Showing Posts For Purple Miku.7032:

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

They’ll be hard at release, I’m sure. The real questions is: will they still be difficult after 3 years of nerfs’n’neglect?

Pretty soon the raid bosses will start bubbling the walls, teleporting into them and going invisible for several seconds and teleport all the way to Singapore and back every time you move when they’re casting their shadowstep/teleport animations.

Then they will never get fixed or addressed, ever.

New Ranger vs. PvE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Ranger now stacks vuln and swiftness even better than ele and engi does overall more damage with the same vuln stacking and can provide additional stealth.

Actually since plenty of fights will not last long enough in 5 man comps to need more than glyph of storms, I don’t see this newfound ranger vuln stacking as big of a deal as you make it out to be. Also, elementalists can stack over 90 seconds of partywide swiftness in a few seconds.

Ranger isn’t bad, but it’s not like it’s doing anything that’s groundbreaking. Also even if engineer does have slightly higher sustained DPS than all other classes, you have to keep in mind that how on earth would it matter if when you’re in an organised 5 man team, much of the time you will get through an encounter before you’re even done with your opening burst?

Sustained DPS isn’t as big of a deal for dungeons unless you’re low manning. Even in pug situations, it’s common for things to die from your opening burst quickly enough to not even go through a full DPS rotation.

So with that in mind, what matters the most is mobility and burst potential. Which has the best for that, ele or engi? I admit I don’t really know much about engi burst, but I can tell you for sure that ele’s is really high especially when you abuse weapon swapping before an encounter as much as possible.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

My long term "metazerk" pug experience

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

But stealth is necessary for pugs in Arah As well as oneshot at lupi. Most of them do not even know that engineer or mesmer can also OS lupi.

I’m guessing most people in pug groups for Arah aren’t interested in raids then? If it’s necessary for them to do this then shows that I guess this game isn’t in need of new content requiring coordination, if Lupicus is already challenging enough to warrant it.

Shield Bash Range.

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’m guessing it’s just the tooltip that’s wrong, but tbh it would be pretty sick if the skill was intended to actually go 450. I’m already sick of how slow warrior feels since the swiftness/mobility skills nerf, so having a slight boost in mobility with this would be really nice.

fix lupi os plz

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You can literally max range strafe left and right from a distance with scepter for phase 1 and get hit by nothing.

Literally no. The kiting requires serious knowledge since by just pressing left right you will die to the adds in a glimpse, sidestepwalking is too slow to kite them. You have to think of a perfectly optimated path where you can constantly hit Lupi and don’t get hit by the adds, especially when they stack up and reach you a lot faster then.


Okay so let me get this straight, you’re finding it difficult to kite the locusts with a weapon that doesn’t root you with its attacks from range? Normally I wouldn’t feel it necessary to say this because it’s pretty condescending but at this point it’s very much justified based off of your atrocious posts. Try binding strafe keys, jesus christ.

I’m pretty sure it would be possible to sit on your keyboard with a blindfold and still be able to solo phase 1 with a guard camping scepter safe from kick range.

placing a freaking instant cast WoR on top of the wall as soon as Lupi lowers his head to begin his animation.

And even then the wall will not oneshot unless you place a bunch of units like with the oger pet whistle. So you have to melee Lupi until he does the animation, which takes like a second, and in this second you have to perfectly set the wall and at the same time use a bunch of consumables to summon pets (+ popping fury, deal with adds). Not trivial at all by the game’s standards.

You know what? I’m sold! The bolded text did it for me — it’s too difficult. Meleeing for 1 second is definitely something that I can emphathize with, no wonder it’s so hard.

Why are Arenanet making raids when there’s already challenging group content right here?

Nice Stealth Nerf on FGS

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I don’t see what the problem is? I just dropped an FGS, spammed all of its skills, then picked up the second one and spammed all of its skills too and the cooldown is the same as it always was, 180.

I then dropped an FGS and did absolutely nothing and didn’t pick up my 2nd one and same thing, nothing wrong with the cooldown.

I’m in LA right now, so maybe you should explain how you reproduced this cooldown bug and I’ll try myself?

