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Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

As for someone calling me by profession, I personally don’t care but if there’s more than 1 warrior or ele on the team and I’m being spoken to, I find it kind of dumb depending on the situation.

It doesn’t seem demeaning to me at all especially if the person being spoken to hasn’t been conversational but I can understand people not liking it very much. I think it probably has a lot to do with the way the person is typing; some people don’t like being ordered around and I can imagine somebody perceiving it as being talked to like they’re an underling or something like that.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Guardian higher dps than Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

im sure warrior had high dps back then, but when they bring warrior sustain up in pvp (cleansing ire, healing signet)
in exchange, they nerfed warrior damage for something like 30%.

a guardian with fury surpasses warrior’s damage by quite a bit.

They haven’t done any such thing lol. In fact they’ve consistently buffed overall warrior damage by giving them stuff like Dual Wield Agility, while guardians have overall remained mostly the same. If anything Guardians were the ones who got nerfed outside of hammer builds ever since they raised Symbol of Wrath CD to 20 seconds.

Lol dude, Berserker power and Heightened Focus used to be adept traits you know that, axe auto attack chain used to have damage spread over all hit you know that?

and also wat kind of idiot would believe Dual Wield Agility is any close to being decent, lol

Not everyone clings to PvP matches on this game, bud.

DWA is in fact a useful trait, despite whether or not I personally care to use it.

Guardians, like most of the other classes, can out-DPS warrior in optimal settings with proper buffs (outsourced fury, might etc).

However in a solo setting, guardians are not able to outperform a warrior provided we aren’t talking about reflects.

Using autohotkey for playing instruments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Come to think of it I actually haven’t seen any post or image of anyone working at Arenanet claiming Combat Mode to be OK to use…

Thankfully I don’t use it.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Are you lecturing me on what I’m allowed to be irritated from? Really?

Either way I’m forced to either

a) not pug
b) AFK for 10+ minutes waiting for them all to make it past all of the mobs
c) frustratingly spend 10+ minutes trying to divert mob attention from them so they can past only for them to die regardless
d) tell them to wait for the waypoint and not to run past spiders unless they stealth

b and c are both just as irritating as it is for them not to read chat or completely ignore my request/instruction in d, and despite this nuisance I actually do enjoy pugging for the most part. There are certain things that can happen in runs like this which get under my skin, but overall I like pugging so telling me not to pug and run with guildmates/only solo is pretty close-minded of you.

Afterall this thread is about small things in PUGs that annoy “me,” or any individual that reads the thread. Everything on here is subjective, not universally agreed upon as “things that are annoying in pug runs for everyone” like you seem to believe it is.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

yep, I still see stealth consumables there. Here’s a tip, if you want people on that kind of level, run in guild or just solo it. I don’t understand why people would subject themselves to something that would annoy them, knowing full well that the players in their party aren’t on the same level as them.

It doesn’t take any significant degree of skill to use stealth. How late into the game did you learn about the ability to use stealth to avoid engaging in combat?

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

you’re asking pugs to use stealth consumables.


back in the real world, I have no expectations and decide to not let anything besides flat out sabotaging the path to annoy me.

Try reading it again.

“People that don’t use stealth consumables, mass invisibility, SR, smoke field blasting etc before running past the spiders on the way to mage crusher in Arah P3.”

If I’m not mistaken I listed several different methods of stealthing not just one.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Just remembered another thing that kittenes me off.

People that don’t use stealth consumables, mass invisibility, SR, smoke field blasting etc before running past the spiders on the way to mage crusher in Arah P3.

I can understand not having harpy feathers due to the bugged event, but everyone should be getting spykits. If it’s a completely new player this is forgivable but it still irritates the hell out of me because I basically always say “don’t lure the spiders to us” and they still do. I’m also not willing to wait for a group of 5 for over 10-15 minutes when I can solo the boss in 5 minutes, so that’s not an option either.

It boils down to people not reading party chat or having common sense, tbh.

Ascended weapon and armor drop improve

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I don’t know. So far all I’ve gotten since May 20th was either nothing, or terrible rings.

