anyways. You didn’t read what I had to say back then, why would you start now? :P

Also, big props for calling somebody “overly-pendantic” when in the very same post (and the rest of the thread) you’re trying to force a pedantic definition of what a safespot is.

Lmfao, that’s what the thread is about in case you haven’t read that either…?

OP wants to know if it’s forbidden to use safespots, so in order for people to answer that we all have to agree on what actually is safespotting. So far, doesn’t look like many other people posting seem to share your mindset.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Are there only GMs on NA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

AC p1 thief “solo” is still a huge thing in EU. So no. Also dungeon selling is bad now. Arah p3 is like 3g. You’re better off afk in LA.

3 man lvl 50 fractals and sell the last spots for ~20g.

Makes fractals atleast somewhat difficult and profitable.

Why are you sharing this@

SHHH… we don’t want the same thing happening here as what happened with Arah

Simple (or not) Dungeon Owner fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


Make All Dungeons Open World

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I hate zerg trains. Open world bosses that are champions/legendary are always zerged. Therefore open world dungeon bosses would be zerged.

Because of this… pls no.

Reconsider greatsword damage nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

To be honest I don’t think the nerfs are unwarranted. A 6/5/0/0/3 Zerk GS Warrior is still going to have personal DPS through the roof in PvE right? You’ll just have to play a bit harder to keep it at an untamed level. I think the changes to SoR will have more of an impact.

For PvP though, Arcing Slice is looking like it will have a taste of what Eviscerate is able to do if it nails someone. A nearly 6k crit on foes with less than 50% health with no might – definitely seems like something you’d want to dodge.

The nerf has minimal impact on warriors in group settings (~3% DPS loss) but huge impact on soloers like myself.

There has been nothing but nerfs for the warrior for soloing in PvE since I’ve started GW2 over a year ago.

Hammer racism in pve

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

PVE is only about the damage and axe/GS is best atm so nobody want warrior with hammer.

We can only hope Anet will one day make dungeons that need CC/heals/armor or something fresh so support class are needed.

This game is not about that kind of gameplay. If you want to be a healer/priest/druid or whatever the hell tickles your fancy, then make an LFG post stating so. Don’t burden others with it just because that’s what you want.

Are people seriously crying about this?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The only thing more trite than whining, crying and qq is using those terms for opinions you disagree with.


Dragon's Tooth + Comet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I will admit I wasn’t fully aware of how beneficial the skills are in a PvP without ground targeting.

In PvE, they’re terribly annoying like this. My apologies to PvPers and I hope I didn’t give the impression of trying to be selfish.

I still think that modifications to the skills are in order for when you don’t have a target selected. As long as you have a target selected they should function as they currently do, but when you don’t then you should go where your cursor is pointing. That’d be fair, no?

Question is, how difficult would that be for them to implement?

Allow us to remove followers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I don’t see what the problem is in regards to follower list. If they’re only on your followers list, you aren’t deeming them worthy of adding to friends list… so what’s the problem here? Why would you want to distinguish between NA vs EU if you aren’t friends with them?

Sorry, just not understanding what your personal problem with it is. To me it seems a little strange. Either way you could just send them a whisper and ask if you care to know…

My problem (Personal would mean just me, I’m sure others have the same problem, So not personal) is that My Followers list is clogged up with NA players who I don’t necessarily want to block but cannot play with them and don’t want to be friends either, So when new EU players add me and go in there things can get confusing. It’s not alot to ask for to add a simple “remove follower” option, It would take anet like 5 minutes to add and make alot of players happy. Its not as good as a full friend request system like wow or facebook but it would be much better than what we have now. I don’t get why some people argue (sometimes for the sake of arguing) when players ask for this and their argument is that it doesn’t annoy them personally so anet should never add it. Kinda selfish tbh.

You’re calling me selfish because I was having trouble understanding what the problem is LMAO?

Gee, that’s a new one.

No More Instance Owner!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Dungeon Takeover From [pugs] is now recruiting.
We are very pleasured to announce that the great Heitred will lead us on our daily 30 minutes of getting each dungeon path done. One single dungeon path will just take 2 minutes, if you are busy for once. Everyone welcome, must just be fast at accepting kick requests!

So much evil.

Arah List for Devs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Forgot to mention! There are certain spots in the dungon where your bundle items/consumables are instantly deleted/dropped while moving.

An example of this would be in path 2, past the spider cave and right before the first few sentinels + deadeye. If you have a harpy feather opened, for example, it’ll magically disappear as you’re walking without having pressed anything.

This also happens on the one rock hurdle on the way to the Lupicus arena near all those orrian turrets. There are some other places but I can’t remember all of them off the top of my head. Perhaps Dub might if he ever reads this thread (probs won’t sadly).