Meta with the Icebow Nerf?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Replacing 1 of the eles with an engi kinda removes the need for a thief in places where it isn’t required to chain stealth.
Replacing that thief with a ranger could be really good, since ranger personal DPS is pretty much as high as thief, especially in short fights, and ranger also offers a lot of group support

For the record, it’s already been the case that thief (at least, for actual attempts at optimisation) is only purposeful for the unmatched mobility that it has. This includes triggering cutscenes and the likes, it’s actually the most efficient provider of stealth as well but it’s not really something that you ever need to take into consideration much when we’re on the topic of striving for the most efficiency.

It’s not like it doesn’t have any other uses besides that, it’s just that as far as unique contribution to groups is concerned it doesn’t deal highest damage, it’s not the only class that can quickly remove all defiance stacks, it’s not the only class that can immobilise and stealth and whatnot, but yeah hopefully anybody reading this will get my point.

Thief is primarily for its mobility these days. I’m not sure this is going to be necessary for raids.

Mesmer can also provide sufficient group stealth for a lot of things as well that doesn’t require blasting… though I guess PU did just get nerfed from 100% to 50%, so RIP to that.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Ice bow nerf = condi meta confirmed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It will have very little impact.

I actually am kind of irritated in general with how so much of a big of a deal people make ice bow out to be. Yes it was overpowered in its previous form, but it’s not like it was the sole reason 99% of bosses on this game can get cheesed so easily. It was debatable whether or not it was really worth using on many bosses anyways, since on extremely small hitboxes when only 4-6 hits land, it’s actually very little of an increase as opposed to just having a lava font ticking while autoattacking with staff… and as we all know, a lot of players on this game just open a fight with lightning storm and swap to water immediately to do ice storm.

Part of the biggest reason why everybody I’ve spoken to that suddenly thinks it’s doomsday for eles mentions the Tempest Defense trait. Reality is, this trait isn’t even that good. In fact, at that tier it’s the least-often used trait for me overall. This is of course kind of because I’m normally always low-manning content when I play, but people really need to understand that it didn’t actually add that much extra damage to an ice storm.

If you hypothetically hit 9000 each ice storm tick before the patch and had this trait in effect along with hitting a hypothetical 13 out of the 24 ticks on a boss, that’d be 0.2 * 9000 = 1800 extra damage per tick.

That’s an additional 23,400 damage. Sure, it’s great, but is it that much to freak out over? Eh, not really.

The general point that I’m trying to get across is that most players on ele I find are really close-minded, always hugging fire/air/water and always camping the same traits and always playing really lazily and doing the bare minimum, relying on ice bow.

If you actually bother to consider the fact that meteor shower actually dealt more damage than ice storm overall along with the fact that we have very high burst without ice bow, you’d realise this isn’t the end of the world.

Forgive me if this post sounds ranty, just felt the need to post my thoughts on it overall.

No, condi meta won’t be a thing in groups for dungeons and fractals. Raids? Maybe. I don’t know the answer to that as I haven’t played them yet.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

fix lupi os plz

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Skipping bosses by glitching thru the terrain is a fundamental different thing than using the core guard class mechanic “reflect” in maximum efficiency. Really, some people call out everything an exploit as long as it’s not the standard way to do it, which would really limit the diversity in this game if everyone would listen to these people. Exploit really lost its meaning in this community.

And no, I never sold any path, but I will try to solo and sell p2 on my main today. Yesterday, I failed at Lupi, trying to oneshot, and today I try again with maxed out gear (I dropped 150 Gold for this).

And even if I’m not the best player in this game, trying to oneshot Lupi SOLO is still not easy, you have to know everything about phase 1 and 2, place the wall perfectly, max out your crit etc. and even then it might fail the os and you have to go thru phase 3. It’s not like press one button and win, not at all, in pugs, where he burns thru phase 1 and there are enough targets to ensure the oneshot with wall, yes, it’s very cheap, but solo, no.