Is there a point?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

edit: double post -.-

Is there a point?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

OP, what class(es) are you playing? I’m guessing ele because of the mentioned fire grab damage. If that’s the case, check out the guides in the uploads here:

Probably the best source of information for elementalists that you’ll ever find

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Elementalist Arah P4 solo (except Simin)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Ok I found out that it’s only not letting me do it by text messages… I validated it with the automated voice call ^^

Elementalist Arah P4 solo (except Simin)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yeah that’s the only time I ever used it but oh wow good freaking idea on using it for Belka!! I hope I remember that next time I try to solo P2 with Ruby.

But, Dub… I can’t upload anything that’s longer than 15 mins to youtube without verifying my account it says? I suppose it could work for the short boss clips here but if you wanted to watch anything else in the run I would have to fragment a 4 hour clip into individual uploads ._.

FacePalm - The New Meta

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Like has been said before, AP is never a good benchmark or indicator of skill. Hell, I’m approaching 9.5k and I still don’t have the confidence to take on Arah.

Arah is easy as long as you don’t aggro all the trash mobs. However for beginners, Lupicus will probably wipe the floor with you if you don’t have experience with him.

Elementalist Arah P4 solo (except Simin)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Miku, l2youtube please. My mobile phone won’t let me watch twitch videos. :/

I can’t, youtube won’t let me verify my youtube account because it says my phone number was used too many times this year

Elementalist Arah P4 solo (except Simin)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yep, for soloing the orbs ^^ then you don’t need to waste several gold on watchwork ports or waste time begging friends/guildies to come help for it.

Elementalist Arah P4 solo (except Simin)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Thank you :P

It’s true that on ele you have low as hell hp and almost everything kills you instantly. So it’s basically equivalent to soloing on warr with no armor, but then again part of it could also be because I’m not as good with ele as warr.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Elementalist Arah P4 solo (except Simin)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


I managed to complete an Arah P4 solo today with my elementalist Ruby Miku, but with duo Simin.

The full run took about 4 hours total, and can be viewed here:

I have highlighted certain parts of the run so that you don’t have to sift through it yourself, but I didn’t bother to highlight Balthazar or Melandru because a) I did terrible on Balthazar and wiped like 3 times, and b) Melandru is boring to watch… like, really boring. If you want to see it just search for it in the full run… those are the first 2 bosses :P

Lyssa solo:
-I used 2/6/6/0/0 d/f for this boss and I’m pretty sure it’s not possible to do without. I tried a ton of things and this is the only thing that worked, and very well I might add. The reason for it is for the “Diamond Skin” grandmaster trait. Whenever the clones die you get 25 stacks of confusion… and I promise you there’s NOTHING you can do to break out of dagger auto animation in time. LH isn’t helpful either. FGS is a bad idea in a solo because you go from full hp to 0 in literally the blink of an eye here. I encourage some of you to try this and tell me if you come up with a better way, but this is already about the same speed I can do it on Purple :P

Orbs solo (no watchwork ports!):
-Tyvm to Pepsi Ele for their help! I didn’t even know it was possible to solo 2nd orbs with ele, but it’s even easier to do it than with warr
(Btw, he says that you cannot do it without clerics gear)

Lupicus solo:
-I used d/f with no bloodlust stacks and lifesteal on crit food because I’m a noob on ele. I didn’t wipe at all on him this time so I’m happy about that, but I played it safe and used renewing stamina (arcana II) instead of stone splinters (earth VI) and was a noob with might stacking. Phase 3 is really hard without FGS, phase 1 I try to burn through ASAP before Arenanet starts DDoSing me or RNGing me with a million swarms. Phase 2, however, I find to be trivial with d/f thanks to swirling winds etc.

Grenth 1st part:
-This was really annoying in my run because the NPC is a piece of kitten and kept making the boss reset. Arenanet #1 AI programming in the world. This was my strategy that I came up with completely on my own and I don’t know of any more reliable methods. Perhaps someone will come up with a much faster one that works consistently ^^

Grenth 2nd part:
-Let the wraiths down you once and they won’t reapply the marks. Because ele has no hp and no healing signet, don’t even TRY to do anything fancy like FGSing the first wraith and rallying off it etc. Just accept your fate. If you fully die and cannot rally, you’ll have to start over.

