Showing Posts For Romek.4201:

I'm actually quite liking Solo Arena

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


love it too

and for the devs^^ – i realy wish you guys can give in leaderboards or maby ingame more statistics than overall played/won

need this per class in leaderboards plz

would be cool to see top 1000 rangerz or necros or eles and so on

SoloQ leaderboard is invalid

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


everyone think he is better than he is – thats our nature

Roster positions for solo queue

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


dont work

because in SoloQ there is no Meta – in SoloQ Teams have always other classes and you can even have 5 thiefes or 5 eles or whatever and with this you cant bunker 2 nodes forever – you have to be mobile and forsee where your enemy will go and where you can gank them fast and get your pointz

Meta in SoloQ is “be flexible”


More content like Liadri needed

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Romek.4201


love the fight – need more – thx for it

@poster before

you dont need stability for this fight – i killed it with my engi

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


played 5 matches now and always there are 3 thiefs in enemy team or in my team

Community's thoughts on Duo Queue

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


Why should SoloQers fight your premade (yes duo is a premade too) when you dont even wanna play vs premades with your premade?

just NO – soloQ is for Solo

Random Maps For Team Arenas is a Mistake.

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


when they dont show map before joining a match i will always leave skyhammer – this map is bad i dont wanna play it

Accountwide Characterinfo

in Suggestions

Posted by: Romek.4201



I have 20+ Characterslots and cant remember anymore which character is which lvl has which Storymode complete or map complete % and so on.

It would be very nice when you guyz can add an Accountinfo inGame using same Interface as the Archievement window .

On left side all character names on right side the Data

Things i wanna/need to see:

*which storydungeons complete to can open the normal ones
*personal story level
*worldcomplete %
*possible fractallevel (actual fractal dailie done on this character) /maby agaony resistance
*maby stats per character (power thoughness etc – the normal statwindow)
*maby 3d pic from character with actual armor AND can preview on him other armor or weapons
*what dyes this character have

ok this are some ideas which would make the life in gw2 much more better

have a nice day

Solo queue on the way... Unranked queue next?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


you right uber* and i guess its just to hard for this guyz to find the 5v5 matches in hotjoin^^

SoloQ: the basic strategy

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


how much threads you wanna start with this? we all played some soloQ before, its not the end of the world lol. Relax a bit ^^

Empty promises and ignored suggestion threads

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201



“Its on the Horizont!!!”

Pax Finals - SYNC vs TC!

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


when you dont attract casuals you dont have viewers

when arenanet dont start to bring more casuals in spvp and stop this esport only mentality it will never have more viewers than some diablo3 channels^^

How to make PvP appealing to PvE players

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201



soon they make thiefguild to Thiefzerg – 5 permanent thiefpets
turrets will be buffed to walk around
spiritweapons will be buffed to have them all and permanent from traits – dont need util slot for it anymore
ele will have all elementars too – permanent + some elementarchildrens to have same many pets like mm necro
only warrior will get none so they can still spam in forum stupid things like warrior not viable and warrior need buff^^

oh and best is all this ai mobs will drop lootbags in spvp

so yeah soon we get new pvp amulets with magicfind

(edited by Romek.4201)

Concerns from a new players perspective.

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


you asked for balance and when op-states stay very long and i have to say yes.
Arenanet is very slow in balancing and they dont fix broken things even when they know its broken.

GW2pvp looks like they dont have alot devs and for spvp they do only things when they have freetime from livingstory. Sry when a spvp-dev reading this but for us the playerz it looks like you guyz are afk or something^^

Pax Finals - SYNC vs TC!

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


theres no hate for AL – gz for winning

i had to turn off after 3th match – sry but it looked like some eu hotjoins
this DUKE guyz seriously? 2 autoshot afk rangerz

maby i watch the finale but this other matches are lame

Pax Finals - SYNC vs TC!

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201



Dont know any US team but is ostricheggs playing? When yes which team?

Hotjoin change to help new players+vets

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


its already ingame but i guess to hard for most ppl to find it

you dont need to play 8v8 hotjoin you can do it 5v5 too^^

maby arenanet should add a big button 8v8 and one 5v5

Leaver pen unnecessaryAutoequalizer necessary

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201



yes they wont and thats the reason why after the patch ppl still will make mimimimimi here in forum cause they have to play 4v5 matches
when ppl dont care for 1 hour ban than they will leave
whats 1 hour? there are a lot player doing just match before going to work or going to sleep or whatever and when its 50:300 or something they just say “ye wtf so i go off now – the 1 hour is over when i wake up” ^^

SoloQ: you won't feel super powerful

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


did always soloQ only (real soloQ not this joining with 4 other soloQ friends^^ thats premade^^) and for this it can only be better after patch

had often 15+ matches in a row vs premades and win chance in soloQ before patch was way lower than 50%^^

Necro Minion Master FTW!!!!

