as primarily someone who is more into pvp – the first thing i do in any rpg is make a magic find pve character and grind as hard as i can for the best gear as fast as I can. I’ll even binge play a leveling session to get it done fast. It may look like i love pve because i get stuff fast, but that’s really because I want to hurry up and get this phase of training your character over with. the current gw style is forcing me to relive it and stay stuck in it. “Oh wow, you got that fast, well here’s a better item for pvp, lets see if you can do THAT?” over and over and over… that person that says “hi” on the street and tries to turn it into a 5 hour conversation when you are on your way to an important event. -.-
Once I have all the stuff i need for pvp, i’m 80-90% pvp – after that pve is more of a place to go hang out with friends you made in pvp in a different area / mode – a walk in a park for laughs, not exactly a game mode as much as a change of pace from the usual trash talk matches.
PVPrs do play pve hard , but to get what we need to pvp – we get bored quick of pve because once we figure out the routine, it’s not a new adventure anymore. So grinding pve for us, is not fun because after we get our stuff, we been there and done that and want something new – we get something new every time with pvp matches because everyone has their own tricks up their sleeves. Unlike tequatl, who is a 1 trick pony. – you will see me at tequatl often because i need more ascended weapons for my other characters, tequatl is fun team play ..and makes it easier on the grind, but i’m there for pvp items.
so to say we are pvers isn’t completely true, we are in fact very adept at pve – but thats only because we want the things we need for pvp, we love and live for pvp, not pve.
now the difference to us re: pve vs pvp – is that pve is pretty much predictable, and pvp is just full of surprises and jokes…..the trash talk is actually part of the fun – we don’t mean it, just like the world wrestling federation doesn’t mean all the pre-fight trash talk they do, it’s just a show of feathers before the match.
now for arguments sake – let’s distinguish pve – such as environment, weather, obstacles ….from artificial intelligence ….artificial intelligence is not a person, and can be relatively predictable. If you tell an ai to pull your finger, chances are each match they will pull your finger and bam, you win. It doesn’t work like that in a lively pvp match ….and there’s that moment of a 1nce in a lifetime move. Tequatl doesn’t do 1nce in a lifetime moves, nothing in pve is alive and unpredictable. That’s a next level of challenge pvprs look for in a game. – this doesn’t mean that ‘environment’ wont be a factor. But i’m not out to farm potatoes when im in a pvp battle either. so keep any environmental variables relevant to my aim to conquer my enemy.
a good example that use to be a big thing for me of pve usage in pvp -
my tower is surrounded by wildlife , i study the local tiger ai behavior, an enemy comes to attack me, I lure the enemy near the tigers, knowing that if I get my opponent to x spot ….those tigers will attack him, and I will be the least of his worries. In some games, that environment manipulation ability is a stat and style of pvp all it’s own. A druid should be a master of that by influencing the local wildlife to attack your opponents. – ie – the higher his influence, the less the animals randomly attack him, so if he is getting attacked 3 to 1 in the woods, he can run into a pack of wild animals as defense.
This is now a pve element i can use in my fight, – it’s not chopping a tree that does absolutely nothing for my score.
pvers like collecting stuff and building up their characters in a unique way…
pvprs love new challenges and unpredictable adventures – like if you find an opponent who is very predictable in pvp – he gets boring too and you look for new talent to fight. just like handball, after a while you need to go to a new court because your old stomping grounds are full of scrubs you already beat 1,000 times. saaaaame thing, different medium.
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An all asuran server.
the best pvprs in any tier are asurans, and we all know that an all asuran wvw server would dominate the #1 spot.
We don’t need to make any other servers for any other races, everything else can remain the same. We are the true warriors of Tyria.
Next time you bookahs use a Zolja’s item – just remember what race it came from.
it just hit me, I just had a moment of clarity of what would fix wvw balance
an all asuran wvw server – then you will understand the true meaning of server pride!!
stonemist wasn’t built for bookahs! THAT would be a meaningful score!!
asurans will then claim their rightful 1st place in wvw, no more carrying the weight of these useless short eared non asuran neanderthal. Everyone knows that asurans do things better.
admit it, now you want to know what an all asuran blob looks like! don’t make us pull out our golems!
and i’m not saying we should divide wvw into races, we just need 1 asuran wvw server – the rest of the races need each others support to face us, no other race is as loved as the asurans so they wouldn’t be able to fill a wvw server anyways.
