Showing Posts For Purple Miku.7032:

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

No problem.

In a solo setting, guardian will surpass warrior’s DPS provided reflects are taken into account (as far as I’m aware), but it kind of depends on the boss/the attacks being reflected. A good example would be Lupicus— guardians can reflect the rapidfire projectile spray in phase 3 and every time it happens a huge chunk of HP will be knocked off.

As far as groups are concerned (permanent 25 might + fury), guardian is ahead of warrior along with most other classes.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Help Me - Builds and Gear for a fresh 80

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Just want to clarify something about PS before anybody gets any misconceptions. It relies on strength runes and also doesn’t really generate that much more than the standard 65003 build, though the boon duration makes it last pretty long. It simply applies it to everyone around you instead of just yourself. Even in a solo setting with 65003 I frequently find myself spiking to 25 might provided I’m constantly attacking.

@Thaddeus – I’m sure you know what I said here already, but I feel like somebody might misinterpret you with “but give a HUGE amount of might”.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

From this thread

Superior Rune of the Lupicus
(1): Spawn a swarm
(2): Spawn a second swarm
(3): Spawn a third swarm
(4): Spawn a fourth swarm
(5): Glitch when somebody uses a Hylek poison pot
(6): Spam the big aoe life drain off cooldown

Imagine how OP this would be

Joke&Useless Runes and Sigils

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Superior Rune of the Lupicus
(1): Spawn a swarm
(2): Spawn a second swarm
(3): Spawn a third swarm
(4): Spawn a fourth swarm
(5): Glitch when somebody uses a Hylek poison pot
(6): Spam the big aoe life drain off cooldown

Anything about duo dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Arah P2 is kind of a bad path to start with in my opinion because if it’s your first time I’m assuming you aren’t in full-out DPS gear. You’re going to be very very frustrated with Brie if this is true. Also if someone tells you to 1-shot Lupicus on the wall — please don’t listen to them. It is pathetic and people who do it are people who don’t deserve the daily imo. If you do that, you’ll never learn.

Anyways, if you start with an Arah path I suggest P3. The trash skips are significantly more forgiving and the bosses are a lot more interesting in my opinion.

Arah P1 is by far the easiest of the four paths but there’s a boss in the path with a pathetic requirement of needing 4 people to spawn it, so you would need to either pay strangers to help with it, find friends to help with it and leave, or stop duoing it at that point.

Help Me - Builds and Gear for a fresh 80

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

For dungeons use:

6(V IX XI)
5(V X)

Full berserker armor with 6x Superior Rune of Strength
Berserker GS with Superior Sigil of the Night + Superior Sigil of Force
Axe with Superior Sigil of Force + Mace with Superior Sigil of the Night

Alternatively you could replace Sigil of the Night with Sigil of Battle or a slayer-specific one, like for example Superior Sigil of Undead Slaying.

I also use warhorn and sword offhand quite frequently depending on what I’m doing. Warhorn is best for trash mobs, mace is best for bosses, sword is best for boss when 2 dodges + whirlwind isn’t quite enough to survive and the extra block is needed.

All berserker

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Thanks for the posts guys.

Harper, I understand what you mean about people getting confused whenever percentages are involved but there’s only so much I can dumb down a post before it doesn’t actually portray what I specifically want to happen. :/

Anyways I’m glad you agreed with me — it’s nice to have some supportive comments after the senseless bickering thus far.

@spoj – hai!!
I understand his points too but he seems pretty dead-set on his mentality and keeps denying that I even have any points of my own, which is kind of insulting. Hard to take somebody seriously like that. Anyways, I agree with you.

@Petitegeek – Yes, I agree about necros needing buffs. They are still dreadful in PvE unfortunately

Tazza hate when I play Ele

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The boss does hit a lot. Try waiting for 2-3 others to attack first before you do.

D/F offers good utility for survival. You should be fine with just 66200 and strength sigil + force or something like that. If you’re downing all the time and it’s not from the aoes, not really sure. Try Iris’s suggestion.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Post your highest fall damage received :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Anyone else want to whine about necromancers in my thread?