I tried to solo oneshot Lupi yesterday for many hours and couldn’t pull it off… It is definately harder than doing fractals 50 as five in a decent PUG or anything like that.

I mean, the first boss in p2 can be perma reflected, that is real cheap, Lupi requires a perfectly set up wall in a second and 5 minutes of constant kiting and dodging, as solo. That is not cheap.

And btw, why would anyone solo p2 with guard if he can just faceroll war? There must be some reason to play guard instead of warrior.

What the actual hell am I reading?

How in god’s name… could this take you HOURS?

You can literally max range strafe left and right from a distance with scepter for phase 1 and get hit by nothing. There’s nothing challenging whatsoever in doing that for a minute then placing a freaking instant cast WoR on top of the wall as soon as Lupi lowers his head to begin his animation.

Please… ugh.

I actually feel violated after reading this post. It better be a troll, I actually hope it was and that I fell for the bait.

[Feedback]Let's make Scepter a better weapon!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


I don’t want to see DT get sped up at all. The way it currently is now actually makes it possible to combine it with other skills and swap to another weapon before engaging in combat, making it really powerful for burst. I know this has nothing to do with PvP, but I’m just being honest. <3

But like, hear me out— so DT deals a lot of damage as it currently is. I think making it ground targeting was a step in the right direction honestly, and I don’t really see it as something in dire need of a change.

What does need a change, is the autoattack. It’s kittening awful, no 33% damage increase is going to save it.

Phoenix is superb, don’t touch it.


Water skills are pretty bad all-around, all 3 need to be changed imo. This includes the autoattack, the shatterstone and the water trident.

Autoattack should deal more damage and heal more.

Shatterstone’s cast time should be reduced and I think it should maybe apply 1 second of chill when the damage inflicts.

Water trident should heal slightly more and have an increased radius.


Air skills are decent I guess, but I wouldn’t be opposed to maybe decreasing the cooldown of #3 or possibly upping the damage coefficient of #2 ever so slightly.


Earth skills are rubbish. The damage of the autoattack needs to be increased and honestly, I think a cripple or something should be added to either the 2nd or 3rd skill.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Absolutely Insane Lag Spikes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

This is my ping plot. Playing from Dubai.
I’m getting packet loss on Anet’s servers. Not that i’m having huge lag spike, just getting these irritating disconnections during fractals and boss runs.

You have really high jitter throughout most of your hops— that usually indicates something is wrong with bandwidth saturation/congestion. Whenever you have a lot of high numbers for that, it means that there’s a lot of variation with latency.

See, when pingplotter is measuring the response time at each hop in milliseconds it will calculate the variation each successive time and compare the difference between all samples. The fact that you’re hitting up to over 20% jitter at some points shows that you’re doing something or multiple things to use up more bandwidth than you have available.

What could be the problem is that you’re not getting the intended internet speeds offered by your ISP or that you’re using DSL and get screwed over when a lot of other people are online in your nearby area at the same time or something like that. You’ll need to look into things more. Try posting with more information and maybe we can help figure out what’s wrong!

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I was pugging fractals 40 pretty late at night as usual. I was on guard. I joined the usual metazerk blabla party, we 3 manned swamp and then waited for the last 2 to join.

So then a guard joins and states he isnt planning on rerolling and I quote “You won’t find a better guard than me”. Although that already kinda annoyed me I thought whatever, it was late, 2 guards is not the worst thing in the world. Then we engage archdiviner and I see him on scepter. To make it worse I also see him having selfless daring and strength in numbers. As soon as we saw that we pretty much insta kicked him.

I really don’t know why some people can’t read.

In this case it was not a matter of being unable to read, it was a matter of being dumb as hell.

I wish I would get humorous people like this joining my groups. I always just get people that either don’t speak english or hide chat or something whenever they’re really bad.

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Burst Precision is hardly ever needed because it’s assumed you’re making use of the Signet Mastery trait and with that, 100% fury uptime and ~50% banner of discipline uptime you should be able to crit just about 100% of the time unless you’re being downscaled. It doesn’t really matter, no traits at that tier in the traitline really make any difference other than if you’re running sword off hand you can use Blademaster.