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or a server we want to pick on – like take something very close to their respawn just to annoy them and let them know we don’t care about their zerg lol
like a tickle game – you poke em here their zerg jumps, poke em there, their zerg jumps again – meanwhile some random guy is trebbing the kittens out of the castle – and the solo thieves keep capping their camps …… it’s hilarious actually.
we don’t always get the castle that way, but watching them run around like maniacs is a riot….very slapstick pvp – come to think about it, especially fun when doing it with an asuran – a server full of brats that would rather annoy you than win the fight heh!
infact, shout out to maguuma, they play the same way and our matches are often hilarious. camps in our matches often look like disco lights from so many times they get flipped lol
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Darkhaven! a fitting name for a server that just wants a great fight! if you are ever in need for a break from politics and just want to fight – come visit us, drama free, we die , we res, we regroup, it’s that simple! – lots of pina coladas!! lol
people that want to win, hate us, but they hate us more when we win lol
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i dont’ see that on my server – we are mostly pugs, with some wvw guilds – excellent pvprs but pretty much casual hardcore – it’s not about winning on our server. Although i do believe we wouldn’t enjoy t2 either because the politics – we heard enough of the ‘we are upset because we didn’t win’ – the people that stayed on my server just want a great fight – win or lose. you hear more laughing than complaining in our chats lol – I have heard stories about t2 servers wanting to drop to t3 for the tournaments though – that’s not purebred t3, thats a t2 server that wants to be top fighter in their category but can’t win their true category. which is understandable too, because their top servers in t2 greatly outnumber their lower ranked servers, so they were a victim of the population wins rule too.
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i do hope the developers are reading our discussion, it shows what pvprs enjoy about wvw – coming up with strategies for different scenarios is the rush for us, it isn’t fair that t1 will be stuck fighting 3 other servers with the same population all the time, there are hard core strategists all over the the different tiers that would love to compete with like minds.
But this population wins rule keeps us from competing.
You can’t take castle in T1 that way.. LOL
You have to strategically hit multiple targets and make them choose which they will save, divide forces or the easiest 2 vs 1 it.
it’s the same concept in t3 actually – except we aren’t dispatching any groups …you just look at the map and when you see the right targets capped you know whats coming next. we go for things when the opportunity presents itself, since we don’t always have the numbers to create that opportunity vs a larger server. we make larger servers uneasy by being unpredictable roamers.
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well, i can’t say how t1 is today, but i can say i saw what drove Hod to skyrocket to number 1 – a rockstar set of commanders that were running the whole server day and night. it wasn’t just a bunch of guilds working together, it was one guild running all guilds – was cool to watch, but too strict for me actually – everyone kept ratting each other out if we didn’t follow the plan :p
makes sense, it sounds like you are a hybrid tactic of t1 and t3
where you broke up in guilds … in t3 we broke up to solo roamers – many occasions I’m capping a camp solo and 3 other roamers suddenly pop up, then we run together can cap a building, meet up with more …cap a tower …..suddenly we are a zerg , someone throws up a tag and we are going for the castle lol – if we fail, we break down to solo roamers again, if we win, we keep the zerg running as long as possible.
meanwhile in chat as solo roamers we are calling out any zergs / groups / danger we see in chat and group accordingly. it’s crazy, one minute it’s quiet, next minute you are running with 50 people into a big sm battle
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yeah, but the tactics are different – a looong time ago when that power pvpr guild was running hod to 1st place, i transferred for a week to see what they were doing, their style of fighting was far different than the t3 style of fighting – was fun to compare actually because back then the t3 server was a top t3 server too, so i got to see how the best of their tier played – both very intense but different approaches.
it’s like in t1 the guy with the tag was a leader and called the shots on a large army – in t3 the guy with the tag is a marker for where all the roamers met up, since everyone randomly breaks up to do solo missions and groups up to zerg sm castle. t1 was very controlled, t3 was very spontaneous, think on your feet kind of thing.
t3 still is. look i just want my server to put the t1 people in their rightful place.
adjust the score to reflect how much better we are at strategy than they are.
Ok, they won biggest blob. – next challenge please!
that’s the pvp’r i want to hear. we need something to brag about.
t3 takes on far bigger challenges than t1 – t1 has nothing to brag about -yawn-
their only hope to a win worth bragging about is a balanced fight vs the t3 terrors that had years of training in the t1 worst nightmare scenario. “what do you mean my blob was out blobbed and dead!!!?”