Simin (duod):
-I have concluded that it is not even remotely feasible to solo Simin even with a friend helping with sparks, because of the lack of stability options. The only way it would work is if I swapped out FGS as my elite, but then I wouldn’t be able to deal enough dmg. This is more of a ‘burst’ sort of encounter, so LH is actually trash here… especially because Simin’s autoattacks destroy you on an elementalist… not to mention the AoE’s if you fail to get out of them in time before the damage ticks xD

Bloodstone shard + the 4 silvers before it:
-Oooh FGSing those silvers was so satisfying. God I hate illusionists. Nothing too special to mention about these encounters… just burned em down.


Soloing on Ruby makes me realize just how much I love Purple, dear god. May as well make another channel calling it RubyIsNewb.

I also am not very skilled with this class, so I bet Goku could absolutely demolish this path with his ele if he wanted to try, along with many others that are really good on their eles. Hopefully my vids here help others that want to try this.


(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Reporting should automatically block

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I just want them to provide us with the option to accept PM’s from either only friends or friends + guildmates.

Pretty pathetic how even Runescape got that crap down over a decade ago yet GW2 still hasn’t.

Reverse psychology is a godsend

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

“READ – 49 swamp ready – must love Ellie Goulding and long walks on the beach”

e-marry me?

Don’t you mean e-marry Ellie!?

Best overall dungeon class/build

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Ele is the best, but what Neko said is true. In crappy teams it’s just frustrating. An ele in all-out DPS gets aggro like 99% of the time and with 11k hp, the attacks that were once trivial on a warrior can often times 2 hit you all of a sudden.

That’s generally how it goes from my experience.

Still, it’s fun in groups. The only huge complaint I have aside from noob pugs picking up my LH yet never picking up my ice bows would be that I HATE dragon’s tooth. Why can’t it just have normal ground targetting when you don’t have a target selected!? That and comet. Comet is worthless without a target selected, sadly.

E: Oh, also because of how often I need to change traits when on ele… it would be really nice to have trait presets… -.-

Pretty irritating to constantly have to swap internal fire/burning precision/conjurer/pyromancer’s alacrity in fire magic all of the time along with arcane lightning/air training/fresh air/tempest defense in air magic and swapping earth VI for arcana V over and over and over again. Why can’t they just let us have 3 custom trait presets to set or something like that? I’d pay gems for more trait presets for crying out loud… even if they were per character rather than account!

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Leveling By Map Discovery

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I had level 80 by the time I was about 55% map completion.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I was actually denied to a fotm 50 team that asked for full zerk, warr, 8k+ AP and 70 AR when I had:

full zerk, 7.6k AP, 85 AR and even asked politely the second I joined if the 8k was absolutely necessary. It’s kittened. Some people legitimately think that you need to farm Living Stories in order to perform well in dungeons/fractals.

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Safari, that ending in your video reminds me of the fanfare from Final Fantasy X <3

Dungeon Character

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’d go with thief in that case. Ranger looks fun, but thief seems to be one of the most useful classes all-around. I’m personally considering making one of these two… but I’m not sure because thief seems like it’d serve its purpose but ranger GS / sword+warhorn both look fun to play :|

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

can i use VPN to play Guild war 2 ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yeah, my friend uses a VPN all of the time when he lags a lot.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Just remembered something that is usually kind of irritating. 3 or more warriors on the team, especially for AC/CM/SE/FotM… even more so irritating, people that insta-kick rangers without even bothering to check if it’s one that knows what they’re doing.

Also, people that post requirements on LFG pertaining to AP.

Dungeon Character

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I suggest an ele. You can never go wrong with another ele (unless said ele is using a terrible build / not using conj weapons / can’t dodge).

