you cant remove hotjoin – it should be improved with features , maps and modes
because YOU and some others like to play competive you cant break the game for it – gw2 still is an mmo and so are they players still an mmo playerbase
ye arenanet baitet some PVPers for e-sport with wrong advertising at release but in an mmo their are alot players which jsut wanna pvp and they dont care for leaderboards or whatever
we have ppl in guild which dont even know their are leaderboards but they do hotjoins from time to time
this attitude from op will not help the playerbase – and its jsut wrong design in the beginning to make an mmo and trie to copy league of legends for the pvp^^
we would have soooo much more player would arenanet just add in hotjoin something like alterac valley from wow or arathi or hutball from swtor or …… all this what MASSES wanna play + add some usefull rewards like backpack or pets or pvp(wvw) gear or “+%xp + %gold +%glory +%mf” as accountarchievment with new system for something like glory ……. and so on
you cant delete the MMO-Playerbase for pvp in an mmo and just suppourt the e-sport ppl cause it will fail – their will be no new ppl, noone will watch the stream(like we alraedy have), the e-sport ppl will be bored fast and quit + playerbase even lower …… and so on
arenanet should start to supourt the “casual” and “mmo” pvpers with fun …. not with e-sport
they dont have time for this – they need to make more “living storys”
they are “worth” to use it and are very effective and effect multiple players and not only from engi
Ele have most combofields available and all classes can do some fields
maby you should check in wiki heres the link
teams use alot combofields – most used are water light fire smoke and now poison and they are all very important in fights
ye maby in randomplay you will not finish the fields from other players cause reactionstime is to low, before you see their is a field it is gone – but in teamplay/teamfights the players should always say (ts) when cast a field so everyone know
in spvp is a lot use from combofields or finishers – dont know how you can think so^^
i agree their are some useless finishers in some combofields noone ever care about BUT ALL classes have some combofields or finishers they need and have to use
like engineer smokefield. Or since patch i need on my engi on elixiergun #5 for lightfield + projectile finisher to clean conditons
or firefield with blastfinisher most used combo in spvp pve or wvw^^ to stack might – s/d ele would not work without this – dont know why you wanna change this
how i said i agree some are useless like most leap or whirlfinisher but projectile and blast are fine
edit: but i agree on your #1 – duration from most combofields is too short
(edited by Romek.4201)
no michael there wasnt so many nerf threads before – you should scroll a bit before you write something like this
atm situation is just bad and its normal so many ppl are frustrated and rage about
dont work
a mesmer with illus, a ranger with pet and maby spirits or mm necro would make teamfights a hell
for this the dmg reduce on aoe should not be affected from ai mobs running around, only from players it hit, than maby it works
you will get this glorybooster and the other pvp rewards from pvp archievments not pve ones
forsaker – why you dont play than engi anymore and you are back to necro now? cause they patched you the skill now or wtf you are talking bout?
automate response got nerfed and dont help vs necro – not even in 1v1 and elixer C? serious? 40 sec cd to convert all condis to boons which necro just need to corupt boon again?
sry to break your bubble but you can change complete team to counter necro and you will not counter the necros
even guardians, THE MOST BALANCED class how arenanet says, die in teamfights to this condicleave and are not even focused.