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yeah, i’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, i love my server ….even though we are always scraping each other off the floor …..they never quit…and sometimes they win,….they just love fighting …that is awesome to me, and sometimes I am in the mood to kill 3 people at a time to be honest! – that doesn’t change the fact that t1 can win over t3 by mere population – that makes t1 bigger than us..yes….better …i’d have to see them fight a server 2x their size before i can answer that.
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yeah, i realize many gave up a tough challenge. we had so many big wvw guilds quit under pressure at our server, we are use to it. The ones that remain are tough as nails!!
being a top t3 server is not for the soft hearted, if you want a safer fight, go to t1.
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yeah, but they fight the same guys over and over again….in that sense it’s not fair to them either , especially since we know player for player t3 have way more experience against impossible odds than t1 does. the t3 guys would destroy the t1 guys in an even match, that’s a no brainer. lol – the t1 guys have no idea what it feels like to have to fight 3 to 1 odds against them.
it would boost up morale because everyone loves resets – but it wouldn’t last long because it’s still a population war no matter how you paint it.
There have to be somethings that scale for the smaller server to beat a larger server. the idea is to win by strategy and endurance, not by brute force. Brute force is an option, but shouldn’t be the only option, else the entire world would be 1 big country.
exactly, i couldn’t agree more. The pvp community left because winning a wvw match is nothing to brag about.
how can we make it something to brag about ? there has to be another way to win.
hrmm…i was just thinking ….what if there were no wvw score at all…
Just stats – and the players can pick out aspects of their stats for ranking ?
people play wvw to win……but to win at being best at what ?
the score right now is a win for which server is best at being populated. thats kind of anti-climatic lol
frizz, i find your comments on point…… the challenge here seems to be balancing the fight without changing the numbers. Simply because nobody wants to move, the current mind set is most populated coverage wins. That war was over in beta, wvw is just a ghost of the first war won in wvw.
how would you balance the fights without changing 20 players vs 5 players ?
i agree, the rules would definitely have to be tailored to fit a real time gaming environment.
But the only rule can’t be join the biggest server, be a zerker and win……
something else that i mentioned to consider, different goals for a win, something that considers the small server, mid server and large server
not a one size fits all score. ie – if a small server fends off enough major attacks from a larger server ……they win – so each server has an obtainable objective fit for their size – and then it’s a race for the win …… ie a larger server would go for most caps……but a smaller server can aim for a defensive win. Lets say 5 objectives for a win, the first server to achieve any one of those objective wins.
and about week long games ……the scoring ends, but people can continue to pvp …just no scoring. so the war could end tuesday and declare a winner ….the rest of the week is just mud slinging.
so for example – a t1 server is fighting a t3 server – if t1 fails 5 caps – because of their size they give big defensive points to the t3 defenders – the t1 loses to the smaller server because they failed an offensive and gave big defensive points – on the same hand, for the kitten win by old rules, they would have to kill 5k players for their win, which isn’t as easy to do vs a small population server – so they’d probably have to go for another goal to get the win.
the rules for a guerilla win – say 5,000 kills
the rules for a defensive win – say defend vs 5,000 players
again, i’m not saying my rules are the solution, Just showing another way that any rule other than joining the most popular server can change the dynamics without having to shift around the population. ( which doesn’t want to be shifted around anyways )
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war is about how the environment effects the people you are fighting, and strategically using it to your advantage.
let’s not get personal about what i love and hate, – i’ve been a gamer for a long time and understand the different styles of gaming rather well. wvw is currently a mix of chess and dodgeball. not working. but i do like chess and i do like dodgeball, just not at the same time.
farming cabbage in wvw has no effect on our score.
ps – i love pve too, i wouldn’t want pvp rules in my pve either – i’m a very hardcore casual. I use to be big into competition, now i just love randomly playing hard in any mode really. specifically killing stuff, that necro reaper you see fighting 30 chak at the same time and wiping them out ….that’s me. i’m not much for puzzly things… – wvw is a gray area of modes, it’s not innovative, its messy.
