They also nerfed the hell out of crit chance as well.
Pretty much another step in the direction of forcing people to use berserker/assassin :P
Just did first person Lupi solo. Never again. xD
Had to stare up at Lupi’s crotch for 99% of the fight to get even the slightest cue as to what attacks he was doing.
Don’t fix what isn’t broken. In-fact, you want it to be more faster casting? Get good with DPS Warrior and use Frenzy. Problem solved.
So then why was hundred blades’ and whirlwind’s damage lowered and why was signet of rage nerfed from 30 > 25s might + fury? Neither of them were broken. :P
Staff will be rangers new weapon. I think warriors will gain pistol(s)
That will depress me greatly if so.
Out of all the current weapons warrior would most benefit from something like dagger.
The trait allocation is what I use against mordrems : trait X in water is very appreaciated when fighting mordrems that apply tormet like mad.
However coupling this allocation with scepter is IMO a very poor choice. Burst builds are hardly capable of working in PvE because your target will resist your burst. As other said, to have steady damage with scepter, you need a conjure and conjures are upgraded by investing in the fire line.
What you can try to use this :
6/0/0/4/4 with S/D or S/F -> You will have persisting flames and conjurer traits to boost yourself and allies and your hammer will last long enough for your blasts skills to recharge.Of course the classic dungeon scepter conjure meta build can work though it requires a lot of finesse, espacially vs mordrems.
You don’t take 0 in air… having like no crit chance at all is bad in PvE. What’s the point in going 4 in water? Prolonging the outcome of a fight is worthless, you don’t need it for cleansing torment… just use ether renewal heal if it really bothers you that much.
It’s better to slot a more efficient healing skill than to waste traits.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Why do we have to say it with such a negative connotation. Isn’t that a good thing? Isn’t this exactly what all the people in the general forum have been crying that there isn’t? We have proof right here that all their complaints are complete bullkitten.
This post is freakin amazing, we should be embracing it, bookmarking it, and linking it every time someone complains about the game. We shouldn’t be trying to rip this guy a part for giving us this awesome set of videos proving the points we’ve all been making in those general discussion threads.
OP was continuously stating that this is for efficiency purposes and not for the purpose of training wheels/learning to play better. In other words, this is what he/she believes is best to use for trioing fotm. Then that other person chimes in and reinforces what somebody else said earlier, which is that playing with tank/healer builds serves the purpose of training wheels to learn to play it in full berserker. All I did was simply point that out, your inference is what was negative not my implication. Hopefully that clears it for you.
I also don’t really see what the point in glorifying the videos is, because we’ve already had videos uploaded with people AFK spamming 1 killing bosses in dungeons and a video of Dub semi-AFKing mossman but no one cared.
We all have known this entire time that any and all builds are possible to play with and regardless of what information we throw out there to pugs, none of them care because they join LFG ads, get kicked and whine on the forums like helpless self-entitled children because they don’t wanna make their own groups. People like that aren’t looking for help, they’re looking for vengeance on the people that play differently than them. :P
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
I finally reached my goal for Arah tokens.
That makes me so jelly
Do you have the most arah tokens out of everyone you know? haha
There’s only one person in the game that I know of with more, that would be Tom/Element who has 70k :P
I will pass him within a day though.
If a pug has to choose AFK auto attack for a guarantee way of progressing vs constant wipe, which would they choose?
See now you’re just reinforcing the point made earlier that this is a training wheels tactic :P
You know you can use that argument against power glass setups right? Hell why not take this a step further, doing an underman? don’t care unless you’re doing it naked, yeah let’s go ahead and invalidate Sesshi’s solo videos while we’re at it since he is wearing armor, fantastic.
First of all I wasn’t talking to you so I don’t know why you’re getting uptight with me.
Second of all not really. It’s not necessarily easier to complete content with higher DPS it’s just faster provided you know exactly what to do.
If you want proof, then here it is in all of its glory:
There’s nothing easier than autoattacking and pressing no buttons other than planting banners every 90 seconds along with your elite every 60.
Do you have any idea how much easier it would be to take 5 magi eles all with water elementals for mossman, archdiviner, or whatever else you consider threatening at all?
Higher DPS != easier.
Also, your last sentence is the epitome of a hyperbole, almost to the point of it being completely irrelevant to the discussion.
Apparently I am part of the minority of players that started doing the timegate crafting long before deciding to actually bother maxing out professions and making ascended armor.
