Showing Posts For Roybe.5896:

When do u expect the lvl cap be raise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Short answer: Never.

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: Roybe.5896


As far as post lengths go, a word limit would be fine….knowing that there’s a limit brings about concise discussion.

2: How are we going to chose topics moving forward, for example, by votes or by Anet choosing them etc?
Using the in-game poll system you had in the BETA. Let the player base decides and not the small forum active players. By using the in-game beta polls you would also encourage players to go to the forums if the selected topic is amongst their interests.

This, dear god, make this happen. By putting the effort into this, the whole gaming community will be involved in the choice of topics..and the choice of topics can be chosen from what the forum community thought would be important and Anet can add their own same number of choices based on their own criteria of importance…but ultimately it really does become the choice of the community on what to focus on.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Roybe.5896


I hope I’m not to late…and that this hasn’t been mentioned..if it has relegate this post to the trash heap!

One of the things that I enjoyed the most in GW1 was the way some weapons looked as better quality ones were obtained.

This was not available for every weapon, however, I enjoyed the search for obtaining these items….

Another point to horizontal rewards was the ability to color your own weapons, either to match your outfit…or to display wealth (again in GW1 black or white dyes used for dying you weapons).

71 tequatl kills and no drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Your play experience isn’t gated by mandatory grind. Any grind is optional…I still do not understand this complaint.

Will Gold to Gem costs ever be regulated?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Everyone appears to forget the exchange rate is the relationship between gold and the supply of gems purchased in the store that are available for resale on the market. The shorter the supply of gems, the higher the price. The more supply of gems the lower the price. If people stopped selling their gems on the exchange there would be no exchange.

Also the demand for gems would do the same thing…..high gem demand higher prices, low gem demand low prices. Better timing for purchases will stretch your in game gold.

Yes, one day you might go to the exchange and have a ‘no gems available message’. The mat markets in GW1 used to have this happen all the time.

Why manipulate that?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Roybe.5896


There are countless claims these days in the media that the free market doesn’t work. I don’t really know. Where I have seen them, they seemed to work pretty good, but we don’t have anything of the sort in America. You can’t buy large sodas here, you have oppressive taxes there, specific additives are banned in places, actual food dishes are banned elsewhere. Tariffs on imports and exports, and forbid that you should ever try to compete with a union.
//Portable Corpse

No, we do not have a ‘free market’ In the US these days. Arguably, good in a vast number of ways. Regulations limit damages to society at the cost of lower profits to the company.

We need this since the economic cost of things is not apparent to the final consumer. Unfortunately, we are offshoring these costs and hurting the planet more in a global economic situation with the damages being done further away. Case in point: Love Canal. The environmental damages done by one company caused a large amount of regulation to come about over the disposal of chemicals within the US.

Companies are now dumping these wastes in other parts of the world, and these countries have the corresponding industry and economic growth that goes with it. We have more habitable land, with fewer people affording to live on it here. Choice made, consequence accepted.

Tarriffs are related to ‘dumping’ and regulations. Dumping is basically a companies utilization of excess manufacturing capacity, then selling the created product at a loss in other countries with the goal of increasing their market share ultimately raising the prices to higher levels of profit as competition decreases.

In-country regulations make some goods and services more expensive than imported products from unregulated countries.

It’s all about political choices in the home country to help the local industry and the local economy. Until we all start applying the local lessons learned to the global system, we will continue to exploit all our assets, human and natural, to the detriment of our species. The planet doesn’t need to be saved. It will keep on spinning.

Why manipulate that?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Roybe.5896


You are having a problem understanding the difference between personal gain and the game’s economy, as exemplified by this question:
Why are game written limitations put on all other methods of earning gold and not on trading?
The game has limits on the amount of gains your character can make in a given day. True.

It does this to prevent you from having to much in personal gains/time period. False.

These limits are in place to protect the games economy. True

The game does not place limits on TP transactions, therefore this is unfair to all players because some do not make as much as others.