Burst Mastery is only better in a solo setting if you are struggling to maintain Berserker’s Power, which you shouldn’t be if you have Furious unless it’s a boss that frequently requires you to stop attacking for whatever reason or if you need to dodge very often to evade huge attacks constantly.

As far as straight damage is concerned Heightened Focus + Furious is the best combination, which is what I put in my first post notes.

Burst Mastery is not a bad trait, it’s just up to the warrior to be able to determine whether or not it should be used. By default, stick with Heightened Focus.

Was Dwayna bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The likelihood is you were luring the sparks too slowly. In order to deal too poorly of damage, it has to be really low. She heals while she’s hidden so the longer it takes for you to lure the sparks then the more she heals and the more damage is required to surpass the amount of hp she heals overtime.

So the truth is you could all be wearing full soldiers or something really crappy like that and still be able to win as long as you lure the sparks fast enough consistently.

Meta with the Icebow Nerf?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Not really, you’re either playing to optimise or you’re not.

But if you don’t want me to answer then alright, no problem

Meta with the Icebow Nerf?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It depends. What path are you talking about?

There is no such thing as a general all-purpose meta. Each and every path requires specific things to optimise with.

Absolutely Insane Lag Spikes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You’re welcome, hope I’ve helped!

Most Difficult Fractal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I don’t think any of them are hard so I’ll just say the one I find is the most annoying is ascalon fractal because it makes my FPS go so low and it’s like impossible to go ooc in it thanks to the random arrow carts.

Why nerf ice bow into oblivion?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

because of this

-link removed-

Please stop linking this video. You are poisoning the minds of innocent people.

Remove icebow from the game

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’m not sure ice bow will ever stop being used as long as line casting is still a thing.

Line casting is not a thing…

Jesus christ, Nemesis seriously is a thorn in this community’s side.

Icebow Nerf

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Alright , you need to understand that ele and warrior have been nerfed. Particularly PS was nerfed with the spec patch and ele will be hit kitten tuesday and was hit even harder when fgs was gone. But they’re still here.
I don’t see how dragging everyone down to the same kitten tier level is good balance

You don’t have to give ranger the capability to stack 25 might, you just have to buff his spotter and frost spirit so that he might actually see more play.

How the hell was PS nerfed? Warrior is currently in the best shape it’s been in since pre-ferocity, that includes both in solo settings and groups.

Also ele isn’t getting nerfed nearly as badly as you’re making it out to be. There’s already a lot of bosses in this game where it’s debatable whether or not ice bow even damages enough to justify using over staff skills. The larger the hitbox of the boss, the worse the nerf is but the majority of bosses on this game have pretty small hitboxes so to be honest the nerf isn’t going to be too huge on a lot of them. Sure, I hate the way Anet is handling it, but it’s not like eles are going to suddenly be bad without ice bow.

Burst damage is lost, but comparing a 50% damage nerf on ice storm with the complete butchering of fiery rush is pretty silly.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Absolutely Insane Lag Spikes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

So I did pingplotter in hopes of finding out where my lag spikes are coming from.. but I’m afraid I don’t understand pingplotter.

Is anyone able to interpret for me? (I’m looking over their manual for it right now but ending up confused, apologies.)

Okay so basically all the numbers 1-13 on the left side are hops. The first hop is from your modem, and the very last hop is the final destination that you’re pinging to.

The red numbers you’re seeing to the right of those hops are percentages of packet loss, which are very bad to have as shown in your picture. You’re having serious problems if you have packet loss at every single hop, that indicates you’re having really terrible connectivity issues on your end.

Hops 1-5 in your picture are a combination of both your own connection and the services offered by your ISP which is evidently comcast.

Hops 10-13 are all ncsoft servers, which would be the end Anet is responsible for.

Everything in between that is from the backbone ISP that you’re being routed through to reach Anet’s servers. If you’re having severe lag there (which you are), that is something that is out of your ISP’s control and out of Anet’s control. In this circumstance, you’ll need to find a way to be routed differently. This is where VPNs can come in handy, you’ll need to google for more information on those.

