because english isnt my mother tongue, but anyway i see you are just wasting of time so have fun with whatever
(edited by Romek.4201)
there was prices in this tournaments and still alot different builds and most viable
“Please try and think about it for just a moment.”
always this “i think it would not work” “i believe its like this” ….. wtf?
edit: and when somthing would be OP or chees in a 3v3 or 5v5 than it is the same as it would be in conquest like now cause there we have always fights like this somewhere
(edited by Romek.4201)
objectives are anoying and boring after a while when only have this
often i just go in and wanna … ya know? … PVP
and dont care for a node or where my team goes or a stupid trebuchet or pve mobs … and so on
Maby watched a 1v1 tournament when they was on stream? way more interssting and funny than all the other tournaments where most ppl dont even understand whats going on. And MUCH MORE VIABLE AND DIFFERENT BUILDS per class
AND – who would have a problem when a match is 2-3 min only?
Care for stupid bunker builds? …. simple fix make timelimit and when noone wins at end both teams have a lose
or just remove heal amulets
(edited by Romek.4201)
Hi Evan
I have 2 questions for you
1. Is it we cant get a new gamemode cause there is no “infrastructure and more extensible systems” made for this in first hand BUT you work on something like this and we can see in future somehow more modes and more often?
2. Can you describe us how much work it is for you guyz (the steps) to make a new map from idea till implementation?
Maby than we have a idea how much work you guyz have to do^^
Or i realy realy realy wanna know how you arenanet guyz make armorskins and how much work it is.
plz tell^^
and this is somehow in conflict with what i wrote?
stop wasting my time and move on
no i dont care who is nr1 or has most pointz or whatever
im just anoyd bout the nonsense you “sfr” guyz spam all day here in forum
now that sfr has the ppl to blob around all day this pvd is serious bussines or what? i remember when sfr was wining all day in forum or even dont fight to get easier enemys^^
Wemil grow up – noone rly care bout this – we did it months ago and it has nothing to do with skill or whatever dream makes you wet
i saw this week (and weeks before) some rly good guilds on sfr like con and iddqd but its a shame whats this server became and skill has no room to shine on sfr anymore – everywhere you initiate a fight runs some other “brainless” hordes in spamming #1 to get wxp + kills+ bags and whatever
sry mr. wemil but noone kitten care bout what you r doing – we even laugh bout
have a nice day
I dont play to save myself from being banned cause i rage alot last 1-2 months bout all this cheese.
too much hardcounters in a gamen ot designed to have hardcounters
warriors counter spirit ranger engi necro
s/d thief facerolls necro engi
engi facerolls guardians + everything on a node with no stabi
necro facerolls complete enemy team on a node (or just everything^^)
ranger is ranger^^
and so on
this balance team goes always the easy way to balance something and make this game even more worse
IT IS NOT A GOOD THING to give a not so good class a HARDcounter vs something whats op – this makes game only anoying
just nerf the op crap first
“22. While participating in Plaver-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith, a.k.a leeching.”
so PLEASE disable Skyhammer until you find how you can remove this Exploiting.
I cant understand how you, Mr. Arenanet can wait for so long when know whats going on.
We have lots custom arenas (EU) advertise this Skyhammer farming and ppl do this all day.
This map have to be disabled and this asap.
People alraedy quitting cause the only thing what they earned in over a year in this pvp was there rank and they worked hard for – but now every Bob can farm it in some days without even PVPing.
YOU Mr. Arenanet say atm to all your PVPers they have wasted all their Time.
Even in SoloQ ppl dont want this map cause clearly no competive map and bugs everywhere
Mr. Arenanet you even care bout?
hard for me to understand what you trie to say^^
i wrote not complete sfr is running away – no – i wrote complete sfr is running in a blob like zombies on drugs crieing out loud “POOOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIINTZZZZZZZ” and PVD 24h
i wrote your Solo Playerz do it but i guess i should paint a picture for you so you can understand
and @DarkieDuck
wtf is an “good EB Player”? – tell me plz
Most skilled enemys in solo play i found on piken.
SFR ppl are all the same zombies – #1 spamming staff guardians, should you find one outside from a big monsterblob, running straight to you and use all utilities + virtues same time and after 10 sec they jump like naked rabids to their zerg^^ – ALWAYS.