Wrong conclusion.

The TP does not place limits on the amount of personal gain because the TP has NO effect on the in-game money supply. (The money supply being the most protected thing in ANY well run MMO.)
In other words, by farming champs each player is continually increasing the supplies of things in the game (magically!).

If I buy and sell between myself and another person the transaction has a flat tax applied, and 2 happy people leave, one with in game coin the other with a good or service provided. A removal of coin from the game by the tax, and a trade that neither creates or destroys gold. The fact that one person (on either side of the trade) might have gotten the better of the other is part of trading.
And what of the effects excessive amounts of gold in a very funneled proportiuon of the population have on various item prices?
Now we are into a position of morality and wealth. You can spend your life tilting at this windmill. Many do, and are. Is it moral for those that can manipulate a market to do so? Should we have market regulations in place to prevent this? Does this matter in a game?

I will tell you this much. There is manipulation occurring. It lasts as long as supplies are listed at a rate that a person can purchase the item and maintain profits. It is unsustainable in this game, with possibly the exception of legendaries and precursors. However, if you think either of these prices are artificially high BECAUSE of this, I disagree. This is a simple supply and demand issue. If there were more of these items the price would be lower, or if fewer people wanted them, or people played altruistically, it would be lower.

Can someone hold the market for these items hostage? In a simple answer, no. It is just as easy to make these items as it is to come up with the hundreds, or thousands, in gold needed to purchase them. We can disagree on this point, but realistically, it is true.

So there’s two responses to your two questions, no sidestepping…

Collaborative Development Topic- Game Modes

in CDI

Posted by: Roybe.5896


As far as mini-games, where’s the mini pet fighting ring? And/or the Asuran polymock game/arena.

As far as PvP I’d like to see AB’s come back and GvG.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Ok, my 2 cents.

The razing of the forests in Kessex, the destruction of the abandoned housing…winners. Do not bring them back by copy pasta-ing them back after the event, this makes some of the other environmental changes from GW1 to GW2 understandable.

I’m on the fence about Scarlet. I am hoping the story arc will tie the whole together, but am coming to the end of my patience in the wait. The story writing has brought out some interesting characters, good and bad, however, the expectation of players is that there should be some way to see the ending by careful attention. (ex. The Sixth Sense had a surprise ending, but if you paid careful attention there were hints in the movie as to what it was. The worst case of the withholding of information in storytelling is the Sherlock Holmes series…)

I have enjoyed the volatility of the LS. If I miss something, the game is unapologetic about that. Would I like to see some historical information left behind to get a flavor of what happened? Of course. That is what lore is about. It was frustrating to not see the Lion’s Arch lighthouse go down..more frustrating was trying to find information about what happened…yes, a shout out to the community did get the information, but after the immediacy, a little NPC interaction could have made the lore findable for those missing the event.

Things that are just plain bad:

Why should we be required to read a short story outside the game to find out lore based information? How about a newspaper in game that is delivered to your mail box? Or two, one from the Black Lion Trading Company and one from the Consortium. Opposing views of the same situation. Another option is dialog, since cut scenes cost money, adding dialog to NPC’s, that can be sleuthed from the newspaper articles, can fill in more of this type of information…leading to more integrated role playing and deeper ownership of the storyline to the player.

Gating LS content behind achievements. I have not had a problem finishing enough to get to the rest of the story, but I can definitely see how this is a problem for a lot of players. I feel that THIS does go against the idea of ‘no grind’. It was obvious before release that there was going to be long term objectives that would require ‘grind’, but there was a promise that there would not be a ‘requirement’ to do this grind to be able to play all the content competitively. This needs to be stopped, and never revisited.

I do thank you all for taking the time to attempt to fix the issues, we as players want fixed, and the hard work that is required in keeping this beast in control. Good luck and I’ll see you in game.

Azalea Crupp
Yak’s Bend

Can we stop Scarlet Briar?

in Living World

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Still hoping for a Neo/Matrix moment where on some level she knows that the world is completely programmed and all her actions stem from the idea of ‘freeing everyone’ from predetermination. Or we could just kill her because she’s ‘evil’.