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they quit, once Trump, err Tequatl puts up that wall, you have at least 10 people quit because things didn’t go according to plan.
pvprs don’t quit, that last 3 guys fighting tequatl at the 1 minute count without even a slightest chance to win, are pvp material.
then give up wanting esports.
you can’t insist the esports community play by pve rules – make an official announcement that you are dropping pvp as a goal….it’s just an area of the game where attacking other players is enabled. neanderthal gaming for all.
kick the can is not an olympic sport!
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yes, but it’s not player vs environment, as now the population becomes ‘an environment’’ so now it’s player IN an environment. The environment becomes the rules, not the opponent.
pve – is like solitaire, you are playing against a computer that is predictable, the beauty of pvp is unpredictability and strategy vs human nature. A larger server fighting a smaller server for points is a predictable outcome. PVP is like poker, call my bluff…that’s human nature. a person with the winning hand, could lose to a well played bluff.
t1 fighting a t3 – is a comedy, not a drama keeping you on the edge of your seat. PVP should keep you on edge
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like adapting some concepts from civ v for wvw -
what if there were more than one way to win wvw ?
what if defense scored just as much, or more than capping, then suddenly those guerilla attacks that were fended off count for something …….suddenly fending off a 200 man blob with superior guild siege just got you half way to a win. Being a blob should have it’s cons.
and the smaller server can win first for reaching it’s “defense goal points” before the larger server achieved “Capping points”
so many ways to address this through rules, it doesn’t have to be a year long feat of technology to balance the fight …
Fight smarter, not harder!!
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pvers don’t need to be dragged in to pvp – that’s part of the problem, people being forced / incentivized to play game modes they don’t want to play
The idea is to bring our “REAL PVP” community back to us, we have our people, we just need wvw to accommodate their preferred way of gaming.
Bringing pvers into the fold is just putting salt on the wound. They don’t want to pvp, respect that. PvPrs dont want to pve, respect that too.
GW gamers aren’t chess pieces to be moved around by anet….that’s not how things work!! Chess pieces don’t walk off the board the way our pvp community did. ^.^
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yeah , Civ V – is pretty awesome, i’m afraid to play it actually….once you start a game, it’s so addicting and a match can easily go 24 hours – it’s hard to leave when you are left with “What happens next?!” lol – and the nuke graphics…..u have to see the nukes after they are launched! – and there are several ways to win, not just conquer.
and on wvw – the problem is there aren’t enough rules of engagement ….
Example – sending your whole military to one area – aka blob – should have it’s military based consequences ……..even further, running a large military should be expensive – but finance has no governance in the game …..not that it should be a money sink…..but say for example ….instead of just wvw ….it’s a “Million dollar war”
each server starts the game with a million gold, each player that enters the map costs some of this gold ( gold players don’t put up, it’s just an amount given to each team at the start of every match. random number for example…) – from that the server has to sustain the army – ie – repairs cost gold…..siege costs gold …… capping requires a budget …..forcing each team to adjust their strategies – suddenly a blob attack isn’t as wise and profitable as a 5 man team attack if you wish to last the week. If you run out of money, then you can’t score. The larger the opponent server, the more economic strain they have …and they may be blobs ….but they don’t have the economy to upgrade their towers. They would need their blobs to defend their property from smaller servers that can afford siege. It would definitely change the dynamics of engagement.
not saying this particular example is the answer, just giving example of how rules can change the game where population size plays differently into the outcome of war.
great…you have a large server, but now you can’t afford to arm everyone, or launch an attack because lack of funding. That’s a real war scenario.
ie – north korea would be a major threat if they could afford to fight for more than 3 days, but their economy would limit them to 3 days of war, before running out of fuel and ammo, and they technically have a “blob” military. 1 advanced US fighter jet can take out their entire air force because it’s outdated.
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but that’s because everything is currently based on pve rules.
grind for gear, build a zerker, join the biggest server, roll with the zerg kill everything and hit the doors…you win -shiny box- for you, now pull my finger for next weeks match!
No, just no!! lol
thats like playing chess, and your opponent is chucking the pieces at you with dodgeball rules he hits you in the eye, and screams “I WIN!!!! LOOOOOSER”
seriously!! NO!!
that would actually make a hilarious video of what i feel wvw is like in it’s current state! heh!