Let it all out.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

My problem with this thread is the assumption that Warrior is “broken” in PvE

It is broken as kitten. Several of its trademark skills don’t even work anymore and some of its traits were neutered as a result of it.

I’m not convinced that easy to land and hard hitting skills like HB should EVER get buffed – Nor do I understand how the 5% nerf should be undone by a 25% buff


Try it.

Berserkers Power works as intended IMO

Impossible to make use of in open world unless against champions/legendaries.

Warrior is in a great place in every facet of this game – can we help out our Necromancers in PvE?

That’s a separate issue and is irrelevant to my thread.

Interested in a streamer?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If you aren’t using those WvW builds for the FotM 50’s then sure. >.>

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Miku, it comes down to this. Due to an insane wave of warrior QQ after they got from complete garbage to decent in PvP, so many uncalled for nerfs were poorly implemented (as the spec that turned the tables was hardly touched) that all area’s of the game are influenced by it.

However, that change from garbage to decent has made people so incredibly afraid of warriors in general, that instead of trying to learn something about the class, they rather say warriors are easy to play and ridiculously OP.

It is this mentality that you see coming up in any post that tries to make a point about buffing warriors.

Nobody would say HB and WW needed a 5% damage nerf, nor for SoR to have it’s durations reduced. This is just something they threw at the masses to calm them down, which it did somewhat.

It is just simply not the time yet to try and balance the warrior.

Lol, well put.

Thanks for that, and I certainly have noticed a huge change in the masses. Now instead of everybody wetting themselves in anger about how OP warriors are, they’re doing it with celestial eles and longbow rangers. The real nerfs were adrenaline/the fact that we can’t use mobility skills unless we don’t have targets selected now, so I truly have no idea why dominik responds as if I’m proposing to turn warrior into godmode DPS or something. It’s such a miniscule change just to reverse the GS nerf.

Having an open world scrub serious about me is seriously not my priority.

@miku: I agree with most of the ideas, especially adrenaline decay, but a 25% damage boost on the last hb hit seems like a lot. I’d rather see a bit of damage moved to rush when it’s fixed ( never, probably). That way the dps still goes up, but the cleave damage stays the same. I feel like warrior cleave is already strong enough.

That’s a fair point about the cleaving, but at the same time Rush is [was] a viable and relevant skill in PvP that is used, so it would impact PvP-related situations if the damage increase was moved to there. If it were to be left on the last hit of 100b, it wouldn’t.

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


At this point, I’m pretty much calling it quits with debating this with you. I feel like I’ve been repeating myself over and over again and still being misinterpreted. Perhaps it’s partially my fault for doing a poor job at conveying my intentions and reasons, perhaps not.

I’m not particularly fond of being told that my argument is invalid or non-existent just because you disagree with it.

By the way… you might want to look up the definition of the word inconsequential because I find it kind of bizarre for you to disagree with me about that based off of everything else that you’ve said. Just saying. :P

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The fact of the matter is that you didn’t make a single valid point why warriors even should deserve a buff.

Is it not valid because you don’t agree with it lol?

No I just can’t find out a single argument, maybe you haven’t brought anyone yet.
Everything you say is “it’s nice to have” and " before the patch it was better pls fix it back" If a buff isn’t necessary, a buff won’t come , shouldn’t come.
Theres just no reason to buff warrior if warrior is still good and viable in every gamemode like maha mentioned as well.
Following your logic , I can open a Ranger thread now demanding to buff Sword AA about 10%.
It wouldn’t affect PvP and wouldn’t disturb PvE.
Theres just no reason to buff warriors, especally not in PvE. A class which is that easy to play and offers that amount of increased group dps doesn’t need “semi-garbage dps” from CTRL+F and typing in “it’s nice to have” and not sure what you mean with “maybe you haven’t brought anyone yet” because I didn’t know I would need other people to come up with suggestions.

Every class is viable in every game mode. Some classes do some things better than others. You keep repeating the phrase “buff warriors” in all of your posts, but the reality is that what I’m suggesting is an attempt to revert an inconsequential nerf that makes the warrior less enjoyable to play for people in PvE. No one said anything about the damage nerf making the class unplayable.