Thoughts on Scarlet

in Living World

Posted by: Roybe.5896


I think the disapointment that people feel with Scarlet is related to the fact that we know very little about her, and cannot understnad how her grasp of reality (or lack thereof) is causing her ‘evil’ acts. We want a proper ‘why’ to dislike her. Personally, at this point in the story, I feel that’s uneccessary. Think of it in real life terms. Some crazy leader attacks and begins destroying another country. Many people feel the moral outrage, but none, immediately, band together to protect and rescue the ‘unkowns’…this is where we are in the story currently.

We do not know the reasons for these attacks, so many would be ambivalent about chasing these attacks down and rescuing the locals (if it wasn’t for the phat lewt). So currently many feel that the character of Scarlet is ‘shallow’ and ‘poorly developed’. I agree on both points, but that’s more because we shouldn’t know that much about her and we should be ambivalent, or at least confused.

Now where would I like to see this story go? A reveal that the character of Scarlet has decided that nothing is real, since she understands at some basic level that the world she lives in is completely predetermined, nothing one does matters, and that her goal is to do whatever she wants. Not being evil, per se, just amoral. Or even more perplexing, that with only her partial realization she is out to bring awakening (or death) to NPC’s. Of course if she knows a little more, then a lot of her actions trolling the players, makes some sense also (showing up as a boss numerous times during her attacks to run away and fight elsewhere).

Yes, this would be a twist of ‘The Matrix’, but it also fits with where we are in the story now.

Divided playerbase? Let's have an election!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Wouldn’t it be great if those that are ‘casual’ found they were capable of running with those that aren’t and learning new things so they can function better in other groups?

You confuse being casual with being bad. Being ‘casual’ means that you don’t WANT to do hardcore content, not that you’re unable to.

No..I do not. That is apparently your definition. Personally, I believe that casuals WANT to do things, they generally do not have the time to invest to learn systems on their own. Thus, they do not bother. If people can help them, they will learn, and grow more comfortable and everyone will have more fun.

Divided playerbase? Let's have an election!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Wouldn’t it be great if those that are ‘casual’ found they were capable of running with those that aren’t and learning new things so they can function better in other groups?

For those that do not consider themselves casual, take a deep breath, step back, remember how you came up, and help educate those asking for it, rather than ignoring their requests….or worse, ridiculing them.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Roybe.5896


I understand the frustration with the ‘win and leave’ problem..I would only ask that you guys have a little sympathy for the leaders of this event….many times they are in the event all day…most clocking double digit hours. Every attempt to them is a ‘go for a win’ for everyone. If it is early, at least on my server, these people will continue to work for the good of everyone and go again. However, as the day gets long, the effort needed to sustain the energy for the organization and/or rl demands, make it impossible for many to continue….

That being said…I’m hoping that others will step up and learn how to direct the crowd, gain their trust in your servers gameplan and win for others. As has been stated the plan is not hard, the command and control (so that timing is perfected each time) is the hard part. For those wanting more wins…play this often listen to instructions and please get on the IP communication system being used by your server. Knowing how to do the right things is good, but in this event, when to do them is crucial.

Want help taking down Tequatl? How about...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Thanks for the discussion..a few notes:

Common sense isn’t, a few people map chatting that downed get rezzed and dead take the walk back, helps out a lot for people that are used to the way the game is ‘supposed’ to be played. This IS part of team play…helping the team understand the reason for the change in ‘rules’. I understand the neccessity of this, however…not knowing it and being called out during the fight rudely, lost a player for a few runs. Many will not bother to come back. Rude behavior IS a problem and needs to be controlled.

I understand that this is the internet and that stuff happens, just remember though, the insult you hurl today WILL lose you people in the map…do it often enough and you will not be able to complete the event.