If you make a warrior, beware of groups with already 2 warriors on the team. Whenever there’s more than 2, there’s a very high chance someone will use the same freaking banner as you despite numerous attempts to get it across via party chat that you will be doing either BoD or BoS. Pugs don’t care. Even if they do care, they’ll use one of the 2 useless banners instead of something practical like Shake it off/OMM/Signet of might.

Reverse psychology is a godsend

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I like to make my LFG posts something like…

“READ – 49 swamp ready – must love Ellie Goulding and long walks on the beach”

Surprisingly, pretty much nobody mentions anything when they join. I’m assuming they don’t read it at all. I still get idiots. There’s nothing I can do— I am a magnet for morons when I post on the LFG.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

^ some of the foods I use went up slightly, but some others went down so it kind of evens out.

I use truffle steaks and candied dragon rolls in pug runs. I understand that not everyone has cash to spend but wtf… at least use minotaur steaks or something.

To be honest I find it even more insulting when I see people using magic find food than none at all. It’s like “I have literally no interest in making sure we do well.” because if they weren’t using anything, there’d be the chance they simply forgot to refresh their nourishments.


The prettiest Phoenix Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Only ones I like are staff and warhorn. I had a ticket in the bank and used it on staff, and spent 70g on the warhorn. I don’t mind the mace/scepter but don’t like them enough to bother getting. :P

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’m sorry did I miss a needle in the arah haystack?

Suggestion: Make your claims, then put 2) Arah: 2.1) 2.2) 2.3) 2.4) ….. so the reader does not get lost in arah over and over.

Or you could look at the title of the thread, read the first sentence that I typed, and come to the conclusion that my list of things that I personally would like to see get done containing approximately 50% of things pertaining to Arah must mean that I very much enjoy doing the dungeon and thus, it makes perfect sense for it to be the way that it is.

Suggestion denied, these are the things that I currently care about the most.

LFG system still needs to be tweaked.
Bugs in dungeon obviously need to be fixed.
I agree with lupi requirement.
agree on getting rid of NPC.
Everything else regarding boss mechanic are subjective, what is easy for 1% of player base is not easy for the rest of 99%.

Subjective in regards to Alphard / Brie surely, but Melandru in Arah P4 is quite literally just an AFK encounter. You equip a ranged weapon, wait until he spawns 5 trees, then run out of the range of the trees and AFK while your character autoattacks for 5-10 minutes. There’s nothing subjective about the difficulty of that… as there is absolutely no user input required besides what I just mentioned.

For the last boss in Arah P1, you don’t do a single thing other than hold a reflecting crystal. If it happens to break, pick up another one. The only thing that anyone ever has to look out for is if he does a lava font (mimicry of a staff ele’s fire #2), which you can either just dodge or walk out of. Other than that, stand still holding a reflecting crystal. You make a fair point about difficulty of boss mechanics being subjective, but no one could find this difficult unless they didn’t remember which key was bound to dodge or lagged out.

Edit: By the way, I hope you weren’t referring to the fact that players exploiting rooted mobs by safespotting/using terrain to obstruct their attacks is justified because they find it too hard to actually fight them? I’m guessing you didn’t mean to imply that.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

So you apparently didn’t read numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10.

I wonder if you’re one of those persons that I’m referring to with #10. I sure hope not.

The BIG question for Arenanet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Very nice thread. In fact, one of the best ones I’ve seen in a LONG time. For once, I didn’t have to read a phone book’s worth of text to read something that puts things into a nice perspective. Thanks for the read, Adry.

I 100% agree with your mindset. This game truly does need more meaningful content— we need ways to feel like our contribution to group efforts actually matter! We need ways to feel like we’ve achieved something!

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

[Reserved for possible future use]

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

16) Give Alphard different attacks after each wave of clones in Arah P2. For example, Lupicus has a different set of skills for all 3 of his phases. More of this please! Not just for alphard, but anywhere else is welcome as well.

17) Make Korga required to complete the path in Arah P1, but reduce the number of corpse spawns in the area along with making it so that when a corpse is spawned and the elite gorilla is killed, the corpse cannot respawn at all and is permanently gone. The last boss is so dreadfully disappointing in the path that it really needs more to be in line with the other 3 paths, so making Korga required would suffice.

