(edited by Romek.4201)
has something to do with this:
why you so aggro? are you the guy posting this golems?
second account from op?
MAN READ and understand i posted this to help players not to lose there gold to someone trieing to manipulate the market and everyone with some braincells can see it in AH atm and the timing with this postings here
all other actions is in the hand from arenanet guys
i said nothing others – and you can stop being aggro bout
edit: lol now removed the buyorders^^
(edited by Romek.4201)
yes i play on elona and yes every day im wvw like 15-30 min to do the 3 wvw dailyparts ( i trie to do every day all dailys) and i dont lead anything – dont know why you post such things AND it doessnt have anything to do with what the op here tries
its again forum rules to manipulate the market with threads like this and moderators will do the job – i guess
and i think ppl like this should be banned but this would be another thema^^
someone tries hard atm to push the price lol
i bet the op postet this 20 omegas on 50 silver now?^^
dont jump on this guyz – you waste your gold when buy
ppl make this omegas with badges of honor and theres a lot ingame
edit : ye someone tries to push the price from 25 to 50 silver
when i made this post here there was 20 ordered for 50 silver
some secs later gone and started with 500 on 45 silver + 269 on 45,02 silber and after this some low orders from 1-20 up to price from 47 silver
dont jump on this guys – its one pushing the price to sell the golems he buyd for 20-25 silver
he jsut wait for your orders to sell it to you and make profit
dont think this is alowed to post here in forum?
(edited by Romek.4201)
its on the horizont
simple fix
delete actual ranks – ALL
and bring new ranks based on games won
you arenanet guys have the data and should be no problem – even for you
edit: before i forget – the players having lower rank than 10 after you deletet it and gave new you should give perma title “Skyhammer Noob” and let them die all 10 minutes finished by a skyhammer from wherever
AND you should give them all a ban from MY TEAM in SoloQ matches – i dont care for them in enemyteam how i dont care for others
so just safe me
(edited by Romek.4201)
ok the post before me:
“Poor Romek, he hates us so much that is ready to like every troll(clown or whatever this movement is called, I don’t get it anyway tbh). It looks like someone killed this bloke pretty bad”
the post after me:
“..and it`s told by person who stands out only with hate posts against SFR. Spit on people, are you serious ? I don`t spit on people and in this whole tread none of our server did. I suggest you to re-kitten your criteria of communication.”
just posted before he start to edit^^
have a nice day
this guy do whatever he likes to do BUT he dont flame his enemys or spit on people on forums (thats how sfr looks for not-SFRs)
something you will not understand i guess
XRKUN most sympathic guy from SFR .. good luck to you
got yesterday 1 key and in chest was 1 crafting booster +1 yellow black lion ticket (you need 5-7 for a skin and they all look bad)
what a waste
yes i do – i still think necro is op
i said this?
and there are much more skill LESS classes/builds atm than a spiritranger – like hammer longbow warrior – most broken class atm
and before you or the other whiners dont played a spiritranger (not only in a hotjoin game) you cant tell us it dont need any skill – you just dont has a clue and only whine about
edit: oh and before it looks like – my main is engi
(edited by Romek.4201)
WHY Mr. OP you dont ever make a thread like this bout necros?
Every week i see other thread from this guy about something is op or broken. But the Necro (he plays necro^^) is fine and balanced.
(edited by Romek.4201)
“They should add an, “Outmanning” debuff.”
oh yeah – THIS
looks good but not worth
800gems = 43g atm
thats 1075 Orichalcum Scythes so thats 53750 hits i have to do
should be accountwide than i would even pay 1200-2000 gems for it, but so not.
in my experience most lowlvls in lfg are leechers
you dont do any dmg when dont have best gear for your lvl + upgrades like runes/gems and buff food
no you dont do the dmg like an 80 would do in full exo gear
and with best gear i talk about gear not lower than max 5 lvls to your actual lvl or you just dont do the dmg like a 80 would do
so when wanna do the content on your lvl than start lfg on your own with something like “lfg ac max lvl 40” or “lvling run . i am lvl 35” something like this and you will have no problems
but yeah i know you dont wanna go with lowlvls on your lowlvl in the dungeon because they dont do enough damage
i dont said 10% daily – my target is for short term investments they have to sell in max 1 week
so for everything i do the math for atleast 10% win after the 15% auctions fee
i cant say details
first rule in tradeposts in ALL games is when you find something dont tell anyone = most profit
and when something is public – dont invest too much cause alot make profit on you already
lol its arenanet^^
i bet on 15th warrior get aoe stability + 5 sec stealth when dont crit + 3th weapon per weaponslot and can dualwield hammers for more stun + hammer f1 will be radius 1200
something stupid like this
(edited by Romek.4201)
i dont watch twitch streams anymore and game makes much more fun now^^
most streams is only whining bout everything
just speculation your numbers and i dont wanna waste my time to argue with you about this
“And forum is here exactly for feedbacks from players to devs so it means a lot.”
no its not
most important “Feedback” for them are the numbers ingame
- How many people already crafted to 500 and how fast.