Also… you’re pretty far off with your comparison on the ranger example. That would certainly impact PvE as it’d ensure rangers a place high up on the food chain lol. The suggestion of mine is an additional ~2k to a 100b chain’s last hit.

Whether or not you feel like warrior is too easy to play is irrelevant; as stated in my OP balanced changes should be centered around high level gameplay. If ArenaNet was to balance everything they do around what every random person wishes for, warriors would have no healing ability and wouldn’t be allowed to use weapons or any mobility skills and would have hp reduced to that of an ele’s.

Also, this post isn’t only about doing dungeon dailies. Ever considered solo gameplay? What “offensive group support” would one need for that?

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The fact of the matter is that you didn’t make a single valid point why warriors even should deserve a buff.

Is it not valid because you don’t agree with it lol?

There was no reason to reduce the damage as it was and is an irrelevant skill in PvP and that’s what everybody has justified their decision with: “the damage was taken from hundred blades and whirlwind and moved to arcing slice.”

Arcing slice was never good to begin with and as far as PvP was concerned, neither was hundred blades. Notice how I said nothing about buffing whirlwind and only hundred blades?

The idea behind my suggestion for the 25% increase on the last hit is only to bring the damage output in PvE back to where it was before the feature patch, or at least close to it. The reasoning behind it is simple— there was nothing wrong with it to begin with and the damage nerf served no positive purpose in any game mode at all.

Improving warrior’s DPS from garbage to semi-garbage seems like a step in the right direction, making it a pretty valid reason to me. It doesn’t seem like we’re on the same page at all unfortunately.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Warrior is still necessary for groups – does it matter that he is needed because of his dps or because of his offensive support? I would suggest, no!

…but my proposed alteration to 100b wouldn’t actually change this.

Except elementalist Warrior is the only class that has that easy access to might and fury which makes it very pleasant and easy to play solo content.

There is also the fact that Warrior is very easy to handle, compared to an elementalist / thief , even guardian requires more.

I see this thrown around a lot; people claiming how easy warrior is, but why is that? The high armor & base health with healing signet? Rotations?

As someone that exclusively plays warrior and elementalist, I can say that there are actually a lot of encounters that I find easier on an elementalist than a warrior but it’s true that the majority of encounters I feel more comfort with warrior. The only reason for this is honestly because of the health pool and healing signet. If warrior had 11k hp and had to always use healing surge to mimic an ele as well it’d be way harder to play than them.

So about this statement. Warrior may be a class that’s easier to get by with but at high levels of gameplay I’ve often found that plenty of things can be harder to do with a warrior than with an elementalist.

It’s undeniably built for soloing content but what’s wrong with that? Why should that justify it being hindered from the DPS it had prior to the september patch? What was wrong with it then that you believe makes this an unjustified suggestion?

No the 100b nerf wasn’t necessary but at the same way a buff isn’t necessary.

It’s not the same because the damage was nerfed for no reason. Hundred blades was completely irrelevant in PvP yet it was nerfed. This did nothing positive and all it did was hinder people in PvE, which is why my proposal does nothing to affect those that play PvP yet alleviates the hindrance for those that play in PvE.

Why should a class that has all those advantages and is viable in every gamemode get buffs?
Why should a warrior deal the same dps as a ranger allthough he brings much better support to the group?
Why should a warrior deal the same dps as an engineer,allthough he has better dps-group- buffs and is way easier to play?

Based off of your logic then any class that has anything better than any other classes should never receive buffs. I understand what you are trying to say but the fact of the matter is that this particular skill of warrior’s was pointlessly reduced and it changed absolutely nothing other than to serve as a nuisance to those in PvE. Had they actually left it alone, there would’ve been no problems in any game modes. Doing what I said in my first post would alleviate the damage reduction in PvE without affecting PvP.

As for your comment about engineers… erm, don’t you think it’d be a good idea to also mention engineers have their own advantages? Not only have they always dealt similar DPS to that of warriors, but they have access to stealth, superb healing, firefields, they are one of the best for applying vulnerability, etc…

Actually, I would be glad about those buffs, because I still main warrior but neither buffs are necessary nor buffs are justified.
I wouldn’t complain if dps is the only thing a warrior offers but we talk about warrior not necromancer.