Based off of the IP address shown at hop 6, it looks like you’re being routed through Level3 as the backbone ISP. They’re notorious for kittening everything up, so it’s no wonder you’re having problems.

However, based off of the picture you’ve linked it looks like your own connection is at fault here too. You’re going to need to check out your hardware and make sure you don’t need to have anything replaced. I suggest calling comcast and requesting for a technician to come check your setup and make sure everything’s in tact before trying anything else.

Icebow Nerf

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

This ice bow nerf was handled in a really silly way.

What I suggested to them was to simply increase the radius of ice storm without touching the damage. This way, the conjure wouldn’t be completely useless and would still be niche against enemies with large hitboxes but wouldn’t be able to completely cheese all the bosses in the game.

But no, let’s just… nerf something to the ground so that the entire weapon altogether is crap. #Anet

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Hey, sorry but I don’t really pay attention to any people that play WvW or PvP at all. I don’t have the faintest clue who there would be considered a good player in those gamemodes.

Thanks for the compliment though, glad you’ve found my guides helpful!

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

So I built a brand new pc. Intel 6700 with nVidia 980 and a nice 2560×1440 144hz monitor to run it all. My fps in gw2 is higher than my ping now… Since I don’t really play anything aside from GW2, what are some games I should get to push this baby to the limit?

You could try the witcher 3 with its absolute highest settings and see what you get. I’m not a whole lot sure off the top of my head but I know it’s a game that its base recommended specs are barely worse than what the laptop I’ve been using for years has. :P

So what’s the advantages to running level 50 fractals over 41-49? Is it just that you don’t have to deal with an instability if you have enough AR?

Recently got 50 AR and started running 49. Since 41-50 is the same daily chest, am I missing anything I could be getting by running 50?

No advantage other than not have to deal with the bullcrap level 49 instability where your damage is reduced after dodging. It’s still annoying to have agony ticking when you’re trying to swap traits/gear when you go ooc, but it’s much less annoying. The rewards are pretty much the same as any other level in the tier but you technically have an ever-so-slightly higher probability of getting certain things. This probability isn’t something you would be able to notice a difference with.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Toughness vs Ferocity in higher fractals

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yeah if you’re able to use slaying potions it would always be better DPS, only exception being if you’re using a condi build or something.

But that toughness>power trait is in the defense line so you’d have to give up many very important things to make use of it either way :x

Toughness vs Ferocity in higher fractals

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The day they introduce the power/toughness/ferocity (power major stat) armor and trinket stat, my hopes of a dps build superior to the zerk shall be reborn.

Too bad the warriors trait for stacking toughness is in defence.

How would replacing precision with toughness increase your damage output? Ferocity becomes less valuable the less precision you have.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Also, what is a “DPS warrior”? If you’re talking about using Discipline instead of Tactics you have to ask how much is Heightened Focus really worth, since its the only real DPS increase in the entire Discipline line. I think you’d find that EA + Empowered > Heightened Focus in group play. In solo, HF is a much cooler trait since in a 5 minute boss solo you’ll get it multiple times, but I still think that the DPS of Tactics is better than Discipline even in solo. The reason to take discipline for a solo is Fast Hands allowing you to play more defensively… which is the reason I think the so-called “dps warrior” should be renamed “defensive warrior.”

Hey hey, burst mastery is totally a DPS increase but just not as much as heightened focus is if you weren’t already getting quickness to begin with. For any fight where it’s short enough for a time warp to last the whole time it would be wasteful to take HF anyways so burst mastery is better when you get quickness outsourced, but also it’s a greater DPS increase I find for Mai Trin and other bosses that require a lot of movement or to stop attacking for a few seconds etc.

Btw I know that you are aware of these things but I figure some people on forums do not, so I figured I would comment more with it

[Request] Dungeon potions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Only time I bought the potions with tokens was when I hit above 70k tokens, because I wanted to take a 69,666 picture.

I remember finding it weird to have to confirm the purchase of a single potion… I’d understand if it was like 50-100 but 1 really?