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


minions should drop lootbags with gold from his master

Feedback on the recent Necromancer changes

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


necro still OP and i rly hope the day after pax we finally get a fix

How will solo queue affect parties of 2 or 3

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


they said in other thread soloQ is solo only and teamQ is same as it is now so teamQ can use solo player or groups any size

and there will solo playerz still joining teamQ

i do soloQ only (im to lazy for a team and dont wanna play with set time schedule) and i rly care only for the soloQ leaderboard and will farm in teamQ my champion titles^^
dont think im the only one who think so

Leaver pen unnecessaryAutoequalizer necessary

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


when system is fine there will be no problem for the normal playerz

something like:
- leave a game get 3 day banned from Q + get 1 point on your account saved
- do it 3x and account is marked as leaver and will only q with other leavers until he do 100 games without leaving (=-1 point so still have 2)

simpel – hard – but fair for everyone

Way to bring more players to solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


ppl dont go there only for glory or rank – wtf

cant you guyz understand it is an mmorpg and it has an mmorpg playerbase and alot playerz in hotjoin just go there to make pvp and dont wanna care for a leaderboard or ranking or tactic or whatever

they jsut go in solo and mess with some wtf-builds or do it with 2-3 friends and so on
this ppl make pvp just to make pvp – to have fun

hotjoin is fine and dont need any change – when you think you need more glory than this ppl or more rankpointz or whatever makes you happy than ask for it but dont force people to play with you when they dont kitten care bout how you think the game have to be.

pvp population in this game is so bad it dont need some wannabe elitists to mess with the casual pvp – JUST NO

this game even need much more casual pvp – like all this event (pvp) activities – dont understand why they dont add this to the hotjoin browser^^

we need to bring more ppl in pvp not remove them


(edited by Romek.4201)

Way to bring more players to solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


why care bout playerz before it even started? SoloQ will have alot playerz and i dont see the point why YOU wanna change something when theres no need.

Hotjoin is fine and when you dont like it just ignore it and dont trie to change ppls mind which playing it for fun.

Guide to winning in new SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


- dont play overpowered specs cause ppl say in forum they are overpowered – when you fail on this classes you make your enemyteam overpowered^^

Solo Que - August 6th

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


noone talks bout pointz

Leaderboard positioning and Second accounts.

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


they need to make you have to play atleast 10 games per week or the accounts goes inactive for leaderboards and dont show anymore

after 4 weeks there should be decay harder than it is now (in top 1000 it should be decay per week)

(edited by Romek.4201)

Guide to winning in new SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


- dont flame your teammates – you have to fight with them not vs them
- you are not rambo – dont run solo in 2+ playerz
- dont think you r godlike and the otherz have to do what you say – they have their own brain – work around

oh and the best:
- dont learn your cool new class or build in tournaments^^ – do it in hotjoin

(edited by Romek.4201)

Solo Que - August 6th

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


this would be stupid to let continue the winning team – its soloQ
in soloQ the only constant is YOU and this is the only way to give you a rating – when you are better than the average player you win more often cause you carry your team better – when not good your rating goes down – thats how it should work and will work

and for the guyz asking what with duoQ or 3 ppl etc – arenanet answered this before – there is TeamQ and TeamQ will work same as now – you can go in solo with a friend or full team

only soloQ is solo only

(edited by Romek.4201)

Partial Premades support?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


They already said TeamQ will be same as it is now – you can join with 4 ppl or solo – however you want

and soloQ will be solo only

Rangers need a rework

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


a class with the name “RANGER” have to sit on a lil node and hold it forever is fail design^^

1 profession limit per team on tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


only much longer ques for the fotm rerollers and op-class playerz^^

i can live with this

The top Solo-Q skill will be:

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


i bet rly good playerz like Teldo, Mogmow, Jumper, Phantaram and so onn can carry there teams

dont forget they fight randoms too and this guyz will win there 1v1 1v2 most time and clear nodes vs strangers in seconds and see where they are needed on map

someone like mogmow will kill alot people easy and make so enemy team most time fight outnumbered

you will not see after 10 matches how good someone is but with statistics than 500+ games i bet you will have playerz win games more than 55%-60%

Tournament spoilers on the forums.

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


dont look in the forums than, people will always talk about AFTER the match cause thats what a forum is for – to talk buot things

when you dont wanna know the news just dont watch the news


Random map rotation discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


but i can see which map i have to play before join a match?

i so dont wanna play on skyhammer – this map is just bad

@phantaram there are alot ppl taking soloQ more seriously than teamQ – the worst thing ingame

(edited by Romek.4201)

Current state of the meta.