We’re not talking about whether or not something is necessary. We’re talking about whether or not we can improve/alleviate a nuisance caused from the last feature patch.

The miserable state that necromancer has always been in is a separate issue.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I don’t see any reason why warrior needs to get “fixed”.
They are still necessary for a group because they bring great offensive support and they’re still good for soloing content. Maybe theire dps isn’t that great compared to a thief but in comparison to those classes warriors have very good acces to buffing themself. There is just no reason with all those advantages to give them big dps as well.
Furthermore, they’re the most easiest class you can play as well in PvE as in PvP.
So no , warrior is fine.

Alright so based off of what you’ve said, it’d be fair game to infer that you thought warrior has needed to be nerfed all along, yes? Also you must have been under the impression warrior had “big DPS” prior to the september patch?

I’m glad to inform you that if so, you are/were mistaken.

After the september patch, the warrior went from having the third/fourth lowest DPS overall in optimal group scenarios to the second/third lowest.

What this means that in the grand scheme of things, warrior has for a long time had lackluster damage in group settings compared to other classes. So, why should it have been lowered once more? Because PvP?

At the very least, my proposed change for 100b would put the class close to what it was before in a PvE scenario in terms of DPS. I don’t think that’s asking for a lot, considering it was already low to begin with.

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Narkodx, my reply:

1) The length of time is debatable, but 5 seconds seems like a reasonable suggestion because it’s a nice increment of 5, short enough so that the purpose of having it decay after a fight isn’t completely abandoned, yet long enough so that Berserker’s Power isn’t completely useless in open world. The current adrenaline decay rate was unneeded in my and many others’ opinions, but I’m willing to negotiate on a different number than -100% if you or anyone else feels differently about it.

3) It already did have a tradeoff. This is actually a bug since the last patch. The tradeoff was always that you lose the damage after the burst skill is to be used. The fact that adrenaline decays before the skill connects is an unseen bug that slipped through testing when adrenaline was changed in the feature patch.

5) Adding more damage seems unwarranted? Look, we’ve had our overall damage lowered by ~20% since April. The burst skill arcing slice is rarely considered from a PvE-standpoint because like I said— Berserker’s Power is a prominent trait that’s factored into a lot of builds involving GS. In other words, burst skills are irrelevant for almost all circumstances other than the last hit in a fight.


So considering the tons of nerfs warriors have received lately, I have trouble seeing how this is unwarranted.

Like I said earlier in the post— the list was intended to be concise. If you’re looking for elaboration, feel free to ask. I only wanted to try to keep the post short enough so that it would be taken seriously (as in, actually read) and that people wouldn’t immediately look away feeling discouraged at walls of text… it already looks pretty lengthy as it is tbh.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Guide For A-Net: How To Fix Warriors in PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

First and foremost the problem explained:

Despite the fact that warrior isn’t the worst out of all classes, it’s had its DPS nerfed to excruciatingly low levels by comparison to its other fellow classes due to a variety of patches since april but primarily the one this last september.

Obviously there has to be a best and a worst and everything in between, but unfortunately for us warrior users this has left our class feeling underwhelming and less fun to play, not to mention completely breaking some of our traits to the point of being impossible to make use of (especially in open world).

So here’s a very short but concise list of the ways that I’m certain the majority of our problems can be relieved in PvE and without ruining PvP aspects:

  • Change the adrenaline decay. None of us really have a problem with losing adrenaline on miss, but the instant depletion as soon as we leave combat breaks Berserker’s Power pretty badly which is a pretty significant trait in PvE. If you want to make sure that we aren’t always able to maintain full adrenaline provided we’re in a PvP setting then this can still be achieved if you were to begin a 5 second timer from the moment we leave combat before it begins and keep our previous decay rate (decrease it by 100% from what it is now).
  • Make it so that when we cast Rush (Greatsword #5), Savage Leap (Sword #2) or Bull’s Charge (Utility) from a distance they hit our targets instead of flying right past them. Nothing else to say about this, really.
  • Make it so that we receive the extra damage from the Berserker’s Power trait when we use Eviscarate. It has been tested plenty of times; we don’t actually get the damage increase on this burst skill because it depletes the adrenaline before the skill is executed. Whether or not this applies to other burst skills — I haven’t personally tested.
  • Either increase the damage coefficients of the offhand axe skills slightly or add extra utility to them as they are severely underwhelming in terms of DPS and offer no defensive utility, rendering them effectively useless (doesn’t stop pugs from using it, but balance changes should be based around high level gameplay anyways).
  • Increase the last hit of Hundred Blades (GS #2) by 25%. This would not impact PvP because of the fact that this is a skill that takes over 4 seconds to fully execute; if someone actually manages to get hit by it, they truly deserve to be hit for extra damage anyways. This change would be complely in-line with the beautiful rule of ‘high risk for high reward’ that should be always factored into a game’s combat. When channeling a skill that roots you in place like this, you should feel rewarded at the end. In all actuality, this would pretty much only add around ~2k extra damage to the skill itself in an optimal solo setting. To verify this, I’m looking at my video here:

Pause the video before and after the last hit of any 100b attack of mine. With the very first one:

Before the last hit: 31,459
After the last hit: 40,112

40,112 – 31,459 = 8,653 damage from the last hit there.

0.25 * 8,653 = 2,163.25

So in all actuality in a setting where you are fully decked out with bloodlust stacks and some of the best food available with full ascended and slayer-specific sigils + nourishment, you’d only be dealing roughly 2k damage more in a solo setting. This number would be much much lower for standard gameplay in open world and it wouldn’t really be too relevant in PvP.

I’m expecting to get some backlash on the 5th bullet point by warrior-haters but unless you have a convincing argument as to why you think it’s unjustifiable, I stand by it! If you wish to hear any more elaboration as to why I believe what I believe, feel free to ask. I don’t wish for this post to be any more lengthy than it already is because I know what it feels like to open a thread and groan at how many walls of text I need to read.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Why does sword suck?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Sword is not a DPS weapon like axe. If you participate in dungeons and want a 1 handed weapon, choose axe. Sword is fine for PVP and WVW though as a control, condition, utility, damage, DOT weapon. One thing sword has over other 1 handers is the #2 leap ability—very useful in PVP an WVW. MH axe/mace don’t offer this type of movement.

In dungeons and most PVE, DPS is king, so axe and GS are the go to weapons for warrior and probably always will be. Sword doesn’t “suck” per se. It does exactly what it is intended to do—everything ok, but in PVE that isn’t the order of the day.

Doesn’t look like the OP is talking about PvE. They mentioned killing an elementalist with an eviscarate and I sincerely doubt they’re talking about an elite risen elementalist in Arah.. xD

Anyways, hold on a second…

If you go pure condition, you might as well play another class because they do it better. If you try hybrid, other builds will achieve better results.

Aren’t warriors and engineers the best two classes for condition damage? Gee, isn’t this a backwards complaint.

Most challenging PvE encounters?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

There’s a group of 4 mobs near brie that I offered a lot of friends 100g to solo with no deaths first try.

I failed, Goku failed, Sesshi failed, everybody has failed.

It’s an elite inquest stunner, elite risen defiler with noxious aura, elite risen sentinel, and an elite risen berserker. The most painful group of 4 ever lmfao.

It would be doable if not for the inquest stunner tbh, just would take a lot of kiting.

hey is there any Good solo pve calss

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

2. Warrior
- celestial sw/sw+LB + shout heal

I think I’m gonna be sick.

CDI-Guilds- Raiding

in CDI

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

1. Unique boss encounters with different phases – see Giganticus Lupicus for reference. He has 3 phases, each with different attacks. This is by far the best boss in the game and we want/need more like this… he may be overrated by the standards of many of us these days but my point is, there is no encounter in the game like this one— he truly stands out.

So, with that in mind… please make truly distinctive encounters like this as I believe it really is an important factor in making a boss fight challenging.