Warrior Inconsistencies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

bad statement, mesmer isnt loosing range on GS autoattack or on phantasmal berserker summon while affected by quickness.
This means skills like RUSH and Eviscerate shouldnt lose range whenn affected by quickness.

How is my statement bad when it was factually correct? Just because I’m claiming that it’s not a bug doesn’t mean that I’m disagreeing with the OP that it’s irritating for things to be this way.

Mesmer GS autoattack range isn’t even relevant because quickness doesn’t affect attack range, it just affects the speed at which a skill is channeled.

Warrior utility skill cooldown bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

This is actually a bug with underwater skills. If you change your underwater utilities to completely different things then you won’t suffer from this problem.

It’s stupid, I know, but there’s literally nothing else we can do about it because they don’t consider this a high priority to fix.

This is why my underwater skills for example are endure pain, banner of defense, and banner of tactics. Pick things you won’t ever use.

Nerf warrior please, it's too good

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You might be able to move faster as thief, but what about combat? With every movement skill on warrior you’re able to do damage. If you use SB 5 you automatically lose damage (waste initiative and also can’t use your sword or dagger) and Shadow return is on too high cooldown. Heartseeker is slower than warrior, withdraw is actually is a good skill though. I think it’s both equal.

Also I absolutely agree about the nerf of movement skills, it’s very bad.

Since dagger can only attack two targets and your low hp and toughness require additional survivability you’re mostly forced to use S/P. Sometimes using backstab skill is hardly possible. In most PVE content (dungeons is only small percentage) I think warrior deals more damage and offers more support. Thief might have a potential to deal more damage, but only when all odds are given, which is not the case mostly. And tbh you would expect thief to do more damage.

Tell me people, why is warrior good at almost everything and partly among the best or the best, but classes such as necro or ranger suck at almost everything mentioned? How is that justified? It feels like Anet loves warrior and ignores certain other classes.

Why do you need to bring up combat movement in PvE? When do you ever need to spam movement skills during a fight? In PvE once you engage in a fight, generally speaking it stays there unless you intentionally move away in which case the enemy/enemies in question will chase after you. It’s rarely ever the other way around.

But in general you’re incorrect about warriors doing more damage than thieves in group combat. You have to understand that warrior is literally only there to buff the group with banners, EA and might. It deals average-at-best damage with its phalanx build, and in groups you just never get to see warrior’s true potential for damage because why would you take a warrior for damage when you could take an elementalist, engineer or a thief that is capable of dealing even higher?

Sorry I don’t mean to offend you but you’re just severely misinformed. You think warrior is dealing way higher damage than it actually is. The reality is that in groups warriors take strength runes instead of scholar which is what every class would take if they were going for maximum damage. They also take the tactics specialization instead of discipline and lose out on some hefty traits for personal damage like heightened focus/burst mastery. Last but not least, phalanx warriors have to take fried golden dumplings to help maintain 25 might at all times instead of a more potent food choice for personal damage like truffle steaks.

Toughness vs Ferocity in higher fractals

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

For the record, I did some testing in HotM and knights did roughly the same DOT as soldiers (in my incredibly unofficial timed tests against golems). So unless you need the precision for forceful greatsword and PS I would just go soldiers and pick up some hp while you’re at it

This kind of advice doesn’t help somebody become a better player. If they’re already capable of functioning fine in berserker, telling them to go backwards and take tanky gear isn’t going to make their time spent in fotm any better.

The loss in precision will make the phalanx build completely worthless due to not critting often enough. The loss of precision and ferocity combined will make his personal damage abysmally low.

Time to separate agony resistance from armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The number of people who oppose QoL features that don’t harm them in any way will never cease to be amazing.

First of all this isn’t a QoL feature proposal and I shouldn’t have to explain why. Look up what a QoL update is by google searching and figure out why you’re wrong on your own.

Second of all, OP here posted under the guise of somebody looking for an actual discussion but instead is only intending for their thread to function like a link. Are you really amazed that there are people like us posting with opposition when literally all we did was state that we disagree with him only to get responded with hate and sarcasm?