18) Move White Bears Waypoint to where the Crystalline Entities are in Arah P1 as opposed to by the jotun monument stone before Ancient Ooze. It’s only logical, considering the waypoint isn’t even available until after they are destroyed anyways.

19) Change the Nightmare tree at the end of the TA up/fwd paths to behave similarly to Bloomhunger in FotM. It’s an embarrassing encounter, to say the least. It isn’t even attacking us. It’s just blindly stomping on the ground. It doesn’t feel like a boss fight at all.

20) Rework the rewards for these paths to make them more worthwhile doing: HotW P2 & P3, SE P2, CoF P3, Arah P4. All of these paths should give 2g but with Arah P4 giving perhaps 4-5g, in my opinion. They’re typically a lot longer than the other paths of the dungeons, and Arah P4 having by far the most encounters out of any paths. It makes little sense for these all to be so unrewarding by comparison with respect to time.

21) Make the borderland maps in WvW unique maps please. It’s really monotonous when all 3 of them are literally the exact same maps. EotM was a let-down because it doesn’t actually have anything meaningful that affects the matchup itself, so hardly anyone does it other than for champ farming.

22) Fix the sparks at Simin in Arah P4. Since April 15th, they often bug when more than 2 are aggroed on a player at once and one will automatically reset. I’m 99% certain this was unintended.

23) Tbh, Alphard is too boring now. It was terrible for the entire party to wipe when someone was pulled (a glitch that persisted for months) but it was actually nice to see a boss truly push players to learn the mechanics and be on edge. It now requires about no skill to kill her and you can walk out of the bomb radius without swiftness and be perfectly fine. What they should do is make it so that anyone who is pulled is instantly downed, as opposed to the entire party suffering the consequence of 1 person ’s screwup.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Think I’m going to just make a list of all the things I really wish would happen in GW2. Feel free to comment on any of the things I’ve listed or perhaps list your own. By the way, I’m not ordering them in terms of importance but rather what came to my mind first.

I may add more to my list as time goes by, but currently this is what I have. Thoughts?

1) Provide us with the option to only accept PM’s from people in your guild(s) or friends list, so that we can still communicate but without getting bombarded by spam in whispers. Do the same with the mail system as well.

2) Ban people that break rules.

3) Fix the Veteran Matriarch Harpy so that it stops spawning with a glitched HP bar whenever there’s more than 1 person in the area when it spawns during the event in Harathi Hinterlands.

4) Add the option to have custom presets for dyes and traits. For example, I could set a preset for my Deep Glacial Sky + Blacklight that I really like on my mix of orrian + phalanx top and T3 human gaunts, but perhaps swap to my preset of Abyss + Enameled Crimson when I feel like changing it up. This is just a QoL change that I’d absolutely love…

5) Release any information about what they plan to do for the game in the next upcoming months that has to do with absolutely new content.

6) Improve the systems in place for rewards, so that it doesn’t feel insulting to complete a FotM run, for example.

7) Improve the LFG system along with the party UI so that security flaws like getting kicked by 2 strangers can’t happen the instant you list an LFG, and fix the bug where a person loses their kick option if a vote against them isn’t confirmed before somebody else joins/leaves.

8) Make it so that our chat tabs don’t stay orange if we so happen to forget to click on the tab prior to leaving/getting kicked from a party whilst in an instance.

9) Fix the glitch with the “Rush” skill for warrior’s greatsword skill #5 when used against larger enemies, along with the same problem pertaining to “Bull’s Charge.”

10) Add the option to put a password or caption to your LFG posts, so that we don’t have to deal with endless waves of idiots that don’t bother to read them before joining.

11) Make Lupicus required to kill in all Arah paths rather than just paths 3 & 4 instead of enabling anyone that’s familiar with the plethora of jumping puzzles to simply bypass the encounter. It is stupid to let people get away with it.

12) Improve dungeon NPC artificial intelligence or remove them entirely. It’s pathetic to see how dreadful their AI is to the point where often times many players are forced to sit there and wait for the NPC to die before they can even fight the boss/mobs. Perfect examples: Agent Spire, Varra Skylark, Randall Weyston.