2. Meaningful rewards – see FotM for reference as to what you shouldn’t do with rewards. FotM gives a horrible gold/hour rate and there’s no guarantee of being rewarded for your time— all RNG. It’s fine for some rewards to be RNG, but since the fractal skins and ascended chests are basically all to be obtained from FotM then in that case it’s bad. Please don’t make the same mistake again.

3. Interesting instance layouts. It’s boring when things are extremely linear, like for example CoE dungeon. Not only is it really linear but there’s tons of overlap in the three paths, so if you are to design raids that are instances and aren’t just a single boss fight, please make it interesting.

Having groups split up, having mazes, adding traps to get by with multiple different routes (long but safe, short but deadly, etc). There’s a lot of possibilities to make really awesome instanced raids.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It’s been a while since the last post.

Just thought I’d bump for now; will look for things to revise tomorrow maybe.

In the meantime, I have something to say about scholar vs. strength.

I’ve done testing with Lupicus and it’s become pretty clear to me that for phases 1 and 2, scholar and strength are roughly equal to one another assuming similar conditions (swarms, rotations, RNG) but for phase 3 it seems like strength pulls ahead a bit. This is likely because in order for strength runes to be better DPS over scholar, more than 8 might stacks need to be maintained (thank Nike for this information). In phase 3 Lupi likes to do that big aoe life leech a lot so that’s when DPS tanks/might stacks drop fast.

When cleaving multiple mobs, might is accumulated much faster due to forceful greatsword so there is also the chance that in some circumstances scholar will provide vastly superior DPS. It all depends on the circumstances but it’s worth noting that strength isn’t always the best for DPS in solos!

Memory leak...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I have on some occasions had problems where gw2.exe starts using over 70% of my CPU… and I have an i7.

Like, wut.

It’s resolved by restarting my comp; restarting the gw2 client does nothing. After a quick reboot I’m at 30-38% CPU usage with gw2, chrome, skype and all my usual stuff open. Strange.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Reminds me of those old “Unnecessary Censorship” gags, lol.

Like these?


The conversation with the Jotun lmfao

Fastest Arah P3 Boss Solos

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

To any who it may interest, I have two more videos of speedkills to add… but this time, they are duos with Goku

Crusher+Hunter [52 seconds]:
Mage Crusher [1:04]:

I am sorry but my VOD got muted for the 2nd clip… so it will be silence. We estimate under 45 seconds at best for crusher+hunter and something around 50 seconds for mage crusher. I shouldn’t have swapped to axe/mace during that life leech, ugh… if I had fast hands it would’ve been fine.

Fastest Arah P3 Boss Solos

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Sorry miku, but no lupi = no approval.
That hunter/crusher kill was kitten sweet, though.

Promise I’ll have one soon! I just want an actually good time :<

I’m sure you understand. And thanks

Fastest Arah P3 Boss Solos

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Thief on Mage Crusher is really good. In addition to having Smokescreen to block his auto, you can also use pistol whip so you don’t have to worry about endurance, plus you get to keep doing DPS while evading. I might have a video of it somewhere, but as for now, I’m about to post something else =)

It’d be nice to know how the DPS thief can put out in a solo setting compares to that of a warrior’s on light armored bosses ;o

Fastest Arah P3 Boss Solos

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yeah there is a reason why I didn’t put the word “record” in any of them. I intentionally didn’t let myself go ooc for crusher+hunter and wraithlord so I could start on full adrenaline. The only reason I couldn’t do that with mage crusher is because there were no nearby mobs for it.

If it makes you feel any better I can tell you my best time on crusher+hunter without any previous attempts in the instance since 9/9 patch is 2:11 in full strength runes 65003, curry butternut squash soup. I didn’t want to upload a time that was only 3 seconds faster than my previous best, which was uploaded a while ago:

Anyways, thanks for the posts all of you. As others have said the projectile attacks for mage crusher are attacks you need to kinda just guess for. This is a boss that warrior is undisputably the best for, due to the fact that you get absolutely rekt on any class with a low hp pool. During casual ele solos I lure him to the same spot and use focus with energy sigil and renewing stamina and lifesteal food… still get pwnt and need to resort to using FGS for evades on occasion >.<

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Fastest Arah P3 Boss Solos

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Thank you Ropechef, I’m glad you liked them!