Nerf warrior please, it's too good

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Rygg while you’re right about vuln and blind being important, you’re doing yourself a disservice to claim that “stacking might is irrelevant if you do not keep an eye on also stacking vuln.”

Those two are different totally different things that just increase output. Both of them are relevant, and neither of them require one another to make proper use of.

Other than that I agree with you.

Is f2p causing community toxicity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

So you got cussed out in a pug group by somebody you don’t know in the least bit and will probably never talk again.

Do you really feel this warrants a discussion over? Is it that big of a deal?

Time to separate agony resistance from armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

That’s fine it doesn’t need to be more powerful, I just don’t think it should be left as this obscenely expensive unsalvageable-by-conventional-means equipment that gives a tiny bonus to attributes. The infusion part of it is the primary reason I made it to begin with and the secondary reason to help justify getting it being that it gives me a negligible edge in combat.

I’m more casual these days too but that’s just because I have nothing else to do other than learn how to play different classes. This would be fine, but the level of enjoyment and motivation is pretty low when there aren’t any new enemy mechanics/environments to explore.

The idea of making every single thing in this game as easily accessible as possible doesn’t sit well with me; I don’t see what the problem is with having a small bit of content pleasing those that do enjoy some form of progression. Catering to the majority is logical, but completely shafting anybody out of that majority isn’t a good call imo.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Warrior Inconsistencies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

there seems to be multiple skills in multiple classes affected by the quickness bug and during the betas slowness seemed to have the inverse effect causing some movement skills to move much further than inteded

This isn’t a bug, it’s doing exactly what it’s intended to be doing which is halving the cast time of the skill. This consequently results in lower evade frames for skills with evades, lower block duration from skills that block, and lower distance traveled from skills that change position. At the same time, this also makes the damage applied from skills faster.

Everything having to do with your weapon skills and utilities is 50% faster. That’s what it’s intended to do.

What you should be saying is that it’s an irritating oversight that it alters the secondary effects of some skills to make them more difficult to make use of.

Time to separate agony resistance from armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The only way I’d agree to this would be if ascended armor was given some other functionality then as opposed to only having a very slight stats increase.

Otherwise, the answer for me is a no I disagree with this.

It’s really mindblowing to me that actually there are quite a few players like you who actually sees linear gear progression kitten important and wants gear upgrade to be very meaningful. I thought games like diablo 3 or just the good old WoW would suit that concept way more.

Plz let me know what you think you would lose if the AR and ascended armor are separate. You can still do whatever level of fractals. It only helps that you can now play different professions and different armor stats more easily. Swapping different weapons would also be easy. You can even put in other infusions for their benefits.

Plz tell me what you lose to make you upset.

Go drink some water, clear your head, and come back and read my post again. Who here is upset besides you? You need to re-evaluate your thought processes before deciding to translate them into text online.

Anyways, yeah I’d like there to be some linear gear progression! I don’t necessarily want a lot of it and it’s bad in some forms but I don’t see a reason for it to be nonexistent. I do in fact find it more enjoyable for the items that I acquire in-game to have intrinsic value, so to take away the primary functionality of ascended gear without giving it another one would make it significantly less valuable and worthwhile to craft. Exotic gear is too easily accessible and I like the fact that there’s an option to go for something better and consequently I also like the fact that there’s content that requires it. I also don’t care in the slightest if that boils your blood either. Get over it, people like different things than you. That’s the way the world works.

And I never said anything about losing anything from your proposed change. I just don’t find it a good thing to devalue existing content by removing functionality for it. I’ll take your rhetorical question and turn it around, how about?

Plz tell me what you would lose if they separated AR from gear and gave ascended armor a new functionality?

Please Respect LFG.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Doesn’t matter whether or not somebody is playing full glass or full tank or whatever.

The moral of the story is, stop being kittens to people, everybody.

If you don’t like people that post “full run METAZERK 80s only 8k+ AP ele/ele/warr/thief/guard”, then just don’t join their groups. Leave them alone.