no its not your skill which skyrocket last patch and no its not all the players not playing necros which are bad now since last patch
(edited by Romek.4201)
no its not hard to get 5 legendarys you only need to dualwield creditcards, farm brainafk mobs in orr, or make gold from AH and buy it
AND you will not buy items or whatever with archievment pointz – it will be like this event archievments where you get a chest for some special archievments or an amount special archievments. Would be stupid to make archievment pointz a currency^^
tried SoloQ yesterday again for 2 Matches and started to rage again^^
2x vs premade with 3 necro and the other 2 necro
lost both
but the strange part is in leaderboards i became +2% for 2 loses – sry but matchmaking and leaderboards in this game are jsut broken and a joke
PVE Player or WwWers dont go sPVP cause they get NOTHING for what they play for
no armors or weapons for outside mists – they dont care how they look in mists cause its just a cheap teleportroom from pve → lionsarch
they dont get gold or t6 mats or orichalcum or all the other things they get while playing pve or wvw and what they need to farm/grind when wanna have a legendary or some other cool looking pve weapons
for pve players the sPvp just interupts their playroutines – spvp is a game in the game and a frustrating/anoying one
arenanet dumped down the game a lot in pve and wvw – its casual mode all the way – you cant even die from mobs in starterzones or you dont need to care for build in higher zones – just click somwhere and spam your buttons and you can play the game – alot pveguys love this (i think^^) and its a shock when the mob dont die just from spam button #1 + everything not on cooldown
but in shortversion – spvp is just a waste of time for pve playerz
thats all^^
i would soooo mute it^^ – dont wanna hear all the random spam
just come from a soloQ match with 3 necros in enemy team facerolling everything
Dear arenanet
This game is NOT fun anymore – it is frustrating and anoying like hell.
And to hear from your dev in state of the game “ye necro is op and will be nerfed but we patch only 1x per month” is just disheartning – this should be HOTFIXED days ago.
A 5 year old can see whats wrong
Game was more balanced before patch – ppl even said was best balance ever
its just silly to bring in a somehow “balanced” meta MORE Conditions without more conditionremovers and change it completly
chance now is lower to remove the bad condition with your “limited” condition removers cause 1 new condition + everyone and their dog spam conditions
game is not more balanced now cause noone can do anything vs conditionspam with their tools – only way to survive is burst the enemy before you are dead – gr8 gamedesign rly
their are not enough condiremove tools on all classes to can have a fair fight – its just not fun
edit: even pro guardians (the ones playing your e-spooooooooooooort tournaments^^), the class devs say is most balanced since release, think now bout classchange cause cant bunker anything and are useless on point – lol a lot teams even play now dps only or have 2 necros in team^^
(edited by Romek.4201)
no changes – its normal
SoloQer just dont press the button “Join Solo” anymore cause its anoying like hell
they just dont play the tournaments anymore (like me) or go only premade to farm SoloQers too (but they get more premades now too^^)
it will be like this til arenanet bring real SoloQ – in 2014 or 15 or something – devs are bussy they have to do living story crap now all 2 weeks
so for you – DONT JOIN SOLO ANYMORE and let it die fast – maby arenanet wake up someday when no canonfodder for premades fix the Qtimes
(edited by Romek.4201)
Dirame you even read what other ppl write here?
IT MAKES ENGI NOT IMUN it reduce the duration by 100%
so for you – everything you throw on the engi makes still dmg and ALL conditions have their first tick
now relax and stop your hate
it is NO imunity – seriously
you write just to write something? Dont even get your point – wanna say engi is op now? engi to strong?
get some fresh air
For the normal player tournaments are just boring after 2 or 3 times. The first tournaments i saw all – now i dont even care when they are.
There are always the same teams and nooone rly know what they fight for or whos the best now cause they won this but lost last tournament and so on.
AND the top teams dont have faces – only paradigm in EU ppl know and whatch and all the others are just teamnames.
than seriously this caster – helseth – never invite this guy again^^
(edited by Romek.4201)
they should remove the button where you can choose red or blue and make YOUR Team random like it was before. When wanna play in a team go customarena (could give customarena finaly some sense) or Tournament but dont farm new player in the ground on their first steps so they quit before they see whats going on.
I saw this sooo often – i even saw top teams farming randoms as a full team on spawn (The Morticans – i made screenshots) thats just lame and very bad for the game.
And classtacking in pvp games ALWAYS show which class is op atm – its a golden rule
and it is NOT ONLY necro – thats the new guy now but go and make 20-30 hotjoins in a row and you will see 5+ thiefs (saw matches like 8 thiefs vs 5 thiefs )per team or 3-4+ mesmers
I am testing this trait since patchrelease to find something to can fight all this necros and condispam we have atm. And guess what? It just fails.
Sure sometimes there is a necro running for his life when target not die instant and fail kitten being OP. But seriously – just dont stop to hit the Engi with all your Buttons and he die fast cause 25% is lower than 5k hp and this even with autoattacks.