That’s a terrible trait point allocation for PvE actually. The thread title has the word viable in it which means “capable of working.” In that sense, obviously it is capable of working. Everything is, even no-armor no-dodge soloing.
But generally speaking you should always be heavily investing into the fire/air magic trait lines in PvE.
Persisting flames, for example, is one of the most valuable traits an ele has and it’s a grandmaster major in fire.
I have a question Skady.
To you, what is the point of low manning, be it soloing/duoing/trioing/whatever, if your objective is to make it as easy as possible? It seems counter productive to me so I don’t understand what you hope to achieve by posting this thread.
I ask this because normally people seek challenges or in the case like me, I prefer to low man because I cannot stand pugs.
P.S. – Just about everyone here knows it’s possible to complete content with all builds, even without armor.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
My point was that you can avoid wolves by fighting him on either side.
You stealth when entering the area from the water because there is a chance that Mossman will open with his stealth skill, summoning a wolf in the middle of the room. If this happens, that wolf’s aggro range will be far enough to attack you from either side. The objective is to keep Mossman on one end of the room at all times until he’s summoned the maximum wolf count. Once this happens, you can fight him on the opposite end of the room of which you spawned the wolves.
The bridge is irrelevant in this strategy. It just so happens to be that on that end of the room, it’s easier to see him when kiting him around.
Plus a lot of these berk guardians know full well in their solos/duo/trio they are bugging the boss at the bridge.
Since you seem to know so much about this game, care to elaborate on how the “berk guardians” are bugging him then?
You’re right. It’s just a quirk of the encounter that every solo video happens to take place at that bridge. Nothing changes about it.
If you have gephyrophobia, you can do the exact same thing but reversed so you fight him in the opposite end of the room.
The literal only reason the bridge is chosen to fight him is because there are less trees to block view and it’s mostly all flat surface.
Plus a lot of these berk guardians know full well in their solos/duo/trio they are bugging the boss at the bridge.
Since you seem to know so much about this game, care to elaborate on how the “berk guardians” are bugging him then?
If I ever pug it usually goes like this:
Me: Hi
Pugs: hi
Me: Mind if I go engi?
Pugs: Yes, go warrior
Pugs: >:|
Me: leave partyThank jebus for guildies/friends list.
So annoying how many people still don’t understand the advantages and disadvantages of classes.
Engi has some of the best group and solo DPS and actually brings utility to groups unlike warriors.
Ridiculous mentalities people have.
If you want a tank for any of the bosses like mossman/archdiviner then just summon a rock elemental, chain deep freezes, and even better – spam chill fields on the bosses.
Problem solved without needing to take any cleric/nomad tank guardians.
tl;dr: have fun with what you play, but don’t try to justify it by saying it’s efficient. It’s easier, yes ( for you mostly; your team couldn’t care less), but not meta in any way.
Agreed and well said.
OP try using this.
There’s many variations of this that exist, but here’s a basic setup that will improve your efficacy in PvE by a lot.
I frequently run into a bug where I don’t move at all when pressing forward. I don’t know how to replicate it, but it won’t go away until you stop and move again. This glitch is also responsible for many leap fails where you don’t go anywhere. It could be a latency related issue, then again it could just be some crappy coding somewhere. AFAIK it’s simply another movement related thing we have to suffer with.
YES this is what I’m talking about.
So I presume based off of your response that there’s nothing I can do to avoid it happening… sigh.
The weird thing is this wasn’t happening 100% of the time for me at all prior to changing to this new router I got yesterday. I lag less than before so I don’t understand how it could be related.
Lupi is one of those. I think anyone who’s done a solo would agree that the Kicks really are the most challenging part of the fight,
Nuh uh, it’s definitely surviving the phase 2>3 transition. RNG such challenge much skill.
however we know that it’s generally (like 99% true) not going to kick twice in a row, and there’s a timer on attacks so they come every about 3-4 count.
I not only have him double kick very very often, but I’ve even seen triple kick 3 times total. It’s a lot more common than you think… :p
P.S. if you chill him, it’s almost guaranteed double kick.
I estimate around 1000g in a month around a year ago without buying any gems or finding precursors/flipping with the trading post.
The amount is just a guess, based off of the fact that I recall my record amount of profit in a day ingame was like 170g, and there was a month or two where I would average between 20-40g profit a day.
I agree with Jerus, I would not like having PvE like PvP because of how much I hate the PvP in GW2.