13) Make it so that when your party wipes at Alphard, she resets as opposed to leaving the bone wall until everyone in the party wipes yet a second time.

14) Remove every trace of a rooted mob/boss in any area of the game. They are too easily exploited and the only solution is to allow them to move. Examples of where this is found: champion dredge near the end of SE P3, last boss of CM P3, last boss of Arah P2. What was done with Mage Crusher in Arah P3 was perfect to fix this problem. More of that please! <3

15) Change Melandru in Arah P4 to have actually fun mechanics. There is literally nothing challenging in this encounter at all aside from the 3 elite gorillas that can permanently chain-knockdown. Not only does this boss have no interesting attacks and can’t even move from where it spawns, but it’s dreadfully long to boot. Enable him (Vahid, Corrupted Priest of Melandru) to freely move about a specified radius and spawn the same Floras (trees), but perhaps control the movements of the unknown green blobs to chase you so that it isn’t an AFK range fight.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Female Light Armor Leggings -- All skirts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

There’s a lot of things that look really awkward in general.

Part of the reason I haven’t wanted to make a medium armor class is because there’s almost no top that looks good except the underboob one lol. While that one is nice, I would prefer if I wasn’t wearing the exact same thing as everybody else. Medium tops = hideous.

For light tops, my ele is wearing winged tunic. Looks better than t3 human imo :P

What's the point?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I agree with OP. It’s a blatant design flaw and I find the issue is profound; the game seems to start at the max level in many cases, whereas the levels required to partake in them do not. It’s simple enough to tell someone pointing this out that they can always start their own groups, but who’s leg are you pulling if you think that’s a viable solution here? xD

I’m willing to bet over 95% of the people running dungeons are consistently searching for groups of experienced people, whatever that means (subjective, as experienced could mean just about anything). It’s also established that being the max level on GW2 is a standard, rather than an achievement. That’s the source of the problem tbh.

Superior rune of Privateer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Did a fractal a few days ago where someone was using this. While PUGging I tend not to try to rock the boat, but when you’re doing the Arm Seals, the last thing you want is a stupid parrot attacking the targeted chanter.

LOL oh god. I’d be pretty p*ssed.

Donated my gold to mystic forge.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

As much as I hate microtransactions, I think I hate it more when people behave as if GW2 has the worst possible system for them. You want to see horrible microtransactions destroying a game? Check out what happened to Runescape with the Squeal of Fortune.

OP, there are a lot of methods to earn money on the game. It just so happens that you either don’t know of them or aren’t making use of the most efficient methods.

Superior rune of Privateer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If we’re on the topic of PvE, why would you care about anything other than DPS? Even if you are struggling to learn to play in equipment that makes use of damage modifying attributes, there isn’t any consequence to death on this game— not even repair costs exist anymore.

<3 Open World PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’ll list what I like and don’t like about open world PvE but I’ll try to keep it short as I’m sure I’m not the only one who can’t stand the essay-long posts so many people deliver.

Things that I like:
-able to join in at any given point if I want to, if I’m in the area
-something to do if I’m feeling lazy and not in the mood to deal with people, as it doesn’t require much user input or communication
-offers an option to participate in something with other people

Things that I don’t like:
-scaling. often times, it’s easier to solo or do with 1-5 others what seems nearly impossible to do with over 20-50 — pretty poor design if you ask me.
-due to how many other people are often clustered in the same spot, it’s pretty difficult to see how much of a difference I make individually. I don’t feel important and often times it feels really boring as a result.
-pitiful and very predictable rewards
-pretty much no skill involved in the combat at all unless you’re trying to solo or do in a very small group a large-scale event. it’s not literally an autoattack-111spam fest every single time, but it tends to be pretty similar to that in most cases. despite participating in this on occasion, I’d much prefer if this wasn’t the case.
-megaservers. jesus christ I hate megaservers.

ty fixed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

They didn’t bother to fix the bone wall glitch for some reason. As guanlongwucaii said, everyone on the team must be dead in order for the boss to fully reset.