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we fight because we want guildwars to be our go to game for pvp.
we know you can do it, otherwise why bother fighting ?
what pvprs want is a wargaming mode – that is not pve – that is pvp in an rpg setting.
this is why all these other esport games are big, they are following wargaming rules… and it’s why most mmos are not good for esports – because they follow pve rules, not wargame rules. it’s also why games like Sid Meier’s Civilization V is a top 10 game on steam, because even vs computer, it follows war game rules in solo ( but it’s also multi player ) – great game actually!!
from wikipedia
A wargame (also war game) is a strategy game that deals with military operations of various types, real or fictional. Wargaming is the hobby dedicated to the play of such games, which can also be called conflict simulations, or consims for short. When used professionally by the military to study warfare, “war game” may refer to a simple theoretical study or a full-scale military exercise. Hobby wargamers have traditionally used “wargame”, while the military has generally used “war game”; this is not a hard and fast rule. Although there may be disagreements as to whether a particular game qualifies as a wargame or not, a general consensus exists that all such games must explore and represent some feature or aspect of human behaviour directly bearing on the conduct of war, even if the game subject itself does not concern organized violent conflict or warfare.1 The business wargames exists too, but in general they are only role playing games based on market situations.
meet pvp’s ancestors …
The modern wargaming hobby has its origins at the beginning of the 19th century, with von Reiswitz’s Kriegsspiel rules. Later, H.G. Wells’ book Little Wars ushered in the age of miniatures games in which two or more players simulated a battle as a pastime. During the 1950s the first large-scale, mass-produced board games depicting military conflicts were published. These games were at the height of their popularity during the 1970s, and became quite complex and technical in that time.
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simple example of a rule that would change how wvw works…
Each game starts out with a budget, the size of your military on your server, affects this budget – each person that logs on removes a certain amount of money – this same money is used to buy siege and do upgrades, this means that an over populated server will have little access to siege and upgrades because most of their funding is going to hosting a large military population. Suddenly the camps aren’t generating enough materials to sustain your army, and people now have to go out and chop wood to keep up with any repairs and to build new siege equipment. This forces a large population to do some industry time to support the war and less time to cap because they have no siege to take down a heavily guarded fort! You’d have to allocate some of the budget to attack a tower.
where a smaller sized server can use this budget to be a stronger military from low overhead and have a greater chance at capping a tower from an economy strained server! ^.^
at that point , you can turn wvw into a ladder, and have servers challenge other servers weekly to climb that ladder! It will also encourage each server to develop it’s own unique play style based on population and governance of such population, making smaller servers easier to manage and more effective in war.
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they need to go back to the roots of real pvp – where rules meant something!
they need to lose these pve rules, and stick to the wargame plan that made pvp great to begin with. Update the rules to fit wvw – rules of engagement!
winning a fight because you joined the most populated server is a horrible rule!
yall need some retired army general that loves games to set up some rules!
we need some real military thinking here because that’s how the hard core pvprs play. how some of these teams play, is the way you would see it in a real war environment, same mindset as paintball!
the rules in wvw should be so tight, that the military can use it for specialized training!
THAT will make pvprs happy and save wvw.
any real pvp guild would drool over the opportunity to fight vs the navy on one server and the army on another!
at the moment your chess board is great, but these dodgeball rules have to go!
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ouch, that’s like saying if you love poker, you’re really into solitaire :x
10 imo …the new specializations not only add a new character revenant, but makes your old characters completely new with different ways of playing.
so for example, as a druid you can heal your team in between playing sniper. It really adds new build and strategy choices for how you want to play the game.
I don’t play my main as much as i use to since all these new options became available. And gliding is a new hobby – watching the game map from in the air is a whole new experience in both hot and tyria.
" “OMG Anet killed WvW” every time they say anything."
pvprs never stop pvp’ng – they only pause after a fair fight, but even then it’s just to boast about their win. A pvpr that feels disrespected is not pretty! But anet wants esports, so …..
embrace their feisty-ness! it’s just a game……..or is it ?! -twilight zone muzak-
think of it like this, if anet were the starship enterprise, and they wanted an alliance with the klingons, anet can’t get offended everytime a klingon calls them a P’tak. Well, consider the wvw’rs borg! borg, zerg…see the uncanny relation ?! 0.o
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i’ll say it again differently, if the rule to winning a game was whomever spent the most gold wins, your audience will complain about being broke after winning.
The problem with wvw is that people are still winning and broke! lol
Fix the rules, the game is fine. No, I don’t want to change servers to win wvw. New rule please!
my concern is that everyone is so focused on fixing the results of a bad rule, they may never address the problem that caused this mess.