Penalizing all mid-lower population servers

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Personally, I feel it takes a full, coordinated map, to succeed. If a server cannot pull the 100+ people to the map..not sure if it’s a population problem..or an engagement problem.

Yak’s seemed to take a while to come to terms with the idea that we were going to be able to do this…I almost did not bother. I decided to make a difference and helped, in a small way, to bring about our success.

Here’s what appeared to work, IMHO.

First find a group to put in the time to bring about success…the 25% marks are good goals. Each time you make a benchmark let people know about the success in LA…they will become interested and start helping to solve the problem.

Decent IP communication program is a must for the ultimate outcome to succeed. Even if it takes a while, people seeing the outcome get better, the coordiantion tighten, will make them want to be on comm and help out.

On communication…professionalism during the event is a must. Immediatley after the event a discussion of what failed and what worked, without blame or concern, except for the chance to fix the issue and get better takes time. Allow that to occur. Research the event from each servers win. Each one gives clues as to how to beat the event. Ego’s cannot clash, they must synergize.

Here’s the video of Yak’s first success. This is the culmination of a number of people organizing, recruiting, and testing, and poking, prodding cajoling and swearing at this event. It was tremendous to beat it…and will continue to be so. Take this as it is given, as one player to another. This isn’t meant to brag (ok a little!), more than it is to try to help out.

Yak's bend strikes!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Roybe.5896


WE beat Tequatl! Awesome fight!

Want help taking down Tequatl? How about...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Lanfear, my point exactly. With the overflow situation it does make this a harder proposition for those there..but still this event takes coordination…not disrepectful play on the field. That, more than anything, will destroy this event on any server that plays that way.

That’s the point of my post. Play like team members or no one will play with you.

Want help taking down Tequatl? How about...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Wargrave..good point…however, there are people that have done this a few times…calling out insults, doesn’t help new players learn what they need to know. If you have to take the time to write out a 10 word insult, a 10 word instruction would be so much more helpful.

Want help taking down Tequatl? How about...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Roybe.5896


helping each other out. Yes this is a timed event and we know that you are doing everything to win. However, taking the time to type insults to those that have died and are waiting for help, shows that you must not be under to much of a time constraint.

How about a little pre-battle discussion to help people understand the situation when the dragon starts up? Like ‘hey if you get downed don’t expect help’…much nicer than what I’ve seen in the game.

Anyway…I’ll try this event each time and hope for some better responses from those ‘in the know’..if not I’ll leave and go do something else. As will others, until you have no choice but to stop playing yourself….

tldr; This is supposed to be a team oriented event…start playing like team members.

Race to disallow people to play another games

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roybe.5896


I would like to point out a misconception that many seem to have. I have always discerned between ‘fun’ grind and ‘unfair’ grind. Unfair grind is grind you have to do to remain relevant in the ‘meta’ AND advance in the PvE portion of the game. In other words the content is gated based on the level/quality of your armor. ‘Fun’ grind is grinding to get what you want because YOU have to have it. This is not unfair as this is YOUR way of having fun. If the grind for stuff isn’t fun then you probably shouldn’t let your desires run your gaming so much…admit you won’t have 100% complete in everything and move on to other things in the game…OR just play with your ultimate goal in mind and collect what you need as you play.

Arenanet NEVER said there wouldn’t be ANY grind, just unfair grind. We knew that legendaries, dungeon armor, etc. were going to take time and effort to collect. This was stated early and often.

As long as they do not require grind to play in any PvE or PvP…there isn’t a problem with the game, just the expectations (no matter how false) of the player themselves.

Farm vs. Achieve vs. answer

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Roybe.5896


I have fallen into this discussion in more than one map…and more than one occasion. I understand the discussion from each side…which made me step back and think about the goal of Scarlet:

’ “I have a great deal of work ahead of me. I don’t know what the world will be when I’m through, but I will very much enjoy finding out. Empires will fall, continents will burn, and when the conflagration is over, I’ll be there to put my stamp on whatever new world this one becomes.”