Fastest Arah P3 Boss Solos

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Hi, it has been a while since I’ve posted a topic here.

I have done some up-to-date boss solos in Arah P3 since warriors got nerfed really badly, and surprisingly 2 of them are faster than any other solos of them that I can find ever done… including pre-ferocity.

So, enjoy. I don’t think the crusher+hunter one can really be improved by much but the mage crusher and wraithlord I surely will be able to pump out better times with more patience and RNG.

Crusher+Hunter [1:50] –
Mage Crusher [2:42] –
Wraithlord [3:03] –

P.S. Lupicus isn’t included in this because it’s really freakin’ annoying to grind for the RNG needed to get the time that I want (preferably sub 4:30 but I think I would upload a 4:30-4:40). The best Lupicus I have recorded since 9/9 was a 4:54 with average phase 3 RNG.

Anyways hope you like them

Any way to show only NA server LFGs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It’s a glitch that happens when you post LFG ads with any other status other than ‘online.’ I used to b*tch about this a lot around a year ago.

Any time I’d have status as either ‘invisible’ or ‘away,’ my LFG was using the opposite region’s and I’d have to apologize to any parties I joined only to get prompted with a network error.

Restarting the client fixes the issue when it happens but make sure you keep the status on ‘online’ otherwise the problem will persist.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Had a pug rage from a fractal 29 today. It was on the Reactor fractal. We portaled to the center switch at the start. Their final two lines of chat were:

“ah, you mean stupid exploit instead of running the instance correctly”

After that, they apparently blocked us.

…do you mean just blinking up from the bottom?

Defiance Stacks

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I agree with Wethospu.

We all know that for example chain deep freezing can make bosses like Archdiviner/Imbued Shaman nicer for a few seconds of bursting but it’s pretty insignificant with how much it really helps. Increasing the duration of the freeze would lead to problems in PvP/WvW for sure since they are too stubborn to separate balance changes, so it doesn’t seem like an option.

Putting boss skills on full cooldown would make it much more useful to cc bosses.

So, How's EU LFG?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’m sure it’s the same on NA servers as it is on EU but the pugs I see are basically of equal usefulness as Randall Weyston/Varra Skylark. None of them know what they’re doing and to make matters worse, many of them are in WvW builds.

If you decide to pug FotM and you don’t make the people ping their gear and tell you their traits/utils then you’re wasting your time. It’s cringe-inducing to see what they ping you sometimes…

Like, today for example in a 50 pug… a warrior joined and pinged 46042 traits with axe/mace and longbow and was using Pirate runes… like, honestly. Wtf? Sometimes I wonder how people even manage to tie their shoes and get dressed everyday knowing they’re running around doing kitten like this. >.>

Sinister vs Zerk

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I still don’t know why would someone else except grenade spamming eng chose Sinister stats.
And for what content.

Pretty much nothing besides Lupicus solos on a warrior.

add a dungeon timer

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’d love this. Jagex added timers to the stats screens at the end of a dungeon on Runescape and it made it very nice for the group of players that went for records/did trial runs to get into speedclearing groups and the casual crowd could/would ignore them if they chose to.

I’d be happy and more motivated to do full path solos again if this were implemented… however I won’t hold my breath.

Download WSplit. Throw it up on a second monitor, or just leave it on your desktop while you play the game in full screen, and have a start/pause hotkey. Problem solved.

I feel like I have enough crap cluttering my system. Obviously there’s a lot of ways to keep track of time but that’s not the point of the thread. :P

Need Flexible Warrior Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Berserker with 65003 traits, use GS + sword/warhorn and swap sword to axe right before you’re about to start attacking stuff.

Use strength runes and put sigil of force on your axe, sigil of energy on your warhorn, and put sigil of the night+sigil of force on your GS.