And never saw so much phantasm mesmers before. Spawning all the AI-mobs and running for their life – seriously.
calm down guyz you dont get more skill while talking bout – show it^^
until now – sfr is just the multinternational vizunah, boring to fight and running for everything like a zombie but not calling brains – they call “Poiiiiiiiiiintzzzzzzzzzz”
plz anet lock this guyz with vizunah in a special league
(edited by Romek.4201)
push – still a problem
atm we even have overflow in cursedshore on elona because there run 2 zergs around even with comander farming champions
i wait now 15 min to can farm ori^^
edit: or make orispots same on all servers and all event timers for world bosses same so we can kill this on overflows too
no – its just imbalanced
thats why all you guyz farm it
when everyone and there dog farm only 1-2 spots in game because thats the most profitable and ignore all the content we have like worldbosses, dungeons, fractals, JPs , WvW ….. than there is something wrong with this 1-2 spots and they have to be nerfed
simple logic
why you should have more than the players which actual playing the game while you playing like a bot farming clearly bugged champs? Or should they rly die in 2-3 seconds? and spawn faster than normal mobs?
all this unique champions out in the world need higher respawn time like 15+ minutes
(edited by Romek.4201)
before insult all players on elona and call them bad playerz in solopvp show how good you are before – thx
how comes you was never ranked when you r so a godlike pvper?
have fun
(edited by Romek.4201)
plz nerf this farming – champions are special mobs and its insane ppl spamfarm this and kill them in 2-3 seconds
we have overflow on elonareach in the morning even 50min before jormag spawn – alot ppl guesting on elona to farm champions (same with this dolly bug event in cursed shore)
plz do something bout – thx
Cant watch helseth – hes whining all day bout everything. He has some verbal skills but thats all – at the end its just whining
i like:
1. Ostrich Eggs (cant understand why he has so low viewercount on his own channel – he is just cool)
2. Countless (i always wanna play mesmer when i watch him^^ and hes a real entertainer)
3. Lilly …… dont know name but its a guardian^^ (saw him only 1x streaming on this channel and loved him)
4. Denshee (but only with Vanish in ts^^ )
5. Phantaram (but guess he dont stream anymore)
i wish:^^
1. Azshene (the channel guy said azshene will stream there and i still wait )
2. Xerrex ( this guy need attention for playing the worsed builds ingame but winning everything^^)
3. Teldo (who dont wanna see Teldo?)
dont like:
1. way tooo much thief (anoying^^)
it cost not 200g lol – i even made gold^^
there is no time gating to craft to 500
you can go 400-425 with jsut smelting oricalcum and after this discover recipes and sell the exo
you dont even need alot money for this
or just do what players should do in a game and play the game so you get ascendent crafting materials just from everwhere and refine them for cheap from 450+
(edited by Romek.4201)
OP you sound like ppl from gw2guru ….. mad bout everything without using brain
info for you …. it isnt rly cool anymore to bash games just to bash games …. it isnt even more funny
in before 20+ posts from warriors saying you are bad you need to poison your target and regeneration is fine
there was some pilosophie in classdesign ages ago – something like when be good in 1 thing you have to be bad in others
like engi the king of knockbacks but dont have stability or guardians best bunker but cant do damage or “old” warrior highest damage ingame but squishi as hell
dont know why warrior now have to be tanky and still have the highest damage + best CC ingame on par with necros and alot stability
something is wrong here
(edited by Romek.4201)
engi useless too^^
throw grenades in enemyzerg …. bam …. engi dead
this build even need lower skillcap than spiritranger
run in – press 3 and 5 from longbow for the aoe than go on hammer and press whatever is not on cd
they r not suishy
trie it
berserker amulet and hammer + longbow – you kill everything 3 hits and nothing hurts you
probuild – realy
here the build;1NK-Q0f4cL-60;9;59T-T;13;0287;157AC-F6;2KJG4KJG45Bg
just smash face on keybord – dont need more
healing signet + this healreg traits is more than op and make warrior with berserker amulet more tanky than a bunker guardian
plz dont forget to FIX this
(edited by Romek.4201)
thx jon for this posts
and for DT i did on weekend with my guild this guildmission thingies and maaaan there was so many cool maps where i was going like “boah this would be so cool for team deathmatch”
like this map in ascalon somewhere, where you have to random pick some weapons and put it on statues. This map would be so nice for 5v5 team deathmatch.
plz do this someday^^
dont need to merge – theres enough players at any given time 24h a day
we need only 3 things asap in spvp :
1.) better reward system
*this means not only glory things or armorskins for playing – i talk bout rewards for being in leaderboards
*simple fixes to what we have atm – salvaging chests are sooo anoying – remove skins from them and do mats in OR remove the asking for when i wanna salvage a item
2.) more gamemodes – very important
(dont need to be competive – funmodes would be ok too atm)
3.) balance and faster reaction on problems – and there should be NOTHING in and out of the game holding back a balancing patch or hotfix for any balancing problem
- we all know necro do to much dmg and other things
bring vanish on stream^^
SFR will see sooooo many transfers soon …. but guess thats normal for them already^^
i like the news with the magicfind essences and i realy love to finaly have something to work for on my account besides archievements
But will be magicfind the only thing or will we see more in future?
Maby something like transmute magicefind essences to other ones?
like: (10 to 1)
*transmute 10 mf essences with 3 Drops of Liquid Karma
*transmute 10 mf essences with 3 foods with +10% exp on it
*transmute 10 mf essences with something you can buy with 3 badges of honor
*transmute 10 mf essences with 3 Arcane Orb
*transmute 10 mf essences with something you have to buy from vendor for 3 silver
Something like this would be realy cool to have in future and when you guyz dont thought about than plz see this as sugestion
thx for your time
and what everyone think bout?