This character, and her content is made to do one thing. Bring in a conflict that could be so disruptive that the world changes drastically. Isn’t this one of the most basic of conflicts in the MMO world? Satisfication based on rewards? What would happen to the world if these ideas were forced to play against each other?

Interesting thought…and if true:

Well played Arenanet! Well played!

50 foot tall Holo-Kiel

in Living World

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Let’s see. We have a world populated by human interlopers that were transported from their home world to Tyria, with an intervention 250 years or so ago by storm troopers from the future, with homeworld underground dwelling critters that can fold and bend space and time for instantaneous transport for the past 250+ years.

Nope not seeing any reason for a sci fi fantasy conglomeration.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roybe.5896


The Dragon Bash has me nostalgic for Cantha. No more celestial visits. Here’s to hoping to see Cantha in game.

E-Mail Verification Not Sending

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Started getting requests to verify my account having trouble getting into game..e-mails appear to be very slow to arrive. Ticket #130605-001227

On Lottery (RNG) Boxes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roybe.5896


I just wish everyone would stop calling the RNG portion of the game ‘gambling’. It’s not! You buy boxes that are guaranteed to give you in-game items EVERY time you open them. Just like toys in a cereal box. You do not get what you want? Well sit down and eat your cereal.

Gambling means you are at risk to lose your stake (money, chips, pretzel sticks), in other words you are poorer than when you started. In these cases you aren’t. You might not like the ‘toys in the box’, but you still got toys.

Do I agree with RNG…no. I do not, AND I do not support it with my money. However, I do not begrudge those that can afford to buy chests and boxes, and I do not feel a need to be overly protective towards those that want to purchase these items.

On Lottery (RNG) Boxes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Interesting topic and I fall into a pure economic view on it. If people do not support it, then it would fail.

If you are so dead set against the moral failings of RNG, or gambling as some have called it (I’m still not convinced it’s gambling…you always recieve something in the boxes…it might not be what you want, but you recieve something), why not call for a gamewide boycott of gem purchases for a x week period? The decrease in monthly income will show them! (probably not, but hey…what can you say…you tried!)

Or request a refund immediately upon finding out this ‘immoral activity’ was in place? Personally, I haven’t bought a single RNG item…nor will I pay for the privilege to do so. I know it’s a suckers game, even bigger and more obvious than a monthly subscription. I will play the game, buy things from the store that are obtainable outside the boxes, and enjoy the skins others wear because they had the luck of the draw to get them.

BTW….Isn’t a truly democratic system wonderful? Everyone that buys 1 key for a chest has the exact same chance as the next guy to get a great drop.

Character name "G T O" is inappropriate?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Probably ‘inappropriate’ for trademark purposes:

EULA says:

You may not select an Account ID, Account Display Name, NCSOFT Message Board ID, Character ID and/or Team designation that would require any license from any third-party;

GTO is still a trademarked name of GM. (Xerox..although a trade name has become a generic term for making a copy of something, it might be allowed, it might not…hmmm a team of mesmers anyone?)

Screenshot Thread

in Community Creations

Posted by: Roybe.5896


1. LA Pre-Karka
2. Queensdale
3. Infinitarium


In game mail choosing recipient....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Thanks for the responses all. Hope they fix this. I understand you should pick from your friends list, but why should the game pick someone you’ve never talked to, never sent anything to, and hadn’t friended? Seems like there’s a lot of folks dealing with this issue and it would be nice not to have this type of weirdness within the game.

In game mail choosing recipient....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


I am not sure if this is a bug or feature, a quick search did not show up this problem.

I was sending a guild member large quantities (read 9 stacks of items) of crafting items, but the mail system apparently felt it more important to spread my wealth to another random player, who was kind enough to lol at me and say ‘sorry but it sucks to be you’.

I did change the recipients name in the first e-mail from randomly generated to the chosen recipient, but apparently the recipeints name did not change behind the scenes. On the second mail I did forget to check and understand my fault in that matter.