You can use either arms I or V, doesn’t matter really. Also in the link I put above I have a sword there— that’s because generally speaking it’s the ideal offhand of choice for when soloing a champion. For random stuff I generally have warhorn on.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Adrenaline should come back... slightly

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It used to be 30 seconds. There’s 2 things they can do in my opinion. Keep the rapid degeneration and put it on a 20 second timer before/after fights, or 15 second timer, degenerates how it used to

Both seem reasonable to me. What we currently have is stupid and I’m surprised that whoever partook in testing this didn’t feel that there was something wrong.

Sinister vs Zerk

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I do not have the numbers to compare with that you ask for but I can tell you that as long as conditions work the way they always have, condition builds will always be bad in groups by comparison to direct damage.

This new sinister armor however means that condition builds for warriors and engineers will do significantly higher DPS over time against bosses like Lupicus (assuming the person playing is good).

So, yea… for engineers and warriors, sinister will for sure out-DPS heavy armored targets over their direct damage build counterparts but against light-medium armored targets this probably isn’t going to be the case.

As in, possible to get sub-4 with condition warrior whereas berserker warrior in optimal conditions with just about perfect RNG will peak at ~4:30.

I will not be testing condition builds, but so far since the warrior nerfs my best Lupicus time with full berserker with strength runes/65003 etc was 4:54 with a lousy 1:06 phase 1, no +200 power on the grubs, and bleh-ish phase 3 RNG with the big aoe leeches. I think getting this time with full sinister and condition build would be a lot easier.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Wtf… so I guess that’s what it’s like to have a subhuman IQ level.


9.5/10, would read again.


General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Who is this creepy “kareem koko” guy on youtube? He left a comment on one of my videos…

“Purple Miku is scammer , he stealing the people by using illegal programms and his friends help him be carful all i will tag his account names
J Eberle.9312
Tom Yzf.5872

It must be somebody that uses the forums but it’s just overly-bizarre for a typical troll.

^ Comment is on that video

Ascalon/Thaumanova Fractals

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It is impossible to change utilities in these 2 fractals; players are forced to log out and change them in LA and re-enter.

Also in the Ascalon fractal, very frequently the veteran mobs after the gate with Dulfy and up until the end of the fractal will not leash to their original locations after a party wipes. Sometimes their hp will also will instantly reset if you try to max-melee them, because they are so far away from their original locations.

I have had this situation happen last night where there were about 4-5 veteran ascalonian warriors waiting at the spawn point so that basically within a few seconds after spawning, they’d spam-rush you. It’s kind of weird.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

lag in dungeon instances

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Almost of the lag I’ve experienced was because of my modem/the fact that I’m on wireless.

Very very few times was it actually server-wide problems, but they have happened a few times.

Ele solo dungeon build?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

As a matter of fact I do, but I’m by no means the best at ele… I feel much more ‘at home’ when on my warrior. I can solo on my ele though. I always ask my twitch chat for requests, so if you ever tune in please by all means request me to play on my ele if that’s what you wish to see!

Ele solo dungeon build?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Actually Neko, its most of the time not really best to use that heal and sometimes FGS can be really useful for the extra evade. You of course probably knew this but I’m guessing that OP doesn’t…

@OP, start out in berserker because honestly you’re going to get destroyed no matter what gear you’re using if you don’t evade at the right times. Ele can often be a pretty bad class for soloing depending on what dungeon it is, due to how unforgiving it is.

Best word of advice is that you should be changing weapons and traits frequently depending on the encounter. Don’t stay D/F all the time, don’t stay staff all the time, don’t keep the same traits throughout everything.

Most of the time 66002/66200/64202/62222 tend to be the trait point allocations that I use.

Necro solo Bloody Victoria

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Great job!

I wish this was attempted more before ferocity was rolled out, as she was much more threatening then. Try doing Frost now at the end of the path— it’s pretty basic to solo unless you fail to dodge the one ice bomb projectile that deep freezes you :P

I’m curious to know how fast necro can do it though, because when I did it last on warrior I was 66002 pure axe for that boss, as you literally do nothing but run around him in circles and autoattack (even when golems appear).

topic ended, see the conclusion last reply ty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Something needs to be done about this Nemesis guy brainwashing all of these poor people. This has been going on long enough.