Whining bout a Engi or a trait from Engi or any other class as Necro in the Current balancing situation is just a joke
saw some beasty warriors in hotjoins in last days which was very hard to kill^^ but ye most normal warriors are still bad and will soon reroll necro cause they fit them better
there it should be somewhere or soon^^
atm necro is more an problem but ye i agree – this game would be much more balanced would arenanet just delete necro thief and mesmer – pvp would shine
vicious just stop – it isnt even more funny to read what you write
watch the replay from tournament yesterday – pradigm destroyed all the teams with 2 necros and they dont played vs noobs – this was TOP TEAMS
after tournament they even said they dont used any tactic or strategie they just went to the node and said to the necros kill something – done
seriously – just stop – even a 5 year old would understand how broken the game is atm
just give each team in tournament the option to ban 1 class
would fix it fast^^
you posting in the wrong forum – in spvp we dont have food or funitems or whatever
not many here care rly bout wvw cause its just pve´ing mobs played by ppl
have a nice day
would be same when they do “custom fractals” or “custom dungeons” for PVEers – would you pay for it?
just wtf – this should be basic features and is NOT what arenanet wrote before they released guildwars2. To rent a custom arena is more stupid than a subscription fee – atleast there you know how much you have to pay for the game when you buy the game.
“I’m really curious about how many people QQing about terror have stability and stun breakers in their builds,”
Engi´s dont have stability or viable stunbreakers in a usefull build anymore
1) a timeline for soloQ in months – when we will “maby” have it
*because they dont need to make new code for it we already have it ingame now with normal tournaments when they would disable groupjoin – so whats so hard to implement it?
2) can we have more aftercast cleaning plz? this make spells just sooooo more fun @jumpshot
3)how bout bringing new gamemodes for hotjoin only? Cause areanet guys said they had alot more modes in alpha/beta but decided to go with only one for balancing reasons. How about bring them in for your playerz to can have some fun and let the ones we have for tournaments only?
4)let PVPers craft pets^^ – the blue ones and maby pets only craft in pvp but can sell them in pve
5) i would love to have better combatlog and maby analyze tool
6) plz rethink CC´s ingame – in beta you guyz had the philosophie “very short CC´s” cause ppl dont like to be CC´d forever
*special new necro fear´s, MOA
(edited by Romek.4201)
dont even know why ppl buy this – when i look atm EU (ok it isnt primetime) than i see there maby 100+ “public” server but only in 4-5 are 2 or 3 ppl
alot buy this to be cool or just to have one and in reality noone ever will use this – waste of gems
necro was strong(very strong) before patch – the only thing they needed was something to can avoid a fight so enemy dont zerg the necro down
they dont needed a buff in dmg and this will never stay how it is atm or necro will be the first banned class on tournaments^^
when 5 from 8 per team are same class in hotjoin you can be sure this class is op^^ – golden rule
they will be cheaper soon^^
in beta nearly 80% from this customarenas was empty cause noone used it and it will be the same with this payed arenas in next months.
atm there is some hype cause its new and everyone wanna have one to have one but soon most from them will see they are useless and they buy for nearly half the gameprice nothing they could not do in hotjoins.
yes there are “some” teams which rly need this and for them it is designed/thought but its an “arrow to the knee” from arenanet to bring something like this in there “dieing” pvp scene. this will not bring more teams or players to gw2pvp – wasted resources – again
Quote: “let’s hope they’ll have it finished for next month.”
thats simple too long
they dont have to make new code for this its alraedy ingame – look at tournaments now and think what would we have when they just disable teamQ on it?