First question: Why does the game choose random names at all?
Second question: Is there a way to prevent this from occurring?

Appease Stinky Cows: Water Bucket Not Working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Worked fine on Yaks Bend last night….3 guildies all did this renowned area.

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Roybe.5896


This issue started last night for me. Yak’s Bend. Crafting started lagging, to the point I clicked to produce 1 item twice because I thought the first click didn’t register. Today been getting the ‘code 7:11:3:189:101’ every 30 minutes or so…

Unabe to send mail to same name/account name

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


I have come up with this same error. The login ID is name.#### and character names is name, less the .####. Both mails come up with an error ‘unable to find recipient’. A respond to email to the player results in mail being sent….

3 Mystery Box minis: 5200 gems/65$ (average)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Veruca Salt or Charley Bucket. Your choice. Move on.

Harati bandit's cabbage garden - invisible wall [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Can we please get a dev response as to whether this is a bug being worked on or it’s not a problem and working as intended (i.e. part of some demonic devs sense of humor, puzzle, etc.) This has been a problem for a while with no response from the team. I know I have personally tried to find a way to get in other than the door…but fail is all I find.

Sylvari Heavy Armour Non-Removable Base Colour (BUG?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Sylvari clothing, by lore, are an extension of their own skin. It makes sense that there will be parts of the armor that will be the same color as your skin shading towards the color dye you have chosen…to me it appears that it’s working as intended…as far as the crashes…I would split that out from the body of this and create or check for the bug elsewhere, as you are making 2 bug reports…good luck.

Odd text bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Had this from beta onwards..cleared up a few patches ago….hope it’s not coming back. Was a small annoyance that kept getting bigger….

Necromancer minions broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Zombies ain’t smart! ;-) Seriously though, the AI does need some tweaking…in general though my level 80 ranger’s pets work nicely if I actively control them using the function keys.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roybe.5896


KITTEN! KITTEN! KITTEN! Ok now let’s see if I can be constructive. Although life constrained my participation in most of the event I enjoyed what I did play, but, really did not get the storyline for parts 1 and 2 since I missed part 1 and couldn’t begin part 2. All I did was jump on a boat and kill karkas. Sorry to see the lighthouse disappear, but even a few NPC’s chatting about the event explaining what happened would be better than looking at the remaining stump and wondering.

Now onto my favorite part of the game. Clipping. That is what I beleieve we call the ‘hiding’ of players from each other so that the game can run. In this event, who thought performacne would be increased so it was ok to clip the enemies out? Or is this an example of server lag…to many people on one server causing the whole game to run poorly?

If the former, uh guys bad idea! I like to know what I’m aiming at and it’s helpful to know who killed me. Basically, all I could do was rez people and spray water everywhere….not sure what melee characters did.

If it’s the latter, again bad form. You have the latest technology in limiting map population, overflow servers. Yet you continue to overestimate the ability of your servers/programming to handle large groups in PvE situations. Please stop! You are killing us (quite literally when discussing in game avatars!). Epic does not mean 40,000 people watching an artistic slide show of numbers and names and downed player symbols, while thinking “Wow! That must have been huge…or a tiny little bunny with a whole lot of damage!” Ugh!

I have no problems with one time events, I bought the game expecting them, however I do expect to ‘catch up on the story’ somehow, preferably through exposition through either activities or NPC interactions in-game, or at worst through lore notes in Wiki.

I did like the new texture rendering system with the damage showing up on the armor over time, but if this was the reason for the failure of the enemy models showing up during the primary event on Sunday, then maybe you need to rethink this idea.

Finally, no rewards for those that played the entire event and disconnected as the chest appeared: Really? Another bug causes someone to not recieve their reward? Please get these people their goodies…quickly. Some of these people are not happy, for some reason, and are saying bad things about the game!

Harati bandit's cabbage garden - invisible wall [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Same problem, Yaks Bend Server.