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


theres just nothing to say anymore – ppl write same crap over and over^^

Quad que?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


there will be enough solo playerz in teamQ

you guyz would wonder how many ppl love pvp and soloQ but just dont care for a team

for me atm i dont want a team, i dont wanna play at set time schedules or sit in ts with raging guyz or whatever and for me(and for otherz) the teamQ will just be the Q i dont care for rating and make there my champion titles^^

Leveling in spvp? Please.......!

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


atm you get more rank/glory in tournament when win the game but …. some people jsut never will be happy

i bet this guys will soon write the same here about the soloQ – something like “mimimimi why they get rankpoint and glory in soloQ. im a teamplayer im cooler i should atleast get double”


rankpointz show only how much time you played any mode in spvp – not how good or bad – only how MUCH

glory is only used for …. nothing

i just dont understand how someone can so much care about even when no mode get more than the other

NO in tournaments should not be more rewards than in hotjoin – only thing what would be ok something like leaderboard reset all 3 months and some special title for the top 10 or something. And thats it.

(edited by Romek.4201)

Solo Q leaderboard predictions

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


it does

when a real soloQ its always 5v5 soloplayerz with you the only constant player
when you are better than the “normal” player and win your 1v1s on nodes or just do your job good or log on (and can play it^^) the class your team need like a guardian or homepointbunker your teams will win more often

and after alot games (maby 500?) it show how good “you” are cause everything is random eccept you

thats why they should not show players in ranking before 50 games played or something – but thats a other story

im happy they bring the soloQ – all the other stuff they have time now and i will not complain^^

(edited by Romek.4201)

Another, /sigh SoloQ post

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


no because your duo is a premade too

why should solo players fight duo premades when you in a duo dont wanna fight 4 ppl or 5?

premade is premade and for this there is the teamQ – simple

Another, /sigh SoloQ post

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


no duoQ in soloQ – thats why it is called SOLO

when wanna join with a friend you still can do it in teamQ as it is now it will work after patch

Another, /sigh SoloQ post

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


best patch ever – thx for this

Leveling in spvp? Please.......!

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


how long you think you need to get 2 level in pve? or 1 gold?

numbers are not fix and arenanet can do this better cause they have the statistics – it should only show the idea

have a nice day

Leveling in spvp? Please.......!

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201



so plz read the suggestion again – ppl can sell the scrolls in ah to get gold^^
this dont bring NEW gold in the economy it just transfer it from some pve people to pvp people

Your postings are not even worth to read

edit: just see some postings while i posted

Hotjoin was not mean to teach people – it is just to have fun and people can play pvp in casualmode – ya know? how pvp is in most mmorpgs

stop triing to be so elitism and think cause YOU farm SoloQers with your team in tournaments you are better than other players.

maby – just maby -think about most people dont care for e-sport and wannabe tournaments and a broken leaderbord and so on and what YOU accomplish in this game, to think you are more worth than other playerz, is nothing for the most part of the playerbase gw2 have and you live in a illusion.

no your leaderboard rank make you not a superhero to have all rewards linked to you and ONLY to you

get it?

be happy you have your leaderboard rank for tournament only – thats all you need
btw. most people in this game dont even know there is a leaderboard

have a nice day

(edited by Romek.4201)

Congrats [SYNC] for NA tourney win

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


now bring the new shop item:

The Miniteldo
making sounds from this video

i would so buy it^^

(edited by Romek.4201)

Solo Q leaderboard predictions

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


most people which are now in leaderboards farmed it with premade vs SoloQers^^

even when watch top 100 teamstreams they get 50% of the time randomteams – so will see

edit: oh and when we have finaly a real SoloQ you will see a new Phenomen in the forum: The Elohell^^

(edited by Romek.4201)

Leveling in spvp? Please.......!

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


why is it an problem for people like you mr Archaon when other people have fun with something you dont like?

sry but not people having fun in hotjoin is a problem in this game – it is people thinking like you

Mesmers - only taken for their utilities?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


dps potential never changed – mesmer still do very high burst AOE damage and this on very low cooldown

people dont use mesmer in tournaments cuase they get easy shutdown from s/d thief or necro or even s/d ele can oneshot them

How to make warr an alternative to guards

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


no this would not work

atleast not when buff so much defensives on warrior to can make them a bunker cause warrior has best offensive power ingame

ye i know not realy vialbe in tournaments but it would be even more overpowered than the necro when just give warrior so much bunker tools and not nerf the power
for it

so to not be only negative^^ they can give them CDs like:
get 10 sec 50% lower dmg but do 10sec 50% lower dmg

edit: spells like this should be much more ingame on all classes – the biggest nukes should give some negative effects and the other way around

(edited by Romek.4201)