I would love new mechanics and more sophisticated AI (especially when it comes to thinks like, Berserker Abomination in Arah P2 zzzzz), but I don’t want anything like GW2 PvP fighting. I do not choose to avoid it like the plague for no reason afterall.
Desperate, have no idea how to fix it.
I use RTL and it just freezes my character and I can’t keep moving forward. Never used to happen before but it just disables movement so that I can’t keep moving in a continuous motion. If I cast it with autorun enabled it disables it, and if I cast it w/o autorun I just can’t move unless I spam space or something.
It’s driving me mad because I spent literally over 30 minutes repeatedly doing the exact same things as I did in this video not too long ago:
As you can see my character doesn’t stop moving after I cast the RTL. Tonight ingame I wasn’t able to repeat the same standard behavior that I’m used to.
Anyone know why/what causes this to happen?
The only thing differently that I’ve done with my setup lately is that I purchased a new router today and lag much less, but I have no idea why that would cause a skill ingame to not work properly.
Any help is appreciated.
P.S. this isn’t possible to do if you can’t move forward continuously from start to finish with my method, and as it is right now I need to waste ~0.5-1 seconds spamming space to unfreeze my character before it lets me move forward…
Spamming strafe keys works too but for some reason it’s not letting me move forward immediately after casting.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Always pick berserker for ascended if you’re going to craft it, for almost every class.
Celestial is underperforming in PvE and as you become a better player over time every stat combo besides berserker will progressively become less and less useful.
Some players will say “anything can work in PvE” but the exact same argument can be made for both PvP and WvW. Everything can work in all game modes.
Now the real question is, does efficiency/optimizing your gameplay matter to you? If so, pick the smart choice.
The difference in attributes from exotic to ascended ARMOR is very, very small btw. It’s a huge price for little gain.
My own experience with GW2 servers:
Jade maw isn’t even a boss fight. It’s just a long annoying time gate.
Dw OP, don’t feel bad about doing it.
Thaddeus said it best.
Why would you introduce new mechanics with the sole intention of countering something that mostly bad players use for no reason 90% of the time?
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Regardless of what excuses/justifications any of you have to mention, it’s still obvious that this was designed very poorly overall.
OP is right. Victory or Death was bullkitten and they should have spent more time on this instead of rushing to release it and then never reworking it again.
Anyone else experience lag of this calibur? Getting pretty discouraged.
You aren’t restricted with utilities and traits. You can change them on the fly depending on the encounter. With that said, why would it matter if for a given situation you feel the need for a stunbreaker?
If you keep it on your bar constantly then that’s a different story and it’d be silly to do that. ALWAYS take advantage of being out of combat.
As for your traits, it depends on what you’re doing and what your comp is.
If your group doesn’t need more vuln for whatever you’re doing (engineer+2 eles or something like that), then you would benefit more with your first trait setup because it deals slightly better raw damage than any other option. The only problem with this setup is that you can’t weapon swap at all.
If for whatever reason your group isn’t maintaining capped vuln, you should use the trait point allocation 65003. Mace mainhand alone will contribute a fairly large portion of vuln stacks on a champ/legendary.
As for your second build link…
You really shouldn’t bother with EA unless you’re running phalanx honestly. The only time I ever advocated for EA without it was before phalanx became a craze. Back then we used 64040 and it was only for very very coordinated teamplay, for example trying to optimize FGS rush ticks in a group of 5 long long ago before fiery rush got nerfed. In that case 64004 was optimal, not 46040, because fiery rush used by an elementalist assumed 6 points in air which proc’d weak spot for every tick, resulting easily in 25 vuln maintained. Because of that, warrior wasn’t needed for vuln and could take deep strikes instead, so there was no need for a grandmaster trait in arms. The only thing you really missed out on was attack of opportunity and the ability to swap weapons along with signet mastery, but the tradeoff for giving the group 150 power was too substantial to pass up back then.
So if you want to play a role that has more offensive support than personal DPS go for either 05063 or 06062 phalanx. To know the reasoning behind these trait point setups for phalanx builds and when/where to use them both, view my post here:
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
I think the greater likelihood would be that they want to try to sell it but if you see no LFG ads up, there is probably a high chance that they will maybe invite friends or people from their own guild yeah.
I just question why so many people state it like it’s something they know for a fact when it is not (or is it?) is all.
Just one question.
Every time I see one of these posts, it makes me wonder how you know they invited guildmates after they kicked you?
Are you just assuming that they are because you got kicked or are you pming them and they’re telling you that or what?