Put a good rule in place, and the mess will clean itself. Don’t waste time cleaning the mess, address the problem causing it, it will save you a ton of grief. it’s like trying to mop up water from a broken pipe, fix the leak first, THEN mop! The more you do to wvw, the more you risk being criticized for what you’ve done….just fix that bad rule and go from there. Most fixes everyone wants are very simple beyond that. Wvw clean up sounds like an impossible job because you are trying to clean what human nature will clean up naturally with good rules!
the current rule – server with highest score wins
the current strategy – server with the most people and most coverage scores the most points and wins.
that’s a problem.
the ONLY reason I should want to change servers, is because one server has the biggest pvp population willing to show me how to get better and practice with like minded people, not because i want to bandwagon a win. This would also segway into servers focused on game style preference, allowing other guilds and anet to run specialized server only events – ie – a pvp workshop with the developers.
GW would probably become a super fascinating place, if when I jumped into one server, the preferred game mode there is role playing, then I can go to lions arch have a drink with some dwarves and dance with the elven girls… if I jumped into another server, their preferred gaming is dungeon crawling and i might find a nice group of people to crawl with, another server is all about pvp, another server jumping puzzle and easter egg specilists ……and so on….that would make gw2 like a worlds fair of my favorite things and their communities. heck, one server could be all about just HOT, this would mean the maps would be full all the time because everyone on that server loves the hot metas, Dragon stand would always be active.
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Dear community,
you are saying it all wrong, it’s not population imbalance that ruined wvw
It’s the rule that made population balance the best way to win that ruined wvw.
people who pvp want to win, you make a bad rule, they will win by bad rules.
saying population imbalance is ruining wvw, is admitting the gw / wvw community are trolls that are willing to over populate servers and ruin the game for a win, simply because every one can easily move and fix the imbalance.
lets focus on the bad rule, and not the results of a bad rule.
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yeah, but if you make karma training a ladder all it’s own, then it could actually mean something vs competing groups.
the main idea is to have your achievement mean something, any achievement really….something that will allow you to compete vs someone else that likes playing the same way.
it’s like the simplicity of embracing competition where people play the most, run with the karma training and make a ladder from it somehow, then that guy that has 5 billion karma can talk about it with forbes and rolling stone.-shrug- – most of these players have everything already, any new trinkets are pretty much meaningless, now they want fame. The whole, there can only be 1 mindset. Anet needs a rockstar. Not some random joe that randomly joins a tournament.
lets call a spade a spade, those ladders are simply a list of who is most ocd about their preferred game mode. the most common one is pvp – midget wrestling without any armor and just a dagger is also an option. it’s all about the rules, the game itself is quite amazing, the rules …well…hrmpf! a face palm moment! :P
you need some pvpr willing to be bait, make them number one , say he’s undefeated and unbeatable, watch the pvp piranhas remove him instantly. – rinse wash repeat from that point on. wvw needs that element, not rewards…or one fixed rule, not everyone plays wvw the same way …which is an opportunity to highlight the art of pvp in all it’s glory.
think about it, karma training is fun and all, until you meet up with a group that is going for the most kills ladder lol – it will change how wvw is perceived. It should be one huge pvp training camp with many ways of competition….not just a server vs server score.
a thieves ladder alone would change the perception of wvw, I’ve seen some incredible talent solo roaming as a thief ….kittened me off actually, but i’d enjoy seeing a top 50 ladder of solo thieves from all servers and say wow to the guy that killed 5k people that way.
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but rewards aren’t as gratifying to a pvpr as much as bragging rights.
The reward is being recognized for your work on a ladder, then competing vs the number 1 guy for his spot.
The server score doesn’t reflect what the great pvprs have done to make wvw fun at all. No matter what tier. I’ve met some incredible strategists on my server that will never be recognized for their great work in our matchup score, because we are always fighting impossible odds. which is a fun thing for a pvpr looking for more challenge than glory. those exist too!!
in the beginning of pvp, players use to keep their own ladders, there would be like a list of 100 players – each one was allowed to challenge someone i believe 5 levels above them to climb that ladder. That’s roots pvp!! a server score is so far off that concept it isn’t even funny and pve rewards won’t heal that wound!