No More Instance Owner!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

  1. What happens if you solo and experience a short DC? What happens if your entire party sees a short DC?

Don’t quote me on this, but I think that going to stay the same. I’m not sure why the new change would affect it.

Well… “If everyone leaves an instance, it will close, but you don’t have to worry about one person leaving your party and having to restart your dungeon!”


RIP soloing with Time Warner Cable.

No more ragequitting when you die :>

Nope, this makes it all the more convenient!

Instead of having to log out, change characters, change characters again, then re-enter, all I’ll have to do is log out and re-enter.

(>^.^)> <(^.^)> <(^.^<)

Support for ragequitting! \o/

But what if you don’t want to lose the instance

Then I’ll hit “Exit to desktop” instead of “Log Out.”

Experience Toolkit.


Are there only GMs on NA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If Lupicus was skipped then it would still say “Navigate the Labyrinth of Arah”. Come on Miku you’re supposed to know this kitten.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

new/more player reporting for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If you want people to stop breaking a rule you remove their means to acomplish that instead of enforcing a punishment. It’s more effective, less frustrating and it lacks the risk of a wrongful punishment. The most obvious solution is sequencing bosses and/or events! The current method they employ is invisible walls. They do not work. They also ruin the fun of exploring the beautiful maps.

I <3 you

Safespots and Exploits

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

that is meant to hit you but doesn’t because you’re stood at a certain point. What’s controversial about this idea?

I was talking about a very specific encounter.

It’s not about a certain point. It’s about literally any point anywhere.

“The only way to win is to not play”

(42 minutes, gj Varra)

Laughed irl. Not only because of the “ooze is pacifist” title of the image, but because Varra will actually have her dreams come true— first ever no dodge no damage rifle warrior solo!


(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Reward rebalancing [Suggestion]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I see, makes sense. I don’t run these paths on a regular basis so thanks for clearing that up for me. I think I recall trying to yolo-spear the last boss in path 2 and now that you mention it, I remember that now… it’s true. If you just range him you’re pretty much guaranteed to not get damaged. Awful encounter lol.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Arah List for Devs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

He’s just AFKing, give him a break. He’s bored of his lame attacks too!

No More Instance Owner!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

  1. What happens if you solo and experience a short DC? What happens if your entire party sees a short DC?

Don’t quote me on this, but I think that going to stay the same. I’m not sure why the new change would affect it.

Well… “If everyone leaves an instance, it will close, but you don’t have to worry about one person leaving your party and having to restart your dungeon!”


RIP soloing with Time Warner Cable.

No more ragequitting when you die :>

Nope, this makes it all the more convenient!

Instead of having to log out, change characters, change characters again, then re-enter, all I’ll have to do is log out and re-enter.

(>^.^)> <(^.^)> <(^.^<)

Support for ragequitting! \o/

Safespots and Exploits

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You’re in a safespot if the boss casts something at you, or at the room, that is meant to hit you but doesn’t because you’re stood at a certain point. What’s controversial about this idea? In many situations you wouldn’t refer to the spot as a safespot because doing so would be superfluous but it is still technically a safespot.

You have a very strange definition of a safespot. Just about anybody else that I’ve ever known since my earliest days of gaming have referred to safespotting a boss/mob as being able to attack it without it being able to attack you back. In this circumstance, the boss is able to attack you back so it’s not a safespot. You’re safe from one attack but vulnerable to everything else.

Either way, this is pretty much as purposeful as arguing with me about your favorite color.

This is also the last time I’ll repeat myself on this. If your reading comprehension isn’t sufficient enough to soak it in this time, then so be it.

Here we go: a random insult. Struggling again?

After repeating yourself several times to a person with them still not understanding what you’re trying to say, yeah I consider that a struggle— especially when the person is being overly-pedantic is it a struggle to get them to understand. Props to all of the hard-working teachers out there who put up with this on a daily basis, seriously.

No More Instance Owner!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

  1. What happens if you solo and experience a short DC? What happens if your entire party sees a short DC?

Don’t quote me on this, but I think that going to stay the same. I’m not sure why the new change would affect it.

Well… “If everyone leaves an instance, it will close, but you don’t have to worry about one person leaving your party and having to restart your dungeon!”


RIP soloing with Time Warner Cable.

Aren’t they gonna get bought by Comcast or whatever anyway? Just heard that, I have no clue if that’s even remotely true.

Oh for the love of… seriously?!


Please, Google. Please expand to the midwest. Need. Google Fiber. Now. You may be morons with youtube and twitch, but you are the only ISP available in the US that isn’t satanic!

Arah List for Devs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

No, it’s known. If you’re looking at the old coral spot from the Ancient Ooze’s position, it’s to the right, on the other side of the group of coral.

or you know.

Ah that lol.

Every time that happens where it just stays still in that position I run forward to lure him closer. I just assumed he’d reset otherwise.