- How many people have more than 1 Asc. Weapon
- Hows the effect on Economy
- How many use this System and how many ignore it
….. alot more
this are numbers they can work with and not the outcry from 10-15 random strangers
no, you are wrong
the majority dont hate it and you can see it ingame when be in a big guild or have full friendlist …… and talk + play with the people
people who like this dont go in forum to say this
gw2 has alot whiny people and i dont know why. but you can find most on gw2guru. just go and read something there and you know what im talking bout.
for this people everything is bad and they have to tell everyone how they feel and all the world have to know it …………
…. facebook generation
forum whining means nothing – it dont represent anything
(edited by Romek.4201)
For me shortterm investments always better than longterm, cause you lose alot money when you reach the timelimit
for me i wanna make 10% per week from my investments (crafting, flipping etc.)
so when i would invest 1000 gold in longterm and think i can make 100% on this than i need to sell it in max 7 weeks or i lose gold
some math:
1000 gold + 10% per week and invested all again for next week
1. week 1100
2. week 1210
3. week 1331
4. week 1464,1
5. week 1610,51
6. week 1771,561
7. week 1948,7171
8. week 2143,58881
9. week 2357,947691
10. week 2593,74246
so invest only in longterm when you have to much money and cant invest all shortterm
(edited by Romek.4201)
Speculation from me^^
someday we will see transmutation
1-5 essences magicfind to 1 essence with
……….. and so on
im sure someday we will have something like this ….. and than it start to be interesting^^
atm they get the numbers how fast people lvl out the magicfind to make the curve for the others
i woud bet on it^^
atleast it would make than sense Artificier can upgrade them
(edited by Romek.4201)
this random mixing show the fundamental problems in wvw
it should NEVER be possible to bring more people than the enemy can have
just cap player limit per map
on all servers to 25 when 1 server have lower than 25
cap to 50 when 1 server lower than 50 but all higher than 25
cap to 75 …….. you get the idea
and so on
would balance complete wvw much faster – noone would wanna be on a stacked server and people would go to lower tier servers and it would be balanced in ALL RANKS from 1-over9000
atm even when 3-5 ranks difference the matchup is a joke cause servers get roflstomped even in tier 1
(edited by Romek.4201)
2 fixes for this @ arenanet
1. make falling in skyhammer portal back to spawn with 10 sec timer and NOT dieing
2. show matches played behind the title so everyone see this skyhammerheros
edit: and plz rename the canon in Symbolic-hammer and bring text message “you’re an idiot” when dieing from it – would love it
thx again
edit again : forgot 3th fix – delete this kitten map
(edited by Romek.4201)
for me a normal spvp player it looks like the pvp devs are afk all day
theres nothing coming – only “its on the horizont” or “soon” or “no resources” when ppl goes aggro in forum
even age of conan pvp had more devlopment than this here when they was free2play and had no players left
arenanet leader know bout? they lying to them and say everything is “shiny” in pvp?
cant believe arenanet leaders are happy bout this – maby we should write emails to them to get a better dev-team or atleast a working one
or all this crap bout no other gamemodes because it could be imbalanced or ppl could maby not have enough fun or …….
WTF but force us to play skyhammer
(edited by Romek.4201)
ye they should rename it in skyhammerhero – atleast for the ppl farmed it in last 2 months
we wait already for this patch like 5 months or something
first they said no patch till pax (2-3 months) and after pax they said they have nothing done and need 1-2 months more
killed last pvp population – not rly teams left and soloQ 10min+ and everyday same players
ugly condimeta with op necros, spiritrangerz and now most op ever thing Da Worriorz
hope patch on 15th was it worth
for me its last chance – when nothing changed i dont care for spvp anymore
lol another one^^
sfr creme de la creme – just read last 2 sides and see whats up
isnt even funny
but it shows perfect what players this server attract^^
anyway im out
(edited by Romek.4201)
i dont have anything to do with gd and i dont talk for elona – but i see any worths are just wasted on you mr. Hebril – you dont have the inteligence to interpret what you read and just babble some worths …
wasting of time
the ppl you talk to play the game too
no point for your babbling
first you should learn a good guild dont need to ask in forum for attention – they get it from enemys – like GD (i dont know anyone in this guild but i know everyone know them^^)
and second – on a server like sfr where everything is just a a big zoneblob (maby not for the SFRs but for the Enemys) you will NEVER be the snowflake you wanna be
and 3th – you waste your time with your postings cause most make no sense at all
have a nice day
funny how sfr guilds beg for attention^^ but noone see them rly
some speculation here from me^^
Jeweller they bring the Legendary trinkets ( they said this somewehre)
Cooking they bring Infusions
Minigame should have there old special NPCs to join them AND Minigames should be addet to PVP Browser in the mists (the guy for hotjoin matches) with a extra tab for FUN-Games
most pvp players dont even know there are this games or where to find them
the daily rotation should stay in Lionsarch like it is now
dont know – maby 20-30 min?