I’ve never heard of someone getting a recipe from SE p1 but I was coincidentally just talking with a few friends tonight about how they always kill Tazza + the champ together for a chance of getting recipe off the champ.
Idk, recipes are just way too uncommon for me to really know the answer.
It took me over 65,000 shards of zhaitan to get 1 single recipe from any arah path, and it was from the bloodstone shard in p4.
The only other recipes I’ve ever gotten were from end bosses except TA up which I didn’t notice I got until I checked my bags afterwards. Recipes I’ve gotten were AC p3, TA up, and COF p1.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
I support the revival of dungeon owner system. I just think that the dungeon ownership should be passed off to somebody else if the person manually leaves the party or gets kicked… that can’t be hard or impossible to do.
I’m sick of dcing and losing instances and being unable to relog without getting somebody to placehold for me.
Often times when I’m procrastinating salvaging the garbage that fills up my inventory when doing runs I end up with like 6-8 or more of them scattered.
Bags of coins stack in one pile and so do gilded coffers…
On that note, I’d like all gilded strongboxes to stack as well.
The “elite” dungeon community often uses AP as a measuring device to restrict certain “unskilled players” from joining their specific speed run groups. (aka. 5k+ AP or kick.) They feel that this is a measure of how long a person has played, and having such an AP score, they can determine if they are going to be a decent player, in that they at least know their class. But as these people are saying, that you can have a huge amount of AP, but not know a dang thing about dungeons, or have a bunch of different alts so that you are not exactly proficient on any single one of them.
Trust me, anybody that puts AP requirements in their LFG posts are far from elite.
Wannabes is a good term to use for them.
over 5 seconds of skill and chat delay atm, but I can move and dodge ingame with no issues.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
What’s with all these CM story videos? :|
Elementalist is the best class.
What is the point of gear pings, anyway? I don’t think you need all ascended gear to actually finish a dungeon, right?
You need AR to complete certain levels of fractals, and you need to use ascended gear to have agony resistance.
For dungeons most people don’t want to play with people using crappy builds, so they want people to ping their equipment to make sure they aren’t. It’s not a completely reliable way to make sure you’re getting people that aren’t totally clueless but it’s a lot better than putting AP requirements is.
Best thread ever, by far.
It is for phalanx warriors yeah. It’s better to use it + scholar than it is to use truffle steak + strength runes, because the DPS difference between scholar and strength is massive.
Scholar will give the most DPS in theory, but I would personally prefer Pack runes or maybe even Ranger or Ogre runes for more reliable dps.
If you run PS you should obviously use Strength runes.
Nah with the new boon duration + might food it’s actually better to use scholar on PS warrior now.
BlackTruth for once could you provide any substance to your claims and post without demanding people watch your stream lol?
Just because you like to play differently than other people and use completely random utilities doesn’t mean you’re a prodigy whenever you win in an encounter.
Just like any other gamemode, literally all you’re proving is that anything has the potential to work on this game.
Doesn’t mean it’s optimal just because you can make something work.
You can whine as much as you want about how much you hate signet of fury and hate all warriors that use signet of rage elite instead of your beloved rampage fetish, but it won’t give your claims any merit. It really won’t.
P.S. – You’re basically begging for viewers. You won’t get them that way. Desperation is unappealing to people when trying to market something.
By the way, while I still have the forums open…
Some of the things I’d really like to see for the class would be:
-Adjustments of damage coefficients for some of warrior’s weapons, or possibly some increases in damage modifiers given by traits like Slashing Power/Berserker’s Power
-Fixing our burst skills with Berserker’s Power (still bugged after half a year, lol), along with many terrible and useless traits littered throughout all of our trait lines
-Improvements with the mending and healing surge heal skills. They’re both disgustingly awful lol. I feel like healing signet is in a good place right now except it has a terrible active that should once again be adjusted, and defiant stance is actually good but I think perhaps reducing its cooldown from 35 to 30 seconds would be an option worth considering to make it slightly more appealing as an option.
-Improvements made to the mainhand mace and rifle. I think the third skill on mace mainhand should be tweaked because it’s pretty terrible unless you stack stun duration modifiers for it, like sigil of paralyzation for example. Rifle is just all-around awful and desperately needs improvement imo. The fact that it lacks utility and AoE damage and deals worse single target DPS compared to longbow makes it horrible. It should at the very least deal better DPS against single targets over longbow, and no longbow shouldn’t be nerfed to make this happen.