Arc Lightning...Nice skill, but....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


it fails to ‘disengage’. Any time I attack with this skill, the animation fails to end on the death of a mob or use of another skill. I can get it to stop by switching attunement.

Monster invulnerable bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


I have noticed this occurring with large frequency. Been playing in Queensdale, helping a new player. No apparent reason mobs go invulnerable.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Mindex…so your whole guild already had every piece of armor they wanted, every legendary collected for and manufactured? Glad to see you’re so HC!

I for one am not happy that there is a possible new power structure emerging. For two reasons, this game is about equality of time and power. You make a choice, time or money, but in the end whichever you decide on no one can beat the game, or another player, just by looking at them.

Second, this is has been an explicit covenant between AN and its playerbase, optional grind only and no geartreadmill. In one description (from a German translation of an AN interview) this contract has been broken. I am taking a wait and see approach, but I like many others am basing my further cash expenditures on the outcome of this update.

Bugged World Bonuses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Just came along this bug report and have to say ‘Me Too!’…Never saw that floating display on WvW hover….Just the WvW [B].

Never moved my account to another server, etc. etc.

Just came across this today! Didn’t even know you could get second bites at nodes except for enriched ore.


Post your best halloween screenshots

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Roybe.5896


LA at night. Anyone for a dive?


22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Roybe.5896


BLC’s are not a gambling mechanism…seriously. Gambling has a win side and a lose side. I bet $1 that something happens. If it does, I get my dollar. If it doesn’t I lose my dollar. Where is the lose in a BLC? When you open it you are guaranteed products that have value. Just because you do not perceive the value does not mean it doesn’t
exist. Think about it this way:

You have a 1 in 6 chance to get the toy you want in a box of cereal. You by 12 boxes and fail to get your desired toy. Another 18 boxes later you finally get 1 of your hearts desire. Did you lose? Nope. you got 30 boxes of cereal..with 30 other toys.

Sound issues (still)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Sound issues of pet footsteps…or players in water…hearing voices from NPC’s when i know they aren’t nearby…etc.

Creative SB X-Fi Platinum…driver version: 6.01.1348 07/07/2010

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Isn’t the problem of FoV related to being able to see to much of the playing field relative to others? Game play might be broken if FoV goes out to far, particularly in PvP. Basically, a wider FoV forces everyone to play with a wider FoV because if you don’t, then those playing wider have an advantage over those that do not.

That’s a flawed argument. To prevent anyone from having an advantage, a game would have to force 800×600 resolution for everyone. It obviously doesn’t, because that would be ridiculous. Don’t forget that GW2 FOV is not standard – it is much lower than any other game on the market. It’s not like I want something extravagant – I want something I got used to playing on the PC during the last decade…

And I’m sorry to put it bluntly, but I don’t really care about someone being at a imaginary disadvantage, when the current, flawed solution gives me migraines each time I try to play for longer than 15 minutes.

No this isn’t a flawed argument, apparently just one you don’t care for.

As you can see, all things being equal a larger FOV DOES allow the user to see more. UNLESS anamorphic scaling is used which then introduces letter boxing. I don’t have a dog in this hunt, but was just making the point that by having various non-anamorphic FOV settings, it might make the game harder for those that prefer lower FOV’s to play, setting them at a disadvantage.

BTW, screen resolution does not let one see more, it only makes the pixels smaller, making the same picture look smoother. However, as the above article shows, Aspect ratios DO have an effect on amount shown. So a 4:3 picture shows less than a 16:9 ratio. It just depends on how the aspect retio is handled.

I understand your frustration in having unhealthy outcomes to playing a game, and I hope for your sake some accommodations can be made. Personally, I’d like to see frame rates faster than 30fps, and closer to 60 fps as these make the game more comfortable for me to play.

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roybe.5896


Isn’t the problem of FoV related to being able to see to much of the playing field relative to others? Game play might be broken if FoV goes out to far, particularly in PvP. Basically, a wider FoV forces everyone to play with a wider FoV because if you don’t, then those playing wider have an advantage over those that do not.