its like 4-5 "farm"events and Ulgoth (worldboss) at the end
and you get 1 lvl/skillpoint) per chain + bags + alot lvl 40 items to salvage
guess its best to park a twink lvl 35+ there and do it 1-2x per day – good way to lvl to 80 and alot craftingmats you need to do the daily crafts (its leather + cloth + wood + ores)
(edited by Romek.4201)
wtf you talking bout Hebril?
everoyne know sfr is biggest “blob” now – and reset showed not the strongest
but anyway – now comes the americans and PVD everything at night and upgrade to t3 so wemil feel like a superhero in the morning running with golems more pvd
thats sfr – nothing new – saw all this before with ruin on desolation or blacktide
boring and ugly enemy – thats all
but atleast we have piken in the matchup – a nice and fair enemy
bye and have fun
(edited by Romek.4201)
i just answered to the “80ers cant farm cloth or leather” “there are no clot or leather nodes” and all this stuff
it need not longer to “target” farm cloth or leather than it would need same amount ores or woods
noone said something bout efficience
i make much more gold per hour in auctionshouse than i would run dungeons or farm ori or whatever – but thats not the point
just did this event chain and it gave 46 bags – IT IS WORTH
because there is not much to say bout^^
- deso dont have numbers
- jadesee is a boring server and even run when 50/50 and goes the old baruch way – failing on day + capping in night
-Elona – this week germans had thursday free so a guild startet an 24h event from wednesday to thursday called “all you can loot” and destroyed the jade nightcappers so they are afk now till reset
thats the matchup^^
(edited by Romek.4201)
i dont care for the skins – they give my characters progression in stats and thats all for me
I was guesting this week on Vabbi to farm Oricalcum cause on Elona we hav overflow on Cursedshore and i saw on Vabbi they dont have people to even trie Jormag – thats insane
so here suggestion how you can fix this easy^^
1. STOP Transfer to full server – full is full
2. now it comes:
Waypoint cost for free on low population server
waypoint cost normal on normal servers
waypoint cost +20% on full server
this would kill same amount gold ingame cause more players on full than on low and it would regulate population on all servers very fast
even when people go to low population for free waypoints and it is someday medium some transfer to next low population and it will be balanced
thx for your time
Guardians has the most important suppourt for wvw – aoe stability
next patch on 15th is class balance patch and engineer will become aoe stability too – on 1 elixier – so maby this is something for you (underplayed but important)
warrior is most op class ingame atm and not only in wvw – they do most dmg in pve, they are most faceroll atm in spvp and in wvw they are just juggernauts
when arenanet really care somehow bout classbalance they have to nerf warrior soon and hard – no other options for this
so would not start this class
staff eles can bring some supoourt in wvw but are boring – other specs useless cause other classes can do it better
mesmer you will only be usefull when golem action or hide in towers – boring
atm in wvw only warrior, guardian , necro and all others useless and a waste of boons
low lvl cloth you can “target” farm
for Cotton:
go with your 80 to harathi hinterlands and make the event chain to Ulgoth – when he is dead go back and complete chain start 5-10 min later again
you can farm it with spamming 1^^
you get alot exp, iron ore and cotton + alot other things
for all other materials there are options too – easy ones – you just need to go out in the world and do it
yeah you get deadly blooms too but i dont checked how much^^
ok ooze room need rly some tuning^^ – too much luck involved
- at the end this 2 buttons timers should be more time when activated – its hard to bring 2 oozes at same time
We just completed this Dungeon and i have to say:
Thank you Arenanet – bring more
btw. 2g at the end and 60 fragments so gogo
Elthurien you simply play the wrong genre than
MMORPG´s was like this since beginning and even first rpg games 25 years ago you needed time for lvling or crafting or whatever
you should trie some single player games or shooters
dont know when it would fit cooking – but can be
atleast it would be nice to have a system like this for infusions
and to bring some ideas for cooking too^^
*how about craft temp finishers from finishers already ingame?
- 15-30 min duration
*or some mastery potions to craft food with longer durations
drink the potion and everything you craft in next hour has double duration
(can be more steps 1-5x duration potions)
*potion to remove dyes from character and make it accountbound
i so looove what they did with weapons and i cant wait for armors – oh and i have 13 lvl 80s
finaly something usefull ingame we can work for
i dont understand this whining bout some mats when ppl farmed last year 24/7 mats for “JUST” skins
thats the game folks
and for the jewellery discussion
i hope arenanet add to jewell crafter infusions AND some rng upgrade to make higher infusions like in all other “GOOD” Games in last 20 years^^
i talk bout craft +3 power +3 agony
and you can throw 3x same infusion in mysticforge to get 1 higher infusion with a lil chance like 25%
would be so nice
edit: oh and i forgot – this infusions should not be soul or accountbound – this would finaly bring a market for crafter
AND it would remove tons craftingmats from game – cause everyone loves gambling and will trie to get a +15 infusion (ignoring how much mats it cost AND it can fail^^)
(edited by Romek.4201)