(edited by Romek.4201)
sounds same as state of the game – sry but noone need a copy rly
everyone know the problems and the streamers talk about when they stream – what they should talk about?
idea to make a show is ok i guess but dont copy sotg (sotg without devs noone care)
but maby you can make a show with 3-4 ppl talking about simple things for new players like:
- specialisations like bunker, debunkering, roamer etc – why , whe, whatever
or make comunity-matches (paradigm did this months ago and was coolest thing i did when i was new^^)
invite 5-6 “star” players on a custom map and make 8v8 with viewers
trust me – thats cool for the viewers to fight the “heros”^^
- there was xeph,azshene,teldo, jumper and others and man was it cool to fight with and vs them
we dont need another sotg
seriously? who cares for finishers?
bring unique armor skins per season for the best – and same for spvp too – to show off
finishers? lol
Best gear obtained by the worst activities
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Romek.4201
things like liadri should give this weapons
lets write a letter to there bosses and lets ask to make the PVP DEVS playing this kitten conquest mode 8h per day for a month with META BUILDS
maby than they understand
(edited by Romek.4201)
won most games with invading farpoint at start – me solo or with another guy from team when someone listen
its nearly 100% win cause enemy team most playerz have no brain and run mid all day and until they decide to help close we already have 100+ pointz
AND suppourt builds are wasted spots in soloQ @stunwarriorz^^
AND dont care for META or what ever this teamplayerz call is not viable – i had matches with 2 mesmers in team or 2 eles or 3 warriors and we stomped the enemy – out of meta buildz work in soloQ and they do fine cause most time enemy dont know how to handle it (but you need to play it good^^)
look at xerrex – top 2 soloQ in EU atm and he play worsed builds ever – but it works^^
his stream with his builds:
yesterday i saw him playing a staff ele and he won like 10 games or something
sry lighter but you are wrong here
its not “only mid” you have 3 nodes and when you fight 4v5 in mid all day than you and your 3 mates do it wrong because there is somewhere a free cap and you could have 2 nodes without even fighting for it and enemy would have to split
dont fokus on mid all day
they should make the team random again when match start like it was months ago
its no wonder there are no new playerz anymore when they get farmed only
and ppl dont do it for glory – they farm ranks
it is cool because it is temporary
i can remember last time we had this it was very funny the first week but after this it was boring/anoying and ppl just speedfarmed the chests all day
noone would go in anymore when he can have this everyday
Plz ask why they think its a good idea to have kitten skyhammer in soloQ
aslong they r good designed and have something to do with competive gameplay i would love to have them in Solo/TeamQ
but i just cant stay this bull…… where a pet can randomly fear me to death or everyone play stupid knockback/stability builds and dont even can pvp with this – just knock ppls to death
even blizzard would not bring such a joke
thats like giving the players pistols in a soccer game
looks like you guyz fixed rotation and now i dont get Temple anymore but this kitten Skyhammer map all day
even in streams i watch they get 80% Skyhammer – you realy think we have fun with this?
this blows my mind how you guyz even can think this is a good idea to put such a troll map in rotation for a competive mode with ladder
i stop soloQ now until this is fixed
(edited by Romek.4201)
+9000 what TGslasher said^^
let them burn in hell
i had yesterday 3 stunwarriorz + 1 powerranger in 1 team on rank 300 – this warriors said they give teamsuppourt
i start to not care anymore^^
first: leaderboards should give something so ppl care and wanna be in leaderboards
like reset per month (ranking – not the matchmaking)
and top
1 – Unique Title
1-10 gems +gold + Archievement with 50 archievment pointz( repeatable so can make every month) + maby unique skin
10-100 Archievement with 25 pointz + whatever
100-1000 Archievment with 10 pointz + whatever
and you have to play atleast 10 games per week to get rewards at the end of the month
simple – and it would give playerz something to play for
1000+ nothing
How about Retaliation?
They said 2 SotGs before Retaliation will be looked at so will not punish alot Builds more than others
like Grenades in WvW will kill the engi himself
how often you guyz wanna post this in this forum?
upload to youtube or dont watch – twitch just to bad for this^^
oh ye was my problem very often
and best for this would be a replay how adam said in second post. And i dont think this would be hard for Arenanet to make. The basis for this they have already with spectating they just need to make it save the data on the players harddisk and done.
they dont need to save this on their servers – just let us save the game while playing ( maby last 20 games?)
(edited by Romek.4201)
dont jump in soloQ when you are new – this guyz saying “go in and learn the game there” dont know what they talking bout
your first 10 games you get a higher mmr and when you lose your first 10 games in soloQ you will have a hard time to ever come back
look on the hotjoin npc on the filter options – there are a lot 5v5 games and this is best to start in spvp (8v8 is to zergy). It doesnt matter when you do something wrong and it will not affect bad your gameplay for later when you think you are ready for it.
Go in and do some 5v5 and test a lot + learn the maps – best you can do