ye right – THE SoloQ everyone want
they only need to copy the Tourament thingie
they have it there but they just dont care
there are not much SoloQ players anymore and everyday more players just stop pressing this “join solo” button cause to do so is so frustrating
the baddest game experience you ever will have cause arenanet dont care about you and abuse you to be cannonfodder for premade teams so the premade teams can have matches
they say they will fix it – SOMEDAY – but dont hope there priorities are not on pvp^^
@op the problem is not the hgh ingi than the problem is you and your team
just dont stay all on one point and eat the grenades – simple
attack the hgh ingi first and he run for his life, he have only elixier s (makes him 3 sek imun) and nothing more
and you are necro ey? coruptboon him – he should have a lot boons most of the time
when you rly talk bout a TEAMfight than dont go all and rez – one is enough and the others kill the ingi (maby reflect wall from guardian? moa him? make the thief go stickie on ingi and he will delete the ingi after 10 matches)
but i bet you was solo on a node rezzing someone and thought with your imba minionmasterthing you outtank everything ey?
next will be somthing like t-shirts (town clothes) in gem shop with “e-spoooooooooort” + another archievment grind for 4 weeks (pve) and they will call this “big pvp patch” and “we hear what you guys want” and “someday” and "yes soloQ aehm ye someday soon …….priority /lol "
ye i think thats the next
no its not worth – you waste your time
but sad to read this tread from the start – arenanet? you there?
@prozon – all you ranked “teamplayers” are there cause you guyz farmed randoms and SoloQers
see what i did?
plz stop being an elitist and think you are the pro cause you are ranked in a leaderboard showing only who farmed better the RANDOMS
edit: when theres 1 guy in top 25 and did this rly with random pugs than he can be proud about – YOU would never archieve something like this
oh man the new condition goes to thief and mesmer too^^ lol
a condition making higher dmg when moving – ye thats what they need
Matchmaking in gw2 is baddest i saw in any game and i played a lot. Not even blizzard would let be solo players cannonfodder for premade teams. Thats insane. And Arenanet dont even care bout – they said they will fix it but look at the news – useless spectator and customarenas noone ever will use others than topteams for training or tournaments.
no news to soloQ so no hope for me – i just dont care for spectatormode or private arenas, im a normal player and dont need this
tried today again soloQ and 5 matches in a row vs premade and one was vs a team with 2 ppl from team IDL and 1 from Chieftain ninjas all rank 50-60 and top 20 leaderboards. im on 70% and my team was max rank 30. lost any hope in this game^^
edit: @primtime EU
(edited by Romek.4201)
lol you cant say cause teldo can beat it its fine^^
teldo is a very skilled player and atm the best 1v1 player out there – he beat just everyone on stream 1v1 and he won this 1v1 tournier
he even win sometimes 1v2 in stream or 1v3 and you cant say cause HE (Teldo) do this ingi is OP cause nearly all ingis i saw till now with this teldo build failed hard.
So plz stay on earth
edit: but the other way most thiefs i saw till now with the jumper build could easly kill ppl just with spam 3
(edited by Romek.4201)
warrior is fine and will be op after they trie to fix it for the masses
this map would be sooooo perfect without the water^^
just make a big wall around the water so ppl have only 2 base nodes and actual have to meet in mid for teamfights – sounds fun for hotjoin ey?
I dont like this fat emo´s, so plz no
thief need another resource, maby called “exhausted” and all spells give +10 or something like this and max is 100 (per sec this resource lowered by 5)
pressing 2x SAME spell give double pointz (3x triple and so on)
when reach 50% they lower initiative regen by 50%
when 75% they lower initiative regen by 75%
and 100% give 0 initiative regen + slow the thief for 10 sec than the resource reset complete
something like this would fix this brainless spam and would give them a skillcurve with no skillcap
or just higher the initiative cost from most spells^^
The combat is just not made for viewers (or polished for this)
infight too much useless visuals and not the important things
gw2 teamfight is 99,99% information explosion from everything and even the player by themself ignore whats going on and just fokus on the fokus^^ and spam all they have on the marked target or rez the player they heared in teampseak he is down – not saw by themself
arenanet need to remove most spelleffects from useless spells noone care bout and need to highlight the important things
noone will watch a game when cant see whats going on – and how the heck can they focus on esport and spectate when dont even the players (lower than rank 200^^) see whats going on in a teamfight
to make it short
the pros in this thread here say knowing more bugs than your enemy is skill and they call this ESPORT