If you’re one of those kind of players and don’t like people that play in random builds or wanna kill everything slowly and play with whatever class comps they feel like, then don’t join them. Leave them alone.

It’s really not hard.

Ele damage is ridiculously op, nerf please

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

…while ele can pull off huge damage from 1200 range, which no class is able to come close to, without relying on Ele? (because Ice Bow and Meteor Shower bypass 5 target rule)

tl;dr why does ele do 100 times (sometimes) the damage other classes, such as thief, mesmer, ranger etc. do, without involving any risk and effort?

Not true. You’re wrong, because actually engineer has the potential for higher sustained DPS as long as the hitbox of the enemy isn’t huge. Engineer also has comparable burst too, so should they be nerfed?

You’re also incorrect about the target limit bypassing, just saying.

And your tl;dr deserves no other response other than that well you’re flat out wrong.

Ele has some of the highest damage, no doubt, but it’s not even technically the best in PvE other than for burst. Sustained DPS it’s still near the top but it’s not even the absolute best, let alone even close to twice than the output of other classes.

Nerf warrior please, it's too good

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Okay… warrior is a good class now, don’t get me wrong.

But OP you are so factually incorrect on so many things… but in my response I’m going to only tough up on comparison between thief and warrior since what you said about thieves bothers me the most.

So thief…

First of all, thief has the highest mobility in the game out of all classes. It’s fastest underwater, it can port through walls, it can move faster in a straight line out in the open even than any other class unless they’re using an executioner’s axe toy.

There’s no ifs ands or buts— it is by far the class with the highest mobility in the game.

That said, its damage is actually slightly worse in a solo setting than a warrior on average but in groups it has potential to deal higher. The thing is, warrior is an offensive buffing class in group-oriented PvE but it can also apply some of its group-buffing capabilities to itself as well, like banner of discipline and forceful greatsword.

Warrior is indeed a strong class! The thing is, warrior is one of the classes that benefits the least from being near others. It is a very self-sufficient class, which is why when you’re leveling with it or just doing regular everyday activities it’s a lot easier and intuitive to get things done with.

It doesn’t need any nerfs though, because the reality is that while it does have very high potential to be great it has lower potential than a lot of the other classes in many areas.

In fact, its mobility is deceiving. It isn’t nearly as mobile anymore as you might think, and that’s mostly because of the nerf this summer to movement skills not being affected by swiftness. GS rush still to this day feels sluggish! I knew I would be right— there’s just no getting used to it no matter how long I play

TP UI very slow

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Thanks much for the responses Pat Cavit!

Clarity is always nice, and I can also confirm that the TP is functioning a lot smoother right now than it was for the past few months.

Time to separate agony resistance from armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The only way I’d agree to this would be if ascended armor was given some other functionality then as opposed to only having a very slight stats increase.

Otherwise, the answer for me is a no I disagree with this.

Legendary Howler Bug [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It’s extremely low priority for them. The Dreamer is also extremely buggy and the sounds don’t work for it.

Legendary Fractal Backpiece

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

who cares? it’s ugly

All the wings on this game besides those dwayna ones make me cringe, really badly too. That includes the spinal backpieces and this one.

OT: I’m guessing level 100 is probably gonna be required, yeah.

Karka Queen crashes consistently for years.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Have you tried changing graphics settings to see if it makes a difference whether or not you crash?

The Dreamer's sounds missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It’s not your hardware that’s causing the problem, it’s just the game itself.

There are a lot of problems with legendaries that are ignored, like Howler as well for example.

Can we get an updated DPS tier list

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Oh, brilliant, does that mean we can finally do arah records with engineers blinking through walls?

Any class can do the teleporting as long as it’s you playing it Abe


How to solo spider queen ??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Once you learn her attacks you’ll find her easy! It will just take practice.

Here’s a friend of mine killing it last year on thief

I know it won’t be easy to replicate it yourself at first, but keep trying. That’s the only way you’re going to learn.

If she’s about to do her poison spray attack btw, make sure you’re far away from her when she glows, because you can manipulate the situation in your favor. She fires poison where her target is, so if you stand near her then the poison will land where you are.