(edited by Ricky.4706)
just remember this, in game, linen is far more expensive and precious than gold, and gold is pretty much useless lol. All the rules are a bit off, we just need them to be off in a way most of us find fun.
it figures, they joined the high population servers lol -smh-
server pride ftw!! – NOT!! come to the lower teirs where you don’t have the comfort of 300 raving pvers in a zerg protecting you. Not for the light hearted down here!!
Lose the safety net, then come back and talk!! Till then -the hand-
a REAL PVPr doesn’t have pretty soft skin!! come to t3 and get some scars for credibility!
(edited by Ricky.4706)
but how does that scale to server size, I mentioned in another thread that my server is tier 3 – but we fight so hard we always end up with t2 opponents, how does that scoring reflect how hard we fought when the enemy obviously had greater numbers to churn out a bigger sum total.
I think it has to be broken down to guilds and players – where there is some ladder that shows which guilds generated the most relevant stats. This will at least allow servers to compete amongst themselves for capping and give other guilds an incentive to make great pvp / wvw guilds. – it’s easier to match a guild size than a server size.
Make a ladder of who had the most kills for the week, or which GM-Tag capped the most towers so non guilded pugs have a chance for glory too. Or even which solo / roamer capped the most camps / killed the most dolyaks or took out the most players.
Just something that means something to the individual or smaller groups that aren’t in high population servers.
I mean, keep the server score because some people want to believe it means something, but make a new ladder that shines on the most active wvw players and guilds. at least you can be recognized for all the impossible wars you faced in outnumbered matches.
those ladders from wvw are the ones that will generate the esport PVP fights HBO is made of! otherwise, where’s the hype ? who’s joe whats his face fighting for $200 ? -yawn- I’d rather hear about a guy who had 100k kills in wvw and 4k castle caps fight another pvpr that has an undefeated 50-0 record in spvp. – that would mean something to me. I’d bet on the spvp guy btw in this scenario lol :p
edit – that would be 1v1 …now team wvw vs team spvp might be a different scenario.
a well trained / practiced 5 man wvw team is a force to be reckoned with. spvp is more twitch gaming than planned strategy. you only find those teams in lower tier servers, where having a zerg on demand is not an option.
(edited by Ricky.4706)
no argument from me, on that….. I’m just saying, it’s not easy to enjoy anything when we are always upset. that’s it really. The players are half the game, and you guys would simply be scary to play with if you were always upset lol.
I have tons i could be upset about too, like ….my jeweler….why isn’t he making ascended jewelry ? – but i wont go there because being upset wont make the game any more fun. so i’m just saying my part because i think it’s something that may bring peace to a community, that has been rightfully upset for feeling ignored for many years. We are still here, let’s run with that and try to have fun along the way.
pure moment of zen – why play a game at all if it makes you upset.
nah, not that…. life is short, why spend it upset ? it’s just a game, the foundation for fixing the rules to make it more enjoyable for everyone is doable, we don’t know the whole story….and they are still at it. I mean, consider the odds, one of these days they will want to do something that will make us stop complaining lol…..this could be that time….until then, the reaper and the revenant are fun to play – and we can really only hope they are listening to us.
I think they are, but i also think we scared them enough to only post on reddit !! lol
so let’s show em a supportive side, if nothing else it will fuel our wrath with even more fury if it doesn’t work out so the energy isn’t wasted! heh!!
life is just to short to spend it upset and disillusioned, it’s just a game…..or is it ?
-plays twilight zone music -
I like what i’m reading from them so far, it’s nice to see Mike posting, not an easy thing to do considering how many people are upset about wvw.
+1 to anet for it.
bragging rights has nothing to do with being able to overcome any challenge the computer can present, it has to do with pulverizing players that were able to overcome any challenge the computer presents. – that would make me larger than Mordermoth, now that’s something to brag about! My turn to be the monster that people can’t wait to fight! thank you!
(edited by Ricky.4706)
i’d like an out of body experience mode please lol.
some places i’ll never get to see unless i devoted myself to a hardcore format for that mode…. it might be fun to have a ghost mode where i can travel to hard sections alone just to check out the artwork… travel any dungeon solo or a high level fractal….
i have zero desire to dedicate my game time and character builds to doing high level fractals, but i’d love to see what the artists put in there or watch other teams play
“The fact that Anet refused to treat WvW like a large scale PvP game mode is why this turned out so bad.”
very much this +1