Destroyer of Worlds PVE Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’m pretty sure that the OP probably meant PvP and just mistyped it a few times.

If not, then…

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

“You’re the only warrior. Can you take banner of strength too?”
“No. I need signet for dps.”

Also, “You’re the only war, so go 4/6/0/4/0 for Empower Allies.”
“What’s that?”

I would never do that freakin’ build in a pug… EVER. Not even if offered money to. 66002 is the best you’ll get.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I have an issue with new guys who don’t say they’re new. This isn’t just some kind of oppressive elitism, either. I form the group with the LFG title “All welcome”, and when all players arrive, I ask if anyone is new to the dungeon or doesn’t know what to do, or needs anything to be explained.

Of course, we’ll all sit there for about 3 solid minutes before someone manages a “yes”. But, often times, there will be no response. So, I assume everyone has done the dungeon or knows what to do. The moment we get to a gimmicky boss, the group wipes 3 times in a row before someone says “lol I don’t no wut to do here lol”. Its like, why didn’t you say something in the first place? Why did I have to watch your butt get destroyed three times before you thought it might be prudent to bring up your lack of knowledge on the matter?

Jesus christ I can relate to this so well. I seriously cannot stand the silent treatment. It’s unbearably annoying.

The same thing applies to when I’m selling a path or whatever. I don’t care if someone joins and admits they made a mistake and/or didn’t know I was selling. If they’re responding to me I won’t be upset. However when someone ignores me when I mention their name, ask if they’re buying, and I see their blue dot wandering around the map… kitten that person. Selfish, rude, and pathetic.

Dungeons, do they need to be fixed?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You can’t tell Boyd he’s exploiting poor game design when it’s completely subjective. There’s a LOT of people who actually like not killing every single mob in the dungeon. I’m one of them. I think it’s thrilling to sneak past patrol mobs and try to survive traps laid out everywhere without aggroing a million zombies. I find it FUN!

Just because you dislike it doesn’t mean it’s a poor design and reflects are intentional. You’re the one who’s being the parasite here by trying to discourage people from playing the game the way it was meant to be played— by utilising the abilities and skills offered to us in order to succeed. Reflects aren’t cheating, nor is it cheating to skip past patrol mobs that weren’t intended to be killed. In fact, it was even announced that a lot of the mobs were NOT intended to be killed.

Mesmers have awful damage without reflects anyways, so what do you want — them to be rendered useless for anything other than portals? Do you want thieves to be unneeded in dungeons too?

Thank god you aren’t a developer for this game.

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Anyone that does anything remotely similar to what Varra Skylark or Randall Weyston do can kiss my purple a__.

That is, aggro trash mobs then run over to me as if they’re waiting for me to praise them. “Good job! Here, have a dog biscuit!” No, derelict. Face the conseqences and accept your fate— you do NOT bring your crap to me.

-pops a harpy feather-
-pops an order of whispers spykit-
-pops an ash legion spy kit-
-debates ragequitting when they still linger around the area and pull yet ANOTHER elite risen to me in the process-

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Larynx while you do make a fair point, if I’m not mistaken the optimal DPS with rifle is actually just autoattacking and volley off cooldown.

Like, for example, you know how at Melandru in Arah P4 (assuming someone is kiting gorillas near entrance for you and that you have the 5 trees spawned further away so that they aren’t in range), you can get the very best DPS with longbow and rifle switch?

The best rotation, as taught to me by a friend, is to essentially do:

Rifle 3 > autoattack > swap to longbow and do #3, autoattack until weapon swap off cd > repeat.

You essentially just keep doing arcing arrow/volley the moment that you can, and autoattack in between. If you were to just camp rifle, then I’d probably do what I said at the start of this post but for a while what I would do was I’d use #4 the instant before using volley but honestly it’s just bad to camp rifle >.<

I want ranged warrior. [PvE]

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Warriors have pretty bad ranged, it’s true. However, if you must range please use longbow. Rifle is worse DPS. The skills are all bad except autoattack and volley, and the only situation in which you really wanna use it is at Melandru in Arah P4.