No More Instance Owner!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

  1. What happens if you solo and experience a short DC? What happens if your entire party sees a short DC?

Don’t quote me on this, but I think that going to stay the same. I’m not sure why the new change would affect it.

Well… “If everyone leaves an instance, it will close, but you don’t have to worry about one person leaving your party and having to restart your dungeon!”


RIP soloing with Time Warner Cable.

Kicked during Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’m too suspicious of people skewing these stories and just claiming the people that kicked them were guildmates trying to reinvite others to care. You’d have no way of knowing why you were kicked unless they flat-out told you ingame.

Yes it sucks to get kicked and have your time wasted, but nobody can do anything about it. If there was no kicking function, then that’d cause more problems than there currently are.

Safespots and Exploits

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Sounds like a safespot if its main mechanic doesn’t hit!

This is where your logic was flawed. You clarified what you meant to say afterwards.

Also, like RemiRome posted above, your definition would basically mean everywhere is a safespot in plenty of dungeons. You’re in a “safe spot” if you’re meleeing Lupicus because his ranged attacks don’t hit you, yet his swipes and frenzied blast do? You’re in a safespot on his phase 1 because he can’t kick you when you’re not in melee range? The entire arena is a safespot…?

I don’t think you share the same definition as most people would lol.

P.S. There’s not one spot that you’re safe from the rocks falling. You can stand in several— the one most people know about from pugwars would be under the pillar which happens to make sense because a rock falling wouldn’t fall through a solid stone pillar.

This is also the last time I’ll repeat myself on this. If your reading comprehension isn’t sufficient enough to soak it in this time, then so be it. Warriors do not have reflects available whilst simultaneously maintaining their high DPS like several other classes do. Therefore in a thread that specifically guides people on how to optimize DPS as a warrior in a solo setting, reflects aren’t available.


Safespots and Exploits

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Well if you banned everyone who safespotted the p3 last boss by standing against the pillar where its cave-in doesn’t land, you wouldn’t have many players left.

It’s not a safespot. He can still damage you, it’s just the one cave-in attack that won’t hit.

Sounds like a safespot if its main mechanic doesn’t hit!

By this logic then it’s also a safespot to dodge, use projectile blocks/reflects, invulnerability skills or any damage mitigating skills against a mob.

No, a safespot is a location. It can vary between intended, creative, an obvious glitch left due to rubbish testing, and just plain exploiting. Dodge is not a location, it’s a state, and always intended unless you think there’s a fight where the designers forgot the player can dodge. You could call it a safestate, whatever.

This is almost as finicky as your “warriors don’t have reflects” shtick.

I was merely pointing out the obvious flaw in your statement’s logic that’s all. Either way, it is intended to be capable of avoiding this attack by simply standing in a certain location. This can be any location that Grast is in, or a few areas where the rocks don’t fall. I don’t see what the problem is.

Funny how you also decided to bring that argument up again, despite the numerous times I’ve clarified that what I meant was that warriors don’t have access to reflects in a practical situation in PvE where they can fight with optimal DPS simultaneously.

Obviously since you only posted on my thread with the intent of getting under my skin, it was my mistake for dignifying you with a response in the first place.

Are there only GMs on NA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Wait, so why is the players poisiton in one location, quite a distance from the WP, then there is the stand out pic that shows him standing next to the WP? Did they run back to the WP and get banned there? Or did they WP back? But it looks like they were still in combat, so they couldn’t have used the WP…….I’m confused as to what this picture is representing. Do we know what the context of the “Dev” (not Gm as stated by other folks) is saying “legit”? Or is this person just mad they got caught?

I’m pretty sure the picture of pantheon waypoint is supposed to represent the buyers standing at the waypoint, not the seller.

That’s what I mentioned in the post above yours— we have no way of knowing with absolute certainty that the person actually killed Lupicus in their run. They could’ve just copied and pasted the map from another path that was done in a group, who knows.

Like I said, I feel more inclined to give the person who got banned the benefit of the doubt in this circumstance.

Are there only GMs on NA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Don’t get me wrong I definitely don’t think that deserves a ban at all and the GM made a moronic mistake.

I still find it pretty sketchy to purposely down yourself to the mobs, then rally off a grub, just to avoid getting teleported. That definitely seems exploity to me. Even if the mesmer did that, I still don’t think they deserved a ban.

What irritates me the most about that picture is that they didn’t even know if that’s what the mesmer did— the person could have cleared all the waves of mobs and then got Brie to 50% again.

However how do you actually know that the person there actually killed Lupi? That could have been a screenshot of just any pantheon waypoint edited into it, ya never for sure unless you’re there..

I’m more inclined to give the person the benefit of the doubt though, ngl. If this actually happened, I hope that GM gets canned.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Are there only GMs on NA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I got linked to a picture earlier that showed someone getting banned by a GM for exploiting a dungeon and keeping the boss at ~50% while it was all done legit… Is that what we can expect now?

Stories/pictures like that are often depicted in the way the person who was banned wants them to be. If there was more to it than just what the person said, they probably don’t want you to know because they want to make themself seem as if they were a victim of abuse.

Though I could be entirely wrong. Inbox me it?

Allow us to remove followers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I don’t see what the problem is in regards to follower list. If they’re only on your followers list, you aren’t deeming them worthy of adding to friends list… so what’s the problem here? Why would you want to distinguish between NA vs EU if you aren’t friends with them?

Sorry, just not understanding what your personal problem with it is. To me it seems a little strange. Either way you could just send them a whisper and ask if you care to know…

No More Instance Owner!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Now people can just go steal exploiters’ instances for their dailies.


Are there only GMs on NA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

From what I have been told, there are only four devs for EU as opposed to multiple times more that frequently monitor NA. So the short answer would be pretty much yes, and there’s a significantly higher chance of being caught exploiting dungeons on NA than on EU. In fact, there’s almost virtually no chance of a surprise visit from a GM while in a dungeon on EU servers.

Prove me wrong Anet, I dare ya.

Safespots and Exploits

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I would classify all techniques that allow you to go and use a restroom during the boss fight as exploits. Though that would mean that everyone who ranges the shatterer is an exploiter.

Ban. Everyone.

Guilty as charged for that one. Shatterer is designed crappily and is super boring. My first time seeing it I was blown away at how awesome the dragon looked and at the same time kind of sad how incredibly easy it was to “contribute” to getting the reward. I was expecting a super powerful dragon to give everyone a fight for their lives. Those were the days when I had higher expectations.


Arah List for Devs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I know about the issue when pulling him too far away, that’s why I tried to give estimated numbers of how far at max we pulled him. Considering the area with the gorilla corpses looks like _| bent 90° counter-clockwise we fought him on the long bar may be 15% away from the corner. Hope this is somewhat understandable. And his rushing was always in a “from wall to wall” fashion, never along the way, so the distance from his original spot didnt really change. So I don’t think we pulled him too far away.
May be it was just Korga’s way to say “omg, you brought a Nec and a Ranger with you, are you kittening kidding me?!” :P

Interesting. That’s not happened to me then I don’t think, but I fight him in this area. I’d like it if you could record it again if you recall exactly how it happened and if you think it’d be repeatable.

Also on the topic of bugged bosses, I’m still trying to get a recording of Lupi bubbling me while standing literally right underneath him— it’s only happened to me twice when I wasn’t recording and it’s so frustrating. Lately he’s been running away from me, turning around and bubbling… so there’s definitely some weird sh** going on in Arah.

Bug which is also relevant in TA and probably other places.

Spider spawns are already hostile and on the floor. At release they dropped down from the roof as you approached. One of the patches broke every single drop down spawn mob in the game and it was never addressed (spider packs in arah and TA, archers in first room of TA forward route and Malrona). All mobs are already spawned without you even being nearby.

Not only that, but the trash mobs that spawn in Arah right between the pact encamptment and the gate to wraithlord crusher+hunter in P3 often times spawn on top of the trees and below the ground. It’s weird as hell.

Give the Ancient Ooze a small AOE ranged attack. I’m tired of all the afk safespots.

Lol I don’t even know of any AFK safespots. I typically am the person to pull ooze in all of the pugs I’m in and fight him out in the open with GS + A/S, so I guess I never gave any pugs the opportunity to try it… or perhaps what you speak of isn’t very well-known yet?

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Reward rebalancing [Suggestion]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


What makes HotW P3 more deserving of a reward increase over P2? The last boss in P2 has a one-shot attack whereas the one in P3 does not, and they’re both underwater combat. There’s just about nothing in P3 worthy of mentioning as a decent boss besides Legendary Svanigandir, which is pretty much faceroll in a group but super fun to solo.

Also, what’s with the CoE P2? The unique bosses in each of the paths are Bjarl the Rampager, Evolved Husk, Evolved Destroyer. I don’t know about you but I don’t recall either of these 3 encounters remotely challenging even way back on my first time completing these paths. The evolved husk in particular is easier to solo than in a group, so the rest of the party can pretty much AFK outside and wait for it to be done.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Safespots and Exploits

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Well if you banned everyone who safespotted the p3 last boss by standing against the pillar where its cave-in doesn’t land, you wouldn’t have many players left.

It’s not a safespot. He can still damage you, it’s just the one cave-in attack that won’t hit.

Sounds like a safespot if its main mechanic doesn’t hit!

By this logic then it’s also a safespot to dodge, use projectile blocks/reflects, invulnerability skills or any damage mitigating skills against a mob.